id,name,ayes,nays,majority 18-337,"Resolution No. 15386, “Appointing Chris Pondok as a Member of the Recreation and Parks Commission.” Adopted; and ",2,0,aye 18-343,Mayor Spencer stated a motion is needed to consider the referrals. ,2,3,no 19-674, Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of allowing addition time for Council discussion [suspending the Council meeting rules] . ,2,0,aye 20-303,Recommendation to Consider Providing Direction to City Staff to Draft Charter Amendment Related to Article 26 (Measure A,2,2,no 21-191,Consider Directing Staff to Provide an Update on a Previously Approved Referral regarding Free Public WiFi throughout the City. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer,2,3,no 21-192,Consider Directing Staff to Extend Webster Street Physical Improvements/ Beautification. (Councilmember Daysog,2,3,no 21-352,"Consider Addressing the Surplus Lands Act, including Lobbying Efforts and Assembly Bill 1486. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer",2,3,no 21-426,"Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of the matter being continued to a date certain, July 6, 2021; stated that she would commit to putting the item after the Wellness Center. ",2,3,no 21-553,"Adoption of Resolution Approving a Revision to the Public Safety Retiree Medical Provision in the Executive Management Compensation Plan to Provide Up To Five Years of Service Credit for Time Served as a Chief, Assistant Chief and/or Deputy Chief in Another Agency. Not adopted. ",2,3,no 21-680,Councilmember Daysog moved approval of hearing the referral regarding License Plate Readers [paragraph no. 21-706] after the continued agenda item . ,2,3,no 21-782,Councilmember Herrera Spencer moved approval of hearing the License Plate ,2,3,no 21-783,Councilmember Daysog moved approval of hearing the referral regarding parking ,2,3,no 22-006,The City Clerk announced that the SEEDS Collaborative agreement [paragraph no. ,2,2,no 22-027,Considering Directing Staff to Provide an Update on License Plate Readers. ,2,2,no 22-028,Consider Directing Staff to Publicly Share Information on Parking Recreational Vehicles (RV). (Councilmember Herrera Spencer,2,3,no 22-029,Consider Directing Staff to Address Representation for Below Market Rate ,2,3,no 22-057,Consider Directing Staff to Support Removal of the US Navy Constraints Limiting Housing Development at Alameda Point. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer and Counc ilmember Daysog,2,3,no 22-089,Consider Directing Staff to Address Identifying New Areas at Alameda Point to Develop a Number of Housing Units Above the Originally-Agreed Upon Numbers of the 2023-2031 Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA). (Councilmember Daysog,2,3,no 22-092,"Councilmember Knox White moved approval of adding ten more minutes to the meeting in order to finish the discussion; stated that he is not ready to vote on the matter; if time is not extended, the matter should be continued to another meeting; he will not provide any additional dates for the priority setting workshop until the discussion occurs. ",2,3,no 22-326,Councilmember Knox White moved approval of allowing 5 more minutes for ,2,3,no 22-383,Consider Having the City Council Address the Zoning of the Harbor Bay Club. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer,2,3,no 22-384,Consider Having the City Council Review Recreation and Parks Department Community Events. (Councilmember Herrera Spencer,2,3,no