{"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2016-03-01", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING\nTuesday, March 1, 2016\n1\nCALL TO ORDER\nVice-Chair Bev Blatt called the regular meeting to order at approximately 1:00 p.m. in\nLadies Lounge, 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road, Alameda, CA 94502\n1-A\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nVice-Chair Bev Blatt, Commissioner Cheryl Saxton,\nCommissioner Ron Carlson and Ed Downing\nAbsent:\nCommissioners Shawn Shelby\nStaff:\nGreenway Principals Ken Campbell, George Kelley and Marc\nLogan\nAlso Present:\nNone\n2\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNorma Arnerich recommended that the City should move forward with the contract as\npresented.\nJane Sullwold urged the Golf Commission to recommend to City Council not to\napprove the current agreement and possibly give Jim's a temporary contract, and work\nthrough the proposal.\nStephen Burnett, men's and women's golf coach at Alameda High School, expressed\nhis support for Jim's\nJoe VanWinkle urged the Golf Commission to recommend to the City Council to wait\n60 days to approve the agreement, and work through the items not clarified in the\nagreement.\n3\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nAmy Wooldridge, Park and Recreation Director, informed the Golf Commission of the\nmandatory Ethics Training required annually that had been sent to the commissioners\npreviously, and is due by the end of March.\n4\nWRITTEN/ORAL REPORTS\n1\nGolf Commission Minutes - -Tuesday, March 1, 2016", "path": "GolfCommission/2016-03-01.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2019-06-10", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, JUNE 10, 2019\n1. CONVENE\nPresident Sullivan convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.\n2. FLAG SALUTE\nBoard Member Cavanaugh led the flag salute.\n3. ROLL CALL\nPresent: President Sullivan, Board Members Cavanaugh, Rothenberg, Teague.\nAbsent: Board Members Curtis, Mitchell, and Saheba.\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\n*None*\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n*None*\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR\n*None*\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2019-6983\nPLN18-0562 - Planned Development Amendment, Final Development Plan, Design\nReview, and Zoning Text Amendment - 2331 North Loop Road - Applicant: John Lipp on\nbehalf of the Friends of the Alameda Animal Shelter (FAAS). Public hearing to consider a\nPlanned Development Amendment, Final Development Plan, Design Review, and Zoning\nText Amendment for a new approximately 12,000 square foot two-story facility for FAAS\nthat would have indoor boarding for up to 37 animals, adoption and veterinary services,\nadministrative offices, and community events. The project is located in the C-M-PD\n(Commercial Manufacturing, Planned Development) Zoning District. The City previously\ncertified/adopted a Final Environmental Impact Report for Harbor Bay Isle (EIR) and\nAddendum to the EIR (collectively, Previous CEQA Documents) in accordance with the\nCalifornia Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). None of the circumstances necessitating\nfurther CEQA review are present, thus the City can rely on the Previous CEQA\nDocuments.\nDavid Sablan, Planner Il with the Planning, Building, and Transportation Department, gave\na presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at:\nhttps://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3970959&GUID=3F1268BE\n1AOA-4BD5-ADC5-9099783AC6F2&FullText=1\nApproved Planning Board Minutes\nPage 1 of 9\nJune 10, 2019", "path": "PlanningBoard/2019-06-10.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2008-09-17", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nWEDNESDAY- - -SEPTEMBER 17, 2008 - - -6:30 P.M.\n(08-406 - ) A Special Meeting was called to allow the Council to\nattend the Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda meeting.\nLara Weisiger, City Clerk\nThe agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown\nAct.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nSeptember 17, 2008", "path": "CityCouncil/2008-09-17.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2007-03-08", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING\nWednesday, March 8, 2007\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER\nChair Bob Wood called the special meeting to order at 5:37 p.m. in the Ladies Lounge,\nChuck Corica Golf Complex, #1 Clubhouse Memorial Road, Alameda, CA.\n1-A.\nRoll Call\nRoll call was taken and members present were: Commissioner Bill Delaney,\nCommissioner Betsy Gammell, Vice Chair Ray Gaul, Commissioner Bill Schmitz,\nSecretary Jane Sullwold and Chair Bob Wood. Absent: Commissioner Sandr\u00e9 Swanson.\nAlso present was Golf Services Manager Matt Plumlee.\n2.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n3-A\nClarification on February 11, 2007 Special Meeting Minutes.\nChair Wood referenced the minutes from the February 11, 2007 special meeting where the fee\nchange schedule was corrupted. Chair Wood requested that the fee change schedule be included\nin the minutes as an attachment. The request was also made to have the reformatted fee change\nschedule included in the City Council staff report for the March 20, 2007 meeting. Secretary\nSullwold made the motion to rescind the prior approval of the February 11, 2007 special meeting\nminutes and approve the amended and reformatted minutes and fee change schedule attachment\ndated March 5, 2007. Commissioner Schmitz seconded the motion and the Golf Commission\napproved unanimously.\n3-B\nReview of BMS Report.\nChair Wood reported that BMS, an architectural landscaping firm, was contacted in October\n2006 to do a study when the Golf Commission was looking at erecting a temporary structure to\nserve as a banquet facility. The purpose of the report was to get an idea of additional cost\nassociated with putting up a temporary structure. The scope of work got expanded to look at not\nonly the area around the existing clubhouse and the proposed new banquet facility but also\nsecondarily to look at the entryway at the corner of Island Drive and Clubhouse Memorial Road\nas a separate zone and then as another zone the driveway (Clubhouse Memorial Road) to a\nportion of the parking lot. The thought at the time that the proposal was requested was that it\nwould include costs for utilities and infrastructure, which it does not. Secretary Sullwold\nexpressed her frustration with the fact that the proposal cost upwards of $20,000 and is\nlandscaping for concepts that have not been decided on and may never be completed. The\nproblem seems to be that the Development Services Department runs the project and by the time\nthe Golf Commission gets the information or the proposals the work has already been done\n3-C\nDiscuss Dahlin's Proposal for Master Planning & Conceptual Design.\nChuck Corica Golf Complex\nPage 1\n2/28/07\nGolf Commission Minutes", "path": "GolfCommission/2007-03-08.pdf"} {"body": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee", "date": "2017-07-17", "page": 1, "text": "Approved Minutes\nJuly 17, 2017\nMinutes of the Special Meeting of the\nRent Review Advisory Committee\nMonday, July 17, 2017\n1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:39 p.m.\nPresent were:\nChair Cambra and Vice Chair Sullivan-Sari\u00f1ana; Members\nFriedman, Griffiths, and Murray\nCommittee Staff:\nJennifer Kauffman\nCity Attorney Staff: John Le\n2. AGENDA CHANGES\na. Staff noted that a revised agenda was published today and is available in the back\nof the room or online.\n3. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS\na. Staff for the record stated there are no cases reviewed at tonight's meeting.\n4. PUBLIC COMMENT, NON-AGENDA, NO.1\na. None.\n5. CONSENT CALENDAR\na. None.\n6. UNFINSHED BUSINESS\na. No unfinished business.\n7. NEW BUSINESS\n7-A. Overview of Rent Program Administrative Procedures\nReview of RRAC meeting procedures\nSchedule possible Brown Act/Sunshine Ordinance Training\nStaff explained the administrative procedures for the Ordinance, noting the\ninformation is also available at public informational workshops. The discussion\nincluded the following topics:\nCommunication between staff and parties\nInvalid notices and reimbursements on violations\nQualifications for the individual meeting the Ordinance's definition of \"Landlord\"\nReasonable accommodation process\nPage 1 of 3", "path": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee/2017-07-17.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2011-07-11", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MEETING MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, JULY 11, 2011\n7:00 p.m.\n1. CONVENE:\n7:12 p.m.\n2. FLAG SALUTE:\nBoard member Henneberry\n3. ROLL CALL:\nPresent: President Ezzy Ashcraft, Board members: Burton,\nHenneberry, Kohlstrand & Zuppan\nAbsent: Vice-President Autorino\n4. MINUTES:\nMinutes from the Regular meeting of March 14, 2011\nContinued due to lack of quorum.\nMinutes from the Special meeting of March 28, 2011\nContinued due to lack of quorum.\nMinutes from the meeting of April 25, 2011\nContinued due to lack of quorum.\nMinutes from the Regular meeting of June 13, 2011\nPresident Ezzy-Ashcraft provided changes to the minutes. Board member Zuppan made a\nmotion, seconded by board member Henneberry, to approve the minutes as amended. (4-\n0). Board member Kohlstrand abstained.\n5. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION: None\n6. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS:\nWritten Report\n6-A Future Agendas\nMargaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, provided an overview of the\nupcoming projects.\n6-B Zoning Administrator Report\nApproval of Use Permits for the Bladium and Extension for Alameda Point Master Use\nPermit at Regular Zoning Administrator Hearing of 7/5/11.\n6-C Design Review Approvals 7/5/2011\nNo comments from the board.\n7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None\nAPPROVED Minutes\nPage 1 of 7\n7/11/11\nPlanning Board Meeting", "path": "PlanningBoard/2011-07-11.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2011-01-19", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING\nWednesday, January 19, 2011\n1\nCALL TO ORDER\nChair Jane Sullwold called the regular meeting to order at 6:40 p.m. at the Chuck\nCorica Golf Complex, Ladies Lounge, 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road, Alameda, CA\n94502\n1-A\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Jane Sullwold, Commissioner Ray Gaul, Commissioner\nBill Schmitz, Commissioner Betsy Gammell, and Commissioner\nJeff Wood\nAbsent:\nNone\nStaff:\nNone\nAlso Present:\nNone\n1-B\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nThe Minutes of December 15, 2010 were approved unanimously\n1-C\nADOPTION OF AGENDA\nThe Commission unanimously adopted the agenda.\n2\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n3\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nChair Sullwold: \"I will just state, as I think I did earlier, again Dale Lillard attempted\nto disrupt our process for preparing the draft minutes for submission to the\nCommission for approval. Again, I was able to convince Lisa Goldman, the Acting\nCity Manager, that our process was perfectly legal and we should be able to follow it\nand she conceded to that. On the other hand, our parking spaces were summarily\nremoved without any notice, even though they've been in existence, I've been\ninformed by Lil Arnerich, since the 1950's. In addition, as Bill noted, there is no\nrepresentative here from Kemper nor is there anyone here from the City. I sent an\nemail to Lisa Goldman asking her how we were expected to fulfill the specific duties\nthat were outlined in the Municipal Code Section setting up the Golf Commission,\nwhich allows the Golf Commission or gave the Golf Commission the power to seek\nreports from the General Manager of the Golf Complex. And since, of course, we\n1\nGolf Commission Minutes - Wednesday, January 19, 2011", "path": "GolfCommission/2011-01-19.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2014-07-30", "page": 1, "text": "Transportation Commission\nNovember 19, 2014\nItem 4A\nAction\nTransportation Commission Minutes\nWednesday, July 30, 2014\nCommissioner Jesus Vargas called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.\n1.\nRoll Call\nRoll was called and the following was recorded:\nMembers Present:\nJesus Vargas (Chair)\nChristopher Miley (Vice Chair)\nMichele Bellows\nEric Schatmeier\nGregory Morgado\nThomas G. Bertken\nStaff Present:\nAlex Nguyen, Assistant City Manager\nVirendra Patel, Transportation Engineer\nGail Payne, Transportation Coordinator\n2.\nAgenda Changes\nNone.\n3.\nAnnouncements / Public Comments\nCommissioner Vargas announced that he recently visited Chicago and was able to easily traverse\nthe city on a number of different transit modes.\nStaff Payne stated that Assemblyman Rob Bonta will hold a Town Hall Meeting Tuesday,\nAugust 12 at the Alameda Free Library.\nPage 1 of 10", "path": "TransportationCommission/2014-07-30.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2019-05-09", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, May 9, 2019\nTIME:\n7:02 p.m. Called to Order\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\nA video recording of the meeting may be viewed at https:llalameda.legistar.com/Calendar.aspy\nThe following are action minutes in keeping with the Sunshine Ordinance 2-91.17.\nROLL CALL\nPresent: Chair Limoges, Vice Chair Alexander and Commissioner Barnes\nAbsent: Commissioner Chen and Commissioner Robbins\nStaff: Alameda Recreation and Park Department (ARPD) Director Amy Wooldridge\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nChair Limoges moved to accept the minutes of April 11, 2019 Regular Meeting as presented.\nM/S\nVice Chair Alexander / Commissioner Barnes. All in favor with a 3 - 0 vote.\nWRITTEN AND ORAL COMUNICATIONS\nWritten Communication: April 27, 2019 email to Director Amy Wooldridge from Courtney\nShepler, Resident of Alameda Landing, regarding the Estuary Park homeless encampment and\nlegal rights for residents of Alameda Landing. (See Exhibit 1)\nOral Communication: none\nREPORTS FROM THE RECREATION AND PARK DIRECTOR (See Exhibit 2)\nARPD Director Amy Wooldridge gave the report and answered questions regarding the homeless in\nthe parks. Potential solutions such as putting a dog park at Estuary Park if funding is identified to remove\nthe large dirt mound that homeless people are living behind.\nChair Limoges: Commented the homeless problem is ongoing. Requested the Commission be\ninformed about the responses and updates with Courtney Shepard. Inquired about why we\ncannot move the contaminated, class 2 dirt pile since we created it. Answer: It will cost over\n$350,000 to dispose of the dirt and due to the low level contamination, it can't be simply moved\nto another site.\nVice Chair Alexander: Will there still be enough space for a new playground. Answer: Yes, the\noriginal design has a dog park and a playground. This dog park will be temporary. Vice Chair\nrequested to have someone from the Alameda Police Department or Social Services come to\ngive their opinion on the homeless situation.\nCommissioner Barnes: Is there any concern about exposure to the homeless population\nregarding the contaminants in the soil? Answer: No, it is all grassed over. The Department of\nToxic Substance Control highly regulates it and the dirt is not considered a threat.\nREPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS\nChair Limoges: Attended Earth Day representing the non-profit Alameda Backyard Growers and\n1", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2019-05-09.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2020-12-10", "page": 1, "text": "apd\nALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, December 10, 2020\nTIME:\n7:01 p.m. Called to Order\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\nA video recording of the meeting may be viewed at https:llalameda.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx\nThe following are action minutes in keeping with the Sunshine Ordinance 2-91.17.\nROLL CALL\nPresent: (Teleconference via Zoom) Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Robbins, Commissioner Limoges\nCommissioner Barnes and Commissioner Navarro\nStaff: (Teleconference via Zoom) Alameda Recreation and Park Department (ARPD) Director Amy\nWooldridge\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nChair Alexander moved to accept the minutes of November 12, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented.\nM/S Commissioner Navarro / Vice Chair Robbins. All present in favor with 5 ayes via roll call vote.\nWRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nWritten Communication: none\nOral Communication:\nSpeaker Michael Hulihan, Bay Farm Island resident: Requested to change the name of\nGodfrey Park due to 1943 Mayor Godfrey's renewed effort of segregation in Alameda and\ndemanded the Park be denamed by February 2021, renamed by the end of 2021 with\nsignage telling the actual account of Bay Farm Island's history.\nSpeaker Betsy Mathieson, resident: Expressed gratitude for the new replacement trees\nthat were planted at the park formerly known as Jackson.\nREPORTS FROM THE RECREATION AND PARK DIRECTOR\nARPD Director Amy Wooldridge gave the report. (See Exhibit 1)\nREPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS\nCommissioner Barnes: Excited to hear the discussion regarding item 6-B, \"Recommend a\nName for the Park Formerly Known as Jackson Park\".\nCommissioner Navarro: Participated in the tree planting at the park formerly known as Jackson\nPark and said it was a very organized event. Gave an end of year shout out to the ARPD Tiny\nTots staff.\nVice Chair Robbins: Has been involved in committee process of the renaming the park formerly\nknown as Jackson Park.\nChair Alexander: Attended meetings every Wednesday for the renaming committee. She is\nglad that kids are able to play safely in parks again.\nCommissioner Limoges: No report.\n1", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2020-12-10.pdf"} {"body": "SuccessorAgencyOversightBoard", "date": "2013-03-14", "page": 1, "text": "RESOLUTION NO. 13-07\nRESOLUTION OF THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE\nCOMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ADOPTING\nMINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING, MARCH 14, 2013\nWHEREAS, the Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community\nImprovement Commission of the City of Alameda organized itself pursuant to Chapter 4\n(commencing with Section 34179) of Part 1.85 of Division 24 of the Health and Safety Code (the\n\"Board\"); and\nWHEREAS, it is necessary for said Board to adopt minutes of public meetings;\nNOW, THEREFORE, THE OVERSIGHT BOARD FOR THE SUCCESSOR AGENCY\nTO THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nDOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS:\nSection 1. The approval of meeting minutes of the special meeting on March 14, 2013, of\nthe Oversight Board for the Successor Agency to the Community Improvement Commission of\nthe City of Alameda, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference.\nPASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th day of April , 2013, by the following\nvote:\nAYES: Russo, Biggs, Me Mahon, Potter\nNOES: O\nABSENT: Chan, Gerhard Ortiz\nABSTAIN: D\nfor\nChair\nATTEST:\nGermany Valisha\nSecr\u00e9tary of the Board", "path": "SuccessorAgencyOversightBoard/2013-03-14.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2005-02-10", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF\nRECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nALAMEDA\nRECREATION & PARKS\nMEETING OF FEBRUARY 10, 2005\n1327 Oak St., Alameda, CA 94501\n(510)747-7529\nDATE:\nThursday, February 10, 2005\nTIME:\n7:00 p.m.\nPLACE:\nCity Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Ave., Third Floor, Room 360\nAlameda, CA 94501\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Jay Ingram, Vice Chair Jo Kahuanui, Commissioners Christine\nJohnson, Georg Oliver, and Bruce Reeves\nStaff:\nSuzanne Ota, Recreation & Parks Director\nDale Lillard, Recreation Services Manager (RSM)\nFred Framsted, Recreation Supervisor (RS)\nAbsent:\nNone\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nApprove Minutes of December 9, 2004 Recreation and Park Commission Meeting.\nM/S/C\nREEVESIJOHNSON\n(approved)\n\"That the Minutes of December 9, 2004 be approved with the addition that the cell\ntower container should be reduced in height.\" (on page 2, paragraph 7)\nIn Favor (4) - Ingram, Johnson, Oliver, Reeves\nAbsent (0) -\nAbstention (1) - Kahuanui\nApprove Minutes of January 13, 2005 Recreation & Park Commission Meeting.\nM/S/C\nJOHNSON/KAHUANUI\n(unanimously approved)\n\"That the Minutes of January 13, 2005 be approved.\"\nIn Favor (5) - Ingram, Kahuanui, Johnson, Oliver, Reeves\n1\nRecreation & Park Commission Mtg.\nMinutes\nThursday, February 10, 2005\nDedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2005-02-10.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2019-05-16", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTHURSDAY- MAY 16, 2019- -6:30 P.M.\nMayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 7:32 p.m. Vice Mayor Knox White led\nthe Pledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Daysog, Knox White, Oddie, Vella,\nand Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft - 5.\nAbsent: None.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\nAGENDA ITEM\n(19-295) Budget Workshop for Fiscal Years 2019-20 and 2020-21 to Provide Direction\non Funding Requests.\nDiscussed the School Board's request for mental health funding and what the District is\ndoing to address the issue: Jennifer Williams, School Board.\nDiscussed the School District's mental health crisis, which is a community issue; urged\nCouncil to provide support: Kirsten Zazo, Alameda Unified School District.\nUrged Council to fund what is proposed in the Climate Action and Resiliency Plan,\nwhich includes 18 projects in the first two years; listed projects; noted up to eight staff\nare required to fully implement the Plan: Lauren Eisele, Community Action for a\nSustainable Alameda (CASA).\nDiscussed leadership being needed to address climate; stated responding to climate\nchange is a core service for Alameda; suggested an Assistant City Manager position be\nadded and dedicated to address climate: Ruth Abbe, CASA.\nUrged Council not to cut the tree budget, which would mean no more street tree\nplanting; stated street trees already do not get enough maintenance: Christopher\nBuckley, Alameda.\nDiscussed funding and staffing to implement the Climate Action Plan: Herb Behrstock,\nCASA.\nSubmitted information; discussed the increase in emissions, importance of leadership\nand mental health in schools: Sylvia Gibson, CASA.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nMay 16, 2019", "path": "CityCouncil/2019-05-16.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2015-07-27", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MEETING MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, JULY 27, 2015\n1. CONVENE:\n7:02 P.M.\n2. FLAG SALUTE:\nBoard member Burton led the flag salute\n3. ROLL CALL:\nPresent: President Henneberry, Vice President Alvarez and\nBoard Members Burton, Knox White, K\u00f6ster, and Zuppan\nAbsent: Tang\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION: Staff requested that item 9-B be heard\nbefore the regular agenda items.\n9-B\nPresentation of project under review at 1926 Park Street. No action\nrequired.\nDavid Sablan, Planner I, introduced the project.\nMarcel Sengul, property owner, described his vision for the project. He noted he would\nwant to use residence space for himself.\nBridgett Shank, Timbre Architecture, presented details of the storage container design,\nnoting the green space on project site would be available for the public and the containers\nare a re-use of existing materials.\nPresident Henneberry asked if the tower is an elevator.\nMs. Shank stated it was not an elevator but stairs.\nBoard member Burton stated he would like seeing retail space and not have the caf\u00e9 take\nthe whole space.\nMr. Sengul stated that the lobby breaks up the space, corner is small area. He believes\nan ATM is a good idea for a tenant.\nBoard member Burton asked the reason for the residence to have their entrance on Park\nStreet stating that it is a gateway project and doesn't think having an ATM right at the\ncorner is a great idea and would like to see something more powerful. He feels the project\nis not compliant with the North Park Street guidelines in a couple of ways and feels there\nmust be a strong justification to break these rules with the first gateway project.\nMr. Sengul stated that the project is different than any other and ties to the City's maritime\nhistory.\nPage 1 of 7\nApproved Minutes\nJuly 27, 2015\nPlanning Board Meeting", "path": "PlanningBoard/2015-07-27.pdf"} {"body": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard", "date": "2006-05-25", "page": 1, "text": "Social Service Human Relations Board\nMinutes of the Regular Meeting, Thursday, May 25, 2006\n1.\nROLL CALL AND CALL TO ORDER: President Bonta called the meeting to order at\n7:35 p.m. Present: President Bonta, Vice-President Wasko, Members Hollinger-Jackson Franz,\nand Chen. Staff: Beaver\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES: The minutes of the April 27, 2006 meeting were approved\nas amended. M/S (Franz/Chen) 3/0. The minutes of the March 23, 2006 meeting were approved\nas amended. M/S (Franz/Hollinger Jackson) 3/0.\n3.A.\nRESOLUTION COMMENDING DENNIS HANNA FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO\nTHE BOARD: President Bonta requested to carry over the Resolution and invite Hanna to\nattend to accept. M/S (Franz/Hollinger Jackson)\n3.B. RESOLUTION COMMENDING DORA DOME FOR HER CONTRIBUTION TO THE\nBOARD: President Bonta requested to carry over the Resolution and invite Dome to attend to\naccept. M/S (Franz/Hollinger Jackson)\n3.C. ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2005 AND GOALS 2006: The Board discussed the 2005 report\nand made changes as noted. The volunteer hours will be revised pursuant to information to be\nprovided by workgroup Chairs. M/S (Franz/Bonta) to approve the letter and list of\naccomplishments as revised and with proviso that volunteer hours will be reviewed and\namended.\n3.D. SPONSORING PRESENTATION ON OVERCOMING STIGMAS ASSOCIATED\nWITH MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES: Member Franz explained the idea would be to make this\nan evening meeting and invite the community. Some ASC members and community members\nare unable to attend the ASC meeting and this format would enable them to participate and\nwouldn't require crafting another event. The facilitators provide a self-contained meeting.\nThere was a suggestion this meeting could possibly be televised. This was approved in concept\nand referred back to the AAWG. Member Franz suggested October would be a good month.\nVice-President Wasko asked if/when is Mental Health Awareness month as this would be a good\nidea to tie together with awareness month. M/S (Franz/Wasko) for the AAWG to work with\nMember Hollinger Jackson on getting the meeting scheduled.\n3.E. WORKGROUP STATUS REPORTS:\nAlamedans Together Against Hate - Staff person Beaver stated the group met and discussed\ndirection, but now two of three workgroup members have resigned. Franz stated that a trolley\nand band have been reserved for the Mayor's July 4th Parade. The costs for the parade are the\nsame as last year - approx. $600. Funds raised by the other workgroups can supplement funds\nraised from the community. Staff will look into signage options. Vice-President Wasko will\ndonate a new SSHRB sign to use on one side of the trolley.\nAssessment and Awareness Workgroup - All Members are working on the Needs Assessment\nand will meet again in June for a final read-through. It was requested the full Board to\nparticipate in this meeting. Meeting is tentatively set for June 12, 6:15 to 9:15 p.m. or June 13,\nsame time.", "path": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard/2006-05-25.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2010-07-26", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED\nCOMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nJuly 26, 2010\n1.\nROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:38 P.M.\nPresent: Chair Krongold, Vice-Chair Tam, Commissioners Fort, Harp, Lord-Hausman, and\nKirola.\nAbsent: Commissioners Moore and Warren.\n2.\nMINUTES\nThe June 28, 2010 minutes were approved with no changes.\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS/NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT)\nNone.\n4.\nNEW BUSINESS\n4-A.\nAlameda Multicultural Center (Ms. Zoe Holder)\nMs. Holder asked if the CDI would like to co-sponsor a film for Disability Awareness at\nsome point during the months of September to June 2011.\nCommissioner Lord-Hausman asked if it would be at the Multi-Cultural Center, to which\nMs. Holder replied it would be at the Center, but in a smaller space than the previous film\nco-sponsorship. Commissioner Lord-Hausman suggested holding the event in either January\nor April 2011.\nCommissioner Harp stated schools are observing \"Ed Roberts Day\" in January to which\nCommissioner Lord-Hausman agreed that would be a good time.\nMs. Holder stated that film events will happen the second Saturday of the month; she also\nsuggested the film could be screened at the Main Library.\nThe CDI agreed to Saturday, January 24th, 2010. Chair Krongold will reserve a room in the\nMain Library.\nCommissioner Lord-Hausman inquired about the selection of films to which Ms. Holder\nreplied no selections have been made.\nCommissioner Harp suggested including a short film about Ed Roberts.\nMs. Holder thanked the CDI for the support.", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2010-07-26.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2021-07-20", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY-- -JULY 20, 2021--4:00 - P.M.\nMayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 4:01 p.m.\nRoll Call - Present:\nCouncilmembers Daysog, Herrera Spencer, Knox White,\nVella and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft - 5. [Note: Councilmember\nVella arrived at 5:13 p.m. The meeting was held via Zoom.]\nAbsent:\nNone.\nConsent Calendar\nCouncilmember Knox White moved approval of the Consent Calendar.\nCouncilmember Daysog seconded, which carried by the following roll call vote:\nCouncilmembers Daysog: Aye; Herrera Spencer: Aye; Knox White: Aye; Vella: Absent;\nand Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft: Aye. Ayes: 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by\nan asterisk preceding the paragraph number.]\n(*21-469) Recommendation to Approve Eric Levitt, City Manager, Lisa Maxwell,\nCommunity Development Director, and Lois Butler, Development Services Division\nManager, as Real Property Negotiators for the Marina Village Inn located at 1151\nPacific Marina, Alameda, CA. Accepted.\nPublic Comment on Closed Session Items Read Into the Record:\nDiscussed increased crime near Marina Village; stated people with boats docked in the\narea are not happy about the City purchasing the Marina Village Inn: Marilyn Amorino,\nAlameda.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(21-470) Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation (Pursuant to Government\nCode Section 54956.9); Case Name: Le V. City of Alameda; Court: Superior Court of\nCalifornia County of Alameda; Case Numbers: RG20082184\n(21-471) Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to Government Code\nSection 54956.8); Property: Marina Village Inn, 1151 Pacific Marina, Alameda, CA; City\nNegotiators: Eric Levitt, City Manager, Lisa Maxwell, Community Development Director,\nand Lois Butler, Economic Development Division Manager and Community Services\nManager; Negotiating Parties: City of Alameda and Shailendra (Sam) Devdhara, Sole\nMember/Manager of Core Hotels, LLC; Under Negotiation: Price and Terms\n(21-472) Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Pursuant to Government Code\nSection 54956.8); Property: Alameda Theatre, Located at 2317 Central Avenue,\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nJuly 20, 2021", "path": "CityCouncil/2021-07-20.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2005-09-21", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF MEETING\nWednesday, September 21, 2005\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER\nVice Chair Tony Santare called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in Room\n#360, Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue.\n1-A.\nRoll Call\nRoll call was taken and members present were: Vice Chair Tony Santare,\nSecretary Betsy Gammell, Commissioner Ray Gaul, Commissioner Bill\nSchmitz and Commissioner Jane Sullwold. Absent: Chair Sandr\u00e9\nSwanson and Commissioner Bob Wood. Also present were General\nManager Dana Banke and Head Golf Professional Matt Plumlee.\n1-B\nApproval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of August 17, 2005\nThe following correction was made:\nItem 1-A, line 4\nCommissioner Sullwold was present and\nCommissioner Wood was absent.\nItem 3-A, line 33\n90' should be 90\u00b0.\nItem 3-C, line 9\nCooridinator should be Coordinator.\nItem 5-D, line 15\nOmission of the word \"to\" before City Council.\nThe Commission approved the minutes unanimously with the\naforementioned changes.\n1-C\nAdoption of Agenda\nThe Commission approved the agenda unanimously.\n2.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n3.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n3-A\nApproval of the Golf Complex Policy Board. (Action Item)\nThe General Manager stated that the policy board was originally slated as an\nAction Item at the last meeting and was changed to a discussion item. Decided at\nthe meeting was to have the policy board in the Pro Shop instead of on the first\ntee of the courses so that customers can read them while checking in to play golf.\nThe question was raised as to whether the Risk Manager has seen the policies and\napproves of them. The General Manager stated that he has reviewed the policies\nPage 1 of 6", "path": "GolfCommission/2005-09-21.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2015-11-18", "page": 1, "text": "Transportation Commission Special Meeting Minutes\nWednesday November 18, 2015\nCommissioner Michele Bellows called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:00 p.m.\n1.\nRoll Call\nRoll was called and the following was recorded:\nMembers Present:\nMichele Bellows (Chair)\nEric Schatmeier (Vice Chair)\nJesus Vargas\nChristopher Miley\nMichael Hans\nGregory Morgado\nMembers Absent:\nThomas G. Bertken\nStaff Present:\nStaff Patel, Transportation Engineer\nStaff Payne, Transportation Coordinator\n2.\nAgenda Changes\nNone.\n3.\nAnnouncements / Public Comments\n3.A. Transportation Commission Meeting: Wednesday, January 27, 2016 at 7 pm\nCommissioner Schatmeier stated that AC Transit has been actively compiling a service\nenhancement plan that impacts the City. Commissioner Schatmeier provided a memo\nsummarizing the items that were discussed. He explained three priorities came about from the\ndiscussion: 1. funding should stay local; 2. maintain existing AC Transit Line O on Santa Clara\nAvenue and if they shorten the route as originally proposed by AC Transit then savings should\nstay local; and 3. in the absence of transfers, AC Transit should maintain direct service to\nFruitvale BART Station on the current lines despite the additional cost of doing SO. He\nrecommended that the topic be agendized for the January 2016 meeting so the Commission can\ndiscuss the priorities.\nStaff Payne stated that the City has been working with AC Transit and the City supports their\nexpansion plan. She further explained that the biggest priority is the restoration of the Line 19,\nPage 1 of 17", "path": "TransportationCommission/2015-11-18.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2012-10-11", "page": 1, "text": "Apd\nALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, October 11, 2012\nTIME:\n7:02 p.m. Called to Order\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nVice Chair Delaney, Commissioners Lola Brown and Ann Cooke\nAbsent:\nChair Restagno and Commissioner Sonneman\nStaff:\nAmy Wooldridge, Recreation & Parks Director\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nApprove the Minutes of September 13, 2012 Recreation & Park Commission Regular Meeting\nM/S/C\nBrown, Cooke (unanimously approved)\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA\nSpeaker - Robert \"Bob\" Ploss, of the Aquatic Task Force, an Ad Hoc Volunteer group,\naddressed the Commission as an individual by stating he would like to see an aquatic center\nas part of the Beltline project. He would like to be involved in the process.\nSpeaker - Dorothy Freeman, of the Jean Sweeney Open Space Committee (JSOSC), is very\ninterested in being involved with this project and being part of the process. She provided a\nbrief on how dedicated Ms. Sweeney was to acquiring the land and keeping it open space.\nSpeaker - Helena Lengel, Biology Department of the College of Alameda, stated she also\nworked with the JSOSC on the ballot measure to acquire the property. She would like to stay\ninvolved with the development of the land. She would like to see the students of the College be\ninvolved from a scientific study standpoint and learning environment, such as sample testing\nand measurements.\nSpeaker - Jim Sweeney, husband of Jean Sweeney, delighted this project coming to fruition.\nJean never gave up on this, which started in 1998 at a meeting at Mastick Senior Center. The\nresult was that everyone wanted open space for walking, and bike paths and she was able to\nget 1,000 signatures and the initiative passed. Jean was lucky enough to find the original\ncontact for the buy-back and she was there every step of the way.\n4.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nNone\n5.\nNEW BUSINESS\nA.\nBeltline Property - Staff Wooldridge provided a map handout of the Beltline project\n[Attachment A] and the land to be developed, which has become part of the City of\nAlameda, although Union Pacific still owns a section along the southern portion. She\nexplained the details of the Rail Banking Agreement and its restrictions, specifically a\n30-40' path that must remain dedicated to a rail line for future use.", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2012-10-11.pdf"} {"body": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority", "date": "2009-01-07", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE\nALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY\nWednesday, January 7, 2009\nThe meeting convened at 7:25 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding.\n2-A\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent: Chair Beverly Johnson\nBoardmember Lena Tam\nBoardmember Frank Matarrese\nBoardmember Marie Gilmore\nVice Chair Doug deHaan\n2.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\n2-A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of November 5, 2008.\n2-B. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of November 18, 2008.\n2-C. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of December 2, 2008.\n2-D. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Mariusz Lewandowski dba\nWoodmasters at Alameda Point.\n2-E. Authorize Negotiation and Execution of a Sublease Renewal for Alameda Soccer Club at\nAlameda Point.\n2-F. Authorize the Sale of Four Boston Whalers to NRC for $44,500.\nApproval of the Consent Calendar was motioned by Member Matarrese, seconded by\nMember Gilmore and passed by the following voice votes: Ayes: 5, Noes: 0, Abstentions:\n0\n3.\nREGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n3-A. Alameda Point Update - Presentation of SunCal's Draft Redevelopment Master Plan.\nDebbie Potter, Base Reuse and Community Development Manager, addressed several topics\nactively discussed in the community and clarified that tonight's update is for information only,\nneither staff nor SunCal has requested formal action on the Master Plan. It is an opportunity for\nthe community to comment on the draft Master Plan and for the ARRA Board to provide\nfeedback to SunCal. Because SunCal's plan is not consistent with the City's charter, as it\nproposes a mix of residential structures that include multi-family rental and condo projects, this\nmaster plan can only be approved by a vote of the people. SunCal anticipates placing its plan\non the ballot for the communities' consideration in November of this year, and the ENA requires\nSunCal to notify the City no later than April 30 if it plans to proceed with the ballot initiative.\nTonight's presentation is part of the ongoing community dialogue that will continue over the next\n18 months, as the City and SunCal negotiate a Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA)\nfor the long term redevelopment of Alameda Point. Two key issues have been the focus of\ndiscussion: 1) the concept of a public trust modeled on the Presidio trust for Alameda Point, and", "path": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2009-01-07.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2016-03-15", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- - MARCH 15, 2016--6:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 6:01 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie\nand Mayor Spencer - 5.\n[Note: Councilmember Daysog arrived at 6:01 p.m. and Councilmember\nEzzy Ashcraft arrived at 6:05 p.m.]\nAbsent: None.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(16-124) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Initiation of Litigation\nPursuant to Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code. Number of\nCases: One (As Plaintiff - City Initiated Legal Action).\nFollowing the Closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Spencer\nannounced direction was given to staff.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting at 7:02 p.m.\nRespectfully submitted,\nLara Weisiger\nCity Clerk\nThe agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nMarch 15, 2016", "path": "CityCouncil/2016-03-15.pdf"} {"body": "CivilServiceBoard", "date": "2006-10-04", "page": 1, "text": "OF\nTERKA\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING\nOF THE\nCIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nWEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2006\n1.\nThe meeting was called to order at 5:02 p.m.\n2.\nROLL CALL: Members Avonnet Peeler, Michael Rich, Michael Robles-Wong, and Executive Secretary\nKaren Willis.\nABSENT:\nMember Roberto Rocha.\nSTAFF PRESENT: Jill Kovacs, Senior Management Analyst, and Stacey Meier, Administrative Assistant,\nHuman Resources.\nOTHERS IN ATTENDANCE:\n3.\nMINUTES:\nThe minutes of the regular meeting of July 12, 2006 were presented for Board\napproval. Member Peeler moved to accept, Member Rich seconded, and carried by\na\n3-0 vote.\n4.\nCONSENT CALENDAR: Member Rich moved to accept the consent calendar with the exception of 4-D,\nwhich he asked to pull for discussion. Member Peeler seconded, and carried by a 3-0 vote.\nSUMMARY REPORT FOR EXAMINATION ELIGIBLE LISTS AND CLASSIFICATIONS FOR THE\nMONTHS OF JULY, AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER 2006:\n4-A ELIGIBLE LIST ESTABLISHED\nDATE ESTABLISHED\nEXAM NO.\nAdministrative Management Analyst\n9/12/2006\n206-44PR\nAdministrative Tech Il\n8/23/2006\n206-41PR\nAssistant Engineer\n8/15/2006\n206-36\nCustomer Service Representative\n7/20/2006\n206-09\nElectrical Helper\n9/13/2006\n206-47\nFire Apparatus Operator\n9/19/2006\n206-08PR\nIntermediate Clerk\n7/20/2006\n206-34\nJourney Lineworker\n8/7/2006\n206-26\nPermit Technician I\n7/3/2006\n206-25PR\nPermit Technician III\n7/3/2006\n206-24PR\nPermit Technician III\n8/28/2006\n206-43\nPlanner I\n7/18/2006\n206-38\nPrincipal Executive Assistant\n9/20/2006\n206-59PR\nSupervising Planner\n7/27/2006\n206-29", "path": "CivilServiceBoard/2006-10-04.pdf"} {"body": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard", "date": "2010-06-24", "page": 1, "text": "Social Service Human Relations Board\nMinutes of the Regular Meeting, Thursday, June 24, 2010\n1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL President Wasko called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.\nPresent were: Vice President Villareal, Soglin, James, Dailey, and Biggs. Absent was: Nielsen\nStaff: Franz\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nThe Minutes of the Regular March 25, 2010 meeting were\napproved as corrected (Biggs/Soglin) and the Minutes of the Regular April 15, 2010 were approved\nas presented (Dailey/Soglin)\n3.\n3-A. RESOLUTION COMMENDING OUTGOING MEMBER JONATHAN SOGLIN\nA Resolution commending member Soglin's service to the community as a SSHRB member was\nread by President Wasko and approved by the Board -M/S (Villareal/Dailey) Unanimous (Soglin\nabstained). The Resolution was presented to member Soglin, and Vice President Villareal expressed\nhis pleasure working on ATAH with member Soglin. President Wasko thanked him for his help with\nthe Dental Clinic.\nThe Board suspended business and held a brief reception in member Soglin's honor.\n3-B.\nA REQUEST FROM PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE A LETTER\nOF SUPPORT FOR THEIR SUBMITTAL OF A SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL\n(SRTS) GRANT\nStaff distributed sample letters of support for a SRTS Grant being applied for by City of Alameda\nPublic Works, and explained that they are requesting that the board provide a letter in support of their\neffort to secure the grant. The funds would be used for capital improvements in targeting Franklin\nand Wood. Some of the grant would be used to provide safety education.\nWhile the Youth Collaborative has already voted to provide a letter of support, they voiced concern\nthat similar improvements were needed at schools on the West End and that Public Works should be\nencouraged to apply for additional funds for these schools. They also hoped that the funds to provide\nsafety education from the current grant could be used for West End schools.\nThe Board voiced support for the current grant, but also had interest in a second letter regarding\nSRTS improvements for West End schools, after more information could be collected. Board\ndiscussion included a 2004 grant to create a study related to needs on the West End. Traffic issues at\nChipman were also discussed a should be considered in drafting a second letter.\nIt was agreed that the Board letter should include explanation of the Board's purpose/mission, and\nthat the educational component of the grant should be highlighted. Member Biggs noted that it might\nbe best to support this grant proposal as written rather than suggest changes that might adversely\nimpact the success of the grant.\nM/S (James/Soglin) to write a Letter of Support for the SRTS grant being submitted by Public\nWorks. Unanimous", "path": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard/2010-06-24.pdf"} {"body": "PensionBoard", "date": "2019-10-28", "page": 1, "text": "of\nof\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING\nOF THE\nPENSION BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nHELD 4:30 P.M., JULY 29, 2019\nALAMEDA CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE, ALAMEDA\nCONFERENCE ROOM 391\n1.\nThe meeting was called to order by Nancy Bronstein at 4:32 p.m.\n2.\nROLL CALL:\nPresent: Secretary Nancy Bronstein, Nancy Elzig via teleconference, Bill\nSoderlund. Absent: Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft\nStaff: Elliott Otto, Finance Representative, Chad Barr, Human Resources\nTechnician.\n3.\nMINUTES:\nThe minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 28, 2019 were moved for\nacceptance by Trustee Soderlund and seconded by Nancy Elzig. Passed 2-0\n(Soderlund abstained due to absence from January meeting). The minutes of\nthe Regular Meeting of April 29, 2019 were moved for acceptance by Trustee\nElzig and seconded by Trustee Soderlund. Passed 3-0.\n4.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n4-A. Pension Payroll and Financial Reports - Quarter Ending June 30, 2019\nand City of Alameda Police & Fire Pension Funds Financial Reports for the\nPeriod Ending June 30, 2019.\nFinance Representative Otto explained the quarterly reports. There was\na\ndecrease from the prior month due to Lucymay Schrieber, 1079 Pensioner,\npassing away. Offsetting the decrease was the uniform allowance being paid\nout. Representative Otto further explained the quarterly financial report showing", "path": "PensionBoard/2019-10-28.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2012-11-26", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED PLANNING BOARD MEETING MINUTES\nMONDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2012\n1. CONVENE:\n7:04 p.m.\n2. FLAG SALUTE:\nVice-President Burton\n3. ROLL CALL:\nPresent:\nPresident Zuppan, Vice-President Burton, Board\nmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, and Knox White.\nBoard Member K\u00f6ster arrived for item 7-A\nBoard Member Henneberry Arrived during item 7-A\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION:\nNone\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS:\nNone\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR:\n6-A.\nZoning Administrator and Design Review Pending and Recent Actions and\nDecisions.\n6-B.\n2013 Meeting Calendar\nBoard Member Knox White motioned to approve the consent calendar.\nBoard Member Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion.\nMotion carried 4-0; no abstentions.\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:\n7-A.\nEconomic Development Strategy for Alameda Point - Presentation by Keyser\nMarston Associates of a proposed economic development strategy for Alameda\nPoint.\nDevelopment Manager Eric Fonstein gave a brief introduction of the job-based Strategy and\nintroduced Keyser Marston Associates' consultants Tim Kelly and Ernesto Vilchis who\nprovided a summary of findings via PowerPoint presentation.\nConsultant clarified for Board Member Knox White that the vision for Alameda Point is to\nbuild upon existing businesses and uses, i.e., food, maritime, recreation and breaking\nAlameda Point into smaller pieces.\nApproved Meeting Minutes\nPage 1 of 6\nNovember 26, 2012", "path": "PlanningBoard/2012-11-26.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2008-05-21", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING\nRevised 6/16/08\nWednesday, May 21, 2008\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER\nChair Jane Sullwold called the regular meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. in the Ladies'\nLounge at the Chuck Corica Golf Complex, 1 Clubhouse Memorial Road,\nAlameda, CA 94502\n1-A.\nRoll Call\nRoll call was taken and members present were: Commissioner Betsy Gammell,\nVice Chair Ray Gaul, Commissioner Bill Schmitz and Chair Jane Sullwold. Absent:\nSecretary Bill Delaney and Commissioner Jeff Wood. Also present were Interim\nGeneral Manager Dale Lillard and Assistant Golf Professional Mike Robason.\n1-B\nApproval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of April 16, 2008:\nThe Commission approved the minutes unanimously.\n1-C\nAdoption of Agenda\nThe Commission adopted the agenda unanimously.\n2.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n3.\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n4.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n4-A\nResponse from the City Auditor.\nChair Sullwold read a letter from City Auditor Kevin Kearney dated May 20, 2008,\npurportedly explaining the accounting procedures concerning the golf cart lease.\nThe Golf Fund is being charged the entire amount of the four-year lease --\n$449,000 -- in this fiscal year. Mr. Kearney did not answer the question of why this\nwas necessary in his letter. He compared the golf cart lease to a home mortgage,\nbut, of course, a home owner is not required to put aside the entire amount due to\nbe paid over the 30-year term of his mortgage during the first year, making the\ncomparison inappropriate. The Commission intends to ask Mr. Kearney additional\nquestions.\nChuck Corica Golf Complex\nPage 1\n06/16/08\nGolf Commission Minutes", "path": "GolfCommission/2008-05-21.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2005-06-27", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the Regular Planning Board Meeting\nJune 27, 2005-7:00 - p.m.\n1.\nCONVENE:\n7:13 p.m.\n2.\nFLAG SALUTE:\nMs. Mariani\n3.\nROLL CALL:\nPresident Cunningham, Vice President Cook, Lynch, Mariani, and\nPiziali.\nBoard members Kolhstrand and McNamara were absent.\nAlso present were Deputy City Attorney Julie Harryman, Supervising Planner Cynthia Eliason,\nLeslie Little, Development Services Director, Jennifer Ott, Development Manager, Development\nServices Department, Planner III Douglas Garrison, Planner III Allen Tai.\n4.\nMINUTES:\nMinutes for the meeting of June 13, 2005.\nVice President Cook advised that page 8, paragraph 9, should be changed to read, \"Vice President\nCook advised that periodic review for a variety of parking issues had been attached to use permits in\nthe past.\"\nM/S Piziali/Cook to approve the minutes for the meeting of June 13, 2005, as corrected.\nA quorum for a vote on the minutes was not present. They will be carried over to the next meeting.\n5.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION:\nPresident Cunningham advised that the Board had requested that all Consent Calendar items with the\nexception of Item 7-E, be placed on the regular agenda.\n6.\nORAL COMMUNICATION:None.\nPlanning Board Minutes\nPage 1\nJune 27, , 2005", "path": "PlanningBoard/2005-06-27.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2005-12-06", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY - - DECEMBER 6, 2005 - - 7:30 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 7:45 p.m.\nROLL CALL - Present : Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore,\nMatarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 5.\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(05-552) Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to\nappropriate $142,000 in Urban Runoff Funds [paragraph no. 05-556]\nwas withdrawn from the Consent Calendar.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(05-553) Library Project Update.\nThe Project Manager gave a brief update.\nMayor Johnson inquired whether there were any cherry cabinets in\nthe internal staff areas, to which the Project Manager responded in\nthe negative.\nMayor Johnson stated that cherry cabinets should be placed in areas\nthat are visible to the public; utilizing formica countertops in\nother areas was a good way to save costs; inquired whether the\ncosts for the minor redesign items need to be negotiated or whether\nthe costs are in the contract.\nThe Project Manager responded the Architect is responsible for\nconstruction administration; any changes are covered under\nconstruction administration; the percentage of change orders\nattributed to the designer would be reviewed with the City Attorney\nat the end of the project.\nMayor Johnson inquired whether changes discussed tonight were\nconstruction administration changes and whether the changes have\nalready been paid for, to which the Project Manager responded in\nthe affirmative.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired whether pushing off the masonry work\nwould result in any impact to the schedule, to which the Project\nManager responded in the negative.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired whether the Architect offered to pay\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nDecember 6, 2005", "path": "CityCouncil/2005-12-06.pdf"} {"body": "PensionBoard", "date": "2012-07-30", "page": 1, "text": "GITY\nOF\nof\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING\nOF THE\nPENSION BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nHELD 3:30 P.M., JULY 30, 2012\nALAMEDA CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE, ALAMEDA\nCONFERENCE ROOM 391\n1.\nThe meeting was called to order by Chair Marie Gilmore at 4:30 p.m.\n2.\nROLL CALL:\nPresent: Trustees: Marie Gilmore, William Soderlund, Robert Follrath and Holly\nBrock-Cohn\nAbsent: Trustee: Nancy Elzig\nStaff: Fred Marsh, Controller, Finance and Lelia Faapouli, Administrative\nTechnician, Human Resources\n3.\nMINUTES:\nThe minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 30, 2012 was moved for approval by\nMember Follrath and seconded by Member Soderlund. Passed 4-0\n4.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n4-A. Pension Payroll and Financial Reports - Quarter Ending June 30, 2012\nand City of Alameda Police & Fire Pension Funds Financial Reports for\nthe Period Ending June 30, 2012 from Fred Marsh, Controller. Member\nFollrath moved to accept the report, which was seconded by Member\nSoderlund. Passed 4-0\n4-B\nBoard Members were reminded to watch the training video regarding the\nSunshine Ordinance and to turn in their signed Sunshine Ordinance\nDeclaration.\n5.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT)\nThere were no oral communications.", "path": "PensionBoard/2012-07-30.pdf"} {"body": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority", "date": "2010-11-03", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE\nALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY\nWednesday, November 3, 2010\nThe meeting convened at 7:29 p.m. with Chair Johnson presiding.\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Beverly Johnson\nBoardmember Lena Tam\nBoardmember Frank Matarrese\nBoardmember Marie Gilmore\nVice Chair Doug deHaan\n2.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\n2-A. Approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 6, 2010.\nMember Matarrese moved for approval of the Consent Calendar. Vice Chair deHaan\nseconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5\n3.\nREGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n3-A. Consider Request from Alameda Point Collaborative to Support their Community\nPlanning Efforts by Reimbursing Unpaid SunCal Consultant Expenses and\nCollateralizing a $50,000 Loan for Relocation Planning Studies Should Funds from\nPrivate Development Be Unavailable within 36 Months.\nThe Deputy City Manager - Development Services provided an overview of the staff report.\nChair Johnson inquired if the expenditure is considered a predevelopment cost for SunCal, to\nwhich the Deputy City Manager - Development Services answered in the affirmative. Chair\nJohnson inquired if staff has made efforts to have SunCal fulfill their commitment for payment.\nThe Deputy City Manager - Development Services explained that the Alameda Point\nCollaborative (APC) has tried diligently, without success, to have SunCal fulfill its commitment.\nChair Johnson recommended continued efforts to pursue SunCal and inquired why funds from\nthe SunCal escrow account are not being used to pay this bill. The Executive Director\nexplained that the predevelopment escrow account is for obligations that SunCal has to the City\nand that the terms of the escrow account do not allow the City to direct the escrow agent to pay\nany invoices. Also, the City cannot interfere in the contractual relationship between SunCal and\nAPC.\nDoug Biggs, Executive Director of APC further explained that he has contacted SunCal multiple\ntimes to request payment, and the responses provided no resolution to the problem and\npayments have not been made. Chair Johnson asked Mr. Biggs if APC has filed a lawsuit\nagainst SunCal to collect the funds owed. Mr. Biggs explained that the contract SunCal\nrequired APC sign has a no-lawsuit clause and that APC would have to go through mediation.\nChair Johnson inquired whether APC has demanded mediation pursuant to its contract, to\nwhich Mr. Biggs responded in the negative. Chair Johnson recommended that APC go through\nthe binding arbitration process.", "path": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2010-11-03.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2007-01-16", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- - -JANUARY 16, 2007 - -7:30 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 8:19 p.m.\nROLL CALL - Present : Councilmembers\ndeHaan,\nGilmore,\nMatarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nNone.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(07-021) - Proclamation expressing appreciation to Rich Teske for\nhis twenty-six years of service on the Rent Review Advisory\nCommittee.\nMayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Rich Teske.\nVice Mayor Tam moved approval of the proclamation.\nCouncilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which passed by\nconsensus.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nMayor Johnson announced that the Resolution Joining the Statewide\nCommunity Infrastructure Program [paragraph no. 07-030] was removed\nfrom the Consent Calendar for discussion.\nCouncilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the\nConsent Calendar.\nVice Mayor Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous\nvoice vote - 5. [Note: Vice Mayor Tam abstained from voting on the\nDecember 5, 2006 minutes. ]\nCouncilmember deHaan thanked Alameda Power & Telecom and Fire\nDepartment for the review and recommendation on the sale of\nemergency generators [paragraph no. *07-028].\n[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding\nthe paragraph number. ]\n( *07-022) Minutes of the Special Joint City Council, Alameda Reuse\nand Redevelopment Authority, and Community Improvement Commission\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nJanuary 16, 2007", "path": "CityCouncil/2007-01-16.pdf"} {"body": "LibraryBoard", "date": "2022-03-09", "page": 1, "text": "CITY\nOF\nof\nTERRA\nORATEL\nMINUTES OF THE\nALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING\nWEDNESDAY, MARCH 9, 2022\nThe regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 6:02 p.m.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nJoyce McConeghey Vice President\nDimple Kanji, Board Member\nKathleen Kearney, Board Member\nSara Strickler, Board Member\nAbsent:\nAmber Bales, President\nStaff:\nJane Chisaki, Library Director\nLori Amaya, Recording Secretary\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA (Public Comment)\nNone\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nAn asterisk indicates items so enacted or approved on the Consent Calendar\n*A.\nReport from the Library Director Highlighting Activities for the Months of January and\nFebruary, 2022.\n*B.\nDraft Minutes of the Regular Library Board Meeting of January 12, 2022.\n*C.\nModified Library Services Report for the Months of December, 2021 and January, 2022.\n*D.\nFinancial Report Reflecting FY21/22 Expenditures by Fund for January and February,\n2022.\n*E.\nBills for Ratification for the Months of January and February, 2022.\nDirector Chisaki reported that the City's mask mandate will end on Monday, March 14, 2022. Face\nmasks will be strongly encouraged within city buildings. The Dewey's Friends Caf\u00e9 opened on\nFebruary 14, 2022. Eating is allowed outside in the courtyard only. In-person Children's\nprogramming will begin the week of April 4. Ticketing system may be used to control the number\nof people attending. The Grogu Library Card campaign is going well. The water bottle fill stations", "path": "LibraryBoard/2022-03-09.pdf"} {"body": "LibraryBoard", "date": "2006-10-11", "page": 1, "text": "Chy\nOF\nRE\nRATER\nMinutes of the\nALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD\nOCTOBER 11, 2006\nThe regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 7:02 p.m.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nKaren Butter, President\nRuth Belikove, Vice President\nAlan Mitchell, Board Member\nLeslie Krongold, Board Member\nAbsent:\nMark Schoenrock, Board Member\nStaff:\nJane Chisaki, Library Director\nMarsha Merrick, Recording Secretary\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nAn asterisk indicates items so enacted and adopted on the Consent Calendar.\nA.\n*Report from Library Director highlighting Library Department activities for the\nmonth of October 2006. Accepted.\nB.\n*Draft Minutes of the Regular Library Board meeting of September 13, 2006.\nApproved.\nC.\n*Library Services Report for the month of August 2006. Accepted.\nD.\n*Report from Finance Department reflecting FY 2005-06 Library expenditures (by\nfund) through September 2006. Accepted.\nE.\n*Bills for ratification. Approved.\nBoard Member Mitchell questioned the expenditures in Equipment Acquisition which put\nthe Library $16,000+ over budget in that account. Staff will re-direct the charges so they\nappear under the appropriate line item.\nPresident Butter inquired about bottled water services. Library Director Chisaki said the\nservice would not be continued for the Main Library once the move was complete, however,\nthe branches will continue the service due to their aging facilities.", "path": "LibraryBoard/2006-10-11.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2012-10-01", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE OPEN GOVERNMENT COMMISSION\nMONDAY\nOCTOBER 1, 2012 - - -\n7:00 P.M.\nThe meeting was convened at 7:00 p.m.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCommissioners Jensen, Oddie, Peterson, Spanier,\nand Wong - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA\n2-A. Matthew James Fitzgerald, Alameda, introduced himself.\nAGENDA ITEMS\n3-A.\nApprove the May 7, 2012 Meeting Minutes.\nCommission Jensen moved approval of the minutes with correction to the spelling of her\nlast name on page 3.\nFollowing Commissioner Spanier's comments, the City Clerk clarified that agendas\nneed to go out twelve days before a City Council meeting; stated a noticing complaint\ncould be filed before a meeting is held.\nCommissioner Wong seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.\n3-B. Receive a Status Update on the Public Records Index.\nThe City Clerk stated the Public Records Index is required by the Sunshine Ordinance\nand would be posted on the City's website to inform people about the types of\ndocuments maintained in each department; the Sunshine Ordinance requires that\ndocuments be labeled \"Open,' \"Partially Open,\" or \"Has been determined Exempt;\" the\nlist has been drafted and staff is finalizing the documents' open or exempt status; the\nIndex would be brought back to the Commission once the status has been finalized.\nCommissioner Jensen inquired whether current City website documents would need to\nbe categorized or just the new documents, to which the City Clerk responded all\ndocuments would be categorized.\nCOMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS\n4-A. Commissioner Peterson discussed the public's lack of awareness of the\nCommission; stated the Sunshine Ordinance should be added to the Open Government\nsection on the website; future meeting dates should be on the calendar now; that he is\nstill concerned with not having Commissioners' email addresses on the website; he\nMeeting of the\nOpen Government Commission\n1\nOctober 10, 2012", "path": "GolfCommission/2012-10-01.pdf"} {"body": "LibraryBoard", "date": "2007-03-14", "page": 1, "text": "CITY\nOF\nTERRA\nMinutes of the\nALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING\nMarch 14, 2007\nThe regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 7:03 p.m.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nKaren Butter, President\nRuth Belikove, Vice President\nLeslie Krongold, Board Member\nAbsent:\nAlan Mitchell, Board Member\nMark Schoenrock, Board Member\nStaff:\nJane Chisaki, Library Director\nMarsha Merrick, Recording Secretary\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nAn asterisk indicates items so enacted and adopted on the Consent Calendar.\nA.\n*Report from Library Director highlighting Library Department activities for the\nmonth of March 2007. Accepted.\nB.\n*Draft Minutes of the Regular Library Board meeting of February 14, 2007.\nApproved.\nC.\n*Library Services Report for the month of January 2007. Accepted.\nD.\n*Report from Finance Department reflecting FY 2006-07 Library expenditures (by\nfund) through February 2007. Accepted.\nE.\n*Bills for ratification. Approved.\nPresident Butter noted there was not much fluctuation in Children's check-outs, and\nDirector Chisaki concurred. Butter then asked if there was any way to capture statistics for\nOverdrive, which is the Library's on-line audio book feature, sponsored by Califa. Director\nChisaki believed that information should be available, and will ask Technical Services\nSupervisor David Hall if he can pull that out of the system.\nPresident Butter asked for a motion to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Member\nKrongold so moved; Vice President Belikove seconded the motion which carried by a 3-0\nvote.", "path": "LibraryBoard/2007-03-14.pdf"} {"body": "LibraryBoard", "date": "2016-09-14", "page": 1, "text": "CITY\nof\nof\nMINUTES OF THE\nALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING\nWEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2016\nThe regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 6:00 p.m.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nCatherine Atkin, President\nKathleen Kearney, Board Member\nNancy Lewis, Board Member\nGertrude Woods, Board Member\nSuzanne Whyte, Vice President\nAbsent:\nNone\nStaff:\nJane Chisaki, Library Director\nLori Amaya, Recording Secretary\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA (Public Comment)\nNone.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nAn asterisk indicates items so enacted or approved on the Consent Calendar\n*A.\nReport from the Library Director Highlighting Activities for the Months of July and August 2016.\n*B.\nDraft Minutes of the Regular Library Board Meeting of July 13, 2016.\n*C.\nLibrary Services Report for the Months of June and July 2016.\n*D.\nFinancial Report Reflecting FY16/17 Expenditures by Fund for July and August 2016.\n*E.\nBills for Ratification for the Months of July and August 2016.\nDirector Chisaki informed the Board that the last Strategic Plan update is through 2019 and doesn't think\nthere are any revisions necessary.", "path": "LibraryBoard/2016-09-14.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2012-03-08", "page": 1, "text": "and\nALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, March 8, 2012\nTIME:\n7:00 p.m.\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Joe Restagno, Vice Chair Lola Brown, Commissioners Ann Cooke, Bill\nDelaney and Bill Sonneman (late)\nAbsent:\nNone\nStaff:\nPatrick Russi, ARPD Recreation Supervisor\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nCommissioner Delaney had a question about the 02-09-2012 meeting. Commissioner\nSonneman had said he would sit on the interview panel for the ARPD Director position, and\nDelaney asked if that had already taken place. Recreation Supervisor Russi said that the\ninterviews were scheduled to be held later on in the month.\nApprove Minutes of February 9, 2012 Recreation & Park Commission Regular Meeting\nM/S/C\nDELANEY/BROWN (unanimously approved)\n\"That the minutes of the February 9, 2012 Recreation & Park Commission Regular\nMeeting are approved.\"\nApproved (4):\nRestagno, Brown, Cooke, Delaney\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA\nNone.\n4.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n5.\nNEW BUSINESS\nCommissioner Delaney spoke about the Council meetings that had taken place the previous\nevenings. There had been discussion about the Golf Course and the City's athletic fields, and\nDelaney was wondering why the Recreation & Park Commission had not been involved with\nthese issues prior to those meetings. He was disturbed that there is a sub-set to the sports\ngroup that are putting out literature communicating the fact that the North Loop area has\nalready been defined as a sporting field, and it has not. Delaney asked the Commission if the\nother members were concerned about these independent groups developing now and talking\nabout maintaining some of these facilities once they get built. Delaney has met some of the\npeople, and although they seem very nice, he wonders if they are qualified, capable and\ncommitted to such an undertaking for the long-term.\nRecreation & Park Commission Mtg.\nMinutes - Thursday, March 8, 2012\n- 1-", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2012-03-08.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2014-06-17", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY-JUNE 17,2014- 7:00 P.M.\nMayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:12 p.m. Councilmember Tam led the Pledge\nof Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam\nand Mayor Gilmore - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(14-249) Mayor Gilmore announced that the resolution establishing integrated waste\nrates [paragraph no. 14-263 was continued to July 1, 2014.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY & ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(14-250) Proclamation Declaring June 21 and 22, 2014 as Relay for Life Alameda Days.\nCouncilmember Chen left the dais at 7:14 p.m. and returned at 7:16 p.m.\nMayor Gilmore read and presented the proclamation to Lisa Leverton, Event Chair.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n(14-251) Michael John Torrey, Alameda, announced the USS Hornet Annual Field Day\nevent would be on June 28th and 29th.\n(14-252) Rion Cassidy, Alameda, stated that he is concerned about the impacts of the\nDel Monte warehouse proposal, specifically noticing and permit parking.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nVice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of the Consent Calendar.\nCouncilmember Tam seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5.\n[Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph\nnumber.]\n(*14-253) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meetings Held on May 20,\n2014. Approved.\n(*14-254) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,118,813.90.\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nJune 17, 2014", "path": "CityCouncil/2014-06-17.pdf"} {"body": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard", "date": "2018-10-04", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD\nTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2018\n1. CONVENE\nChair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:03pm.\n2. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones (arrived 7:08pm), Lau, Sanchez, Wit.\nAbsent: None.\n3. MINUTES\n3-A 2018-6057\nDraft Meeting Minutes - May 3, 2018\nBoard Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member\nJones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.\n3-B 2018-6058\nDraft Meeting Minutes - June 7, 2017\nBoard Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member\nJones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\nStaff requested to move staff communications up in the agenda for the resolution honoring\nformer member Piziali.\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATION\n*None*\n6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2018-6053\nBoard Elections\nBoard Member Sanchez made a motion to nominate Board Member Saxby as chair.\nBoard Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.\nBoard Member Jones nominated Board Member Sanchez to be Vice Chair. Board\nMember Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0.\n***\nStaff Communications***\nStaff Member Dong introduced a board resolution honoring former member Piziali for his\nservice on the Historical Advisory Board.\nApproved Meeting Minutes\nPage 1 of 5\nOctober 4, 2018", "path": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2008-11-12", "page": 1, "text": "TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES - DRAFT\nNovember 12, 2008\nChair Knox White called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:35 p.m.\n1.\nROLL CALL - Roll was called and the following recorded.\nMembers Present:\nJohn Knox White\nMichael Krueger\nJane Lee\nKathy Moehring\nMembers Absent:\nRobert McFarland\nEric Schatmeier\nSrikant Subramaniam\nStaff Present:\nObaid Khan, Supervising Civil Engineer\nBarry Bergman, Transportation Coordinator\nLt. David Boersma, Alameda Police Department\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\na.\nOctober 22, 2008\nThese minutes will be considered at the December 10, 2009, meeting.\n3.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nThere were none.\n4.\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nChair Knox White wished to discuss the traffic light at Park and Blanding at 8 a.m. on\nFriday morning. He noted that it was red in all directions for three to five seconds, and\nchanged from green on Park to green on Blanding. He added that at the light at Santa\nClara and High the City had previously had added one second to the red, but that it was\nnot there now.\nChair Knox White inquired about the establishment of a transit plan subcommittee. Staff\nKhan replied that staff was concerned about the resources needed to implement that\nrequest, and suggested revisiting the request in December.\nChair Knox White requested that on future agendas, items brought for content be\nagendized for action as well. Staff Khan noted that staff would look into that request.\nChair Knox White noted that the question was raised at the Alameda Reuse and\nRedevelopment Authority (ARRA) meeting whether comments represented consensus or\n1", "path": "TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2012-05-10", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, May 10, 2012\nTIME:\n7:00 p.m.\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Joe Restagno, Vice Chair Lola Brown, Commissioners Ann Cooke (late),\nBill Delaney and Bill Sonneman\nAbsent:\nNone.\nStaff:\nDale Lillard, outgoing Recreation & Park Director and Amy Wooldridge, incoming\nRecreation & Park Director\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nApprove the Minutes of March 8, 2012 Recreation & Park Commission Regular Meeting\nM/S/C\nDELANEY/BROWN (unanimously approved)\n\"That the minutes of the March 8, 2012 Recreation & Park Commission Regular Meeting\nare approved.\"\nApproved (4):\nRestagno, Brown, Delaney, Sonneman\nCommissioner Cooke arrived after approval of the minutes.\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA\nNone.\n4.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n5.\nNEW BUSINESS\nA.\nPotential Action to Reduce the Number of Recreation & Park Commission\nMembers from 7 to 5 (Discussion/Action Item)\nCommissioner Sonneman asked if the Commission was supposed to initiate this action.\nDirector Lillard explained that at a previous City Council meeting they had reviewed all\nthe Boards and Commissions and took an action vote to either combine some of the\nbodies or reduce the number of members. The Council asked that the decision on\nreducing the number of members on the Recreation Commission come back to its\nmembers for a formal action before a final decision was made. There was a feeling on\nthe Council that the body should remain with seven members to give a bigger cross\nsection of the community a chance to be heard. Commissioner Sonneman respects the\nbroader part of the community having a voice; however, they have struggled several\ntimes with meetings cancelled due to a lack of quorum. Community members are\nalways welcome to attend meetings and give their opinions and concerns, but having\nfive members makes better sense, and that's what he would recommend.", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2012-05-10.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2019-10-28", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2019\n1. CONVENE\nPresident Curtis convened the meeting at 7:01 p.m.\n2. FLAG SALUTE\n3. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Board Members Curtis, Rothenberg, Ruiz, Saheba, and Teague.\nAbsent: Board Members Cavanaugh and Hom.\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\nNone.\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR\nNone.\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2019-7378\nPLN16-0391 - Design Review - 1920 Minturn Street - Applicant: Rick Stuart for Listo\nProperties - Public hearing to consider Design Review and parking rate determination to\nremove a 4,847-square-foot modular building and construct an approximately 10,780-\nsquare-foot one-story light industrial building with surface parking. The project is on an\napproximately 18,973-square-foot lot located at 1920 Minturn Street. The project requires\na parking rate determination pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code 30-7.6 - Schedule of\nRequired Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Spaces. The site is within the M-1,\nIntermediate Industrial (Manufacturing) zoning district. The project is categorically exempt\nfrom the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15332 - In-fill\nDevelopment Projects.\nLinda Barrera, Planner II, gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be\nfound at:\nhttps://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4196726&GUID=81C02D52-\n937B-4946-8472-F5FF82C7CFB2&FullText=1\n.\nBoard Member Teague asked whether any parking restrictions were made when the\nbuilding at 1925 Union Street was remodeled.\nApproved Planning Board Minutes\nPage 1 of 5\nOctober 28, 2019", "path": "PlanningBoard/2019-10-28.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2012-09-24", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVAL MEETING MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2012\n1. CONVENE - 7:06 p.m.\n2. FLAG SALUTE - Vice President Burton led the flag salute.\n3. ROLL CALL - President Zuppan, Vice-President Burton, Board members Knox White,\nand K\u00f6ster. Arriving after roll call - Henneberry arrived for item 9-A., and Ezzy Ashcraft\narrived for item 9-B\n4. MINUTES - Minutes from the Regular meeting of July 23, 2012 (no quorum)\n5. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION - No changes\n6. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS\n6.A. Future Agendas\nAndrew Thomas Acting City Planner provided an overview of upcoming projects.\n7. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - None\n8. CONSENT CALENDAR\n8.A. Zoning Administrator and Design Review Recent Actions and Decisions. A report of\nrecent actions on minor variances, minor variances, and design review applications.\n8.B. Six Month Review of a Use Permit for a Flea Market located on the campus of the\nCollege of Alameda\nPresident Zuppan stated that a speaker slip was submitted for item 8-C.\nBoard member Knox White motioned to approve the remainder of the consent items as\nrecommended, Vice President Burton seconded, 4-0. Motion carries\n8.C. Amendment to Major Design Review Conditions PLN10-0337 - 2216 Lincoln Avenue.\nApplicant: Satellite Housing and Housing Consortium of the East Bay. The applicant\nrequests removal of one parking condition relating to the prior approval of a Major Design\nReview for the construction of a 19-unit affordable housing project on approximately .48\nacres. The site is a former City staff parking lot within the R-6, Hotel Residential District\nzoning district.\nAndrew Thomas - The applicant has requested the removal of a parking condition. This is\na minor amendment to the design, and the condition of approval that both staff and\napplicant determined can be deleted, and will not be reducing parking spaces.\nApproved Meeting Minutes\nPage 1 of 4\nSeptember 24, 2012", "path": "PlanningBoard/2012-09-24.pdf"} {"body": "LibraryBoard", "date": "2005-02-09", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the\nALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD\nFebruary 9, 2005\nThe regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 7:00 p.m.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nRuth Belikove, Vice President\nKaren Butter, Board Member\nMark Schoenrock, Board Member\nAlan Mitchell, Board Member\nAbsent:\nLeslie Krongold, President\nStaff:\nLibrary Director Susan Hardie, Secretary\nJenna Gaber, Recording Secretary\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nBoard member Mitchell MOVED approval of the Consent Calendar. Board member\nButter SECONDED the motion which CARRIED by a unanimous voice vote.\nAn asterisk indicates items so enacted and adopted on the Consent Calendar.\nA.\n*Report from Library Director highlighting Library Department activities for the\nmonth of February 2005. Accepted.\nB.\n*Draft Minutes of the Regular Library Board meeting of January 12, 2005.\nApproved.\nC.\n*Library Services Report for the month of December 2004. Accepted.\nD.\n*Report from Finance Department reflecting FY 2003-04 Library expenditures\n(by fund) through January 2005. Accepted.\nE.\n*Bills for ratification. Approved.\nUNFINISHED BUSINESS\nA.\nMain Library Project Update and Ground Breaking\nBoard member Butter asked about the budget for the Main Library project. She was\nconcerned about the negative $569,044 shown in the Revenue/Expenditures column. She\nalso said, and other Board members agreed, that this budget format is difficult to\nunderstand. Library Director Hardie agreed that this budget is not easily understood, and\nsaid she would speak with the Project Manager to see whether the format could be\nimproved. She also assured the Board that the project is not overspent.\nOn the subject of reports to the Board, members are disappointed that Mr. Haun is not\nreporting directly to them. Library Director Hardie explained that the Library Board is\nreceiving exactly the same information as the City Council gets each month from Mr.\nHaun. She said that this is the reporting format that the City has decided on, and\nmentioned that the presentations are broadcast on City cable. Dr. Mitchell asked what\ninformation is contained in the presentations, and Library Director Hardie replied that\nMr. Haun simply reviews the information in the Construction Report, which the Board\nalso receives. She said that she attends all of the Project Manager's presentations and\nwould be glad to take notes and report to the Board if anything of significance occurs.", "path": "LibraryBoard/2005-02-09.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2012-10-02", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY--OCTOBER - 2, 2012--7:00 P.M.\nMayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:08 p.m. Councilmember Johnson led the\nPledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and\nMayor Gilmore - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(12-471) Mayor Gilmore announced that the Public Hearing regarding final passage of\nthe ordinance [paragraph no. 12-487 was continued to October 16, 2012.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY & ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(12-472) Mayor Gilmore announced that she and the City Manager having been working\nto address the extensive noise at the Coliseum in Oakland the past Saturday night.\n(12-473) Proclamation Declaring October 7 through 13, 2012 as Public Power Week.\nMayor Gilmore read and presented the Proclamation to Greg Hamm, Public Utilities\nBoard, and Girish Balachandran, Alameda Municipal Power Executive Director.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA\n(12-474) Michael John Torrey, Alameda, announced that the Alameda Democratic Club\nwould be showing the Presidential debates.\n(12-475) Bill Garvine, Alameda, gave background information about Matt Hussain.\n(12-476) Matt Hussain, Alameda, made an announcement regarding an Aga Khan\nDevelopment Network event in Fremont and submitted information.\n(12-477) Ken Peterson, Alameda, discussed pension costs and employee salaries.\n(12-478) Jon Spangler, Alameda, urged signage be posted regarding the Smoking\nOrdinance.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nMayor Gilmore announced that the recommendation to authorize the City Manager or\nHis Designee to enter into Purchase Agreements for the Replacement of Ten Police\nDepartment Vehicles [paragraph no. 12-481 was removed from the Consent Calendar\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nOctober 2, 2012", "path": "CityCouncil/2012-10-02.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2008-04-23", "page": 1, "text": "TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES\nApril 23, 2008\nChair Knox White called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:35 p.m.\n1.\nROLL CALL - Roll was called and the following recorded.\nMembers Present:\nJohn Knox White\nMichael Krueger\nRobert McFarland\nRobb Ratto\nEric Schatmeier (arrived at 8:00 p.m.)\nSrikant Subramaniam\nNielsen Tam\nStaff Present:\nObaid Khan, Supervising Civil Engineer\nBarry Bergman, Transportation Coordinator\nBarbara Hawkins, City Engineer\nMichael Fisher, Division Chief, Fire Department\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\na.\nJanuary 23, 2008\nCommissioner Ratto moved approval of the minutes for the January 23, 2008, meeting\nand minutes as presented. Commissioner McFarland seconded the motion. Motion\npassed 5-0-1 (Commissioner Krueger abstained). Absent: Commissioner Schatmeier.\nb.\nMarch 26, 2008\nCommissioner Krueger moved approval of the minutes for the March 26, 2008,\nmeeting and minutes as presented. Commissioner McFarland seconded the motion.\nMotion passed 5-0-1 (Commissioner Ratto abstained). Absent: Commissioner\nSchatmeier.\n3.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nThere were none.\n4.\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nChair Knox White noted that the Bicycle Plan Subcommittee had met briefly, during\nwhich the process for moving forward was discussed.\nTransportation Commission\nPage 1 of 15\n04/23/08 Minutes", "path": "TransportationCommission/2008-04-23.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2018-12-04", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- - DECEMBER 4, 2018- 7:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 7:06 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie,\nVella, and Mayor Spencer - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(18-651) Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft stated that she would like to consolidate the\nMcKay Hearing [paragraph no. 18-662 and the certificate of sufficiency [paragraph no.\n18-662B].\nMayor Spencer stated that should would like to move the referral update [paragraph no.\n18-661] above the McKay Hearing; stated that she does not want to consolidate the two\nitems; the is the first time the matters are being heard; the issues are different; if the\nitems are combined she would like speakers to have three minutes.\nCouncilmember Oddie inquired the number of speakers.\nThe City Clerk responded there are approximately 9 speakers on each and some\npeople submitted slips for both.\nCouncilmember Ezzy Ashcraft moved approval of moving the certificate of sufficiency to\nthe regular meeting and consolidating it with the McKay Hearing, and hearing the\ncombined matter after the referral update.\nVice Mayor Vella seconded the motion with an amendment to give the speakers three\nminutes.\nUnder discussion, Councilmember Ezzy Ashcraft accepted the amendment to the\nmotion.\nOn the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote: Ayes:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie and Vella - 4. Noes: Mayor Spencer\n- 1.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(18-652) Proclamation Declaring December 4, 2018 as Sea Fox Crew Appreciation\nDay.\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nDecember 4, 2018", "path": "CityCouncil/2018-12-04.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2007-05-14", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the Regular Planning Board Meeting\nMonday, May 14, 2007\n1.\nCONVENE:\n7:08 p.m.\n2.\nFLAG SALUTE:\nVice President Cook\n3.\nROLL CALL:\nPresident Lynch, Vice President Cook, Cunningham, Ezzy\nAshcraft, Kohlstrand, Mariani and McNamara.\nAlso present were Planning Services Manager Andrew Thomas, Assistant City Attorney\nDonna Mooney, Planner I Simone Wolter.\n4.\nMINUTES:\na.\nMinutes for the Alameda Towne Centre Workshop of March 12, 2007.\nBoard member McNamara noted that she was absent from the 4:30 p.m. March 12\nmeeting because she recused herself.\nBoard member Cunningham moved approval of the minutes as presented.\nVice President Cook seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote - 6.\nAbstain: 1 (McNamara).\nb.\nMinutes for the meeting of April 23, 2007.\nMember Ezzy Ashcraft noted that page 4, paragraph 2, read, \"He did not believe the east-\nwest roadway was necessary when the north-south roadways were already available She\ndid not believe that was the substance of Mr. Krueger's comments, because it contradicted\nhis previous sentence.\nMember Ezzy Ashcraft noted that page 4, paragraph 7, read, \"In response to an inquiry by\nBoard member McNamara regarding Ms. Reid's suggestion of split sidewalks, Mr. Corbitt\nreplied that they had examined that possibility. He noted that there were 23 driveways \"\nShe noted that the previous references on page 3 refer to there being 13 driveways, and\ninquired whether that was a typo. Mr. Thomas noted that he was referring to putting the\nsidewalk on the south side of that road, where there were 23 parking aisles.\nMember Ezzy Ashcraft noted that page 5, the last sentence of paragraph 3, read, \"Once the\nroad is placed on that parcel, a bike-pedestrian path would be placed there, and the area\nwould be added to the beachfront area for buildings and parking.\" She noted that her notes\ndid not reflect that information, and was concerned about whether it would be temporary.\nShe would like the record to reflect that Mike Corbitt stated it was a temporary parking lot,\nand that it was not to be a beachfront area for buildings and parking because that was not the\nidea of enlivening the waterfront with parking lots.\nPlanning Board Minutes\nPage 1\nMay 14, 2007", "path": "PlanningBoard/2007-05-14.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2012-01-25", "page": 1, "text": "Transportation Commission Minutes\nWednesday, January 25, 2011\nCommissioner Kathy Moehring called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:01 p.m.\n1.\nRoll Call\nRoll was called and the following was recorded:\nMembers Present:\nKathy Moehring (Chair)\nJesus Vargas\nThomas G. Bertken\nChristopher Miley\nMichele Bellows\nStaff Present:\nObaid Khan, Supervising Civil Engineer\nGail Payne, Transportation Coordinator\nAdrienne Heim, Administrative Assistant\n2.\nMinutes\nCommissioner Vargas moved approval of the minutes for the December 14, 2011 meeting if\n\"tree\" in 4B were to be made plural. Commissioner Bertken seconded the motion. Motion passed\n4-0.\n3.\nOral Communications - Non-Agendized Items / Public Comments\nCommissioner Vargas commented on Tom Remas, Bay Area Civil Engineer, who passed away\nrecently. He called for a moment of silence.\nCommissioner Moehring welcomed two new commissioners, Michele Bellows and Christopher\nMiley.\nJim Strehlow, Alameda resident and local employee, wrote a letter to the editor of the Alameda\nSun at the end of 2011 regarding the I-880 project along 23rd and 29th Avenue bridges. He had\nnot heard of project updates. Apparently, others saw problems concerning the bridges, especially\nconstruction, and most issues have been resolved. The website, I-880 corridor.com at Caltrans,\nshows the status of the projects including the 23rd and 29th Avenue bridge status. Citizens\nshould know what is happening with the status and how it affects them.\nPage 1 of 13", "path": "TransportationCommission/2012-01-25.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2018-07-24", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY--JULY 24, 2018- -4:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 4:03 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and\nMayor Spencer - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nPublic Comment\nBriefly outlined what Nautilus Data Technologies does: Jim Connaughton, Nautilus Data\nTechnologies.\nGave a Power Point presentation outlining what SpinLaunch does: Ryan Hampton,\nSpinLaunch.\nContinued the Power Point presentation outlining what SpinLaunch does: Jonathan\nYaney, SpinLaunch.\nUrge Council to indemnify Councilmembers against spurious changes: Eric Strimling,\nAlameda Renters Coalition.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(18-415) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Initiation of litigation (1)\npursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code; Number of\ncases: One (As Plaintiff - City Initiating Legal Action)\n(18-416) Public Employee Appointment/Hiring Pursuant to Government Code \u00a7 54957;\nTitle/description of positions to be filled: Acting City Manager and City Manager\n(18-417) Conference with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code section\n54956.8); Property: 120 W. Oriskany, Building 530, Alameda, CA 94501; City\nNegotiator: Nanette Mocanu; Potential Tenant: Nautilus Data Technologies, Inc. or\nSpinLaunch Inc.; Issue Under Negotiation: Real Property Negotiations Price and Terms\nof Payment\n(18-418) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Initiation of litigation (2)\npursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government Code; Number of\ncases: One (As Plaintiff - City Initiating Legal Action)\n(18-419) Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation; Pursuant to subdivision\n(a) of Government Code \u00a7 54956.9; Case Name: Daysog, Tony, et al. V. City of\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nJuly 24, 2018", "path": "CityCouncil/2018-07-24.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2021-05-11", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY-MAY 11, 2021-6:00 - P.M.\nMayor Ezzy Ashcraft convened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. Councilmember Daysog led the\nPledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Daysog, Herrera Spencer, Knox\nWhite, Vella, and Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft - 5. [Note: The\nmeeting was conducted via Zoom]\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA ITEMS\n(21-324) Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of the Community Development Block Grant\n(CDBG)/HOME Partnership Investment Program (HOME) Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-22 Action\nPlan and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute Related Documents,\nAgreements, and Modifications at Funding Levels Approved by Congress.\nThe Community Development Director gave a Power Point presentation.\nStated that she noticed the statement of work reports appears incomplete; suggested more\nfollow through to capture accurate data regarding services rendered and how funds are\nexpended: Carmen Reid, Alameda.\nExpressed thanks for providing funding for mental health services in the schools last year;\nstated that she hopes the support will continue this year: Katherine Schwartz, Alameda\nFamily Services.\nExpressed appreciation for Council's support; stated domestic violence and sexual assault\nhas increased during the pandemic and City support is more important: Erin Scott, Family\nViolence Law Center.\nExpressed thanks to Council and staff for supporting capital improvements and services for\nthe Midway Shelter; stated Building Futures is working hard to update the trailers and\ndecks; announced a virtual event on Saturday: Liz Varela, Building Futures.\nStated funding is critically important; that she hopes Council adopts the funds and puts\nthem to good use: Grover Wehman, Alameda.\nCouncilmember Herrera Spencer expressed concerned about how much data the City has\nand how it is being used.\nThe Community Development Director responded data is collected on use of funds; stated\nthat she would share the information if Councilmember Herrera Spencer would like to see\nmore; the Community Development Program Manager observes a good tracking system,\nwhich is dictated by Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) strict protocols.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nMay 11, 2021", "path": "CityCouncil/2021-05-11.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2005-05-12", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTHURSDAY - -MAY 12, 2005- -5:00 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 5:10 p.m.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent : Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore,\nMatarrese and Mayor Johnson - 5.\n[Note: Councilmember Matarrese arrived at 6:30 p.m. ]\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAgenda Items\n(05-223)\nRecommendation to approve an Agreement with Meyers, Nave,\nRiback, Silver and Wilson for consultation services on City\nAttorney contract negotiations.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired what the cost and projected hours\nwould be for the consultation services.\nMayor Johnson responded the cost and projected hours would depend\nupon what the Council requests.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired what was the hourly rate, to which\nthe Assistant City Attorney responded $250.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired whether $250 per hour was the norm,\nto which the Assistant City Attorney responded the rate was not\noutside the norm and was within the realm of legal services costs\ntoday.\nMayor Johnson stated that she expected the rate to be higher.\nVice Mayor Gilmore stated that she thought the rate would be in the\n$300 to $350 per hour range.\nMayor Johnson stated that the rate is reasonable; that there are no\nfixed duties.\nThe Acting City Manager stated that the Council could provide the\noutside attorney with a scope of work and inquire how many hours\nwould be anticipated.\nCouncilmember deHaan inquired whether there was a charge for\ntoday's meeting with the outside attorney, to which the Mayor\nresponded in the affirmative.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nMay 12, 2005", "path": "CityCouncil/2005-05-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicArtCommission", "date": "2008-11-12", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC ART COMMISSION\nREGULAR MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2008\nCONFERENCE ROOM 391, CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM\nCONVENE: Acting Chair Lee called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.\nROLL CALL:\nPRESENT: Vice Chair Lee, Commissioners Candelario, Ibsen and\nCommissioner Leal\nABSENT:\nNone\nSTAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to\nPublic Art Commission; Maria Luisa Flores, Intermediate\nClerk, Planning & Building\nMINUTES:\nMinutes from the meeting of September 10, 2008\nMotion (Leal)/Second (lbsen) to approve as submitted\nAyes: 4; Noes: 0. Motion passed.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION:\nNone\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS:\nNone\nREGULAR AGENDA:\n(4A.) Guidelines for Public Art Projects Identification Signage\nMr. Ibsen asked if the dimensions for the signage will be too small at 5\"x5\". He\nnoted the signs should be legible at three paces.\nOther Commission members commented that the dimension should be a\nminimum and the guidelines modified to reflect this.\nMs. Candelario noted that the guidelines should make it clear that Commission\napproval of the signage is required.\nMotion (lbsen)/Second (Lee) to approve the public art identification signage\nguidelines subject to the following changes: 1. The 5\"x 5\" size noted in the\nguidelines are the minimum dimension of public art signage. & 2. Add\nlanguage to the guidelines making it clear that Public Art Commission\napproval of the proposal is required. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion\npassed.", "path": "PublicArtCommission/2008-11-12.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2007-05-16", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING\nWednesday, May 16, 2007\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER\nChair Bob Wood called the regular meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. in Room #360, Alameda\nCity Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue.\n1-A.\nRoll Call\nRoll call was taken and members present were: Commissioner Betsy Gammell, Vice\nChair Ray Gaul, Commissioner Bill Schmitz, Secretary Jane Sullwold and Chair Bob\nWood. Absent: Commissioner Bill Delaney and Commissioner Sandr\u00e9 Swanson. Also\npresent were Interim Golf General Manager Dale Lillard and Golf Services Manager\nMatt Plumlee.\n1-B\nApproval of Minutes -Special Meeting of April 4, 2007 and the Regular Meeting of April\n18, 2007.\nThe Commission approved the minutes unanimously.\n1-C\nAdoption of Agenda\nThe Commission adopted the agenda unanimously.\n2.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n3.\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n4.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n4-A\nPresentation by National Golf Foundation Regarding Golf Complex Operational Review.\nThe Interim General Manager introduced Ed Getherall of the National Golf Foundation (NGF),\nthe consultant firm hired to perform the operational review. Mr. Getherall gave a brief overview\nof how the information for the study is compiled. The study has several components; the first\ncomponent is the financial analysis, operating history and operating efficiencies, the\nmanagement structure and current trends. The second component will look at what capital\nimprovements should be made with the limited resources. The third component is researching\nwhere the Complex stands in the current marketplace and the local competitors. It was noted\nthat the market has changes quite a lot over the past 10 years. He noted that rounds and revenue\nhave dropped while expenses have risen. This trend is not only seen at Chuck Corica Golf\nComplex but in municipal golf all across the region and all over the country. He stated that 10\nyears ago 90% of NGF's work was doing feasibility studies for new golf courses and currently\n90% is doing operational reviews for City owned municipal golf courses, Municipal Golf\nCourses are facing common issues, the largest being rapidly rising labor expenses and flat or\nChuck Corica Golf Complex\nPage 1\n5/16/07\nGolf Commission Minutes", "path": "GolfCommission/2007-05-16.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2016-01-25", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, JANUARY 25, 2016\n1. CONVENE\nPresident Knox White called meeting to order at 7:00pm.\n2. FLAG SALUTE\nBoard Member Henneberry led the flag salute.\n3. ROLL CALL\nPresent: President Knox White, Board Members Burton, Henneberry, K\u00f6ster, Mitchell,\nSullivan. Absent: Board Member Zuppan.\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\n*None*\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n*None*\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR\n*None*\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2016-2498\nPLN15-0522 - Mark Pelzner - 3273 Thompson Avenue. A public hearing\nto consider a use permit to allow a woodworking home occupation in\napproximately 77-square-feet of the ancillary space of an existing\ndetached two-car garage. The items made on the site will be sold online\nso the business will not have any customers on site. No changes are\nproposed to the garage and the two existing parking spaces will remain.\nThe property is located within an R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning\nDistrict. The project is categorically exempt from California Environmental\nQuality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 -\nExisting Facilities.\nStaff Member Barrera gave a presentation on the item. The staff report and presentation\nare available at:\nos://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=2550392&GUID=1E58BB3E-\n7BB3-4ABA-A962-213E2CBD6639&FullText=1\nApproved Minutes\nPage 1 of 9\nJanuary 25, 2016\nPlanning Board", "path": "PlanningBoard/2016-01-25.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2006-08-16", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF MEETING\nWednesday, August 16, 2006\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER\nVice Chair Bob Wood called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. in Room\n#360, Alameda City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Avenue.\n1-A.\nRoll Call\nRoll call was taken and members present were: Secretary Ray Gaul,\nCommissioner Bill Schmitz, Commissioner Sandr\u00e9 Swanson and Vice\nChair Bob Wood. Absent: Chair Betsy Gammell and Commissioner Jane\nSullwold. Also present were General Manager Dana Banke and Head\nGolf Professional Matt Plumlee.\n1-B\nApproval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of July 19, 2006.\nThe Commission approved the minutes unanimously.\n1-C\nAdoption of Agenda\nThe Commission adopted the agenda unanimously.\n2.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\n3.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n3-A\nDiscussion of Chuck Corica Golf Complex Clubhouse Project Cost Estimates\nfrom Dahlin Group.\nThe General Manager reported that the cost estimates for the clubhouse are\ncompleted. During the process of completing the estimates it became clear that\nit\nwas not cost effective to use the plans from the City of San Mateo's Poplar Creek\nGolf Course. The number of changes needed to the existing plans made them\nimpractical. The General Manager welcomed Dorene Soto from the Development\nServices Department. Ms. Soto reported that the cost estimates came in at $7.5\nmillion. The problem with the Poplar Creek plan is that they didn't really fit the\nsite and the changes needed are so extensive that you might as well start from\nscratch. Ms. Soto asked the Dahlin Group what could be done to bring the cost\ndown and they suggested only building the banquet facility now and phase the\nother areas of the project. The question was raised regarding the difference from\nthe original cost estimate of $6.5 million. The original estimates did not include\nthe furniture, fixtures and soft costs. The soft costs include the redrawing of the\nplans, which is estimated at $750,000. Not included in these estimates are soil\ncleanup if any is necessary and time billed by the Development Services\nPage 1 of 4", "path": "GolfCommission/2006-08-16.pdf"} {"body": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard", "date": "2007-01-04", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD\nREGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007\nCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM\nChair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Recording Secretary\nEbster called the roll.\nMEMBERS PRESENT:\nChair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member lrons,\nIverson & Lynch.\nMEMBERS ABSENT:\nNone.\nSTAFF PRESENT:\nCathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Tony Ebster,\nRecording Secretary.\nMINUTES:\nBoard Members lrons and Iverson came during the minutes discussion. Some Board\nmembers are unidentified. Mr. Rutter's and Ms. Evan's name are misspelled.\nAlternates for Ad HOC committee were clarified. Chris Buckley with AAPS had changes\nto add. Minutes will be corrected and resubmitted at the regular meeting of February 1,\n2007 for approval.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS:\nNone.\nACTION ITEMS:\n4-A. Adoption of 2007 Historical Advisory Board Calendar\nMotion(Anderson)/second(Lynch) to accept 2007 meeting calendar.\nAyes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion Carries\n4-B Certificate of Approval CA06-0031- - Sally Harman - 433 Taylor Ave. In regards\nto a demo of more than 30% of a residential structure built prior to 1942 but is not on the\nHistoric Building study list. Staff requested a continuance to a date to be determined.\nlotion(Lynch)/second(Anderson) to continue to date to be determined.\nAyes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion carries\n4-C. Proposed addition to the Official Naming List for City Facilities and Streets\nMinutes of January 4, 2007\nRegular Historical Advisory Board Meeting\nPage 1", "path": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-01-04.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2013-06-18", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY-JUNE 18, 2013--6:00 P.M.\nMayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 6:02 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam and\nMayor Gilmore - 5.\n[Note: Councilmember Daysog arrived at 6:03 p.m.]\nAbsent:\nNone.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(13-295) Public Employee Performance Evaluation (54957); Title and name: City Clerk\nLara Weisiger\nFollowing the Closed Session the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Gilmore\nannounced that there was nothing to report.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, Mayor Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 7:08 p.m.\nRespectfully submitted,\nLara Weisiger\nCity Clerk\nThe agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nJune 18, 2013", "path": "CityCouncil/2013-06-18.pdf"} {"body": "PublicArtCommission", "date": "2020-12-02", "page": 1, "text": "FINAL\nMINUTES OF THE PUBLIC ART COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING\nWednesday, December 2, 2020\n1. CALL TO ORDER\nChairperson Adam Gillitt called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.\n2. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Chairperson Adam Gillitt, Vice Chairperson Liz Rush, Commissioners\nMark Farrell, Kirstin Van Cleef, and Tierney Sneeringer.\nAbsent: None.\nLois Butler (PAC Secretary) and Amanda Gehrke present as staff to the\nCommission.\nChairperson Gillitt made a motion to discuss item 8 Commission Communications,\nNon-Agenda, before item 5 - Regular Agenda Items. Ayes: Chairperson Gillitt,\nVice Chairperson Rush, Commissioners Van Cleef, Sneeringer, and Farrell. Nays:\nnone. The motion carried 5-0.\n3. MINUTES\n3-A. 2020-8520 Review and Approve Draft Minutes October 19, 2020\nA motion to approve the minutes was made by Vice Chairperson Rush and\nseconded by Commissioner Farrell. Ayes: Chairperson Gillitt, Vice Chairperson\nRush, Commissioners Van Cleef, Sneeringer, and Farrell. Nays: none. The motion\ncarried 5-0.\n4. PUBLIC COMMENTS\nNone.\n8. COMMSSIONER COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA\nChairperson Gillitt provided an overview of the new meeting Code of Ethics and\nConduct released by Alameda City Clerk's Office, particularly given current virtual\nmeeting format, and reminded Commissioners of their commitment to abide by all\nrules and procedures. Commissioner Sneeringer indicated that she had not\nreceived the Code of Ethics and Conduct. She was referred to the City Clerk by\nStaff member Butler.\n5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n5-A. 2020-8521 Discussion Concerning Contribution Levels to the Public Art\nFund and Recommendation to Amend the Public Art Ordinance to Allow the\nPublic Art Fund to be used for Deaccession of Artwork\nStaff member Gehrke presented an overview of the recommended changes to the\nPublic Art Ordinance from March and August 2020 PAC meetings:", "path": "PublicArtCommission/2020-12-02.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2008-02-27", "page": 1, "text": "TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES\nFebruary 27, 2008\nChair Knox White called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:35 p.m. He noted that a\nquorum was not yet present, so the Commission would address several discussion items that did\nnot require action.\n1.\nROLL CALL - Roll was called and the following recorded.\nMembers Present:\nJohn Knox White\nMichael Krueger\nRobert McFarland\nEric Schatmeier (arrived at 7:50 PM)\nMembers Absent:\nRobb Ratto\nSrikant Subramaniam\nNielsen Tam\nStaff Present:\nObaid Khan, Supervising Civil Engineer\nBarry Bergman, Transportation Coordinator\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\na.\nJanuary 23, 2008\nChair Knox White noted that a full quorum was not present to consider the minutes, and that they\nwould be addressed at the next meeting if a quorum was present.\n3.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nChair Knox White suggested that the agenda be taken in order until a quorum has been reached,\nif Item 7A comes up before that occurs, Item 7B would be heard.\n4.\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nChair Knox White noted that the State Senate had a new bill number assigned to address the\nclean-up language for the establishment of the Water Emergency Transportation Authority\n(WETA), but no actual language was associated with it. He noted that the TC had requested that\nSen. Perata's staff be on hand for a public meeting regarding this matter.", "path": "TransportationCommission/2008-02-27.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2017-04-04", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- - -APRIL 4, 2017--7:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 7:04 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie,\nVella and Mayor Spencer - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nNone.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(17-213) Proclamation Declaring the Month of April 2017 as National Autism Awareness\nMonth.\nMayor Spencer read the proclamation and presented it to Jody Moore, Alameda Autism\nCommunity Network.\nMs. Moore provided a handout and made brief comments.\n(17-214) Proclamation Declaring April 4, 2017 as Ron Cowan Day.\nMayor Spencer read the proclamation and presented it to Ron's wife, Shahla Cowan,\nand son, Kirk Cowan.\nMayor Spencer, Councilmember Oddie, Vice Mayor Vella and Councilmember Ezzy\nAshcraft made brief comments.\n(17-215) Mayor Spencer did a reading on celebration for the Season for Nonviolence.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA\n(17-216) Arnold Brillinger, Alameda, discussed the Alameda shuttle.\n(17-217) Irene Dieter, Alameda, expressed concern over Council referral titles.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nMayor Spencer announced that the Alameda West Lagoon agreement [paragraph no.\n17-222 was removed from the consent calendar for discussion.\nCouncilmember Matarrese moved approval of the remainder of the Consent Calendar.\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nApril 4, 2017", "path": "CityCouncil/2017-04-04.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2014-03-13", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, March 13, 2014\nTIME:\n7:00 p.m. Called to Order\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Bill Delaney, Vice Chair Lola Brown, Commissioners Ann Cooke, Joe\nRestagno and Bill Sonneman\nStaff:\nAmy Wooldridge, Recreation & Parks Director\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nApproved edited minutes of January 9, 2014 regular Recreation & Park Commission meeting\nM/S/C Commissioner Brown/Commissioner Cooke and unanimous.\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA\nNo Public Comment. Chair Delaney mentioned the passing of Golf Commissioner, Mr. Ray\nGahl. He was a great asset to the City.\n4.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nDirector Amy Wooldridge, reported there were many comments received for the Jackson Park\nbench, that were presented to the Commissioners.\n5.\nNEW BUSINESS\nA.\nReview and Recommendation on the Clark Memorial Bench in Jackson Park\nDirector Amy Wooldridge made a change to the recommendation and requested that the\nCommission delay the recommendation until further research be completed. The bench is\nsignificantly damaged. This is not on the historical monument list, but this is first hardscape in\nthe city's oldest park.\nChair Delaney asked if we are addressing a bench or are we addressing crime; if there was no\ncrime would we be discussing this. Director Wooldridge stated we would be talking about this\nbecause of the recent damage to the bench.\nPublic Comment:\nJosh Miller, lives across the street. He said the majority of people who frequent the bench are\nunruly teens causing trouble, and sometimes dangerously spilling out onto the street. The\nbench is situated so it allows the illegal behavior. The park is in a constant state of evolution,\nand this should include the bench.\nBetsy Mathison, lives near the park. Jackson is the most urban park and being passive it\ndeserves more attention. She reported doing research on \"dumb friends league\" and gave\nhistorical perspective. She asked if the bench could be saved as there seems to be a much\nbroader meaning in the inscription.", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2014-03-13.pdf"} {"body": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard", "date": "2005-11-03", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD\nREGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2005\nCOUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM\nChair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll.\nMEMBERS PRESENT:\nChair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson\n& Lynch.\nMEMBERS ABSENT:\nBoard Member Tilos.\nSTAFF PRESENT:\nSecretary Eliason, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Debbie\nGremminger, Recording Secretary.\nChair Anderson welcomed new Board Member Janet Iverson to the Historical Advisory\nBoard.\nMINUTES:\nM/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 6, 2005 with\ncorrections. 3-0-1-1.\nAyes: 3;\nNoes:\n0;\nAbstain:\n1 (Iverson): Absent: 1 (Tilos);\nMotion carries.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS:\nNone.\nACTION ITEMS\n1.\nAppointment of a Historical Advisory Board member to the Transportation\nSubcommittee. (Continued from the 10-6-05 mtg.)\nAt this time, the Board has declined the invitation to serve on the Transportation Subcommittee.\nMs. Eliason will inform the Board of any upcoming information that would be of interest to this\nBoard.\nMinutes of November 3, 2005\nRegular Historical Advisory Board Meeting\n1", "path": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-11-03.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2006-08-14", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the Regular Planning Board Meeting\nMonday, August 14, 2006\n1.\nCONVENE:\n7:07 p.m.\n2.\nFLAG SALUTE:\nMember Ezzy Ashcraft\n3.\nROLL CALL:\nPresident Lynch, Vice-President Cook, Ezzy Ashcraft, Kohlstrand,\nLynch, Mariani and McNamara.\nBoard member Cunningham was absent.\nAlso present were Planning and Building Director Cathy Woodbury, Assistant City Attorney Donna\nMooney, and Planner III Douglas Garrison.\n4.\nMINUTES:\nMinutes for the meeting of July 24, 2006\nMember Kohlstrand requested that under Item 9-A (Catellus) the minutes reflect a discussion\nregarding the retail development block framed by public streets with crosswalks. She noted that Dan\nMarcus, the developer, had indicated he was willing to incorporate that into the design.\nVice President Cook advised that the last full paragraph on page 13 should include the following\nlanguage: \" requiring a shopping center in Subarea 3. In fact, Subarea 3 could include 370,000\nsquare feet of R&D instead of retail, which seemed inconsistent with many of the speakers'\nperceptions and desires.\"\nMember Mariani noted that page 18, paragraph 5 read, \"Member Mariani noted that she did not want\nto see a lot of RVs and parking areas,\" but that she was not the Member to make that statement.\nM/S Ezzy Ashcraft/Kohlstrand to approve the minutes for the meeting of July 24, 2006, as amended.\nAYES - 6 (Cunningham absent); NOES - 0; ABSTAIN - 0\n5.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION:\nNone.\nPlanning Board Minutes\nPage 1\nAugust 14, 2006", "path": "PlanningBoard/2006-08-14.pdf"} {"body": "PensionBoard", "date": "2011-04-25", "page": 1, "text": "OF\nCity\nTERRA\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING\nOF THE\nPENSION BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nHELD 4:30 P.M., APRIL 25, 2011\nALAMEDA CITY HALL\n2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE, ALAMEDA\nCONFERENCE ROOM 391\n1.\nThe meeting was called to order by Chair Marie Gilmore at 4:31 p.m.\n2.\nROLL CALL:\nPresent: Chair Marie Gilmore Trustees: Robert Follrath, William Soderlund and\nKaren Willis.\nAbsent: Nancy Elzig\nStaff: Fred Marsh, Controller, Finance and Lelia Faapouli, Administrative\nTechnician III, Human Resources\n3.\nMINUTES:\nThe minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 25, 2010 were moved for\napproval by Member Follrath and seconded by Member Willis. Passed 3-0 with\none abstaining.\nThe minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 31, 2011 were moved for\napproval by Member Follrath and seconded by Member Willis. Passed 3-0 with\none abstaining.\n4.\nAGENDA ITEMS:\n4-A. Pension Payroll and Financial Reports - Quarter Ending March 31, 2011\nand City of Alameda Police & Fire Pension Funds Financial Reports For\nthe Period Ending March 31, 2011 from Fred Marsh, Controller, was\naccepted as presented by Member Soderlund and seconded by Member\nFollrath. Passed 4-0.\n6.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT)\nThere were no oral communications.\n7.\nPENSION BOARD COMMUNICATIONS (COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARD)\nMember Soderlund stated that he knew of a 1082 Pensioner who was planning\non marrying a widow of a 1082 Pensioner and that they were concerned about\nthe benefits. Member and Secretary to the Board Karen Willis told the Board that", "path": "PensionBoard/2011-04-25.pdf"} {"body": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee", "date": "2018-09-17", "page": 1, "text": "Approved Minutes\nSeptember 17, 2018\nMinutes of a Special Meeting of the\nRent Review Advisory Committee\nWednesday, September 17, 2018\n1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:35 p.m.\nPresent were:\nChair Cambra; Vice Chair Murray; Members Griffiths and\nSullivan-Cheah\nAbsent:\nMember Friedman\nProgram staff:\nGrant Eshoo, Gregory Kats\nCity Attorney staff: John Le (came at 7:05 p.m.)\n2. AGENDA CHANGES\na. Staff informed the Committee that staff had approved a request of the tenant in\ncase 1098.1 to be heard first and requested they hear this case first. The\nCommittee assented to hear the case first.\n3. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS\na. None.\n4. PUBLIC COMMENT, NON-AGENDA ITEMS, NO.1\na. None.\n5. CONSENT CALENDAR\na. None.\n6. UNFINSHED BUSINESS\na. None.\n7. NEW BUSINESS\nStaff called roll of the parties present and reordered those cases to be heard first where\nthe parties were present at roll call; those where parties were not present were moved\nto the end of the New Business section of the agenda and would be heard if time allowed\nin their remaining order. If time ran out before the cases were called and/or heard, the\nremaining items would be heard on a future date.\n7-K. Case 1098.1 - 2485 Shoreline Dr., Apt. 102\nTenant: Barbara Aschenbrener\nLandlords: Johanna Leonard, Randall Kessler, Michael St. John, Andrew Fisher, Asia\nHawkins\nProposed rent increase: $310.83 (24.0%), effective November 1, 2018\nPage 1 of 8", "path": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee/2018-09-17.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2010-08-23", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED\nCOMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nAugust 23, 2010\n1.\nROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:39 P.M.\nPresent: Chair Krongold, Vice-Chair Tam, Commissioners Fort, Harp, Lord-Hausman,\nKirola, and Warren.\nAbsent: Commissioner Moore.\n2.\nMINUTES\nThe July 26, 2010 minutes were approved with no changes.\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS/NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT)\nNone.\n4.\nNEW BUSINESS\nNone.\n5.\nOLD BUSINESS\n5-A.\nCDI Vision Planning (Chair Krongold):\nChair Krongold requested discussion of the following CDI events:\nTree Planting will take place on October 16th at 10:30AM at Lincoln Park at Fernside. Chair\nKrongold requested clarification regarding the press release for which Commissioner Lord-\nHausman stated she will forward to Chair Krongold.\nBanner - Commissioner Lord-Hausman\nAlameda Alliance for Health is underwriting the cost of the banner and will hang for two\nweeks at Oak & Central. The banner will read: \"Alameda Celebrates Disability Awareness\nMonth\" and will be double-sided. The CDI agreed to a white background with deep blue\nlettering.\nAccessible Exercise - Chair Krongold distributed the draft schedule for the exercise\nprograms for the month of October. Commissioner Lord-Hausman suggested adding\nappropriate websites. CDI made various suggestions to the draft and distribution. Chair will\ne-mail revised schedule for further input.\nSeptember 7th Council Presentation - Chair Krongold distributed the draft presentation for", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2010-08-23.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2012-03-12", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MEETING MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY MARCH 12, 2012\n7:00 p.m.\n1.\nCONVENE:\n7:05 P.M.\n2.\nFLAG SALUTE:\nBoard Member Autorino\n3.\nROLL CALL:\nPresident Zuppan, Vice-President Burton, Board\nmembers Autorino, Ezzy Ashcraft, Knox White, K\u00f6ster.\nHenneberry.\n4. MINUTES:\nMinutes from the Regular meeting of February 13, 2012\nBoard member Knox White asked to amend page 6, which said, \"Board member Knox\nWhite would like to continue to review and have staff work... \" It should say President\nEzzy Ashcraft asked for a motion to continue and Board member Knox White asked was\nthere a reason to continue.\nBoard member Ezzy Ashcraft asked to amend page 4. On the top of the page, the last\nsentence before oral communications the sentence should have two sentences or\nmaybe a semicolon.\nBoard member Ezzy Ashcraft asked to amend page 7 of 15. On the top of page first\nparagraph, which states \"President Ashcraft discussed the 2000 Clinton Avenue\nproperty. The City asked for her comments, but there were no attachments.. \" So, the\nword \"Her\" should be changed to the \"Planning Board.\"\nBoard member Burton asked to amend page 6. On the top of the page, the notes do not\nlist Board member Burton's detailed objections to the follow:\n1. Relative depth of the building compared to the depths of the other buildings on the\nsite.\n2. How the parking spaces weren't in compliance.\n3. How the scale of the building, the detail of the building and rooms are inhabitable.\nBoard member Knox White moved to approve the minutes of February 13, 2012 as\namended.\nBoard member Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion.\nThe motion was approved 6-0 and 1 abstention.\nApproved Meeting Minutes\nPage 1 of 23\nMarch 12, 2012", "path": "PlanningBoard/2012-03-12.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2018-04-03", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY-- -APRIL 3, 2018- -6:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 5:30 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and\nMayor Spencer - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(18-175) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Significant exposure to\nlitigation pursuant to subdivisions (d)(2) and (e) (1) of Government Code Section\n54956.9 Number of cases: One (As Defendant - City Exposure to Legal Action)\n(18-176) Public Employee Performance Evaluation; Pursuant to Government Code \u00a7\n54957; Positions Evaluated: City Attorney - Janet Kern and City Clerk - Lara Weisiger\nFollowing the Closed Session regarding Litigation, the meeting was reconvened and the\nCity Clerk announced that direction was given to staff to schedule another two closed\nsessions.\n***\nMayor Spencer called a recess at 7:03 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 10:07 p.m.\n***\nFollowing the closed session regarding Performance Evaluation, the meeting was\nreconvened and the City Clerk announced that direction was given to staff.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, Mayor Spencer adjourned the meeting at 10:52 p.m.\nRespectfully submitted,\nLara Weisiger\nCity Clerk\nThe agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Sunshine Ordinance.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nApril 3, 2018", "path": "CityCouncil/2018-04-03.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2008-02-13", "page": 1, "text": "a\nMINUTES OF\nRECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 2008\n2226 Santa Clara Avenue\nAlameda, CA 94501\n(510) 747-7529\nDATE:\nWednesday, February 13, 2008\nTIME:\n7:00 p.m.\nPLACE:\nRoom 360, City Hall, Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street, Alameda, CA\n94501\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nChair Terri Ogden, Vice Chair Joe Restagno, Commissioners Michael\nCooper, Jo Kahuanui, Bill Sonneman\nAbsent:\nNone\nStaff:\nDale Lillard, Director\nPatrick Russi, Recreation Supervisor (RS)\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nMinutes of January 10, 2008 Recreation and Park Commission Meeting.\nM/S/C\nKAHUANUI/COOPER\n(unanimously approved)\n\"That the Minutes of January 10, 2008 Recreation and Park Commission Meeting are\napproved.'\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA\n(Any person may address the Commission in regard to any matter over which the\nCommission has jurisdiction or of which it may take cognizance that is not on the agenda.)\nCommissioner Sonneman stated that Miracle League was going to try and attend tonights\nmeeting to provide an update. Miracle League and Catellus are working on a fundraiser\nwith the A's to help provide funds to build on the Coast Guard Field. Director Lillard stated\nthat the fundraiser can be promoted in the summer brochure.\n4.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nNone\n- 1\nRecreation & Park Commission Mtg.\nMinutes - Wednesday, February 13, 2008", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2008-02-13.pdf"} {"body": "PublicArtCommission", "date": "2020-12-21", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC ART COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING\nMonday, December 21, 2020\n1. CALL TO ORDER\nChairperson Adam Gillitt called the meeting to order at 6:02pm.\n2. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Chairperson Adam Gillitt, Vice Chairperson Liz Rush, Commissioners\nMark Farrell, Kirstin Van Cleef, and Tierney Sneeringer.\nAbsent: None.\nLois Butler (PAC Secretary) and Amanda Gehrke present as staff to the\nCommission.\n3. MINUTES\n3-A 2020-8568 Review and Approve Draft Minutes December 2, 2020\nA motion to approve the minutes was made by Vice Chairperson Rush and\nseconded by Chairperson Gillitt. Ayes: Chairperson Gillitt, Vice Chairperson Rush,\nCommissioners Van Cleef, Sneeringer, and Farrell. Nays: none. The motion\ncarried 5-0.\n4. PUBLIC COMMENTS\nNone.\n5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n5-A 2020-8566 Recommendation to Approve the Attached Resolution and\nConditions Approving the \"Diatom Sculpture Series\" Public Art Proposal\nStaff member Gehrke presented the recommendation to approve resolution and\nconditions approving the \"Diatom Sculpture Series\" public art proposal. Artist\nAdrien Siegel explained her inspiration for the sculpture series. Staff member\nGehrke and Artist Siegal answered clarifying questions.\nKristel Railsback, developer for SRMErnst, expressed appreciation for the PAC,\nArtist Siegal, and support for the proposed \"Diatom Sculpture Series\".\nA motion to approve the attached resolution and conditions approving the \"Diatom\nSculpture series\" public art proposal was made by Chairperson Gillitt and\nseconded by Commissioner Farrell. Ayes: Chairperson Gillitt, Vice Chairperson\nRush, Commissioners Van Cleef, Sneeringer, and Farrell. Nays: none. The motion\ncarried 5-0.\n5-B 2020-8567 Public Art Program Prioritization Working Session\nStaff member Gehrke presented the Public Art Program prioritization working\nsession report and answered clarifying questions.", "path": "PublicArtCommission/2020-12-21.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2009-04-07", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY - -APRIL 7, 2009- -7:30 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Regular Meeting at 7:43 p.m.\nROLL CALL - Present : Councilmembers\ndeHaan,\nGilmore,\nMatarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nNone.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(09-127) Proclamation declaring the week of April 20 through 25,\n2009 as Earth Week.\nMayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Pete\nHalberstadt, President of West Advertising.\nMr. Halberstadt thanked Council for the proclamation; invited\neveryone to attend Earth Day .\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nMayor Johnson announced that the Resolution Authorizing the\nIssuance of City of Alameda Taxable Retirement Funding Bonds\n[paragraph no. 09-131] - was pulled from the Consent Calendar for\ndiscussion.\nCouncilmember Tam moved approval of the remainder of the Consent\nCalendar.\nVice Mayor deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous\nvoice vote - 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an\nasterisk preceding the paragraph number. ]\n(*09-128 - ) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting, the Special\nJoint City Council and CIC Meeting and the Regular City Council\nMeeting held on March 17, 2009; and the Special City Council\nMeeting held on March 24, 2009. Approved.\n(*09-129) Ratified bills in the amount of $3,861,742.66.\n(*09-130) Recommendation to accept the work of Chrisp Company for\nAnnual Striping, Phase 6, No. P.W. 10-07-31. Accepted.\n(09-131) Resolution No. 14319, \"Authorizing the Issuance of City of\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nApril 7, 2009", "path": "CityCouncil/2009-04-07.pdf"} {"body": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard", "date": "2016-05-26", "page": 1, "text": "Social Service Human Relations Board\nMinutes of the Regular Meeting of the Social Service Human Relations Board, May 26,\n2016\n1.\nCALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL\nPresident Biggs called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Present were Vice-President Williams,\nand members Radding, Hyman, Blake, Sorensen, and Davenport.\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nThe minutes of the regular meeting of April 28, 2016, were approved as presented.\nM/S Hyman/Williams Unanimous\n3.\nAGENDA ITEMS\n3.-A\nJOINT DISCUSSION AND WORK SESSION OF THE BOARD AND ITS WORKGROUPS\nDiscussion and Action item\nPresident Biggs began the discussion by stating that the plan for this evening was to review\nWorkgroup Action Plans that had been provided by staff, to determine the membership of each\nWorkgroup, and to decide on each Workgroup's goals and activities for the upcoming fiscal\nyear.\nThe current members of the Human Relations Workgroup are Vice-President Williams and\nmembers Sorensen and Hyman. Given the commonality of goals with this workgroup and the\nATAH Workgroup, it was agreed that ATAH would be subsumed into the Human Relations\nWorkgroup. This Workgroup's focus will be to promote activities that support human relations,\nto encourage non-discrimination in Alameda, and to investigate issues of discrimination brought\nto its attention on a case-by-case basis. Current activities will include reviewing and\nsummarizing data collected in the recent Quality of Life survey, and maintaining a presence on\nthe AUSD LGBTQ Roundtable. This Workgroup will also provide support for next year's AUSD\nCareer Pathways Fair.\nThe current members of the Assessment and Awareness Workgroup are members Blake and\nDavenport. Organizing and conducting a Community Needs Assessment Survey will be this\nyear's primary task for the Workgroup. Their plan is to bring in members of Alameda's\nCommission on Disability Issues and representatives from Alameda's nonprofits, to help\ndevelop the survey questions, and assist in assuring that all segments of the community have\nan opportunity to participate in the survey. President Biggs shared that the 2012 survey involved\ntwo meetings to create and fine-tune the survey questions, and three meetings to review and\nassemble the data collected through the survey. He added that the task of writing the survey\nsummary was shared by Workgroup members.\n1", "path": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard/2016-05-26.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2007-04-03", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY - -APRIL 3, 2007 -7:30 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 8:01\np.m.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent : Councilmembers\ndeHaan,\nGilmore,\nMatarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(07-142) - Mayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to award\nVehicle Tow Contract [paragraph no. 07-151] was removed from the\nagenda.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(07-143) Proclamation honoring Tony Aiello upon his retirement from\nSt. Joseph Notre Dame High School.\nMayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Tony Aiello.\nMr. Aiello thanked Council for the proclamation; stated St. Joseph\nNotre Dame High School has been part of the community for 125\nyears; he hopes that the close relationship will continue.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nMayor Johnson announced that the recommendation to adopt Plans and\nSpecifications [paragraph no. 07-146] and recommendation to\nappropriate $12,400 [paragraph no. 07-150] were removed from the\nConsent Calendar for discussion.\nVice Mayor Tam moved approval of the remainder of the Consent\nCalendar.\nCouncilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by\nunanimous voice vote - 5. [ Items so enacted or adopted are\nindicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph number. . ]\n(*07-144) Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting held on March\n15, , 2007; and the Special and Regular City Council Meetings held on\nMarch 20, 2007. Approved.\n(*07-145 - ) Ratified bills in the amount of $7,184,337.90.\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nApril 3, 2007", "path": "CityCouncil/2007-04-03.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2017-07-26", "page": 1, "text": "DRAFT MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION\nWEDNESDAY, JULY 26, 2017\nCommissioner Vargas convened the meeting at 7:05pm.\n1. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Commissioners Vargas, Bertken, Soules, and Palmer.\nAbsent: Chair Bellows, Vice-Chair Miley, Commissioner Hans.\n2. AGENDA CHANGES\nCommissioner Soules made a motion to continue item 5-A to a future meeting.\nCommissioner Vargas seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0.\n3. ANNOUNCEMENTS/PUBLIC COMMENT\n3A\nLaura Palmer - New Commissioner Introduction\nCommissioner Vargas welcomed the new member of the Transportation Commission,\nLaura Palmer.\nCommissioner Palmer introduced herself. She said she is a long-time resident, has three\nkids at different schools, commutes to work and wants to keep Alameda the great place\nthat it is. She said she works at Google, and has been in technology for most of her\ncareer.\n3B\nTransportation Commission Meeting: Wednesday, September 27 at 7:00\np.m.\nStaff Member Payne announced that there would be a meeting on September 27th. She\nsaid the November meeting would be on Wednesday November 15th, due to the\nThanksgiving holiday.\n4. CONSENT CALENDAR\n4A 2017-4538\nApprove Meeting Minutes - April 26, 2017 (Action)\nThe staff report can be found at:\nittps://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=3097452&GUID=47F0E7\nED-DBEE-4D83-B289-C1FBFC7672B9&Options=&Search=\nCommissioner Soules made a motion to approve the minutes. Commissioner\nBertken seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0.\n1", "path": "TransportationCommission/2017-07-26.pdf"} {"body": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee", "date": "2016-05-02", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the\nRent Review Advisory Committee\nMonday, May 2, 2016\n1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:34 p.m.\nPresent were: Acting Chair Sullivan-Sari\u00f1ana; and Members Griffiths, Landess, and\nSchrader.\nAbsent: None\nVacancy: One\nRRAC staff: Jennifer Kauffman\na. Election of new Chair\nThe members concurred that it would be preferable to table the election of\npermanent officers until the current vacancy was filled and all members could vote. M/S\n(Griffiths/Landess) and unanimous to appoint Sullivan-Sari\u00f1ana as Interim Chair and\nSchrader as Interim Vice Chair.\n2. CONSENT CALENDAR\na. Approval of the Minutes of the April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting\nApproved by unanimous consent.\nAt this time, Angie Watson-Hajjem of ECHO Housing was invited to address the\nmeeting to explain ECHO's fair housing and tenant/landlord services.\n3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS (None)\n4. NEW BUSINESS\na. Cases governed by Ordinance No. 3143, which limits rent increases of 8% or more; no\nbinding review process for a legal rent increase:\ni. Case 363 - 781 Central Avenue, Unit A\nTenant/public speaker: Jeffrey Giordano\nLandlord representative/public speaker: Erik Johnson\nThe landlord's original proposed increase was $90 (6.77%). Following general\ndiscussion, the parties agreed to a $66.50 (5.0%) increase, to be effective July 1, 2016.\nM/S (Schrader/Landess) and unanimous to uphold the agreement. Staff stated that\nconfirmation letters would be sent to all parties.\nii. Case 373 - 1850 Thau Way, Unit 12\nStaff stated that prior to the meeting, the case had been withdrawn at the request\nof the tenant. The tenant was not required to disclose the terms of the settlement, as this\ncase was not under the jurisdiction of Ordinance No. 3148.\nPage 1 of 3", "path": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee/2016-05-02.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2016-03-08", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING\nTuesday, March 8, 2016\n1\nCALL TO ORDER\nVice-Chair Bev Blatt called the regular meeting to order at approximately 6:52 p.m. in\nRoom 360, City Hall, 2263 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94501\n1-A\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\nVice-Chair Bev Blatt, Commissioner Shawn Shelby,\nCommissioner, Commissioner Ron Carlson and\nCommissioner Ed Downing\nAbsent:\nCommissioner Cheryl Saxton\nStaff:\nChief Operating Officer Ken Campbell\nAlso Present:\nNone\n1-B\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nThe minutes of the regular meeting of January 12, 2016 were approved\nunanimously\n2\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone\n3\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nCommissioner Downing asked about special meetings, and Amy Wooldridge stated\nthat it would need to be an agenda item for future special meetings\n4\nWRITTEN/ORAL REPORTS\n4-A Facility Reports by Chief Operating Officer Ken Campbell\nKen Campbell gave an update on the North Course, and stated that the grow-in\nperformed in 2015 over planting of the fairways continues to improve coverage and\noverall turf quality. Recent rains have assisted in washing through sodum in soil,\nwhich allows the turf grass to be healthier. They have performed a solid tine and\nheavy green sanding maintenance. 54 dead trees that were identified by a tree\narborist have been removed, and are also working clear damaged trees from the\nstorm.\n1\nGolf Commission Minutes - -Tuesday, March 8, 2016", "path": "GolfCommission/2016-03-08.pdf"} {"body": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee", "date": "2017-01-12", "page": 1, "text": "Approved Minutes\nJanuary 12, 2017\nMinutes of the Special Meeting of the\nRent Review Advisory Committee\nMonday, January 12, 2017\n1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:39 p.m.\nPresent were: Chair Sullivan-Sari\u00f1ana; and Members Friedman, and Schrader.\nAbsent: Member Vice-Chair Landess, Member Griffiths\nVacancy: None\nRRAC Staff: Claudia Young\n2. AGENDA CHANGES\na. Member Friedman proposes canceling the RRAC meeting.\nDiscussion:\nMember Friedman stated that input from three of the Committee members is less valuable\nthan input from four or five of the members.\nMember Schrader stated that if the purpose of the meeting is to provide Committee input,\nthe entire Committee should be present to discuss.\nChair Sullivan-Sari\u00f1ana expressed concern that not all Committee members were present.\nHowever, he suggested continuing the meeting in order to meet the deadline of providing\ninput for the City Council to review. He believed that providing some input is better than\ncanceling the meeting and possibly providing no input. He also suggested that the absent\nmembers hold a separate meeting to discuss their input. He noted that the three present\nmembers represent the tenant, landlord, and homeowner perspectives, which may not\nhappen again with a rescheduled meeting.\nStaff clarified that City Council will consider input at the March 7, 2017 meeting and will\nthen give direction to staff. Staff also noted that the Committee meeting would need to be\nrescheduled before the end of January in order to provide input.\nMotion and second to cancel the RRAC meeting and reschedule for a time when a quorum of\nmembers can attend (Friedman and Schrader). Motion passes with Members Friedman and\nSchrader voting yes, Chair Sullivan- Sari\u00f1ana voting no.\n3. STAFF ANNOUNCEMENTS\nPage 1 of 2", "path": "RentReviewAdvisoryCommittee/2017-01-12.pdf"} {"body": "PublicArtCommission", "date": "2007-10-25", "page": 1, "text": "DRAFT\nMinutes of the Regular Public Art Commission Meeting\nThursday, October 25, 2007\nConference Room 360, City Hall\nCONVENE:\n7:10 p.m.\n1.\nROLL CALL:\nChair Huston, Vice-Chair Lee, and Commissioners Rosenberg\nArrants, and Wolfe\nCommissioners Rosenberg and Lee were absent\nSTAFF PRESENT:\nAndrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager; Tony Ebster,\nRecording Secretary\n2.\nMINUTES: Minutes for the Regular Meeting of August 23, 2007 and September 27,\n2007\nContinued to the meeting of November 29, 2007\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATION:\n4.\nREGULAR AGENDA:\n4-A. Chair Huston brought up the on-site public art and the memo and felt that it was a\nmisnomer. She referred to the memo and what it says about the Commission and that they are\nbeing called upon to apply the funds available to public art and they need not apply it to a\nspecific piece or location, its wide open. She mentioned the Alameda Municipal Code and the\nsection that says that money left over after administrative fees be distributed to the City for on-\nsite public art. She also mentioned that the amount available as of September 2007 is\napproximately $45,295. She read the memo and suggested that the annual plan be amended\nto include that the money be spent or applied to the purchase or expenses of public art in\nAlameda. She proposed a movement to amend the annual plan include a line item to apply the\navailable funds to public art within the next year. She thinks that they should not name the\nnumber but rather the source.\nMr. Arrants asked about the percentages\nMs. Huston clarified that since the funds for administrative duties be spent on art since it had not\nbeen used.\nMr. Wolfe talked about the specific locations that could have an impact on Park and Webster\nStreets. He wanted to designate the money to art at the tube. He feels that it is critical that they\nplace art at the entries to the tubes and feels that it would benefit the community if they could\nmake the association with culture upon entering the city.\nMs. Huston didn't disagree.\nMr. Thomas clarified what was happening at the exit of the Webster tube.", "path": "PublicArtCommission/2007-10-25.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2005-12-12", "page": 1, "text": "COMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nDecember 12, 2005\nPresent: Berger, Bunker, Chadow, Chair Cooney, Fort, Vice-Chair Gwynne, Longley-Cook,\nLord-Hausman, Moore, McGaughey,\nAbsent/Excused: Steffens\nGuests: Firena Paulina\nMINUTES: The minutes of August 22, 2005 where approved.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS:\n1. Free Shoppers Shuttle for Seniors:\nSecretary distributed leaflet on \"free shoppers shuttle for seniors' schedule and pick up\nlocations. Commission questioned why limited to 75 years or older and to include service\nanimals.\nNEW BUSINESS:\n1. Election of Chair and Vice-Chair: (Chair Cooney)\nCommission moved election of 2006 officers to the January 2006 meeting to conform the\nbylaws.\nOLD BUSINESS:\n1. Alameda Theater:\nCommission reviewed City's/architects October 24, 2005 response to the Commission's\nquestions and made the following additional recommendations: 1) conduct additional\nresearch into descriptive video applications by contacting Eric Lane at 1-800-443-0728,2) is\nstadium seating still allowed under ADA guidelines and/or is there new ADA policy.", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2005-12-12.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2021-10-25", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2021\n1. CONVENE\nVice President Teresa Ruiz convened the meeting* at 7:00 p.m.\n*Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361, codified at Government Code Section 54953, Planning\nBoard members can attend the meeting via teleconference.\n2. FLAG SALUTE\nBoard Member Hanson Hom led the flag salute.\n3. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Vice President Ruiz and Board Members Curtis, Hom, Rothenberg, Cisneros,\nand Teague.\nAbsent: President Asheshh Saheba\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\nNone.\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR\nNone.\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2021-1418\nPublic Hearing to consider a Resolution Recommending that the City Council Approve\nAlameda General Plan 2040.\nDirector Thomas, Director of Planning, Building, and Transportation, introduced the item.\nThe staff report and attachments can be found at\nhttps://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=5187688&GUID=3C349A03-\n37F7-4F71-8A92-E9OF13DBB8AA&FullText=1.\nVice President Ruiz opened the board clarifying questions.\nBoard Member Hom asked for a summarization of the substantive changes to the General\nPlan that had happened since June.\nApproved Planning Board Minutes\nPage 1 of 8\nOctober 25, 2021", "path": "PlanningBoard/2021-10-25.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2017-10-03", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- -OCTOBER 3, 2017--5:00 P.M.\nMayor Spencer convened the meeting at 5:01 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Ezzy Ashcraft, Matarrese, Oddie, Vella and\nMayor Spencer - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nThe meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(17-567) Conference with Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation;\nSignificant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the\nGovernment Code; Number of Cases: One (As Defended - City Exposure to Legal\nAction).\n(17-568) Conference with Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation;\nSignificant Exposure to Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (b) of Section 54956.9 of the\nGovernment Code; Number of Cases: One (As Responded (Amicus Curiae - City\nExposure to Legal Action).\n(17-569) Conference with Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation;\nInitiation of Litigation Pursuant to Subdivision (c) of Section 54956.9 of the Government\nCode; Number of Cases: One (As Plaintiff - City Initiating Legal Action).\nFollowing the Closed Session, the meeting was reconvened and Mayor Spencer\nannounced that regarding City Exposure to Legal Action, a status report was provided\nand direction was given to staff; regarding Amicus Curiae, that she is a member of\nMayor's Against Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Discrimination which\nsent out a request to mayors to participate in litigation that is anticipated regarding\nMasterpiece Cakeshop versus Colorado Civil Rights Commission; Council authorized\nthe Mayor and City Council to sign onto the U.S. Supreme Court friend of the Court brief\nbeing submitted in support of the rights of the Colorado Civil Rights Commission and a\nsame sex couple who was refused service by a commercial bakery; the commercial\nbakery argued that it should be exempt from a law prohibiting discrimination against\nLGBTQ people based on its owners asserted religious opposition to same sex marriage;\nthe Amicus brief, which is being drafted by attorneys from the Santa Clara County\nCounsel's Office and the Los Angeles City Attorney's Office will focus on: 1) the\nimportance of ensuring the continued enforcement of non-discrimination laws\nhighlighting the range of local support for non-discrimination laws and policies, and 2)\nthe wide range in harms that granting the bakery's request would do to the enforcement\nof local laws; the case is entitled Masterpiece Cakeshop versus Colorado Civil Rights\nCommission; thanked the group Mayor's Against LGBT Discrimination for offering the\nopportunity to local governments; thanked City Council for deciding to support the brief;\nand regarding City Initiating Legal Action, direction was given to staff.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nOctober 3, 2017", "path": "CityCouncil/2017-10-03.pdf"} {"body": "RecreationandParkCommission", "date": "2020-05-14", "page": 1, "text": "apd\nALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION\nMINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING\nDATE:\nThursday, May 14, 2020\nTIME:\n7:02 p.m. Called to Order\nPLACE:\nCity Hall Council Chambers\nA video recording of the meeting may be viewed at https:llalameda.legistar.com/Calendar.aspx\nThe following are action minutes in keeping with the Sunshine Ordinance 2-91.17.\nROLL CALL\nPresent: (via teleconference) Chair Alexander, Vice Chair Robbins, Commissioner Limoges, and\nCommissioner Navarro\nAbsent: Commissioner Barnes\nStaff: (via teleconference) Alameda Recreation and Park Department (ARPD) Director Amy Wooldridge\nChair Alexander thanked ARPD staff for their hard work, and thanked the community for their patience\nand co-operation during the COVID-10 pandemic.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nChair Alexander moved to accept the minutes of January 9, 2020 Regular Meeting as presented.\nM/S Commissioner Limoges / Vice Chair Robbins. All present in favor with 4 ayes.\nWRITTEN AND ORAL COMUNICATIONS\nWritten Communication - none\nOral Communication - none\nREPORTS FROM THE RECREATION AND PARK DIRECTOR\nARPD Director Amy Wooldridge gave the report. (See Exhibit 1)\nREPORTS FROM COMMISSIONERS\nCommissioner Limoges: Alameda Backyard Growers have noticed a more than ordinary push\nfor victory gardens and people growing their own food.\nCommissioner Navarro: May is Bike month. Unfortunate that we are sheltering in place and not\nable to use the parks since they are looking so great but happy to see the citizens are following\nthe distancing guidelines.\nVice Chair Robbins: Ribbon cutting for Cross Alameda Trail was fantastic, Skate Park trellis\nand picnic tables are phenomenal, however; it was reported to him by his students that some\nkids have been cutting holes in the fence to get in. Encinal Boat Launch looks beautiful.\nChair Alexander: Went to Encinal Boat Ramp and the people there were happy with it.\nObserved the pouring of the playground surface at Woodstock Park. Visits Krusi Park weekly\nto observe progress of the new recreation center which looks good. Walked Mt. Trashmore\nwalking trails and encouraged flowers to be planted along the trails. Attended the Aquatic\nCenter design meeting which was well organized.\n1", "path": "RecreationandParkCommission/2020-05-14.pdf"} {"body": "GolfCommission", "date": "2021-10-12", "page": 1, "text": "ALAMEDA GOLF COMMISSION\nMINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING\nTuesday, October 12, 2021\n1\nCALL TO ORDER\nChair Ed Downing the called the special meeting to order at approximately 6:34 p.m.\nvia teleconference\nROLL CALL\nPresent:\n(Via teleconference) Chair Ed Downing, Commissioner Claire\nLoud, Commissioner John Kim, Commissioner Kaiwin Su and\nCommissioner Robert Lattimore\nAbsent:\nNone\nStaff:\n(Via teleconference) Recreation and Parks Director Amy\nWooldridge and Umesh Patel, Greenway Golf\nAlso Present:\nNone\n2\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES\nMinutes of June 29, 2021 were approved unanimously.\n3\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone\n4\nCOMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS\nChair Downing thanked Pete Pizzino for his service on the golf commission.\nChair Downing also welcomed the new commissioner, Robert Lattimore. Mr.\nLattimore has been a bay area resident for over 37 years and currently resides on Bay\nFarm Island, and is looking forward to working for the community.\n5\nWRITTEN/ORAL REPORTS\n5-A\nBeautification Program and Junior Golf Club\nNone\n6\nAGENDA ITEMS\n1\nGolf Commission Minutes - Tuesday, October 12, 2021", "path": "GolfCommission/2021-10-12.pdf"} {"body": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority", "date": "2007-10-03", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED\nMINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE\nALAMEDA REUSE AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY\nWednesday, October 3, 2007\nThe meeting convened at 7:12 p.m. with Vice Chair Tam presiding.\n2-A\n1.\nROLL CALL\nPresent: Boardmember Doug deHaan\nBoardmember Frank Matarrese\nBoardmember Marie Gilmore\nVice Chair Lena Tam\nChair Johnson arrived at 7:52 p.m. (during item 3-B).\n2.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\n2-A. Approve the minutes of the Special Meeting of September 4, 2007.\n2-B. Approve Three-Year Sublease for Sustainable Technologies at Alameda Point.\n2-C. Approve the Waiver of License Fee for Alameda Unified School District Student Activities.\n2-D. Authorize the Executive Director to Amend the Consultant Agreement with Trident\nManagement, Inc. to Modify Exhibit C and Accommodate Technical Changes.\nApproval of the Consent Calendar was motioned by Member Matarrese, seconded by\nMember deHaan and passed by the following voice votes: 4 ayes, o noes, 0 abstentions.\n3.\nREGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n3-A. Presentation by Friends of the Wildlife Refuge - An Update of Their Activities at\nAlameda Point.\nA power point presentation was made by Leora Feeney, Chair of FAWR, and Eli Saddler,\nConservation Director for Golden Gate Audubon, to update the Board and community on the\nresources at the Alameda proposed Wildlife Refuge to ensure the resources are protected while\ntransfer negotiations continue. Eli Saddler thanked the Board for the opportunity to present the\nupdate and encouraged them to do whatever possible to protect the resource. He expressed\nconcern about the current plans that have been proposed that are within the area that was\nconsidered in the Biological Opinion. They want to continue to work cooperatively with the VA\nto protect the resource and honor the veterans at the same time.\nMember deHaan commented on how nice it is to look at the maturity of the site, referring to the\nphotos included in the presentation. He asked if the resources, the ponds and wildlife area, are\ngetting to a better state. Ms. Feeney replied that the ponds are wonderful, but that Alameda Point\nand the breakwater is vulnerable. She discussed the increase in the Pelican numbers, and the use\nof the willows by migratory birds, including a hawk, one winter. Ms. Feeney also mentioned\nhow far the recognition of the Alameda Wildlife Refuge stretches, explaining that two college\nstudents chose the Refuge site for their graduate work, one from Los Angeles, and the other from", "path": "AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2007-10-03.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2010-10-13", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nNEDNESDAY--OCTOBER 13, 2010- 5:00 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the meeting at 5:10 p.m.\nRoll Call -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, Tam\nand Mayor Johnson -5.\n[Note: Vice Mayor deHaan left at 5:40 p.m.]\nAbsent:\nNone.\nPublic Comment\nSpeakers: David Howard, Alameda; and Caroline Tope\u00e9, Alameda.\nThe Special Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider:\n(10-492) Public Employee Performance Evaluation (54957); Titles: City Attorney, City\nClerk and City Manager\nFollowing the Closed Session, the Special Meeting was reconvened and Mayor\nJohnson announced that the City Council gave direction to the Mayor to have a special\nsession under Government Code Section 54957 for performance evaluation of the City\nAttorney; due to lack of time, the Council did not get to address the evaluations of the\nCity Clerk or City Manager and deferred the items.\nAdjournment\nThere being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.\nRespectfully submitted,\nLara Weisiger\nCity Clerk\nThe agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act.\nSpecial Meeting\nAlameda City Council\nOctober 13, 2010", "path": "CityCouncil/2010-10-13.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2006-04-10", "page": 1, "text": "Minutes of the Regular Planning Board Meeting\nMonday, April 10, 2006\n1.\nCONVENE:\n7:06 p.m.\n2.\nFLAG SALUTE:\nMs. Kohlstrand\n3.\nROLL CALL:\nPresident Cunningham, Vice-President Cook, Ezzy Ashcraft,\nKohlstrand, Lynch and McNamara.\nBoard member Mariani was absent.\nAlso present were Planning and Building Director Cathy Woodbury, Douglas Garrison, Planner III,\nContract Planner Chandler Lee, Doug Cole, Development Services, Executive Assistant Latisha\nJackson.\nPresident Cunningham welcomed Board Member Ezzy Ashcraft to the Planning Board.\n4.\nMINUTES:\nMinutes for the meeting of February 27, 2006.\nVice President Cook advised that at the bottom of page 8, the motion was not approved unanimously,\nand that it failed. She advised that at the bottom of page 9, the vote was not unanimous.\nPresident Cunningham noted that the motion on page 12 was to deny, and there were two \"Ayes\" and\nthree \"Noes.\" He believed that three people supported the denial, and that he and Mr. Lynch voted\nagainst the denial. Ms. Woodbury stated that the motion was for approval, and it failed. She noted\nthat the language would be changed for clarification.\nM/S Cook/McNamara to approve the minutes for the meeting of February 27, 2006, as amended.\nAYES - 5 (Mariani absent); NOES - 0; ABSTAIN - 1 (Ashcraft)\n5.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION:\nNone.\n6.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS:\nNone.\nPlanning Board Minutes\nPage 1\nApril 10, , 2006", "path": "PlanningBoard/2006-04-10.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2007-09-18", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY- - - SEPTEMBER 18, 2007-7:30 P.M.\nMayor Johnson convened the Regular City Council Meeting at 8:02\np.m.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent : Councilmembers\ndeHaan,\nGilmore,\nMatarrese, Tam, and Mayor Johnson - 5.\nAbsent :\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\nNone.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY AND ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(07-445) Proclamation encouraging participation in Peoples\nRepublic of China Flag raising ceremony in support of Wuxi, China\nSister City activities.\nMayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to Dr. Nancy Li,\nFriends of Wuxi.\n(07-446)\nProclamation declaring the week of October 7 through 13,\n2007 as Public Power Week.\nMayor Johnson read and presented the proclamation to the Alameda\nPower and Telecom (AP&T) General Manager.\nMayor Johnson stated Alameda is contributing to the Trinity River\nRestoration Project; requested that the AP&T General Manager\ncomment on the issue.\nThe AP&T General Manager stated the Central Valley Project\nImprovement Act was established in 1992; Alameda has contributed\nmillions of dollars; the administration has gone back to review how\nwell the money was spent; a report would be coming out shortly.\nMayor Johnson stated Alameda should be proud of participating in\nthe project.\nThe AP&T General Manager stated Alameda invested money to protect\nand rehabilitate the environment and also invested in renewable\nresources back in the 1980's when it was not trendy to do so;\nAlameda's renewable resources are 85% carbon free; emission rates\nare approximately half of Pacific Gas & Electric's (PG&E'S and\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nSeptember 18, 2007", "path": "CityCouncil/2007-09-18.pdf"} {"body": "PublicArtCommission", "date": "2008-01-09", "page": 1, "text": "DRAFT\nMinutes of the Regular Public Art Commission Meeting\nWednesday, January 9, 2008\nConference Room 360, City Hall\nCONVENE:\n7:05 p.m.\n1.\nROLL CALL:\nChair Huston, Vice-Chair Lee, and Commissioner Wolfe\nCommissioner Rosenberg arrived at 7:12\nSTAFF PRESENT:\nJon Biggs, Planning Services Manager; Tony Ebster, Recording\nSecretary\nMINUTES: None\n2.\nORAL COMMUNICATION None\n3.\nREGULAR AGENDA:\n3-A.\nDiscussion of request to City Council\nMr. Jeff Cambra thanked the commission for all the work they have done. He said that Arts\nAlameda is prepared to draft the public arts grants program criteria, but wanted to give everyone\na chance to express their opinions.\nMs. Huston thanked Mr. Cambra for his comments. She then read her letter to City Council.\nMs. Lee read her letter to City Council. Her concerns are \"mission creep\", they are being asked\nto manage a different program. She feels they are not qualified to give out grants and she is\nuncomfortable giving money to friends and neighbors and is concerned with conflict of interest.\nThey are not in a position to put in extra time; they are an advisory committee, not a research\nand grant generating committee. They are not clear on their mission.\nMs. Huston added that since the grants issue came up, she became more alert to conflicts. She\nreferenced the September minutes and that they are supposed to come up with ideas and give\nthem to the planning department. She never intended to work under management of the\nplanning department without pay and grew uncomfortable as materials arrived that increasingly\npressured her to answer to the planning department. She mentioned the draft of a\nsubcommittee report that was prevented from being presented to the Commission. She feels\nthat a lot of their work has been subverted. They had reservations regarding the grants\nprogram and managing the creation of a new program in which planning controls.\nMr. Biggs asked about the agenda topic to clarify how the letters related.\nMs. Huston responded by saying that the letters are requests to City Council and refers to the\ncommission having little understanding of their authority. She asked if it was appropriate to do\nthe grants program. She counted on the planning department when they asked if it was\nappropriate and when Ms. Woodbury said they must, she was acting in her role as advisor to\nthe commission. Ms. Huston feels that Ms. Woodbury was exerting a personal desire or a", "path": "PublicArtCommission/2008-01-09.pdf"} {"body": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard", "date": "2010-03-25", "page": 1, "text": "Social Service Human Relations Board\nMinutes of the Regular Meeting, Thursday, March 25, 2010\n1. CALL TO ORDER, ROLL CALL President Wasko called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m.\nPresent were: Vice President Villareal, Nielsen, Soglin, and Biggs. Absent were: James and Dailey\nStaff: Franz (Member James arrived shortly after the beginning of the meeting)\n2.\nAPPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes of Regular meeting February 25, 2010 were approved as\ncorrected M/S Biggs/Villareal Unanimous\n3\n3-A. A PRESENTATION BY YIU-KEI LOUIE - ALAMEDA PUBLIC WORKS\nDEPARTMENT ON THE CITY OF ALAMEDA'S PARATRANSIT PROGRAM AND\nUPCOMING PARATRANSIT SHUTTLE SERVICE - Action-20 minutes\nMr. Louie explained that the City's Paratransit program is funded by the Sales Tax passed by Measure B.\nAlameda County receives the funds from the State and distributes them to fund city programs. Alameda\nuses its funds to provide transportation programs for seniors and disabled residents. (Mr. Louie passed\nout a pamphlet describing the programs). The programs now in place include a taxi service that provides\nreturn trips from medical appointments. Most participants use East Bay Paratransit to provide their trip to\nthe appointment, but these need to be scheduled in advance. Because it's hard to determine exactly how\nlong the visit will be, the taxi service allows them to receive a ride home shortly after the visit is finished.\nThe other major taxi program is the Premium Taxi Service which allows eligible participants to purchase\n$5.00 taxi script for $2.50. A Supplementary Paratransit Program complements the East Bay Paratransit\n(EBP) Program by providing service during hours when EBT is not operating.\nMr. Louie then explained the new Paratransit Shuttle Service, which will begin on April 6th, is like A.C.\nTransit service, with a route that makes regularly scheduled stops at designated locations throughout\nAlameda. This program will also serve Alameda seniors (62+) and disabled residents. (He passed\nschedules out for the new program) Stops include Mastick Senior Center, Alameda Hospital, Kaiser, and\nTowne Center. While some residents wanted the route to include Oakland, they are keeping it in Alameda\nfor now.\nIn response to questions from the Board, Mr. Louie informed us that:\nMastick, Cardinal Point, and Anne Diment were some of the locations they conducted meetings to help\ndetermine the best routes for the program. They also took into account the recent A.C. Transit route\nchanges. The service will be available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 10 to 4, making 1hour\nloops. The vehicle they are using can accommodate 16 passengers, but larger vehicles can be brought in if\nrider-ship demonstrates a need for them.\nNine companies responded to the RFP and the carrier chosen was also recommended by San Leandro,\nwho is using their services. They will use rider feed-back and input from Jackie Krause at Mastick to\nmeasure the success of the program. Press releases, flyers, and banners will be used to advertise the\nprogram, and there will be a kick off celebration at Mastick at 9:30 on April 6th.\nPresident Wasko thanked Mr. Louie for his presentation, adding that this will be a great benefit for\nseniors that have difficulty getting around.\n3-B.\nPRESENTATION BY PRESIDENT WASKO REGARDING 100 BEST COMMUNITIES", "path": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard/2010-03-25.pdf"} {"body": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard", "date": "2015-09-03", "page": 1, "text": "FINAL MEETING MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD\nTHURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015\n1.\nCONVENE: 7:05 p.m.\n2.\nROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, and Board Members Chan, Piziali, and Vella.\nAbsent: Vice Chair Rauk was absent.\n3.\nMINUTES:\n2015-1984 Draft Meeting Minutes-May 7, 2015\nMinutes approved 4-0.\n4.\nAGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None.\n5.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None.\n6.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS:\n6-A\n2015-1999\nProgrammatic Agreement Compliance Report to the State Historic\nPreservation Officer for the Administration of U.S. Department of\nHousing and Urban Development (HUD) Funded Activities by the\nCity of Alameda\nChair Owens asked about the purpose of this report and whether Board action was\nrequired.\nAllen Tai, Secretary to the Board, explained that this is an annual compliance report\nsubmitted to the State by the Housing Authority. The report is being provided to the Board\nas information only, so no action is necessary.\n7.\nREGULAR AGENDA ITEMS:\n7-A\n2015-1995\nCertificate of Approval - PLN15-0136- Saikley Architects - 1732\nUnion Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for a\nsecond story addition to an existing pre-1942 single family residence\nthat will result in the removal of more than 30% of the value of the\nexisting structure. The project has been determined to be exempt\nfrom the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section\n15301 - Existing Facilities - minor alterations of existing private\nstructures.\nHenry Dong, Planner I, provided a staff report.\nPage 1 of 5", "path": "HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf"} {"body": "PlanningBoard", "date": "2021-03-22", "page": 1, "text": "APPROVED MINUTES\nREGULAR MEETING OF THE\nCITY OF ALAMEDA PLANNING BOARD\nMONDAY, MARCH 22, 2021\n1. CONVENE\nPresident Alan Teague convened the meeting at 7:00 p.m.\nThis meeting was via zoom.\n2. FLAG SALUTE\nBoard Member Xiomara Cisneros led the flag salute.\n3. ROLL CALL\nPresent: Board Members Curtis, Hom, Rothenberg, Cisneros, Ruiz, Saheba, and Teague.\nAbsent: None.\n4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION\nNone.\n5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS\nNone.\n6. CONSENT CALENDAR\nNone.\n7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\n7-A 2021-758\nPLN20-0538 - 1214 Peach Street - Design Review - Applicant: Van Dang. A Public\nHearing to consider a Call for Review of the Planning Director's approval of a Design\nReview application to legalize work without permits related to Code Enforcement Case\nNo. X21-0009. The work consists of raising an existing single family house by\napproximately one foot to create ceiling height for a new accessory dwelling unit in the\nbasement. The scope of work also includes exterior siding restoration, the addition of\nshingle siding at the front gable, a new octagonal vent under the gable of the front fa\u00e7ade,\nand replacement of the stair railing at the front porch. General Plan: Low-Density\nResidential. Zoning: R-1, One-Family Residence District. CEQA Determination: Design\nreview approval for a permitted use is not subject to CEQA pursuant to McCorkle Eastside\nNeighborhood Group V. City of St. Helena (2018) 31 Cal.App.5th 80.\nAllen Tai, City Planner, introduced Deirdre McCartney, Permit Technician III, who gave\nthe presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at\ntps://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4836618&GUID=656EB0C4-\n18FB-44DB-A96A-57B354633F2C&FullText=1.\nApproved Planning Board Minutes\nPage 1 of 10\nMarch 22, 2021", "path": "PlanningBoard/2021-03-22.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2007-07-23", "page": 1, "text": "UNAPPROVED\nCOMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nJuly 23, 2007\nTIME\nThe meeting convened at 6:50 P.M.\nPRESENT\nChair Lord-Hausman, Vice-Chair Moore and Commissioners Berger, Fort,\nHakanson, Kirola, Robinson and Kreitz.\nABSENT\nNone.\nMINUTES\nThe minutes of the June 18, 2007 meeting were approved with the following correction:\nCommissioner Kirola stated that the word Board should be changed to Commission throughout the\nminutes.\nWRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS\nThere was no written communication.\nNEW BUSINESS\n1. Introduction of New Commission Members (Chair Lord-Hausman):\nChair Lord-Hausman introduced and welcomed new Commissioner's John Robinson and\nRoberta Kreitz.\n2.\nRevision of Rehabilitation Program Guidelines to Include Accessibility Modifications\nGrants for Homeowners and Renters (staff):\nMiriam Delagrange, Development Manager from the Development Services Department, gave a\npresentation regarding a change in the existing accessibility modification program. The City's\nCommunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) would provide all funding and the tenant would\nhave to meet the income guidelines. The total program budget is for $50,000 (see Attachment A\nfor key points of program).\nCommissioner Hakanson asked if staff is working with Access California? Miriam responded\nno, but took the information down.\nCommissioner Berger asked if Gallagher and Lindsey were included in this program? Miriam\nresponded that Gallagher and Lindsey is not involved, as their preference is to develop their own\nprograms.", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2007-07-23.pdf"} {"body": "CivilServiceBoard", "date": "2010-01-06", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING\nOF THE\nCIVIL SERVICE BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA\nWEDNESDAY, JANUARY 6, 2010\n1.\nThe meeting was called to order at 5:03 p.m. by Board President Avonnet Peeler\n2.\nROLL CALL: President Avonnet Peeler, Vice President Peter Horikoshi, Board Members\nDean Batchelor and Linda McHugh\nABSENT: Board Member Roberto Rocha\nSTAFF PRESENT: Executive Secretary Karen Willis, Chris Low and Jill Kovacs, Senior\nManagement Analysts\n3.\nMINUTES: The minutes of the regular meeting of October 7, 2009 were presented for\nBoard approval. Board Member McHugh moved to accept, Board Member\nBatchelor seconded, and the motion was carried by a 4-0 vote.\n4.\nCONSENT CALENDAR:\nSUMMARY REPORT FOR EXAMINATION ELIGIBLE LISTS AND CLASSIFICATIONS\nFOR THE MONTHS OF OCTOBER, NOVEMBER, AND DECEMBER 2009.\n4-A ELIGIBLE LIST ESTABLISHED\nDATE ESTABLISHED\nEXAM NO.\nAssistant City Clerk\n12/9/2009\n209-30PR\nCustodian\n12/2/2009\n209-36PR\nDeputy Fire Chief\n11/20/2009\n209-35PR\nEnergy Resources Analyst\n11/9/2009\n209-15\nPolice Lieutenant\n12/3/2009\n209-29PR\nPolice Officer (Academy Graduate or Lateral)\n(SEE ATTACHED LIST)\n209-33\nStorekeeper\n11/5/2009\n209-28PR\n4-B ELIGIBLE LIST EXPIREDICANCELLEDI\nDATE ESTABLISHED\nEXAM NO.\nEXHAUSTED\nLine Superintendent\n8/13/2009\n209-18PR\nPolice Officer (Lateral)\n2/2/2008\n208-06\nSenior Account Clerk\n8/27/2009\n209-19PR\nSr Energy Resources Analyst\n7/2/2009\n209-10PR\nUtility Systems Analyst\n7/31/2009\n209-16PR\n4-C LIST OF SPECIFICATIONS:\nNew Classification Specifications:\nController\nProperty and Evidence Technician", "path": "CivilServiceBoard/2010-01-06.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2016-04-13", "page": 1, "text": "COMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nWednesday, April 13, 2016 6:30 p.m.\nItem 2-A\n1. ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.\nPresent: Chair Kenny, Vice-Chair Brillinger, Commissioners Aghapekian, Franco, Deutsch,\nLinton, Lewis, Tsztoo\nAbsent: Commissioner Wilkinson\nWe have a quorum.\n2.\nMINUTES\nThe minutes for the February 10, 2016 meeting of the Commission on Disability Issues was\napproved with minor edits.\nChair Kenny moved to approve minutes.\nCommissioner Lewis seconded.\nAll Commissioners in favor. 8-0\n3.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS/NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT)\n3-A\nNewly appointed Commissioner Michaela Tsztoo was introduced. She will be finishing Ethel\nWarren's term which ends June of 2017.\n4.\nNEW BUSINESS\n4-A.\nStudy Session to: 1) Consider Draft Citywide Universal Design Ordinance Requirements and\nStandards, and 2) Review Progress on Universal Design Requirements and Standards for Site A at\nAlameda Point (Andrew Thomas, Assistant Community Development Director)\nMr. Thomas gives background on Universal Design Ordinance (UDO) development that has been\ngoing on since 2012. Discusses the interest and intent of the Planning Board and staff to make sure\nan ordinance is implemented that works. Says that projects that have been coming before the\nPlanning Board have UDO elements implemented already. Brings up Site A at Alameda Point and\nits 800 living units. There are people in the room that can discuss what they have implemented.\nSite A has already been designed and approved. This ordinance will not affect Site A's 800 units.\nThey can\nThe state of CA has a model ordinance that we could follow. We edit and modify it to make it work\nfor Alameda's needs. Not a lot of cities in California have adopted UDO. We don't have a lot of\nmodels to follow with this implementation. Brings up TriPointe development at Alameda Landing\n(townhomes, generally), and Lennar at Marina Shores on Buena Vista.", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2016-04-13.pdf"} {"body": "TransportationCommission", "date": "2020-11-18", "page": 1, "text": "Approved Minutes\nTransportation Commission Meeting\nWednesday, November 18, 2020\nTime:\n6:30 p.m.\nLocation:\nDue to Governor Executive Order N-29-20, Transportation Commissioners was able to attend\nthe meeting via teleconference. The City allowed public participation via Zoom. City Hall was NOT open to\nthe public during the meeting.\n1. Roll Call\nPresent: Chair Soules, Vice Chair Nachtigall and Commissioners Hans, Yuen and Weitze.\nAbsent: Commissioner Kohlstrand.\n2.\nAgenda Changes - none\n3. Staff Communications as shown in the web link here:\n https://alameda.legistar.com/LegislationDetail.aspx?ID=4692141&GUID=8D171B30-7FE5-4F69-9740-\nAC133A1D805E&Options=&Search=&FullText=1\n3A. Vacancy on Transportation Commission - To apply, please complete online form:\nwww.alamedaca.gov/GOVERNMENT/Boards-Commissions/Online-Application\n3B. Willie Stargell Complete Street Survey - www.Alamedaca.gov/stargel\n3C. Potential Future Meeting Agenda Items\n1. Annual Report on Transportation\n2. General Plan Update\n3. 10-Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP)\n4. Active Transportation Plan Update\n5. Intersection Access Equity - Traffic Signal Policy\n6. Citywide Roundabouts Analysis\n3D. Update on the Subcommittee for the General Plan Update and 10-Year CIP\n3E. Future Meeting Dates for 2021 - Meetings start at 6:30 p.m.\n1. Wednesday, January 27\n2. Wednesday, March 24\n3. Wednesday, May 26\n4. Wednesday, July 28\n5. Wednesday, September 22\n6. Wednesday, November 17\n3F. Alameda Active Transportation Plan: Latest info at www.ActiveAlameda.org\n3G. Alameda County Safe Routes to Schools online resources, activities and webinars during\ncoronavirus pandemic: http://www.alamedacountysr2s.org/covid-19\n3H. Alameda Slow Streets program web page: http://www.slowstreetsalameda.org/\n3I. Alameda Commercial Streets program web page:www.alamedaca.gov/commercialstreets\n3J. COVID 19 Get Around Safe Pledge: www.alamedaca.gov/AlamedaPledge\n3K. Vision Zero Program: www.alamedaca.gov/VisionZero\n3L. Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) 2020 Trainings:\nittps://www.alamedaca.gov/Departments/Fire-Department/Alameda-CERT\nTransportation Commission Meeting Minutes - November 18, 2020\n1", "path": "TransportationCommission/2020-11-18.pdf"} {"body": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard", "date": "2021-09-23", "page": 1, "text": "City of Alameda, California\nSOCIAL SERVICE HUMAN RELATIONS BOARD\nTHURSDAY, September 23, 2021\nAPPROVED MINUTES\n1. CALL TO ORDER\nPresident Sarah Lewis called the meeting to order at 7:03pm.\n2. ROLL CALL\nPresent: President Sarah Lewis, Board members Dianne Yamashiro-Omi, Priya\nJagannathan, Samantha Green, Scott Means.\nAbsent: Vice President Kristin Furuichi Fong (excused), Board member Tony Lewis\n(unexcused).\nCity staff: Lois Butler, Veronika Cole, and Eric Fonstein (Secretary to the Board).\n3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES\n3-A 2021-1326 Review and Approve August 26, 2021 Draft Minutes\nA motion to approve the minutes of August 26, 2021 was made by Board member\nYamashiro-Omi and seconded by Board member Jagannathan. Ayes: Board members\nYamashiro-Omi, Jagannathan, Green, and Means. Nays: none. Note: President S. Lewis\nabstained due to absence from meeting. Motion passed 4-0.\n4. PUBLIC COMMENTS\nNone.\n5. AGENDA ITEMS\n5-A 2021-1327 Alameda Housing Authority Presentation on the Emergency Housing\nVouchers (EHVs)\nShekhar Dubbani, Management Analyst with the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda,\npresented on the recently awarded, Emergency Housing Vouchers (EHVs), highlighting\nthe following key segments:\nIn May 2021, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allocated\n70,000 EHVs to public housing authorities. These vouchers were funded as a part\nof the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA).\nEHVs are to assist individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness,\non the verge of homelessness, domestic violence, or transitional youth. Vouchers\nare portable throughout the United States.\nAlameda Housing Authority (AHA) was awarded 57, EHVs.", "path": "SocialServiceHumanRelationsBoard/2021-09-23.pdf"} {"body": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities", "date": "2015-10-26", "page": 1, "text": "Commission on Disability Issues\nDecember 9, 2015\nItem 2-A\nCOMMISSION ON DISABILITY ISSUES\nMEETING MINUTES OF\nMonday, October 26, 2015 6:30 p.m.\n1. ROLL CALL\nThe meeting was called to order at 6:36 p.m.\nPresent: Acting Chair Kenny; Commissioners Wilkinson, Deutsch, Franco,\nLord-Hausman, Harp, Brillinger, Lewis\nAbsent: Commissioner Warren\nNOTE: DISCUSSION BELOW WAS ORDERED DIFFERENTLY THAN AGENDIZED DUE TO\nSCHEDULING NEEDS OF SPEAKER ANDREW THOMAS, CITY PLANNER\n4.\nNEW BUSINESS\n4-A.\nPresentation and Recommendation on Proposed City of Alameda Universal Design Ordinance\n(Andrew Thomas, City Planner)\nMr. Thomas presents handout, gives background. Released proposed ordinance language to Social\nService Human Relations Board (SSHRB) and Commission on Disability Issues (CDI) last month.\nProposed ordinance lays out requirements on all new major projects in Alameda. Concept is\nUniversal Design Unit is one that could be adapted to accommodate persons with disabilities.\nBedroom, Kitchen, Living Area, Bathroom on first floor, has elements that accommodate range of\nphysical disabilities.\nPercentage of new units that this would apply to is under discussion. What does the building code\nrequire now? Chapter 11-A of Uniform Building Code should be referenced, which is well known\nby City inspectors and planners. City adopts building code changes every year, and any changes\nto that chapter at the state level would be adopted each year.\nAdd these items to conditions of approval. Then it is on City to make sure building code is adhered\nto, rather than adopting new language that is only specific to Alameda.\nPercentage: 15% seems too low - what is the right number? What do we tie the percentage to? We\nwant to write something that is easily adaptable. Keep it simple. Unit should be accessible to enter,\n4 primary living spaces without stairs. Stairs could in unit, but the primary living spaces are\naccessible.", "path": "CommissiononPersonswithDisabilities/2015-10-26.pdf"} {"body": "CityCouncil", "date": "2014-01-07", "page": 1, "text": "MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING\nTUESDAY--JANUARY - 7, 2014- -7:00 P.M.\nMayor Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:04 p.m. Vice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft led the\nPledge of Allegiance.\nROLL CALL -\nPresent:\nCouncilmembers Chen, Daysog, Ezzy Ashcraft, Tam\nand Mayor Gilmore - 5.\nAbsent:\nNone.\nAGENDA CHANGES\n(14-001) Mayor Gilmore announced that the Hearing on Community Facilities District\n13-2 [paragraph no. 14-008 would be continued to February 4, 2014.\nPROCLAMATIONS, SPECIAL ORDERS OF THE DAY & ANNOUNCEMENTS\n(14-002) Proclamation Declaring January 7, 2014 as Girish Balachandran Day.\nMayor Gilmore read and presented the proclamation to Mr. Balachandran.\nORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA\n(14-003) Irma Garcia, Alameda; Brian Beveridge, West Oakland Environmental\nIndicators Project (WOEIP); Margaret Gordon, WOEIP; Nina Alvezs Ariana Winslow,\nAlameda; Anselmo Cornelius, Alamedan's for a Safe Community; expressed concern\nover the examination of customs containers at BOBAC Company in Alameda.\nCONSENT CALENDAR\nCouncilmember Tam moved approval of the Consent Calendar.\nVice Mayor Ezzy Ashcraft seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote\n- 5. [Items so enacted or adopted are indicated by an asterisk preceding the paragraph\nnumber.]\n(*14-004) Minutes of the Special and Regular City Council Meeting Held on December\n3,2013. Approved.\n(*14-005) Ratified bills in the amount of $2,741,231.30.\n(*14-006) Recommendation to Approve a Contract in the Amount of $81,071 to Willdan\nFinancial Services to Update the City's Development Impact Fees. Accepted.\nREGULAR AGENDA ITEMS\nRegular Meeting\nAlameda City Council\n1\nJanuary 7, 2014", "path": "CityCouncil/2014-01-07.pdf"}