body,date,page,text,path AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2005-03-02,5,"5. ORAL REPORTS 5-A. Oral report from APAC. Lee Perez, APAC Chair, spoke about the transition from the APAC to the various Boards and Commissions which will be presented next month. Also, members of APAC have been working very hard with staff in terms of planning the various public meetings, specifically the workshops of March 3rd and 23rd. He expects a successful meeting. 5-B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. February 3rd was the last meeting. The next meeting has been rescheduled to March 14th from March 3rd to accommodate the workshop. Three main items were discussed: 1) Remediation on OU5, Coast Guard North housing. The final plan was due on February 18th, heading for a record of determination and then implementation later this year. 2) Sites 6,7,8,9 by Encinal High School - preliminary scope of work is out and final comments are due this month. Hope to proceed with that in May 2005. 3) Discussion about location of some nuclear propulsion work and general radiological materials and disposal out at the site in the Northwest Territory. A survey called the Historical Radiological Survey Assessment is being formulated so that they know exactly what happened in that location. A lot of material is put out at these meetings and the coordination of these activities is something the public should be very interested in. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) One speaker, Bill Smith came up and spoke on various topics. 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 9. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Johnson adjourned the open session meeting at 8:28 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Frankel ARRA Secretary 5",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2005-03-02.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2005-04-06,5,"meetings. The APAC worked very hard to get the word out and it was nice to see the result and to have a reasoned dialogued among all the citizens of Alameda. 5-B. Oral report from Member Matarrese, RAB representative. Member Matarrese had nothing to report as he was unable to attend the last RAB meeting due to illness. He stated he would be unable to attend the next meeting as well due to a special City Council meeting being held at the same time. He will provide the secretary with the minutes of the two meetings, so that they may be included in the packet. 6. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) One speaker, Bill Smith spoke on various topics . 7. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 8. ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Gilmore adjourned the open session meeting at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Frankel ARRA Secretary 5 G: BaseResue&Redv/Arra/Minutes/2005/04-06-05 regular minutes",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2005-04-06.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2006-02-01,5,"Page 5 Member Matarrese reiterated the Dec. 2004 ARRA-approved intent of requesting all ARRA leases (and licenses) come to ARRA, so they know what the arrangements are with tenants on the property and to maintain their responsibility to the LIFOC. Chair Johnson requested an update on the Hornet. Leslie Little, Development Services Director, informed the Board that there is no lease negotiations ongoing at the time, and there has not been an existing lease with the Hornet for 2 years. Ms. Little will provide a report to the Board at the next meeting. Ms. Little reiterated that updates are provided to the ARRA in monthly financial reports. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Airna Glidden Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2006-02-01.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2006-10-04,5,"Page 5 David Brandt further clarified the more fundamental legal problem which is, we would have to amend our EDC application and unfortunately, the Navy will argue that there's no more legal authority over a no cost EDC so we would be essentially be giving up our no cost EDC. Chair Johnson and Member Matarrese would like more information and analysis about whether we are legally able to hold the Navy to the existing no-cost EDC agreement. Member Daysog expressed the importance of involving the public so that the $108 million isn't spent on projects that veer so far away from the community resource reuse plan and the public amenities that have already been contemplated. Ms. Potter addressed Member Daysog's concern by noting that the negotiated price of $108.5 million was based on a proforma that provided fiscal neutrality, provided for the sports complex, provided for the open space, provided for 25% affordable housing, so all of the goals that has been identified over the years were taken into account and provided for with that land purchase price. Granted that tax increment was pledged to the project that was part of it too, but it provided in all of the transit, the shuttle, the ecopath is all of the things that have been talked about over the last several years, were all accounted for in the proforma that had the $108.5 million dollar land purchase price. Member deHaan asked about the process used at other closed military bases, including Mare Island and the Presidio. David Brandt explained that the Presidio was conveyed under a trust but that federal legislation is needed for that. Mr. Brandt said that we could approach our delegation to ask if that's feasible. The first speaker on this item, Pam Telschow, expressed how glad she was that the ARRA was going back to consider every option and that they are not just going to jump into looking for a new Master Developer. Chair Johnson expressed her opinion that she felt it was a remote possibility that another developer would just step right in where APCP left off. The second speaker, Helen Sause, also echoed Ms. Telschow's concerns and the direction of the Board, urging them to select and find those developers that have very deep experiences in commercial, light industrial retail, and other forms of development. She also suggested that the selection process involve the community. Chair Johnson wanted the public to have a full understanding that although the Development Services Dept. has received numerous inquiries, those inquiries may not be viable. The third speaker, Elizabeth Krase, recommended we find a master developer that would keep keeps more of the historic buildings. Member Matarrese commented that he is heartened by the attendance of tonight's meeting and that it's very important that we also look at the strength of our controls on the planning and our city restrictions on development. He further stated that the comments from the speakers are valuable and would like to see them translated into where we go forward. Member Daysog commented that it's absolutely vital for the City of Alameda through the ARRA to continue to be a leader in converting the base and to not allow the Navy to be in the drivers seat through a public action process. There was further discussion about the caretaking of the property and requesting that the Navy return to those responsibilities. Debbie Potter summarized the direction from the Board and other issues to explore: researching the legality and shear logistics of the numbers to see if we can revert back to a no-cost EDC; the",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2006-10-04.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2007-12-05,5,"Member Matarrese expressed his appreciation for the presentation as it quelled various rumors about the VA's interest in the property. It's good for the ARRA and for the public to hear a presentation live from officials of the VA. Member Matarrese asked if they would take back with them a couple considerations: 1) that he does not share their optimism regarding the Navy's commitment to do clean-up. He asked that they have the same demands as the ARRA does regarding clean-up, and to accept the land clean, especially if it would be the final resting place for our Veterans, and 2) explore to the maximum the opportunity to work with the Alameda Healthcare District. A competing private hospital would be to the detriment of the hospital that Alameda taxpayers support. Member deHaan requested that the Alameda Healthcare District make a presentation to the ARRA regarding their interest in the VA project. Chair Johnson stated that they will invite the Alameda Healthcare District to make a presentation to the ARRA when they are ready to do so. 3-B. Update on the Former Coast Guard Housing Property. Debbie Potter gave an update on the North Housing parcel, specifically on the temporary license agreement/lease for estuary park, the exploration of a possible short-term leasing program, and the screening process underway for the homeless accommodation and public benefit conveyance. Staff has been working with the Navy on the short-term lease for estuary park, some sticking points involve environmental remediation, but a short term lease agreement is planned to be brought back to the ARRA in January '08. Staff determined that it was not feasible to have a short-term leasing program for the surplus units. Regarding the screening process, on Nov. 5, the Navy published their notice of surplus property in the Federal register, which triggered the ARRA's obligation to notify the public that the property is available for screening and we are currently in the middle of the process. There is a public information workshop scheduled for tomorrow (Dec. 6) to brief interested parties on the screening process, and to take them on a tour of the property. Notices of Interest (NOI) for both the homeless accommodation and the public benefit conveyance will be due to the City on February 29, 2008. Those notices will be evaluated working with HUD and the Navy, and ultimately we will go through a public process of amending the Community Reuse Plan to reflect the accommodations and public benefit conveyances that may result from this process. 3-C. Alameda Point Project Update - Oral Report. Debbie Potter gave an update on the Alameda Point project. A meeting with the Navy originally scheduled to take place in November was rescheduled to December 12th The next SunCal community meeting is scheduled on December 13th at the O'Club at 6:30 p.m, with another public meeting scheduled on January 30, 2008. There was one speaker, Bill Smith. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative. Member Matarrese will attend the meeting tomorrow (12/6) and will have a report in January. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no speaker slips.",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2007-12-05.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2008-09-10,5,"5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) (Any person may address the governing body in regard to any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction that is not on the agenda.) There was one speaker, Bill Smith, who spoke about various topics. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY Vice Chair Tam informed the other Members that Michael Park from the Alameda Theater would like to schedule a re-shoot of the Council Members for his film that previews movies, because of construction noise in the background. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 11:22 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Aluma Glidden Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2008-09-10.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2008-11-18,5,"Vice Chair Tam expressed that the key to a successful project is flexibility in reacting to the changing economic conditions. In the next decade there is some expectation that the sustained downturn in economy will require job creation, and looking at the potential for self sustaining for energy level for the entire island, maybe there are some partnerships with AP&T, such as a solar farm, or other type of renewable energy source. Vice Chair Tam supports the plan, as it reflects and captures sentiment that we've been hearing throughout the community and public workshops. Chair Johnson stated that there needs to be discussion about the phasing of public amenities at some other appropriate point. FM - reiterate some comments from last time including that the plan needs work on environmental issues such as the working waterfront, which showers noise upwind. He expressed that it's an odd place to put a neighborhood. He also mentioned not wanting to see plans that have sidewalk dining because it's freezing cold near the waterfront - and no water play in park. He cited that there are plenty of lessons in town to learn from, discussing the Bay Street, Emeryville situation where there is residential over retail and the problems that come from that type of development. Member Matarrese stated examples are all around that we should consider, and would like the same level of detail in the final plan that has been given to residential, given to commercial and light industrial. Member dehaan asked SunCal about a survey that they were conducting with Alameda residents. Mr. Keliher clarified that the survey is preliminary and is sponsored by SunCal and not the City. 4. ORAL REPORTS 4-A. Oral report from Member Matarrese, Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) representative. - Highlights of October 2 Alameda Point RAB Meeting. (Continued from the November 5, 2008 Regular Meeting) Member Matarrese provided a brief presentation. He discussed highlights from the ARRA meeting of Sept. 10th The BCT gave an update and of the fiscal year and their activities, and there were comments on the transfer of FOST for site IR 15. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) None. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 11:34 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2008-11-18.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2010-09-01,5,"5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no speakers. 6. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 7. ADJOURNMENT Meeting was adjourned at 10:03 p.m. by Chair Johnson. Respectfully submitted, Airan Glidden Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2010-09-01.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2011-02-02,5,"None. 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. REFERRALS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 8. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2011-02-02.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2011-03-02,5,"None. 6. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. REFERRALS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 8. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE GOVERNING BODY None. 9. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chair Gilmore adjourned the meeting at 10:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Irma Glidden ARRA Secretary",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2011-03-02.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2011-11-02,5,"Response to Comments on Status Update for the ARRA Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority Meeting - November 2, 2011 Time Comment Marker Response technologies, which eventually don't work, and cost a lot of Alameda Point. In such cases, a pilot test (a form of money. So, but they, the Navy then is able to make experiment) typically is conducted to evaluate how well the presentations to scientific boards saying that they tried this technology would work. A pilot test of in-situ thermal technology and it did not work.) treatment to treat groundwater was tried at OU-2C and found to be very cost-effective. Alternatively, a pilot test of nano-zerovalent-iron injection was tried at OU-2B and found not to be effective. In both cases, the Navy and the environmental regulatory agencies unanimously agreed the pilot testing (experimenting) was a prudent way to evaluate the promising technology. The principal instance where experimentation with technologies has occurred at Alameda Point is regarding groundwater in another area of OU-2B. In this case, a university and an EPA national laboratory approached the Navy for permission to conduct an experiment on groundwater contamination. The experiment was primarily funded externally, and the information obtained by the project has improved clean-up decision making for OU-2B groundwater. 36:16 An ""active cleanup"" site on Slide 13 means a site for which The ""Active Cleanup"" column in the graph on Slide 13 the regulators have signed off on site characterization and includes sites which have completed their RODs and design remedial investigation, and is to move on to Proposed Plans, or implementation of the active remediation is in progress. RODs, and Work Plans. So a lot of sites in that category Sites that are in the Proposed Plan or draft ROD stages are don't have those in place yet, but they're put in the active categorized on Slide 13 as ""Under Investigation"" CERCLA cleanup column anyway. requires that remedial activities in the field begin within fifteen months of completing the ROD. (Full Comment: So active cleanup on that slide show means anything that has moved to the point where the regulators The distinctions the comment focuses on will be explained have signed off on site characterization and remedial more explicitly on future versions of this slide. investigation, and now and has moved into a place where Page 3 of 3 November 7, 2011",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2011-11-02.pdf AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority,2012-01-04,5,"MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL JOINT CITY COUNCIL AND HOUSING AUTHORITY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS (HABOC) MEETING WEDNESDAY- -JANUARY 4, 2012- -7:02 P.M. Mayor/Chair Gilmore convened the meeting at 7:51 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present: Councilmembers/Commissioners Allen, Bonta, deHaan, Johnson, Tam and Mayor/Chair Gilmore - 6. Absent: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. AGENDA ITEM (12-017 CC) Resolution No. 14634, ""(1) Determining It Will Serve as a Successor Agency to the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda (""CIC""); (2) Electing Not to Retain the Housing Assets and Functions Previously Performed by the CIC; (3) Authorizing Assumption by the Housing Authority of the City of Alameda (""Housing Authority"") of the Rights, Powers, Assets, Liabilities, Duties, and Obligations Associated with the Housing Activities of the CIC; and (4) Authorizing the City Manager to Enter Into an Agreement with the Housing Authority to Fund Costs Associated with the Transferred Housing Activities."" Adopted; and (12-001 A HABOC) Resolution No. 836, ""(1) Agreeing to Assume the Rights, Powers, Assets, Liabilities, Duties, and Obligations Associated with the Housing Activities of the Community Improvement Commission of the City of Alameda; and (2) Authorizing the Executive Director to Enter Into an Agreement with the City of Alameda to Fund Costs Associated with the Transferred Housing Activities."" Adopted. The Housing Development and Programs Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor/Chair Gilmore stated redevelopment agencies would cease to exist on February 1st, but agreements for 400 redevelopment agencies would not suddenly come into existence on February 2nd The Housing Development and Programs Manager stated agreements would exist because of each agency's enforceable obligation schedule. In response to Mayor/Chair Gilmore's inquiry, the Housing Development and Programs Manager stated the County Auditor-Controller would need to audit each agency's enforceable obligation schedule by July 1st. Councilmember/Commissioner Tam inquired whether a trust fund would be Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and Housing Authority Board of Commissioners 1 January 1, 2012",AlamedaReuseandRedevelopmentAuthority/2012-01-04.pdf CityCouncil,2005-01-04,5,"Nina Serrano, Alameda County Arts Commission, commended the Council for having a Poet Laureat. Mosetta Rose London, Alameda, thanked the Council for the dedication of the O'Club to Al DeWitt and for placing her poem on a plaque at the O 'Club; read a poem that she wrote. Nanette Bradley Deetz, Alameda Island Poets, read a poem that she wrote about Alameda. Ken Peterson, Vice President, Alameda Island Poets, stated the program has been a tremendous success for poetry and for the City. Councilmember Daysog moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-018 ) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning Board's denial of Major Design Review DR04-0013 and Variances V04- 0005, V04-0015, V04-0016, V04-0017 to permit the construction of a rear deck and garage addition that was completed without City permits. The rear deck measures thirty inches in height from grade to the top surface of the deck and is built up to the south (left side) and west (rear) property lines. The garage addition is an expansion of the existing single-family dwelling up to the north (right side) and west (rear) property lines. The Applicant is requesting four (4) Variances to permit the construction of the work completed without permit including: 1) Variance to Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) Subsection 30-5.7(c) (2) (6) to construct a rear deck that measures thirty inches in height and is constructed up to the south side and rear property line with zero setback, where a minimum three foot setback is required for decks measuring twelve to thirty inches in height; 2) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 5. 7 (e) (1) to construct an unenclosed stair and landing up to the south side property line with zero setback, where a minimum three foot setback is required for unenclosed stairs and landings 3) Variance to AMC Subsection 30-4.4(d) (7) to construct an attached garage addition that extends the main dwelling up to the rear property line with zero setback where a minimum twenty foot setback is required for rear yards 4) Variance to AMC Subsection 30- 4. 4 (d) (6) to construct an attached garage addition that extends the main dwelling up to the north side property line with zero setback where a minimum five foot setback is required for side yards. The site is located at 913 Oak Street within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Applicant/Appellant: Fred and Ursula Hoggenboom and Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 4, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-01-04.pdf CityCouncil,2005-01-18,5,"Counci lmember Daysog stated that he opposes the proposed casino for a number of reasons, including crime and the urban planning impacts on Alameda and other cities. the proposed casino is only one of a wave of casinos to come which are inappropriate for the area. Councilmember deHaan stated that the Oakland City Council wanted to ensure that Alameda has no desire to have a casino. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( 05-038) Public Hearing on Housing and Community Development needs for Community Development Block Grant Annual and Five-Year Plans. The Community Development Manager gave a brief presentation on the housing and community development needs. Councilmember Daysog requested an Off Agenda Report update on the Section 8 funding. Jim Franz, American Red Cross, urged the Council to encourage the continuation of a balance of service provisions that provide a safety net in the community. Hugh Cavanaugh, Alameda Food Bank, stated there has been a 50% growth in the past three years and that he expects the growth to continue over the next few years. Steven Currie, Social Services Human Relations Board (SSHRB), read a letter from SSHRB encouraging the Council to continue the safety net services and programs that empower and support residents' efforts toward self-sufficiency. Councilmember Matarrese thanked the Social Services Human Relations Board for their work; stated that he looked forward to receiving the Board's recommendations. (05-039) Report regarding Corrective and Preventive Plan in response to the Memorandum on Internal Control Structure. Acting Mayor Gilmore stated that the matter was being discussed because Council requested staff to respond to questions resulting from the City's annual audit. Councilmember Matarrese requested information on the amount of the fund balance deficit ; inquired whether the list of items in the audit recommendation regarding the budget represents surplus or Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 18, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-01-18.pdf CityCouncil,2005-01-31,5,"Councilmember deHaan stated that he is concerned with having only one neighborhood representative; he would prefer to have two at- - large neighborhood representatives neighborhoods are impacted business district representatives might not be Alameda residents. Mayor Johnson stated that she understood the Commission's role to be marketing, not daily management. The Development Services Director stated the permitting process would not change deposits are provided for police services. Mayor Johnson stated that times were restricted when filming was done on the bridge; police officers were present; pedestrians were notified of detours; the Commission's role should not be coordinating the activities. The Development Services Director stated that the Business Development Division Coordinator would work as the staff liaison to coordinate various activities; the Commission would help with inquiries and marketing; the State has developed a program to educate neighborhoods and raise awareness. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated filming has been done on her street over the last few years; the film production company sent someone out to explain the filming process; stated that the experience was positive. Councilmember deHaan stated that his neighborhood had mixed reviews with the filming processi the neighborhood needs to be involved with handling location requests. Mayor Johnson stated having someone familiar with the historical areas of Alameda is important. The Development Services Director suggested reducing the number of members with working knowledge of the film/video industry to three, adding a resident with knowledge of historic districts, and changing the ""neighborhood member or Alameda Victorian Preservation Society representative"" to ""neighborhood member"" Councilmember Matarrese suggested all members be Alameda residents, except business representatives. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated some film industry people work for employers in town and should be able to be considered; the bulk of the Commission should be Alameda residents. Mayor Johnson stated that the majority of the Commission should be Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 17, 2006",CityCouncil/2005-01-31.pdf CityCouncil,2005-02-01,5,"receive notification live within 300 feet regardless of the Everett Street or Central Avenue address. Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether someone would be unaware that Central Avenue was involved if they did not review the plans, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether use permits run with the current proprietor or with the property, to which the Supervising Planner responded that use permits run with the land; stated use permits do not change the zoning. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the notice is valid, to which the City Attorney responded that the notice complies with the requirements of the Municipal Code and the current practices of the Planning Department. Councilmember deHaan requested clarification on the dog walking practices. Mr. Busse stated that currently the dogs are walked on the existing bank property as well as in the neighborhood. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether dogs are boarded, to which Mr. Busse responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there is design latitude on the Central Avenue side, to which Mr. Busse responded enhancements have been made; additional latticework is being added. Councilmember deHaan stated he was concerned with trees covering the sign. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether landscaping was one foot from the lot line and five feet from the edge of the sidewalk. Mr. Busse responded that there would be a five foot two inch landscape buffer from the existing sidewalk. Mayor Johnson stated that she supports the project Design Review is the only issue before the Council; good improvements have been made. Councilmember deHaan stated that he is concerned about the notification. Councilmember Matarrese stated that the project should be re- noticed, and Design Review should be sent back to the Planning Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 1, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-02-01.pdf CityCouncil,2005-02-15,5,"the City because the bondholders would demand insurance to cover any State default; Covenants and Conditions of the bond will state the bondholders recourse is not to any cities involved, but to the State. Mayor Johnson inquired whether a default on the bonds would have no impact on the cities, to which the City Manager responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor Gilmore congratulated staff for the creative solution to deal with the budget deficit for the current year and next year. Mayor Johnson noted that Assemblywoman Chan thought the idea was very interesting and a good strategy. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( (05-083) Recommendation to accept budget adjustments to revenue and appropriations. The Interim City Manager gave an overview of the budget adjustments. Mayor Johnson inquired why there is a cost to be part of the Alameda County Emergency Medical Services (EMS) system. The Interim City Manager responded the cost is for providing emergency medical coordination. The Deputy Fire Chief stated the County provides quality assurance overview; every city in the County pays a fee to the County EMS, which is the medical authority responsible for administering licenses, classes, and protocol the fee is for overhead and quality assurance. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City reviews the County EMS budget, to which the Deputy Fire Chief responded the City receives a copy of the budget. Mayor Johnson inquired whether every city pays $500,000, to which the Interim City Manager responded the fee charged is per parcel. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City has to pay for training, to which the Deputy Fire Chief responded in the affirmative. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 15, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-02-15.pdf CityCouncil,2005-03-01,5,"providing Council with a report on the AC Transit Council Liaison Committee Meeting held last Thursday. (05-105) - Mayor Johnson inquired whether Councilmember deHaan wanted the matter of increasing the number of members on the Recreation and Parks Commission brought back to Council. Councilmember deHaan responded that the Commission could address the matter. (05-106) Councilmember deHaan stated that he is pleased that trash containers are being changed at bus stops and throughout the business districts; inquired what was the reason for the change and who provides the maintenance; that he is concerned that the surfaces could be graffitied. The Interim City Manager responded that City staff maintains the containers. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether maintenance is part of the garbage contract, to which the Interim City Manager responded the garbage contractor empties the containers. (05-107) Mayor Johnson requested that the theatre design guidelines and schedule update be brought back to Council at the next City Council Meeting. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council March 1, 2005 5",CityCouncil/2005-03-01.pdf CityCouncil,2005-03-15,5,"dwelling unit requirements. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Mayor Johnson stated that the Planning Board was concerned that the structure did not meet building codes; inquired what would happen if Council denied the variances. The Supervising Planner responded that the property owner would need to re-institute the garage use that was approved in 1984, extend the driveway to the garage, remove the French doors, install a garage door, and remove the kitchen and bathroom. Mayor Johnson inquired whether a garage could have a residential unit, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the negative. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the structure does not comply with the set backs for a dwelling unit; noted that garages are allowed to sit on two property lines; stated placing a dwelling unit on two property lines would never have been approved in 1984; that she has seen countless situations where people apply for a permit, the inspector finals the permit, and then plumbing and electrical are installed after the fact; she has a great deal of sympathy for the property owners, but approval of the appeal would send a message that the permitting process does not need to be followed. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the appraisal form was in error, to which the Supervising Planner responded that she has not seen the appraisal form. Councilmember Matarrese stated there might be safety factors involved because plumbing, electrical and mechanical permits were not obtained; that he has sympathy for the property owners ; the real estate agent and appraiser are at fault. Mayor Johnson stated that she also has sympathy for the property owners; Council would be very arbitrary to approve the construction after the fact. Councilmembel deHaan inquired whether the structure could stay in place as a legal garage. The Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative; there may be some openings that are too close to the property lines and may need to be closed; some of the plumbing may need to come out. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the external type plumbing would Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council March 15, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-03-15.pdf CityCouncil,2005-04-05,5,"Complex. The site is located at 433 Buena Vista Avenue within the R-4 PD, Neighborhood Residential Planned Development Zoning District. Applicant: Chris Auxier for Alameda Multi Family Ventures LLC. Appellant: Lorraine Lilley; and (05-145A) - Resolution No. 13827, ""Upholding the Planning Board of the City of Alameda's Decision to Approve Design Review DR04-0113 and Planned Development PD04-0004 to Construct a 6,000 Square Foot Community Center and Four Detached Garages, Exterior Modifications to Existing Buildings, and Other Site Modifications at the 615 Unit Harbor Island Apartment Complex Located at 433 Buena Vista Avenue, Located in an R-4 PD, Neighborhood Residential Planned Development Zoning District. Adopted. The Supervising Planner provided a brief presentation on the project. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether asbestos abatement is part of the permitting process. The Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson opened the Public Hearing. Proponents (In favor of appeal) : Lorraine Lilley, Harbor Island Tenant Association; Modessa Henderson, Harbor Island Tenant Association; Lynette Lee, Oakland; Delores Wills Guyton, Harbor Island Tenant Association; Eve Bach, Arc Ecology ( submitted handout ) ; Reginald James, Alameda; and Michael Yoshi ( submitted handout) . Opponent (Not in favor of appeal) : Mark R. Hartney, Alameda Multi Family Ventures. Following Ms. Henderson's comments, Mayor Johnson inquired what type of engineering review must be done to ensure the building is structurally safe. The Supervising Planner responded that all of the plans would be reviewed. The Project Architect stated that work must conform with the 2001 California Building Code (CBC) ; noted that he is unaware of any part of the existing building that is not structurally sound; stated that the Building Department would have notified the property owners if the building was not structurally sound. Mayor Johnson inquired whether that is how the process works. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 5, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-04-05.pdf CityCouncil,2005-04-19,5,"Adopted. (*05-172) Resolution No. 13831, ""Approving Tentative Map, TM04- 0004, for a Sixteen Lot Subdivision at Harbor Bay Business Park."" Adopted. (*05-173) Resolution No. 13832, ""Approving the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) Report ""Taming Natural Disasters"" as the City of Alameda's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan. Adopted. (05-174) Resolution No. 13833, ""Approving the Application for Land and Water Conservation Fund Estuary Park Project. Adopted. Refer to comments and motion under the recommendation to authorize the Acting City Manager or designee to enter into an agreement for the acquisition of real property [paragraph no. 05-166]. (*05-175) Introduction of Ordinance Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Property within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, N.S., from R-5 (General Residential) Zoning District to C-C (Community Commercial) Zoning District, for that Property Located at 2507 Central Avenue at Everett Street. Introduced. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (05-176) Public Hearing to consider a recommendation to adopt FY 2005-06 through FY 2009-10 Consolidated Plan, adopt FY 2005-06 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Action Plan, amend FY 2004-05 CDBG Action Plan, and authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute related documents, agreements and modifications and (05-176A) Recommendation regarding CDBG public service recommendations Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. Speaker: Doug Biggs, Alameda Point Collaborative. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Vice Mayor Gilmore moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 19, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-04-19.pdf CityCouncil,2005-05-03,5,"income. the priority was to work with residents to bring more services into the neighborhood using Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds; residents voiced concern about not being able to walk freely through the neighborhood because of the Harbor Island Apartment and Chipman Middle School the area to the south is not a low to moderate income neighborhood. Councilmember Daysog stated the Plan could be used as a tool to identify City resources that could be used to improve neighborhoods; the sidewalks are in horrible condition; the paving on Santa Clara Avenue is odd. Mayor Johnson stated the name of the Plan can be changed to be more specific; there are sidewalk, street, tree, and lighting issues everywhere in the Cityi there is nothing more odd than the paving on Gibbons Drive; increased sidewalk maintenance funding and more aggressive repair schedules need to be reviewed; CDBG funds could not be used if the Plan was expanded and could result in a thirty- year Plan instead of a ten-year Plan; that she does not have a problem with delaying acceptance until the Housing Task Force Committee report is received; suggested direction be provided to rename the Plan. Councilmember deHaan stated expanding the scope cannot be done with the existing funding; the West End could be reviewed further at a later date; that he is uncertain what the impact would be in deferring acceptance until after the Housing Task Force Committee review. Mayor Johnson inquired whether there are projects that are ready to move forward; stated the Plan could be accepted with direction to bring the matter back to Council after receiving the Housing Task Force Committee report. The Community Programs and Housing Division Manager responded that tree, trash can, and bus shelter locations could begin to be determined; staff could synchronize with the Housing Task Force Committee and report back to Council. the Plan provides a vision of the future and encourages residents to participate and not allow development which might become an impediment to the implementation of the Plan. Mayor Johnson requested staff to review ways to accelerate the Plan. The Acting City Manager stated that Council could accept the Plan with the caveat that the Plan be brought back to Council; the Plan is dynamic; there needs to be equality in the Public Works Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 3, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-05-03.pdf CityCouncil,2005-05-12,5,"review all documents [City Attorney contract and amendments) provide a history of the current situation, and advise the Council regarding moving forward with yearly amendments or bundling all the previous amendments into one contract. Mayor Johnson stated that her first intention is to get legal advice. Councilmember Daysog stated that he would like to begin negotiations with the City Attorney first. Mayor Johnson stated that negotiations cannot be initiated because the Council needs legal advice. Councilmember Daysog stated outside counsel might not be necessary ; if issues were not resolved during negotiations, then interpretation would be needed. Mayor Johnson stated that she is not comfortable with initiating negotiations until there is a better understanding of the contract. ; inquired whether the retainer and late payment provisions could be removed from the Agreement. Mr. Hartinger responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Daysog stated negotiating directly with the City Attorney should be the Council's prerogative; inquired whether Mr. Hartinger had any comment on the Council requesting his assistance on interpreting aspects of the negotiations. Mr. Hartinger stated the matter should be discussed at the right time; direction should be given in closed session. Councilmember deHaan moved to approval of the Agreement, with the modifications to remove the retainer and late payment provisions. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Council is giving up any prerogative by entering into the Agreement, to which Mr. Hartinger responded in the negative. Councilmember Daysog inquired what happens when there is a conflict of interpretations. Mr. Hartinger responded Council should trust the [outside] attorneys it hires or seek another opinion and discharge the attorney. Mayor Johnson stated the ultimate way to settle legal disputes is Special Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 12, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-05-12.pdf CityCouncil,2005-05-17,5,"Department is called to ticket cars parked in red zones at all corners of the intersection on a daily basis; submitted photographs of cars parked in the red zone. Kathy Gardner, Alameda, stated the intersection does not have cross walks; drivers on Santa Clara Avenue do not stop for pedestrians there should be a stoplight, not a stop sign, at the intersection; drivers on Sherman Street cannot see traffic on Santa Clara Avenue something needs to be done; there have been multiple accidents an all-way stop sign is not the best solution; crosswalks and pressure sensitive stoplights should be installed. The Public Works Director stated the intersection meets the traffic volume warrant and accident warrant; the TTT recognized that the stop sign would impact residents; Council is being requested to approve the all-way stop because it is the best short-term way to address the traffic operation issues; the TTT recognized an all-way stop is not the best long-term solution; Public Works staff is to provide long-term traffic operation safety at the intersection, including a review of installing a traffic signal or flashing yellow signal; Public Works will review how to improve traffic circulation in the area, how to de-emphasize Sherman Street, and coordination of traffic corridors. Mayor Johnson stated that she has asked for an overall, comprehensive review of the issue over the years, instead of putting in four-way stops when the City receives requests inquired what impact a four-way stop would have on Sherman Street would the stop encourage more traffic on Sherman Street; should the City discourage additional traffic on Sherman Street stated the City has been trying to equalize traffic on Santa Clara, Lincoln and Buena Vista Avenues; inquired whether the proposed stop sign would put an unfair burden on Lincoln and Buena Vista Avenues; stated every street in Alameda is a neighborhood; pushing traffic from one street to another is not fair; a comprehensive review is needed to address traffic issues; that she wants a better sense of impacts [before proceeding with a stop sign]; that she agrees with Santa Clara Avenue residents because she would not want cars and buses stopping and starting in front of her house. The Public Works Director stated the Public Works Department is in the process of completing a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which would strategically review how the City should assign traffic street by street. Mayor Johnson stated both residents speaking in support of some form of traffic control are willing to consider other methods; one stated a four-way stop sign is not the best way; if staff is Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 17, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-05-17.pdf CityCouncil,2005-06-07,5,"Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Council was clear on direction regarding the Recreation and Park Commissions review the coffee vendor issue, to which the Acting City Manager responded the Recreation and Park Commission is currently reviewing the matter. Councilmember deHaan stated it appears that the matter is farther reaching than just the Recreation and Park Commission and could spill over into other activities. Councilmember Daysog stated there is no need to change the ordinance if the proposed vendor does not want to have a rolling store; the proposed vendor's sole intent to park his truck would be a separate issue. Mayor Johnson stated the matter would come back to the Council if necessary. Councilmember Matarrese stated that the Council's intent was to have a policy in place before another request for use of parks was received which might cause some difficulty with the neighbors or the use of the park; stated that he wants the matter to come back to the Council regardless of what the Recreation and Parks Commission determines. (*05-268) Recommendation to approve First Amendment to Agreement with Consolidated Construction Management extending the term, scope of work and price for the New Main Library Project. Accepted. ( *05-269) - Recommendation to set June 21, 2005 as the hearing date for Delinquent Integrated Waste Management Charges. Accepted. (05-270) Recommendations regarding Alameda Ferry Services : (05-270A) Resolution No. 13847, ""Applying for Five Percent Unrestricted State Funds and Two Percent Bridge Toll Revenue Funds for Operating Subsidy and Capital Projects for the City of Alameda Ferry Services, and Authorizing the Acting City Manager to Enter into All Agreements Necessary to Secure These Funds. Adopted; (05-270B) Recommendation to authorize the Acting City Manager to execute extension of the Ferry Service Agreement with the Port of Oakland; and (05-270C) - Recommendation to authorize the Acting City Manager to execute extension of the Blue and Gold Fleet Operating Agreements Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 7, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-06-07.pdf CityCouncil,2005-06-21,5,"the correct method was used. Mayor Johnson stated the project could move forward with a condition of staff confirmation. Councilmember deHaan stated it is important to ensure that the dumped soil is analyzed and moved to the proper location and that the project should continue. Councilmember Daysog provided a brief background on the history of the trees at the site. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution with conditions to require appropriate analysis of the soil deposited to ensure it meets residential safety, to require the owner to remove the soil if levels exceed levels necessary for residential use, and that staff oversee the project. Councilmember deHaan requested an Off Agenda report on the matter. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-307) Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution No. 13858, ""Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2."" Adopted. Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-308) Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution No. 13859, ""Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Maintenance Assessment District 01-01 (Marina Cove) "" Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-309) - Public Hearing to consider adoption of Resolution No. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 21, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-06-21.pdf CityCouncil,2005-06-28,5,"Attorney to bring the hiring of outside counsel to Council but the matter was not part of the motion; that he is not sure how many other Councilmembers gave the direction to the City Attorney; staff follows direction given by the Council ; it is not necessary to have a motion and vote; the City Attorney would provide a proposal to determine the extent of Council overview; that he questions whether the City Attorney should hire outside counsel or come to the Council voluntarily to request consent of hiring outside counsel. Chair Johnson inquired whether the City Attorney could come to Council when the hiring of outside counsel was necessary in the interim, to which the City Attorney responded that she would not hire outside counsel until July 5; noted that there are existing counsel, bills and litigation. Chair Johnson stated that the Council is not addressing attorneys that are already working for the City. Commissioner/Board Member Daysog inquired whether the City Attorney intended to hire new outside counsel in the next ten days, to which the City Attorney responded in the negative. Commissioner/Board Member deHaan stated the Council requested a summary of existing litigation and hopes to have the information provided at the next meeting ARRA has a substantial amount of litigation; noted there are fixed and variable portions of the budget Council would like to keep control of outside counsel spending the oversight philosophy is important. Chair Johnson stated that all the Council agreed that there was a need to provide some authority for emergency spending. Commissioner/Board Member Gilmore stated that that it is important to establish a policy that is consistent across all governing bodies. Commissioner/Board Member deHaan stated that the Council requested to be involved in interim decisions and hopes to be receiving said information. Chair Johnson stated that the Council requested a list of attorneys, including scope of service; the information should be presented before the next Council meeting; inquired whether the City Attorney's proposal would be in the agenda packet or presented in advance; stated she would prefer that the proposal was not distributed to the Council on the night of the meeting. Special Joint Community Improvement Commission and Alameda Reuse and 5 Redevelopment Authority Meeting June 28, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-06-28.pdf CityCouncil,2005-07-05,5,"Councilmember deHaan inquired whether all eligible employees have signed up for the Golden Handshake, to which the Senior Management Analyst responded four employees have expressed interest. Mayor Johnson stated tight fiscal times would continue and that she appreciates the Acting City Manager's creative and least painful way of reducing the work force. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether there would be any health benefit obligation, to which the Senior Management Analyst responded in the negative. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-333) Reconsideration of acceptance of Management Practice #37. Mayor Johnson stated that restrictions on Council communications should not go beyond the Charter; inquired whether there was a previous management practice on communications. The Acting City Manager responded in the affirmative; the previous practice stated that the Council could ask questions of any employee; an employee would proceed to respond to the Councilmember if the response would take no more than 30 minutes of the employee's time; the employee would notify the department head and the department head would notify the City Manager questions that require a lot of research would pull an employee away from their work; that he has requested staff to advise him if the question requires more than 30 minutes to respond; Councilmembers may not realize that the request can turn into direction to do work, which is not allowed under the Charter the current practice asks for the Council to make a direct inquiry to a department head rather than an employee; the department head responds with a copy to the City Manager. Mayor Johnson stated that defining an inquiry was inconsistent with the Charter; an inquiry should be reasonably brief in nature noted that she prefers the Acting City Manager's previous management practice. Councilmember Matarrese stated that the request for inquiry is overly bureaucratic and was not anticipated or defined in the Charter; suggested that the Council direct the City Manager to provide a draft of a new management practice; the first action would be to revoke the current practice in favor of a new one; the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 5, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-07-05.pdf CityCouncil,2005-07-19,5,"currently in service, to which the Acting Police Captain responded in the affirmative Councilmember Daysog stated the Council should review vehicle replacement in terms of protection and service to the residents; the Police Department needs the best equipment or there could be safety issues; six-month deferral is not an option. Mayor Johnson stated more detailed information on vehicle maintenance costs is needed; there is no explanation why the vehicles are to be replaced. The Acting City Manager stated that the matter would be brought back to the Council in August with more information. Councilmember Matarrese stated the matter should be brought to Council with more justification on why the three vehicles need to be replaced; inquired whether the vehicles have failed in the field and whether there has been a lapse in service, other problems or potential safety issues. The Acting Police Captain responded there have not been significant problems with the vehicles failing in the field; history has shown that as mileage increases problems could arise. Vice Mayor Gilmore requested information on trade-in value; stated the City might get a higher trade-in value now than in a year. The Acting Police Captain stated that vehicles become inoperable because of safety reasons; vehicles need to be available. Councilmember deHaan inquired the number of vehicles and the number of employees assigned to the vehicles, to which the Acting Police Captain responded 23 vehicles are used by 43 officers. Councilmember deHaan inquired how much a police vehicle costs, to which the Acting Police Captain responded $32,000. Councilmember Matarrese concurred with Councilmember Daysog regarding not deferring replacement for six months. Councilmember deHaan inquired how many hours per day vehicles are used, to which the Acting Police Captain responded that the majority of the vehicles are used 24 hours per day. Mayor Johnson requested that a written policy be brought back to the Council at the first or second City Council meeting in August. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 19, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-07-19.pdf CityCouncil,2005-08-02,5,"apply to ARRA and the CIC. Mayor Johnson stated that she concurred with Councilmember Matarresei some language should not be included in the resolution; the purpose of the resolution is to delegate authority under the Charter; procedural issues should be in a separate document and should be removed [from the resolution] that she was not clear on the $35,000 threshold; the resolution states that the City Attorney has the authority to spend $35,000 on any chase and does not come to the Council until $35,000 is spent, which was not what Council intended. Councilmember deHaan stated the intent was that the City Attorney would advise the Council of the approximate cost of the case; if the case would reach the $35,000 threshold, it would definitely have to come to the Council. Councilmember Matarrese stated the resolution is not to limit spending, rather it defines when the Council's Charter authority is delegated small consultations that amount to a couple thousand dollars should not come to the Council and authority is delegated; $35,000 was an order of magnitude when there would be a significant impact on the City's liability or a significant amount of money would be spent and the Council's authority would not be delegated. Mayor Johnson stated that she recalled that if the anticipated legal costs would be more than $35,000, than the matter would come to Council, however the City Attorney could spend money on the interim until the matter comes to the Council. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that she recalled that the $35,000 threshold had a couple of caveats; the matter would come to Council if there were policy questions or if there were potentially large ramifications no matter how much or small of an amount would be spent if there were a matter that Councilmembers wanted to ask questions about, Councilmembers have the option to have the matter brought to Council. Councilmember Matarrese stated said directions are work product and performance issues, not a question of delegating authority the Council is trying to identify a point when the Council delegates authority to the City Attorney and when Council retains authority; something of extreme importance might cost less than $35,000 and the City Council might want to retain its authority on the engagement of outside counsel; the question is of delegation, not limits on spending; the intent is to define the delegation. Mayor Johnson stated that she interpreted that the intent of the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 August 2, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-08-02.pdf CityCouncil,2005-08-16,5,"Following Gina Shepard's comments, Mayor Johnson called a recess at 11:37 p.m. and reconvened the Regular City Council Meeting at 11:50 p.m. *** When the meeting was reconvened, Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of continuing the meeting past midnight. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Following Frank Lopez, there being no, further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember Daysog stated that the cost for the Cineplex and historic renovation is approximately $13 million dollars; the report compares the $13 million cost against $5.9 million in revenues; there is a negative of $7.1 million; inquired whether interest is included in the $13 million cost. Tim Kelly, Keyser and Marston Associates, responded in the negative. Councilmember Daysog inquired what the amount would be if interest were included. Mr. Kelly responded tax increment should be included if interest is included; stated the bonds are already funded; all sources of income that pay for the City's obligations, including tax increment used to fund the debt service on the bonds and garage income, are not included. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether there was an estimate of how long it would take for property values to raise in order to recoup the $7.1 million. Mr. Kelly responded the Community Improvement Commission (CIC) already has the income to pay for the approximately $15 or $16 million in bonds which have been sold; the $7 million for the parking garage is not paid for yet; some sources of funds would be the theater and ground lease rent. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether the sources of funds would equal $5.9 million. Mr. Kelly responded in the affirmative; stated the source of funds would be $5.9 million in present value against a loan of $7 million present value. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 August 16, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-08-16.pdf CityCouncil,2005-09-06,5,"The Acting Planning and Building Director stated that the walls on the right-hand side of the house and most of the front wall would remain; a number of the back and left side walls would be inside. the ordinance addresses demolition of more than 30% of the value of a home enclosing an exterior wall is not considered demolition. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the intent of the ordinance was to preserve the historic structure; questioned how retaining some of the studs preserves a historic structure. The Acting Planning and Building Director responded that the ordinance was intended to preserve the historic structure; the first floor, sidewall, and front wall would remain; the roof would be raised; determining that the demolition would be less than 30% was reasonable. Mayor Johnson stated that the front and west walls look like new walls. The Acting Planner/Building Official stated that the front wall would be changed; the original house had 45 degree angles at the corners ; the new house would be squared off; the side walls would remain; moving doors and windows is not considered demolition. Mayor Johnson stated the issue is deconstruction versus demolition; the owner believes that deconstruction is not demolition. The Acting Planning and Building Director stated that he truly believes that the owner understood that the Planning Department gave permission to dismantle or deconstruct, stack the pieces in the backyard, and put the pieces back when the dry rot was repaired; the ordinance needs to be reviewed; interpretation is somewhat vague. Mayor Johnson stated the ordinance is not doing what was intended, is not protecting the historic assets, and could result in more damage than protection; inquired what are the options under the ordinance; stated that she did not understand how the 3,400 square foot structure got through the design review process; the houses in the area are smaller, one-story craftsman style homes; a 3,400 square foot home is gigantic for the neighborhood. The Acting Planning and Building Director stated the lot is one of the biggest on the block; there are 21 residential structures, including 10 two-story homes and 11 one-story homes ranging from 792 to 4,480 square feet; 17 of the structures are single-family dwellings, 3 are duplexes, and one is a 5-unit apartment building ; three buildings are between 3,000 and 3,500 square feet each Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 6, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-09-06.pdf CityCouncil,2005-09-20,5,"Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Johnson presented Mr. Norton with the resolution, a pewter plate, and an Alameda Point print. (05-459) Resolution No. 13898, ""Reappointing Karen Lee as a Member of the Public Art Commission. "" Adopted (05-459A) Resolution No. 13899, ""Reappointing K. C. Rosenberg as a Member of the Public Art Commission. Adopted; and ( 05-459B) Resolution No. 13900, ""Appointing Terri Bertero Ogden as a Member of the Recreation and Park Commission. Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the resolutions. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented certificates of appointment to Ms. Lee, Ms. Rosenberg, and Ms. Ogden. (05-460) Ordinance No. 2945, ""Amending the Alameda Municipal Code Chapter XIII (Building and Housing) by Repealing Article I, Section 13-4 (Alameda Electrical Code) in Its Entirety and Adding a New Article I, Section 13-4 (Alameda Electrical Code) to Adopt the 2004 California Electrical Code and Approve Certain Amendments Thereto. "" Finally passed. The Acting Planning and Building Director gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan moved final passage of the ordinance. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (05-461) Recommendation to authorize the submission of an application with the California Film Commission to enable City participation in the Film Liaisons in California, Statewide (FLICS) Program; and (05-461A) Resolution No. 13901, ""Establishing the Alameda Film Commission and Granting It the Formal Designation to Serve as Its Film Liaison In California, Statewide (FLICS) with the California Film Commission. Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 20, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-09-20.pdf CityCouncil,2005-10-04,5,"MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY - - OCTOBER 4, 2005 - - 6:30 P.M. Mayor Johnson convened the Special Meeting at 7:10 p.m. ROLL CALL - Present : Councilmembers Daysog, deHaan, Gilmore, Matarrese, and Mayor Johnson - 5. Absent : None. Public Comment Ed Murphy, Alameda, read and submitted comments regarding the City Attorney. The Special Meeting was adjourned to Closed Session to consider: (05-475) Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiators : Human Resources Director and Craig Jory; Employee Organizations : International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and Management and Confidential Employees Association. (05-476) Conference with Labor Negotiators - Agency Negotiator : Arthur Hartinger/Kathy Mount of Meyers, Nave, Riback Silver and Wilson; Employee: City Attorney. Following the Closed session, the Special Meeting was reconvened and Mayor Johnson announced that the Council discussed labor negotiations regarding the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and instructions were given to labor negotiators; and the Council discussed labor negotiations regarding the City Attorney. Adjournment There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the Special Meeting at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Special Meeting Alameda City Council October 4, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-10-04.pdf CityCouncil,2005-10-18,5,"Councilmember Matarrese stated that the IT change would be helpful to have in a written report for reference. (05-505) Recommendation to authorize payment for and ratification of an open market purchase from Leader Industries of an ambulance in the amount of $142,743.35. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA None. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (05-506 - ) Councilmember deHaan stated that the new owners of the Harbor Island Apartments have outlined how they are going to operate the new complex; he feels comfortable with the new owners ; the curb strip on Appezzato Parkway needs to be addressed; planting trees is important to balance the community in spite of existing litigation; the area is high density and lends itself to transportation alternatives the City should make every effort to properly indoctrinate the new population and the virtues of public transportation in a meaningful way inquired how staff was addressing the issues. Mayor Johnson noted that someone mentioned to her that there was a bus stop along the dirt area on Appezzato Parkway people have to walk through the mud to get to the bus stop in the winter months ; requested staff to investigate the matter. Councilmember deHaan stated that the bus shelter is one of the cheaper shelters and only has two seats; bus shelter accommodations should be better. (05-507) - ) Councilmember deHaan stated that there is a new spirit at the League of California Cities because of Propositions 1A and 76; 84% percent of the voters supported cities; there was a workshop on revenue, taxation, transportation, communication and public works; the workshop addressed how the telecommunication revolution would affect cities; the policy could be set at the State and could overturn some franchise agreements. (05-508) Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that the League of California Cities noted that Proposition 1A was successful but did not do Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 18, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-10-18.pdf CityCouncil,2005-11-01,5,"per square foot charging 60 cents would amount to millions of dollars over time; the Council cannot treat fiscal issues lightly there is pent up demand for a movie theater in Alameda; he is concerned with project development a lot of public dollars are being put into the project; $9 million is being put into the historic theater and more is being put into the parking garage and cineplex; public investment would be paid back through future tax increments; redevelopment needs to add value and not just recoup investments; projects need to generate sales tax, more property taxes, and more revenues; investments are being made that are not just redevelopment dollars, but dollars that previously went to other taxing public entities; the promise of redevelopment is not just to revitalize blighted areas but also to pay back entities there would not be associated redevelopment costs if there was a better business deal; the project is more of a street and sidewalk public works project, where recouping of public funds is not expected; he is glad that the historic theater would be restored; he is concerned with getting the best possible rent for the City a beautiful project should never trump bottom line considerations; he will stick to his guns regarding the fiscal aspects of the project. Mayor Johnson stated that the Council voted on the business plan in May; Councilmember Daysog voted for the business plan, which included the square footage rental; the historic Alameda theater project is not intended to be strictly a business deal, but also a historic renovation project; a new cineplex could be built for less money; the historic theater is being significantly restored; she would hope that a second and third phase restoration could be done; saving the building first is necessary. Councilmember Daysog stated that he voted for the Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) in May; a DDA is never consummated until all the land use approvals are put in place per the Municipal Code; financial feasibility was referenced when the Downtown Vision Plan was adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the revised design of the cineplex and the parking structure. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by the following voice vote: Ayes : ouncilmembers Gilmore and Matarrese and Mayor Johnson - 3. Noes Councilmember Daysog - 1. Abstentions : Councilmember deHaan - 1. (05-525) Public Hearing to consider an Appeal of the Planning Board's approval of Use Permits for a) multi-screen theatre, live theatre, and public assembly use in the C-C T district pursuant to AMC Subsection 30-4.22; b) fifty eight (58' ) foot building height Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 1, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-11-01.pdf CityCouncil,2005-11-15,5,"contract; the County Auditor would monitor the money the data would be provided to Alameda County and JPA Board of Directors. Councilmember Daysog stated that he was concerned that information on a specific voter, at a specific address, with a particular issue could be used by a candidate; inquired who would own the data on an individual. Mr. Allen responded that the question would need to be raised with County Counsel. Councilmember Daysog inquired what safeguards are in place to ensure that Larry Tramutola would not use the data for another campaign and what would be done to ensure the data was available to everyone. Mayor Johnson stated that Councilmember Daysog's concern was valid; inquired whether the data would be available to the four JPA cities, to which Mr. Allen responded that he would assume SO. Councilmember Matarrese stated that the data should be available to the general public because payment would be made by a public entity; public availability should be a provision of the City's participation in addition to only having lead abatement questions in the survey. Councilmember Daysog inquired whether he was in conflict because he was in a political race and discussing a political consultant. The Assistant City Attorney responded that nothing raised tonight would pose a conflict. Councilmember Daysog stated that he would also check with the Fair Political Practice Commission on the matter. Councilmember deHaan stated that the questions are valid; proposed safeguarding methods should be brought back to the Council. Supervisor Lai-Bitker stated that a written reply would be provided to the Council. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City of Berkeley was voting tonight on the proposal to participate. Mr. Allen responded that the matter was not an action item tonight. Mayor Johnson inquired when the matter would be placed on the City of Berkeley's agenda, to which Mr. Allen responded December 6. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 15, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-11-15.pdf CityCouncil,2005-12-06,5,"Mayor Johnson stated the shortfall needs to be handled in a more strategic manner and needs to be in context with the ten-year budget projection; the goal is to have a system in place where a certain amount of infrastructure is taken care of each year tax increases should not be considered except for the transfer tax; the public has been very generous in supporting tax increases for the library, schools and hospital; cuts [in infrastructure funding] that have been made over the past five to seven years should not happen again. Councilmember Matarrese stated spending $27 million all at once would not be possible even if the money was available; the idea of increasing taxes is a long way off; the increase could be approached through a public process; sidewalks are the most critical assets that represent the biggest risk to health and safety; the value of repairing sidewalks versus the value and necessity of having the 25% reserve should be reviewed; 25% reserve is an arbitrary figure; drawing down on the 25% reserve should be considered; the budget should be reviewed; some items are under budget because of department head vacancies; there should be an analysis for using unspent budgeted money to fix critical items. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether $2.8 million of repair projects have been scheduled. The Public Works Director responded the projects are not currently scheduled because the money has not been appropriated; resurfacing could be scheduled for the beginning of the next fiscal year sidewalks could be scheduled the current fiscal year. Councilmember Matarrese requested an analysis between the criticality of resurfacing a street versus fixing sidewalks. Mayor Johnson stated that knowing how street and sidewalk priorities are set based on finances is important ; a lot of sidewalks need to be repaired throughout the City; inquired whether there should be a focus on sidewalk repair and crack sealing [ for streets] because of potential injuries and costs. The Public Works Director responded that the total payment of settlement claims and judgments ranged from a high of $37,000 to a low of $10,000 during the last four years. Mayor Johnson stated that attorney fees exceed the payouts. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether any claims were made because the streets were in bad condition, to which the Public Works Director responded that he was not aware of any. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 December 6, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-12-06.pdf CityCouncil,2005-12-20,5,"Councilmember deHaan inquired what was the timing for applying for the grant, to which the Public Works Director responded by the end of the month. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether specifics could be worked out later. The Public Works Director responded that some granting agencies allow more flexibility than others; changing basic items such as limits and width might not be possible. Mayor Johnson stated the bike path is important; many children ride bikes from Bay Farm Island to east end schools; inquired whether a more detailed grant application would place the City in a better position to receive the grant. The Public Works Director responded that he did not think more detail was needed; the agency wants to have a basic description of the project and cost estimate; stated he would look into the matter; an explanation of the benefits is required. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the grant could be used for other projects, what is the scope of the project, and whether the public has been involved. The Public Works Director stated that the Public Works Department does not have the money to pay for staff time until a project is identified he assured a concerned resident that the loading and unloading zones at Lincoln Middle School would be preserved and that staff would meet with residents to seek input once the grant is received and there is a preliminary design. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the improvement was part of the Master Bike Plan, to which the Public Works Director responded improvements in the area are included in the Master Bike Plan. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Lincoln Middle School Safe Routes to School project had funding. The Public Works Director responded the project received a grant ; the same process is being followed for the proposed project whereby the City applied for the grant and then met with the school and the residents. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the two projects would dovetail together. The Public Works Director responded that the two projects would Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 December 20, 2005",CityCouncil/2005-12-20.pdf CityCouncil,2006-01-03,5,"Mayor Johnson stated that the City will need to address the underground basement issue at some point some of the building owners are using the sidewalk as the basement roof; requesting the owners to put ceilings in the underground basements seems reasonable. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendations [accept the work of Golden Bay (paragraph no. 06-005) and approve an increase for the Construction Contract with Ghilotti Brothers (paragraph no. 06-006)]. . Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (06-006) Recommendation to approve an increase for the Construction Contract with Ghilotti Brothers, Inc. by the amount of $45,000 using Alameda Power & Telecom funds for the Park Street Streetscape and Town Center project, No. P.W. 10-02-13. Approved. [Note: See recommendation to accept the work of Golden Bay Construction [paragraph no. 06-005 ] for discussion and motion. ] REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS ( 06-007) Resolution No. 13918, ""Commending Community Development Manager Carol Beaver for Her Contributions to the City of Alameda. "" Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Mayor Johnson read and presented the resolution to the Community Development Manager. The Community Development Manager thanked the Council for the resolution; stated that she has enjoyed working with wonderful people to build a strong, supportive community. Mayor Johnson stated that the community would continue to benefit from all of the programs developed. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the Community Development Manager's hard work would be evident for a long time; stated that the Community Development Manager has always been cheerful and upbeat. Councilmember Matarrese thanked the Community Development Manager Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 3, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-01-03.pdf CityCouncil,2006-02-07,5,"Attorney for Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2. "" Adopted. (*06-065) Resolution No. 13925, ""Appointing an Engineer and an Attorney for Maintenance Assessment District 01-01 (Marina Cove) . "" Adopted. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (06-066) Ordinance No. 2946, ""Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 2-18 (Alameda Film Commission) to Chapter II (Administration) Establishing an Alameda Film Commission, and Prescribing Membership and Duties of Said Commission. "" Finally passed. Councilmember Matarrese stated the Film Commission would help to manage the impacts on the neighborhoods and increase business opportunities. Councilmember Matarrese moved final passage of the Ordinance. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent : Councilmember deHaan - 1. ] (06-067) Resolution No. 13926, ""Supporting Equal Opportunity Access to Community Sports Facilities and Community Sponsored Recreation Programs. Adopted. The Acting Recreation and Park Director provided a brief report on Assembly Bill 2404. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether Alameda programs are in full compliance, to which the Acting Recreation and Parks Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated that adoption of the Resolution would ensure that requirements are met for both City-owned and non- City owned programs and facilities; he is please with the efforts made in advance of the Resolution. Mayor Johnson requested that the actual policy to be adopted by the Recreation and Park Commission on February 9 be brought back to the Council for review; stated that the Resolution is vague; the policy needs to be consistent with the Resolution and State law; thanked staff for being responsive; stated she is impressed with the plans to move forward with renovation and improvements of three fields. Vice Mayor Gilmore moved adoption of the Resolution. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 7, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-02-07.pdf CityCouncil,2006-02-21,5,"language regarding the decision being final unless appealed; questioned whether an appeal would include the Call for Review procedure. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated that she has a philosophical problem with the phrase ""paving over open space"" unless referring to recreational-type - facilities. City Manager inquired whether temporary tents would be acceptable, to which Mayor Johnson responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would prefer to have temporary tent requests come to the Council for approval; a lot of money is invested in the parks and; the parks should be treated like gold; private parties should pay dearly for exclusive use of the parks. Mayor Johnson stated a distinguishing factor could be a non-profit having a public event versus a non-profit having an event that excludes the public. Councilmember Matarrese stated exclusive use means groups would determine who could enter the park and who cannot. The Acting Recreation and Park Director stated the paragraph at the bottom on the page states : ""Park and recreation facilities are designated for public use. Therefore entities requesting approval for long-term use of park land and recreation facilities must be able to accommodate participation from the general public and not be limited by membership association. Mayor Johnson stated the term ""exclusive use"" should not be used. The City Manager suggested using the term ""designated use"" Mayor Johnson stated non-profits are not defined. The City Manager stated non-profits could be defined by the type of corporation. Mayor Johnson inquired about unincorporated organizations. The Acting Recreation and Park Director responded a definition for non-profit status is available. Mayor Johnson stated the definition should be included in the policy. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 21, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-02-21.pdf CityCouncil,2006-03-07,5,"for the period ending December 31, 2005. Accepted. (*06-116) Resolution No. 13929, ""Ordering Vacation of a Portion of a 25 -Foot - Wide Public Utility Easement Within Tract 1866, Filed Map Book 38, at Page 50 to 54, Alameda County Official Records ; Vacation of Two 10-Foot Power Easements, Filed RE: 191, Image 107 #79-196972 O.R. Alameda County Official Records and Acceptance of New 25-Foot Wide Public Utility Easement (Towne Centre) "" Adopted. (*06-117) Resolution No. 13930, ""Granting Another Designated Period for Two Years Additional Service Credit as Provided for Under Contract Amendment between the City and the Public Employees' Retirement System, and California Government Code Section 20903. "" Adopted. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (06-118) Resolution No. 13931, ""Appointing Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft as a Member of the Planning Board. "" Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution. Councilmember deHaan stated many people apply for various commissions and boards he is concerned about an individual being appointed to a board or commission and then be appointed to a different board or commission within six months; he does not feel the practice is appropriate; stated he would abstain from voting on the matter. Mayor Johnson stated that many people serve on more than one board or commission; she would not appoint an individual to more than one board or commission; many people have an interest to serve; she advises people that it is acceptable to apply for a preferred board or commission if an opening becomes available shortly after beginning to serve on their current appointment; serving more than eight years or serving a three-year term and then two four-year terms is not appropriate; she does not believe this nomination is inappropriate because the individual has been on the Economic Development Commission for a short period of time and a board position came up that was of more interest; stated the nomination is not contrary to Councilmember deHaan's comments. Councilmember deHaan stated the Planning Board had an opening approximately four or five months ago; the current situation could have been curtailed if the individual applied for the position then. Councilmember Daysog stated that he served on two boards at the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 7, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-03-07.pdf CityCouncil,2006-03-21,5,"Councilmember deHaan stated the vacated Economic Development Commission position would allow a person to serve a three and a half year term and then two more terms. Mayor Johnson stated she would not want to appoint someone for a three and a half year term and then two four-year terms stated some positions are covered by commission By-laws and some are set by the Charter. Councilmember deHaan stated that he hopes the Council would have a chance to review the Film Commission applications and provide some recommendations. Mayor Johnson stated that she would be happy to receive input from the Council; the City Clerk's office has all of the applications on file for review. Councilmember Daysog noted that he has never missed a regular Tuesday night City Council Meeting. Mayor Johnson congratulated ouncilmember Daysog on an impressive attendance record. Mayor Johnson nominated Arthur A. Autorino to the Economic Development Commission and Irene Balde to the Housing Commission stated that the Film Commission nominations would be held over. (06-150) Councilmember Matarrese requested that the next Library Project update or an Off Agenda Report address treatment to be used along the edge of the Library parking lot. (06-151) Councilmember Matarrese requested a review of potential ride share locations at the Webster Street outbound tube; requested the review be accelerated due to Enterprise Landing [Catellus project] stated ride share could be potential mitigation for anything [development] west of Webster Street addressing the matter could include fixing flooding that occurs. ( (06-152) Councilmember deHaan stated there has been increased criminal activity at the Alameda Town Centre; a police officer was sponsored two years ago; he would like to revisit the issue to ensure an orderly build out. (06-153 - ) Councilmember deHaan stated that the Alameda Town Centre Walgreen's would be open 24 hours; requested information on whether a permit was issued for the 24-hour operation. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 21, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-03-21.pdf CityCouncil,2006-04-04,5,"Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent Councilmember Daysog - 1. ] The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented certificates of appointment to Mr. Autorino and Ms. Balde. (06-177) Ordinance No. 2948, ""Reclassifying and Rezoning Certain Property Within the City of Alameda by Amending Zoning Ordinance No. 1277, N.S. from R-4 (Neighborhood Residential) Zoning District to R-4-PD (Neighborhood Residential Planned Development Zoning District for that Property Located at 1810 and 1812 Clinton Avenue. Finally passed. Councilmember deHaan moved final passage of the Ordinance. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 4. [Absent Councilmember Daysog - 1. ] (06-178) Public Hearing to consider an appeal of the Planning Board's failed motion regarding Final Development Plan FDP05-003, Major Design Review DR05-0127, and Tentative Parcel Map TM05-003 for three new commercial buildings. The property is located at 2201 Harbor Bay Parkway. Applicant: Venture Corporation; (06-178A) Resolution No. 13940, ""Upholding the Appeal by Venture Corporation for Development of Three New Commercial Buildings. "" Adopted and (06-178B) Resolution No. 13941, ""Approving Final Development Plan FDP05-003 Major Design Review DR05-0127, and Tentative Parcel Map TM05-003 with comment to work with the Planning Director on the activity-based treatment of the green space between the walking path and parking lot. "" Adopted. The Planning Director provided a Power Point presentation. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the trees would be smaller to provide a view. The Planning Director responded that some existing trees would remain; smaller accent trees would be used in the parking area; the trees are arranged to ensure views; staff is working with Venture Corporation on the final landscape plan. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Venture Corporation anticipates any future condominium development after Phase 2. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 4, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-04-04.pdf CityCouncil,2006-04-18,5,"hour rate is a blended rate. Mayor Johnson inquired whether hourly and salary employees work on an appeal, to which the Building and Planning Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired when the Master Fee schedule would be reviewed, to which the Planning and Building Director responded in May. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Proponents (In favor of amendment) : Irene Dieter, Alameda (submitted letter) ; Robert Gavrich, Alameda (submitted handout) ; Dorothy Reid, Alameda; Li Volin, Alameda: Ani Dimusheva, Alameda (submitted letter) ; Robb Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBA) i Christopher Buckley, Alameda; Jon Spangler, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson stated homeowners should not be charged large fees; the court system has a flat fee for appeals and has a fee waiver process; she favors a flat fee. Councilmember Matarrese stated he is in favor of making the appeal fee as simple as possible; a $100 flat fee is large enough to prevent frivolous appeals; cost recovery is meaningless because $13,000 in appeal fees is nothing for a $3.5 million budget ; the cost recovery policy needs to address when the Master Fee schedule is reviewed; people should know that any Councilmember or Planning Board Member can request a Call for Review at no cost; a $100 flat fee would have people pause before filing an appeal just because they dislike their neighbor. Councilmember deHaan stated a fair and open government practice is needed; other cities have recognized that non-applicant fees should have a flat rate; applicants carry a heavier burden; the Council has reversed Planning Board decisions in the past; developers already pay large permit fees; he would like to review past history of appeal fees. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Councilmember deHaan would prefer different fees for applicants and non-applicants. Councilmember deHaan responded that applicants in other cities appear to be charged time and material. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 18, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-04-18.pdf CityCouncil,2006-05-02,5,"Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2, Zone 5 - Harbor Bay Business Park. Accepted. (*06-230) Resolution No. 13946, ""Preliminarily Approving Annual Report Declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of Assessments and Providing for Notice of Public Hearing on June 20, 2006 - Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2. "" Adopted. (*06-231) - Resolution No. 13947, ""Preliminarily Approving Annual Report Declaring Intention to Order Levy and Collection of Assessments and Providing for Notice of Public Hearing on June 20, 2006 - Maintenance Assessment District 01-01 (Marina Cove) . "" Adopted. (*06-232) Resolution No. 13948, ""Authorizing the City Manager to Apply to the California Integrated Waste Management Board for a Targeted Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Incentive Grant and to Enter Into All Associated Agreements. Adopted. (06-233) Recommendation to authorize the partial refund of Appeal Fees to the Planning Board and to the City Council collected in Fiscal Years 2004-05 and 2005-06. The Planning and Building Director provided a brief presentation. Councilmember Matarrese stated that staff came up with an approach to resolve the issue in a fair and equitable manner. Councilmember deHaan stated a proper decision has been made to provide a refund. Councilmember Daysog stated other people would be very happy in addition to the three appellants whose fees were reduced; the refund is good news. Councilmember Matarrese moved approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (06-234) Resolution No. 13949, ""Approving the Endorsement and Supporting the 2006 California State Library Bond (Proposition 81) "" Adopted. Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft, Library Building Team, presented the Council Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 2, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-05-02.pdf CityCouncil,2006-05-16,5,"Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City manages the Contract. The Public Works Director responded in the affirmative; stated he was unsure whether the City managed the Contract for trash pickup on Webster Street. The Development Services Director stated Webster Street has two zones for the Lighting and Landscaping District; the levy is $35,000 per year; Park Street has one zone for $61,000 per year ; the Greater Alameda Business Area (GABA) has one zone for approximately $4,800 per year. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City provides other funding streams from improvement funds. The Development Services Director responded in the negative; stated the City provides support to Webster Street and Park Street through the Community Improvement Commission. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the matter would be addressed in the budget process. The Development Services Director responded in the affirmative; stated the current budget provides $74,000 for Webster Street and $94,000 for Park Street next year's budget would provide $94,000 for each. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether any funding is given to GABA. The Development Services Director responded that GABA has not requested any funding since she has worked for the City; a nominal amount was provided approximately four years ago. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. ( *06-263) Resolution No. 13954, ""Ordering Vacation of an Abandoned 15 Foot Storm Drain Easement within Assessor Parcel No. 074-1360- - Portion of 24, 25, 27, 29, 125 and 152 and Authorize Recordation of Quitclaim Deed [ID No. 16]. Adopted; and (*06-263A) Resolution No. 13955, ""Ordering Vacation of Abandoned 10 Foot Sanitary Sewer Easement within Assessor Parcel No. 074-1356- Portion of 12 and 13, and Authorize Recordation of Quitclaim Deed [ID No. 17] (Catellus/Bayport Residential Project) "" Adopted. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 16, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-05-16.pdf CityCouncil,2006-06-06,5,"Agreement with the Port of Oakland; (06-294B) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute extension of Operating Agreement with Blue and Gold Fleet for the Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service and adopt associated budgets; (06-294C) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to execute extension of Operating Agreement with Harbor Bay Maritime for the Alameda Harbor Bay Ferry and adopt associated budgets (06-294D) Recommendation to authorize the City Manager to enter into negotiations with the Bay Area Water Transit Authority (WTA) for transfer of the City's Ferry Service to the WTA; and (06-294E) Resolution No. 13970, ""Authorizing the City Manager to Apply for Regional Measure 1 Bridge Toll Funds, including Five Percent Unrestricted State Funds and Two Percent Bridge Toll Reserve Funds, for Operating Subsidy and Capital Projects for City of Alameda Ferry Services and to Enter into All Agreements Necessary to Secure These Funds for FY 2006-07. Adopted. The Ferry Services Manager provided a brief presentation. Vice Mayor Gilmore commended staff for being proactive in soliciting public input on the WTA negotiations; stated that she assumes that public concerns would be addressed through the course of negotiations. Councilmember Matarrese congratulated staff and the Harbor Bay Maritime operational group for maintaining service levels; stated he hopes the marketing can be taken to the next level outside of Alameda; he is in favor of negotiations with WTA with the condition that a baseline is set for the current service and there is a guarantee that the service would not drop. Councilmember deHaan concurred with Councilmember Matarrese; inquired what the fare box was for the Alameda Oakland Ferry Service. The Ferry Services Manager responded 52%; stated he projects next year would be approximately 49% due to fuel increases. Councilmember deHaan stated safeguards should be used throughout negotiations; services are hard to get back once they are relinquished; requested more information on WTA's future goals and services stated jeopardizing the present service level would be unsatisfactory. Councilmember Daysog stated the Port of Oakland's contribution has declined significantly; he is not ready to relinquish local Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 6, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-06-06.pdf CityCouncil,2006-06-07,5,"Under discussion, Commissioner Gilmore inquired how authorizing additional funds would affect the Development Services or general fund budgets. The Development Services Director responded additional funding would not affect the General Fund budget stated the Development Services budget can accommodate the funding out of the regular operating budget for supplies and general services. Chair Johnson stated the motion allows Development Services to decide to spend less. Commissioner deHaan stated some preliminary work has been completed; requested to see the findings and the questions after EDC review. Commissioner Matarrese stated an expert is being hired to work with a subcommittee of the EDC to craft the questions. Commissioner Daysog stated the consultant indicated the questions would be provided to the Commission. Chair Johnson clarified the process would be to have the contract go forward in order have questions prepared. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. AGENDA ITEM (06-028) - Recommendation to reject the Sole Bid and authorize a 60- - day negotiation with Qualified Contractors for the Restoration and Rehabilitation of the Historic Alameda Theater. The Development Services Director provided a brief presentation. Commissioner Daysog inquired what Option 2, revise the bid document, means. The Development Services Director responded staff would have to look for a way to make the bid document more enticing to contractors; stated revising the bid document could involve additional engineering or architectural work to have a finite process for the least costly approach and could take a significant amount of time. Speakers in support of Option 5 (Reject the bid, terminate the project Disposition and Development Agreement (DDA) and re-scope Special Meeting Community Improvement Commission 5 June 7, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-06-07.pdf CityCouncil,2006-06-20,5,"Property in the City of Alameda as a Voter Approved Levy for the General Obligation Bonds Issued Pursuant to a General Election Held November 7, 2000. Adopted. (*06-322) Resolution No. 13977, ""Establishing a Five-Day Workweek Alternative with Corresponding Salary for the Classification of Chief of Police. "" Adopted. *** Mayor Johnson called a recess at 8:30 p.m. and reconvened the Regular Meeting at 8:55 p.m. *** REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (06-323) Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 13978, ""Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2."" Adopted. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. There being no speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember Matarrese requested that the weeds in the triangle median in Zone 4 between Tilden Way and Lincoln Avenue be addressed. The Public Works Coordinator stated the median strip is supposed to be maintained by Oil Changers; she will follow up on the matter. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution. Vive Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (06-324) Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 13979, ""Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessments Maintenance Assessment District 01-01 (Marina Cove) . "" Adopted. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 20, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-06-20.pdf CityCouncil,2006-07-05,5,"Alameda Doug Biggs, Alameda; Reyla Graber, Alameda i Nita Rosen, Alameda; Denise Brady, Alameda; Former Councilmember Lil Arnerich, Alameda. (06 - 354) Duane Rutledge, Dublin, discussed his appeal process regarding the housing lottery at Bayport. (06-355) Robert Sikora, Alameda, discussed the Plug in Partners program and the environment. (06-356) David Kirwin, Alameda, raised questions about the Buy Alameda campaign. Mayor Johnson suggested Mr. Kirwin speak to the Finance Director. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (06-357) louncilmember Matarrese requested an explanation of the process for the Bayport Housing lottery; inquired when Mr. Rutledge's case would reach an end. The Development Services Director outlined the processi stated staff received Mr. Rutledge's appeal and would review the matter; if Mr. Rutledge disagrees with the staff ruling, he could appeal to the Community Improvement Commission; noted the process to provide information regarding the rules is being clarified. (06-358) Councilmember Matarrese inquired when the clean air inventory resolution would be on the Council agenda, to which the City Manager responded July 18, 2006. Councilmember Matarrese requested the resolution include Alameda Power & Telecom's action regarding Plug in Partners. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the Regular Meeting at 8:59 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 5, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-07-05.pdf CityCouncil,2006-07-18,5,"Mayor Johnson stated Alameda has bio-diesel at the former Naval Air Base for power generators; the City has implemented one of the most progressive and inclusive recycling programs; Alameda has been on the forefront of environmental issues. Councilmember Matarrese requested taking a separate vote on the two resolutions. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the Resolution Participating in the ICLEI, with an amendment to increase the public members at large to four members and to incorporate the following Task Force functions: 1) publicize and engage the community at large, 2) evaluate and provide prioritized recommendations to Council on actions that can be taken on the output of the assessment, 3) provide recommendations for monitoring of activities, and 4) provide recommendations on how to proceed, including but not limited to, establishing a standing commission. Councilmember deHaan stated the City has many existing commissions. Council lmember Matarrese stated his recommendation was that the Task Force would make a recommendation to Council on the monitoring process which could include, but not be limited to, a standing commission. Councilmember deHaan stated the Transportation Commission and other commissions could take on some of the role. Councilmember Matarrese stated existing commissions could be used, or a broad, standing commission could be established. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Johnson stated that Alameda Power and Telecom deserves credit; 85% of the City's electricity comes from renewable resources; recently the Alameda Times Star reported that Alameda Power and Telecom entered into a twenty-five year contract for wind power; Alameda Power and Telecom purchases power from a Santa Cruz facility that produces electricity from gas that comes from dumps. The Senior Management Analyst stated Point Richmond and Livermore landfill gas facilities are additional sources for Alameda Power and Telecom; a larger facility is anticipated at Half Moon Bay; transmission costs and risks are reduced. Mayor Johnson stated that Alameda Power and Telecom is very Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 July 18, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-07-18.pdf CityCouncil,2006-07-26,5,"The Development Services Director continued with her presentation. incilmember/Commissioner deHaan stated that the $15 million Scheme 5 parking structure cost is overstated because the parking structure would not be as elaborate. Mayor/Chair Johnson inquired whether the $15 million cost included acquisition, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Mayor/Chair Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. Proponents (In favor of the staff recommendation) : Harry Dahlberg, Economic Development Commission; Lars Hanssen, Park Street Business Association (PSBA) ; Michael J. Krueger, Alameda; Susan Decker, Alameda: Pauline Kelley, Alameda; Duane Watson, Alameda Barbara Marchand, Alameda; Harry Hartman, Alameda; Walt Jacobs, Alameda Chamber of Commerce; Melody Marr, Alameda Chamber of Commerce (read list of 17 names) ; Norma Henning, Alameda Robb Ratto, PSBA. Opponents (Not in favor of the staff recommendation) : Woody Minor, Alameda Ani Dimusheva, Alameda; Joe Meylor, Alameda (submitted handout ) ; Pat Bail, Alameda; David Kirwin, Alameda; Janet Gibson, Alameda. Judith Lynch, Historical Advisory Board; Kristianne Koenen, Alameda; Kevin Fredrick, Alameda. There being no further speakers, Mayor/Chair Johnson closed the public portion of the Hearing. Councilmember/Commissioner Daysog thanked staff for providing alternatives; stated he prefers Scheme 2 where the attention is focused on reusing the Historic Theater and having a smaller garage; he understands that Scheme 2 posses a risk of losing $7 million in HUD loans; theater jobs would be lost, but retail jobs would increase; the City takes pride in running public enterprises; he thinks the City could do a good job of operating the Historic Theater and a smaller parking garage; the operation of the theater entails public subsidy under the status quo scenario; rent would be approximately 40 cents per square foot for the Historic Theater ; the market rate for a new operating theater is approximately $1.50 per square foot; the City should get more than 40 cents per square foot; the City is losing out on the differential in rent; he sees Scheme 2 as a smaller scaled, hometown movie theater; the Historic Theater should be restored to the full potential that the citizens want; questioned whether cuts might ruin the historic quality. Special Joint Meeting Alameda City Council and 5 Community Improvement Commission July 26, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-07-26.pdf CityCouncil,2006-08-01,5,"ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (06-393) Pat Colburn, Alameda; urged banning leaf blowers ; outlined problems created by leaf blowers. (06-394) Susan Battaglia, Alameda, stated leaf blowers should be banned; childhood asthma is traced to airborne particles. COUNCIL COMMUNICATIONS (06-395) Discussion of the U.S. Conference of Mayors Climate Protection Agreement. Continued. (06-396) Discussion of Big Box Retail Policies and Regulations. Councilmember deHaan stated he did not want to review a super center; the Retail Impact Assessment updates are not relevant because the City is not considering 210,000 square foot boxes; he is open to comments. Judith M. Kissinger encouraged Council to take a careful look at studies that show the pros and cons of having big box retail in a neighborhood. Dorothy Reid, Alameda, stated she provided information to Council in December Boston study reported that a big box has a $468 million negative net revenue gain; a specialty retail provides a net revenue gain of $326 million; a shopping center has a net loss of $314 million; local business would give 70% more in net revenue gain than any big box store; local economy is brought down with big box stores. Ashley Jones, Alameda, stated he asked the Planning Board what would be the use for the 200,000 square-foot space; the Planning Board did not request an answer to the question; only one Planning Board member voted against the proposal; Council needs to ask questions before approval is given. Gretchen Lipow, Alameda, stated the leakage study recommended small retail stores and noted that big boxes were not needed to contain leakage. she questions the potential traffic and congestion impacts; Planning Board Member Anne Cook seems to have expertise on the matter and voted against the proposal. David Kirwin, Alameda, stated the report is a travesty to open government; attachments are not available on the web site; he questions the report's relevance to Alameda; studies have addressed Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 August 1, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-08-01.pdf CityCouncil,2006-08-15,5,"greenhouse gas emissions. Mayor Johnson requested that the item be placed on a future agenda for Council action. (06-416) Selection of two Councilmembers to serve on the Oakland Alameda Ad Hoc Liaison Development Impact Committee. Mayor Johnson stated that the cities of Oakland and Alameda agreed to form the committee; Oakland Council President De La Fuente and District Two Member Keringhan would serve; she was informed that she should serve; Councilmember Matarrese indicated that he is interested in serving. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated since the Oakland Council President is serving; Mayor Johnson should serve. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of Mayor Johnson and Councilmember Matarrese serving on the Oakland Alameda Ad Hoc Liaison Development Impact Committee. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (06-417) Councilmember Matarrese requested an update on the Planning Department staffing levels and permit process improvement plans. (06-418) Councilmember Matarrese stated the bus shelters on Santa Clara Avenue at Willow Street and Walnut Avenue have taken a beating; graffiti abatement has clouded the plastic roofing ; requested looking into correcting the condition of the bus shelters. (06-419) Councilmember Matarrese stated the City had a favorable ruling on the Beltline; thanked everyone involved; stated the City has approximately $1 million in open space funds; suggested the $1 million be used to set up an escrow account as an added sign that the City is serious about having the land as open space; everything should be done to push the process to acquire the property residents voted to have open space on the property in 2002. (06-420) Councilmember deHaan stated that he hopes that performance indicators are still being done on permitting and inspection processes. (06-421) Councilmember deHaan stated the City would be remiss in overlooking Jean Sweeney's efforts with the Beltline matter; Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council August 15, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-08-15.pdf CityCouncil,2006-09-05,5,"or if the City's power supply were cut off; further inquired whether the generators at the former Base make the generators [proposed for sale] unnecessary. The Alameda Power and Telecom (AP&T) General Manager responded there is not a zero probability that the generators never would be used; stated combustion turbines near Alameda Point would serve all of the load assuming customers were not furiously using electricity; typically people are responsible during parts of the system might be down in the event of a major emergency and the entire load would not be served. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the generators would be helpful if power lines were down in an area. The AP&T General Manager responded possibly; stated currently the generators are permitted as stationary; moving the generators is not a simple task; the system has to be tested; the process takes 96 to 100 hours assuming roads are passable. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City's emergency response group has reviewed the asset to determine whether it is part of disaster preparation. AP&T General Manager stated AP&T has a smaller unit, which is very portable and can be hooked into smaller service areas very easily. The Disaster Preparation Officer stated any asset would be an adjunct to the infrastructure; however, the equipment is semi- - permanently mounted; the two turbines [near Alameda Point ] would provide 50-60% of normal demand; the Public Utilities Board's recommendation seems prudent having something more mobile would be more appropriate; other types of equipment are more suitable for mobile generation. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the generators are included in the disaster relief plan. The Disaster Preparation Officer responded in the negative; stated the combustion turbines would be used to provide back up power to the City in the event of a power disruption; mobile units would better serve specific areas of the City; the City would be better served with additional mobile units. Mayor Johnson stated perhaps the generators could be sold and mobile units could be purchased. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the units were purchased in 2001 for $1.8 Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 5, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-09-05.pdf CityCouncil,2006-09-19,5,"(06-470C) Resolution No. 14017, ""Reappointing Jo Kahuanui to the Recreation and Park Commission. "" Adopted. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions. Vice Mayor Gilmore seconded the motion, which passed by unanimous voice vote - 5. The City Clerk administered the oath and presented certificates of appointment. (06-471) Resolution No. 14018, ""Endorsing and Supporting the U.S. Conference of Mayors' Climate Protection Agreement."" Adopted. Mayor Johnson stated the United States Conference of Mayors was requesting a commitment for support at the local level. The Supervising Planner stated the proposed resolution follows and supports the resolution to join the International Council for Local Environment Initiatives which was adopted in July 2006. Mayor Johnson stated the matter was placed on the agenda to ensure that there was follow through with the commitment. Councilmember Daysog moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember deHaan seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (06-472 - ) Public Hearing to consider ZA06-0001, Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment City-wide; and (06-472A) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Amending Subsection 30-4.9A.g.8 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Space) of the C-C Community Commercial Zone of Chapter XXX (Development Regulations) to Add a Process for Parking Exceptions. Introduced. The Supervising Planner provided a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson stated downtown parking needs to be provided; she understands the City wants to de-emphasize the automobile in the General Plan; however, people still need places to park; Webster Street parking needs to be addressed immediately; she agrees with changing the requirements; a structured parking lot should be considered. Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the use runs with the owner or Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 19, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-09-19.pdf CityCouncil,2006-10-03,5,"Villareal and presented certificates of appointment. (06-501) Resolution No. 14023, ""Appointing David J. Burton as a member of the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force. Adopted (06-501A) Resolution No. 14024, ""Appointing Stanley M. Schiffman as a member of the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force. Adopted ; (06-502B) Resolution No. 14025, ""Appointing Ron Silberstein as a member of the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force. Adopted; (06-501C) Resolution No. 14026, ""Appointing Lizette Weiss as a member of the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force. Adopted; and (06-501D) Recommendation to accept report on the membership of the Climate Protection Campaign Task Force. The Planning and Building Director stated staff would be able to start working with the Task Force later in the month to set goals for the local action plan to reduce emissions and greenhouse gases with adoption of the resolutions; the project is very exciting. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolutions and approval of the staff recommendation. Councilmember Daysog seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. Councilmember Matarrese requested that leaf blowers and a vehicle use plan be added to the list for the Task Force to work on. The City Clerk administered the Oath and presented certificates of appointment. Mayor Johnson stated many highly qualified individuals applied and were willing to volunteer time to the community; thanked the newly appointed Task Force members. Mr. Schiffman stated he sees the Task Force as a stewardship for the environment; the goal is to leave a cleaner and healthier place for future generations he is delighted and honored to serve. (06-502) Recommendation to allocate funding for the purchase of the Beltline property and the park design and development process. The Recreation and Park Director gave a brief presentation. Councilmember Daysog stated the park design and development process seems to be staff driven; inquired whether thought has been given to a community driven process with staff support. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 3, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-10-03.pdf CityCouncil,2006-10-17,5,"be on the original property, to which Mr. McGillis responded possibly. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether 242 units would be on the ten acres. Mr. McGillis responded in the affirmative. stated there is more land; the 25% inclusionary criteria triggered the State density bonus. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether other things have been put into the equation to push the number up, to which Mr. McGillis responded in the affirmative. Following Greg Harper's comments, Mayor Johnson inquired what are the options in terms of rezoning the property; stated Project Site #9 structures are very tall and not like other Alameda waterfront property. The Supervising Planner responded staff recommended R-4 with a Planned Development (PD) overlay stated Housing Element consistency could be maintained with R-3/PD or R-2/PD. Mayor Johnson inquired about the height limit, to which the Supervising Planner responded the height limit could be addressed with a PD overlay. Mayor Johnson stated the structures look like a big wall on the waterfront; now is not the time to start this type of development ; inquired what would be the height limit for R-2/PD, to which the Supervising Planner responded 30 feet. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the height limit is higher for R- 4/PD, to which the Supervising Planner responded the height limit would be 35 feet. Mayor Johnson inquired whether height adjustments could be made with a PD overlay, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated the drawings do not show 300 feet between the houses and the shoreline; the General Plan requires 300 feet; inquired whether ten acres are approximated when the 300 feet is carried from east to west across the parcel's waterfront, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated MU-5 does not just accommodate the parcel referenced by the attorney and architect, but also Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 17, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-10-17.pdf CityCouncil,2006-11-14,5,"close to the intersection; the paint has worn off of red curbs, in particular along Central and Lincoln Avenues. (06-549) - Councilmember deHaan stated that he would like to know when the ten-year financial forecast item would be scheduled. (06-550) Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the City received feedback on the Theater Cineplex funding. The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated City staff, the developer and the Bank of Alameda met last week to review conditions and confirm that there are no major issues; closing is expected to occur in December the developer has provided the bank with the appraisal, plans and specs, the initial deposit, and the partnership capital account statement; acceptance of the general contractor still remains; the developer is negotiating with Overaa, the City's contractor; the final construction bid and contract have to be finalized and submitted to the bank; it is on schedule and should close in December. Councilmember deHaan stated monthly updates were provided on the Library project; suggested similar briefings be scheduled at least bi-monthly. Councilmember Matarrese suggested that the updates be monthly. Councilmember deHaan concurred that he would prefer monthly updates. Mayor Johnson noted that the public is curious because work is underway. (06-551 - ) Councilmember deHaan congratulated Mayor Johnson, and Councilmember Matarrese on being re-elected and Lena Tam on being elected to fill Councilmember Daysog's seat. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:23 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Lara Weisiger City Clerk The agenda for this meeting was posted in accordance with the Brown Act. Adjourned Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 14, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-11-14.pdf CityCouncil,2006-11-21,5,"six years restricting homeowners on the Alameda side of the Estuary from making any improvements; three signature property improvements went very quickly along the Channel; the number one concern is for property owners on the Alameda side of the Estuary continued dredging and regulating of the Canal is also a concern; no action was taken for the Canal obstructions along the Dutra property a couple of years agoi three tug boats were sunken and no one wanted to take responsibility; it took three years to get rid of the three tug boats; he has big concerns that reluctant responsibility will be no responsibility; the Fruitvale Avenue Railroad Bridge is needed more than ever because of transportation issues; staff should be directed to be aggressive and talk to the Congressional delegates to change the orders under which the Army Corps of Engineers is operating; consideration should be given to compensating Alameda for the moratorium's affect on deferred maintenance over the years. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated water reached up to docks at one time deferred maintenance has resulted in more mud than water; it appears that the Army Corps of Engineers would do the dredging as long as it is commercially navigable. the homeowners would be left high and dry; the Army Corps of Engineers may dredge the Channel years from now; commercial ships would be able to go in and out the homeowners or the City would be stuck dredging the portion of the land to allow homeowners' boats to get out; questioned why the City would want to take the land. The District Counsel stated the Army Corps of Engineer's authority to dredge is under the WRDA; Congress has set a standard where the cost benefit ratio has to be greater than one in order to spend federal dollars; the land transfer is a different real estate issue than dredging. Vice Mayor Gilmore inquired whether the City would be responsible for the dredging if the City takes the land; stated residents would be looking to the City so that docks could be used; questioned why the City would want to take on the responsibility for dredging; stated the Army Corps of Engineers would be responsible for dredging even if funds are not available. The District Counsel stated that no legal mechanism is available for the property owners to force the City to dredge private docks. Mayor Johnson inquired how the cost benefit analysis could be brought to Level One in order to have the Army Corps of Engineers dredge. The District Counsel responded staff would be provided with Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 21, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-11-21.pdf CityCouncil,2006-12-05,5,"requested. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the Applicant could get more square footage by going over to the existing wall. Councilmember Matarrese stated the project is not compatible with the adjacent and neighboring buildings and does not match the ranch style houses the project must meet all three requirements for design review approval. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Applicant or architect were present further inquired whether the Applicant wished to speak. The Applicant indicated the architect was not present and she did not wish to speak. Councilmember Matarrese stated the project does not meet the criteria for design review approval; the Appellant has requested that the project be denied as proposed and that the addition be sufficiently set back to retain the one-story residential neighborhood character. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Appellant is working with the neighborhood on the ordinance issue, to which the Appellant responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated the area is predominately a single-story neighborhood; the ordinance could be modified to reflect that the neighborhood is a single-story area. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson stated she wished the project architect was present ; she would prefer to have the project meet the size and scale of the neighborhood and reflect the neighborhood's character. Councilmember deHaan stated the lot configuration provides the Applicant with an opportunity to build a single-story addition; he would be leery of a second-story addition; he is concerned with the sunlight factor. Vice Mayor Gilmore stated the current zoning code permits second- story additions if design guidelines are meti R-1 neighborhoods would be down zoned across the City if Council unilaterally decided not allow the Applicant to build a second-story addition; arguments could be made regarding the appearance of the second-story addition; the shading issue might not be eliminated by moving the second-story addition closer to the property line. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 December 5, 2006",CityCouncil/2006-12-05.pdf CityCouncil,2007-01-02,5,"portion of the hearing. Following Ms. Sellers' comments, Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Planning Board's vote was three in favor, one abstention and one opposition and was not a denial of the design review, to which the Planning and Building Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the proposed Borders would share the same loading dock as Safeway. The Planning and Building Director responded in the negative; stated the proposed Borders would share a loading dock with the other stores facing the pedestrian mall. Councilmember deHaan stated he has heard continuing concerns regarding Safeway's loading dock; Safeway is operating an on-line delivery service also; there is no access for staging the vans and vendor off-loading; a letter was sent to Safeway to resolve the issue; he does not see how a letter would resolve the issue; a design change is necessary; there is an opportunity to look at Building 300 and change the design the tower was initially 52 feet and was dropped to 48 feet and then to 36 feet; inquired whether the tower would be used for any mechanical support of the building. The Planning and Building Director responded the tower would have a café. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the tower had an elevator shaft, to which the Planner III responded the tower is decorative. The Architect stated a lot of visual elements have been added to create architectural variety; stated the tower is only architectural Councilmember deHaan inquired what is the height for the Bed Bath and Beyond facades, to which the Architect responded approximately 25 to 27 feet. Councilmember deHaan stated a number of Planned Development Amendment (PDA) concerns were raised in 2003 regarding conditions of additional entitlements; inquired whether the issues raised by Ann Cook, Planning Board Member, were presented in 2003 when the original entitlements were approved; stated issues addressed the east/west sidewalk situation, transit stops, landscaping, shoreline area, parking, restroom and gas station. The Planning and Building Director responded said issues were discussed in 2003. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 2, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-01-02.pdf CityCouncil,2007-01-16,5,"The Supervising Planner responded the existing asphalt path is on the Grand Marina property; stated the Applicant would do all the landscaping and improvements. Mayor Johnson inquired who owns the Grand Marina, to which the Supervising Planner responded the Grand Marina is under lease to Peter Wang. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City has the ability to require Mr. Wang to maintain the area at a certain level, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the ability is real, to which the Supervising Planner responded he was not sure. Mayor Johnson stated she could see where the Planning Board would prefer concrete if the City does not have the ability to ensure proper maintenance. The Supervising Planner stated the property is subject to a Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) permit. Councilmember deHaan inquired who paid for the Kaufman and Broad trail, to which the Assistant City Manager responded the Municipal Services District. The Public Works Director stated the trail is maintained by the Recreation and Park Department; funding is through the Municipal Services District. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Planning Board wanted to replicate the Kaufman and Broad development pathway. The Public Works Director responded maintenance is part of the Grand Marina lease requirement stated the Leasee would be required to maintain the area at a level that is acceptable to the City. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Mr. Wang is in compliance with every lease condition, to which the Public Works Director responded that he did not know. The Supervising Planner stated concrete would be easier to maintain; the Master Plan covers the entire area; Council could make maintenance recommendations and implement the recommendation in the Grand Marina lease. Councilmember deHaan stated the Bridgeside gravel is starting to erode; material and maintenance policies should be reviewed. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 16, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-01-16.pdf CityCouncil,2007-02-06,5,"Councilmember deHaan inquired whether consideration was given to impacts on other taxing entities; further inquired whether the School District would be impacted. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded all entities have pass-through agreements; stated AB 1290 sets pass- throughs statutorily; the School District receives some portion of the proceeds ; the City provided assistance with the Ruby Bridges Elementary School and joint use park; the School District benefits. Councilmember deHaan stated money would not be going to other taxing entities after 35 years; some money goes to the County. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated every taxing entity reaps the benefits of increased property values when the project area goes away. Councilmember deHaan stated the clock would start over again by merging with another development area. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager stated she was not sure whether the clock would start over by merging with another project. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the BWIP final date is 2025. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded she is not sure whether the final date extends another twenty years passed 2011. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the ability to pay back bonds out of proceeds would be compromised by being close to the end of the redevelopment area time limit. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded in the negative stated outstanding debt can be serviced with the collection of sufficient increments at the end of the project time limit. Councilmember Matarrese inquired why timing is not being set; stated the City would have ten years to pay the bond back if the bond was issued on the last day. The Base Reuse and Community Development Manager responded the limits are set automatically by statue stated tax increments can be collected for another ten years after the project area expires. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 6, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-02-06.pdf CityCouncil,2007-02-20,5,"inquired why traffic impacts would not be assumed when transportation access is not good. The Supervising Planner inquired whether Councilmember Gilmore was referring to the total size of the store. Councilmember Gilmore responded Target needs to generate sale numbers to make the store work; stated the Bayfair Target is a regional shopping center that would draw more consumers because of the better transportation corridor; the proposed Target has the same size retail space and worse transportation access ; inquired why a same size store would be built if retail sales would not be the same. The Supervising Planner responded the traffic study is based on the total square footage of the shopping center, including Target ; stated measurements are made by either counting cars or calculating standard trip generation factors for different types of businesses. Councilmember Matarrese stated impacts are not being debated ; questions need to be answered on whether the draft EIR has deficiencies; he does not believe the proposed Target would have no traffic impact. The Supervising Planner stated the draft EIR identifies significant traffic impacts and includes mitigation measures. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether there is some flexibility for when the work should be done or for adjustments to data collection methods. The Supervising Planner responded the project has been in the City's hands for two years; stated the process should have been completed a year ago under the Permit Streamlining Acti he would not recommend waiting to update the traffic study; the existing draft EIR includes some mitigation monitors. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the final EIR would describe methods used to do the additional work, to which the Supervising Planner responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated there are unanswered questions the Contract needs to be approved to get the work done; inquired whether Ms. Risley's issue would be addressed in the final EIR. The Supervising Planner responded the piece mealing comments have been submitted and would be addressed in the final EIR. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 20, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-02-20.pdf CityCouncil,2007-03-06,5,"moves through inquired whether the location of the 50 - line bus stop on Otis Drive is at the intersection of Willow Street. The Program Specialist II responded the stop is east of Willow Street. Councilmember deHaan stated if the 63-line stops at Willow Street, there would be two bus stops servicing different needs within a close area; requested ridership data for the 50-line at said stop. The Program Specialist II responded that he did not have said information. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the characteristics would be similar since both are servicing the hospital and shopping area, to which the Program Specialist II responded similar land uses are served, however the destinations differ. Mayor Johnson requested the Police Department to comment on current safety issues. Traffic Officer Rodrigue stated the safety concerns have been met due to Public Works installing in-ground lights, bollards and new signs and markings at the crosswalk; the crossing guards have been instructed to keep children from crossing until after the bus stops and passes. Councilmember Gilmore inquired the distance between the bus stop and crosswalk, to which Officer Rodrigue responded approximately 120 feet. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the cars would have to look around the bus to see people at the crosswalk and whether the crosswalk would be before the bus stop in the other direction. Officer Rodrigue responded the bus stops would be before the crosswalks in both directions. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the issues that prompted the Police Department to send a letter to AC Transit no longer exist and whether the Police Department is satisfied with returning the bus stop to the prior location. Officer Rodrigue responded in the affirmative. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether there is a history of accidents with children involved under the prior configuration. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 6, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-03-06.pdf CityCouncil,2007-03-20,5,"Mayor Johnson stated that some money went to capital improvement funding. Councilmember deHaan stated capital improvements should be fulfilled. Mayor Johnson stated that the Golf Commission would be reviewing the funding for Capital Improvement Projects noted that the Recreation and Park Director will be the Interim Golf Manager. Councilmember Gilmore inquired what accounts for the $200,000 month-to-month swing in expenditures. The Finance Director responded September's expenditures include a $100,000 increase because there was a third pay period in the month; stated $13,000 was spent for painting the driving range structure; July expenditures are low because less maintenance work is done; utility costs fluctuate from the first three months to the second three months. Mayor Johnson stated that the Golf Commission should recommend and set a reserve. the Golf Commission would need to give special approval to draw from the reserve balance. The Finance Director stated that money is made in July and August ; money is drawn in September and October. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether there is a high variability in utility use. The Interim Golf Manager responded swings occur; stated water is saved on rain days. Vice Mayor Tam stated higher golf participation occurs in July and August; irrigating in the winter months seems odd. Councilmember deHaan stated Capital Improvement Projects take place in the winter. Mayor Johnson requested a list of Capital Improvement Projects stated maintenance is critical and cannot be deferred. The Finance Director stated some maintenance costs are routine and are included in the operating costs. Mayor Johnson stated that project schedules and goals need to be developed. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 20, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-03-20.pdf CityCouncil,2007-04-03,5,"shelter design considered next bus readers. The City Engineer responded accommodating next bus readers would not be a problem if electricity were added. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether solar power is a possibility. The City Engineer responded she would look into the matter. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the shelter design provides weather protection. The City Engineer responded weather protection could be provided stated sidewalk width and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access would need to be considered. Councilmember deHaan stated that Bayport bus shelters are the worst and provide only two seats; the City's bus shelters provide three seats; adequate seating should be provided; shelters should be advertisement free. The City Engineer stated advertisement was not included in the standard because of previous discussions. Councilmember deHaan stated that Alamedans for Responsible Transit Shelters (ARTS) requested that a provision be added so that continued bus shelter funding would be possible. The City Engineer stated the current shelters are the shelters provided by ARTS; steel or metal might not be available. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he likes the design criteria; maintenance bleeds into installation and operation; the criteria should state that the first choice is for the most durable shelters with the least maintenance; durability and simplicity should be ranked high. The City Engineer stated durability and maintenance could be included. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether a maintenance budget would be included when the next bus shelters are installed. The City Engineer responded the budget report would address the need for an increase if the current maintenance budget is not sufficient. Councilmember Gilmore stated that she was impressed with the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 3, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-04-03.pdf CityCouncil,2007-04-17,5,"businesses; inquired what is the goal beyond zero inter-fund advances. The AP&T General Manager responded staff is reviewing ways to make AP&T a viable business; voice is a major piece in making AP&T viable; operational efficiencies are reviewed continually; there may be some additional revenue increasing strategies for the internet service. Mayor Johnson inquired how many telecom and power staff reductions have been made. The AP&T General Manager responded eleven to thirteen staff reductions occurred from the previous fiscal year to this fiscal year; ten reductions are estimated for the proposed Fiscal Year 2008 budget budgeted positions peaked at 142 several years ago; the budget is projecting 118 positions for next year. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the 118 positions would be for power and telecom, to which the AP&T General Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired when the postproduction commitment would end, to which the AP&T General Manager responded May for the existing programs. Mayor Johnson inquired whether people would be able to run the community access programs but no editing would be done. The AP&T General Manager responded in the affirmative; stated there may be some opportunities for interns to prepare specific programs and projects and provide some very focused, specialized training to people in the community. Mayor Johnson stated editing is a luxury for the community but is not affordable at this point editing may be affordable in the future; inquired whether the power and telecom sides are being reviewed for operational efficiencies, to which the AP&T General Manager responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan stated electric staffing levels are being brought down to pre-1998 levels; requested more information on the matter. The AP&T General Manager stated he would discuss the matter with Councilmember deHaan at a later time. CONSENT CALENDAR Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 April 17, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-04-17.pdf CityCouncil,2007-05-01,5,"at Pearl Street, Clay Street at Versailles Avenue, Clay Street at Mound Street, Calhoun Street at College Avenue, Fillmore Street at Mound Street, Bishop Street at Washington Street, Madison Street at Mound Street, Adams Street at Bishop Street, and Fillmore Street at Fountain Street; (07-198A) Recommendation to authorize modification of Two-Way Stop Controls at the Calhoun Street at Versailles Avenue, Mound Street at Washington Street, Adams Street at Court Street, and San Jose Avenue at Court Street intersections; and (07-198B) - Recommendation to authorize installation of an All-way Stop Control at the Calhoun Street at Mound Street intersection. [Refer to motion under paragraph no. 07-197. ] ( * 07 -199 - Recommendation to authorize Alameda Power and Telecom (AP&T) to sell obsolete and unnecessary personal property in excess of $10,000. Accepted. (*07-200) Resolution No. 14085, ""Authorizing the City Manager to Submit an Application for Measure B Paratransit Funding for Fiscal Year 2007-2008. "" Adopted. (*07-201) Ordinance No. 2965, ""Amending Alameda Municipal Code Subsection 23-6.2 (Operation of Power Boats) of Section 23-6 (Harbor and Tidelands) of Chapter XXIII (Parks, Recreation Areas and Public Property) by Repealing Subsection 23-6.2 in Its Entirety and Adding a New Subsection 23-6.2 (Operation of Power Boats) that Incorporates Speed Limits for Vessels Propelled by Machinery in an Estuary or Channel and Continues the Prohibition of Power Boats in Lagoons. Finally passed. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS ( 07-202) Recommendation to accept the work of S. J. Amoroso Construction Company, Inc. for the construction of the Alameda Free Library - New Main Library Project, No. P.W. 01-03-01. The Project Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson thanked the Project Manager for the great work; stated Alameda is proud to have built a government building ahead of schedule and under budget in a difficult time. Councilmember Gilmore added her congratulations ; stated the building is very well utilized which is the best judge of successi people are happy to use the Library. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 1, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-05-01.pdf CityCouncil,2007-05-15,5,"Councilmember deHaan stated the Planning and Building Director's position at the [Planning Board] meeting was that the decision is policy and should be considered at the Council level, which is contrary to the staff report. The Planning and Building Director responded a bigger discussion of Measure A, not in context of the Housing Element update or MTC grant funded project, is a policy discussion in her opinion. Councilmember deHaan stated the Council is going through stages right now; the Alameda Point Master Developer was just selected; the Master Developer will return with various ideas and direction the MTC Station Area Plan was to set up the dialogue on transportation; there was a very small sub-element on Measure A, which became a prime element at the first meeting; the Housing Element has been under discussion for ages and is an on-going legitimate discussion; the Chinatown Agreement and lawsuits facing the City are important and put certain limitations on the amount of housing that can be built; the Collins property plans rejected by the Planning Board and Council is in a lawsuit: these are the things in which the Council needs to be involved; there is going to be a different disposition of how Coast Guard housing will be handled said matters are the concerns that require better understanding of how to go forward; the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) will come forward; all said matters intertwine together the Council took a position when the League of Women Voters requested the matter [Measure A amendment ] be put on the ballot; density, traffic and number of houses are important issues; in 2000, the Sierra Club and ARC Ecology did a survey of around 300 homes to ask if there was support to change Measure A; the response was not to change Measure A; the other question was whether there would be support to change Measure A for Alameda Point the study indicated the matter would not pass if it were not brought through the Council: a year later the Chamber of Commerce surveyed its membership regarding changing Measure A; the membership decided not to take any action because the resounding response was the membership did not support changing Measure A; Measure A continues to get good dialogue; there is not good understanding of Measure A; the dialogue has to be out there to ensure people understand why Measure A was put in place; Alameda Landing entitlements increased housing and added retail that he supports additional retail; however, saturation is being reached; the Tube congestion is getting worse; full build out is not even close; reducing the amount of housing at Alameda Point has been discussed; a rough study indicated that it would take 3,100 homes to make Alameda Point economically viable; there will be further study 12-15% of people in Alameda use public transit; the Alameda Point PDC states Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 15, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-05-15.pdf CityCouncil,2007-06-05,5,"Mayor Johnson inquired on what property is the lien placed. The Finance Director responded the lien is placed on the Assessor': S parcel number. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the same names appear every year. The Finance Director responded a few reappear stated the majority are new. Mayor Johnson opening the public portion of the hearing. Len Grzanka, Alameda, stated the City paid Municipal Auditing Services $13,000 in the month of Mayi outstanding liens are $7,145; questioned what is the cost benefit. The Finance Director stated Municipal Auditing Services performs two types of audits; one audit reviews documentation to ensure the correct fee is paid and the other reviews businesses that are not paying a business license fee; the fee is 50% of the amount collected; the City received $26,000 in revenue for the $13,000 fee; $262,000 additional revenue was received in the current fiscal year; $132,000 was paid in fees through May. Councilmember deHaan stated that previous discussions addressed not renewing the Contract; inquired whether a decision has been made. The Finance Director responded in the affirmative; stated a verbal notice has been given to the Contractor advising that the Contract will not be renewed past June of this year. Rob Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBA), stated PSBA works hand and hand with the Finance Department to ensure that all members have paid business license and Business Improvement Area (BIA) fees; liens are only against business owners who own the property; PSBA takes business owners who rent to Small Claims Court if someone refuses to pay the BIA fee; PSBA has collected every time. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. ouncilmember deHaan inquired whether Municipal Auditing Services has been used for four years. The Finance Director responded the service started in January 2005 ; stated the process has been going smoothly; the City works closely Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 5, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-06-05.pdf CityCouncil,2007-06-19,5,"ago. The Police Chief responded some upgrades occurred; stated the basic backbone system dates back to late 1992. Mayor Johnson stated hopefully interoperability will allow the entire County to communicate. The Interim Fire Chief stated the Fire Department Dispatch Center is at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory; parts are harder to get to keep the system alive and well. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the East Bay Regional Communicatior System hinges on the rest of California municipalities coming together further inquired whether systems are in place in other regions. The Police Chief stated many Northern California agencies are in the same position of having systems at the end of the cycles and changes are needed; hopefully all nine Bay Area counties will develop a system to communicate with each other. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Alameda's system would be able to be married with the rest of the upcoming systems. The Police Chief responded the system would be an open architecture system that would allow others to mesh as the system evolves. The Interim Fire Chief stated the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) requires setting aside certain talk groups with an 800 trunk system; he participated in setting up a similar system in Orange County. Vice Mayor Tam inquired how long it took for all cities to participate in a Joint Powers Authority in Orange County. The Interim Fire Chief responded initially, participation was for the Fire Service; stated the process took five or six years to become operational; expansion took seven or eight years for all City services. The City Manager stated the effort was huge; a lot of decisions need to be made along the way. Mayor Johnson inquired whether other cities have radio systems that would work with the regional system. The Interim Fire Chief responded Dallas and Florida have 800 trunk Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 June 19, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-06-19.pdf CityCouncil,2007-07-03,5,"Controls at the following intersections Fountain Street at Van Buren Street, and Fountain Street at Jackson Street. Accepted. (*07-319) Resolution No. 14129, ""Authorizing Open Market Purchase Pursuant to Section 3-15 of the Alameda City Charter for the Roof Structure for Maintenance Service Center Transfer Pad and Dumpsters, No. P.W. 04-07-14 and Authorizing the City Manager to Enter into Such an Agreement. Adopted. (*07-320) Resolution No. 14130, ""Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the Grant Contract Between the State of California Department of Boating and Waterways and the City of Alameda for the Purchase of Marine Patrol Equipment. "" Adopted. ( (07-321) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Repealing Sections 5-30 (Filming Activities) in its Entirety, and Replacing It with a Successor Section to Article II (Permits) of Chapter V (Licenses and Permits) Making Changes to the Procedures, Regulations and Related Fee Provisions for Filming Activities within the City of Alameda. Continued to August 7, 2007. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (07-322) Public Hearing to consider Resolution No. 14131, ""Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Island City Landscaping and Light District 84-2, All Zones. Adopted; and (07-322A) Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of Resolution Approving Engineer's Report, Confirming Diagram and Assessment, and Ordering Levy of Assessments, Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2, Zones 2 and 3. Not adopted. The Public Works Coordinator gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson stated Zones 2 and 3 are on Webster Street; inquired whether another budget would be prepared if the fee increase is adopted. The Public Works Coordinator responded the budget has been prepared; stated the second resolution [for Zone 2 and 3] would modify the first resolution to reflect the increase. Mayor Johnson stated the issue is important to Webster Street. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. There being no speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council July 3, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-07-03.pdf CityCouncil,2007-07-17,5,"The Planning Services Manager responded the General Plan Amendment addresses the policy in E-T 5; stated the policy requires that building heights be maintained between one and four stories; the Planning Board added the language : ""consider taller buildings if at least 30% of the Encinal Terminals site is maintained for publicly accessible open space and/or on-site water features. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether any buildings [in Alameda] are taller than four stories. The Planning Services Manager responded the Marina Village Apartments. Councilmember Gilmore stated the Northern Waterfront Committee was against having one large structure on the site; 30% or more might be open space because of the site's configuration and setbacks. The Planning Services Manager stated the current policy pushes the plan in the direction of having open space and consolidating the building program into a few buildings or one building with a single footprint; the question is whether the community is interested in more open space or having lower heights, which would result in a site plan with development spread over the site. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the Hearing. Proponents ( In favor of the staff recommendations : Former Councilmember Barbara Kerr, Northside Association [submitted document ] ; Christopher Buckley, Alameda; Michael Krueger, Alameda; Don Peterson, Alameda; Nick Cabral, Alameda. Neutral Eric Scheuermann, Alameda; Richard W. Rutter, Alameda; Stuart Rickard, Northern Waterfront Action Committee. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson stated the Planning Board's additional language is more specific than needed in a General Plan; suggested removing the Planning Board language ; stated the Encinal Terminals site reference has very specific language for a General Plan; Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council July 17, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-07-17.pdf CityCouncil,2007-08-07,5,"Alameda Avenue, and 1224 Oak Street with Thompson Properties (Lessor) for a City Parking Lot. Introduced. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether additional parking space access is being considered. The Development Services Director responded the parking study would make a lot of different recommendations stated parking is an issue of quantity and more importantly, location. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether monthly parking would be available, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Park Street Business Association (PSBA) would perform the coordination. The Development Services Director responded that PSBA would coordinate and manage the parking lot. Mayor Johnson inquired whether twelve parking spaces would be added, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan inquired what would be the fee per space, to which the Development Services Director responded $80. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether $80 would cover costs, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether tandem parking was considered. The Public Works Coordinator responded in the negative; stated tandem parking would not work in the lot. Councilmember Matarrese stated tandem parking should be considered to increase the number of spaces. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the parking lot surface is adequate. The Public Works Coordinator responded not at this moment. Robb Ratto, PSBA, stated twelve people have been identified to sign a one-year contract with PSBA for a designated parking space Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council August 7, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-08-07.pdf CityCouncil,2007-08-21,5,"Councilmember Gilmore stated that she hopes the City would be victorious at the appellate level; inquired whether the California Supreme Court has a statutory timeframe to decide whether a cert would be granted or denied. The City Attorney responded in the negative; stated usually a decision is received within a month to sixty days. Councilmember Gilmore stated litigation may not be concluded for two and a half to three years. Councilmember Matarrese stated Council should not act on the matter now; he does not want to jeopardize any chance to get the property. Councilmember Matarrese moved that the matter be tabled until there is a clearer picture of what is going on in the Courts. Councilmember Gilmore seconded the motion. Under discussion, Mayor Johnson stated that she appreciates staff bringing the matter to Council's attention; staff worked on the matter at Council's direction; information will be helpful when the City moves forward on the matter; the entire community needs to be included in planning what is needed. On the call for question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (07 -402 - ) Introduction of Ordinance Amending the Alameda Municipal Code by Adding Section 2-19 (Youth Advisory Commission) to Article II (Boards and Commissions) of Chapter II (Administration) , Establishing a Youth Advisory Commission and Prescribing Membership and Duties of Said Commission. Introduced. The Recreation and Park Director gave a brief presentation. Vice Mayor Tam stated that the administration, operation and staffing would be absorbed in the Recreation and Park Department budget i inquired how much time would be devoted to support the Commission. The Recreation and Park Director responded the start up time would be more significant; stated the initial phase could require ten to fifteen hours per week; the hours would decrease to approximately five hours per week once everything is up and running. Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council August 21, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-08-21.pdf CityCouncil,2007-09-04,5,"is October 20 at Alameda Point. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS (07-425) Report on the process for Council-Initiated City Charter Amendments ; and consideration of creating a City Council Sub- committee or Ad-Hoc Committee to Review the Charter for Suggested Amendment of City Charter Provisions. The City Attorney provided a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson stated Charter amendments need to be placed on the ballot in a certain amount of time before the election; inquired how much time is needed. The City Attorney responded legislation would need to be adopted if Charter amendments are Council initiated; stated the legislation would need to be adopted 88 days before the intended election. The City Clerk stated next year's elections are February 5, June 3, and November 4; the deadlines for adopting a resolution to place the matter on the ballot are November 9 for the February 5 election, March 7 for the June 3 election, and August 8 for the November 4 election. Mayor Johnson stated that Council-initiated Charter amendments have not been done while she has served. Councilmember Gilmore stated that the thrust of the Charter review is to deal with portions of the Charter that are no longer applicable and to clean up some gender specific language; a list of more substantive issues would be brought back to the entire Council for discussion. Mayor Johnson stated Measure A would not be addressed. Councilmember Matarrese stated that the scope of review should not be limited; the process would be to review the entire Charter with regard to language clean up, State laws and other governing processes that have changed a list would be developed and brought back to Council; Council would pick and choose what to put on the ballot; the process would take care of what is placed on the ballot. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not want to turn the Charter review clean up into a Measure A debate. Councilmember deHaan concurred with Mayor Johnson; stated the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 4, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-09-04.pdf CityCouncil,2007-09-11,5,"City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Workshop - September 11, 2007 September 11, 2007 Priority Setting Workshop On September 11, 2007, the City Council and Executive Management Team met from 9:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. in the Library for a priority setting workshop. Jan Perkins and Nancy Hetrick of Management Partners facilitated the workshop. The workshop was the first of two sessions planned. The priority setting process began with staff creating work plans to articulate the special projects of City departments. This process is timely because of the start of the next two-year budget cycle in early 2008, and the addition of new members to the Executive Management Team. Priority Setting Process Purpose The purpose of the entire priority setting process is to: Provide Council direction on priorities for the work plan for the next 2-3 years. Provide an opportunity to strengthen Council understanding of staff's current work plans and resources available to carry them out. Create mutual understanding and agreement between the Council and Executive Management Team on a process of reporting progress on work plans. Create mutual understanding and agreement between the Council and Executive Management Team on a process of modifying priorities once adopted (adding/deleting projects to meet changing needs) that includes adjusting existing priorities or adding resources to ensure new projects can be completed and Council priorities met. The focus of the workshop held on September 11, 2007, was the following: Identification of factors affecting the City over the next several years Confirmation or modification of draft citywide objectives Understanding of current work plans for City departments Initial understanding of Council priorities A second Council/Executive Management Team workshop will be held in November (date to be determined), in order to accomplish the following: Understanding of the resources needed to successfully accomplish Council priorities. Agreement by Council on priorities for attention for next 2 years Agreement on process of reporting progress on priorities Agreement on process of modifying the adopted priorities Workshop Agenda The agenda for the September 11, 2007, workshop contained the following items: Environmental scan and SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) discussion Discuss draft citywide objectives Discuss current work plans Identify Council priorities Management Partners, Inc. 1",CityCouncil/2007-09-11.pdf CityCouncil,2007-09-18,5,"to grow in California; generation is not keeping up with the pace; the problem has exasperated in the Bay Area; congestion pricing will be implemented next year; prices have the potential to go up in areas where there is not sufficient generation. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether usage would be more than 1% or 4% per year. The AP&T General Manager responded the maximum usage is 10%; stated the unit is called a reliability must run (RMR) unit. ; the California Independent System Operator performs a study of California and sub-regions from a reliability perspective every year; the study is done in consultation with stakeholders all over the State; certain units are designated RMR at the end of the study. Councilmember deHaan stated that he has no problem with moving forward on the matter since there is an exchange of ownership; he has concerns with continuing to run a gas turbine; he hopes that gas turbines will not be used in Alameda in the future; the obligation could go on forever with NCPA. The AP&T General Manager stated that he would include tonight' comments into the PUB's long-term planning efforts; the matter is a reliability issue; everyone needs to work together to support the grid; natural gas is much cleaner; Alameda is the best, or among the top three, in the State with regard to overall carbon footprint carbon footprint reduction efforts will continue. Councilmember deHaan stated that Assembly Bill 32 mandates lowering the footprint; he would not like to see more than 3% or 4% usage. Councilmember deHaan moved approval of the staff recommendation Mayor Johnson inquired what is the status of the congestion fees. The AP&T General Manager responded congestion fees are in place now; stated the matter will become more complicated starting April 1, 2008; one regulatory victory has allowed averaging some of the pricing points across the Bay Area, but may not be permanent. Mayor Johnson stated that Councilmember deHaan made a good point regarding plans for the future; other producers may be forced to put in less green energy to fulfill the needs of the overall grid if decisions are made not to use the turbines more than 3% or 4%; arbitrary limits should not be set. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 September 18, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-09-18.pdf CityCouncil,2007-10-02,5,"Vice Mayor Tam stated that the development of the management plan for emergency response is very important she would like to underscore that priority should be given to an Island such as Alameda with regard to emergency accessi Alameda should not be left stranded by having its boats used elsewhere in the event of a big emergency. Councilmember deHaan stated that dialogue was initiated with the Water Transit Authority (WTA) at one time; concerns involved whether the WTA had the wherewithal to move forward and take over a system; the City did not want to Alameda's system to deteriorate in any way; inquired whether the legislation could be signed as early as October 14. The Public Works Director responded that the legislation was sent to the Governor on September 20; the Governor has thirty days to act on the legislation by either signing or vetoing the bill; the bill would be enacted if no action is taken. Councilmember deHaan requested information on the difference between Alameda's and Vallejo's concerns. The Public Works Director stated Alameda is trying to ascertain the value of its assets; approximately $1.1 million could have gone into other types of services but said amount does not include the $1 million that was funded through an assessment district for the Harbor Bay Ferry; Vallejo's assets are approximately $112 million; Vallejo is a true transit agency that combines buses with the ferries Harbor Bay's farebox recovery ratio is 46% and the Alameda/Oakland Ferry Service is over 50%; Vallejo's farebox recovery is 65%. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether Vallejo is non-supportive of the legislation. The Ferry Services Manager responded in the affirmative; stated Vallejo issued a letter requesting ferry riders to lobby the Governor. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not know whether Vallejo has simply a lot of unanswered questions or is in complete opposition to an integrated Bay water transit system. The Public Works Director stated that a lot of unanswered questions should be addressed in the cleanup legislation. Mayor Johnson stated that Vallejo is unclear about what will happen Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 2, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-10-02.pdf CityCouncil,2007-10-16,5,"for the bonds; there is multi layer financing through tax credit and soft money; qualified institutional buyers are lending the funds for the bonds. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the documents clearly state that the City's contribution is $4 million. Mr. Stoecker responded the documents are not complete; stated standard documentation states that the bonds are payable solely by RCD; there is no State, County, or City obligation. Mayor Johnson inquired who would be managing the construction. Mr. Stoecker responded RCD; stated RCD is a very well respected firm. Mayor Johnson inquired whether RCD's projects have been on time and on or under budget. The Development Manager responded RCD was selected by the City in 2002 to develop the 52-unit and 10-unit Bayport project; stated both projects were completed on time and on budget. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the proposed project would be design-build, to which the Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated that the City needs to be clear that someone else would have to find the money if there is a shortfall at the end. The Development Manager stated that RCD understands the City's funding limits; all financing documents are separate. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the City would not fund operation, to which the Development Manager responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson stated it is important that the City has the ability to make sure that anyone considered to operate the project has adequate funding and management skills if there is a change in management or operation. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether the City's remedy would be to give consent to a new construction entity and operator with adequate financing if RCD did not have enough funds to pay the bond obligation. The Development Manager responded the decision is not solely the Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 October 16, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-10-16.pdf CityCouncil,2007-11-06,5,"Councilmember Gilmore suggested broadening the enabling language so that there would be an opportunity to use the funds for other things. The Development Services Director stated that the business community was told that they would have some input as to how the incremental funds would be spent. Councilmember Gilmore stated that the language should be broadened to allow input from the business community; the matter would not have to be revisited again if there is a consensus to install more bike racks or shelters on Park Street. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the money could be used for something else. The City Attorney responded in the affirmative; stated an ordinance covers the parking meter fund uses and has almost every imaginable use related to parking; Council has the legal ability to amend the ordinance. Councilmember Matarrese inquired why the ordinance is coming to Council now and then going back to the Transportation Commission and Economic Development Commission. The Development Services Director responded the entire parking study would go back to the Transportation Commission; stated the item was extracted out because it can be done without the analysis of other parking district issues which analyze capacity, etc. Councilmember Matarrese inquired why the issue is coming to Council now if the study has not been finalized. The Development Services Director responded the parking study is falling behind; stated adjusting all of the meter heads will take many weeks; the meters need to be ready when the garage opens. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether the Transportation Commission or Economic Development Commission have a recommendation at this time. The Development Services Director responded in the negative; stated that she is not sure whether the Transportation Commission has jurisdiction over setting rates. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the increase would provide enough incentive to impact repeat offenders. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 6, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-11-06.pdf CityCouncil,2007-11-13,5,"City of Alameda Summary of Priority Setting Workshop - November 13, 2007 Workshop Ground Rules The ground rules for the September 11th workshop, set by the Council and staff, were used for the November 13th workshop. The ground rules were: Keep a sense of humor Be direct and diplomatic One person speak at a time Everyone participate - have an open dialogue Listen Respect the work that went into this Recap of September 11 workshop: Discussed Alameda's recent successes Presented and discussed an Environmental Scan prepared by staff Conducted Strengths, Weaknesses/Limitations Opportunities, Threats brainstorm Reviewed and modified citywide policy objectives Reviewed departmental work plans (programs/projects) Council members identified highest and high priorities Between September 12 and November 13 Management Partners prepared report summarizing work accomplished at the 9/11 workshop, including next steps Staff discussed progress reporting format to ensure Council is informed Management Partners provided information about how cities address new initiatives, and staff brainstormed how such a process might work in Alameda Management Partners prepared agenda for 11/13 workshop Revised City Purpose Statement The Council reviewed the proposed purpose statement and made the following revision: The City of Alameda focuses its resources on providing services that enhance the quality of life for its residents and promote the prosperity of its business community. Management Partners, Inc. 2",CityCouncil/2007-11-13.pdf CityCouncil,2007-11-20,5,"collections. Ms. Dileo responded items were placed on casters long ago; stated collections are on racks. plenty of effort has been put into maintenance. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the Museum industry has standards for preserving collections. Ms. Dileo responded she that is not an expert; stated efforts are being made with available resources. Mayor Johnson stated on-going efforts need to be made to expand displays. Ms. Dileo stated there would be two new displays after the first of the year. Councilmember Gilmore thanked Ms. Dileo for presenting the Business Plan; stated a lot of work went into the Plan; she understands that the forward looking aspect is limited because there will be three new Board Members; she would like future reports to address expanding fundraising, the marketing plan, and membership plan; she would like to see more detailed steps on how expansion will be accomplished and how success will be measured; concrete steps need to be established for implementing ideas Council was clear in stating that greater fundraising efforts and results are expected; educational services may be beneficial to the public but do not bring in money; there needs to be a balance between educational goals and fund raising goals; rent will increase; she would like to see the Museum make an effort to contribute to the delta. Councilmember Matarrese thanked Ms. Dileo for the information; stated it is important for people to know the cost of running a Museum; the City has a role by allocating $50,000 to support the Museum; a budgetary fundraising goal needs to be assigned Council can measure the progress against the goal; the Board should consider assigning a target for a 2008 membership drive; future updates should provide said information; tonight's discussion helps put public spotlight on the Museum so that people are aware that the Museum is here, what the costs are, and that volunteers work very hard to keep the Museum going; he would like to see the City and Museum move together as partners. Ms. Coler-Dark stated that membership has increased from 350 to over 450 over the last year. Mayor Johnson stated that it is important to establish 2008 Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 November 20, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-11-20.pdf CityCouncil,2007-12-04,5,"going to the City Manager and requesting that matters be placed on the agenda the workshop when the matter was discussed did not have public input; when she was the City's representative to League of California Cities (LCC) Councilmembers from the few cities with said provision indicated it worked out to be a gag order; if the majority of Council prevents a Councilmember from putting something on the agenda, it would disenfranchise the people who elected that person; furthermore, people interested in the issue would have to come to two Council meetings one to discuss placing the matter on the agenda and one to address the matter on the agenda. Vice Mayor Tam stated as the LCC representative, she learned from other cities, such as Palo Alto and Fremont, that the process helped increase public awareness and transparency about why certain things get on the agenda and others do not; having the formalized process helps provide fuller Council discussion of issue and helps guide and direct priorities. Councilmember Gilmore inquired whether Councilmembers would have to complete a referral form if interested in a topic raised by a member of the public at a Council meeting; questioned what the proposal does to the Council's on the fly consensual process. The City Manager responded the process allows staff to provide cost information and whether the item would change priorities or work plans. Councilmember Matarrese stated the process does not have anything to do with cost and addresses whether or not a matter would be placed on an agenda; Councilmember Gilmore's point was if a speaker raises an issue and there is Council consensus, the matter would be placed on an agenda at a future time; it [the proposal] puts in writing what is now handled under Council Communications the Council makes the formalized vote on placing the matter on the agenda. Councilmember Gilmore stated that she sees two distinct processes the [referral form would be used if a Councilmember has an idea to be researched; however, asking a member of the public to go through the same hoops that Councilmembers go through is not fair; former Councilmember Kerr's point is well taken; it takes a lot to get people to come to City Hall or call, whereas, Councilmembers are here and have contact with staff. Mayor Johnson stated Council can make it clear that Council is intending to do so; if a speaker conveys a great idea and the majority of Council requests follow up, the matter could be brought back. Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council December 4, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-12-04.pdf CityCouncil,2007-12-18,5,"granted for up to a one-year period and that an exemption extension may be granted if undue hardship continues to exist; said language is open for interpretation in that an exemption may be granted for up to a one-year period from the date the ordinance becomes effective or when a vendor comes into Alameda next August and requests a year. The Public Works Director responded exemptions would be on a case- by-case basis. Councilmember Matarrese proposed that exemptions be granted for existing businesses from a one-year period from the effectiveness of the ordinance; otherwise, someone could get an unfair advantage in perpetuity; the extension should have a cap. Mayor Johnson stated that she has a hard time imagining the need for a one-time exemption; Councilmember Quan's office received concerns regarding restaurants selling hot soup; she does not see why a business could not comply within three or six months of implementation; a year is too long. The Public Works Director stated the exemption would be for an undue hardship. Mayor Johnson stated that she cannot imagine what an undue hardship would be when all businesses are very similar. The Public Works Director stated there may be a business that needs a unique packaging; containers may not be available to meet the need; everyone would need to met the ordinance by July 1, unless there is an undue hardship. Mayor Johnson stated that she does not think some businesses should have to comply while others do not. Councilmember Matarrese suggested putting a one-year timeframe from the date of implementation; stated new businesses would not get an exemption. Councilmember deHaan stated that he thinks that one year would be more than adequate. McDonalds still serves coffee in styrofoam cups that have a ""Recycle #6"" logo; inquired whether said cups can be recycled. The Public Works Director responded the cups could not be recycled if soiled; stated some cities are trying to recycle polystyrene; the cost is over $3,000 per ton; glass is less than $100 per ton; Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 December 18, 2007",CityCouncil/2007-12-18.pdf CityCouncil,2008-01-02,5,"Mr. Getherall responded there is every type of scenario. Mr. Singer stated some golf facilities are self operated by a municipality with unionized labor and earn more in green fee revenue than is needed to spend on facility maintenance; all municipalities are facing the same wage and benefit increases expenses are being cut and positions are being reduced to make ends meet. Vice Mayor Tam stated the report itemizes a series of improvements in year one and two that add up to approximately $10 million; noted that Mr. Singer mentioned that golfers only care about the condition of the greens; the banquet facility is listed as the last priority; inquired which improvements are necessary. Mr. Singer responded improvements were categorized according to those which would lead to increased revenue; stated better drainage and irrigation are high priority issues; golfers care about the greens, but fairways, tees, and sand traps are important also. Mr. Getherall stated non-resident golfers are important; resident golfers will play regardless [of conditions) ; people travel to play golf; a Master Plan is needed. Councilmember deHaan stated the report brought to light a lot of what was already known; inquired whether an analysis has ever been made on a successful, local golf course. Mr. Singer stated the NGF worked with the cities of Concord, Livermore, and San Francisco. Councilmember deHaan stated Alameda's cost per round is lower or in the middle compared to other listed golf courses inquired whether other courses will be in trouble, to which Mr. Getherall responded many golf courses are in trouble. Councilmember deHaan stated there has been a steady decline after 1996. Mr. Singer stated municipalities find it difficult to self operate a golf facility with the current wage situation. Councilmember deHaan stated a leasing option is not a cure all. Mr. Singer stated leasing is not a cure all but is the best opportunity in terms of revenue to the City. Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council January 2, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-01-02.pdf CityCouncil,2008-01-15,5,"forward with a design. Mayor Johnson stated that she cannot imagine that rebuilding a porch, changing windows, removing and restoring the brickwork, and replacing the fireplace would cost $537,000. The Planning Services Manager stated that the bid was a comprehensive cost and included exterior and interior restoration. Mayor Johnson inquired whether adding another 2,000 square feet would make the home livable to current standards. The Planning Services Manager responded that the Applicant would remodel and arrange interior floor space to address current needs. Mayor Johnson stated that she would like further information on the $537,000 bid; a structure on Minturn Street was rebuilt after a fire and looks beautiful there seems to be a significant difference between what would be approved and what the owners would like to build; she does not want to see another monster house in an area where there are small homes; questioned why the Applicant would want to demolish the structure if she is not willing to rebuild something acceptable. Councilmember Matarrese stated that one issue is the determination by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) that the house should not be demolished; the second issue is what the house would be replaced with if demolished; old does not mean historical; he does not want to have a vacant lot because what can be built there cannot be decided. Councilmember deHaan stated the existing structure could be livable with a few modifications; the situation has three different scenarios. The Planning Services Manager stated the HAB is faced with determining whether or not the structure is one that should be demolished because it lacks historical integrity and does not have any relationship to past persons or events; Council can make the decision to grant the appeal if Council cannot find that the structure can return a financial value; the structure needs to tie into the neighborhood. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he would like to have the City Attorney interpret whether or not Council makes decisions based on guaranteeing someone a financial return; he is not sure whether said criteria is applied when looking at historic significance. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 January 15, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-01-15.pdf CityCouncil,2008-02-05,5,"discussions can be deferred to a later date regarding the formation of a Commission; he would like to have the Task Force reconvene at special points; one job could be to link up Task Force priorities to the City's project list. the Task Force could review the budget and measure against priorities an educational component was discussed when the Task Force was created; the job is half way done; people need to know about the priorities and how progress will be measured; some lower tier priorities could be accomplished, such as getting biodiesel into the diesel fleet; he is in support of the staff recommendation with the exception of dissolving the Task Force; the Task Force should review the prioritization list and budget before adoption and work on publicizing the outcome of the effort; the future of the Task Force should be revisited at the end of the summer. Vice Mayor Tam concurred with Councilmember Matarrese; inquired whether on-going participation would be in violation of the Brown Act. The City Attorney responded if the Task Force was considered to be a standing committee with on-going duties for a greater length of time, it would be considered a legislative body under the Brown Act and would have to meet in a public setting; Council could reconstitute the group in some other format. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the Brown Act would prevail if a working task force under the Planning Board or PUB were established. The City Attorney responded a committee, commission or sub-group with a specific task or purpose of somewhat limited duration would not be considered to be a Brown Act committee. Councilmember Matarrese inquired whether not noticing the meetings was being considered. Vice Mayor Tam stated the question is a process question she supports having a Citizen Advisory group help with priority settings and help examine how the recommendations fit in the budget inquired whether there is an obligation as part of the motion to re-establish some type of Citizen Advisory group that is different than the Climate Protection Task Force originally formed in 2006. The Supervising Planner stated a public forum was held regarding the Local Action Plan; the last recommendation is to come back and determine whether or not an on-going commission should be established. Regular Meeting Alameda City Council Meeting 5 February 5, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-02-05.pdf CityCouncil,2008-02-19,5,"The Fire Chief responded in the negative; stated there are big calls 24-7; the vehicle is not used just to ride around; the Incident Commander uses the vehicle to go to Fire Stations to meet with Captains. In response to Councilmember Matarrese's inquiry regarding cargo capacity, Vice Mayor Tam stated the cargo capacity of the Tahoe is 109 cubic feet, while the Highlander is 94 cubic feet; the towing capacity differs greatly; inquired whether capacity is needed for communication equipment or engine size. The Fire Chief responded the vehicle is not needed for towing; cargo capacity is critical. Councilmember deHaan stated purchasing from Toyota would also be buying local; since the Toyota is built in the States, there is no concern over government purchase of a foreign product; there is almost the same capacity with greater fuel efficiency; inquired whether the purchase could be deferred because these are trying times for the budget. The Fire Chief responded funding is from the vehicle replacement fund; deferring the purchase compounds the problem because other vehicles are due for replacement next year. Councilmember deHaan stated the funding is from the General Fund. The City Manager stated equipment replacement funding ultimately comes from the General Fund; the vehicle was identified in the budget process as one that would be replaced; purchasing a Suburban was an option; staff came up with the hybrid recommendation, rather than replacing the vehicle with a Suburban. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the current equipment could be reused on the new vehicle. The Fire Chief responded some of the equipment will be transitioned over, such as the computer most of the equipment has to be built for the vehicle, such as the light bars; noted the current back up vehicle is a cargo van that the City got from the Navy; both vehicles are at their life's end. Councilmember Matarrese stated there would not be a discussion if the vehicle were a patrol car, ambulance or fire truck that goes and delivers direct service. The Fire Chief stated the vehicle does so; the Incident Commander Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 February 19, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-02-19.pdf CityCouncil,2008-03-04,5,"Vice Mayor Tam stated that Councilmember Gilmore, Senior Assistant City Attorney, and Deputy City Clerk have been meeting following the December 5, 2007 workshop; the subcommittee consolidated the proposed changes into three different categories: nonsubstantiv revisions; substantive revisions; and revisions that Council and the City Manager suggested after the workshop. Councilmember Gilmore outlined the proposed nonsubstantive revisions. Mayor Johnson inquired what would be the deadline to pass a resolution. Vice Mayor Tam responded Council needs to pass a resolution no later than August 7, 2008, to qualify for the November consolidated election; stated the subcommittee recommends placing the matter on the July 15, 2008 City Council agenda. Councilmember Gilmore stated the subcommittee wanted to ensure that there was enough time to provide the public with information. Vice Mayor Tam outlined the proposed substantive revisions. Councilmember Gilmore stated that the proposed language for Article IV, Auditor, and Article V, Treasurer, was drafted in consultation with the current incumbents. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Article 28-5 has an extra provision for removal of a Historical Advisory Board Member, to which Councilmember Gilmore responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whom the Charter designates as officers; stated the term ""officer"" seems to be broader than just people elected or appointed by Council. The Senior Assistant City Attorney responded Section 2-12 adds assistants and deputies. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the revision would not change who is or is not an officer, to which the Senior Assistant City Attorney responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese questioned whether there is a way to override the formal bidding requirement while still requiring Council approval ; no bid would be required to get work started, then a Council meeting could be called to approve the expenditure. The Public Works Director stated that 2005 had some very bad storms Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 4, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-03-04.pdf CityCouncil,2008-03-18,5,"Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated the City did not connect the dots between crime at the Harbor Island Apartments and the condition of the units and treatment of tenants requested an update in a month regarding Section 8 voucher management and public safety issues. Vice Mayor Tam concurred with Councilmember Matarrese regarding reporting back to Council. On the call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (08-119) Resolution No. 14187, ""Approving Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding Between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers and the City of Alameda for the Period Ending December 31, 2008, to Establish Rubber Glove Educational Incentive Pay. "" Adopted. The Human Resources Director gave a brief presentation. Councilmember deHaan stated that approving the incentive pay is the right thing to do; he wants the public to understand the reasoning for the incentive pay. The Human Resources Director stated the City has had a hard time attracting Journey Lineworkers. Councilmember deHaan moved adoption of the resolution. Councilmember Matarrese seconded the motion, which carried by unanimous voice vote - 5. (08-120 ) Resolution No. 14188, ""Authorizing the Execution by the General Manager of Alameda Power & Telecom of the First Amendment to the Power Purchase Agreement with Ameresco Keller Canyon, LLC for Price Increase of Delivered Power from Landfill Gas Generation. Adopted. The AP&T General Manager gave a brief presentation. Mayor Johnson requested that the General Manager provide an explanation of landfill gas generation. The AP&T General Manager stated that landfill gas generation is a method in which gas that is generated from decomposing waste in a landfill is captured through a network of pipes and is gathered and Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 March 18, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-03-18.pdf CityCouncil,2008-04-01,5,"consensus on the new objective. The Council responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson requested that the policy objective that reads : ""Take measures to improve and promote the community's economic health"" be revised to include the City government's short-term and long-term economic health. Ms. Perkins inquired whether there is a consensus to add the language proposed by the Mayor, to which the Council responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese stated that he wants to clarify that all the projects are on-going before assigning priorities the Council should be notified if something has to stop; the priorities are dynamic and could change next week or next month; further stated the budget could cause changes; inquired whether establishing the priorities is a starting point. The City Manager responded the process is dynamic; many work programs span a number of years; reviewing the list and receiving feedback will finalize the initial list. Councilmember deHaan noted some departments do not have many tasks or tasks that require a large amount of labor public safety only has emergency preparedness; that he does not want functional requirements displaced. Mayor Johnson inquired why the limit should be ten priorities if there are departments that are not overburdened with projects. Ms. Perkins stated the effort is to distinguish between the work program and the Council's top priorities so that the Council's priorities are understood when internal adjustment of assignments are necessary. Mayor Johnson inquired why the priorities are not being reviewed by department. The City Manager responded the mechanism is to establish the Citywide priorities. Vice Mayor Tam inquired whether the Council would be informed if resources for a project were reallocated; and whether a project would be delayed, but not dropped, in said instance. The City Manager responded in the affirmative; stated the Council Regular Meeting Alameda City Council April 1, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-04-01.pdf CityCouncil,2008-04-15,5,"go back into the CDBG funding, to which the Development Services Director responded in the affirmative. Councilmember deHaan stated the Action Plan has three new programs ; the Alameda Point Collaborative (APC) self-employment initiative funding is $165,000 and covers a third of the overall funding; inquired whether past services have continued support. The Community Development Program Manager responded funding depends on circumstances; stated capital projects have one-time funding Councilmember deHaan inquired whether the APC would be an ongoing program. The Community Development Program Manager responded APC funding is flexible; stated Housing and Urban Development (HUD) offers a special designation which allows for greater flexibility. Councilmember deHaan stated APC funding is $125,000; inquired whether other programs would not be able to continue. The Community Development Program Manager responded the intention is to have the APC program be a start-up; stated milestones would need to be reached. Councilmember deHaan inquired whether programs that are not recommended for funding could be revisited. The Community Development Program Manager responded that public service programs would not be revisited at this time; stated any additional funding would go to direct services that are already funded. Mayor Johnson opened the public portion of the hearing. Proponents (In favor of staff recommendation) : Cynthia Wasko, Social Service Human Relations Board (SSHRB) ; Michael John Torrey, Alameda; Cherri Allison, Family Violence Law Center Liz Varela, Building Futures with Women and Children; Sue Sigler, Alameda Point Collaborative; Franklin Hysten, Alternatives in Action; Sue Retherford, Bananas; Jim Franz, Red Cross; and Paul Russell, Alameda Food Bank. There being no further speakers, Mayor Johnson closed the public portion of the hearing. Mayor Johnson inquired whether there is a criteria for allocating funds, to which Ms. Wasko responded in the affirmative. Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council April 15, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-04-15.pdf CityCouncil,2008-05-06,5,"2008 - Island City Landscaping and Lighting District 84-2."" Adopted. (*08-190) - Resolution No. 14203, ""Preliminarily Approve Annual Report Declaring Intention to Order the Levy and Collection of Assessments and providing for Notice of Public Hearing on July 1, , 2008 - Maintenance Assessment District 01-01 (Marina Cove) . "" Adopted. (*08-191) Resolution No. 14204, ""Directing Staff to Take Necessary Steps to Proceed with the Dissolution of the Non-Profit Corporation, Alameda Senior Citizens, Inc. Adopted. ( *08-192) Resolution No. 14205, ""Approving Continued Participation in the Alameda County HOME Consortium and Authorizing the City Manager to Execute the HOME Consortium Cooperative Agreement with Alameda County. "" Adopted. (08-193) Resolution No. 14206, ""Supporting Measure H, the Alameda Unified School District Temporary Emergency Parcel Tax. Adopted. David Forbes, Alameda Unified School District Board of Education, expressed appreciation to the Police Department in providing services to the School District; stated the State budget is in worse condition than on January 10; a parcel tax is the only way the School District can raise revenue; the recommended parcel tax equates to $10 per month [per parcel ] for four years; requested Council support. Councilmember Matarrese moved adoption of the resolution. Vice Mayor Tam stated the City's quality of life is tied to the quality of schools; it is incumbent upon the community to support Measure H; waiting for the State to solve the budget will cause students to suffer. Vice Mayor Tam seconded the motion. Under discussion, Councilmember Matarrese stated Assemblymember Swanson held a hearing on Saturday at Encinal High School; the State budget is in bad shape; fixing the budget will take a long time. Councilmember deHaan noted that the Recreation and Park Department also supports the School District. On the call for the question, the motion carried by the following voice vote - 5. Regular Meeting 5 Alameda City Council May 6, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-05-06.pdf CityCouncil,2008-05-20,5,"Mr. McCammon responded in the affirmative; stated additional 800 MHz is not available; the body that allocates spectrum is allocating 700 MHz to regional systems only. Mayor Johnson inquired whether Alameda could operate on the 700 MHz system, to which Mr. McCammon responded in the affirmative. Mayor Johnson inquired whether the spectrums have capacity issues. Mr. McCammon responded potentially; stated the system has been designed to take capacity issues into account; Alameda County has 21 channels; another 20 channels have been allocated to Contra Costa County; another 100 channels would become available in the 700 MHz spectrum; the system allows for priority accessi public safety has the highest priority; San Diego County has a 800 MHz system; the 2003 fires had capacity issues; the system has been fixed and worked well during fires. Mayor Johnson inquired whether San Diego County has a similar number of radios on the system. Mr. McCammon responded in the affirmative; stated San Diego County has approximately 23,000 users on the system. Mayor Johnson inquired whether San Diego County has as many jurisdictions as Alameda County, to which Mr. McCammon responded in the affirmative. Councilmember Matarrese requested that the Power Point presentation be posted to the website and that Council receive hard copies of future Power Point presentations in the Council packet. The City Manager stated presentations by outside sources do not belong to the City. Councilmember Matarrese stated that staff has control over the agenda; people should provide presentation material ahead of time so that the material is in the packet and gets posted to the website. The City Manager stated that staff can request said material. Councilmember deHaan stated Power Point presentations are usually a summary; a full report would be more than adequate; Power Point presentations that do not have a report would be good to have ahead of time. Councilmember Matarrese stated there is no reason to not have Power Regular Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 20, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-05-20.pdf CityCouncil,2008-05-27,5,"Mayor Johnson stated funds that are not discretionary should be removed from the General Fund or shown as discretionary and non- discretionary. The City Manager continued the presentation. Mayor Johnson requested staff to provide information on how much the refinancing would save per year and how much it would cost the City; stated the net amount should be provided. Councilmember deHaan stated some bonds have been previously refinanced he would like to know when the bonds were refinanced and the cost. Councilmember Matarrese stated the issue strikes him as a guiding principle; that he does not mind refinancing debt for hard assets; that he objects to borrowing money for operations; he would like Council to consider said policy. Councilmember deHaan stated staffing increased proportionally through all departments in 1997 when the City took over the former Naval Air Station; he would like the numbers reviewed more in depth. Mayor Johnson stated a formal request should be made to the Navy to request payment for police and fire service at the Base; the City cannot afford to pay for the service. Following Vice Mayor Tam's questions regarding redevelopment funds, the City Manager stated information would be provided. Vice Mayor Tam requested the information be posted on the City's website. The City Manager continued the presentation. Councilmember deHaan raised questions about the Planning and Building Department moving into the Carnegie Building. Following discussion of uses of permit fees, the City Manager stated additional information would be provided. Mayor Johnson requested when changes for window permits are made, the matter should be placed on a Council agenda. Councilmember deHaan requested more detailed information on the amount of General Fund reserves available and loaned out. Special Meeting Alameda City Council 5 May 27, 2008",CityCouncil/2008-05-27.pdf