body,date,page,text PensionBoard,2005-07-25,1,"MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE PENSION BOARD OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HELD 4:30 P.M., MONDAY, JULY 25, 2005 ALAMEDA CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE, ALAMEDA CONFERENCE ROOM 391 The meeting was called to order by Chair Beverly Johnson at 4:35 p.m. ROLL CALL: Present: Trustees Beverly Johnson, William Soderlund and Karen Willis. Staff: Juelle-Ann Boyer, Chief Financial Officer and Lelia Faapouli, Administrative Technician, Human Resources. Absent: Trustees: Nancy Elzig and Robert Follrath. MINUTES: The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 25, 2005 were reviewed. Member Soderlund motioned to accept the minutes as presented, member Willis seconded; all were in favor and passed with a 3-0 vote. CONSENT CALENDAR: 4-A. PENSION PAYROLL FOR THE MONTH OF APRIL 2005: a. In the amount of $ 256,786.23 for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1079, N.S. b. In the amount of $ 3,323.61 _ for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1082, N.S. 4-B. PENSION PAYROLL FOR THE MONTH OF MAY 2005: a. In the amount of $ 250,698.99 for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1067, N.S. b. In the amount of $ 3,323.61 for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1082, N.S. 4-C. PENSION PAYROLL FOR THE MONTH OF JUNE 2005: a. In the amount of $ 258,135.52 for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1079, N.S. b. In the amount of $ 3.323.61_ for the members under Pension Ordinance No. 1082, N.S. “Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service” " PensionBoard,2005-07-25,2,"City of Alameda Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Pension Board — Monday, July 25, 2005 Page 2 Member Willis motioned to adopt the consent calendar as presented, Member Soderlund seconded; all were in favor and passed with a 3-0 vote. AGENDA ITEMS: 5-A. 5-B. 5-C. 5-D. The Chief Financial Officer noted the first run on the Financial Report for City of Alameda Police and Fire Pension Funds for period ending June 30, 2005 is a preliminary first closing and that second closing report will be presented at next meeting. In a motion by Member Soderlund and seconded by Member Willis, the Chief Financial Officer’s Financial Report for City of Alameda Police and Fire Pension Funds for the period ending June 30, 2005 was accepted as presented; all were in favor and passed with a 3-0 vote. Continuation of discussion on purchasing and erecting new flagpoles at City Hall was not discussed due to absence of trustees. This issue will be on agenda for next meeting in October 2005. Member Soderlund motioned to accept, with regrets, the memo from Human Resources notifying of the death of 1079 Pensioner, Lee Perry, widow of Eugene Perry, Fire Apparatus Operator. Member Willis seconded; all were in favor and passed with a 3-0 vote. Juelle-Ann Boyer, Chief Financial Officer, brought the finalized Report of Results of Actuarial Valuations of the Police and Fire Retirement System (Plan 1079 and 1082) and the Retiree Health Care Plan to be distributed to board members, copies to be mailed to absent members. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (PUBLIC COMMENT) There were no oral communications. PENSION BOARD COMMUNICATIONS (COMMUNICATIONS FROM BOARD) There were no communications from the board. “Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service” " PensionBoard,2005-07-25,3,"City of Alameda Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Pension Board — Monday, July 25, 2005 Page 3 8. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 4:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karen Willis, Human Resources Director and Secretary to the Pension Board “Dedicated to Excellence, Committed to Service” "