body,date,page,text,path RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,1,"a NOTICE OF MEETING ALAMEDA RECREATION AND PARK COMMISSION MINUTES FOR REGULAR MEETING DATE: Thursday, October 13, 2011 TIME: 7:00 p.m. PLACE: Room 360, City Hall, corner of Santa Clara Avenue and Oak Street, Alameda, CA 94501 1. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Joe Restagno, Vice Chair Lola Brown, Commissioners Bill Delaney and Bill Sonneman Absent: Commissioner Gina Mariani Staff: Dale Lillard, ARPD Director 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Approve Minutes of June 9, 2011 Recreation & Park Commission Regular Meeting. Tabled until next meeting. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, AGENDA Commissioner Delaney asked the ARPD Director if he was going to provide information on the Mif Albright Golf Course situation and the land swap in his review Director Lillard stated yes, he can provide information tonight but no action can be taken. Commissioner Delaney stated that he feels that the Commission should have an opinion on it at some level. Director Lillard stated that the Park Master Plan will be discussed at the November Commission meeting which will have a field element in it. The Commission will in fact be making a recommendation on part of it. The rest is under the purview of the Golf Commission. Dan McEachern, Alameda resident and representative of Alameda Girls Softball Association (AGSA), stated that AGSA has some issues with the Banner Policy at Krusi Park and various other parks in Alameda. Mr. McEachern asked if their concerns can still be brought to the Commission for reconsideration. Chair Restagno stated that the Commission will take feedback, discuss it, and consider taking action at a future meeting. Mr. McEachern asked for direction on how to communicate their concerns to the Commission. Director Lillard stated that Mr. McEachern can do it now or by writing a letter to the Commission. Mr. McEachern provided a few points to consider: AGSA uses their banners to make residents aware of programs, fall clinics, registrations, etc. In the past, banners were at Ruby Bridges, Washington, and Krusi Parks. The banners are professionally made. The new policy only allows one banner to be up at a time. There are three fall softball clinics through the month of October. But, with the new policy of only allowing a banner to be up for three weeks, when their clinics are a month apart, the three weeks does not",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,2,"work for them. Chair Restagno stated that he thought it was a maximum of 30 days. Mr. McEachern stated that even the 30 days is a problem due to the timeline. The other issue is that there are only two locations allowed to hang the banners. Director Lillard stated that there are three locations which are Krusi, Lincoln, and Washington Parks. Mr. McEachern stated that in the past they have tried to recruit more girls from the west end and they used to put a banner on the fence at the pump station on Ninth Street, but are not allowed to use that location any more. Director Lillard stated that they could use the fence on Central Avenue at Washington Park. Mr. McEachern stated that they would like to use Ruby Bridges but according to the policy they are not allowed to do so anymore. Also, the fence at Krusi is 300 feet long and to be able to only have one - six foot sign at a time is a little restrictive. Last year there was a softball tournament held at Krusi Park for the first time and there were over 300 people from outside of the city who attended. At that time, there were three banners made with the ARPD/AGSA logo on them to go on each field. In the fall, when AGSA has their regular season they would like to leave the banners up on each field, off the diamonds, and leave them up through the season (January-June). Director Lillard stated that if the banners are on the fields it would not be a problem. AGSA can do that which is similar to what Alameda High School does at Lincoln Park. Chair Restagno stated he did not think that there was a limit to having only one banner. Director Lillard stated that ARPD is trying to limit it to one banner in case there were multiple organizations. Chair Restagno stated that with the locations being Washington, Lincoln, and Krusi Parks that would only leave Ruby Bridges that was not being used. Mr. McEachern stated that in the past they have also used the AP Multipurpose Field. Chair Restagno stated that he and the Commission are open to looking at what is reasonable. Commissioner Delaney stated that it would seem logical for AGSA to outline in writing what their requests are and then bring it back to the Commission for a decision. That way there will be something in writing and guidelines to move forward. Mary Anderson, Alameda resident, stated that she did not get to the two public meetings in June where the Park Master Plan was presented and asked if she could have a copy. Director Lillard stated that the draft will come before the Recreation & Park Commission at their November meeting. Ms. Anderson asked if there was any information online. There was reference to an online survey. Director Lillard stated that the consultants have completed the online survey. He stated that Ms. Anderson could still submit items to the ARPD Office and staff can get the information to the consultants. Ms. Anderson asked for clarification if the Commission will be talking about the Land Swap tonight. Director Lillard stated that he will just be providing the Deal Points. Ms. Anderson asked if the fields are obtained out at the Cowan land how will that affect plans for fields at Alameda Point. Director Lillard stated that in the Draft Park Master Plan, preliminary release, it shows a shortage of fields right now and predicts an even more severe shortage in 10 years. ARPD will need every location that they can find. There will be fields needed on the old Beltline property and some out at Alameda Point. Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 2 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,3,"Ms. Anderson stated that her understanding is that the Cowan property is narrow and would not support a full-size baseball field is that correct. Director Lillard stated that is correct. Ms. Anderson stated so there is enough land there for two soccer fields and two little league baseball fields. Director Lillard stated that depending on the configuration chosen. The initial plan used by Cowan was two and two. Depending on what comes out in the Park Master Plan it could be three soccer and one baseball field. You cannot put a full-size hardball field out there. The exact configuration has not been determined yet. Ms. Anderson asked if it was understood that there would be sufficient parking. Director Lillard stated yes, parking would be designed into the project. Ms. Anderson asked what would be the advantage of having fields at North Loop Road instead of locating a big complex out at Alameda Point. Chair Restagno stated that this issue has not really come to the Commission yet and we have not opined on it yet and probably will not until November. Commissioner Sonneman stated that it would be the Commission's hope to put as many fields in as possible. Not just thinking that a complex at Alameda Point would meet the field needs across the community. Vice Chair Brown stated that this has not been addressed at all by the Recreation & Park Commission. Commissioner Sonneman stated that the Commission really cannot address this at all until they review the draft Park Master Plan. Ms. Anderson stated that it just occurred to her that since the City Council cannot really address the issue until they receive the Recreation Commission's information, the Council may be jumping the gun a little bit. If the Commission is not reviewing it until November and needs time to deliberate and study it, the Council may be putting this on their calendar a little hastily. Chair Restagno asked Director Lillard if the Council will be voting on the issue before the Commission can opine on it. Director Lillard stated that it will come before the Commission on November 14. Then it goes to Planning Board regarding the EIR on October 24. On December 13, Council can take action or not take action. Ms. Anderson stated that as a citizen she would like to get all the information that she can from the Recreation Commission's deliberations and decisions before she goes to the December 13 Council Meeting to speak. Chair Restagno stated that our opinion will be available after the November Recreation Commission meeting and then be given to Council. Director Lillard stated that the Commission will review the draft Park Master Plan in November, the consultant will take those recommendations and comments and then it would go forward. It will not go to Council for final approval until after the first of the year. Ms. Anderson asked if after the first of the year the Council would get the Recreation Commission's recommendations. Director Lillard stated that Council would adopt the Park Master Plan after the first of the year. Council would have the Recreation Commission's recommendations after the November meeting. Philip Tribuzio, Alameda resident, spoke regarding his proposal to the Recreation Commission to make an Alameda Point picnic area at the runway area of the shoreline. He would like the Recreation Commission to consider this proposal. Chair Restagno stated that he has some concerns because the area is concrete and not soft landscape. Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 3 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,4,"4. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 5. NEW BUSINESS A. Discussion and Review of Krusi Park Renovation Plans - (Discussion Item) Director Lillard stated that there was a public/community meeting held on Thursday, September 29, 2011, at Otis School, to discuss Krusi Park Renovation Plans. There were three meetings held that day: 3:00 p.m. for school district staff, 5:00 p.m. for youth groups, and 7:00 p.m. for neighbors. Commissioner Delaney and Director Lillard attended the meeting and there were approximately 30 people in attendance at the evening meeting (7:00 p.m.). The architects took all of the comments from the meetings and met with ARPD staff on Monday, October 3, for additional details. They are refining a conceptual drawing that will be brought before the Recreation & Park Commission at the November meeting. Director Lillard stated that the recreation building is really nice with a concession stand included. It is all green; solar heated, catches rain water, etc. Access to the park has been accentuated. After the November meeting and the Commission has given their comments, staff will move forward and prepare the bid documents. We anticipate releasing bid documents after the first of the year. Bid documents must stay out for 30 days. After 30 days, bids will be opened and then the project will be awarded in early spring. It is hoped that the project will be completed by the beginning of the next school year (September 2012). Director Lillard stated that the fields will not be affected by the project. The tennis courts will be resurfaced as another project. Tennis courts will either be redone now (fall) or in the spring 2012 depending on weather. Chair Restagno asked if the project was being put together with the budget that we know we have now. Director Lillard stated yes. Commissioner Delaney asked if a small fence along Otis Drive will be included in the project. Director Lillard stated yes. ARPD had another $51,000 left over from State Grant (Prop 12 and Prop 40) money that will be applied to the project as well. Chair Restagno asked if it was anticipated that ARPD would have an afterschool care program at the facility after the renovation. Director Lillard stated yes. We anticipate accommodating 45 children in the program with the new building. B. Discussion of January ARPD Reorganization - (Discussion Item) Director Lillard stated that everyone is aware of the last budget process and there were a lot of budget reductions citywide. For ARPD this resulted in reorganization after the first of the year. The changes made are that the Director position is now reclassified as Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 4 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,5,"a Recreation Services Manager who will report to the Assistant City Manager and the Executive Assistant position will be reclassified at a lower position of Office Assistant. Director Lillard will be retiring at the end of this year, but will come back on a contractual basis to finish the fiscal year (June 2012). During January through June the City Manager's Office will decide how they want to permanently handle the reorganization (e.g., hire from outside, internal promotion, etc.). Doing the reorganization this way allowed ARPD to keep programs and/or not eliminate another lower level position. Chair Restagno asked if it will be difficult to hire a Recreation Services Manager when they will be doing director type of work. Director Lillard stated that he did not think so and that a lot of other cities have gone to this type of organized government. This was the same structure that ARPD had been working under several years ago. It has been done before. This will not affect frontline services at all. There should not be any more program cuts this fiscal year. Chair Restagno asked how much will be saved. Director Lillard stated that the cut was approximately $300,000. It affected programs in the least way possible. Vice Chair Brown asked why the Recreation Supervisor was not a Manager position. Director Lillard stated that we have looked at the position to upgrade but it will be very difficult with this budget. Director Lillard stated that the first City Budget Hearings will be held on October 25th The City is still $3 million short. After public input is received staff will determine the budget savings. C. Request from St. Joseph Notre Dame High School (SJND) to Install a Scoreboard at the Alameda Point Multipurpose Field - (Discussion/Action Item) Director Lillard stated that St. Joseph Notre Dame High School (SJND) has submitted a request to install a solar power scoreboard at the Alameda Point Multipurpose Field. They also requested a number of other items (e.g., bullpen work, screening, etc.) that were not under a long-term use. This request for a scoreboard is a long-term use which needs the Recreation Commission's approval. It will be a solar scoreboard that SJND purchases and installs. They will sink it into the ground approximately four feet. It will be 10 feet above ground. SJND will absorb all costs and make it available to other user groups. Director Lillard stated that he has communicated to SJND that even if this is approved by the Recreation Commission, SJND will still need to go through the Building & Planning Department process because they will need a foundation permit, etc. They will also have to have engineered drawings; ARPD will help them through the permitting process, etc. Chair Restagno clarified that SJND will be responsible for all maintenance and repair. Vice Chair Brown also added and availability to other groups. Director Lillard stated yes. Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 5 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,6,"Commissioner Delaney asked if ARPD will have recourse in the future if the maintenance and repair is not up to par. Director Lillard stated that ARPD can put any conditions that we would like to require in the approval letter. Chair Restagno asked if there was anyone at the meeting from SJND to address the request. Director Lillard stated no. Commissioner Sonneman clarified that the scoreboard would be solar. Director Lillard stated yes. Also, we will not provide electricity so solar is the best option. Providing electricity is cost prohibitive. M/S/C SONNEMAN/DELANEY (approved) ""Approve the installation of the solar scoreboard by SJND on the Alameda Point Multipurpose Field."" Director Lillard asked if there were any special restrictions. Chair Restagno stated to use the same language that was in the letter of approval for the Lincoln Park scoreboard installation. 6. UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. 7. REPORTS FROM RECREATION COMMISSION AND RECREATION AND PARK DIRECTOR A. Park Division See Activity Report dated October 10, 2011. B. Recreation Division See Activity Report dated October 10, 2011. C. Mastick Senior Center See Activity Report dated October 10, 2011. D. Other Reports and Announcements 8. STATUS REPORT ON ONGOING PROJECTS 9. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, GENERAL Director Lillard stated that the Cowan Land Swap request will be reviewed at the City Council Meeting on December 13, 2011. There are two separate issues: 1) KemperSports Management Agreement to operate the Chuck Corica Golf Complex, and 2) Mif Albright land exchange and housing element. Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 6 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,7,"The basic deal for the KemperSports Management operation of the Corica Golf Complex is: - Kemper puts up $1 million of their own money up front. - Kemper puts up another $2.5 million over the next 5 years to do golf course improvements. The City matches that amount. - Kemper needs to complete renovation and construction within 5 years. In the first 5 years Kemper will pay the City a flat $50,000 rental rate because the course will be under renovation and will not be generating as much revenue. - Once the construction is done, or by the 5th year, there is a sliding scale rate of rent on a percentage basis (percentage of revenue). - It is a 30 year agreement. - Every year 4% of the operation revenue will be put aside automatically for capital improvement projects that are agreed upon and approved by the operator (Kemper) and the City. - The City will get the initial improvements with the $7 million ($3.5 million Kemper, $3.5 City) plus an ongoing maintenance fund through the duration and length of the contract. - The fee structure; City Council will retain control over resident, youth, and senior fees. All other fees Kemper may request adjustment of up to 4% a year or CPI. The agreement would provide money up front, provides a guaranteed rent to the City, and provides an ongoing source of capital for improvements to the course. Director Lillard stated that the second item (Harbor Bay Island Associates (HBIA) Land Swap) was negotiated by the Planning Department and the City Manager's Office. Those points are: - Calls for an exchange for 12.2 acres (Mif Albright Course) for 12.2 acres on North Loop Road. - City would receive $7.2 million in cash payment, an addition $2.5 million that City would require HBIA to do in traffic mitigation and improvements, HBIA would do environmental impact studies, traffic studies, and every other study needed. There is a graduated scale of payments: Signing of lease - cash payment of $200,000, they will have six months to arrange their financing. If they do not get it done in 6 months, HBIA will make an additional cash payment that will buy them another 3 months. If at any time in the process, should HBIA walk away, the City will keep the payments made by HBIA. The City would use $1.5 million of the payment to develop the North Loop Road property into some configuration of fields. The original drawings show two soccer fields and a baseball field. Based on what is determined on the Park Master Plan, it will probably show that the configuration may be a little different. The City is very short on full-sized baseball fields and multi-use full-size turf fields where soccer, football, and rugby can be played. Chair Restagno clarified that $3.5 million will go to golf. Director stated yes. Chair Restagno stated that $1.5 million will go to build the fields, which leaves $2.25 million. Director Lillard stated which is undesignated at this time. It would be up to Council/City Manager's Office whether it goes to reserves or more fields; that determination has not been made yet. Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 7 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf RecreationandParkCommission,2011-10-13,8,"Chair Restagno stated that he hopes the funds do not go to areas completely unrelated. It would be nice to keep the funds within recreation open space. Vice Chair Brown asked when the City would receive the $7.2 million. Director Lillard stated that he believed that the City would receive the funds when the property changes hands. The staff report from the Planning Department is online for the public to review. Vice Chair Brown clarified that it would be a 30-year agreement with Kemper. Director Lillard stated yes. It will take Kemper 30 years to amortize that type of investment. Commissioner Delaney stated that nobody would take on this type of situation for under 25 years. 10. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA 11. SET NEXT MEETING DATE: Monday, November 14, 2011 NOTE: Recreation Commission meeting date was changed. 12. ADJOURNMENT Recreation & Park Commission Mtg. 8 Minutes - Thursday, October 13, 2011",RecreationandParkCommission/2011-10-13.pdf