body,date,page,text,path LibraryBoard,2008-11-12,1,"CHT OF of TERKA ORATED Minutes of the ALAMEDA FREE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING November 12, 2008 The regular meeting of the Alameda Free Library Board was called to order at 6:01 p.m. ROLL CALL Present: Ruth Belikove, President Mike Hartigan, Vice President Karen Butter, Board Member Alan Mitchell, Board Member Gail Wetzork, Board Member Absent: None Staff: Jane Chisaki, Library Director Marsha Merrick, Recording Secretary CONSENT CALENDAR An asterisk indicates items so enacted or adopted on the Consent Calendar. A. *Report from Library Director Highlighting Activities for the Month of November 2008. Accepted. B. *Revised Minutes of the Regular Library Board Meeting of September 10, 2008. Approved. *Draft Minutes of the Regular Library Board Meeting of October 8, 2008. Approved. C. *Library Services Report for the Month of September 2008. Accepted. D. *Financial Report Reflecting FY 2008-09 Expenditures by Fund through October 2008. Accepted. E. *Bills for Ratification for the Month of October 2008. Approved. Member Butter mentioned the door count at the Main for September was much higher than in past years. Director Chisaki explained this was because the door counter had not been working properly at first. The branch door counts had also risen, and Chisaki said that extensive weeding was done on their collections, making books much easier to find. Additionally, the Supervising Children's Librarian has been bringing classes through the branches by their schools to familiarize students with this resource. Butter also noticed that homebound patrons had declined; Chisaki said they had lost quite a few this year, but the service is advertised around town at care homes, Mastick Senior Center, etc. Per a question from Member Butter, Director Chisaki spoke about the state of the budget, what cuts had already been taken, and what was on the table for the future if there was a request to cut more.",LibraryBoard/2008-11-12.pdf LibraryBoard,2008-11-12,2,"Page 2 of 4 Minutes of the Alameda Free Library Board Meeting November 12, 2008 President Belikove had read in the Director's letter about the new book drop awning and shelf that will be installed, and asked if there was a possibility of putting an additional book drop in the back of the building. Chisaki explained this had been investigated previously, but it was found that there was no way to accommodate a book drop at the rear of the building. President Belikove asked for a motion to accept the Consent Calendar as presented. Member Mitchell so moved; Member Wetzork seconded the motion which carried by a 5-0 vote. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS, NON-AGENDA (Public Comment) Audience member Li Volin spoke up about the recent fund-raising program the Library Foundation had hosted with food author Michael Pollan. Ms. Volin thought the event had been absolutely fabulous, and others in attendance at the meeting echoed her sentiments. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Neighborhood Library Improvement Projects (J. Chisaki) 23 architectural firms showed up for the mandatory branch walk-through. They asked a lot of good questions; their proposals are due on November 24. Laurie Kozisek, project manager for Public Works, had located floor plans for WEB and aerial photos of both branches that Director Chisaki will put up on the webpage. The first meeting between Library, Public Works, Friends and Foundation representatives will be on Wednesday, November 19; 5-10 meetings will be held throughout the design phase of the project. Chisaki queried the Board on whether they would like to see West End and Bay Farm residents on the committee so there could be community input. Member Wetzork listed both positives and negatives for consideration; Member Butter was very much in favor of resident participation, as was Vice President Hartigan. Chisaki said a PowerPoint presentation could be put on the website for the community to view and submit comments that way. Butter said that is a good idea, but believes it is key to have community members on the committee so they can give their input ""live"" during the process. Chisaki will move forward in contacting the people they have in mind and inquire about their availability and/or willingness to sit on the committee. NEW BUSINESS A. Proposed Donation of Art from Gary Bukovnik (R. Belikove) The Board looked over the picture from their packet and had a lengthy discussion on where it might be mounted. Several locations for the artwork were discussed, but due to the size of the piece, it was difficult to come up with anything reasonable. It was requested the painting be viewed before acceptance, to ensure it was in good shape and wouldn't need restoration efforts. The Art Exhibit Committee was tasked with drafting an Art Acceptance Policy before the next Board meeting, as something should be in place if the Library is offered other pieces of art. President Belikove, as Board liaison to the Art Committee, will bring this to their next meeting.",LibraryBoard/2008-11-12.pdf LibraryBoard,2008-11-12,3,"Page 3 of 4 Minutes of the Alameda Free Library Board Meeting November 12, 2008 B. Art Exhibit Committee (R. Belikove) The Art Exhibit Committee did not have its regular meeting in November due to it falling on Veterans Day, however, they will meet the following Tuesday. The Art Exhibit calendar is rapidly filling up; President Belikove mentioned the current exhibit by Peter Tonningsen, which includes many photographic images of Alameda. There will be a display of original graphic novel artwork coming up, and Belikove had brought in several books that were given to her by Image Graphics of Berkeley. There will be a Mata Ortiz pottery demonstration the following Sunday in the Library courtyard, and Belikove invited all present to attend. On November 19, there will be a program about Alameda's Neptune Beach in the Community Meeting Rooms. C. Alameda Free Library Foundation (L. Engh) Luzanne Engh, Foundation President, was in attendance to update the Library Board on what the Executive Committee and Board have been working on. Lots of good news about the Michael Pollan event - they netted just over $10,000 and had also made great community connections through this effort. Special thanks go to Slow Food Alameda, who was instrumental in putting the food part of the evening together. The restaurants that participated were delighted to be part of the event and happy to know that it was in support of the Library. The Foundation is reviewing and updating their mission statement and goals and objectives. The mission idea is that the Foundation seeks private financial support to supplement City and public funding in order to support the mission and goals of the Library, and to ensure that quality Library services continue in Alameda, now and in the future. The Foundation has approximately $300,000 in cash, money market funds and CDs and would like to protect the principal of it. Instead of supporting individual programs, they would like to have guidelines for an annual contribution to the Library who will be able to use the money as they see fit. They would also set aside a certain percentage of any fund-raising programs they do. Engh asked the Board if they see this as a good direction for the Foundation to be going. The Library Board thought this was a very reasonable approach and encouraged Engh to move forward accordingly. D. Friends of the Alameda Free Library (M. Lambert) Marc Lambert was not in attendance to report, but had sent President Belikove an e-mail with his comments which she read for the Board. The book sale had been another success, netting over $17,000. Thanks go to all who helped out, including the Coast Guard. The next Friends meeting will be on November 17 and the agenda will include consideration of the By-Laws Committee report, changing the membership year to coincide with the calendar year, and the 2009 budget. The Café is now serving sandwiches from Feel Good Bakery. E. Patron suggestions/comments (Speak-Outs) and Library Director's response. A patron wrote that the Alameda Library is too noisy. We are a community base as well as a traditional library and before and after special programs, such as author events or storytimes, there is more traffic and it can be louder. Staff is busy and can't always stop to ""shush"" people.",LibraryBoard/2008-11-12.pdf LibraryBoard,2008-11-12,4,"Page 4 of 4 Minutes of the Alameda Free Library Board Meeting November 12, 2008 If there is a real problem with the noise level, please ask a staff person to intervene. Board Member Butter suggested the person might use the Quiet Reading Room as an option. Director Chisaki also noted that new signs will go up that tie in to the current ""Free2"" campaign, which shows (by being crossed out with a big red line) that you are not ""Free2"" do things like talk on a cell phone. This apparently has worked well in other libraries. LIBRARY BOARD COMMUNICATIONS There were no communications from the Board. DIRECTOR'S COMMENTS Director Chisaki updated the Board on the switchover from Veicon to Envisionware. Many obstacles have been encountered during the process, and what was supposed to take 3-5 days has now taken almost a month. David Boxton, lead on the project, has been working literally day and night, and it is now at the point where extra help needs to be brought in to speed the process. Staff has not been given much information about what is going on because it is possible that the City may take Veicon to court. This has led to numerous complaints by the public who want to know what is happening, and staff can't give any kind of explanation. One patron has now escalated his complaint to the City Council level. Every service the Library offers is still available, with the exception of public internet access, and the reason that is not up is because of the layers of security that need to be built in before public use. There is a small glimmer of hope this access will be restored the following week. Vice President Hartigan commented that this could be taken as a ""warning shot across the bow"" so to speak. If there are future plans to upgrade computer systems we must make very sure that we are ready to respond quickly, or risk the public's displeasure. Chisaki said that every effort had been made, with planning done far in advance, to make this a smooth process, but with each step taken, new issues had come up regarding what Veicon had done to our system. Once all is said and done, however, Chisaki speculates this will be a much more manageable in-house system, as we will have full access to everything. Veicon had been unwilling to give us this, and it was a very difficult lesson to be learned. Hartigan commented that he didn't mean any criticism to what we had done, but ""lessons learned"" is certainly key in this situation. CLA is coming to San Jose this weekend; Chisaki will attend some parts of the conference, working around a scouting event that's planned. The League of Women Voters has agreed to act as host for an ""Inauguration Day"" party in January in the Community Meeting Rooms. The big wall TV and the smaller TV on the moveable stand will be used to watch the swearing in ceremonies. ADJOURNMENT Board President Belikove asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:40 p.m. Member Butter so moved; Member Wetzork seconded the motion which carried by a 5-0 vote. Respectfully submitted, Jane Chisaki, Library Director and Secretary to the Library Board",LibraryBoard/2008-11-12.pdf PublicArtCommission,2008-11-12,1,"MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC ART COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2008 CONFERENCE ROOM 391, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: Acting Chair Lee called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Chair Lee, Commissioners Candelario, Ibsen and Commissioner Leal ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to Public Art Commission; Maria Luisa Flores, Intermediate Clerk, Planning & Building MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of September 10, 2008 Motion (Leal)/Second (lbsen) to approve as submitted Ayes: 4; Noes: 0. Motion passed. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None REGULAR AGENDA: (4A.) Guidelines for Public Art Projects Identification Signage Mr. Ibsen asked if the dimensions for the signage will be too small at 5""x5"". He noted the signs should be legible at three paces. Other Commission members commented that the dimension should be a minimum and the guidelines modified to reflect this. Ms. Candelario noted that the guidelines should make it clear that Commission approval of the signage is required. Motion (lbsen)/Second (Lee) to approve the public art identification signage guidelines subject to the following changes: 1. The 5""x 5"" size noted in the guidelines are the minimum dimension of public art signage. & 2. Add language to the guidelines making it clear that Public Art Commission approval of the proposal is required. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed.",PublicArtCommission/2008-11-12.pdf PublicArtCommission,2008-11-12,2,"(4B.) Adoption of 2009 Public Art Commission Calendar The commission reviewed the proposed calendar for 2009. Motion (lbsen)/Second (Lee) to adopt the 2009 Calendar Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed. (4C.) Adoption of Resolution of the Public Art Commission acknowledging Cecilia Cervantes to the citizens of Alameda Ms. Lee noted that there were other members of the Community that had recently served on the Public Art Commission and they should also be acknowledged for their service. All other Commission members agreed. Ms. Lee suggested that the item be continued to the next meeting to allow staff to prepare resolutions for Katina Huston, K.C. Rosenberg, and Peter Wolfe. Motion (Lee)/Second (lbsen) to continue the item to the next regular meeting so that resolutions recognizing former members of the Commission could be crafted. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed. 0 STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None COMMISSIONER COMMUNICATIONS: Eric Ibsen and Andrea Leal have drafted a press release regarding locating public art in Alameda which they would like to have agendized for discussion at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary Public Art Commission G:\PLANNINGIPAC\Agendas_Minutes\Minutes_08/11-12-08 draft minutes.doc 2",PublicArtCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,1,"TRANSPORTATION COMMISSION MINUTES - DRAFT November 12, 2008 Chair Knox White called the Transportation Commission to order at 7:35 p.m. 1. ROLL CALL - Roll was called and the following recorded. Members Present: John Knox White Michael Krueger Jane Lee Kathy Moehring Members Absent: Robert McFarland Eric Schatmeier Srikant Subramaniam Staff Present: Obaid Khan, Supervising Civil Engineer Barry Bergman, Transportation Coordinator Lt. David Boersma, Alameda Police Department 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. October 22, 2008 These minutes will be considered at the December 10, 2009, meeting. 3. AGENDA CHANGES There were none. 4. COMMISSION COMMUNICATIONS Chair Knox White wished to discuss the traffic light at Park and Blanding at 8 a.m. on Friday morning. He noted that it was red in all directions for three to five seconds, and changed from green on Park to green on Blanding. He added that at the light at Santa Clara and High the City had previously had added one second to the red, but that it was not there now. Chair Knox White inquired about the establishment of a transit plan subcommittee. Staff Khan replied that staff was concerned about the resources needed to implement that request, and suggested revisiting the request in December. Chair Knox White requested that on future agendas, items brought for content be agendized for action as well. Staff Khan noted that staff would look into that request. Chair Knox White noted that the question was raised at the Alameda Reuse and Redevelopment Authority (ARRA) meeting whether comments represented consensus or 1",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,2,"the opinions of individuals. a. Pedestrian Plan Task Force There was no report. b. Bicycle Plan Update Group There was no report. c. Alameda Point Advisory Task Force There was no report. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - NON-AGENDIZED ITEMS There were none. 6. OLD BUSINESS a. Monitoring of Oak Street and Central Avenue Intersection Staff Khan summarized the extensive staff report and detailed the background and scope of this item. He described the monitoring plan, and added that Public Works and Alameda Police Department (APD) coordinated the work with the community groups, addressing their concerns. In response to a request by APD, City Council approved the change to the Municipal Code on June 17, 2008 regarding the use of the garage by skaters and skateboarders. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Moehring about additional bike racks in the area, Staff Bergman replied that there was not a current proposal for anything on the north side of Central near the theater. Staff Khan added that staff would continue to examine that issue, and that racks would be installed in Lot C. Commissioner Krueger noted that page 4 stated that there was a pedestrian crossing time of 4 to 7 seconds, and inquired why there was a maximum walk time. As a pedestrian, he expected that the flashing hand time should be equal to the crossing distance divided by the average walking speed, and that the green signal should last through the crossing time. He would like to see the crossing time maximized. Staff Khan replied that based upon the studies, 7 seconds at a signalized intersection was the maximum to coordinate with the cycle. Commissioner Krueger inquired whether it would be possible to have a white hand and countdown that changed to an orange flashing countdown as the crossing time ran out. Staff Khan stated that a $50 parking permit was being considered for Monday through Friday parking. Staff would consider the PSBA request to increase the parking time from four to eight hours. In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Krueger whether the truck that hit the 2",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,3,"marquee would affect the bulbout design, Staff Khan replied it would, but that the bulbout could not be extended to the alley because of the need for the commercial loading zone. In response to an inquiry by Chair Knox White whether peak commute hour traffic was measured, as opposed to peak use of the theater, Staff Khan replied that commute traffic was higher than traffic associated with the theater. Chair Knox White stated that the intersection of Oak and Central was identified as a problem in the negative declaration for the theater project. Staff Khan responded that changes were made to the signal timing at that location in conjunction with the opening of the theater to address those concerns. Chair Knox White requested that the staff report be clarified, as it appears to state that right turns from Central onto Oak were excluded from the analysis. Chair Knox White expressed concern about the bike and pedestrian right-of-way violations, and noted they were not mentioned in the report. He noted that he witnessed the violations frequently, and that many people double-parked in the bike lane. Lt. Boersma noted that double-parking data was collected by the Finance Department, and that the data could not be obtained. In response to an inquiry by Chair Knox-White whether the tree that was removed would be installed on the bulbout, Staff Khan replied that staff would look into that, and added that it may also be installed in Lot C. Open public hearing. Lucy Gigli noted that she was disappointed when she saw the flier that the City distributed regarding bicyclist and pedestrian safety. She noted that when this item went to the City Council, the Transportation Commission wrote a letter regarding its concerns with the right turn lane, and she was disappointed that she did not see any analysis of how it all worked. She noted that with respect to the bulbouts, which she generally favored, she did not completely understand the argument for having them, as the number of jaywalkers did not appear to be very high. She asked if any reports were available regarding use of the parking structure. She noted that if bike parking were installed in Lot C, the bulbout would help bring it closer and link it to the theater. Staff Khan replied that the parking structure was underutilized at this time, and staff was exploring the possibility of reducing the parking requirements for area businesses. Ms. Gigli inquired whether the study would look at removing on-street parking to reclaim the space instead of increasing prices. Staff Khan replied that this would not be feasible as there was free parking in the residential neighborhoods. Close public comment. 3",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,4,"Commissioner Krueger expressed concern about the traffic backup on the intersection at Park Street, which he assumed was based on the traffic predictions. He inquired whether the traffic volume was sufficient to justify the queuing. Staff Khan replied that staff did not see the traffic buildup when looking at the numbers. Commissioner Moehring noted that she would like to see bike parking in front of the theater. Chair Knox White agreed with that suggestion. He noted that bike parking in the garage was relocated without any input. The volumes were lower, and the long dropoff wasn't needed. He would like to see something in the City Council report about illegal use of the bike lanes for passing. He would also like to see bike parking in front of the theater. Staff Khan noted that the bulbout also helped by providing spaces for patron queuing at the theater. Commissioner Lee expressed concern about the $150,000 cost, and commended staff on the brochure, which could be modified and used for schools. Staff Khan said that staff could email her a copy of the file if the schools were interested in reproducing and distributing additional copies. Commissioner Moehring suggested sending it out through the Alameda Educational Foundation. Commissioner Krueger suggested that the City Council report mention how the bulbout will help with patron queuing and protection of the marquee. He believed the bike parking should be as close as possible to the theater entrance. No action was taken. b. Transportation Element Update Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) Staff Khan presented the staff report, and requested comments on the analysis, as well as the content of the Transportation Element. He noted that with respect to the flexibility of the Transportation Element, the guiding policies would go to the decision-makers who would make the final decisions based on specific conditions. He noted that the Transportation Element was a policy document, and was a program level analysis. Project level Environmental Impact Reports (EIRs) would address more specific issues, and the staff recommendations attempted to provide the City Council with some discretion in dealing with them. He noted that secondary impacts could result from the increased traffic congestion resulting from the proposed policies, such as increased cut- through traffic and negatively affecting the City's ability to implement transportation system management strategies. With respect to the concerns about CMA funding, staff recommended changes to the proposed language in policies EIR-1, EIR-2, and EIR-6. 4",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,5,"Commissioner Krueger inquired whether trip reduction related to transportation demand management (TDM) was considered in the analysis, or whether it did not reduce the trips sufficiently. Staff Khan replied that the anticipated reductions were not sufficient to mitigate the congestion resulting from the proposed policies, and that this analysis was conducted in response to the comments that had been received. Commissioner Krueger suggested that that language be clarified. With respect to flexibility, Commissioner Krueger inquired whether the policy as written could be overridden. Staff Khan replied that the General Plan would have to be changed. Commissioner Krueger inquired whether a Specific Plan could override the General Plan. Staff Khan replied that a Specific Plan must be consistent with the General Plan. Chair Knox White noted that the City Council has already accepted the EIR policies, and that the EIR does not approve or deny a project, it just describes the impacts. He believed that the proposed language for EIR-1 and EIR-2 essentially made their intent meaningless. He added that the CMA had never withheld gas taxes for deficiency issues. He noted AC Transit's comment C-4 about bikes and transit mixing relatively well. He suggested adding clarification that the primary and secondary transit street classification did not have to do with current or anticipated service levels, but how the streets were treated. He noted that the EIR policy allows a queue jump on secondary streets. Open public comment. Chair Knox White responded to a letter submitted from Ani Dimusheva. The letter expressed concern that the City would be instituting measures to force traffic toward particular streets. Chair Knox White noted that other than transitional streets, the Transportation Element does not propose change in the use of the streets. The letter also described the treatments employed on Fernside Blvd. and compared conditions to Grand Street. Chair Knox White noted that the speeds on Fernside and Grand were found to be similar. Close public comment. Chair Knox White requested that two clarifications be added to the draft Transportation Element: 1. A description of how the overlay maps for the functional classification system should be used regarding: Classification layer - should describe the expected overall use of the street Land use layer - should describe the interaction between the roadway and the surrounding area Modal layer - should indicate the priority of specific modes 2. The EIR policies should be renumbered and listed under the implementation strategies in section 4.4.2. 5",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,6,"Transportation demand management (TDM) does not have to focus solely on trips generated by the project. For example, the bus rapid transit (BRT) proposed by SunCal for Alameda Point will largely serve other sections of the island. The TC had recommended that Mariner Square Drive include only two traffic lanes, not four. Chair Knox-White noted that he liked staff's proposed change to policy EIR-7 . Commissioner Krueger noted that he was concerned about the proposed changes, as completed projects do not always uphold what was stated in the General Plan. Staff Khan noted that if these policies had been in place previously, that elements from some project that the TC has object to could not have been constructed. For example, Atlantic would have a 25 mph speed limit, and there would be no soundwall. Commissioner Krueger moved to accept the three clarifications. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Krueger moved to accept staff's recommendation regarding the proposed modifications of selected street classifications. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Krueger moved to accept staff's proposed changes regarding policy EIR-7. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Moehring moved to accept staff's changes regarding policies EIR-1, EIR- 2 and EIR-6. There was no second. Commissioner Moehring moved to accept policy EIR-1 as written, and policy EIR-2 with the addition of exceptions for the addition of transit-exclusive or nonmotorized vehicle lanes. Commissioner Lee seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Chair Knox-White invited a motion to extend the meeting to 11:00 p.m. Commissioner Krueger moved to extend the meeting to 11:00 p.m. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Krueger moved to recommend adoption of the Transportation Element with the previously stated changes. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. Commissioner Krueger expressed concern about induced traffic, and wished to clarify the meaning of ""environmentally superior"" in the language of the EIR. 6",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,7,"Commissioner Krueger moved to recommend approval of the EIR, with comments, with the provision that the environmentally superior alternative does not include the phenomenon of induced traffic, and does not include analysis of all the environmental effects, particularly emissions in reaching the conclusion of ""environmentally superior,"" and only looks at the City's adopted significant criteria. Commissioner Moehring seconded the motion. Motion passed 4-0. c. Thresholds of Significance Scope of Work and Schedule Open public comment. There was none. Close public comment. Chair Knox-White noted that Phase I should be completed by March 2009, and would like it to become a priority. No action was taken. 7. NEW BUSINESS There was none. 8. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS a. Estuary Crossing Feasibility Study Staff Khan noted the study was expected to be completed in early 2009, and that the draft of the study would be presented to the Transportation Commission first. b. Broadway/Jacksor Update Staff Khan noted that the project study report (PSR) was submitted to Caltrans, and added that they did not have the funds available to review it. He noted that ACTIA was hiring a consultant for the study report. Staff Khan noted that the Pedestrian Plan would go to City Council in January 2009, and that ACTIA had indicated that it would regard the City as meeting its project deadline if the Planning Board approves the Transportation Element in November. c. Monitoring of Oak Street/Central Avenue intersection Staff Khan noted that there was no report. d. Upcoming development-related traffic studies and plans 7",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf TransportationCommission,2008-11-12,8,"Staff Khan noted that there was no report. e. Future meeting agenda items ADJOURN: 10:50 p.m. G:\pubworks\LT\TRANSPORTATIONICOMMITTEES\TC\2008\121008\111208minutes-draft.doc 8",TransportationCommission/2008-11-12.pdf