body,date,page,text,path HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-01-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice Chair McPherson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary Altschuler called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Members McPherson, Anderson, Lynch, & Tilos MEMBERS ABSENT: Board member Miller arrived at 7:20 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Altschuler, Elizabeth Johnson, Development Services Department, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Staff is requesting Item #2 be continued to a future meeting. Approval of minutes and Election of Officers will move to the end of the Agenda when full Board is present. MINUTES: Moved to the end of the Agenda. (see Agenda Changes and Discussions). ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Moved to the end of the Agenda (see Agenda Changes and Discussions). WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 1. Adoption of 2005 Historical Advisory Board Calendar. M/S to adopt the 2005 Historical Advisory Board Calendar. Anderson/Lynch 4-0-1.. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Miller); Motion carries. ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 2. Certificate of Approval CA04-0013- Helena Liang - 1104 Oak Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for an unauthorized demolition of a one-story residential structure built prior to 1942. A two-story residence in the same style was approved by Design Minutes of January 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-01-06,2,"Review (DR04-0003). The site is located within the R-5, General Residence District. (continued from 9-9-04) Applicant & staff request a continuance to future meeting. M/S (Anderson/Tilos) to continue this item to a future meeting. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Miller); Motion carries. Boardmember Miller arrived. 3. Alameda Point Update. Presentation of the ongoing planning process for Alameda Point. Elizabeth Johnson, Development Services Department, summarized the information provided in the staff report. Ms. Johnson indicated that there had been two community workshops and that there will be three more. Staff will give the Board regular up-dates of the planning process after each Community Workshop. The next workshop will be held on March 3, 2005 which will be hosted by the Planning Board. Staff would also like the Board to consider co-hosting one of the remaining Community Workshops with the Alameda Point Advisory Committee. Melissa Gaudreau and Chris VerPlanck from Page and Turnbull gave a presentation giving a brief history of the site, and outlined the Historcal District at NAS. Mr. Plank stated that the buildings and structures within Alameda Point reflect three distinct periods of development: Pre- war, War and Post-war. Most of the Pre-war buildings were constructed during 1940-1941 of reinforced concrete in a styling typical of commercial and industrial design from the 1930's. This style is known as ""Moderne"". A comprehensive inventory of pre-1946 buildings and structures was done in 1992 by S.B. Woodbridge, which focused on determining whether any buildings at Alameda Point qualified for listing in the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). The report concluded that while no individual building qualified for listing in the NRHP, an area in the Civic Core sub-area appeared to qualify for listing as a historic district. The identified area includes 87 buildings and structures that contribute to the area's historic significance, 35 non-contributing major buildings and many temporary or minor buildings, which do not contribute to the Historical District. Vice-Chair McPherson opened the floor for public comment. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, stated that AAPS is very interested in the 86 buildings. She encourages the Board to become involved in the planning process. She is also concerned why the Tower Bldg was not included in the 86 buildings. Richard Rutter, 2329 Santa Clara Ave., informed the Board that he once lived on the base and is also surprised that the Tower Bldg. is not included. He felt that Bldg. 400 was also worth taking another look at. He wants the Board to be cautious when approving buildings for demolition. Vice-Chair McPherson closed public comment. Elizabeth Johnson stated that at the time that the inventory was done, there was an addition to the Control Tower that has since been removed. Minutes of January 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-01-06,3,"Ms. Altschuler asked the Board if they would be interested in hosting a community workshop? There will be more opportunities in the future for the Board to give their comments. This will be a standing agenda item, so staff can give the Board updates and also allow the public to have access to the Board if they have any questions. The next community workshop is scheduled for March 3, 2005. Staff will reschedule the Regular March meeting so the Board may attend the workshop. Staff will provide the Board with a copy of the Historical Architectural Resources Inventory for NAS, and the Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District. MINUTES Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 28, 2004. (continued from 12-02-04). M/S (Tilos/Anderson) to approve minutes as corrected; 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2 (Lynch, Miller); Motion carries. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of December 2, 2004. M/S (Tilos/Miller) to approve minutes as corrected; 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Abstain: 2 (Anderson,Lynch); Motion carries ELECTION OF OFFICERS: M/S (Lynch/Anderson) to nominate Vice-Chair McPherson as Chair. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0.; Motion carries. M/S (Lynch/Miller) to nominate Boardmember Anderson as Vice-Chair. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0.; Motion carries. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Rosemary McNally asked why Item 2, 1104 Oak was continued. She also thanked the Board and Staff for all of their hard work on this item. Ms. Altschuler advised that staff was continuing to work with property owner to resolve issues. Boardmember Tilos will be on vacation until March 17, 2005. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that the Planning & Building Director has resigned. Staff is not certain when that position will be filled but will update the Board as needed. Ms. Altschuler Minutes of January 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-01-06,4,"also stated that she would be training another member of staff to take over her position as Secretary. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting adjourned at 9:20 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Judith Altschuler, Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.04\12-2-04 MIN.doc Minutes of January 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice Chair McPherson called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. Secretary Altschuler called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair McPherson, Boardmembers Miller & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chair Anderson, Boardmember Tilos. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Altschuler, Leslie Little Development Services Director, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Remove Item 1 from agenda per the City Attorney's office. (see below.) MINUTES: M/S (Miller, Lynch) to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 6, 2005 with corrections. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. (Anderson, Tilos.) Motion carries. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 1. Certificate of Approval CA04-0013- Helena Liang - 1104 Oak Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for an unauthorized demolition of a one-story residential structure built prior to 1942. A two-story residence in the same style was approved by Design Review (DR04-0003). The site is located within the R-5, General Residence District. (continued from 9-9-04) Ms. Altschuler advised the Board that the City Attorney's office contacted the State Historic Preservation Office for guidance regarding the listing of the property and procedure of processing the Certificate of Approval. We were advised that it was inappropriate for the Historical Advisory Board to list the site on the Historical Building Study List, or consider a Certificate of Approval for demolition because the building was already demolished and no longer meets any of the criteria for being considered as a historic resource. Thus, rather than being a historical preservation issue for Historical Advisory Board consideration, the scope of work permitted under the issued building permit is in question. Staff requests that the Board remove this item from the agenda. Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,2,"M/S (Miller, Lynch) to remove this item from the agenda. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. (Anderson, Tilos.) Motion carries. 2. Study Session for a proposal to rehabilitate the Alameda Theatre and construct a new 7 screen Cineplex and 350 space parking structure on the Video Maniac site. This site is located at 2305 Central Avenue within the CC - CCPD, Community Commercial and Special Planned Development Districts. Leslie Little, Development Services Director, informed the Board that Staff would like direction from the Board regarding the proposed rehabilitation and construction of the 2 story multiplex and the 352 space parking structure. She expects the project should be ready for a Planning Board public hearing in mid March. Michael Stanton, consultant, gave a presentation which included a brief history of the theater and showed the Board what is proposed. He informed the Board that the lobby and auditorium of the Alameda Theater will be restored to look as it did in 1939 when it opened for the first time. The second floor of the lobby, will also be restored. The balcony area is not included in this first phase. The marquee will be restored as well. In designing the new Cineplex, it is noted that, according to the guidelines from the Secretary of Interior, new construction should be clearly differentiated from the existing historic building. There will be retail on the street level corner of Central Ave. and Oak Street. There are four theaters proposed on the second level and three theaters proposed for the ground floor. The proposed 352-parking garage will not only serve the Theater, but all of Park St. It is designed so that it can be easily expanded in the future. Chair McPherson opened the floor for public comment. Richard Rutter, AAPS, felt that the design should emphasize a vertical articulation, not horizontal. The materials used should be high quality such as pressed brick or terra cotta. The parking garage should not look like a parking garage. AAPS felt that the previous parking garage proposal prepared for the Long's Drug Store site was headed in a better direction. Although windows are probably not possible on the upper floors of the new theater at the Oak/Central corner, it should not be treated as a blank wall. Some suggestions include surface articulation (such as on the existing Alameda Theater), and false windows. The design should not be too modernistic. He also showed the Board pictures of other projects including the Livermore Theater which might be good prototypes for the new Alameda Theater annex. He feels that the corner of Central and Oak St. should be set back from the corner as the Twin Towers Church across the street is. Birgitt Evans, AAPS stated that the corners should be rounded to mimic the original structure. Chair McPherson closed the floor for public comment and opened the floor for Board communication. Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,3,"Leslie Little stated that the DDA would be ready for hearing sometime in March. The City Council has taken action to allow staff to purchase the Video Maniac's parcel. Ms. Altschuler informed the Board a request for Certificate of Approval for the structural alterations relating to the seismic strenghthening of the front façade, the new openings between the theatre and the new Cineplex, and the new opening for the concession stand. Ms. Altschuler also noted that the community would also have chance to speak at the Planning Board hearings. The Board thanked Leslie Little and her team for a nice presentation and they all look forward for this project to begin. REPORTS: 3. Review and consider possible modifications of Section 30-15 of the Alameda Municipal Code regulating Work Live Studios. Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that the City Council directed staff to agenize a review of the Work/Live Ordinance by the Planning Board, the Historical Advisory Board and the Economic Development Commission. The Council asks the Historical Advisory Board to review the Ordinance in general, with specific focus on whether the ordinance protects historic buildings, and whether the Ordinance should be changed to expand the geographic limitations on work/live studios to include other portions of the City such as the Park Street or Webster Street Commercial Districts, more of the Northern Waterfront area, or Alameda Point. Chair McPherson opened the floor for public comment. Dick Rutter, AAPS, feels that the Ordinance should state that the kitchens should not be located near the work area. He feels that this Ordinance is a good tool in preserving Historical Buildings, and that it should be extended to include the former Navy Base. He also stated that Measure A is an issue that the community should be educated on. Chair McPherson closed the floor for public comment and opened Board discussion. Boardmember Miller feels that the Work/Live Ordinance is not a threat to Measure A, and has no problem expanding this to Alameda Point. Chair McPherson stated that Board needs to ask themselves if there is anything that the Work/Live Ordinance could do to threaten Historic Preservation. She does not feel that the Board should recommend that the area be expanded to any commercial buildings on Park St. or Webster St. Chair McPherson also feels that the current ordinance may have too many limitations on developers. She would like to see this item on a future agenda so that Staff can outline all of the current limitations for the Board. Ms. Altschuler agreed that Staff can create a list or a table listing all of the limitations such as zoning, density, parking and specific uses. Staff will try to have this ready for the April meeting. Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,4,"Board member Lynch asked staff to find out how much the Work/Live permit would cost, how the permit would be enforced and would the occupant be advised of any limitations. Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that the Work/Live permit fee has not yet been determined. There would be an individual use permit required for each project, as well as a business license for each use. A deed restriction would also be required. If an applicant is in violation of the conditions of their use permit, it can be revoked by the Planning Board. M/S to continue this item to a future meeting for further discussion. (Miller/Lynch) 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. 4. Consideration and possible recommendation to the City Council to revise the definition of demolition in the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Ms. Altschuler began by informing the Board that it has become more difficult for Staff to determine whether a project meets the Historic Preservation Ordinance's definition of demolition which states that demolition occurs when 30% of the value of the building is removed. This definition has been challenging to administer because the meaning of ""value of the building"" can have many interpretations, thus there is no clear indication when a proposal includes a demolition and when it does not. For example, if the value of the building is based upon assessed value, two identical buildings could have a different assessed value (depending upon when it was last sold or whether it has Proposition 13 protection), and a larger portion of a building with a higher assessment could be removed before a demolition would occur. If value was dependent upon the cost of the work or materials, then more of a well-maintained, well- constructed property could be removed than a deteriorated one before the removal would meet the definition of demolition. Staff has reviewed the definition of demolition for a number of jurisdictions. Most have language similar to that for the City of Davis which states: ""Demolition"" means for the purpose of this article, any act or failure to act that destroys, removes, or relocates, in whole or in part a historical resource such that its historic character and significance is materially altered. This approach depends upon the discretion of staff rather than a qualitative method to determine when demolition has taken plan. The current Alameda definition is a better attempt at providing a more objective determination. However, even this definition is not sufficiently clear to allow both staff and the property owner to know when a structure is proposed to be demolished according to the Code. The Cities of San Jose and Los Gatos take a very objective approach. In San Jose, demolition is defined as"" the removal of more than fifty percent of the exterior walls of a building.' In Los Gatos the definition is the ""removal of more than twenty-five (25) percent of a wall(s) facing a public street(s) or fifty (50) percent of all exterior walls."" Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,5,"Staff has prepared two Alternatives for the Board to consider. Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that this would require a recommendation to City Council to change to the Historic Preservation Ordinance Allen Tai, Planner II, presented two different examples of projects for the Board to review and determine which they feel should be considered a demolition under the current definition. Chair McPherson wished to remind the community that this Board is not saying no to all demolitions, but would like applications to come before the Board so they can have the chance to look at it prior to demolition. Chair McPherson opened the floor to public comment. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, stated that she feels that as a result of 1025 Fair Oaks and 1104 Oak St; the 30% (of the value) rule is not fair to anyone involved. 30% of a home worth $800,000.00 is $240,000.00 which could be a huge demolition. She is in favor of Alternative #1. Rosemary McNally stated that she is leaning more towards more that 5% of the front of the building. She also stated that it should be determined on a case-by-case basis. Francie Farinet. AAPS, is in favor of Alternative #2. She is not sure what the solution should be. Chuck Miller stated that it is obvious that there needs to be clear guidelines. He feels that the front should be separate percentage from the rest of the house. In most houses the front façade is only around 20% of the house. He also feels that the roof is very important architecturally and should be taken seriously. Chair McPherson closed public comment and opened Board discussion. Board member Miller asked which alternative would be best for staff. Ms. Altschuler stated that the purpose of either alternative is to have a better discussion with the applicant regarding if a demolition permit is necessary. Chair McPherson stated she is leaning towards Alternative #1 but would like staff to add verbiage to include roof removal as part of the definition. M/S (Miller/Lynch) to continue this item to a future meeting for further discussion. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-02-03,6,"ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Boardmember Lynch informed the Board that she received an e-mail from Elizabeth Johnson regarding the Alameda Point Community Workshop that will be held on March 3, 2005, which is the same time as the Regular HAB meeting. Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that this meeting will be hosted by the Planning Board and that Staff will look for an available night to hold a Special HAB meeting. Chair McPherson stated that she spoke to Bill Norton, Interim City Manager, regarding specific interests that the Historical Advisory Board might have. She would also like to staff to agenize permit fee'e relating to Historic Preservation for a future meeting. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Altschuler informed the Board that her last official meeting as their Secretary would be April 7, 2005. She also stated that we are currently in the process of interviewing for the Planner III position and hopes that it will be filled prior to her leaving. Ms. Altschuler will be devoting most of her remaining time to working on the Development Code revisions and completing the Guide to Residential Design. Ms. Altschuler also thanked AAPS for helping with the graphics for the Guide. She stated that Allen Tai would most likely be the ""Interim"" Secretary to this Board until the Supervising Planner position is filled. ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Lynch/Miller) to adjourn the meeting at 10:48 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Judith Altschuler, Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05/2-3-05 MIN.doc Minutes of February 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-03-10,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL MEETING OF THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary Altschuler called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Anderson, Boardmembers Miller & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair McPherson, Boardmember Tilos. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Altschuler, Allen Tai, Planner III, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 3, 2005 with corrections. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action 1. CA05-0003 320 Pacific Avenue - The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to removal a Coast Live Oak tree. The tree has a 24"" diameter and large low-angled trunks that extend across the property line. The application also includes a request to partially demolish an existing 622 square-foot, pre-1942 building as part of a new proposal to construct a single-family residence on the property. The site is located at 320 Pacific Avenue, within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Allen Tai, Planner III, was present and briefly reviewed the staff report as presented. He informed the Board that the property owner is requesting a Certificate of Approval for two items. The first is to allow the removal of a Coast Live Oak tree that is located along the western edge of the property. The second request involves the partial demolition of the existing single-family dwelling. Minutes of March 10, 2005 Special Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-03-10.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-03-10,2,"Mr. Tai stated that the applicants are proposing to raise the existing structure in order to integrate a new single-family dwelling into the existing structure. The construction will involve removal of the existing front façade of the building as well as the front portion of the roof. This matter is brought before this Board because it involves partial demolition of a structure built prior to 1942. Staff feels that there is no evidence that the structure exhibits any architectural or historical merit and that the proposed project will be more consistent with the adjacent homes than the existing building. Therefore, Staff recommends that the Board approve the Certificate of Approval as stated in the draft Resolution. Vice Chair Anderson opened the floor for public comment. Ivan Chiu, Architect, stated that the tree should be removed because one trunk is leaning over the fence toward the adjacent property while another is leaning toward the existing structure. At the recommendation of the arborist, the applicant wishes to remove the existing Oak in order to eliminate the possibility of the tree causing damage to the neighboring property. Mr. Wong also informed the Board that the proposed design intends to keep the Craftsman style appearance and to preserve salvageable portions of the existing building by incorporating the structure into the rear of the new building. Vice Chair Anderson closed public comment and opened Board discussion. Boardmember Lynch stated that she visited the property and feels that the tree does look sick. She also feels that the existing structure should not be considered a historic resource. She also feels that this structure should not be referred to as a ""craftsman"" style because there are no ""craftsman"" style elements on the existing or proposed structure. Vice Chair Anderson asked if the old house is structurally sound enough to support the proposed new house. Mr. Chiu stated that the detail of the design has not yet been looked into. He does not anticipate any problems. Mr. Tai stated that lifting and moving the house is considered necessary to comply with setback standards. If the house were completely demolished then several variances would be required. Mr. Miller asked if the neighbors were ok with this project. Mr. Tai stated that there were no comments as of yet. Vice-Chair Anderson stated that one of the conditions of the Resolution states that the applicant must replace the removed tree with two new trees. She is concerned that the lot cannot support two 15 gallon Oak trees. Would it be possible for the Board to require the applicant plant one Oak tree and another type of tree? Minutes of March 10, 2005 Special Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-03-10.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-03-10,3,"Mr. Tai explained to the Board that the reason for replacing one Oak tree with two Oak trees is that most likely only one will survive. Ms. Altschuler added that the requirement of two Oak trees was a decision of this Board many years ago. Not every tree will survive. This just ensures that each tree that is removed will be replaced. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval, for the removal of one Coast Live Oak Tree as stated in the draft Resolution. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval, for the partial demolition of an existing 622 sq. ft. residence at 320 Pacific as stated in the draft Resolution. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. REPORTS: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Boardmember Lynch attended the Special Planning Board workshop on March 3rd regarding Alameda Point and she is concerned that the Flight Tower is not included in the Historic District and would like staff to agendize this for a future meeting. STAFF COMMUNICATION: None. ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Lynch/Miller) to adjourn the meeting at 7:53 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Justice Judith Altschuler, Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGHHAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05/2-3-05 MIN.doc Minutes of March 10, 2005 Special Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-03-10.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. Secretary Altschuler called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Boardmembers Lynch, Miller & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair McPherson, Vice-Chair Anderson. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Altschuler, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Miller) to continue the minutes of the Special meeting of March 10, 2005 due to lack of quorum. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Staff requested that Item 4 be heard 1st prior to items 1, 7 2, & 3. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to hear Item 4 first. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Secretary Altschuler informed the Board of the Historical Preservation Conference in Riverside. ACTIONITEMS (Discussion/Action) 4. Transportation Master Plan Policies - Review and comment on the draft TMP policies, and recommend a set of final draft policies to the City Council for approval. Barry Bergman, Public Works Department, stated that in 2004, the City Council approved the development of a citywide Transportation Master Plan Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,2,"The TMP will consist of six individual plans: 1) multimodal circulation, 2) motor vehicle, 3) transit, 4) bicycle, 5) pedestrian, and 6) transportation system management/ transportation demand management. A subcommittee was established to oversee the development of circulation policies for the TMP These polices were to address all transportation modes on a general level, while policies for the mode-specific plans (e.g. the bicycle plan and transit plan) will include more detail. Staff would like the Board to review the Draft Policies and give comments, and recommend a set of final draft policies to the City Council for approval. The Draft Policies were not included in the packet. Staff will forward a copy of this document to the Board and they can submit their comments via e-mail. 1. Adoption of Resolution Commending Judith Altschuler, Secretary for the Historical Advisory Board, for her Contributions to the City of Alameda. Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary, read the Resolution and presented it to Ms. Altschuler. Board member Tilos opened the floor to public comment. Scott Brady, former president of HAB, would like to thank Judith for all of her time and effort she has put in over the time of his tenure on the Board. Mr. Brady feels they got a lot of things accomplished in terms of advancing preservation here in Alameda. And Judith did a lot of the behind the scenes work. We have very good amendments to our Preservation Ordinance largely due to her efforts. Rosemary McNally, would like to encourage the Board to pass this resolution. Board member Tilos closed the floor to public comment and opcned Board discussion. Board member Tilos would also like to thank Judith for her work on this Board. She has been very helpful. M/S (Miller/Lynch) to approve the Resolution as presented. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. Ms. Altschuler thanked the Board and the members of the community. Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,3,"2. Review of the Landscaping Plan for planting two Coast Live Oak trees (Quercus agrifolia) on the vacant property at 301 Spruce Street. The submittal of a Landscaping Plan (as part of new development proposals on the site) was required as a Condition of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board under Resolution HAB 01-08, which approved the removal of one Coast Live Oak tree in 2001, The site is located within an R-4 Neighborhood Residential District. Ms. Altschuler gave a brief history of the project. In 1988, the previous owner damaged an Oak tree through extensive trimming. The owners were required to preserve the tree despite it being severely pruned. In 2001 the tree showed signs of deteriorating health, and the Board approved a new owner's request to remove the damaged tree in order to allow a proposed residential development, with the condition that two new oak trees be planted on the property. The Board also required the submittal of a landscaping plan for review and approval by the Board when new construction is proposed on the site. The Board's approval was subsequently appealed to the City Council, where the Board's decision was upheld upon the Council's finding that there was no merit to the appeal. The applicants have secured the services of a Landscape Architect as required by the Board in 2001 to prepare a landscaping plan and recommendations for the location of the two new trees. The applicants have also secured services of a certified arborist who has provided recommendations for protecting the existing trees during construction. Board member Tilos opened the floor for public comment. Patrick Lynch, 305 Spruce St., spoke in opposition of this project. He has several issues with this application. He stated that the Board should be aware that the conditions contained in CA-01-08 have not been complied with and his requests to the City for enforcement have been ignored. In 2002 a grading permit was issued for the development project at the site without requiring replacement trees. He is concerned with the recent changes to Alameda's Historical Preservation Ordinance that allows Oak Trees with a trunk diameters less than 10"" to be removed without a Certificate of Approval. The proposed replacement trees will not likely have trunk diameters of this size for 10 to 20 years, and could be removed at the end of the period required for the landscape maintenance agreement. He therefore requests that the replacement trees have a diameter greater that 10"" at 4,5 ft. above the ground. He also disagrees with staff's decision that this project is categorically exempt from the CEQA guidelines. The tree removal together with the proposed single-family home project may cumulatively cause additional and substantial adverse change in the condition of the remaining oak trees. Ms. Altschuler addressed Mr. Lynch's concerns as followed: Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,4,"1. Mr. Lynch's concern with the issuance of the grading permit does not fall under the prevue of the Historical Advisory Board. 2. To resolve Mr. Lynch's concern regarding the size of the trunk diameters of the replacement trees, the Board can extend the landscaping maintenance agreement to five years and require the replacement tree to be larger than 10"" diameter. 3. His issue with staff's decision that this project is exempt from CEQA guidelines do not fall under the prevue of this Board and should be addressed during the design review process. 4. According to city records, the Certificate of Approval CA01-08 was valid on the day the tree was removed. The Board approved the request with the condition that two new oak trees be planted on the property. The Board also required the submittal of a landscaping plan for review and approval when new construction is proposed. The current owners have submitted a proposal to construct a single-family residence on the site. A landscaping plan for the planning of two new Oak trees has been prepared in conformance with Resolution HAB-01- 08. The plans for the new construction are currently under review by Design Review staff. Conditions of approval for the Design Review will require protection of the existing trees per the arborist and landscape architect's recommendations, as well as the recordation of a Landscape Maintenance Agreement to ensure maintenance of the oak trees on the property. Staff understands that Mr. Lynch has enjoyed living next to a vacant lot, but the owner is entitled to develop his lot. Ms. Altschuler advised the Board that the decision before this Board tonight is to approve the location of the replacement trees as stated in the Landscaping Maintenance plan. Board member Tilos opened the floor to Board discussion. Board member Miller is in favor of extending the Landscaping Plan to 5 years. He is also in favor of requiring the replacement trees to be bigger than a 10"" diameter. The Certified Arborist, Chris Bowen was present. He suggested that the replacement trees be 24"" box, which would be close to 8 ft tall when planted. He feels this would improve the property value. M/S to approve the Landscaping Maintenance Plan with the following revisions: (1) Change the replacement trees from two 10-gallon trees to two 24"" box trees. (2) Extend the Landscape Maintenance Agreement from 3 to 5 years. REPORTS 3. Consideration and comments on design of proposed 352 space parking structure to be constructed as part of the rehabilitation of the Alameda Theatre and construction of a new Cineplex. The parking structure would be built at 1416 Oak Street within the CC, Community Commercial District. (continued from 2-3-05mtg.) Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,5,"Jennifer Ott, DSD, informed the Board that this project consists of three parts: the rehabilitation of the Alameda Theatre; the construction of a seven screen, two story Cineplex with retail at the ground floor; and the construction of a 352 space, 60+ foot high parking structure. Tonight staff would like the Board to provide comments on the parking structure and Cineplex. CINEPLEX: The Henry Architects Inc, design team gave a presentation on the proposed Cineplex and proposed parking structure. The presentation included various pictures of the proposed Cineplex from different views of Central Ave. to address the concern that the Cineplex would block the view of the Twin Towers Church. Mr. Henry concluded that in order to see both towers of the church, over half of the upper levels of the new Cineplex would need to be eliminated. Another concern Mr. Henry spoke of is the 20 ft. overhang element on Central Ave and Oak St. Mr. Henry stated that in order to provide a viable Cineplex it is critical to have the proposed overhang. Without this overhang auditorium #7 would suffer greatly, losing 28 seats and reducing the screen size significantly. This will have a severe impact on the quality of the presentation and reduce the ability to compete effectively with Jack London Square. In addition to the severe economic impacts, deletion of the overhang. would be detrimental to the architecture. The overhang provides a clear separation of stories and materials thus reducing uninterrupted wall would create. The last concern Mr. Henry addressed was the corner element. Mr. Henry stated that this design included a great deal of surface articulation to eliminate the box like effect. Vertical recesses continuing the line of the columns from the ground level have been added to the upper sections at the auditoriums along with the horizontal elements to reduce the tallness of the building. They have also rounded the corner ""tower"" on Oak St. and Central Ave. to match the curved corners of the historic theater and the Starbuck building on Park St. This will also reduce the box like effect shown in previous plans and adds more set back to the corner for better visibility of the church. Lastly Mr. Henry briefly went over the three different ideas for the color of the proposed Cineplex. Boardmember Lynch stated she was not in favor of the proposed sign on the new Cineplex. Mr. Henry responded by stating he had no problems eliminating the proposed sign. Boardmember Tilos opened the floor to public comment. Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,6,"Ann Rutter stated she likes the new proposed design. She would like to see the Oak St. elevation. She feels this project has been forced on the community. She would like to see more handicap parking spaces closer to the elevators for easier wheelchair access. David Baker, 939 Taylor Ave., feels that the new proposal is not compatible with the historical qualities of Alameda. He stated that the art deco is missing. Richard Knight, 1372 Versailles Ave., feels that the primary goal of this project is for the Historic Alameda Theatre to be back in operation. He is concerned with what would happen if this Cineplex went out of business in the future. John Sargent, 3105 El Paseo, stated he was concerned when he saw the proposed design in the Alameda Sun. He feels that the parking lot should be located on the corner of Oak St. and Santa Clara Ave. The parking garage should include more art deco style and not look so much like a parking garage. He stated that housing should be included on the upper two stories of the parking garage. Scott Brady, AAPS, feels that in general the design is good. He feels that the vertical elements should be stressed more. The proposed design has impressions of columns, but does not read very strong. This is a very good start. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., stated that the proposed design still feels to ""boxie"" looking. He stated that he feels that Oak St. is too narrow to support such a huge Theatre and Parking Garage. He does not currently go to movie theaters. He would prefer to rent a movie or download from computer. These days modern technology may prevent huge Multi- plex Theatres to be successful. Doreen Soto, DSD, responded to some of the comments made tonight as follows: 1. Currently Long's Drugs is not willing to participate in this project. The City has to move forward with this project. 2. The City has hired the best economist to work on this project. He has determined that based on the population and demographics, this project will succeed. The parking structure will attract more business to Park St. 3. The proposed Cineplex is not an addition to the Historic Theatre. She feels the new Cineplex will compliment the Historic Theatre. Board member Lynch requested that the Board hold a special meeting to submit comments on the proposed Cineplex, as she would like more time to review the items submitted tonight. The Board agreed and instructed Staff to schedule a Special meeting to hear comments on the Cineplex only. Staff will forward a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to the Board. The Board will only submit comments on the Parking Structure tonight. Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,7,"PARKING STRUCTURE: Mr. Michael Stanton, architect, gave a brief summary of what was presented to the Planning Board on March 28, 2005. Mr. Stanton informed the HAB of the comments they received from the Planning Board. The Planning Board preferred the lighter color brick, simplify the lines (on top) of Cineplex behind Longs, more lighting on the disabled bike access of parking garage, stair tower should either be all open or have the same openings as the parking garage, eliminate the on-street parking on Oak St. to extend the sidewalk and add street trees. Board member Tilos opened the floor to Public comment. Don Cunningham, Twin Towers Church, is in favor of the lighting and the color. He stated that Twin Towers was built long before automobiles were in use. Not in favor of losing the on-street parking on Oak St. He is concerned with the travel pattern. Chuck Millar, 2829 San Jose Ave., stated that for safety reasons the on-street parking should be eliminated. All construction should fit in to the surrounding area. He would like to know what the HAB's role in this project is? In response to Mr. Millar question, Ms. Altschuler stated, there are three items that require approval from the HAB. First, Certificate of Approval for the structural alterations relating to the seismic strengthening of the front façade, second, the new openings between the theatre and the new Cineplex, and third, the new opening for the concession stand. The Planning Board will give final design approval for the Cineplex and Parking Garage. Staff is just asking for comments from the HAB. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., is not in favor of the exterior design He feels it is out of place with surrounding buildings. Don Sargent, is not in favor of façade. He feels the open banks can be treated architecturally. He feels that it might be necessary to take away the on-street parking on the opposite side of the street as well. Richard Knight is not in favor of design. He feels there are no historical elements. Is not compatible with surrounding area. Ann Rutter commended Michael Stanton for his work on this project. She would like to see free parking on Sundays. She is in favor of the lighting design, but would like to see more art deco. Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,8,"Scott Brady, AAPS, feels the Oak St. façade looks to jumbled. The lower level does not tie in with the upper levels. Stair tower should have more glazing. Arches should be increased. He is in favor of the buff colored brick. More attention should be placed on the blank wall facing Long's Rob Ratto, PSBA, is in favor of project. He likes the idea of a mural on the blank wall facing Long's He likes the new proposed design for the Cineplex. The loss of on-street parking spaces will make it more pedestrian friendly. There will be metered parking spaces in the parking garage. Five-hour time limit Monday - Saturday, 9 am - 5 pm, free on Sundays. He stated that this project has limited funds. There will have to be some compromises. It is hard to hide the fact that this is a parking garage. M/S (Miller, Lynch) to extend the meeting to 10:30 pm. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2: Motion carries. Boardmember Tilos closed floor for public comment and opened Board discussion. Boardmember Miller is in favor of the poster boxes because he feels that there will be a maintenance issue with the planting of vines. He is in favor of the glazing on the tower, and is not in favor of the canopy. Boardmember Lynch does not feel this design is compatible but understands this project needs to move forward. She is in favor of the buff color and prefers the posters to the vines. She likes the idea of free parking on Sundays and is in favor of the mural. Boardmember Tilos stated that the columns above the main entrance do not blend together. He is in favor of the design for the Cineplex. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to continue only the Cineplex portion of this item for comments to a Special Meeting. (date to be announced.) 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2: Motion carries. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Boardmember Lynch stated that representatives from Alameda Point will be meeting with AAPS on April 19, 2005 to address the Historic Preservation concerns. Boardmember Lynch would like to be a representative for the Historical Advisory Board if a committee is formed. Staff took note of this request. Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-04-07,9,"STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Altschuler introduced Doug Garrison, Planner III. There will also be another new planner starting on Monday, April 11, 2005. ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Miller, Lynch) to adjourn meeting at 10:38 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Jerry Cormack, Interim Planning & Building Director G:PLANNINGHHAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\4-7-05 MINUTES_HAB.doc Minutes of April 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair McPherson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair McPherson; Vice-Chair Anderson; Boardmembers Lynch and Miller MEMBERS ABSENT: Boardmember Tilos (arrived at 7:30 p.m.) STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Acting Recording Secretary Rosemary Valeska MINUTES: Consensus by Chair and Boardmembers to continue minutes of the Special Meeting of March 10, 2005 to the next meeting in order to allow more time for review. Consensus by Chair and Boardmembers to continue minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 2005 due to the lack of a quorum present for these minutes. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None ELECTION OF OFFICERS: M/S (Lynch/Miller) to elect Vice-Chair Anderson as Chair. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. M/S (McPherson/Anderson) to elect Boardmember Miller as Vice-Chair. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. ACTION ITEMS (Discussion/Action) 1. Consideration of Independent Consultant's Findings and Issuance of Certificate of Approval CA-05-0012 - City of Alameda (DSD) - Alameda Theatre- 2317 Central Avenue. Jennifer Ott of Development Services gave an overview of this item and introduced Naomi Miroglio of Architectural Resources Group (ARG), who gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Historic Alameda Theatre Rehabilitation. Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,2,"* Sign language interpreters will be available on request. Please contact the Planning & Building Department, at 510.747.6850 or 510.522.7538 (TDD number) at least 72 hours before the meeting to request an interpreter. * Accessible seating for persons with disabilities (including those using wheelchairs) is available. Minutes of the meeting are available in enlarged print. Audiotapes of the meeting are available upon request. Please contact the Planning & Building Department at 510.747.6850 or 510.522.7538 (TDD number) at least 48 hours before the meeting to request agenda materials in an alternative format, or any other reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to participate in and enjoy the benefits of the meeting. G:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\09-01-05 draft Agenda. HAB.doc",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,3,"Chair McPherson opened the floor to public comment. Richard W. Rutter commended Bruce Anderson's Section 106 Findings Report. He explained that there was a process called ""jacketing"" that could be used to make the window columns appear smaller. He stated that he would like to see more detail on the proposed automatic movie ticket dispensing machines - wants to be sure that they don't look like BART ticket machines. He also noted that there are companies back East that specialize in salvaging vitolight from old buildings. Ani Dimusheva stated concern that the Historic Theatre Rehabilitation portion of the project could bear the burden of a budget shortfall. Christopher Buckley stated that he was speaking for himself and not on behalf of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. He recommended the HAB approve the Certificate of Approval with the conditions that the details of the storefront, ticket booth and concession stand are brought back for further review and that the HAB should request material and color samples. Birgitt Evans criticized the design of the cinema multiplex. She commended Bruce Anderson's Section 106 Findings report and agreed with the finding recommending redesign of the ticket booth for the Historic Theatre. Secretary Eliason noted that the ticket booth would be redesigned. Chair McPherson closed public comments and opened the floor to Boardmember comments. Vice-Chair Anderson stated that even though the HAB could not turn its back on the Theatre's historic status, we need to move forward on retrofitting for seismic safety. Automatic ticket booths are the wave of the future but these will need to be redesigned. The concession stand is OK to be in the center of the lobby but should have architectural features with Art Deco elements. Chair McPherson stated her concurrence with Vice-Chair Anderson. Vice Chair Anderson summarized the need for the HAB to see: 1) material samples, 2) storefront details, 3) material colors, and 4) further detail regarding the ticket booths. Boardmember Miller asked about the suggestion regarding column jacketing. Ms. Miroglio stated that would follow up with her engineer regarding this item. Judith Altschuler, who was in attendance in the audience, addressed the Board, stating that the HAB's purview was for the exterior only - not the interior design. Exterior elements could come back to the HAB and that could be part of the overall design approval. HAB's advice to staff would be taken into consideration regarding the structural changes and exterior design, only. Chair McPherson stated that she wanted the details of the ticket machine and the window and door system to come back to the HAB. The HAB wants to see a finished sample of the Vitrolight. Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,4,"Secretary Eliason noted that staff would craft into the conditions of the Resolution: 1) final design of ticket machines and 2) return with storefront window details, including finished samples and materials. M/S (Tilos, Miller) to approve per the staff recommendation with conditions as noted. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. 2. Review and Comment on Independent Consultant's Findings regarding Proposed Cineplex - City of Alameda (DSD) - 2305 Central Avenue. Secretary Eliason stated that the HAB's purview was to provide comments for the Planning Board's Final Design approval. Ms. Ott addressed the Board and noted that the City does not agree with the consultant's findings regarding aluminum door and window systems. Chair McPherson opened the floor to public comment. Richard W. Rutter noted that the consultant was only referring to the aluminum color. Alcoves for the recessed entry doors should be required. Consistency of column treatments would unify the building façade. Ani Dimusheva stated that the proposed new buildings ""bully"" the surrounding historic buildings and were examples of ""disposable architecture."" Kevin Frederick stated that the original vision of the multiplex has been blown out of proportion. This is not what Alamedans expect. The Planning Board was pressured by the developer. Christopher Buckley stated that he was representing the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. He gave an overview of AAPS comments to the Planning Board regarding Section 106 and read from Item 2, page 9 of the consultant's report. Mr. Buckley stated that he endorsed the consultant's recommendations. The Chair granted Mr. Buckley additional public speaker time in order for him to show samples of other architecture on the projector. One of the examples shown was a theater in Livermore designed by Rob Henry, the architect for the cineplex. Chair McPherson closed public comments and opened the floor to Boardmember comments to recommend to the Planning Board regarding exterior design elements of the cineplex. Boardmember Miller stated that he agreed with Mr. Buckley's comments. He doesn't think we're there yet. Asked how much room there was for change. Boardmember Lynch stated that people at Twin Towers were concerned about looking at a blank wall. In fact some church members have discussed taking slides of their own historic art glass church windows and projecting the images onto the blank surface of the Oak Street façade. Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,5,"Vice-Chair Anderson stated that there was too much of a difference between the Historic Theatre and the proposed cineplex and parking structure - not compatible with historic standards. A stronger connection is needed - cited the Livermore example. Secretary Eliason stated that the Planning Boards May 9 preliminary design approval was to provide consistency for the Section 106 findings study. Boardmember Tilos stated that the vertical elements needed work. Chair McPherson suggested making a recommendation requiring clear anodized aluminum. Vice-Chair Anderson would like to ask the architect to design an alternate façade. Chair McPherson stated that the Oak Street façade needs to be looked at. Boardmember Miller stated that it would be a good idea to ""Send it back to the drawing board. "" Chair McPherson stated that she did not think it was awful but it could be reworked. Boardmember Lynch stated that we began with the preliminary massing design that was a building with a refrigerator box at the corner and now we are presented with a building with a grain silo on the corner. It is still not compatible. She recommended telling Rob Henry to take a look at his design for Livermore. Chair McPherson stated that greater design detail on the façade was needed and the vertical elements needed to be more consistent. Boardmember Lynch stated that true Art Deco moldings and details could be introduced and cited the example of the apartment building on the corner of Shattuck and Haste in Berkeley. Chair McPherson summarized as follows: 1) more attention to the Oak Street façade; 2) use elements like Livermore; 3) use clear anodized aluminum framing; 4) more attention to vertical elements; 5) more Art Deco details; 6) the architect needs to revisit the Livermore project elements for an alternative design. Ms. Ott noted that the Livermore project had been brought up at a previous Planning Board meeting. Mr. Henry had cited the Alameda projects' site constraints compared to Livermore. Chair McPherson noted that Art Deco elements could complete with the Historic Theatre and be at odds with the Federal standards. Vice-Chair Anderson stated that you don't have to repeat the Alameda Theatre but more elements are needed on the façade so it won't read as a blank wall. Boardmember Miller stated that the design competes with and overwhelms the Historic Theatre. Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,6,"Boardmember Tilos stated concern with the horizontality of lobby windows. Secretary Eliason noted that the Planning Board wants the mezzanine ""punch out."" Vice-Chair Anderson stated that the architect should revisit the design and incorporate elements from the Livermore theatre. Secretary Eliason stated that the Board had provided quite a bit of direction. 3. Review and Comment on the Independent Consultant's Findings regarding Proposed Civic Center Parking Garage - City of Alameda (DSD) - 1416 Oak Street. Secretary Eliason stated that the HAB's purview was to provide comments for the Planning Board's Final Design approval. Ms. Ott gave an overview to the Board. Chair McPherson opened the floor to public comment. Kevin Frederick stated that he was concerned about potential traffic and circulation problems along Oak Street and stated that the garage would have been better sited on the Elks property. He also stated that the garage drawing did not look proportional. Richard W. Rutter stated that he supposed that the reason there were no architect's comments in the Section 106 Findings report was due to the garage being a design/build project. He agrees with the recommendations regarding lighting and signage in the 106 Report, but with a caveat that there should be an emphasis on the lights being easily accessible for effective maintenance. He also agrees with the recommendation for a graphics consultant. Christopher Buckley stated that he was representing the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. He stated that he had made a recommendation to the Planning Board to ""dress things up a bit."" The design looks massive - maybe moldings would help. It is obvious that there are budget concerns with this project. Ani Dimusheva stated concerns with traffic issues - ingress and egress on Oak Street. Asked if the drawing proportions were correct - the height to width ratio did not look right. Chair McPherson closed public comments and opened the floor to Boardmember comments to the Planning Board regarding exterior design elements of the parking garage. Chair McPherson stated that there needs to be a focus on signage and lighting. Vice-Chair Anderson explained the concept of ""design/build."" Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,7,"Ms. Ott noted that if the façade did change, the project would be required to go back to the Planning Board. Chair McPherson stated that more needs to be done on the street level - They can do better than four movie posters. Secretary Eliason noted that the Planning Board did require additional framing around the posters. Chair McPherson asked about landscaping. Secretary Eliason stated that there would be street trees along Oak St. Ms. Ott noted that landscape design would be required as part of the design/build and that sidewalks would be widened. Chair McPherson stated that the detailing on the façade needs revisiting - too vanilla, not consistent with the architecture in the area. The whole thing needs revisiting with special emphasis on the public walkway. Boardmember Tilos asked how HAB's previous comments would be incorporated. Ms. Ott stated that at this meeting, HAB was being requested to comment only as it related to the Section 106 Findings. Secretary Eliason stated that a recommendation could be made for a signage and lighting program to go back to the Planning Board for approval and this condition could be added to the cineplex recommendations, also. REPORTS: None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Boardmember Miller asked about the status of the code enforcement action against the house demolition at 616 Pacific Avenue. Secretary Eliason took this opportunity to introduce Emily Pudell, a new member of the Planning Staff. Ms. Pudell stated that she is preparing the agenda report for this item. The property owner is appealing the five-year stay imposed by Code Enforcement. The owner states that he intends to re-use architectural elements from the original structure. Chair McPherson directed that discussion of 616 Pacific Avenue be agendized for the next HAB meeting. Vice-Chair Anderson thanked Chair McPherson for her service to the HAB. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Lynch/Miller) to adjourn the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-06-02,8,"Respectfully submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGUHAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\06-02-05 Minutes of June 2, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. Secretary. Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Tilos. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Andrew Thomas, Supervising Planner, Allen Tai, Planner III, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Jennifer Ott, DSD, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of the Special meeting of March 10, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. M/S (Lynch/Miller) to continue the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to continue the minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 2005 due to lack of quorum. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,2,"ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 1. CA05-0008, 1305-1311 Park Street, Applicant: Italo Calpestri for Anita Ng. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval for demolition of previous additions, including an un-reinforced masonry addition, at the rear of an existing one and two story commercial building. The demolition is part of a proposal to replace the previous additions with a new two- story rear addition. The proposed demolition exceeds 30% of the value of the structure and requires a Certificate of Approval pursuant to AMC Subsection 13-21.7. The building is listed as a Contributing Structure in the Park Street C-C, Community Commercial Zoning District. (AT) (continued from 7-7-05 mtg.) Allen Tai, Planner III, briefly reviewed staff report as presented. At the request of the Board at the last meeting staff conducted further research regarding the addition. Staff found no evidence that the addition located at the rear of 1311 Park St. was associated with any significant events in Alameda History. The appearance of the addition does not contribute to the character of the streetscape nor does it possess unique visual characteristics to be considered an important part of the Park Street Historic District. Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Approval to demolish two additions, including an un-reinforced brick addition at the rear of the property as stated in draft Resolution. There are no speaker slips submitted for this item. Chair Anderson opened Board communications. In response to Chair Anderson's question if there would be any changes to the Park St. façade, Mr. Tai answered no. In response to Chair Anderson's question if the tenants and storefronts will remain as is, Mr. Tai answered in the affirmative. Board Member Lynch complimented staff for the additional information provided in the staff report. In response to Board Member Lynch's question if the parking spaces in the rear remain, Mr. Tai answered in the affirmative. In response to Board Member Lynch's question of what is proposed at the rear of the property, Mr. Tai responded that a commercial space is proposed on the ground floor, with two residential units on the upper floor. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval to remove two rear additions, including a reinforced masonry addition and a single story addition at the rear of the property with conditions stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,3,"2. CA05-0010, 1815 Sherman Street, Applicant: Jules Garabaldi. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the historic structure, located at the above address, for the purposes of remodeling the existing single-family dwelling. The site is located at 1815 Sherman Street, within an R-2, Two Family Residence Zoning District. (EP) (re-hearing from 7-7-05 mtg.) Ms. Pudell, Planner II, briefly reviewed the staff report as presented. On July 7, 2005 the HAB denied this application, in part, because they did not like the design of the new construction. Per the City Attorney Office, the Historical Advisory Board does not have purview over the design of new construction; however, the Board may provide their comments to staff to consider during the Design Review approval process. Ms. Pudell informed the Board that the original plans have been revised to maintain the first fifteen feet of the building. Although this structure does have some local significance, it does not warrant its inclusion on the State Historic Research Inventory. Staff recommends approval of the Certificate of Approval for the partial demolition of a single family residence located at 1815 Sherman St. with conditions as stated in the draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the Pubic Hearing. Jeff Hamon, contractor, informed the Board that the design has been revised according to the comments made at the July hearing. Christopher Buckley - AAPS, spoke in favor of the revised design. He stated that AAPS would like to submit comments during the design review process. There were no speakers opposing this project. Chair Anderson opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch stated that it is important for this Board to see what is being proposed in order to make an informative decision whether the historical character of the building will be altered, and the new development will be harmonious with existing buildings and neighborhoods. Board Member Miller stated that he understands that design issues are not the purview of this Board, but feels without the knowledge of what is being proposed, he would most likely deny any application for demolition. Ms. Pudell stated that currently staff is working with the City Attorney's office on possible revisions of the Historical Preservation Ordinance, which will be on a future agenda. The Board may provide any comments on the proposed design to staff for consideration in the Design Review approval process. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,4,"Board Member Lynch responded by stating that she would prefer to submit her comments during a public hearing so it can be part of the public record. Chair Anderson stated she visited the site and is concerned that the structure will be altered more that thirty percent. Ms. Pudell stated that there would be very little change to the overall appearance of the existing dwelling. The demolition and addition will occur at the rear of building. The front façade will not be changed, and the visibility of the additions would be minimal. M/S (Miller, Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval for the partial demolition of an existing single family dwelling at 1815 Sherman St with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 3. CA05-0015, 862 Cedar Street, Applicant: Donald & Nancy Olney. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the removal of a Coast Live Oak Tree (Quercus Agrifolia) deemed to be an imminent hazard by a Certified Arborist. The site is located at 862 Cedar St. within the R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Ms. Pudell briefly reviewed staff report as presented. Staff has confirmed that the tree has already been removed. A Certified Arborist report was submitted and determined that the subject tree was in close proximity to human activities and items of value and should be considered an imminent hazard. Staff recommends that although the tree has already been removed, the Board should still require the standard conditions of approval as stated in draft Resolution. Chair Anderson read a letter submitted to the Board from Mr. Lou Baca, neighbor, in opposition of removing the tree. There are no speaker slips submitted for this item. Chair Anderson opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch visited the site, and learned that the tree had fallen down prior to this hearing. She would like the Board to be advised of when and where the replacement trees have been planted. She would also like information on what happens to the money once it is donated in lui of planting replacement trees. Staff noted the request. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval to remove one Oak Tree at 862 Cedar St. with the conditions as stated in the draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,5,"4. CA05-0016, 1501 Buena Vista Avenue, Applicant: Encinal Real Estate. Certificate of Approval for structural alterations to be made as part of the rehabilitation of the Del Monte Building. Review and comment on findings regarding the consistency of the proposed alterations with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Restoration). The Del Monte Building is located at 1501 Buena Vista Avenue within the M-2 General Industrial District. (AT) Andrew Thomas, Supervising Planner, briefly reviewed staff report as presented. The applicant and building owner, Mr. Peter Wang, is requesting a Certificate of Approval for repairs and alterations to the building to facilitate adaptive reuse of the structure. The building is currently being used as a warehouse and trucking facility. Mr. Wang is proposing to modify the building to accommodate a variety of retail, commercial and office uses, consistent with the existing zoning regulations for the site and consistent with the proposed Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment for the area. In June 2002, the HAB reviewed Mr. Wang's preliminary proposal for the renovation of the Del Monte building located at 1501 Buena Vista. At that time the HAB was very positive about the project and encouraged Mr. Wang to move forward. The current proposal differs from the 2002 proposal in that the work/live component has been eliminated from the project, a large exterior addition for a restaurant has been eliminated from the proposal, and a proposal to open up the roof for an interior ""open air"" passageway through the building has been eliminated. Given the extremely large size of the building and the high commercial vacancy rates currently in the Bay Area, Mr. Wang is anticipating that the building will transition from warehouse/trucking to retail/commercial/office in stages over a period of several years. The pace at which the transition occurs will be determined by the demand for space within the building and Mr. Wang's ability to attract tenants. To facilitate the rehabilitation, repair, and preservation of the City Monument and enable the applicant to make changes necessary to attract new tenants, the applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for alterations to the building to accommodate the desired new uses. Staff believes that the proposed changes to the Del Monte building are consistent with the Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation of a historic property and that the proposed changes will facilitate the long term preservation and maintenance of this unique and important Alameda property. Staff recommends that the Historical Advisory Board approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the floor to public comments. Christopher Buckley, AAPS, spoke in favor of the project moving forward. He submitted his comments to the Board in writing at the hearing. Staff noted his comments. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,6,"Lil Arnerich, Elizabeth Krause, Birgitt Evans and Dick Rutter spoke in favor of project. The main concern was the removal of the canopies. There were no public speakers opposing project. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened Board comments. In response to the concerns of the public and the Board Members with removing the canopies, Peter Wang, owner, stated that the canopies were not part of original building. He feels that the removal of the canopies will not alter the historical character of the building. In response to Board Member Lynch's question regarding timeline of this project, Mr. Wang stated he intends to start as soon as they receive approval from this Board. The entire project should be completed by 2008. Board Member Lynch stated that she is in favor of this project moving forward. She feels that due to the historical significance of this building, this Board should be advised of the progress of this project periodically. Chair Anderson stated that it is their duty as a Board to preserve the Historical integrity of all listed resources. She stated that the removal of the canopies, opening in every bay, and leveling the loading platform will change the historical character of this building. Not in favor of approving a ""blanket"" Certificate of Approval She would like this project to come back before this Board for all exterior changes. Board Member Miller feels that the three foot gap between the canopies will disappear when you look at the entire building. Feels for safety reasons the leveling of the loading dock makes sense. He would also like periodic updates on this project. Mr. Thomas explained to the Board the ""blanket"" Certificate of Approval makes it easier for the applicant to get financing for this project. This building is a Historical Monument so any changes made would have to comply with the Secretary of Interior's standards. If Staff has any questions regarding any changes proposed in the future they will come before this Board for guidance. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval with the additional condition that staff returns for a periodic review so the Board may be advised of the progress of renovations and be able to provide their comments on such things as replacement window materials, storefront colors and materials, lighting, signage & landscaping. 2-1-1. Ayes: 2; Noes: 1; Absent: 1. Application denied. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,7,"(Following the meeting, Staff reviewed the HAB by-laws in the City Charter Sec. 28-6.-B which states: Three (3) members shall constitute a quorum and a decision of the Board shall be determined by a majority vote of those members present at the meeting.) Staff informed the Board that the Certificate of Approval CA05-0016, for 1501 Buena Vista is approved by a majority vote. 5. Consideration of penalties for unauthorized demolition at 616 Pacific Avenue. Emily Pudell briefly reviewed staff report as presented. Ms. Pudell stated that an application for Major Design Review was approved in 2004. The description of work that was provided on application stated that the scope of work would affect a significant portion of the existing structure; however demolition of the structure was not specifically called out in the project description. The applicant felt that he had obtained all necessary permits to ""dismantle"" the house. Staff feels that there was a miscommunication with the applicant. Although this building was listed on the Historical Building Study List with an (H) designation, which means that it may have Historical importance because of it's age or location or similarity to other buildings done by important architects or builders, staff was unable to find any historical significance to warrant the inclusion of 616 Pacific Ave. on the list. Staff has received several letters from the neighbors opposing the 5-year stay in development. Staff is recommending waiving the 5-year stay in development with conditions stated in draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Birgitt Evans, Kevin Frederick, Nancy Hird, spoke in opposition of waiving the 5-year stay in development. Bill Smith spoke on penalties of unauthorized demolition occurring in the City of Alameda. Paul Rezucha, spoke in favor of waiving the 5-year development stay. There were no more speakers. Chair Anderson opened the floor to Board discussion. Ms. Pudell informed the Board that staff is currently undergoing revisions to the Historical Ordinance, most importantly the Interim Review section and penalties section. They intend to bring this to the Historical Advisory Board for public hearing very soon. In response to Chair Anderson's question regarding the process of modifying a structure on the Historical Building Study List, Ms. Eliason responded that Staff would evaluate the application with the Building Official to determine if it meets the criteria for a Certificate of Approval for demolition. Currently the definition of a demolition is set at 30% of the value. If so, it would need to have HAB approval as well as Design Review. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,8,"Chair Anderson feels that the Board should have been notified in the beginning of this process. This is something that the Board seriously needs to look at with staff and reiterate the Boards' purpose. She spoke in favor of the five-year stay, would like the owner to submit a landscaping plan as stated in the notice sent to him from Code Enforcement. Although she concurs with the neighbors regarding the blight of a vacant lot for five years, she does not approve of waiving the 5 year stay in development. Board Member Miller stated he has difficulty with the term ""dismantled"" He stated the demolished house does not resemble the new house at all. He was on the Board when they worked on 5 year stay, and feels if not enforced in this case, then it will send the wrong message to the public. Board Member Lynch concurred with Board Member Miller's statement. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,9,"In response to Board Member Lynch's question regarding why the landscaping plan has not been submitted, Ms. Pudell stated that once staff receives direction from this Board, they will know how to proceed. M/S (Miller, Lynch) to waive the five year stay in development for the unauthorized demolition at 616 Pacific Ave. as stated in the draft Resolution. 0-3-1. Ayes: 0; Noes: 3; Absent: 1. Application is denied. REPORTS: 6. Review and comment on the final design of the storefront as part of the rehabilitation of the historic Alameda Theatre including review of a color and materials board. The historic Alameda Theatre is located at 2315 to 2323 Central Avenue within the C-C-T (Community Commercial Theater Combining) District. Jennifer Ott, Development Services Department, reviewed staff report as presented. She informed the Board that the plans for rehabilitation have been submitted for permits to the Planning & Building Department on August 3, 2004. There has been inspections done on the marquee and it is in very good shape. In response to the HAB June 2, 2005 conditions of approval, the City's architect for the rehabilitation of the Alameda Theatre, Architectural Resources Group (ARG), has provided a detailed submittal of the proposed storefront designs for the Historic Theatre for the Board to review. Sample materials and color boards were also provided to the Board for review. Ms. Ott began the presentation by responding to a number of issues raised at the June 2, 2005 meeting. In response to the HAB's concern regarding why spandrel glass was used in lieu of Vitrolite, Ms. Ott stated that there is a very limited supply of this historic material available. In response to the HAB's concern regarding the visibility of the new structural supports in the replaced storefronts of the Theatre, the design team has opted to add visual interest to void these areas by furring out the walls in from of the piers and introducing movie poster cases in these locations. In response to the public's concern regarding the idea of ""column jacketing"" to help reduce the size of the columns, Ms. Ott stated the design team explored this idea with the project engineer and found that column jacketing is not applicable for this project. Staff would like the Board to review the sample boards and provide comments on the proposed storefront design for the rehabilitation of the Alameda Theatre. There is no action required at this time. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Chris Buckley spoke in favor of the material and colors shown tonight. Birgitt Evans would like the interior structural support to be either painted or stuccoed. Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,10,"Dick Rutter, AAPS, brought a picture of a 1943 storefront in San Rafael. He pointed out the detail on the floor and the ceiling and the use of Vitrolite. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson opened the floor to Board discussion. Chair Anderson would like to have more information on the restoration of the ceiling. Ms. Ott stated she was not sure of the extent of the restoration of the ceiling. Board Member Lynch spoke in favor of the materials and colors shown tonight. She would like the storefront doors to be recessed. Board Member Miller had no comment. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: AAPS has submitted a written request to add Naval Air Station Resources to the Historical Building Study List. The letter lists several resources which merit consideration for their historical significance and associations before they are affected by the proposed redevelopment the Alameda Point or by any other project. The purpose for listing these resources is to give the HAB and the public an opportunity for future consideration of preservation before the buildings are proposed for demolition or alteration. In addition, they further request that the City begin proceedings to add these resources to the City Monument designation of NAS Historic District. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, reviewed the letter that was provided to the Board in their packet which included a picture and brief description of each resource M/S (Miller/Lynch) to agenize this item for a future meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch would like the Board to consider placing two train station sidewalk markers on the Historical Sign list. She would also like the Board to consider recommending the nomination of 2320 Lincoln Ave. be considered a Historic Monument. Staff is aware of the request and has begun research. This will be on a future agenda. STAFF COMMUNICATION: None. ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 pm Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 10",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-08-04,11,"Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGIHAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\8-4-05 HAB minutes.doc Minutes of August 4, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 11",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice-Chair Miller called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Lynch & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Anderson. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Dennis Brighton, Planner II, Recording Secretary, Debbie Gremminger. MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2005. (continued from the 8-4-05 mtg.) M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of June 2, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 7, 2005. (continued from the 8-4-05 mtg.) M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve the minutes of the Regular meeting of July 7, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 4, 2005. A quorum to consider these minutes was not present. They will be considered at the next meeting. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,2,"ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 1. Appointment of a Historical Advisory Board member to the Transportation Subcommittee. -- M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to continue this item until there is a full board. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 2. Certificate of Approval CA05-0024 - Applicant: Mark Haskett - 1715 Encinal Avenue. (DB). The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure built prior to 1942, located at the above address, for the purposes of remodeling the existing single-family dwelling. The site is located within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Mr. Brighton presented staff report. He informed the Board that this structure is not listed on the Historical Building Study List, but was built prior to 1942, so a Certificate of Approval for demolition is required. The building consisted of several different architectural styles and had been severely altered over the years. None of the alterations appear to have improved the architectural characteristics of the structure. Mr. Brighton also stated that on February 23, 2005, the applicant had received Major Design Review approval. This application received extensive coordination with members of AAPS throughout the review process including a public meeting with the architect, neighbors, members of AAPS, and City Staff. Plans were submitted to the Planning and Building Department that incorporated the requested design alterations from the January 11, 2005 public meeting. Mr. Brighton concluded by stating that the structure did not represent the work of a master or possesses high artistic values. There are no events or persons of historical interest associated with the property. Therefore, staff recommends the Board approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions stated in draft Resolution. In response to a question from Board Member Tilos, Ms. Eliason stated that since this is a pre- 1942 structure, that is not on the study list, the Board can either approve the Certificate of Approval, so the applicant can move forward with project, or they can deny the Certificate of Approval, and applicant will have to pay a fine and the investigative fees for doing work without proper permits. Vice-Chair Miller opened the public hearing. Joanne Gibson, Ellen Gomez, Ruth Tillman and Rosemary McNally spoke against this Certificate of Approval. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,3,"Bill Smith spoke about the demolition process and the fact that the public is unaware of the penalties stated in the Ordinance. Peter McDonald spoke on behalf on applicant. He informed the Board that the applicant was unaware of the requirement for a Certificate of Approval. He informed the Board of the steps the Hasketts went through to obtain the permit. Dave Teeters, architect, spoke in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. He reviewed the pictures of 1715 Encinal Ave, which were provided to the Board in their packet. There were no more speaker slips. Vice-Chair Miller closed the public hearing and opened the floor to board discussion. Board Member Lynch stated that the entire process should be amended. She would like to deny this Certificate of Approval so it will get up to City Council level. She also stated her concerns with the staff report regarding maintaining the historical integrity of the building. Board Member Tilos is in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. Currently, there are too many requirements involved with getting an approval. Vice-Chair Miller stated that the applicant should have had the proper permits prior to demolishing the structure. M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve Certificate of Approval CA05-0024, for the partial demolition of an existing residence at 1715 Encinal Avenue as stated in draft Resolution. 1-2-1. Ayes: 1; Noes: 2; Absent: 1; Motion is denied. 3. CA05-0018, 812 Paru Street, Applicant: John Miller/Kathleen Egan (EP). The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to remove a Coast Live Oak tree (Quercus Agrifolia) located at the rear of the property. The tree is greater than 24"" in diameter and is only 5' from the main building. Per an Arborist, the tree is in poor health and has structural flaws. The site is located at 812 Paru Street, within an R-1, One Family Residence Zoning District. Ms. Pudell presented staff report. The applicant is requesting removal of an Oak Tree to eliminate the potential damage the tree may cause to the site and neighboring properties. An arborist report was submitted which states the tree should be removed at the earliest possible date due to its close proximity to the property owners home, its failing health, and structural flaws. Staff recommends that the Board approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. There were no speaker slips for this item. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor for Board discussion. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,4,"Board Member Lynch feels that tree is in poor health and should be removed. M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve the Certificate of Approval CA05-0018, for the removal of one Coast Live Oak tree at 812 Paru Street with conditions stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 4. CA05-0020, 1415 Union Street, Applicant: Julie Cowell (EP). The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for the removal of a Coast Live Oak tree (Quercus Agrifolia) that was located along the left side of the driveway. The tree was promoting hazardous conditions due to its proximity to the leaves of the building. The site is located at 1415 Union Street, within an R-5, General Residential Zoning District. Ms. Pudell presented staff report. The tree was removed in July 2005 because it posed a health and safety hazard to the apartment building located on the property. A six foot tall portion of the stump still remains. Typically staff would require two replacement trees be planted, but a landscape plan was submitted by the applicant indicating that there does not appear to be a suitable location for the replacement trees. Staff is requesting that the applicant pay fees equal to the cost of the two replacement trees to be collected by the Recreation and Parks Department. There were no speaker slips submitted for this item. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor to Board discussion. Vice-Chair Miller is in favor of approval, but would like staff to notify the Board when the fees are collected. Board Member Tilos feels there should be a penalty for removing an oak tree without proper approval. Ms. Eliason informed the Board that Staff is currently working on revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance and can include a section on penalties for removing Oak trees without a permit. As it is now, the only way to impose penalties would be if the application came in as a code enforcement complaint, then investigative fees would apply. M/S (Tilos, Lynch) to approve Certificate of Approval CA05-0020 for the removal of one Coast Live Oak Tree at 1415 Union Street with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1. Motion carries. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,5,"5. CA05-0021, 1705 Eagle Avenue, Applicant: Gregory & Anna Sanford (EP). The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for the removal of a Coast Live Oak tree (Quercus Agrifolia) that was located on the property. The tree was promoting hazardous conditions due to its proximity to utility wires and the roof of the building at 1705 Eagle Avenue. The site is located at 1705 Eagle Avenue, within an R-2, Two Family Residence Zoning District. Ms. Pudell presented staff report. A large Coast Live Oak tree that was located between the property line and the back of the sidewalk in front of 1707 Eagle Avenue was removed in late July 2005. According to the applicant, the tree posed a hazard to the house and the utility lines. It is unclear whether the applicant knew the tree was located on City property. Given that this tree was not removed from the applicant's property, staff is recommending that fees, equal to the cost of two replacement trees be collected from the Recreation and Parks Department. Staff recommends approval of CA05-0021, with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Vice-Chair Miller opened the public hearing. John Miller, 812 Paru St., stated that the current Ordinance should be rewritten. There should be penalties imposed when an Oak tree is removed without a permit. Greg Sanford, applicant, informed the Board that he did have permission from the adjacent property owner. He was not aware that Oak trees were protected. Vice-Chair Miller closed the public hearing. M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve the Certificate of Approval CA05-0021, for the removal of one Coast Live Oak tree at 1707 Eagle Ave with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 6. CA05-0022 and CA05-0023, 818 and 1706 Lincoln Avenue, Applicant: City of Alameda (EP). Review proposal to designate two signs as historical signs. The signs, completed in 1891, were cast into the concrete to mark the locations of the train station waiting rooms. These sites are located in the sidewalk in front of 818 and 1706 Lincoln Avenue within the R-4 and C-1 (Neighborhood Residential and Neighborhood Business) Districts. Ms. Pudell reviewed staff report. This item is being brought to the Board at the request of Board Member Lynch at the July 7, 2005 meeting. Staff is asking the Board to review the Historical Sign checklist and evaluate each sign for inclusion on the Historic Sign List. The Board evaluated each sign and found that both signs at 818 & 1706 Lincoln Avenue were eligible for placement on the List. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,6,"M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve Certificate of Approval CA05-0022, for the designation of two Historic Train Station Waiting Room signs at 818 and 1706 Lincoln Avenue as stated in draft resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. REPORTS: 7. Replacement of Historic Entrance Lights at the Posey Tube. Ms. Pudell presented staff report. Staff is asking that the Board review the photographs and specifications, and give their comments. Staff will forward the comments to the Public Works Department. Vice-Chair Miller opened the public hearing. Richard Rutter & Chris Buckley spoke in favor of restoring the lights to look like the original fixtures. Vice-Chair Miller closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. The Board submitted the following comments to staff: 1. Caltrans should restore the lights to the original style. 2. Caltrans should investigate recasting as an economic option. One suggested company was the ""Spring Company"". 3. Caltrans should consider to piggyback with other communities such as San Leandro and Oakland on replacement lighting. 4. The new lights should be adequate to meet lighting needs. 5. The cobra heads should be removed. 6. HAB requested to see the final design. Ms. Eliason stated that this is a Caltrans project, but staff will request them to return the final design to the HAB for final approval. Staff noted the Board's comments and will forward them to the Public Works Department. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Ms. Eliason noted an Off-Agenda report and Resolution approving handicapped ramp addition to 351 Corpus Christi Road, Alameda Point. Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-09-01,7,"STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Eliason informed the Board that the City Council will hear the appeal of 616 Pacific on September 6, 2005. Ms. Eliason informed the Board that all pre-1942 plans submitted to the Planning & Building Department will be stamped in big red letters that says: NOTE: BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED PRIOR TO 1942 SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAT 30% OF THE VALUE OF THE BUILDINGS REMOVED OR DEMOLISHED WITHOUT FIRST OBTAINING A CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL FROM THE CITY OF ALAMEDA'S HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD. Staff feels that this should help control any future unauthorized demolitions. Ms. Pudell informed the Board that staff has not received an application for 500 Central Ave. She has been in contact with the applicant and hopes to have something for the October meeting. ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to adjourn meeting at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\8-4-05 HAB minutes.doc Minutes of September 1, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Lynch & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Andrew Thomas, Supervising Planner, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Elizabeth Johnson, DSD, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of August 4, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Abstain: 1 (Tilos); Motion carries. M/S (Tilos,Lynch) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 1, 2005. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Anderson); Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS 1. Appointment of a Historical Advisory Board member to the Transportation Subcommittee. (Continued from the 9-1-05 mtg.) This item will be continued to the November 3, 2005 meeting when a full Board is present. 2. CA05-0027 - Certificate of Approval - 2255 Clinton Avenue -Applicant: Dan Thebeau - The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the historic structure, located at the above address, for the purposes of converting the existing tri- plex to a single-family dwelling. The site is located at 2255 Clinton Ave. within the R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Emily Pudell presented staff report. She informed the Board that the applicant received Design Review approval on August 17, 2005 and building permits have been issued. During the Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,2,"construction process, dry-rot was discovered in the front bay window. The siding and trim boards were removed and set aside. Because the repair of the bay window was not specifically identified in the Design Review application or building permits, and because the project was approaching the 30% threshold for demolition, staff informed the applicant he must stop-work and apply for a Certificate of Approval. The applicant has also identified that the front staircase would also be repaired ""in-kind"". Staff recommends the Board approve the Certificate of Approval CA05-0027, for the partial demolition of an existing dwelling at 2255 Clinton Ave with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Norman Sanchez, architect, spoke on behalf of the applicant. He informed the Board that the goal is to convert the existing triplex to a single-family residence while preserving the architecture character of the house. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the Public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch is in favor of approving the project, but has concerns with the replacement of front stairs. Chair Anderson is also in favor of approving the project, with the added condition that the posts and handrails be replaced with materials that are reminiscent of the building's original architecture. In response to Board Member Tilos question if the Housing Authority has any objections to changing a triplex to a single family dwelling, Ms. Eliason stated that the Housing Authority does not have jurisdiction over non-public housing properties and that the triplex was not legal. M/S (Tilos, Lynch) to approve Certificate of Approval CA05-0027 for the partial demolition of an existing dwelling at 2255 Clinton Avenue with conditions as stated in the draft Resolution, with the added condition that the front staircase, including the handrails, balusters, and newel posts, shall be replaced with materials that are reminiscent of the building's original architecture and shall be similar in appearance to those found on the landing portion of the front staircase. The design of the staircase shall be approved by Planning Division staff. 4-0-0. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion carries. REPORTS: 3. Update on the NAS Alameda Historic District - Presentation and Discussion of the Preliminary Development Concept Process for Alameda Point. Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,3,"Elizabeth Johnson, Development Services, presented staff report. She informed the Board of the two public processes currently underway that involve historic properties at Alameda Point. First is the development of the City's Preliminary Development Concept (PDC), which informs the public of potential trade-offs between historic preservation and viable redevelopment of the former Naval Air Station. The second process is the re-initiation of consultation under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act between the Navy, the Advisory Council for Historic Preservation, and the State Historic Preservation Officer. There have been a total of six community meetings to gain input from residents of Alameda. Historic preservation was identified as a critical issue for discussion at each meeting. One of the major items the Navy is responsible for under the MOA is the nomination of the NAS Historic District to the National Register. The Navy is currently contracting a qualified consultant to complete this task. The Navy anticipates that preparing the nomination and submitting it through the Secretary of the Interior's process will take up to two years. The HAB will then have a chance to review the Navy's nomination. After reviewing the information and studies conducted by the Navy, and National Register's nomination, the Board may consider whether any additional structures that have not been determined to be eligible for the National Register, are eligible for listing on the City of Alameda Historic Building Study List or Historic Monument List. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Elizabeth Krase, AAPS, expressed her concern with waiting two years. She stated that AAPS has already met and discussed this issue with the Navy and they have no objections to the City listing any structures on the Study List prior to their National Register nomination. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, is also not in favor of waiting to list the structures. She would like to reiterate that AAPS has already done research on these buildings and can assist staff on further research if necessary. She would like to see this item on a future agenda as an action item. There was no more speaker slips submitted. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch would prefer not to wait for the Navy. She stated that AAPS has already done extensive research on the buildings and would like to proceed with listing the properties they recommended in their letter submitted to the Board. Ms. Johnson informed the Board that the reason that Staff is recommending waiting for the Navy's nomination is because the Navy is already funding the cost for the consultant. Mr. Thomas added that there is no need to rush to list any buildings, because there will not be any demolition until the CEQA process is completed. Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,4,"Ms. Eliason stated that currently there aren't any individual buildings located at Alameda Point listed on our study list. Alameda Point is designated as a Historic District with contributing structures. Vice-Chair Miller approves of Staff's recommendations. Board Member Tilos stated that since the City does not own the property yet, it would be a waste of time to list any structures. Chair Anderson recommended that the Board accept the staff recommendations, but with the revision that we not wait to add the structures the Board feels are eligible for listing on the City's Historical Building Study List. She would like to enlist the services of AAPS to help staff with the research needed. Ms. Eliason stated that Staff can provide Board updates as they move forward, but due to current work loads in the Planning and Building Department, staff cannot commit to a date certain. M/S (Lynch, Anderson) to accept staff's first two recommendations and amend the third by proceeding with listing eligible buildings to the City Historical Building Study List. (3-1-0). Ayes: 3; Noes: 1 (Miller); Absent: 0; Motion carries. 4. Workshop on possible changes to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Ms. Eliason presented staff report. In 2002, the Historical Advisory Board held several workshops and public hearings regarding revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance, which primarily focused on the Interim Review Section of the Ordinance. The HAB recommended that any building built prior to 1942 must first obtain a Certificate of Approval from the HAB prior to demolishing more than 30% of the structure. The City Council adopted the recommended revisions made by the HAB in 2003. Since that time, implementation of the Ordinance has resulted in identifying a few areas of concern, particularly relating to penalties and enforcement sections. Staff would like direction from the Board on several sections of the Ordinance. First area of concern is the definition of demolition. Currently the Ordinance reads: ""Demolition shall mean the removal within a five (5) year period of more than thirty (30%) percent of the value of any designated structure or building, as determined by the Building Official."" The problem with this definition is that valuation has nothing to do with saving the character-defining elements of a structure. In most recent cases, once a building permit has been issued and demolition begins, the contractor has run into wood rot or other damage that must be removed. It is the natural inclination to simply remove that wood without consideration of the historical implications. A Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,5,"demolition that was first assessed at less than 30% of value may unintentionally grow into a larger demolition without knowledge that additional approvals are required. There are also areas of concern in the Penalties section of the Ordinance. In the recent months there have been several unauthorized demolitions that have come before this Board. Currently the Ordinance only provides one remedy for each type of unauthorized demolitions. For example, pre-1942 unauthorized demolitions are only a violation of the Alameda Municipal Code, which would result in the issuance of an administrative citation or fine. This inflexibility regarding penalties provides no administrative relief nor does it allow for extenuating circumstances regarding individual situations. In some cases, the penalty may be too harsh and in other cases it may not be enough. Other areas of concern are the section on Historic signs and the penalty, or lack there of, for unauthorized removal of protected Oak trees. Staff is requesting the Board review the options provided by in the staff report and submit their comments and recommendations. Staff will then create a revised ordinance and seek HAB recommendations to the City Council for approval around the first of the year. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, spoke in favor of revising the Ordinance. She stated the current Ordinance limits the Board's ability to impose conditions of approval on Certificates of Approval. Also the penalties are too limited. She agrees with Board Member Miller statement at the previous hearing regarding 616 Pacific Ave. ""Why do we have a moratorium, if it is not imposed."" She agrees with AAPS's recommendations regarding different penalty options Nancy Hird, AAPS, is concerned with the 5 year stay of building permits. What would happen if the property changes ownership within those five years? Dick Rutter, AAPS, stated his concerns that once dry rot is discovered, the initial scope of work can change. Staff should provide better documentation to contractors and home owners regarding what should be done on pre-1942 houses that are on the border line of demolishing more that 30%. The current definition of 30% of value does not work. Ms. Eliason informed the Board that all pre-1942 submittals are now being stamped in big red letters informing the applicant of the Certificate of Approval process and the 30% demolition rule. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion Board Member Lynch agrees that there should be more options for imposing penalties. Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,6,"Chair Anderson recommended that the HAB be informed of all permits issued on pre-1942 buildings, not just the demolitions. Too many applications are coming before this Board ""after- the-fact"". She stated that there is a disconnect between the design review process and the Certificate of Approval process. Vice-Chair Miller stated that previously they were informed by the City Attorney's office that design was not the purview of the HAB. Board Member Lynch stated that in the AMC it states that they are able to look at proposed design of new buildings as well as historic ones, to determine whether the proposed new design is compatible with the surrounding areas. She would also like to see a better definition of demolition. In response to Board Member Tilos question regarding who determines if demolition is exceeding 30%, Ms. Eliason responded that the Building Official makes the determination. Chair Anderson would like to be informed of all application submittals, prior to any permits issued on pre-1942 structures, so that the HAB may look at the scope of work, such as window replacements. The HAB needs to be in the loop early on. She would like staff to provide the Board a list on a regular basis of all project submittals. Staff has noted the Boards recommendations. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Staff has provided the Board with a copy of Resolution HAB-05-27. Staff also provided a copy of an Off-Agenda report from the City Manager regarding a Community Needs Survey for their information. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch would like certain districts of Alameda designated as Historic Districts beginning with LeonardaVille, followed by Park Ave.Station, Bay Station, and Burbank-Portola Station Staff noted her request. Board Member Miller asked Staff what would have happened to the approved Design Review permit if the City Council denied the appeal of 616 Pacific Ave. Ms. Eliason stated that the applicant would of had to submit a landscape plan to the Planning & Building Director. After the five year stay was over, a new Design Review application would need to be submitted. STAFF COMMUNICATION: The Mayor has not nominated anyone to fill the vacant seat on this Board. Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-10-06,7,"ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to adjourn meeting at 8:35 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board ::\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\8-4-05 HAB minutes.doc Minutes of October 6, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-11-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Tilos. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. Chair Anderson welcomed new Board Member Janet Iverson to the Historical Advisory Board. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 6, 2005 with corrections. 3-0-1-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Abstain: 1 (Iverson): Absent: 1 (Tilos); Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS 1. Appointment of a Historical Advisory Board member to the Transportation Subcommittee. (Continued from the 10-6-05 mtg.) At this time, the Board has declined the invitation to serve on the Transportation Subcommittee. Ms. Eliason will inform the Board of any upcoming information that would be of interest to this Board. Minutes of November 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-11-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-11-03,2,"2. Certificate of Approval, 500 Central Avenue, Applicant: Tony Wong. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the unauthorized removal of more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of the historic structure, located at the above address. According to AMC Section 13-21, removal of more than 30% of the value of the structure, is defined as demolition. Without prior approval of a Certificate of Approval, the property is subject to a five year stay in the issuance of any building or construction-related permit. The site is located at 500 Central Ave. within the R-5, General Residential Zoning District. (Applicant is requesting this item be continued to the December 1, 2005 mtg). Ms. Eliason informed the Board that the applicant has requested a continuance to the December 1, 2005 meeting. Mr. Wong is currently working with Staff to develop a compliance plan to resolve the outstanding historic preservation issues that are associated with this site. Board Member Lynch fears the structure will continue to deteriorate if left untouched for another month. Ms. Eliason advised the Board that staff is currently working with the applicant to stabilize the building to prevent any further deterioration M/S (Miller, Anderson) to continue this item to the December 1, 2005 meeting. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; (Tilos). Motion carries. REPORTS: 3. Historical Advisory Board's consideration of whether to recommend to the City Council that it designate the structure at 2320 Lincoln Avenue as a Historical Monument. (EP). Emily Pudell presented the staff report. This item is before the Board at the request of Board Member Lynch. In 2003 a historical evaluation of 2320 & 2322 Lincoln Avenue was performed by the Architectural Resources Group (ARG). The report concluded that neither building maintains all aspects of integrity as set forth by the National Register of Historic Places. In addition, this property has also been evaluated in the New Alameda Free Library Project Property Acquisition for Parking EIR, and researched by members of Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS). Based on the information provided, the building at 2320 Lincoln Avenue has been determined to be the oldest commercial structure in Alameda that is still intact, and was believed to be part of Alameda's former Chinatown district. Because the structure is listed on the Historical Building Study list, it is subject to demolition control protection under the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Staff has recently met with the property owners and they have indicated that they do not support the recommendation to Minutes of November 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-11-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-11-03,3,"designate their property a Monument due to a lack of financial incentive and delays in the public hearing process for the proposed structural alterations they have planned. Based on the conclusion of the ARG report, the existing demolition controls, and the owner's opposition, Staff cannot support the recommendation to designate the property at 2320 Lincoln Avenue a Historical Monument. Chair Anderson opened the Public Hearing. Jeffrey Ow, spoke in favor of the recommendation and has done further research on the property which he included in a letter submitted to the Board. Kevin Frederick, AAPS, spoke in favor of the recommendation. Board Member Lynch read an article by Woody Minor, which indicates that the structure located at 2320 Lincoln Avenue, formally known as the ""Encinal Saloon"", was erected in the late 1860's and is oldest and most intact surviving commercial building. In response to Chair Anderson inquiry about whether the proposed project plans would come before this Board for approval, Ms Eliason stated that a Certificate of Approval from this Board will be required for the proposed demolition of more than 30% of the structure. The application is tentatively scheduled for the January 5, 2006 meeting. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's inquiry regarding the level of protection for a monument, Ms Eliason stated that the HAB has purview over any structural modifications for all designated monuments. There are also stricter penalties for any unauthorized demolition. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's question regarding whether the owner's consent is needed recommendation, Ms. Eliason answered in the affirmative. Board Member Iverson advised the Board that she would like more time to consider this. She asked that the Board continue this item to a future meeting. M/S (Iverson, Miller) to continue this item until the January meeting for further consideration. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Invitation to the Webster Renaissance Completion Celebration to be held on Friday, November 4th at Hawthorne Suites on Webster Street. Minutes of November 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-11-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2005-11-03,4,"ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch would like to place Andy Pagano name on the City's street naming list. Staff noted her request. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Eliason informed the Board that comments and review for the Section 106 report for the new design of the Cineplex and Parking Garage is scheduled for the December 1, 2005 agenda. ADJOURNMENT: M/S (Miller, Lynch) to adjourn meeting at 7:36 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agemin.05\11-03-05 min Minutes of November 3, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2005-11-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 5, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, Lynch & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Jennifer Ott, Development Services Department, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: A motion and a second was made to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of December 1, 2005 with corrections. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Historical Advisory Board's consideration of whether to recommend to the City Council that it designate the structure at 2320 Lincoln Avenue as a Historical Monument. (EP). (Continued from the 11-03-05 meeting). Emily Pudell presented staff report. This item was before this Board on November 3, 2005 at the request of Board member Lynch. In November, the Board continued the discussion to allow more time for Board member Iverson to become familiar with the history of this building. Staff does not support the recommendation to nominate 2320 Lincoln Avenue a historic monument. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline Street, spoke in favor of recommendation. There were no more speaker slips submitted. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing, and opened the floor to Board discussion. Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,2,"Board member Lynch requested that this item be tabled to a future meeting to allow time for the property owner to complete the proposed renovations to the building. M/S (Iverson, Lynch) to table this item until the proposed work has been completed. 2-3-0. Ayes: 2 (Iverson, Lynch); Noes: 3 (Anderson, Miller, Tilos); Absent: 0; Motion failed. M/S (Miller, Anderson) to accept Staff's recommendation not to recommend the designation of 2320 Lincoln Avenue as a historic monument. 3-2-0. Ayes: 3 (Anderson, Miller, Tilos); Noes: 2 (Iverson, Lynch); Absent: 0; Motion carries. 2. CA05-0035 - 2320 Lincoln Avenue - Applicant: Li-Sheng Fu for Jim Hom. Applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent of the value of a historically designated commercial structure. The proposed work includes a new foundation and restoration of the existing siding and windows, where possible, and reconfiguration of the interior spaces for the purposes of establishing a new commercial use. The site is located at 2320 Lincoln Avenue within an C-C-T Community Commercial Theater Zoning District. (EP) Emily Pudell presented the staff report. On July 15, 2005, an application for Minor Design Review was received by the Planning and Building Department to restore the building at to commercial/office use. The plans propose to restore the interior and exterior of the building, including a new foundation, interior staircase, and restoration of the building's existing siding and windows. A Certificate of Approval is required from this Board because the interior and exterior modifications to the building exceed the 30% threshold for demolition. Staff is recommending that the Board approve the Certificate of Approval for removal of more than 30% of the value of the structure with the conditions stated in draft Resolution. There were no speaker slips submitted. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. The Board had several questions regarding the plans. Ms. Pudell stated that she has not begun the Design Review because she needed a decision from this Board regarding the demolition. The exterior of the building will remain as is. In response to Board member Lynch's questions regarding the front door, Ms. Pudell informed the Board that she has not seen any historical pictures of the original door; however, the applicant will be required to provide a door schedule as part of the design review requirements. M/S to (Miller, Anderson) to approve the Certificate of Approval, CA05-0035, to alter more than 30% with conditions as stated in draft resolution. 5-0-0. Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,3,"Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. 3. CA05-0033 - 2708 Lincoln Avenue - Applicant: Minxi Liu for Alvin and Lai Wong. Applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent of the value of a historically designated single family residence. The proposed work includes the addition of approximately 1,100 square feet first story and new second story, removal of 2/3 of the exterior rear and side walls, and removal of the roof. The site is located at 2708 Lincoln Avenue within an R-1, One Family Residence Zoning District. (EP) Emily Pudell presented staff report. She informed the Board that this project has already received design review approval by the Planning Board on August 8, 2005, with the condition that prior to approval of the final plans for the building permit; the property owner shall apply for and obtain approval for a demolition permit from the Historical Advisory Board. According to available resources, the small, cottage-style dwelling was constructed in 1906. The building, however, is not listed on the Historic Building Study List. The approved plans indicate that the modifications would not only change the architectural style of the building, but would add approximately 1,100 square feet to the existing building and change the location of the front entry and staircase. The approved Design Review indicates that similar siding and window materials will be utilized for the new additions and remodel. Staff is recommending the Board approve the Certificate of Approval, with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Lili Rollins, 1607 Pearl St., spoke in favor of this project. Minxi Liu, architect, was present and available for any questions the Board may have. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing. Vice-chair Miller commented on the fact that after this project is complete, there won't be any of the original house remaining. Chair Anderson spoke in favor of the proposed project, however requested that wood windows be required as a condition of approval. Ms. Eliason stated that the design review has already been approved by the Planning Board, so the conditions of Design Review approval cannot be changed. M/S (Tilos, Miller) to approve to approve Certificate of Approval to alter more that thirty percent of the value of the structure located at 2708 Lincoln Avenue with conditions stated in the draft resolution. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,4,"REPORTS: 4. Review and Comment on Section 106 Findings Regarding Revised Designs for the 350- Space Parking Garage and Cineplex at the corner of Oak Street and Central Avenue within the C-C T (Community Commercial Theater) Zoning District. (JO). (Continued from 12-01-05 meeting). Jennifer Ott, Development Services presented the staff report. She informed the Board that the City has retained a new architect, Komorous-Towey Architects (KTA) to develop revised designs for both the Cineplex and parking garage based on direction from the City Council on August 16, 2005. Revisions to the façades include reduction of scale and bulk, greater evocation of Art Deco style, additional vertical articulation, greater design consistency and symmetry, as well as greater articulation of blank surfaces. The City Council accepted and authorized Section 106 review of the revised designs on November 1, 2005. Mr. Bruce Anderson, the City's Section 106 consultant, has reviewed the revised designs for compliance with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Restoration and has prepared a supplemental report to his initial Section 106 Report, considered by this Board on June 2, 2006. Staff requests that the Board review and comment on the revised design and supplemental Section 106 report. Staff will forward the Board's comments along with the draft minutes from this meeting to the City Council to consider before taking a final approval action on the revised design. Chair Anderson opened the Public hearing. Susan Denault, 1416 Willow St., spoke in opposition to the new design. She stated that it is still too big for the proposed location. The proposed design does not fit into the neighborhood. Nina Rosen, 1045 Island Dr., spoke in opposition of the size of the building. Monica Penya, 1361 Regent St., stated the report does not address the size and scale of this project and does not think it will be compatible with the surrounding buildings. She believes there is a better alternative. Nancy Hird, 1519 East Shore Drive., spoke on behalf of AAPS and commended the new architect on the revised design; however, the project is way too large for the area. She would like the City to further pursue the Longs parking lot site. Ani Dimishiva, 2911 Calhoun St., is not in favor of revised design. It still has the box- - like mass feeling of the Cineplex, which has been a major concern of the community. The question is whether the massive box fits in it location. It must be compatible with surrounding buildings. The report does not address if the proposed construction protects the environment. There should be no further action taken until there is a three dimension model of project provided. Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,5,"Valerie Ruma, 1610 Willow St., spoke in opposition of the project. She would like an Environmental Impact Report done. She read into the record a statement by Woody Minor opposing the bulk and massing of the proposed project. Rayla Graber spoke in opposition of the size of the project. The present plan is an improvement to the original design but it is still too large. Scott Brady, 1812 Encinal Ave., spoke on behalf of AAPS and briefly reviewed a November 1, 2005 letter from AAPS to the City Council, which was distributed to this Board in their meeting packet. He stated that his main concerns are with the size of the project, and that it is not compatible with the surrounding area. The north wall of the parking structure has not been addressed adequately. He would like to see a physical model done and be required as part of the approval process. This would allow for a better understanding of the size and scope of the project with regards to the surrounding area. Chris Buckley, 1017 San Antonio Ave., spoke on behalf of AAPS and further reviewed the above mentioned letter. He stated that AAPS feels that although the new design is an improvement, they still have concerns with the 20-inch projection of the Cineplex. He stated that the projection is adding too much bulk and is not sure why it is necessary. He also stated that the upward angle of the bay windows of the second floor lobby should be increased, and a more vertical mullion pattern be used for the mezzanine windows. Dick Rutter, 2205 Clinton Ave., agreed with Chris Buckley that the 20-inch projection should be eliminated. He reviewed the drawing that was attached to the letter submitted by AAPS. He stated that a more substantial material should be used for the tile on base of the storefronts. AAPS would like to review materials and color samples when they become available. Leslie Fishback, 1334 Burbank St., spoke in opposition of the project. She does not feel that the historic theatre is being restored. She is also concerned with the size of the Cineplex and feels the parking garage has too few spaces. Susan Batailia, 1351 Burbank St., stated that the size and scope are too large. The majority of citizens agree that the historic theatre should be preserved. The Twin Towers church will not be visible if this is built. There will be more traffic problems. The alternative has been brought to the City, by contracting with existing parking lots. She is not as concerned with the color as much as the size. Russ Button, 2711 San Jose Ave., is opposed the size and scale of the project. He stated that traffic would be increased on Park Street. The rents will go up and the ""mom and pop"" businesses such as Ole's, La Pinata, and Tuckers Ice Cream would disappear. This will change Alameda in a major way. He stated that this Board's job is too keep Alameda the way it is. Rosemary McNally, 2145 San Antonio Ave., also opposed the size of the project. She would also like to see a model. She urged the Board to inform the City Council that the size of the Cineplex and parking garage will ruin the historic character of Park Street. Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,6,"Irene Deeter stated her main concern is the location of the parking garage. The Elk's site would be a much better location and it would allow for the height and bulk of the Cineplex to be scaled down. The people of Alameda want a fully restored historic Theatre. She would like an agreement from the developer that he will completely restore the Historic Theatre. Charles Kasdorf stated that the proposed structure is too large. He would also like to see the historic Theatre completely restored. Paula Rainy, 556 Palace Ct., agreed that the size and scope of the project will have a detrimental effect on the neighborhood and the quality of life in Alameda. She would also like to see a model. Kristianne Koenen, 1360 Pearl Street, spoke in opposition of project. The thing that attracted her to Alameda was its uniqueness. She wants Alameda to hold the unique charm that draws people to it. She agreed that the garage is misplaced. She has joined the group Citizens for a Mega- Plex Free Alameda (CFMFA), who have worked hard to come up with an alternative plan. They have come up with ideas that would allow this area of Alameda to be a Civic Center. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., spoke against the project as proposed. He would like to have more of a setback on the corner of Oak St. and Central Ave. He agrees that a model should be done. He stated the Elks Lodge would be a better location for the parking garage, and added that this suggestion has been ignored by City staff. The people should have a say, and have taken a lot of abuse. He would like an Environmental Impact Report done. Rob Ratto, Park Street Business Association (PSBA), would like to address a comment made by one of the previous speakers who indicated that the project would raise rents on Park Street and run out ""mom and pop"" businesses. He would like to say for the record that the owners of Oles', Tuckers, and La Pinata support this project as do most of the businesses on Park St. Robert Wood stated that his primary objections to this project have been scale. He agrees that this project is on a site that is too small. He would like to blame Longs for not making their site available. He stated that if this project goes ahead, it will establish precedence for the rest of the block. There is no Master Plan for the Civic Center in this City. He has asked the Planning Board to direct Staff to prepare a Master Plan for the Civic Center and its surrounding blocks. He agrees there should be a model done which should include the new Library and the Elks Club. Linda Kibler, 1625 San Antonio Ave., moved to Alameda because of the historic quaintness. She is fearful where this project will take our town in 20 years from now. It is too large and out of place for the downtown area. David Kirwin, 1416 Seminary Ave., would first like to thank Staff and Board members for all of their work on this project. He stated that this has been difficult because of the division that is being created between the business owners and the community. He stated that Oak Street is too Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,7,"narrow for the entrance to the parking garage and it would be very unsafe. This Board should preserve the historic quality of Alameda. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board member Lynch stated how difficult this is. She feels the Board is being pressured to push this project through. A year ago this Board was shown a design that looked like a ""refrigerator box"" that was too big. The new design has improved, but it is still too big. She was not aware that there could have been an alternative location for the parking garage. She stated that she would like a three dimensional model made so she would have a better idea of the size and scale of the new Cineplex and parking garage. Board member Tilos agreed that the parking garage should be built on an alternate site and thinks the Council should further consider the Elk's parking lot as a possible site. He agrees with Board Member Lynch that the Cineplex is too large for its current location. Vice Chair Miller stated that he has always said that this project is too large, as well as his fellow Board members. He stated that the City Council has ignored the community. He agreed that there should be a model to better visualize the size and scale of the project. He stated that AAPS has good suggestions. The colors for the garage should have less contrast. Board member Iverson acknowledged the amount of work put into the presentations. She stated that the size and scale is incompatible to the area. She is interested to learn more about the different parking locations. She stated that the comments submitted by AAPS are good. The mechanical enclosure at top of the building is too high. The 70-ft. wall should be more detailed. This would be a good opportunity for public art. She would also like to see a model of the Civic Center. The detailing at the street level of the Cineplex is not keeping with the style of the parking garage. Chair Anderson would like to reiterate what the people are saying. When she first learned that Theatre was going to be restored she was excited. She feels they have been made hostage by the proposed Cineplex and Parking Garage. She does not think that Alameda can support eight screens. The revised size and scale is an improvement to previous design but does not think that it is proportioned to the site. It is too massive. This project would be a mistake. She feels that we do need the parking structure in the downtown area to keep the businesses viable. She is opposed to the Cineplex and the parking garage as it is designed but is in favor of the restoration of the historic Alameda Theatre. Staff thanked the Board for their comments. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,8,"AAPS submitted a letter regarding their request to list several buildings located at Alameda Point on the Historical Building Study List. Ms. Eliason stated that the ARRA has directed Staff to present them with language that will be added to the preferred development concept. Board member Lynch asked staff if there the City is still planning to create a committee regarding the future plans for Alameda Point. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ani Dimusheva, 2911 Calhoun St., thanked the Board for their comments on Item 4. Irene Dieter, thanked the Board for their comments on Item 4. She also informed the Board of the 2002 Park Street Streetscape Plan, which indicated there should be no traffic on Oak Street. Ms. Eliason stated that this document was the basis for the grants that the City has received for the Park Street Streetscape. Staff will provide the Board with a copy. Chris Buckley, AAPS, would like to clarify what the ARRA Board requested. He stated that they were concerns that the plans were not set in stone before all of the historic buildings be identified. They asked staff to put together a schedule of how the various steps of dealing with historic buildings would occur. Staff was supposed to return to ARRA with the schedule in February 2006. Board member Lynch would like information on 500 Central Ave. Ms. Eliason stated that the applicants were required to weatherize the building and will be ready for public hearing in February. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Staff would like to remind the Board of the open house for the new Planning & Building director, hosted by the Planning & Building Department on Monday, January 9th ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 9:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING|HAB\AGENMIN\Agenmin.06/01-05-06 min.doc Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-01-05,9,"Minutes of January 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Acting Chair Tilos called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Board Members Iverson, Lynch & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, George Carder, Supervising Building Inspector, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Stefanie Hom, Planning Intern, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S (Iverson, Lynch) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of January 5, 2006 with corrections. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: The Secretary of the Historical Advisory Board requests that Report #4, 500 Central Avenue be considered first. M/S to consider Report #4, 500 Central prior to Action Items. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. REPORTS: 4. Preliminary Restoration Review; Applicant: Duane P. Jensen for Tony Wong - 500 Central Avenue. The applicants are seeking comments regarding the design for the proposed restoration of 500 Central Avenue. Emily Pudell reviewed staff report as presented. Staff is requesting comments on the preliminary plans submitted for the restoration of 500 Central Ave. Staff will then work to ensure that the Board's comments are incorporated into the plans for final major design review. No action will be taken tonight. Acting Chair Tilos opened the public hearing. Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,2,"Chris Buckley, AAPS submitted a letter to the Board with AAPS comments. Mr. Buckley reviewed the comments stated in the letter and said that he is looking forward to the restoration of the building. His main concern is with the front elevation on the proposed design. AAPS would like the storefronts and front elevation to be retained as it was originally. They would also like the wood shingles retained on the front elevation. He would like the restoration to include the reconstruction of the sloped window hood over the east side entry to match the hood shown in the 1979 photo. He would like staff to be aware of the inconsistency in plans. The proposed plans do not show original stairway and existing historic storefronts. The plans should note what is existing and what is proposed. Dick Rutter, AAPS, stated the building should be restored to look as it did in the 1979 photo. The shingles are important because that was the way buildings were modernized in 1908. Colleen Leong, 478 Central Ave., reviewed an article dated October 22, 1993 about the 5th Street station and gave a brief history of the building. As a neighbor she has been concerned about preserving certain elements for her tenants. Mr. Wong began construction on this property in 2004 when he purchased the property. He began demolition without receiving the proper permits. As result of this demolition, the rear cottage has since collapsed. She has made several complaints with the City, but feels that they have done very little to stop Mr. Wong from continuing this illegal construction and demolition. She also has concerns with amount of debris left from the collapsed rear cottage. There were no more speaker slips. Acting Chair Tilos closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Applicant, Duane Jensen of City Shapers and Architect Richard Vaterlaus, AIA were present representing the owner, Mr. Wong. Mr. Jensen informed the Board that his team is seeking guidance from this Board and the community for the best possible restoration plan. He stated that the proposed plan is preliminary. He informed the Board that he is seeing the photos for the first time today. Board member Lynch confirmed the importance of the restoration of this building. She would like the storefronts to remain as original. She also has concerns with the proposed windows. Board member Iverson confirmed that now that they have this information the drawings will be amended to match the front and side façades. In response to Board member Lynch's question regarding whether this application will come before this Board again, Ms. Eliason stated that this will not come before this Board again. It will go through the design review process with the Board's comments and will be approved at staff level. Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,3,"Board member Lynch does not feel that they have had enough time to review the plans. She would like to see this item before this Board one more time, so they may comment on the final plans. Ms. Pudell stated that staff will be proceeding with design review process with the recommendations given by this Board tonight. The Board is welcome to submit further comments during the 10-day public notice period during the Design Review process. Ms. Eliason stated that if applicant agrees, this item can be brought back before this Board. The Brown Act prohibits any private conversations with the applicant and the Board members. Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, expressed staff's concern with delaying this project any further. She informed the Board that staff does understand the importance of restoring the building to match the original and will take the comments of this Board very seriously when reviewing the final Design Review plans. Mr. Jensen stated that he would like to see this project move forward. He does not want to leave the building exposed to the weather any longer. Board Lynch stated that she would like to continue this item, until there is a full Board present. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) to continue this item to April 6, 2006 meeting for review of revised plans that incorporate the Board's comments made tonight. (Lynch, Iverson) 3-0-2 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2; Motion carries. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval, CA06-0006, Applicant: Buttrick Wong for Donald Ousterhout, 1511 Gibbons Drive. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure built prior to 1942, located at the above address, for the purposes of remodeling the existing single-family dwelling. The site is located within an R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning District. Stefani Hom reviewed the staff report as presented. Staff has determined that demolishing 30% of the structure is a necessary step of the overall renovation and would not affect the basic architectural integrity of the structure. Staff has determined that bringing this structure to current building standards will improve its usefulness and overall value. Staff recommends the Board approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Acting Chair Tilos welcomed Cathy Woodbury, our new Planning & Building Director and Stefanie Hom our planning intern, and opened the public hearing. Don Ousterhout, owner, spoke in favor of the project. Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,4,"Mr. Wong, architect, also spoke in favor of this project. There were no more speaker slips. Acting Chair Tilos closed the public hearing and opened the floor for Board discussion. Board member Lynch confirmed that the front façade would not be changed. M/S (Iverson, Lynch) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0006, with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. 2. Certificate of Approval; CA06-0001; Applicant: Scott Brady for Douglas and Maria Love - 2253 San Antonio Avenue. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated structure, located at the above address, for the purposes of remodeling a single-family dwelling. The site is located at 2253 San Antonio Avenue, within the R-5, General Residential Zoning District. Stefanie Hom reviewed the staff report as presented. Staff has determined that the proposed addition and modifications, which were approved as part of Major Design Review DR05-0120, will not affect the historic significance of the existing structure. All proposed construction will be limited to the rear and interior of the building with the existing exterior features of the front façade to remain unaltered. The proposed addition will use materials that will match the existing architectural details. Staff recommends approval of Certificate of Approval with conditions as stated in draft Resolutions. Acting Chair Tilos opened the public hearing. Mr. Dileo, AAPS, spoke in favor of the Certificate of Approval. Scott Brady, architect, spoke in favor of approval. There was no more speaker slips. Acting Chair Tilos closed the public hearing and opened the floor for Board discussion. Board member Lynch commended staff on a very thorough staff report and packet. The Board had no further questions on this application. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0001, with conditions as stated in the draft Resolution. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,5,"3. Certificate of Approval, CA06-0002; Applicant: Frank Do for Alice Young - 1813 St. Charles Street. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated residential duplex, located at the above address for the purposes of legalization of remodeling work. The site is located at 1813 St. Charles Street within an R-2, Two-Family Residence Zoning District. Emily Pudell presented the staff report. She informed the Board that this structure is not listed on the Historical Building Study List; however, it is before this Board because it was built prior to 1942. Staff found that the proposed ""Colonial Revival Cottage"" design of the remodeled home would be more characteristic of and compatible with the other homes in the neighborhood. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval, CA06-0002, with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Acting Chair Tilos opened the public hearing. Chris Buckley stated that the plans are inconsistent, which has been an ongoing problem. He feels that this building has craftsman elements, not colonial revival as the staff report states. There were no more speaker slips. Acting Chair Tilos closed the public hearing. Board member Iverson does not feel that the bay window or the columns have any historic style. In response to Board member Lynch's question regarding the handrails, Ms. Pudell stated that the Major Design Review process has not been completed. A letter of incompleteness which addressed the issues which have been brought up tonight has been mailed to the applicant. Board member Lynch feels that the proposed design is an improvement. She would also like to make sure that the Oak tree will be protected as a condition of approval. Acting Chair Tilos approves of the proposed design. Ms. Eliason stated that the Board's comments will be considered in the design review process. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0002 with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. 5. Review and Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the April 6, 2006 meeting to allow staff time for further research. M/S (Iverson, Lynch) to continue this item to the April meeting. 3-0-2. Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-03-02,6,"Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Staff has provided the Board with a resolution for a garage demolition approved by the Secretary for 1831 Nason St. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch invited the Board members and staff to the Alameda Museum lecture series. Board member Lynch requests further information regarding their comments given on the Posey Tube entry lights. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Staff gave the Board information on upcoming workshops and conferences. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 8:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cirllis Eleaser Cynthia Eliason, Secretary Historical Advisory Board :\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agenmin.06\approved minutes03-02-06approved min.doc Minutes of March 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-03-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson and Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board member Lynch. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Eliason, Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S to continue the March 2, 2006 minutes to the May 4, 2006 meeting due to a lack of a quorum. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. ACTION ITEMS: None. REPORTS: 1. Preliminary Restoration Review - Applicant: Dwane P. Jensen for Tony Wong - 500 Central Avenue. The applicants are seeking comments regarding the design for the proposed restoration of 500 Central Avenue. (Item continued from 3-02-06 meeting). This item was continued from the March 2, 2006 meeting per the Board's request. The applicant has incorporated the Board's comments received at the March 2, 2006 meeting and has submitted a revised set of drawings for review. Staff is seeking comments from this Board to assist in the Design Review approval. Chair Anderson opened the pubic hearing. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), submitted their comments in a letter which was distributed to the Board. Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,2,"There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board member Tilos is in favor of the new design. Chair Anderson is in favor of staff's conditions of approval noted in the staff report. Additionally, she would like an investigation of the rear addition, and would like staff to require the applicant to apply for a lot line adjustment. She does not agree that the windscreen on the side elevation is original as AAPS has suggested; therefore it should not be a condition of approval. Vice-Chair Miller would like to incorporate AAPS recommendations with the comments made by the Board tonight, with the exception of the windscreen. Board member Iverson agreed that the windscreen was not original and is not necessary. 2. Review and Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. (Continued from the March 2, 2006 meeting). Staff has made several revisions to various sections of the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Staff would like the Board to review the proposed revisions, and submit comments. Staff will then incorporate the comments made by the Board and from the public and bring this item back for final review and recommendation to the City Council. Definition of Demolition: Staff proposes that the definition of demolition be easier for property owners and staff to calculate and should be equal to all properties. The Board did not have any comments regarding this section. Protected Trees: Ms. Eliason stated that staff is proposing stricter penalties for the unauthorized demolitions of protected trees. Chair Anderson stated that a landscape plan should only be required when replacement trees are located on the property. She would also like the ordinance to be clear that the applicant is responsible for the payment of the arborist. Ms. Woodbury stated that staff will revise the language to read that when only one tree is being replaced, the applicant may submit a site plan in lieu of the landscape plan. In response to Vice-Chair Miller question regarding the fine for unauthorized removal of a protected tree, Ms. Eliason responded staff is proposing that the fine be equal to twice the Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,3,"appraised value of the original tree which will be determined by the Planning and Building Director. The Board had no further comments. Historic Signs: Ms. Eliason reviewed the proposed revisions to the Historic Signs and designation process. The Board did not have any comments regarding this section. New Application Process: Ms. Eliason reviewed the proposed revisions to New Application Process. To prevent further unauthorized demolitions, the requirements for Certificate of Approvals should be very clear. Chair Anderson stated that section (a) should be revised. A structural report can only be prepared by a structural engineer, not an architect. Staff concurred and will make the revision. The Board had no further comments. Penalties: Ms Eliason reviewed the proposed revisions to the Penalties section. She informed the Board that the revisions to this section are important due to the recent problem of several unauthorized demolition of listed buildings and buildings built prior to 1942. The present ordinance only provides one remedy for each situation. For properties listed on the Historic Building Study List, unauthorized demolition is subject to a five (5) year stay in the issuance of any building permit or construction-related permit for any new construction at the site previously occupied by the historic resource. For pre-1942 unauthorized demolitions, the applicable penalty reads: ""Any violation of this section or failure to comply with a condition of approval of any certificate of approval or permit issued pursuant to this section constitutes a violation of the Alameda Municipal Code."" This inflexibility regarding penalties provides no administrative relief nor does it allow for extenuating circumstances regarding individual situations. Staff has proposed new language that provides additional flexibility for handling demolitions of Historical Monuments, structures on the Historical Building Study List and Pre-1942 dwellings, as well as Protected Trees. The proposed revision strengthens the overall penalty from $250.00 to $500.00 under the Alameda Municipal Code. It retains the potential of an up to 5-year moratorium on development also allows for the requirement to reconstruct, as determined appropriate by the Historical Advisory Board. The Pre-1942 provisions have been clarified to first determine if the property should have been on the Historical Building Study List. Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,4,"Vice-Chair Miller would like the penalties to be very clear that it is not ok to demolish historical structures. He would like Alameda to set the standard for strict penalties. He would like staff to consult with the City Attorney's office regarding charging as a misdemeanor offense. Chair Anderson would like to see guidelines within the Ordinance stating who is responsible for overseeing that the property is maintained in the event of the five year moratorium. Board member Iverson inquired if the monetary penalties could be assessed periodically though non-compliance, possibly on a quarterly basis. Board member Iverson also would like to see an additional penalty imposed if the property is sold within a certain amount of time after the illegal demolition. The Board had no further comments. Appeals and Call for Review: Staff has proposed the standard language used for all Boards regarding Appeals and Call for Review. The Board did not have any comments regarding this section. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Rosemary McNally, 2145 San Antonio, would like to see very strict penalties for unauthorized demolitions. Dick Rutter, 2205 Clinton Avenue, stated that the entire structure should be considered in the demolition process, not only the front façade. He stated that the fine should start at $10,000. Denise Brady, president of AAPS, stated the current ordinance does not give enough penalty options. She also feels the $500.00 penalty is too low. She would like to see the contractors who are doing the unauthorized demolitions be penalized as well as the homeowners. Chris Buckley, AAPS, reviewed the comments submitted in a letter from AAPS. He would like more time to consider all of the different options and scenarios which might occur. He would like the HAB to have more authority over the proposed design and construction plans. On tree provisions, with regards to trees, the International arborist formula is appropriate. Chuck Millar, 2829 San Jose, read the letter to the Board from Birgitt Evans. He stated that the fine should be based on the degree of the offense and be high enough to prevent any further unauthorized demolitions Scott Brady, former president of the HAB, spoke on the background of the revisions that were adopted in 2002. He stated that the Board was rushed to make a recommendation, as staff wanted to take both the Zoning Ordinance revisions made by the Planning Board and the Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,5,"revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance to the Council at the same time. He supports the recommendations made by AAPS. There should be various scales of penalties. He concurs with Denise Brady's comment to penalize the contractor. Item 3 under new application process, issuance should lie with the general contractor's role, not the architect. Elizbeth Krase, 2520 Chester St, would like to see stricter penalties. She stated that a $500.00 fine will not be very effective. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing. The floor was opened again for additional Board comments. Chair Anderson would like this item to be continued to allow further discussion and to give the Board more time to review. She would also like staff to provide the entire ordinance rather than just the revised pieces. Chair Anderson requested that a review of the Historical Building Study List be on a future agenda. M/S to continue this item to a future meeting for further discussion. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 3. Discussion and recommendation to City Council regarding support for National Historic Preservation Month. Ms. Woodbury informed the Board that each year the National Trust for Historic Preservation promotes preservation efforts across the country by designating May as National Preservation Month. Thousands of communities showcase their unique historic buildings and landscapes and honor their local heritage through a variety of activities that increase the public's awareness and appreciation of protecting the nation's rich history. National Preservation Month provides an excellent opportunity to celebrate historic preservation in Alameda. Staff has provided several activities suggested by The National Trust to celebrate National Preservation Month. Staff recommends that the Historical Advisory Board recommend that the City Council proclaim May 2006 as National Preservation Month at the May 2, 2006 City Council meeting. Chair Anderson has agreed to attend the City Council meeting to accept the proclamation. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Chris Buckley, AAPS, would like to thank Ms Woodbury for her efforts in getting the Council to issue this proclamation. He also stated that the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) currently sponsors several of the different activities suggested in the staff memo. On Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-04-06,6,"June 4, 2006 AAPS will be giving out preservation awards. He stated the more publicity the better. M/S to recommend to the City Council to proclaim May 2006 as National Preservation month. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Correspondence addressed to Rick Jones, PM Realty Group, from Leslie Little, Development Services Director, clarifying the process regarding proposed exterior alterations to buildings within the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District at Alameda Point. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. STAFF COMMUNICATION: None. The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner. G:\PLANNING|HAB\AGENMIN)Agenmin.06/04-06-06/04-06-06 DRAFT min 1.doc Minutes of April 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-05-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Recording Secretary Gremminger called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson and Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board member Tilos. STAFF PRESENT: Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Miriam Delegrange, Development Services (DSD), Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S to approve the April 6, 2006 minutes as presented. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0007 - Applicant: The New Zealander - 1400 Webster Street. The applicants request approval to relocate the historically designated Croll's sign by lifting it approximately 12-inches. The sign is being raised to accommodate the addition of the tenant's business signage. The site is located at 1400 Webster Street within a C-C, Community commercial Zoning District. Emily Pudell summarized the staff report. Ms. Pudell informed the Board that he applicant has informed staff that he is not proposing to restore the existing sign as it states on the application for the Certificate of Approval. He has discovered that doing so could possibly damage the historic sign and would be too expensive. Staff is recommending approval of the Certificate of Approval. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Sherri Steig, WABA spoke in favor of the Certificate of Approval. Nolan Steig spoke in favor of the Certificate of Approval. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the Minutes of May 4, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-05-04,2,"floor to Board discussion. In response to Board Member Lynch's inquiry regarding if a historic sign survey has ever been done, Ms. Pudell stated no. Ms. Pudell stated that the proposal to raise the existing Croll's 12-inches from its current position so that the new tenant signage can meet the current height requirements. M/S (Miller, Lynch) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0007, for the alteration of a historically designated sign at 1400 Webster Street. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1. Motion carries. 2. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0008 - Applicant: Dan Adams for Dale and Kay Emerson - 1150 Bay Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated residential building located at the above address for the purpose of remodeling a 1970's addition. The site is located at 1150 Bay Street within an R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning District. (EP) Item 2 Ms. Pudell summarized staff report. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval, CA06-0008, with conditions as stated in the draft resolution. There were no speaker slips. Chair Anderson opened the floor for board discussion. The Board is in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval with the following revised conditions: 1. Revise the proposed roofline above the dwelling's main entrance to a style that is more compatible with the building's architectural style, subject to review and approval by planning staff as part of the Major Design Review process. 2. Revise the plans for the second-story rear deck to include supporting posts, columns, or decorative brackets to establish a more substantial feeling to its appearance, subject to review and approval by Planning staff as part of the Major Design Review process. 3. Revise your plans to use a more appropriate material and design for the front landing, including the guardrail, handrail, and balustrade, subject to review and approval by planning staff as part of the Major Design Review process. M/S (Lynch, Anderson) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0008, with the revised conditions. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1. Motion carries. Minutes of May 4, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-05-04,3,"3. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0009 - Applicant: Mohamed Elhashash - 1530 & 153 2 Ninth Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of three historically designated single-family homes, located at the above addresses for the purposes of remodeling and restoring the buildings. The site is located at 1530 and 1532 Ninth Street within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. (EP) Ms. Pudell summarized staff report. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval CA06-0009, with conditions as stated in draft resolution. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing Li-Shung Fu, Architect, spoke in favor of the Certificate of Approval. Dick Rutter, 2205 Clinton Ave., stated that the golden mean has not been properly applied. He is not in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. Birgitt Evans, AAPS, concurs with Dick Rutter. She is not in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., is not in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson opened the floor to board discussion. Board Member Lynch stated that there should be more detail around the windows to match other Victorian cottages built around the same time. She would like the new siding to match the existing. She is not in favor of approving this application. Vice-Chair Miller stated that if this was a restoration, then they should restore it back to original. He stated that raising the house would drastically change the appearance of the building. He is not in favor of approving this application. Board Member Iverson is not in favor of approving the application. Chair Anderson would like all windows replacements to be wood. She agrees with the Board and is not in favor of approving this project. Ms. Woodbury requested the Board re-open the public hearing to allow Miriam Delegrange, DSD, to speak. M/S to re-open the public hearing. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1. Motion carries. Minutes of May 4, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-05-04,4,"Ms. Delegrange, project manager, informed the Board that this project will be providing much needed affordable housing. She also stated that the reason for raising the house is to provide ADA access. The reason why they are proposing vinyl windows on the sides of the house is so they can be energy efficient, however she does not have a problem with changing them all to wood. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing. M/S to approve the Certificate of Approval, CA06-0009, to alter more than thirty percent (30 %) of the value of three historically designated single-family homes at 1530, 1532 and 1532 1/2 9th Street. 0-4-1. Ayes: 0; Noes: 4; Absent: 1. Motion denied. REPORTS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch would like to invite the Board to the Alameda Legacy Home Tour. Also, docents are needed. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Woodbury informed the Board that staff would like to schedule a study session to review the Design Guidelines. On May 2, 2006 the City Council proclaimed May 2006 as National Preservation Month. Staff has hired a consultant to assist with the revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:47 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cathy Woodbury Planning & Building Director G:\PLANNING|HAB\AGENMIN\Agenmin.06/04-06-06/04-06-06 DRAFT min 1.doc Minutes of May 4, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JULY 6, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm. Recording Secretary Gremminger called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Irons and Iverson MEMBERS ABSENT: Board member Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, Doug Vu, Planner III, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S (Miller, Iverson) to approve the May 4, 2006 minutes as presented. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: This item will be continued to the next meeting a full board is present. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0011 - 2629 Central Ave. Applicant: Hwan Kim. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for the removal of two coast live oak trees (Quercus agrifolia) that are located along the right side of the property. The trees are causing a potentially hazardous condition due to their proximity to the eave of the house. The site is located at 2629 Central Avenue, within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, introduced Doug Vu, Planner III, who was recently hired to the Planning & Building Department. Staff member Doug Vu briefly summarized the staff report. Mr. Vu stated that both the applicant and Elite Tree Service, Inc. are concerned about the location of the trees and their potential to cause damage to the foundation of the two homes located at 2629 and 2633 Central Ave. AMC Section 13-21.7(c) requires that any protected oak tree that is removed shall be replaced with a minimum of two oak trees of ten gallon size or larger. Since there is a lack of sufficient space on the applicant's property to replace these trees, the Planning & Building Director recommends that a $375.00 fee, equal to the cost of three fifteen gallon trees, be Minutes of July 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-06,2,"collected on behalf of the Recreation & Parks Department for the purchase and planting of these trees in a City park. Staff recommends approval of CA06-0011, with conditions as stated in draft resolution. There were no speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Vice-Chair Miller stated that he agrees with the staff recommendation. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's question regarding why an arborist report was not submitted with this application, Mr. Vu stated that according to the Ordinance, a report from a certified arborist is required only if the health of the tree is in question. Chair Anderson stated that the Board should discuss this section of the Ordinance when the revisions to the Ordinance are reviewed by the Board in the near future. Board Member Irons stated that he agrees with staff recommendation. Board Member Iverson stated that she appreciates that this is being brought before the Board prior to removing the trees. M/S (Iverson, Miller) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0011, at 2629 Central Avenue with conditions as stated in draft resolution. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 2. Proposed Addition to the Official Naming List for City Facilities and Streets. Request by the City Council to add the name ""Willie Stargell"" to the City's Official Naming List for Facilities and Streets. Staff member Doug Vu summarized the staff report and informed the Board that the the City Council has inquired about the possibility of renaming a west-end street to honor Willie Stargell pursuant to requests from the Encinal High School Alumni Association. The Street Naming Policy currently states that the Historical Advisory Board must approve additions or deletions to the List based on written documentation of the historic importance of the name in Alameda history. As a prominent sports figure in Alameda's history, Staff has determined that Willie Stargell is eligible to be added to the List. M/S (Iverson, Miller) to approve the addition of Willie Stargel to the Official Naming List for City Facilities and Streets as stated in draft Resolution. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. Minutes of July 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-06,3,"REPORTS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) The following Written Communications were distributed to the Board. No action was taken. Letter dated June 29, 2006 from Dian Coler-Dark, President, Alameda Museum, to the Mayor and Council Members regarding the Carnegie Library Building. Updated Historical Advisory Board Member phone number list. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. STAFF COMMUNICATION: None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Ciplin Eleaser Cynthia Eliason, Secretary Historical Advisory Board S:\PLANNING\HAB\AGENMIN\Agenmin.06\approved minutes07-06-06 approved min.doc Minutes of July 6, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JULY 7, 2005 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Vice Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:07 pm. Vice-Chair Miller called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chair Miller, Boardmembers Lynch & Tilos. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Anderson. STAFF PRESENT: Acting Planning & Building Director Greg McFann, Allen Tai, Planner III, Emily Pudell, Planner II, Recording Secretary Debbie Gremminger. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to continue the minutes of the Special meeting of March 10, 2005 due to lack of quorum. 3-0-1, Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: l; Motion carries. M/S (Tilos/Lynch) to approve the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 7, 2005 with corrections. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. M/S (Lynch/Tilos) to continue the minutes of the Regular Meeting of June 2, 2005 due to lack of quorum. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Boardmember Lynch has provided additional information regarding the constructions dates and historicial significance of the projects to be heard tonight for the Board's review. Minutes of July 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-07,2,"ACTION ITEMS: (Discussion/Action) 1. CA05-0008, 1305-1311 Park Street, Applicant: Italo Calpestri for Anita Ng. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval for demolition of previous additions, including an un-reinforced masonry addition, at the rear of an existing one and two story commercial building. The demolition is part of a proposal to replace the previous additions with a new two- story rear addition. The proposed demolition exceeds 30% of the value of the structure and requires a Certificate of Approval pursuant to AMC Subsection 13-21.7. The building is listed as a Contributing Structure in the Park Street C-C, Community Commercial Zoning District. Allen Tai, Planner III, briefly reviewed staff report as presented. Mr. Tai stated that the proposed demolition is part of a project to build a new two-story addition that will replace the two existing additions at the rear of the property. No changes are proposed to the façade or sides of the main building; the historical fabric will not be disturbed. In order for these additions to be considered historical resources, they must possess and retain enough of their historic character or appearance to be recognizable as historical resources. There is no evidence that these structures exhibit any architectural or historical merit. Furthermore, these additions are incompatible with the design of the existing main building. Staff recommends that the Board approve the Certificate of Approval as stated in draft Resolution. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor to public comment. Chris Buckley, 1017 San Antonio stated that a state historic resources inventory form was done for this property. The property as a whole including the addition is part of the Park Street National Register District. The reference period extends from the late 1800's to 1900. The brick addition does have historical significance. He stated that staff has been applying the National Register Criteria to all of the properties before the Board tonight. This criteria should only be used if it is designated as a monument. He feels this property does fall under criteria B, from the Historical Building Study List which states ""A resource which, due to its scale, massing, materials, style, and other features, is similar to a nearby ""N"" or ""S"" resource and serves as Background support for it."" Italo Calpestri, architect, stated the proposal is to build a new two-story addition that will replace the two existing additions at the rear of the property. The front façade will not be affected. Parking that currently exists in the rear will also remain as it is. Mr. Calpestri informed the Board that a Building Inspection Report has been submitted which concluded the existing additions are structurally inadequate under current seismic safety standards and require significant alterations in order to render the structures safe. Mr. Calpestri thanked staff Planner Allen Tai for his work on this project. Minutes of July 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-07,3,"Boardmember Lynch would like clarification on the Environmental Determination in staff report. Allen Tai stated that staff determined this project qualifies for a Categorical Exemption because the portion of the building to be demolished is an accessory structure and is not historically significant therefore, this project qualifies for a Catorgial Exemption from CEQA Guidelines per Section 15301 (1)(3). Boardmember Lynch asked Mr Calpestri if any thought was given to saving the structure? Mr. Calpestri responded by stating that the existing rear building was constructed with unreinforced masonry and does not blend with the front of the building. He also stated the the current space is unsuitable for tenant use and would not be financially viable to keep. Vice-Chair Miller closed public comments and opened Board discussion. Boardmember Lynch would like staff to revise the draft resolution so it is clear that it refers only to the two rear accessory buildings and not the front façade. Staff noted the revision. Boardmember Tilos feels the accessory structures are as historically significant as the main building and does meet the criteria to be a historic resource. Motion (Lynch) to approve Certicate of Approval CA05-0008, as stated in draft resolution with the correction that staff revise the language so it is clear that this applies only the accessory buildings in the rear of the building. Motion failed due to lack of a second. M/S (Tilos, Lynch) to continue this item until such time there is a full Board. 3-0-1, Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 2. CA05-0011, 1013 Fair Oaks Avenue, Applicant: Derwin Cheung/David Deng. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to remove a Coast Live Oak tree (Quercus Agrifolia) located along the western edge of the property. The tree has a 24"" diameter and is only 30"" from the main building's brick foundation. Per an Arborist, the tree is interfering with the proposed foundation reconstruction and would become unstable as part of that process. The site is located at 1013 Fair Oaks Avenue, within an R-1, One Family Residence Zoning District. Emily Pudell, Planner II briefly reviewed staff report as presented. Per the arborist report submitted by the applicant, removal of this tree, located on the western side of the property, will stabilize their property and eliminate the potential of the tree causing damage to the neighboring property. Staff recommends approval Certificate of Approval CA05-0011 with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. Minutes of July 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-07,4,"Vice-Chair Miller stated there where no speaker slips submitted, and opened the floor for Board discussion. Boardmember Lynch informed the Board she visited the property. The tree appears to be in bad shape and is in favor of removing the tree for health and safety reasons. Vice-Chair Miller is also in favor of removing the tree. Staff informed the Board that the Recreation & Park Department has been accepting fees in lui of replacement trees. They have not found locations for the replacement trees as of yet. Staff will notify the Board when and where a replacement tree has been planted. M/S (Tilos, Lynch) to approve Certificate of Approval CA05-0011, to remove a Coast Live Oak tree (Quercus Agrifolia) located along the western edge of the property at 1013 Fair Oaks as stated in in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 3. CA04-0006, 826 Lincoln Avenue, Applicant: Cindy Li. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to demolish the existing single-family dwelling, located at the above address, for the purposes of clearing a dilapidated structure from the site and constructing a new residential duplex. The site is located at 826 Lincoln Avenue, within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Emily Pudell, Planner II, briefly reviewed staff report as presented. Applicant wishes to completely demolish a single-family dwelling. This building is not listed on the Historical Building Study List but was built prior to 1942. The condition of the existing building is poor according to a building inspection report letter prepared in 2004. Permit records indicate the building has been significantly altered over time. Staff feels the existing building is not historically significant and does not meet the criteria to be considered a historical resource. Staff recommends approval of CA04-0006. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor for Public comment. Ivan Chiu, designer with Bill Wong Engineers, who spoke on behalf of the applicant informed the Board that they are ready to proceed with proposed project upon approval. Applicants plan to construct a new duplex on this site. Boardmember Lynch asked Mr. Chiu if there are parking spaces provided in rear of proposed siteplan. Mr. Chiu answered in the affirmative. Christopher Buckley, 1017 San Antonio Ave., agrees with staff that this property does not have historical significance but feels staff is applying the wrong criteria to this property as well. Staff Minutes of July 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-07-07,5,"should not be applying the National Register Criteria. In the Ordinance, the National Register Criteria is sited in the definition, Sec 13-21-2, as part of the definition as Historical Monument. It is not referenced in the definition of a Historical Building. Study List. Currently there is no specific criteria in the Ordinance stating what is or what isn't eligible for the Study List. He feels this should be addressed in a future meeting. However, he feels the building does not meet the criteria of the study list. He also stated that he feels that the design quality of the replacement structure should be of the same quality of what it is replacing. He is in favor of the proposed design, with minor changes. Staff noted his changes, and informed Mr. Buckley that he may submit his comments during the design review process. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor to Board discussion. Boardmember Lynch stated this building does not have any historic value, but would like staff to work closely with the applicant on the design of the proposed project. M/S (Lynch, Tilos) to approve Certificate of Approval,CA04-000 to approve the demolition of an existing residence at 826 Lincoln Ave. as stated in draft Resolution. 3-0-1. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1; Motion carries. 4. CA05-0010, 1815 Sherman Street, Applicant: Jules Garabaldi. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the historic structure, located at the above address, for the purposes of remodeling the existing single-family dwelling. The site is located at 1815 Sherman Street, within an R-2, Two Family Residence Zoning District. Emily Purdell reviewed staff report as presented. She would like the Board to omit paragraph 2 of Section III due to a staff error. The demolition plan that was submitted shows retention of the majority of the dwelling's exterior walls; including all of the first-floor front elevations and the majority of the first-floor side and rear elevations. The proposal does not include any changes to the existing porch area. Staff used the same criteria as prior application, and concluded that although there is some local history associated with this property, it is not significant enough to consider this building a historic resource. Staff feels the proposed additions and remodel of this single family home are restricted to the rear elevations and maintains the character of the existing structure, therefore staff recommends approval of the Certifiate of Approval as stated in the draft Resolution. Vice-Chair Miller opened the floor for public comment. Jules Garibaldi, owner, informed the Board that he grew up in this house, would like to expand the upper level bedrooms and feels the best way to do this is to dismantle and reconstruct. There Minutes of July 7, 2005 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Lynch, Irons and Iverson. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Doug Garrison, Planner III, Doug Vu, Planner III, Miriam Delegrange, Development Services, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2006. M/S and unanimous to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2006 as presented. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion carries. Minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 6, 2006. M/S and unanimous to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 2, 2006 as presented. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: (Item continued from the July 6, 2006 Meeting). Board Member Lynch nominated and the Board voted unanimously to re-elect Nancy Anderson as Chair and Randall Miller as Vice-Chair. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,2,"ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval - CA06-00012 - 1530 & 1532 Ninth Street. Applicant: Mohamed Elhashash. The applicant is requesting a new Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of three historically designated single-family homes. The site is located at 1530 and 1532 Ninth Street within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, presented staff report. On May 4, 2006, the Historical Advisory Board acted to deny a Certificate of Approval CA06-0009. The applicant has since been working with Staff and representatives of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) to revise plans to address design concerns raised at the May HAB meeting. Staff is recommending the Board approve the Certificate of Approval CA06-0012, with conditions as stated in the draft Resolution. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Miriam Delagrange, Project Manager, Development Services, spoke in favor of the revised design. Dick Rutter, AAPS, reviewed a letter submitted by AAPS and is in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. Li-Sheng Fu, architect, spoke in favor of revised design. He informed the Board that he is willing to incorporate AAPS's suggestions into the plans. He informed the Board that the plans for the rear building have not changed and that all the exterior doors will match the existing doors. Chris Buckley, AAPS, spoke in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval with the conditions stated in letter submitted by AAPS. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St. spoke in opposition of the revised design. There were no further speaker slips, Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch thanked the applicant for his attempt to incorporate the Board's suggestions into the revised plan. She feels that the revised plans do not include enough of the original design details. She would like to see the details match a photograph of a similar house built around the same time which is located down the street. Board Member Irons is in favor of approving the revised plans. He asked for clarification from Board Member Lynch as to what details she is referring to. He stated that it was his understanding that design details does not fall under this Board's purview. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,3,"Ms. Eliason stated that the Board should only be considering the partial demolition of the existing structure, not the proposed design. Board Member Lynch disagreed with staff and read from the Municipal Code that the HAB is charged with the responsibility ""to encourage new building and developments that will be harmonious with existing buildings and neighborhoods"" Board Member Lynch added that the Board can't encourage harmonious designs if it doesn't see those designs. Vice-Chair Miller is not in favor of approving the Certificate of Approval. He feels this project would create parking issues in the neighborhood. Board Member Iverson also thanked the architect for revising the plans. She would like to see the front detail match an existing house which is located down the street. M/S (Irons, Miller) to approve Certificate of Approval CA06-0012, to alter more than thirty percent of the value of three historically designated single-family homes located at 1530 & 1532 1/2 Ninth Street. 1-4-0. Ayes: 1 (Irons); Noes: 4; Absent: 0; Motion failed. Item deemed denied. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) and unanimous to continue this item to a future meeting to allow the applicant to incorporate the Board's comments into the plans. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion carries. Secretary Eliason stated that staff will inform the Board if the applicant chooses to revise the plans. 2. a. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0017 - 2020 Oak Street. Applicant: Richard Hornberger. Applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to move an existing, pre-1909 dwelling from its existing site to the corner of Oak Street and Blanding Avenue. Both sites are within the M-2, General Industrial Zoning District. and; b. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0018 - 2319 Clement Avenue. Applicant: Richard Hornberger Applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to permit the demolition of a vacant pre-1909 industrial building. The site is located within the M-2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) Zoning District. Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner presented the staff report. The Board will be considering two separate Certificates of Approval. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to move an existing residence from a site at 2020 Oak Street to the corner of Oak Street and Blanding Ave. Further, the applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to permit the demolition of the industrial building located at 2319 Clement Ave. These requests are part of a project to expand the Perforce Software facility located at 2320 Blanding Ave. Staff is recommending approval of CA06-0017 and CA06-0018 with the conditions as stated in the draft resolutions. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,4,"Chair Anderson opened the Public hearing. Ken Carvallo and Christopher Buckley, AAPS, spoke in favor of approving both Certificates of Approvals. There were no further speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. The Board had no concerns with either proposal. M/S (Iverson, Lynch) and unanimous to approve CA06-0017, to move an existing, pre-1909 dwelling from its existing site to the corner of Oak Street and Blanding Ave. and CA06-0018, to permit the demolition of a vacant pre-1909 industrial building located at 2319 Clement Ave. with conditions as stated in draft resolutions. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. 3. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0015 - Applicant: Phong T. & Lieu Dinh - 1343 Fernside Blvd. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent of the value of a pre-1942 single family residence. The proposed work includes the addition of approximately 1,450 square feet first story and new second story for an attached garage and living space, removal/replacement of the exterior siding, windows, interior walls and roof. The site is located at 1343 Fernside Blvd. within an R-1, One Family Residence Zoning District. Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, presented the staff report. In 2006, the applicant received several permit approvals for repair and replacement work to the structure, which cumulatively have resulted in exceeding the thirty percent (30%) removal provisions within a five (5) year period. In addition, the applicant is requesting further demolition to the roof system as well as a new addition to the structure to add a two-car garage and additional second-story living area. Staff is recommending that the Board 1) include 1343 Fernside Blvd. on the Historical Building Study List as an ""H"" designation, 2) deny the portion of the Certificate of Approval for demolition associated with the proposed addition of a two-car garage and living area and 3) approve the portion of the Certificate of Approval associated with window and siding replacements and new roof with conditions as stated in draft resolution. Ms. Eliason informed the Board that all comments made by the Board will be forwarded to the Planning Board. Chair Anderson commended staff on their report and opened the Public Hearing. Andy Anderson, 1348 Fernside, spoke in favor of the project and read a letter from Sylvia Hudson, Heather and Erin Lambert, who were also in favor of moving this project forward. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,5,"Richard Rutter, AAPS, spoke in favor of staff's recommendation to deny the Certificate of Approval for the addition. Gary Longoria, 3292 Briggs, opposes the proposed addition. He stated that it will block his windows in living room dining room and bedroom. He is also concerned with the dead oak tree on the rear of the property. Tom Pavao, 1337 Fernside, spoke in favor of staff's recommendation to deny the addition. Chris Buckley, AAPS, commended staff on their report. He reviewed comments submitted by AAPS and would like them incorporated into the draft Resolution. Betsy Matheson, 1185 Park Ave., is not in favor of proposed addition. She would like to see this property included on the Historic Building Study List. Phong Dinh, applicant/owner, informed the Board that prior to purchasing the property, he was told by Staff that the addition would be approved. Once construction began, he discovered additional damage done by a previous fire. He noted that he has tried to comply with all of staff's requests. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., commended staff on their report. He is not in favor of the proposed addition. There were no further speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Irons commended staff on their report. He noted that as a contractor, he understands the cost of restoring this building would be very high. Board Member Iverson also commended staff on their report. She would like the building restored to the way it looked in the 1979 photo. Vice-Chair Miller spoke in favor of staff's recommendations. He would also like to see the house restored to the way it looked in the 1979 photo. Board Member Lynch spoke in favor of including the property on the Historic Building Study list. She would like a 1979 photo be provided to all property owners of listed houses. She noted that she is not in favor of the proposed addition. She pointed out that the staff report mentioned the shutters as a signature detail of the Craftsman style. However those particular shutters are not original, nor are shutters a Craftsman style hallmark. Chair Anderson noted the unique detailing that is replicate of that craftsman style cottage. She is in favor of including to the Historic Building Study List as an H designation. She would like to see the property restored to the way it was in 1979. She stated the dormer windows on the front façade should not be changed as they are a very important characteristic of this style of house. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,6,"In response to Board Member Irons inquiry regarding whether the proposed addition is within the purview of this Board, Ms. Eliason stated that the demolition of the side walls for the proposed addition is under the purview of this Board because the applicant has exceeded 30 % over a period of five years. Board Member Irons noted that if this Board requires the applicant to restore this back to the way it looked in 1979, then the applicant may again apply for an addition, without coming before this Board. That would be very costly to the property owner, and he is within his rights to build an addition on his property. After separately reviewing each condition, the Board approved staffs recommendation for conditions one and three. The Board would like conditions two, four, five and six be revised to incorporate AAPS's comments. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) and unanimous to include 1343 Fernside Blvd. to the Historic Building Study List as an H designation. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. M/S (Irons, Miller) to approve the portion of the Certificate of Approval CA06-0015, associated with window and siding replacements with revised conditions submitted by AAPS. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. M/S (Miller, Lynch) and unanimous to deny the partial demolition associated with the proposed addition of an existing dwelling at 1343 Fernside. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. Board member Lynch stated that she would like staff to give updates on this project as it moves forward. Chair Anderson called a 10 minute recess. Chair Anderson reconvened the meeting. 4. Certificate of Approval CA06-0014 - Applicant: Sebastian Martinez for Raul Reyes Tapia, 1534 Buena Vista Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of the remainder of a residential structure built prior to 1942, located at the above address, for the purposes of constructing a new single-family dwelling. The site is located within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Doug Vu, Planner III, presented the staff report. He informed the Board that the applicants are requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow demolition of the remaining thirty-five (35) percent Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,7,"of a residential structure at 1534 Buena Vista Avenue that was destroyed by two fires. The building was constructed in 1909, but is not listed on the Historical Building Study List. Mr. Vu stated that the proposed project is brought before the Board because it involves partial demolition of a structure built prior to 1942. Given the amount of damage already sustained to the building, the applicants are proposing to remove the remaining garage and three storage rooms on the ground floor in order to construct a new single-family dwelling. Staff will continue to work with the applicants to ensure the new residence is consistent with the intended design approach and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval, CA06-0014, to allow the demolition of the remainder of the structure at 1534 Buena Vista Ave., with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. In response to Board Member Lynch's inquiry regarding the proposed new single-family dwelling, Mr. Vu stated that staff will consider any comments made by this Board tonight during the Design Review process. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., requested that the owner try to salvage any of the historic materials during the demolition. Sebastian Martinez, architect, stated that he will make every effort to match original house. There were no further speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. The Board thanked the applicant for reviewing the plans for the new single-family dwelling. M/S (Irons, Lynch) and unanimous to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0014, for the demolition of the remainder of an existing dwelling at 1534 Buena Vista Ave. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. 5. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0022 - Applicant: Fargo Farnesi Inc. - 2427 Clement Ave. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to demolish more than thirty percent (30%) of a commercial structure, portions of which were constructed prior to 1942, located at the above address for the purpose of expanding the existing business. The site is located at 2427 Clement Ave. within an M-2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District. Doug Garrison, Planner III, presented the staff report. Due to the scope of existing structural problems, it may be necessary to completely demolish and then rebuild the entire building. The reconstructed building would incorporate the important design elements and building materials of the original structure. The front façade of the building contains the architectural details that are of most interest stylistically and as an historic resource. These details will be preserved or rebuilt with similar materials. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,8,"Mr. Garrison stated that staff along with the applicant, held a neighborhood meeting and redesigned the original proposal to meet the concerns of the neighbors. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval CA06-0022, for the demolition of a commercial structure, located at 2427 Clement Ave. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Dick Rutter, AAPS, is not in favor of this project because of the 100 ft height limit. He would like to see the community try to lower the height limit. Shawn Smith, architect for the owner, spoke in favor of project. In response to Chair Anderson inquiry regarding the use of the new structure, Mr. Smith stated that currently this property houses a commercial wood cabinet shop. Kevin Frederick, 1287 Caroline St., is also concerned with the height limit. There were no further speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Chair Anderson is in favor of approving this project, with the exception of the height and the clapboard siding. M/S and unanimous to continue the meeting past 10:00 p.m. 5-0-0. Board Member Iverson spoke in favor of rebuilding the front façade to match original storefront. She also noted that the proposed height will be too large for the surrounding area. Board Member Irons spoke in favor of staff's recommendation to grant the Certificate of Approval for the demolition. In response to Board Member Iron's inquiry regarding whether the height limit and proposed design of the new building falls under this Board's purview, Ms. Eliason stated that this Board should only be considering the demolition of the existing structure. Ms. Eliason stated that staff would consider their comments during the Design Review process. Board Member Lynch does not think the front façade should remain. She would like Condition 3 be removed from the draft Resolution. She also stated that the proposed project is too big for the surrounding area. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve Certificate of Approval CA06-0022, for the demolition of a commercial structure, subject with conditions one and two only, and delete condition three from draft Resolution. 4-1-0. Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-08-03,9,"Ayes: 4; Noes: 1; (Iverson); Absent: 0; Motion carries. REPORTS: 6. Review and Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Staff is requesting this item be continued to the Regular meeting of September 7, 2006. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch presented the Board a copy of the book ""Taking Care of Business, Historic Commercial Buildings of the Island City"" by Woodruff Minor. STAFF COMMUNICATION: None. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING|HAB\AGENMIN)Agenmin.06/08-03-06/08-03-06 DRAFT min.doc Minutes of August 3, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-08-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:06 pm. Recording Secretary Gremminger called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member lrons. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Iverson, Board Member Lynch absent for Roll Call. She arrived to the meeting at 7:58 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Terri Highsmith, City Attorney, Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, Vincent Marsh, Planner, Simone Wolter, Planner I, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S to approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of August 3, 2006 as corrected. 3-0-2. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: None. REPORTS: 1. Review and Comment on Proposed Revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance. Staff is requesting this item be continued. 2. Overview of the Ralph M. Brown Act, presented by City Attorneys office. Terri Highsmith, City Attorney, gave a presentation on compliance with Brown Act, or Open Meeting Act. She began with a brief history of the concept behind the Brown act which is meetings should be held in public. The people have a right to speak at every meeting and to know what is on the agenda. There are four different kinds of meetings. Regular meetings, set by Resolution, with a specific starting time and ending time. Regular meeting agendas must be posted 72 hours prior to the meeting. Special meetings are any meeting that is not a regular meeting and require 24 hour posting prior Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,2,"to the meeting. An Emergency meeting, a situation of dire emergency in which the City Council can call as early as one hour notice. And finally a Dire Emergency meeting (terrorist attack) which does not need any notice. In response to Chair Anderson's inquiry regarding where closed sessions fall, Ms. Highsmith responded, that important exceptions to the open meeting act are done in closed session such as, real property negotiations. Another example of a closed session is a discussion with the City Attorney's office for matters which are already in litigation or threats of lawsuit or threats that have come to us. Labor negotiations are another exception. However closed sessions must be identified on the agenda with the topic and the government code that applies. Once the closed session meeting is adjourned, the Mayor must report action taken, if any. Once an item is completed, everything that was discussed in closed session, except attorney-client privileged information, must be disclosed to the public. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's inquiry regarding examples of Emergency meetings, Ms. Highsmith responded, earthquake, fire, city-wide emergency. The three basic principles (or purpose) of the agenda are getting the public to the meeting, (i.e., date, time, place), know what items will be discussed or required action, and encourage participation. For the Historical Advisory Board (HAB) Regular meetings must be posted 72 hours in advance. The agenda language should be stated such that anyone reading it will know what is being discussed. Anything that is not in their purview should not be on the agenda. For example, if a speaker comes before the Board and begins to speak to something that the local body can't do anything about such as a matter in a different city, the Chair should advise the speaker that they can't do anything but take the issue to the appropriate venue. Chair Anderson stated that the HAB is frequently told that they are discussing things that are not in their purview. Ms. Highsmith stated that the Board should not spend time discussing things that are not in their purview, or worse take action on things that another Board might have already acted upon. It is o.k. to refer them to another body. Rather than relay it to the other venue for them. Ms. Highsmith noted that the Board should never take an action on something that wasn't on the agenda. That will be a void action. Ms. Woodbury added that the Board may ask staff to place an item on a future agenda. The public may speak on any item on the agenda. Before the Board begins deliberation the public has the right to speak so that it can be included in the Boards deliberation. The public may speak on any item that is within the Board's jurisdiction that is not on the agenda, during Oral Communications. You can not require the speaker to give their name. The public has the right to have a copy of the meeting packets. In addition if someone wants to submit documents to the Board they must make a copy for the public as well. Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,3,"Chair Anderson inquired whether they, as a Board, have the right to refuse lengthy documents which are distributed at the hearing. She does not think it is fair to comment or use this in their deliberation if they don't have time to read it. Ms. Highsmith stated that yes, you do have to let it come into the record, what you can say is ""Is there something you would like to say for the record, or you may state for the record that this was passed out at the meeting and are unable to take this in account when making my deliberations."" What some jurisdictions do, is have rules as to at what point someone can walk a document in before it will not be taken into the record. This must be a policy change. Chair Anderson asked if that can be established in our Historical Ordinance. Ms. Highsmith stated she will look into that. Ms. Highsmith stated that a Legislative Body has to comply with the Brown Act. In Alameda, there are various citizens groups that work for the City Manager. A legislative body is created and appointed by the City Council. Any Legislative Body can form a Sub Committee of the Legislative Body, which must be less than a quorum, such as two members. A portion of the Legislative Body can create a sub-committee to do the research outside of the Legislative Body and not violate the Brown Act. The reason why this is o.k., is because they are going to report back to the Board. If they are not a decision making body, they usually meet prior to the decision making group. You may only create a sub-committee in a pubic hearing so the public will know that it has been created. They must have specific duties or be assigned to gather their data. The sub- committee cannot make any decisions. They must report back to the Board at a time that is noticed, and is on the agenda. A meeting is anytime a quorum gets together and talks about matters within their jurisdiction. All meetings have to be done in public with an agenda that has been posted 72 hours in advance. To take action on any item, there must be at least 3 members (or a quorum). Three or more members may not get together for breakfast and talk about matters that are within your jurisdiction. This includes e-mails. It is ok for one member to send another member an e-mail, but then if the e-mail is forwarded to another member then that is a violation of the Brown Act. Or if you are knowingly sending separate e-mails to more than two Board Members, then that is a violation. The public can always contact you to talk about anything that is coming up in the future and try to persuade you to lend your support. Then they may go to another Board member and so on and do the same thing. As long as they don't tell anyone that they are making the rounds, it is not a Brown Act violation because you didn't know there was a consensus building. In these situations, it might be a good idea to ask who else they have talked to. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's inquiry whether any discussion with the applicants, or site visits should be disclosed at the hearing, the answer is yes. Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,4,"The applicant is entitled to understand, and have it put into record how and why the Board made their decision, or what the findings were. If appealed then everything gets put into the record, for the City Council and if the City gets sued, then all discussions must be disclosed. There are statutory exemptions, such as social occasions that more than three board members may attend, as long as you don't talk about any items which fall under your jurisdiction. You may also attend conferences together and meetings held in other jurisdictions. Board Member Lynch arrived at 7:58 p.m. Chair Anderson stated that when a project is appealed to the City Council, are they (the HAB) allowed to become part of the public in making comments if all of them got up at individual times to reiterate what happens at their meeting? Ms. Highsmith stated that you should get up and identify yourself as a board member but are speaking as a citizen. You don't give up your right as a citizen by serving on a Board. Board Member lrons stated that he was asked by the City Council, when he went to a meeting and identified himself as an HAB member, but speaking as a citizen, what was said at the HAB meeting. Ms. Highsmith stated that it is perfectly ok to refer them to the minutes for a more accurate account. If you do go to another meeting and represent yourself as an HAB member, be careful that you are properly saying what actually occurred, because you are then speaking for the whole body. It is important to be really true to your board. When you violate the Brown Act, any action that was taken on that evening becomes void. Such as, if an item wasn't properly described on the agenda you must re-notice the public hearing. Another example is if the meeting was not properly advertised. If you refuse to re-do the meeting, then the person who is challenging may go to court for a civil injunction stating the Brown Act was violated and you will have to pay Court costs. It is better to just re-do the meeting within 30 days to be on the safe side. The Board thanked Ms. Highsmith for her informative presentation. 3. Overview of the Historical Advisory Board's roles and responsibilities, as specified in the Alameda Municipal Code. Ms. Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, gave the presentation. She began by emphasizing that the HAB's purpose is to investigate and make recommendations to the City Council on the use of grants from Federal and State agencies, private foundations, or individuals; identify and protect historical resources in the city; review the building study list, which includes updating, expanding or removing any buildings. Another element is participating and developing a pubic outreach program for historical preservation so they may get a better understanding of preserving a historic building. Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,5,"When an application for a Certificate of Approval is before this Board, this board should be looking at is whether or not this application is consistent with the Secretary of Interior Standards and Adopted Design Guidelines. You must state the findings very clearly when approving or denying a Certificate of Approval. Board Member Lynch stated the HAB is also charged with the responsibility to encourage new buildings and developments that will be harmonious with the existing buildings and neighborhoods. Ms. Woodbury stated that it is the purpose of Chapter 13-21 of the Municipal Code to ensure that new buildings are harmonious with the existing buildings and neighborhoods. Approving the design details is not under the purview of the Historical Advisory Board. That is the jurisdiction of the Planning Board. Chair Anderson stated that if the purpose of this HAB is to maintain the historical character of the building, and there is no way of reviewing a design to see if those issues have been incorporated, then it becomes useless. Board Member lrons stated that for a Certificate of Approval for structures built prior to 1942 how can they determine if they are altering a historic structure if they don't know what is proposed. Ms. Woodbury stated that there is some guidance in the code as to what they may consider when making the decision. If the building is already designated a historic structure such as a monument, or listed on the Historical Building Study List, then the Board may review what is proposed, to determine that it meets the adopted criteria. For buildings (not designated as an Historical Monument) that were constructed prior to 1942, the Board is only looking at the building that is there to determine the value of that structure, for the purposes of demolition. The Board may not get into the detail of the proposed site plan or details. Ms. Woodbury informed the Board that it is very important to state the findings which support the Board's decision clearly for the record so it is clear how the Board came to this decision in case of an appeal. Chair Anderson stated she would like the process of applying for a Certificate of Approval to be stated in the Historical Preservation Ordinance. The Board thanked Ms. Woodbury for her informative presentation. 4. AB 1234 Mandatory Ethics Training Requirements. Ms. Woodbury informed the Board of the new law, AB 1234 Mandatory Ethics Training, which requires elected and appointed officials to receive a minimum of two hours of ethics training every two years. The deadline for this training is January 1, 2007 Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-09-07,6,"5. Overview of the City of Alameda's responsibility as a Certified Local Government (CLG) and the specific responsibilities of the Historical Advisory Board under the CLG program. Ms. Woodbury introduced Vincent Marsh, who is a contract planner. He gave a brief history of his background in which he has extensive training in Historical Preservation. Mr. Marsh gave a presentation on the requirements for the CLG program. CLG's must comply with the five basic requirements as follows: Enforce appropriate state and local laws and regulation for the designation and protection of historic properties. Establish an historic preservation review commission by local ordinance. Maintain a system for the survey and inventory of historic properties. Provide for public participation in the local preservation program. Satisfactorily perform responsibilities delegated to it by the state. Ms. Woodbury would like the Board to develop a work program for the rest of the year. Staff will agendize a workshop for a future meeting to discuss ideas. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) None. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch informed the Board of the upcoming Hometown Tour this month. She would also like to begin to collect data on each of our Historical Monuments, for posting on our City website. She will bring more information to the October meeting. Board Member lrons would like information and background on the Golden Mean. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Woodbury introduced Simone Wolter, Planner I. ADJOURNMENT: 9:17 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Éliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNING\HABVAGENMINVAgenmin.06\09-07-06\09-07-06 FINAL min.doc Minutes of September 7, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-09-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-10-05,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. Recording Secretary Gremminger called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member lrons, Iverson & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Doug Garrison, Supervising Planner, Dennis Brighton, Planner III, Debbie Gremminger, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 7, 2006. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of September 7, 2006 as amended. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0027 - 2445 Encinal Avenue. - Applicant: Emerson Brown - The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure on the Historical Building Study List, for the purpose of remodeling the existing single-family dwelling. The site is located at 2445 Encinal Avenue, within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Dennis Brighton, Planner III, presented the staff report. On June 7, 2006, staff approved an application for Major Design Review. The action was conditioned upon the approval of the Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board. The building is identified as a Background (B) resource in the Historical Building Study List. The demolition involves the removal of later, non-contributory additions to the residence. Therefore, the portion of the structure that would be demolished is not original to the structure and does not represent the work of a master or possess high Minutes of October 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-10-05,2,"artistic values. There are also no events associated with this property that make a significant contribution to the history or cultural heritage of local or regional history. Finally, the property is not associated with persons important to local, state or national history. Staff is recommending approval of CA06-0027. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Emerson Brown, property owner, informed the Board that he was present if the Board had any questions for him. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Chair Anderson requested to see a copy of the plans for the new addition. She stated that in order for this Board to make an informed decision on the demolition Certificate of Approval, the Board has to see what is being proposed. Board Member Lynch concurred. Chair Anderson stated that to approve a Certificate of Approval for demolition, the Historical Advisory Board must find that the portion of the house that is proposed to be demolished has no historical merit. But they may impose conditions of approval, which pertain to the proposed new addition, which is why it is necessary to review the plans. Mr. Garrison stated that if the Historical Advisory Board determines that the portion of the structure, which is proposed for, does not have any historic merit, then you may approve a Certificate of Demolition. If you do make the finding that the portion of the structure proposed for demolition does have historical significance, then it may be appropriate to impose conditions regarding the design review. Chair Anderson advised the Board that this matter can be further discussed when the revisions to the Historical Preservation Ordinance is before them. M/S (Miller, Iverson) to approve Certificate of Approval, CA06-0027, for the demolition of more than 30% of an existing dwelling at 2445 Encinal Avenue with the conditions stated in draft resolution. 2-3-0. Ayes: 2; (Miller, lrons); Noes: 3; (Anderson, Iverson, Lynch); Absent: 0; Motion is denied. M/S (Anderson, Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval for demolition for 2445 Encinal with the revised condition that the proposed addition will be designed to be architecturally similar to the existing bungalow style building and compatible with the surrounding neighborhood, subject to approval by the Planning staff as part of the Major Design Review process, and to request Staff to forward the following suggestions to the applicant. Minutes of October 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-10-05,3,"1. Details should be consistent with the original style of the building. 2. Rafter tails need not be exposed. However the applicant wishes to handle the gutters will be acceptable. 3. Hip roof on garage, 4. All windows that are visible from the street should be visually consistent to the original structure. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. Mr. Garrison stated the Board's suggestions will be presented to the owner and if the owner agrees he will incorporate their suggestions into the final design. 2. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0030 - Grand Marina - Corner of Grand Street and Fortman Way contained within Tract 7723 - Applicant: David Day for Warmington Homes, California. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for 100% demolition of eight existing pre-1942 accessory buildings. The site is located within an M-2, General Industrial (Manufacturing) District. Chair Anderson would like to recuse herself from this item due to a conflict of interest with her employer. Simone Wolter, Planner I, presented the staff report. Ms. Wolter informed the Board that the 3.51-acre site of the proposed demolition is part of a larger 8.36-acre area that would be covered by a new Master Plan encompassing the entirety of the Grand Marina facility. The review of city records shows that only two out of eight structures have obtained building permits. It is reasonable to assume that all buildings were constructed prior to 1942. During a site visit to the property, staff noted that the structures at 2041-2051 Grand Street are severely dilapidated and other than 2051 Grand Street, none of the structures appeared to be in active use. Staff has determined that these structures lack integrity and would not qualify for local, state or national registers. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval CA06-0030, for the demolition of eight existing pre-1942 accessory buildings located at Grand Marina, Tract 7723. Vice-Chair Miller opened the public hearing. Andy McKinley, 2219 Grand St., spoke in favor of project. He stated that the buildings are not only run down, but are unsafe. Minutes of October 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-10-05,4,"There were no more speaker slips. Vice-Chair Miller closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's inquiry regarding the number of homes that are proposed, Ms. Woltter informed the Board that there are approximately 40 homes proposed for this site. The Board agreed with the staff report that none of the buildings have any historical significance. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) to approve Certificate of Approval CA06-0030, to demolish eight commercial buildings built prior to 1942, located at Grand Marina. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 1; Abstain: 1 (Anderson); Motion carries. REPORTS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS (Discussion only) Board member Lynch would like the Historical Monument page on the City website updated. She has written articles telling the history of each Monument and would like the articles linked to the Monument list. She is requesting the Board's input, and would like to see this on a future agenda. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: STAFF COMMUNICATION: Mr. Garrison introduced Zach Seal, Planner I. ADJOURNMENT: 7:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Secrétary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGIHABIAGENMIN\Agenmin.06/10-05-06/10-05-06 FINAL min.doc Minutes of October 5, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2006 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary Eliason called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member lrons, Iverson & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Cynthia Eliason Supervising Planner, Douglas Vu, Planner III, Dennis Brighton Planner III, Latisha Jackson, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 5, 2006. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of October 5, 2006 with corrections. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: 1. Certificate of Approval CA06-00012 - Li-Sheng Fu for Mohamed Elhashash - 1532 1/2 (1534) 9th Street. The applicants are requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of one historically designated single- family home, located at the above addresses for the purposes of remodeling and rehabilitating the building. The site is located at 1532 1/2 (1534) Ninth Street within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, reviewed the staff report. Staff has found that despite the apparent age of the residence the building has no historical merit and should be considered to the Historical Building Study List. Staff is recommending approval of Certificate of Approval CA06-0012. Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,2,"Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Thomas Towey, architect, spoke in favor of the project and made himself available to answer any questions the Board may have. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing, and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch spoke in favor of the new design. She commended the architect and Development Services for doing such a good job. Chair Anderson agreed with Board Member Lynch. M/S (Miller/Iverson) to approve the Certificate of Approval, CA06-0012, to alter more than thirty percent of the assessed value of 1532 1/2 (1534) Ninth Street with the conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. 2. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0029 - 1373 Mound Street - Applicant: Diane Bustos. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the removal of one coast live oak tree (Quercus agrifolia) that is located in the front yard of the property. The tree is promoting hazardous conditions due to its proximity to the house. The site is located at 1373 Mound Street, within an R-1, One-Family Residence District. (DV) Doug Vu, Planner III, presented the staff report. Staff is recommending approval of CA06-0029. There were no speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Board Member Lynch asked about the fee that is charged for these applications and who keeps track of it. Ms. Woodbury stated that a fee of $250.00, equal to the cost of two replacement Coast live oak trees, must be submitted to the Planning & Building Department, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department for the purchase and planting of these trees in a City Park. Planning Division staff will advice the Historical Advisory Board, in writing when the fee has been paid. Chair Anderson was in favor of approving this application. M/S (Anderson, Iverson) to approve the Certificate of Approval, CA06-0029, for the removal of one Coast Live Oak tree at 1373, with conditions as stated in draft Resolution. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion carries. Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,3,"3. Certificate of Approval - CA06-0031 - 433 Taylor Ave. - Applicant: Sally Harman. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to demolish more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure that was built prior to 1942 but is not on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located at 433 Taylor Avenue within an R-3, Garden Residential Zoning District. (DB) Dennis Brighton, Planner III presented the staff report. Staff has received two letters regarding this application, which were included in the packet. Staff is recommending approval of CA06-0031. Board member Lynch provided a page from the George Gunn book, Buildings of the Edwardian Period, which stated that the building was constructed in 1906. Chair Anderson stated that the letter from the neighbor, which was included in their packet, refers to the concerns she has with the proposed plans, and questioned why there were no plans with the packet. How can this Board review the letter and listen to her concerns without reviewing the plans? Ms. Woodbury stated that according to the City Attorney, people who attend public hearings often want to speak about a number of different things, which are outside of the Boards purview. In this case, the Board may direct staff to take this information and use it in the consideration of the Design Review. Board Member Lynch stated that she had a different recollection of the conversation with the City Attorney. The Municipal Code states that the Historical Advisory Board charge is to ensure that new construction is harmonious with the surrounding neighborhood. The Historical Advisory Board is being asked to allow this demolition, without even knowing what is being proposed. Chair Anderson stated that in order to make an intelligent decision, she would like to recommend that this item be continued until they receive more information. Ms. Woodbury stated that when there are changes to a potentially historic building, then the Board is looking at the rehabilitation to make sure it is consistent with the guidelines that are in place. When it is a complete demolition, the Board is starting from scratch, and what is proposed is not a historic building. In this case, it is not the rehabilitation of an historic building, but completely new construction, which would be under the purview of staff or the Planning Board. Board Member Irons stated that it is his understanding that Design Review is never under their purview. Chair Anderson opened the public hearing. Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,4,"Belva Short, 439 Taylor Ave., is not in favor of this project. Her main concern is with the landscaping plan, and the location of the trees. In response to Vice-Chair Miller's question if she has concerns with the size of the proposed new structure, Ms. Short answered in the affirmative. Sally Harmon, was present, and informed the Board that the right side of the structure would have very minimal demolition. Because it is a redwood structure she would like to preserve as much of the wood as possible. She informed the Board that staff said it was 100% demolition, because there was nothing historically worth saving. Mr. Brighton stated that 100% demolition means that once the project is complete, nothing visible or recognizable will remain of the original house. In response to Board Member Lynch's inquiry regarding how much of the original house will remain, Mr. Brighton stated approximately 20% of the structural elements will remain. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor to Board discussion. Vice-Chair Miller stated that since it is a 1906 colonial revival the age makes it historic. He stated that this house is historically significant. Board Member Irons stated he is going to act within this Board's purview. He doesn't find any historical significance in this structure. Board Member Lynch stated that she does not have enough information to make a decision. Board Member Iverson stated that the house does have historic significance. She would like more information regarding what is proposed. Chair Anderson stated that it is a historically significant house. She would like to see it restored to look like the original. She would also like to have more information on what is proposed. Ms. Woodbury stated that the Board should have been provided the information that shows what would be remaining after the demolition. M/S (Lynch, Iverson) to continue the discussion on Certificate of Approval, CA06-0031, for the demolition of more that 30% of an existing dwelling at 433 Taylor Avenue to the December 7, 2006 meeting, so that staff may provide the Board with further information. 3-2-0. Ayes: 3; Noes: 2 (Miller, Irons); Absent: 0; Motion carries. Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,5,"REPORTS: 4. Discussion regarding updating the City's Historical Monument webpage. (Board Member Lynch). Board Member Lynch stated that one of the Board's responsibilities is to educate the public about the historic and architectural resources we have in Alameda. She has been writing articles for the Alameda Sun about the history of each of our Monuments and would like those articles, along with images linked to the Monument page on our City website. She has submitted two examples of her articles and is asking for the Board's input. Secretary Eliason stated that staff will look into linking her articles to the website and if there are any costs involved. Chair Anderson thanked Board Member Lynch for bringing this before the Board. She hopes that this will make more people aware of the importance of our neighborhoods. Chair Anderson would also like to see the Historical Building Study List updated. Secretary Eliason stated that staff is aware that the study list should be updated. This is a huge job, and would need to be outsourced. It is not in our funding right now. Once the revised Historical Preservation Ordinance is adopted, then we can work on additional preservation projects. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) Chair Anderson received a letter from Carlo Ramos regarding restoring or replacing the historic streetlights in Alameda. Secretary Eliason stated she would forward a copy of the letter to AP & T. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Anderson would like to have the Historical Advisory Board consider restoring the station signs. Board Member lrons stated that we should not continue items because we don't agree with what is in our purview. He does not want the applicant to incur any additional costs on appeal fees and additional time. Chair Anderson stated that her concern was that she did not have adequate information in the packet and the owner stated that they were going to retain the structure but change the outer appearance and demolish the garage. She would like clarification of the design review process and why some applications come before this Board prior to Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2006-11-02,6,"design review approval, and some come after design review has already been approved. Chair Anderson would like to see a Historical Design Review Board established. STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Woodbury stated that the Historical Preservation Ordinance may be ready for the Board's review after the first of the year. Ms. Woodbury stated that she would like to agendize a work program to discuss how to increase the public's awareness of historical preservation in Alameda. Historic Preservation month is coming up and staff would like the Historical Advisory Board to be on the forefront of this. Ms. Woodbury reminded the Board that the Ethics training must be completed by the end of this year. The Certificate must be filed with the City Clerk's office. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthja Eliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board FINAL min.doc Minutes of November 2, 2006 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2006-11-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-01-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 4, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Recording Secretary Ebster called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Member lrons, Iverson & Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Cathy Woodbury, Planning & Building Director, Tony Ebster, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: Board Members lrons and Iverson came during the minutes discussion. Some Board members are unidentified. Mr. Rutter's and Ms. Evan's name are misspelled. Alternates for Ad HOC committee were clarified. Chris Buckley with AAPS had changes to add. Minutes will be corrected and resubmitted at the regular meeting of February 1, 2007 for approval. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: 4-A. Adoption of 2007 Historical Advisory Board Calendar Motion(Anderson)/second(Lynch) to accept 2007 meeting calendar. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion Carries 4-B Certificate of Approval CA06-0031- - Sally Harman - 433 Taylor Ave. In regards to a demo of more than 30% of a residential structure built prior to 1942 but is not on the Historic Building study list. Staff requested a continuance to a date to be determined. lotion(Lynch)/second(Anderson) to continue to date to be determined. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion carries 4-C. Proposed addition to the Official Naming List for City Facilities and Streets Minutes of January 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-01-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-01-04,2,"Recommendation to add the name 'Don Grant' to the City's Official Naming List for facilities and streets. A request to rename a portion of 3rd Street to 'Don Grant' is not possible since street names cannot change across intersections according to City ordinance. It is staff's recommendation that the Board approve the addition of the name 'Don Grant' to the Official Naming list for future consideration for facilities or street names. Motion(Anderson)/second(Miller) to add 'Don Grant' to Official Naming List Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0; Motion Carries An oral status report regarding the Historic Advisory Board Ad HOC Committee was given. After many emails, a meeting time was agreed upon for January 16th Ms. Woodbury stated that a chair needs to be elected and roles and responsibilities need to be determined. Some ideas need to be developed for preservation month. Board member Lynch (inaudible) Chair Anderson suggested that all HAB members should be part of the email listing regarding the Ad HOC committee and its plans. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: (Discussion only) The certified local government annual report was brought to the attention of the Board. Ms. Woodbury wanted to make the Board aware of this annual report. Chair Anderson requested a copy for each Board member. This report captures all that was done by the City for historic preservation over the past year as well as the Board's activities. A copy will be distributed at the February 1, 2007 meeting. Board member Lynch (inaudible) ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None STAFF COMMUNICATION: Ms. Woodbury asked Board members about the progress of the Ethics training. Ms. Woodbury brought up the Carnegie building and mentioned the Council's appropriation of funds for a feasibility study. Board member Lynch (inaudible) Minutes of January 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-01-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-01-04,3,"Ms. Woodbury mentioned that a tour of the Carnegie Building for Board members will be arranged when possible. Board Member Lynch (inaudible) Asked about reports from the Alameda theater project(?) Board member lrons asked about the seismic work done to the Carnegie building and the funds for the feasibility study for potential uses. Board member Lynch (inaudible) asked about a tour of the Carnegie building(?) Board member Iverson brought up the historical and art combination for plaques and distributed the list of San Francisco's art monuments. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cathy Woodbury, Secretary Historical Advisory Board :PLANNING\HABVAGENMIN\Agenmin.07/01-04-07/1-4-07 HAB Draft Minutes.doc Minutes of January 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-01-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-02-01,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. Recording Secretary Garcia called the roll. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members, Iverson, Irons & Lynch MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Members lrons and Lynch absent STAFF PRESENT: Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, Erin Garcia, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: Motion(Miller)/Second(Iverson) to accept minutes of December 7, 2006 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch Motion Carries Motion(Anderson)/Second(Miller) to accept minutes of January 4, 2007 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch Motion Carries AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Oral Status Report on Alameda Theater Restoration (Continued to Meeting March 1, 2007) WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: ACTION ITEMS: Certificate of Approval CA07-0001 - Derek Pavlik for Hermelinda Blume and Selinda Antill - 2618 Lincoln Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a pre-1942 single-family residence. The proposed work includes additions to the first and second stories, new porch and trellis structures, relocation of garage doors and replacement of windows. The property is located within an R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning District. Minutes of February 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-02-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-02-01,2,"Mr. Zach Seal presented the staff report for 2618 Lincoln Ave. Chair Anderson asked about requirements for Design Review versus Historical Advisory Board approval. Ms. Eliason responded by stating that for regular design reviews that have a demolition of less than 30%, there is no requirement for a demolition plan. If the demolition is over 30%, a demolition plan is required. Chair Anderson asked if the wood shingles would be retained. Mr. Derick Pavlick responded by stating that due to aging the roof would be replaced if the budget allows. Chair Anderson commended Mr. Pavlick for the design. Board member Iverson thought it was a very well designed addition. Board member Miller concurred. Motion(Anderson)/Second(Miller) to approve Certificate of Approval with conditions. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch Motion Carries. REPORTS: Ms. Eliason presented the draft certified local government annual report. Chair Anderson requested some factual corrections and wondered about term lengths and why some are different. Ms. Eliason will look into the term information. Chair Anderson questioned if the public is made aware of local incentives. Ms. Eliason stated that the City must endorse incentives for them to be allowed. In response to a question by Chair Anderson, Ms. Eliason provided information regarding the ad hoc committee. BOARD COMMENTS: In a response to a concern by Board Member Miller, Ms. Eliason responded with information regarding the Certificate of Approval for 2708 Lincoln. Minutes of February 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-02-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-02-01,3,"Board Member Miller brought up 717 Paru and was worried about the project and mentioned that the neighbors are concerned. Ms. Eliason responded by stating that she would relay additional concerns to Code Enforcement. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None STAFF COMMUNICATION: ADJOURNMENT: Motion(Miller)/Second(Iverson) to adjourn Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGIHABVAGENMINVAgenmin.07/02-01-07/2-1-07 HAB FINAL Minutes.doc Minutes of February 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-02-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. 1. Roll Call: Present: Chair Anderson, Board Members, lrons and Lynch. Absent: Vice Chair Miller and Board Member Iverson. Also present were, Supervising Planner Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner Doug Garrison, Planner III Douglas Vu, Planner III Dennis Brighton, and Recording Secretary Latisha Jackson. 2. MINUTES: Motion (Miller)/Second (Iverson) to accept minutes of December 7, 2006 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch. Motion Carries Motion (Anderson)/Second (Miller) to accept minutes of January 4, 2007 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons and Lynch. Motion Carries 3. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: 4. SPECIAL REPORT: a. Oral Status Report on Alameda Theater Restoration Ms. Jennifer Ott gave an update on the Alameda Theater. The contractor began in July 2006. They are preserving historic elements such as the chandelier other lighting fixtures, other features such as handrails and doors. A piece of the original carpet will be put back in. After historic elements were removed and/or protected demolition began. Non-historic storefronts were removed to allow for seismic upgrades. The first structural footings have been poured. Ms. Lynch asked who was working on the light fixtures. Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,2,"Ms. Lynch asked about a theater memorabilia café and where it would be. Ms. Ott responded by saying that the café will be in the mezzanine balcony and that it will have memorabilia. Ms. Lynch asked about and opening date for the theater. Ms. Ott said that the construction would go through the end of 2007, they are hoping for an early 2008 opening. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 6. ACTION ITEMS: 6-A. Certificate of Approval CA07-0003 - Applicant: Simon Kwan for Kwan Li - 2006 Buena Vista Avenue (DV). The applicants request a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of a residential structure built prior to 1942 for the purpose of constructing a new single-family dwelling. The site is located within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Mr. Douglas Vu presented the staff report and recommended approval of this item. Chris Buckley spoke to the demolition of the structure and the AAPS had no objection to the proposal. He felt that the new structure would tie the buildings of the neighborhood together and maintain consistency. Member Lynch could not find any historical significance in the current structure. She wanted to make sure that the new structure would make a good contribution to the street and fit in with the neighborhood. Mr. Vu responded by saying that staff is working with the applicant to make sure the design is consistent with the City's residential guidelines. Motion (Anderson)/Second (Irons) Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2 (Miller and Iverson) Motion Carries 6-B. Certificate of Approval CA06-0034 - Applicant: David Deutsch - 2233 San Antonio Avenue (DB). The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to demolish more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure that is listed as a historical resource on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located within an R-5, General Residential Zoning District. Mr. Dennis Brighton summarized the staff report and recommended approval of this item. Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,3,"In a response to a question by Ms. Lynch, Mr. Brighton responded by saying that the pocket doors will be saved. Mr. lrons commented on the elevations and would like to have seen an existing elevation next to the new ones to compare. He expressed concern over the current stair configuration. Also, he mentioned the windows and wanted to make sure they present well from the street. Mr. Brighton responded by saying that the porch and staircase are not original. He said that the designer is trying to replace the stairs and front porch and use trim that is more consistent with the Queen Anne Style. Ms. Lynch was puzzled by the description. She was curious about the handrails and wondered where the information came from regarding the handrails and ballast. Mr. Norman Sanchez spoke on behalf of the property owner and was available for questions from the Board. He acknowledged Ms. Lynch's comments about how it was a strange remodel for 1954 and was not typically done. He stated that the goal was to make it as seamless as possible. He referred to AAPS' comments on the windows. He said that the smaller windows are meant to accentuate the bay window. They are going to try to salvage the front porch. Ms. Lynch asked about how the elevation meets the golden mean and how it meets the guidelines. Mr. Sanchez responded by saying that the lower floor has a taller ceiling than the upper floor. They wanted to maximize the height at the bottom to create a more even feel and avoid the home feeling top-heavy. Mr. Brighton added that the golden mean is associated where there is a stair where there is a high basement. It minimizes the mass created from a stair element. Mr. lrons stated that there is another house nearby that is an original two-story house. Ms. Anderson asked about why the bay wasn't continued at the study on the side. She feels it looks top-heavy. Mr. Sanchez responded by saying that it is a cantilevered bay and keeping it that way is more consistent with the home and it would require a variance because of its proximity to the neighbor's property line. Also, that bay is not as prominent from the front. Mr. Chris Buckley was wondering if they could get a copy of the new resolution with new conditions and wanted to review it for comment. He wanted to walk the board through the AAPS letter. Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,4,"Mr. Dick Rutter mentioned the porch and roof slope. He passed out a post card of a house. He also presented an architecture book. He feels that in demolition situations, there should be drawings of the existing conditions to compare to the new drawings. He mentioned that dimensions are not actual size. Wood is cut smaller than it indicates. Ms. Lynch stated that the project troubles her. She said that they are taking a small house and inflating it and to her it doesn't seem right. Also, She didn't see the porch work reflected in the drawings. She concurred with the comment regarding a before and after drawing. Ms. Anderson mentioned that the issue had been brought up at previous meetings. Mr. lrons concurred that it is good to have drawings. He again mentioned the two-story near by. Ms. Anderson has no problem with the design. She looked at the neighbors and she expressed that Mr. Sanchez did a good job with the design. She had two problems; the porch details were not in the drawings. She felt it had been well presented. She would condition the project to go back to the review board to clarify the details regarding the front porch. She researched the rating of the house. AAPS indicated that the proper forms were not included in the packet. The property is an 'S' designation. Ms. Anderson asked about AAPS' comments and if they are allowed. Ms. Eliason responded by saying that AAPS can write anything they want in their letters but staff or Planning Board makes final determination on design reviews. Motion (lrons)/Second (Anderson) to accept Certificate of Approval for more than 30% demolition of residential structure. Ayes: 2; Noes: 1; Absent: Miller and Iverson Motion Carries 6-C. Certificate of Approval CA05-0003 - Applicant: Bill Wong/Ivan Chiu for Tho A. Ly - 320 Pacific Avenue (DG). The applicants request a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of an existing 622 square-foot, pre-1942 residence as part of a proposal to construct a two story single-family residence. This is a resubmittal of an earlier application that was approved by the Historical Advisory Board, on March 10, 2005, which allowed the partial demolition of this structure. Based on review of Building Permit plans and the current condition of the existing building, the proposed alterations would potentially constitute a one hundred Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,5,"percent demolition. The site is located at 320 Pacific Avenue, within an R-4, Neighborhood Residential Zoning District. Mr. Doug Garrison presented the project and summarized the history of the project. He recommended amending original certificate of approval from partial demolition to complete demolition. Ms. Lynch asked about the report on the tree. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Anderson) to amend original Certificate of Approval from 30% demolition to 100% demolition. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: Miller & Iverson Motion Passes 7. REPORTS: 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Lynch presented some reference material for historic preservation season. She mentioned the lectures and due to the museum flooding the lectures will be held upstairs. Ms. Lynch reminded everyone about the ""Secret Spaces"" tour with Mr. Rutter. 10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Eliason mentioned the Veterans building and its nomination to the National Register of Historic Buildings. She wanted to include the Board and will compose a letter to be signed by the chair of the Board endorsing and supporting the nomination. Ms. Lynch pointed out that some of the descriptions were not correct. Mr. Rutter spoke to the retrofit and remodel of the building. Ms. Eliason clarified that staff will write the letter to the state for the chair of the Board to sign for a national designation. Motion (Anderson)/Second (Lynch) to direct staff to compose a letter for a national designation of the Veterans building. Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-03-01,6,"Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: Miller & Iverson Motion passes 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:IPLANNINGIHAB\AGENMINIAgenmin.07/03-01-07/03-01-07 HAB FINAL Minutes.doc Minutes of March 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-05-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. 1. Roll Call: Present: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, lrons and Lynch. Also present were, Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, Dennis Brighton, Planner III and Latisha Jackson, Recording Secretary. 2. MINUTES: Motion (Lynch)Second (Anderson) to accept minutes of March 1, 2007 Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Motion Carries 3. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: 4. SPECIAL REPORT: 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 6. ACTION ITEMS: A. Certificate of Approval CA06-0031 - Sally Harmon - 433 Taylor Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for a complete (100%) demolition of a residential structure that was built prior to 1942 but is not on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located at 433 Taylor Avenue within an R-3, Garden Residential Zoning District. (DB) Mr. Dennis Brighton presented the request for the Certificate of Approval for a complete (100%) demolition. He summarized the staff report and stated that despite being built around 1906, the house has lost its historical value due to several devastating improvements. Staff recommends approving the request. This is a continued item from November 2006. The item was continued due to confusion regarding the amount of demolition. Board Member Lynch asked if there would be an architect and was wondering about the plans, specifically one of the drawings and was curious to know if the drawing was the current house or the new house. She feels the drawing is mislabeled. Ms. Elizabeth Krase spoke on behalf of the Alameda Architecture Preservation Society (AAPS). The plans were reviewed in November 2006 by the AAPS and they had no objection to the demolition as long as the new structure is compatible with the neighborhood. They feel that the Minutes of May 3, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-05-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-05-03,2,"revised drawings of the replacement structure are further removed from the styles of the neighborhood. They feel that a more successful plan would incorporate traditional design elements of the 20's and 30's and the interior architecture should be reflected in the exterior design. Ms. Krase feels that the approval should be contingent on approval of drawings of the new structure. Ms. Belva ""Elaine"" Short read a statement consisting of concerns regarding 433 Taylor Ave. Her statement cited concerns regarding the demolition such as privacy, noise, dust and possible hazardous materials becoming airborne. She is concerned about losing open space and sunlight and expressed concern regarding the proposed courtyard on the property line and the potential for noise problems. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened up board discussion. She expressed concern with the proposed structure and worries that it does not fit in with the styles of the neighborhood. She feels the drawing of the design of the exterior is not detailed enough. Board Member Lynch expressed concern regarding the open space and feels that they are trying to cram too much building into the property and that the open space requirements are met with balconies. She asked if staff is supposed to be working with the guidelines from the AAPS. Board Member Miller spoke to the historical value of the structure and feels that just because it was built in 1906 it is historically significant. He feels the house could be restored. He thinks the neighbors should be considered. Board Member Iverson agreed that the proposed structure doesn't fit in with the neighborhood cohesiveness. She feels that changes could be made that would be agreeable to the owners and still keep the fabric of the neighborhood. Board Member Irons agreed with staff that the building had been degraded and the loss of the existing house isn't the issue. He questioned where the Board's purview begins and ends. Ms. Eliason clarified that demolitions are in the Board's purview and not the design of the new structure. Board Member lrons spoke to the issue of the neighbors and how they will be affected. He feels that the demolition is short lived and the construction of the new structure is a greater source of noise and dust. He feels the new structure will have an effect on sunlight and shadowing. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to deny the Certificate of Approval for demolition of 433 Taylor Ave. Board Member Lynch seconded the motion Ayes: 4; Noes: 1 (Irons) Motion carries to deny Minutes of May 3, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-05-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-05-03,3,"7. REPORTS: Ms. Eliason offered a tour of the Carnegie building. Board Members Miller, Lynch and Iverson toured the Carnegie with Mr. Dennis Brighton and Ms. Cynthia Eliason. 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: 9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch reported on Historic Preservation Season. They have received great response and reminded the board of the tour that Woody Minor will be hosting. She mentioned that they are working with Bike Alameda. She asked about posting stories about monuments. Board Member Miller stated that the he is involved with a remodel and understands why people do things without permits. He feels the process is unbelievable. 10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Coollin Choson Eliason, Secretary Historical Advisory Board ::\PLANNINGIHABIAGENMINVAgenmin.07/05-03-07\5-03-07 HAB Final Minutes.doc Minutes of May 3, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-05-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. 1. Roll Call: Present: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, lrons and Lynch. Also present were: Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, Dennis Brighton, Planner III, Simone Wolter, Planner I, Laura Ajello, Planner I. 2. MINUTES: Board Member Lynch noted that in the middle of page 2, she had asked if staff was working with the Residential Design guidelines, rather than the guidelines from AAPS. She also requested the citation from the City Attorney's opinion with respect to demolitions being included in the purview, but not the design of a new structure. Chair Anderson noted that it was Alameda Architectural Society rather than ""Architecture"" in paragraph 1 of page 2. Motion (Miller)/Second (Lynch) to accept minutes of May 3, 2007, as amended. 3. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Ms. Eliason advised that a revised agenda had been provided in order to add the report regarding the review and comment on the Veterans' Building under ""Reports."" 4. SPECIAL REPORT: None. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. ACTION ITEMS: A. Certificate of Approval CA06-0031 - Sally Harmon - 433 Taylor Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for a complete (100%) demolition of a residential structure that was built prior to1942 but is not on the Historical Building Study List. The site is located at 433 Taylor Avenue within an R-3, Garden Residential Zoning District (DB). Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,2,"Mr. Dennis Brighton presented the request for the Certificate of Approval for demolition. He noted at the last meeting that the Board chose to deny the Certificate of Approval, but did not provide the appropriate findings. The HAB needed to make any one of the three findings cited in the staff report to support the denial. Ms. Eliason advised that the public hearing for this item has already been held, and that staff wished to properly prepare the Resolution of Denial. Chair Anderson noted that this house had lost quite a few of its historical elements, but it was surrounded by homes that were eclectic in nature, and which provided the identifying fabric of the neighborhood. She denied the Certificate of Approval because she believed that surrounding homes had historical elements, and that there was potential for this house to have it as well. She did not believe that the house should be demolished so it may be replaced it with a very new building that would not blend with the rest of the neighborhood. Mr. Brighton noted that the findings provided by staff were consistent with previous findings. He recommended that the findings should be consistent. He suggested that the Board examine the definition in Section 13-21.2 and determine whether there was any other wording that could be utilized to make one of the three findings. Board Member Lynch inquired whether this house could be added to the Study List. Ms. Eliason replied that staff requested the findings for the denial of the Certificate of Approval; if the Board wished to add it to the Study List, that would be a separate action, and that the findings must still be made to provide justification in anticipation of an appeal. Vice Chair Miller confirmed his belief that this house embodied distinguishing characteristics of an architectural type specimen, although some of the detail had been removed. Board Member Lynch requested a photo of the subject house. Board Member Iverson agreed with the comments of the other Board members, and hoped that part of the house that faced the street and most enhanced the neighborhood could be saved, with the potential to make an addition as allowed by the City by a professional. Ms. Eliason noted that this item was originally brought as a more than 30% demolition, and that there was some confusion at the original meeting with respect to the amount of demolition. The item was readvertised as a complete (100%) demolition, which was subsequently denied by the Board. Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,3,"In response to an inquiry by Board Member lrons whether the Board should consider the proposed replacement in making its determination, Ms. Eliason confirmed that was not part of the process, and that the Design Review had not yet been approved. Staff was still working with the applicant on the design, and added that the Board had seen the working drawings. Chair Anderson believed that the existing property contributed to a cultural or historical fabric of the neighborhood, and that it could be brought up to a significant level of contribution to the neighborhood if the owners were to remodel or improve the exterior. It was the consensus of the four previously voting Board members that even though this residence does not show identifying marks, it should be saved as completing the fabric of the neighborhood. It is surrounded by homes that are eclectic by nature, and are historic. This house has potential to embody the characteristics of a historic home, and could be remodeled and returned to its original Colonial Revival style. Ayes: 4; Noes: ; Abstain: 1 (Irons) B. Certificate of Approval CA07-0006 - Lourdes and Thomas Hartrick - 131 Maitland Drive. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to demolish more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure that was built prior to 1942 but is not on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located at 131 Maitland Drive within an R-1, One-Family Zoning District. (SW) Ms. Simone Wolter summarized the staff report. Staff recommended approval of the Certificate of Demolition for this property. In response to an inquiry by Board Member Iverson where the date of 1924 came from, Ms. Wolter replied that staff recorded the building permit, which stated it was built in 1924, although that may be a typo. Board Member Iverson noted that she had never heard of a ranch-style house that early. Ms. Eliason advised that the Design Review for the additions to the residence had already been approved. The public hearing was opened. There were no speakers. The public hearing was closed for Board discussion. Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,4,"Chair Anderson noted that she would abstain from voting on this item because she felt the submittal was not complete. She believed the plans indicated what was existing, rather than what was approved for being added to the house. Ms. Wolter advised that the architectural design for the new building was very much in keeping of the existing building, and that it was slightly larger. Chair Anderson noted that the Board could not see that information. Board Member Iverson noted that one of the Board's goals was to encourage new building that is harmonious with its surroundings, and that they could not evaluate those criteria if they could not see the new design. Board Member Lynch agreed with the previous comments, but believed the request seemed reasonable. She was concerned that the Board did not have information about the new design. Ms. Wolter offered to show the plans to the Board. Chair Anderson noted that she wanted to review the plans beforehand. Board Member Lynch agreed with the Chair that more time was needed to evaluate the plans. She inquired whether it would be appropriate to continue this item. Ms. Eliason understood the Board's concerns, but noted that continuing the item because the findings could not be made would be unfair to the applicants and placed them in an awkward situation. Board Member Iverson believed that it would have been appropriate to include the plans in the Board packet. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval for this project. Board Member lrons moved to approve the Certificate of Approval for 131 Maitland Drive. Board Member Miller seconded the motion. Ayes: 3; Noes: 1 (Lynch); Abstain: 1 (Anderson). Motion carries to approve. C. Certificate of Approval CA07-0007 - William and Rebecca Paden - 1239 Hawthorne Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for Demolition of more than 30 percent of a single-family residence built in 1939. Demotion consists of the removal of a single-story garden room that was added to the original structure in the 1950s, replacement of existing windows throughout the building, and replacement of the roof. The garden room will be replaced with a two-story addition. Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,5,"Building materials will be consistent with original elements of the structure. This property is not listed on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located within an R-1, One-Family Zoning District. (LA) Ms. Laura Ajello summarized the staff report. Staff recommended approval of this project. The public hearing was opened. There were no speaker slips. In response to an inquiry by Board Member Lynch regarding the definition of a ""ramada,"" Mr. Italo Calpestri, project architect, replied that it was a kind of covered porch. He noted that the second story provided an overhang to the porch. He detailed the background of this application, and noted that they suspected there was dry rot by the south wall near the entry. At that point, Mr. McFann suggested sending this application to the HAB. The public hearing was closed for Board discussion. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval for 1239 Hawthorne Street. Board Member Iverson seconded the motion. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Abstain: 0. Motion carries to approve. 7. REPORTS: Historic Preservation Commission Review and Comment on the Nomination of Alameda Veterans' Memorial Building to the National Register of Historic Places. Ms. Eliason provided the staff report, and noted that the Office of Historic Preservation has requested a second comment on this nomination. She noted that the Letter of Support could be reissued, or a new letter could be provided. Chair Anderson complimented staff on a thorough and informative report. Ms. Eliason noted that Ms. Jean Sweeney prepared the report. Board Member Lynch noted that this was a thrilling building, and wholeheartedly supported the application. Chair Anderson noted that there was a typo on the form, which read ""be listed"" instead of ""by listed."" Ms. Eliason took note of that correction. Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,6,"Chair Anderson believed the building was representative of the architectural mixture of styles in Alameda, in the Spanish Colonial Revival vernacular. She added that it was designed by a renowned Alameda architect. For those two reasons, she highly recommended that it be nominated to the National Register of Historic Places. Board Member Iverson noted that because of the prominence of the military in Alameda, this building holds a special status in Alameda for all those who served, and those who benefited. 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch noted that she had made a booklet addressing the Rug Works (also known as the Clamp Swing Building) and distributed them to the Board. Board Member Lynch proposed that the sign on the Alameda Rug Works be added to the Historic Sign Ordinance. She noted that almost two years ago, the two station signs were added. She noted that the sign list had not been updated. Ms. Eliason noted that she would check that. Chair Anderson inquired about the status of 1343 Fernside Boulevard and mentioned it looked like a stucco house with three round arches at the front porch. She added that it had plywood attached all around the house, and that the top floor had been completely removed. Ms. Eliason advised that she would send out Code Enforcement because that house had to comply with a very specific design review that was extensively developed. She would request that a Stop Work Order be issued if necessary. Board Member Iverson inquired about the house on Broadway and Santa Clara. Ms. Eliason noted that was a bungalow where the stucco was removed down to the lathe; the lathe was subsequently removed and that area was sheathed in plywood. Vice Chair Miller noticed that house in each stage, and had thought it was an extensive termite job; he added there was a similar house with tapered columns on Central Avenue that was being rebuilt in kind. Ms. Eliason noted that she would check on that house. Chair Anderson noted that in October, staff had brought to the HAB's attention the historical building ordinance, which was to be reviewed. Ms. Eliason noted that item was on the Planning and Building Director's desk. Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,7,"Chair Anderson inquired whether there was a way for the HAB to have more meaningful and effective responsibilities, either through ordinance or City Charter. She sometimes felt as though it was a waste of her time to review projects that had already gone through design review, and that the scope of the HAB's abilities was limited to stating whether a building could be torn down, or which portion of the building could be demolished. She did not feel that the HAB had any power or ruling over how a building could be preserved; she believed that the reason for the existence of the HAB was to state how buildings could be kept intact. Vice Chair Miller echoed Chair Anderson's comments, and noted that was the reason he joined the Board. Ms. Eliason noted that she could examine the HAB's charter, and that the City was working under the present ordinance. Staff will continue to examine revisions, most of which were related to penalty sections and dealing with properties such as 1343 Fernside and similar demolitions. She suggested bringing the concern to City Council, especially in defining where the HAB's authority stopped, and where the Planning Board's authority started. She acknowledged that tensions between the purviews of other Boards, such as the Economic Development Commission and the Transportation Commission, with the Planning Board in terms of authority. She noted that those questions are appropriately addressed by the community. Chair Anderson suggested that it may be appropriate to call in the HAB prior to the Design Review Board to review the actual design that would take place in a demolition and restoration of a building. She believed that there were several homes in Alameda that should be preserved without having to be historical monuments. She believed that in some instances, the Planning Board, Planning staff and City Council, as well as the other authorities in Alameda take the recommendations by the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society first over the recommendations of the HAB. She added that the HAB has been selected by the Council and the Mayor to serve on the Board, and that they were part of the City. She was disturbed to see a private organization to have so much power, which sometimes undermined the HAB's role. Vice Chair Miller noted that the pair of buildings on Ninth Street had great potential to be brought back, and that it was appealed to City Council. He noted that he attended that Council meeting, and that the item was brought back to the HAB. Before that occurred, it went to the Planning Board, which he viewed as a misconception by the Council of the HAB's purview. He added that many of the HAB's determinations did not go to other boards. Board member Lynch noted that as work continued on the theater, she had fielded questions by residents regarding its progress. She inquired whether there was a tour Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-06-07,8,"available for the HAB members. Ms. Eliason replied that private tours could be arranged, or she could work with Jennifer Ott of Development Services to have a tour before the next meeting. She noted that staff may need to advertise the tour to comply with the Brown Act. The first choice would be July 5, 2007, and August 2, 2007, would be the second choice. 10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Eliason noted that the next meeting would be July 6, 2007. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Chair Anderson entertained a motion for adjournment. Vice Chair Miller moved to adjourn the meeting. Board member Iverson seconded the motion. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0. Motion carries to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Cynthis Ehara Secretary Historical Advisory Board HAB Final Minutes.doc Minutes of June 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-09-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm. 1. ROLL CALL:Present: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members lrons and Lynch. Iverson - Absent Also present were: Cathy Woodbury, Planning and Building Director, Laura Ajello, Planner I, Shana Nero, Administrative Assistant. 2. MINUTES: Motion (Anderson)/Second (Lynch) to approve minutes for May 3, 2007, regular meeting as amended. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion Carries 3. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None 4. SPECIAL REPORT: 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: The Board reviewed and discussed the Design Review Notice for 500 Central Ave. Planning and Building Director Woodbury informed the Board that the Major Design Review will be completed by staff and if anyone wishes to see the plans they should contact Cynthia Eliason on Friday. 6. ACTION ITEMS: A. Approval of the Historic Preservation Work Program and Dissolution of the Historic Preservation Work Program Ad Hoc Committee. Director Woodbury introduced the Draft Historic Preservation Work Program 2007- 2011 for the Board's review, input and approval. The Minutes of September 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-09-06,2,"Board was also asked to disband the Historic Preservation Work Program Ad Hoc committee. The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society submitted a letter of support and recommendation for the Work Program to be discussed and reviewed by the Board. Public Speaker - Chris Buckley, representing Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, discussed the letter from the AAPS and recommended that with Phase 1 being slightly overloaded the Historical Plague Program be moved from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and Board Members agreed with this recommendation. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the draft of the Historical Preservation Work Program as amended; with the recommendation that the Historical Plaque Program be moved from Phase 1 to Phase 2 and separate the City's rehabilitation assistance program and the façade renovation grants program into two items, under Phase 4 also the dissolving of the Ad Hoc committee. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Miller) to approve the draft of the Historical Preservation Work Program as amended and the dissolving of the Ad Hoc committee. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion Carries 7. REPORTS: A. Presentation of Historic Plaque Program. Laura Ajello, Planner I presented a slide show presentation. Planner Ajello explain the different material that could be used to create the plaques and funding sources. There was also discussion on the basic that needed to be answered; application, standard design, set timelines and select vendor. The promotion of the program can be done by using a number of City and County website, the museum, The AAPS. The Board also discussed anti-theft for the plaques and ceremony suggestions. 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Christopher Buckley, AAPS, stated that he would hope that the plaque program would be pro active with the older buildings. Mr. Buckley also discussed different types of material that could be used for the plaques and the best material to stand up to the weathering Minutes of September 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-09-06,3,"9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch asked if the Permit Manager would be available to come in and give a report to explain how the Building Official makes the determination on whether a building is over or under the 30% demolished. Director Woodbury stated that she would have Greg McFann, Building Official, give a presentation to the board at a later meeting. Board Member Lynch discussed 1815 Sherman St. and the Board's recommendations that were made for the building and questioned whether they were completely followed. in addition Member Lynch proposed that the 5 Board Members divide the island into 5 separate territories and each member volunteer to canvas that section on a regular basis. Director Woodbury suggested that Board members contact staff or come into the office to discuss questions or concerns about projects under construction and code enforcement issues. 10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board G:\PLANNINGIHABVAGENMINIAgenmin.07/09-06-07/09-06 HAB Final Minutes. .doc Minutes of September 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-10-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY OCTOBER 4, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE- - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:08 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Present: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson and Lynch. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member lrons STAFF PRESENT: Gregory McFann, Building Official, Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner, Zach Seal, Planner I, Shana Nero, Administrative Assistant. MINUTES: Motion (Lynch)/Second (Iverson) to approve minutes for September 6, 2007, with corrections. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. SPECIAL REPORT: Gregory McFann, Building Official, discussed the determining factors that are used to calculate the 30% demolition. Chair Anderson requested information for 2927 Marina and 3011 Marina as part of the record and would like staff to research the two addresses and respond to the Board by next week. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. WORKSHOP: 6-A. Study Session on the Carnegie Restoration and Preservation Project Applicant: 1 Minutes of October 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-10-04,2,"City of Alameda - 2264 Santa Clara Avenue & 1429 Oak Street (Former Children's Library) Review and comment on potential restoration elements alteration and additions to the Carnegie building and potential relocation of the former Children's Library. Alen Dreyfuss with Wiss, Janney Eistner Associates, Inc. and Rosemary Muller with Muller and Caulfield Architects presented a slide show. Ms. Muller explained the proposed designs for the interior of the building and different options for the renovations. Public Speaker - Chris Buckley, discussed the outside connection between the two buildings and the preliminary options for the original patterns and stacks. ACTION ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval CA07-0021 Applicant: Carmen Hall - 1244 Saint Charles Street. (DV). Cynthia Eliason, Planning Supervisor presented the Board with a report identifying the need for the removal of two mature Coast live oak trees (Quercus agrifolia). The Board reviewed the staff report and conditions. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion Carries Motion (Miller)/Second (Iverson) to approve with conditions as stated in the draft resolution. 7-B. Certificate of Approval CA07-0016 - Applicant: City of Alameda - 2515 Blanding Avenue (The Clamp-Swing Building.) (ZS) Zach Seal, Planner I presented a Power Point proposal to place the Alameda Rug Works sign at 2515 Blanding Avenue, also known as the Clamp-Swing Building, on the Historic Study Sign list. The Board discussed and reviewed the checklist to determine whether it would be put on the Historical Sign List. Board Member Lynch indicated that the there is no capitol M in the middle of Rythmics and the building should not be called the Clamp-Swing Building, but rather the Alameda Rug Works Building. This will be noted in the minutes. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion Carries Motion (Lynch/Second (Anderson) to approve as stated in the draft resolution 7-C. Certificate of Approval CA07-0017 Applicant: Alameda Power & Telecom - 2000 Grand Street. (DV) The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to replace 40-60 deteriorated decorative streetlights along sections of Lincoln, Buena Vista, and Encinal Avenues with new decorative streetlights. The streetlights are listed as significant streetlights in Appendix A in the Historic Building Study List. Staff requests a continuation to the meeting of November 1, 2007 Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Motion Carries 2 Minutes of October 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-10-04,3,"Motion (Miller/Second (Anderson) to continue item to the November 1, 2007 meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason Secretary Historical Advisory Board Meeting S:APLANNINGIHABIAGENMINAgenmin.07/10-04-07/10-04 HAB Final Minutes.doc 3 Minutes of October 4, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-11-01,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, Lynch and lrons. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Secretary Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner; Simone Wolter, Planner I; Shana Nero, Recording Secretary. MINUTES: M/S (Lynch, Anderson) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting for October 4, 2007 with corrections. 4-0-1. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Abstain: 1; Motion carries. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None SPECIAL REPORTS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The Board received a letter from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society regarding Item 7-A and a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of an accessory structure at 152 Maitland Drive. WORKSHOP: N/A ACTION ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval CA07-0017; Applicant: Alameda Power & Telecom - 2000 Grand Street. (DV) The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to replace 40 Minutes of November 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-11-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-11-01,2,"to 60 deteriorated decorative streetlights along sections of Lincoln, Buena Vista, and Encinal Avenues with new decorative streetlights. The streetlights are listed as significant streetlights in Appendix A of the Historic Building Study List. Staff requested a continuation to the meeting of November 1, 2007. Simone Wolter, Planner I, presented the staff report to the Board. Juan Ulloa of Alameda Power & Telecom (AP&T) responded to questions regarding the replacement program, the survey of existing lights, and the cost of new poles. Chair Anderson opened the item for public comment. Christopher Buckley discussed the specifications, standards and maintenance of the streetlights. Richard Rutter discussed material options for streetlights and stated that cast iron was the best replacement option for the streetlights. Woody Minor provided input regarding the historical aspect of the streetlights, noting that the focus should be more on the retention. Kevin Frederick stated that he opposed the use of fiberglass. Birgit Evans commented that there should be some way to reuse the old streetlights, rather than selling the parts for scrap metal. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor for public discussion. Board Member Lynch expressed concern that staff did not understand that the streetlights were historical monuments and was very concerned that Alameda Power & Telecom had gone ahead and changed 20 of the streetlights without any authorization. The Board requested a complete cost comparison from Alameda Power & Telecom for different casting companies including the use of different materials and a complete listing for Phase 1 and Phase 2 for repair and replacement of existing streetlights. In addition, the Board requested information on how to correct the existing 20 streetlights that have been replaced to date. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to continue the item to the February 7, 2008 regular meeting. M/S (Miller/Lynch) Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Motion carries. Minutes of November 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-11-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-11-01,3,"7-B. Certificate of Approval; CA07-0020; Applicant: Frank Ardourel - 1455 Fourth Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for a more than thirty percent (30%) demolition of a residential structure that was built prior to 1942, but is not on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located at 1445 Fourth Street within an R-1, One Family Residential Zoning District. Simone Wolter, Planner I, presented the staff report to the Board. She noted that the recommendation was for denial of the Certificate of Approval. The Board opened the item for public comment. Marsha Broquedis provided input on her design work at 1445 Fourth Street and her concerns regarding the condition of the property. Frank Ardourel expressed to the Board how detrimental the present condition is for his family and requested he be allowed to move forward with repairs to his property. There was no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the floor for Board discussion. The Board discussed the important design features and requested the applicant to redesign the addition keeping in mind the following concerns: larger casings on the windows, the roof over the bay window on the first floor and the reconsideration of the ""pop out"" on the 2nd floor. The Board also suggested looking at the proportions of the building and to consider another material - either lap siding or maybe shingle for the front façade. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to continue the item to the January 3, 2008 regular meeting. M/S (Miller/Iverson) Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion carries. 7-C. Certificate of Approval, CA07-0008; Applicant: Yong Liang - 1611 Walnut Street St. The applicants request a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure that is listed as a historical resource on the Historic Building Study List. The proposed work includes additions to the first and second stories, the replacement of windows and doors, and the replacement of the foundation and basement. The site is located within an R-5, General Residential Zoning District. Minutes of November 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-11-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-11-01,4,"Staff requested a continuation of the item to the meeting of December 6, 2007 regular meeting. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to continue the item to the December 6, 2007 meeting. M/S (Miller/Iverson) Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion carries. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch discussed a presentation given by Phil Tagami regarding Alameda Point. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff gave the Board information on upcoming workshops and conferences. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 9:23 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of November 1, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-11-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2007 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm. 1. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, Lynch and lrons. MEMBERS ABSENT: None. STAFF PRESENT: Planning & Building Director Cathy Woodbury; Secretary Cynthia Eliason, Supervising Planner; Zach Seal, Planner I; Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager; Sue Russell, Development Services; Tony Ebster, Recording Secretary. 2. MINUTES: Board Member Lynch requested that staff review the audiotape for consideration of the minutes of September at the next meeting. Ms. Eliason noted that the meeting had not been taped, and because the minutes were produced from her notes, she suggested that Board Member Lynch provide any further detail that she recalled. She noted that the corrected minutes were put into the files when the Certified Local Government (CLG) Annual Report was presented. Board Member Iverson noted that Dick Rutter had made many interesting points about the materials for street lights and monuments, as well as their life expectancy and care. She believed that this was very important, and inquired whether Mr. Rutter could discuss those matters again since the meeting had not been taped. Ms. Eliason replied that she had requested that the item be continued to the February 2008 meeting, and suggested that Mr. Rutter discuss those matters at that time. Ms. Eliason noted that the issues addressed in February would be considered part of that meeting. She would add further detail about the monuments. Board Member Lynch did not believe the minutes of October 4, 2007, could be considered until the outstanding issues were resolved. The minutes for October 4, 2007 would be continued to the February 2008 meeting. M/S (Lynch, Miller) to approve the minutes of the regular meeting for November 1, 2007 with corrections. 5-0-0. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Abstain: 0; Motion carries. 3. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,2,"None 4. SPECIAL REPORTS: 4-A. Introductions of New Staff Planning & Building Director Cathy Woodbury introduced new staff member Jon Biggs, who came to Alameda from the City of Pacific Grove. He would staff the HAB meetings in the future, and brought considerable historic experience to the City from his previous post. She added that Ms. Eliason had been working with the Climate Protection Task Force for the past year, and that the plan will be ready to go to City Council; she will move into that realm in the near future. She noted that a new administrative staff member would be introduced at the next meeting. Mr. Biggs introduced himself and noted that he looked forward to helping the City achieve its historic goals. 4-B. 2007 CLG Annual Report - Presentation of the Certified Local Government (CLG) Annual Report for the reporting period of October 1, 2006, to September 3, 2007. (Code Enforcement) Ms. Eliason presented the staff report, and summarized the contents of the CLG Annual Report. She noted that some of the minutes were still in draft form, and would be finalized before being sent to the State. Board Member Lynch noted that she did not see the pre-1942 non-monument, non-study list buildings listed in Attachment 3 of the report. She noted that the section describing the goals for 2008 read, ""Continuing the development of a plan for adoption for reuse of historic buildings."" She did not know the City was involved in that plan. Ms. Eliason replied that was being undertaken by the Navy, assisted by the City with a new Section 106 consultation. Because of the timing between the initial plan and the new one, the Navy would like to review it. Chair Anderson noted that page 6, paragraph 2 of Attachment 3, should be corrected to read, ""The City is took-has taken its first steps Chair Anderson noted that page 6, paragraph 3 of Attachment 3, read, ""The City of Alameda has been able to successfully implement its guide to residential design which was adopted by the City Council in February 2005. She requested that if it was adopted in 2005, that each member of the Board should have a copy with that date on it. Ms. Eliason advised that it was on the City's website, and that staff would provide copies to the Board members. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,3,"Chair Anderson wished to make a correction on ""Members of the Historical Advisory Board,"" and noted that her information should reflect that she has practiced more than two years as an architect. M/S (Anderson, Miller) to accept the report. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion carries. 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None. 6. WORKSHOP: None. 7. ACTION ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval CA07-0008; Applicant: Yong Liang - 1611 Walnut Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of a residential structure that is listed as a historical resource on the Historic Building Study List. The proposed work includes additions to the first and second stories, the replacement of windows and doors, and the replacement of the foundation and basement. The site is located within an R-5, General Residential Zoning District. Zack Seal, Planner I, presented the staff report to the Board. Staff recommended that the replacement windows be either wood, wood-clad or fiberglass, and that they must meet the City of Alameda Residential Review Guidelines. Chair Anderson noted that the Proposal Summary indicated that the living space would be expanded by 594 square feet, and that Mr. Seal had quoted figures between 1,500-2,100 square feet. The plan indicated that both units were increasing by a total of 1,156 square feet. She would like to confirm the correct figures. Mr. Seal replied that the numbers were accurate, and that the 1,156 square feet was not the net number. He noted that the square footage included all of the floor area as part of the two-story addition; the floor area of the existing first story rear addition would have to be subtracted. The total net gain in floor area would be approximately 650 square feet. He noted that he would confirm that the numbers were accurate. Board Member lrons did not believe the Board should micromanage the paint job, and noted that the front appeared radically different than the idea of somebody burning paint on the same property. He would like clarification, but was not highly concerned about that issue. He noted that the pony wall and the section of the building below the first floor was not very tall, which he did not believe was typical for similar buildings. He preferred a nicer Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,4,"railing treatment that would be more integrated to the historic feel, but he was not very familiar with what would have been typical in 1883. Mr. Seal noted that staff had not seen any plans indicating what the style of the new side rails would be, nor have they seen plans for the new sidewalls that would be installed on either side of the staircase. He noted that the review of these plans would be part of the design review that would occur after the certificate of approval is issued, if the application is approved. Member Lynch wanted to ensure the details of the five-sided bay windows and the collonettes were saved, and noted that the details did not appear on the drawings. Mr. Seal replied that the applicant had not proposed the elimination of those details, and noted that a condition of approval could be added directing that the details of the bay windows not be altered in any way. The Board opened the item for public comment. Richard Rutter, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), believed that the proposed project would upgrade the neighborhood, and would be a good example of improvement. He agreed with staff's report, and believed the proper handling of the doors and transoms could make this building a jewel box. He submitted two photos of a East Lake Stick building on Waller Street in San Francisco, designed by John Gash, a prolific Victorian architect. He noted that the treatment of the double doors would be of interest with respect to this project. Elizabeth Krase, AAPS, requested clarification about the windows, and noted that page 2 of the staff report stated, ""The removal of the existing wood windows, and replacement with IWC vinyl windows, could affect the integrity of the structure."" Also, page 4, Item 5, read, ""New/replacement windows shall be wood, wood-clad or fiberglass windows.' She believed there seemed to be a discrepancy in window materials. She suggested that the old windows slated for removal be rehabilitated if possible. She noted that an Italianate stairway railing with heavy, urn-shaped balusters would be appropriate for this kind of building. She suggested checking the Alameda Museum for early period photos of this building, or similar styles, to get ideas for what the stair railing ought to look like. She said that she generally liked the project. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the Board discussion. Vice Chair Miller stated that Item 13 of the staff report's recommendations read, ""Applicant shall make every attempt to salvage the existing rear wall and additional elements, including stair, molding, brackets, borders and siding. He inquired why that language was not included in the resolution, and whether it should be added. Mr. Seal noted that it was included in the resolution at the top of page 3. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,5,"Chair Anderson noted that a tall, vertical element was characteristic of the Italianate style, and she liked the idea of seeing what was underneath. She would like to see the vertical element strengthened in the front, and would like Condition F to be changed to include the installation of a transom so that it assumed its original proportions. Board Member Iverson requested clarification on the actual proposed material on the windows. Mr. Seal replied that the preferred material was the extruded vinyl window material of the homeowner. Staff recommended that the Board add as a condition of approval that the windows not be extruded vinyl, and that they be either wood, wood-clad or fiberglass, which was consistent with the residential design review guidelines for historic homes (Condition E). Board Member Iverson thanked Planning staff for a good, thorough job on this application, and emphasized that a quality job will enhance the appearance and add value to the property and to the neighborhood. A discussion of siding alignment techniques ensued. Board Member Iverson noted that it was possible to match the siding and that is the intention of the Code, and suggested that the old and new siding be interlocked if the dimensions were the same. She proposed that maintaining the overall aesthetic and integrity of the building be the goal, Board Member lrons suggested changing the wording from ""exact match"" to ""a visual match."" Board Member Lynch complimented staff on an excellent staff report, and inquired whether final inspections were performed to ensure the conditions of approval were followed. Mr. Seal replied that discussions had been held at the staff level to have the staff planner go out in the field, and performing a final inspection to ensure that the project as constructed was in line with what the Board or staff had required. Another layer of review would be triggered if that was not the case. Staff could include a condition stating that prior to the installation of the siding, staff would verify that the new siding would verify the existing siding. Chair Anderson advised that Condition G required that ""a sample of the proposed siding will be provided to staff prior to the issuance of building permits."" Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval with the conditions, stating each condition individually. Board Member Lynch suggested that instead of using the language ""an Italianate structure,"" that the wording ""the Italianate style"" be used. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,6,"A discussion of window materials ensued. Chair Anderson emphasized that she did not want to see a fiberglass window next to an existing wood window. Mr. Seal noted that the conditions stated that the windows must be a visual match. Vice Chair Miller noted that cost may be a factor for the owners, and if they could accomplish the visual match with fiberglass window, he believed it would be adequate to accomplish the design aesthetic. Board Member Lynch noted that the quality of the molding of the fiberglass windows was an important factor. In response to an inquiry by Ms. Eliason regarding the number of new windows, Mr. Seal noted that there would be three replacement windows, as well as eight new windows on the addition, for a total of 11 new windows. All the windows would be placed on the side, and the rear had no windows. The following conditions would be added: 1. The balcony to be consistent with the Italianate style, non-cantilevered, such as in the provided graphic material; 2. Side walls, new railing and posts are to be added to the front porch consistent with the Italianate style, in order to restore the design integrity of the front entry; 3. All existing windows shall remain with the exception of the two kitchen and bathroom windows on the north side, and the one second-story window on the south side; 4. The window trim, including drip sill, on all new windows shall match the style and dimensions of the window trim on the existing windows, excluding the bay window on the north right and south left sides of the structure; 5. Replacement windows shall provide a visual match. 6. The applicant will be encouraged to repair and maintain existing wood windows; 7. The replacement front doors shall be consistent with the Italianate style, add transoms or other trim to restore the original entry proportions; 8. The bay window shall not be altered. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval with the conditions, stating each condition individually. M/S (Miller/Anderson) to accept Resolution No. HAB-07-24 as prepared by staff, with the following modifications to the conditions of approval as follows: 1. The design review approval shall incorporate the following conditions: Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,7,"A. The proposed railing and posts for the rear entry and second story balcony be made consistent with the Italianate style, non-cantilevered; B. Side walls and new railing and posts are to be added to the front porch, consistent with the Italianate style, in order to restore the design integrity of the front entry; C. All existing windows shall remain except the kitchen and bathroom windows on the north, right side of the structure, and one second-story window on the south, left side of the structure. Encourage the applicant to repair existing wood windows; D. The window trim, including drip sills on all new windows shall match the style and dimensions on the existing windows, excluding the bay window on the north, right and south, left sides of the structure; E. The new replacement windows shall be wood, wood-clad or fiberglass windows that provide a visual match to the existing original wood windows on the structure; F. The replacement front doors shall be consistent with the Italianate style, adding transom window or panel to restore the entry proportions; G. The new siding shall exactly match the material (wood) style, texture and dimensions of the existing siding. A sample of the proposed siding will be provided to staff prior to the issuance of building permits; H. The new roof shall exactly match the style and material of the existing roof; I. Distinctive materials, features, finishes and construction techniques or examples of craftsmanship that characterize the Restoration period will be preserved; J. Materials, features, spaces and finishes that characterize time periods other than the historical period of the subject property will be documented prior to their alteration or removal, such as the concrete steps, stair railing, etc.; K. Deteriorated features from the Restoration period will be repaired rather than replaced. Where the severity of deterioration requires replacement of a distinctive feature, the new feature will match the old in design, color, texture and, where possible, materials; L. Replacement of missing features from the Restoration period will be substantiated by documentary and physical evidence. A false sense of history will not be created by adding conjectural features, features from other properties and by combining features that never existed together historically; and M. Bow windows and second-story front windows and trim shall not be altered. 2. The applicant shall make every attempt to salvage the existing rear wall and second-story elements, including exterior molding, eave brackets, frieze borders, and siding. A graphic presentation will be provided by staff to the applicant to aid in this endeavor. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion carries. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,8,"7-B. Certificate of Approval PLN07-0006; Applicant: Peter Yeh - 1222 Park Street (Bernardi Cleaners Historic Signs). The applicant requests approval to alter the three historically designated Bernardi Cleaners signs by replacing the words ""Bernardi"" with ""Amazon""; ""Cleaners"" with ""Tropical Fish""; and ""Tailors"" with ""Supplies.' The applicant also proposes to change the color of the neon tubing from red to blue and pink, and add a tropical fish logo above the ""Amazon"" sign. The site is located within a C-C/T (Community Commercial/Theatre Combining) Zoning District. (ZS). Mr. Seal noted that Sue Russell from Development Services would answer questions for the Board. The Board opened the item for public comment. Sue Russell, Development Services, noted that the applicants were well aware of the historical significance of the building. She added that the owner received a Development Services grant to redo the glass in front of the building, which had been in very bad shape. She noted that the owner was very respectful of the sign, and valued the architecture of the building. She emphasized that the owner needed accurate signage for his business, and noted that he still has people bringing laundry and tailoring in to his business because of the inaccurate signage. Board Member Lynch noted that she was disturbed by this, and did not see it as respecting the design guidelines for the preservation of the signs. She had called Jerry Lynn of the sign company several days prior, and discussed her concerns with him. She had pointed out that the font was not the same, and she had been told that he would try to get a more similar font. Peter Yeh, Direct Sign Outlet, distributed a handout to the Board members, and pointed out that two fonts were similar to the letter forms currently on the sign. He described the noticeable differences between the two fonts, and noted that the current signage was based on the two fonts but that creative license had been taken when the sign was created. He noted that it would be impossible for them to create a 100% match of the sign because that font did not actually exist. The similar fonts were called Futura Display and Tourist Gothic. Board member Lynch noted that two letters in ""Bernardi"" could be used in ""Amazon,' and that 12 letters in ""Cleaners and Tailors"" could be used in ""Tropical Fish Supplies.' She did not oppose the sign being changed, but would like the sign to look as much like the original as possible. In response to an inquiry by Board Member Lynch regarding the proposed colors, Mr. Yeh replied that the colors they chose were still true to the era of the signage, and that the proposed blue and pink would better match the business. A discussion about the fabrication of the neon letters ensued. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,9,"Board Member Lynch would like the font to be matched to the original sign as closely as possible aesthetically by the sign company. She also understood the need to be as descriptive of the business as possible. There were no more speaker slips. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened the Board discussion. Board Member Lynch wished to discuss the changes in the neon colors. Mr. Yeh noted that the fish was in blue neon, as would the word ""Amazon""; ""Tropical Fish and Supplies"" would have either pink or red neon, depending on the appropriateness of the color. Vince Ng, owner, displayed a picture of the neon signage. Board Member Lynch would like the original colors to be used, as cited in the ordinance. Chair Anderson did not know whether the colors had changed over the course of time, and believed it would be overly restrictive by the ordinance to state that they must follow those colors. Vice Char Miller noted that he owned several neon signs, and had observed a change in the fluorescence over time; one white sign had changed to pink because of deterioration. Board Member Iverson suggested asking the applicant to return with a font that was more square. Chair Anderson suggested that since the original font could not be duplicated exactly, that the applicant be encouraged to match certain aspects of the font. Ms. Russell noted that the ordinance read, ""Should it not be possible for any historic signs to be modified according to the requirements above, any changes to the signs must be reviewed and approved by the Historical Advisory Board.' In response to an inquiry by Chair Anderson, Mr. Yeh replied that the font was not available in the computer; also, it did not exist inside the Encyclopedia of Typefaces. Board Member lrons suggested that Condition 1 read, ""The font for the new letters shall be Tourist Gothic of the same, size, placement "" Mr. Yeh indicated that would not be a problem. Board Member Lynch inquired whether the neon fish on the sign could be animated. Mr. Yeh replied that he would like to be able to do that, but the budget would not allow it. Chair Anderson entertained a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,10,"M/S (Miller/Lynch) to accept Resolution No. HAB0720 as prepared by staff, with the following modifications to Condition 1: ""The new letters shall be Tourist Gothic of the same shape, size, placement, color, material.. "" Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Motion carries. 7-C. Certificate of Approval; CA06-0020; Steve Rynerson for Barry Hemphill and Judy Freed - 951 Pacific Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than 30 percent of an Italianate style single-family residence built in 1879. The demolition would result from the proposed removal of the façade and expansion of the entire structural footprint to fully encase the original building, changing the structure from a simple Italianate farmhouse to a more monumental mansion form. This property is listed on the Historic Building Study List as a historic resource distinguished by its architectural, historical, or environmental significance, eligible for inclusion in the State Historic Resources Inventory, and of secondary priority for inclusion on the list of Alameda Historical Monuments. The site is located within an R-2, Two-Family Residential Zoning District. (DB) Ms. Eliason indicated that this applicant has withdrawn their application. 7-D. 2008 Meeting Schedule. Chair Anderson proposed eliminating the July 3, 2008, meeting. Chair Anderson moved to accept the 2008 meeting schedule, with the deletion of the July meeting. M/S (Anderson/Lynch) Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion carries. 8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Anderson noted that the Alameda Point Task Force meeting was cancelled in November. The next scheduled meeting will be December 13, 2008, at the O Club at 6:30 p.m. Board Member Lynch distributed a story she wrote for the Alameda Sun about signs. She also noted that Historic Preservation season was coming, and added that she had a draft of the various activities. Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 10",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2007-12-06,11,"10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs gave the Board information on upcoming workshops and conferences. Board Member Iverson inquired about the status of historic plaques. Mr. Biggs noted that he would report back to the Board with that information. Vice Chair Miller requested that staff provide a list of future projects coming before the HAB. 11. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Cynthia Eliason, Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of December 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 11",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2007-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:03 pm. 1. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson, and lrons. MEMBERS ABSENT: Board Member Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Supervising Planner; Tony Ebster and Dora Mairena, Recording Secretaries. 2. MINUTES: January 3, 2008 3, AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Item 6-A canceled 4. SPECIAL REPORTS: None 5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: The letter from AAPS is available to the public upon request 6. ACTION ITEMS: 6-A. Study Session on the Carnegie Restoration and Preservation Project, Applicant: City of Alameda - 2264 Santa Clara Avenue & 1429 Oak Street (Former Children's Library) - Review and Provide Feedback on a Proposed Design for the Connection between the Carnegie Library and the Children's Library. Continued to the meeting of February 7, 2008 6-B. Work Program Review and Discussion Mr. Biggs - I will like to bring forward the Work Program that the Board had worked in the pass. I looked at the comments of the AAPS and they do bring some things that aren't and should be included in the Work Program, such as categorizing, and numbering the items. We bring the Work Program to your attention to discuss and determine what accomplishment the Board is expecting in the future. Chair Anderson - A question raised by the AAPS, was that under additional recommendations to write a letter to the different departments. Has the letters being done yet? Mr. Biggs - Not to my knowledge. Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,2,"Board Member Iverson - I have a question regarding the plaques; do you know what happened? Mr. Biggs - I did a research and a follow-up, the Planner working in the project is Laura Ajello and she prepared the background information that was provided to you. I will give Laura directions in preparing a report for the Board Members on the next meeting, including the presentation on the September 2007 meeting. Board Member Iverson - How can we do a pamphlet on the process to request permits. Chair Anderson - There is a check list available, but does not include any information on historical building, pre-1942 or a list of buildings to alert the owners is additional steps are necessary. Mr. Biggs - The City Counsel and Planning Director are reviewing the processes and a way to improve customer service. We can add to the Work Program to advise the public if additional steps are needed. Boar Member lrons - When the public gets to the front desk and/or meet with the Planner a check list and specific information about Historical buildings should be given to them. Boar Member Iverson - People find out much further down the road that they have a historical building. Chair Anderson - In the Work Program draft, there aren't timeline. Mr. Biggs - The information provided by AAPS is breakdown by faces and priorities; that is an example of what we should include in the Work Program. Chair Anderson - The listing in Work Program of priorities is correct, but no the faces. If work need to be generated at the staff level, I would recommend to form a committee that include staff, board members and individuals from AAPS and go in groups and start categorizing properties in a volunteer bases, if we can't get funding. Boar Member Iverson - We can find volunteers with the Historical Society and local American Institute Architects (AIA), like students. Mr. Buckle - The recommendations are related to Alameda Point, item 1, 2, 5 and 6 should be priority in Face 1. In George Guns' book he has a comment ""standing in 1880"", the first step is to field survey and identify those building (including altered and remodel properties). The key is to verify how old the properties are, since the standard public records Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,3,"are not available; it's necessary to go to the title records. About 15 - 20 years ago an analysis was completed by a Title Company; need to get our hands on that research, the documents were in Oakland office and now the research is in Alameda County. 7. WORKSHOP: 7-A. Historical and Cultural Resources Ordinance Workshop Mr. Biggs - The updated Historical Preservation Ordinance with include your comments is dated September 2006. We propose that the Board appoint a sub- committed and start a process to review and modify the Historical Preservation Ordinance, in order to do a better job defining an inventory by conducting a survey and researching at records in the City Hall. Chair Anderson - The underlined revisions refer to other cities Ordinance; when we started this process we talk about other historical places; we set time line to be completed by June 2008. Once the sub-committed has a solid establishment we can bring it to a formal HAB mtg. Jon, do you have other staff members helping you? Mr. Biggs - Right know I'm considering doing it on my own, carrying forward the experience I have from the City of Pacific Grove. The biggest task is defining inventory in Alameda that we want to protect, once we locate this documents we will identify them and protect the right properties. Demolish and penalties are going to be very difficult to deal with; we need to be very careful at the time we look at the part of the Ordinance; because it can be very expensive for the legal and code enforcement divisions. Board Member lrons - We had looked very intense at the penalties. Chair Anderson - There are several option and we need to make decisions. The other concern is the timing of the workshop. Mr. Biggs - We can accommodate it to your schedule. Board Member Iverson - Is fundamental to alert the public if they have a historical building. Vice Chair Miller - Is there a disclosure law in real state? Boar Member Iverson - Generally, it is disclosed if you have a historical building. Boar Member lrons - In our books there is a cut-off date in 1943, anything before that, what it means to the potential buyers? Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,4,"Board Member Iverson - It is a general disclosed written by attorneys and it the same wording for everybody. Chair Anderson - It goes back to definition, what constitute demolition, renovation, historical? The AAPS wrote a letter addressing certain items that we should consider for review. Chris do you want to go thru does items? Mr. Buckley - The main comment is that AAPS request to participate in the sub- committee and discussions. As a group AAPS is not yet prepare to make recommendations in how this issue should be handle. AAPS thinks that the guide residential design approached it's fine and in some ways it's better. The item 2, it is a strait forward to handle. Item 3: Altered properties in a way need the most help and attention. The study list is excluding properties with significant alterations and that is a problem with the list. Penalties, AAPS' position is that penalties need to really hurt and strong enough to discourage alterations. Also, if a contractor is working with out permit in Alameda, this needs to be reported to the Contract Business Bureau or banish the contractor from working in Alameda, it is an effective remedy. Item 6-B: AAPS' concern is that HAB often hasn't being giving adequate authority to take a look at the properties after a certificate of approval is issued for demolition. Chair Anderson - I will like to explore the idea, lets start Judith and I, setting a preliminary meeting with the staff in the next two weeks and then review it with AAPS and HAB. Board Member Iverson - What I will like to do is to go back and find the resource person who reviews things. Someone who has a different view can bring a lot to the discussion. Board Member lrons - Should we include AAPS? Chair Anderson - Not initially. Board Member Iverson - I will like to encourage to review the results of the meeting it in advance. Chair Anderson - I will like to be able to communicate the conclusion of the meeting to the Board for review immediately. Mr. Biggs - I think we can place it on your regular monthly agenda as designated discussion on the Historical Preservation Ordinance, that way the sub-committed can share information with the other Board Members, also we keep the public inform as well. Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,5,"8. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Buckley - We mentioned before that is possible to replace wood window and it is relatively cheaper. We did a price survey a couple years age and I will e-mail it to you for comparison. 9. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Iron - It a big deal with the Brown Act, I am not clear on what we are allow to tell people. I will prefer to make it visual list that are really strict but in terms of weighting the impact in an applicant to be able to execute, the applicant may not understand all available methods of material; but I think it will useful if we have some example of product to help people understand and retain the historical integrity. I hope in the future I may be able to draw some diagram. Chair Anderson - My concern is that there is not a manufacture that does make wood windows like the ones in the Italian A House. Mr. Biggs - There are option on windows and the public needs to take time to educate themselves and not take only what someone is tells. Board Member lrons - The Planning Department has stronger guidelines regarding window replacements. Mr. Biggs - We try to make sure the applicant install the windows that are appropriate to the architecture. Chair Anderson - On December 13, I attended the Alameda Task Force meeting with regards to the developer process for Alameda Point. About 200 + members of the community attended, and it was well received. Another item: I visited an open house on Broadway; I was surprised that is not on the resource inventory list, this house was build in 1893, and it has so much qualification of a Victorian house. Mr. Biggs - Every property build before 1943 gets review if the owner wants to demolish 30% or more; that gets caught there. What it is less clear is, were it fit in the list of historic resource that the city has; if deserve some form of designation? We need to make sure that the list is complete and have properties that should be in it. Chair Anderson - One of the items during the discussion of the Ordinance thru AAPS is a proposal for the HAB to review all alteration pre-1942, and I approved it. It is a possibility to put on the 10 days notice for mayor design review? Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-01-03,6,"Mr. Biggs - Will check with Cathy Board Member Iverson - Is there any update on 1343 Feirnside and 500 Central? Mr. Biggs - We can look into that and get back to you. 10. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs - Just as a reminder that the Preservation Season is coming up and we will have an item on the next agenda to get a proclamation from the City Counsel. We are looking at the opportunity for grand; I am doing some research to see if we are able to apply for a grand with the National Indiamen Humanities. We are working in to getting the most recent copy of the Alameda Residential Design. Chair Anderson - I have one dated March 2005, is that the most recent one Chris? Mr. Buckley - You can download it from the city website. Chair Anderson - I notice that the last HAB meeting on the website is January 2007. 11. ADJOURNMENT: This meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Manager Minutes of January 3, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-01-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-02-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice-Chair Miller, and Board Member Iverson, lrons and Lynch - 5 ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Douglas Garrison, Supervising Planner/Secretary to HAB; Dora Mairena Intermediate Clerk/Recording Secretary; Simon Wolter, Planner I. MINUTES: Minutes for the meeting of December 6, 2007. Motion (Anderson)/Second (Miller) to approve as amended. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed unanimously. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. SPECIAL REPORT: (4-A): Alameda Point Preservation Presentation. Phil Tagami presented the qualifications of California Capital Group, to participate as a developer with Sun Cal on the Alameda Point Development. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: (6-A) Certificate of Approval PLN07-0087 Applicant: Buestad Construction, 2531 Clement Avenue. The applicant requests approval to demolish an addition to a structure built in 1874 and listed on the Alameda Historic Study List. They also propose to relocate the remaining building to the southwest corner of the site, and replace all vinyl windows with wood windows. The site is located within a M-2, General Industrial zoning district. Minutes of February 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-02-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-02-07,2,"Ms. Simone Wolter presented the staff report for the 2531 Clement Avenue. Mr. Ken Carvalho from Buestad Construction, stated the goal is to move the historical structure and renovate it back to its original state as a two-room house. Mr. Chris Buckley from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), expressed his concern that other residential houses will be affected by zoning. Mr. Adam Garfinkle, an interested member of the public, disagreed with the development of a business building, stating that it takes away from preserving historical properties. Chair Anderson closed the public hearing and opened up board discussion. Chair Anderson asked if the zoning of the property is M-2, General Industrial (manufacturing); which Mr. Garrison confirmed. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Irons) to approve Item 6-A Certificate of Approval PLN07-0087 as amended (the amendments to the findings are incorporated into Resolution No. HAB 08-02). Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed unanimously. (6-B) Work Program Review and Discussion Motion: (Iverson)/Second (Anderson) to continue item to the meeting of March 6, 2008 Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Buckley commented that the City could be more proactive in getting the Alameda Point buildings leased. He suggested that the City revisit the zoning for areas M-2 and C-M (Commercial-Manufacturing) that have a high concentration of historical buildings to reduce the 100 ft height limit. Mr. Garrison extended an invitation to the community charrette meeting in mid-March regarding the Park Street Design Studio development in the area. BOARD COMMENTS: Board Member Lynch communicated that she and Chair Anderson have been meeting with Jon Biggs on a weekly basis to work on the definition of terms. Board Member Lynch distributed the Historic Preservation Season schedule and Proclamation. Minutes of February 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-02-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-02-07,3,"STAFF COMMUNICATION: Mr. Garrison stated that the City began a project that involves re-zoning the Ranch House neighborhood - East End/ Fernside (across from Lincoln school). ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Douglas Garrison Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of February 7, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-02-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-03-06,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: Acting Chair lrons called the meeting to order at 7:07 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Board Members lrons, Iverson and Lynch - 3 ABSENT: Chair Anderson and Vice Chair Miller - 2 STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Supervising Planner/Secretary to HAB; Dora Mairena Intermediate Clerk/Recording Secretary; Simone Wolter, Planner I MINUTES: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. SPECIAL REPORTS: None. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. ACTION ITEMS: (6-A) Certificate of Approval PLN08-0054 - Peter Braun - 2841 Marina Drive. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than 30-percent of a single-family residence built in 1939. Demolition consists of a partial roof removal and replacement of the foundation. The second story will be expanded to cover the whole house. Building materials will be consistent with original elements of the structure. This property is not listed on the Historic Building Study List. The site is located within an R-1, One Family Residential Zoning District. (SW) Ms. Simone Wolter presented the staff report for the 2841 Marina Drive. Board Member Lynch asked the applicant if he had heard any complaints from the neighbors. Minutes of March 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-03-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-03-06,2,"Mr. Tom Squire, the applicant, responded that only the neighbor to the west of the property asked for a copy of the plans. Motion (lrons)/Second (Iverson) to approve Item 6-A Certificate of Approval PLN08-0054. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion passed unanimously. (6-B) Proclamation of Historic Preservation Month. Jon Biggs requested that the Board ask the City Council to proclaim a Historic Preservation Season. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Iverson) to accept the Draft Proclamation of the Historic Preservation Season to be presented to the City Council as amended. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 2. Motion passed unanimously. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. BOARD COMMENTS: Board Member Lynch commented on the following items: A question regarding the City's Work/Live ordinance A reminder to the Board members about the sacred spaces walk on May 10, 2008 Discussion regarding co-sponsorship for Historic Preservation Season Mention of a book that she is working on with historian Woody Minor STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs informed the Board that the minutes for all 2007 HAB meetings have been posted on the City's web site. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 7:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of March 6, 2007 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting Page 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-03-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-04-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: Chair Anderson called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice Chair Miller, Board Members Lynch, lrons and Iverson - 5 ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Intermediate Clerk/Recording Secretary MINUTES: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None SPECIAL REPORT: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None ACTION ITEMS: (6-A) Historic Preservation Work Program Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the Board. He stated that the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) is willing to help the Board implement the Work Program by providing resources such as money or people. The Board discussed the work program and felt that some minor changes needed to be made. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Miller) to adopt the Historic Preservation Work Program with changes. Minutes of April 3, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-04-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-04-03,2,"Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: 0. Motion passed unanimously. WORKSHOP: ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch reported on Historic Preservation issues of relevance to the Historical Advisory Board. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/ Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of April 3, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-04-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-05-01,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MAY 1, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Chair Anderson, Vice Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Iverson and Lynch ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Intermediate Clerk/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of January 3, 2008 Motion (lrons)/Second (Anderson) to accept the minutes Ayes: 4; Noes: 0 Abstain: 1 (Lynch) Motion passes Minutes from the meeting of February 7, 2008 Motion (Miller)/Second (Iverson) to accept the minutes with corrections Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion passes Minutes from the meeting of March 6, 2008 Motion (lons)/Second (Miller) to accept the minutes Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion passes Minutes from the meeting of April 3, 2008 Motion (Anderson)/Second (Miller) to accept the minutes with corrections Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion Passes AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Staff requested that item 7-A and item 7-B be continued to the meeting of June 5, 2008 Motion (Lynch)/Second (Anderson) to continue items 7-A and 7-B to the meeting of June 5, 2008 Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion passes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Minutes of May 1, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-05-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-05-01,2,"Mr. Christopher Buckley spoke to the corrected minutes not appearing on the City's website. He also commented on the Oral Communications section of the agenda being moved and suggested it be moved back to the end of the agenda. Mr. Biggs replied by saying that the department is attempting to achieve consistency between the agendas of the boards and commissions staffed by the Planning and Building Department. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None REGULAR ITEMS: The Board continued Items 7-A and 7-B to the meeting of June 5, 2008. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch reiterated that Historic Preservation Season is in full swing. She also mentioned the Kids and Queen Victoria event, and that Mr. Richard Rutter is leading a Sacred Spaces walk. She noted that there are a limited number of tickets available for the walk. Board Member Lynch also mentioned lack of recent efforts toward historic preservation at Alameda Point. Finally, she noted that the findings from the North of Lincoln study are now available. Chair Anderson reported on her work in conjunction with Ms. Lynch and Mr. Biggs regarding the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Board Member Miller said that he would not be able to attend the meeting of June 5, 2008. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 7:33 pm. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board Minutes of May 1, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-05-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-06-05,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Iverson, and Lynch ABSENT: Chair Anderson STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/ Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/ Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of May 1, 2008 Motion (lrons)/Second (Iverson) to approve the minutes with corrections Ayes; 4: Noes; 0; Absent: Chair Anderson Motion Carries AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Brendan Meyer addressed the Board regarding the July 3, 2008 Historical Advisory Board Meeting. He requested that the Board honor the meeting schedule posted on the City's website and hold the meeting on July 3, 2008. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0035 - 1150 Bay Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to demolish more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of an historically designated residential building for the purpose of remodeling a previous addition and adding a front porch. The site is located at 1150 Bay Street within an R-1, One-Family Residence Zoning District. (DV) Staff requests that this item be continued to the meeting of August 7, 2008. Minutes of June 5, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-06-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-06-05,2,"Motion (Lynch)/Second (Iverson) to continue Item 7-A to the meeting of August 7, 2008 Ayes: 4; Noes 0: Absent 0 Motion Carries (7-B) Certificate of Approval for Alterations to a Historical Monument - PLN08-0185 - 1501 Buena Vista Avenue. The Applicant is proposing structural alterations, including minor changes to the building's exterior, for the rehabilitation of the Del Monte Building. Review and comment on findings regarding the consistence of the proposed alterations with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Restoration. The Del Monte Building is located within an M-2, General Industrial District. (JB) Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report for 1501 Buena Vista Avenue for consideration of the Certificate of Approval for exterior alterations for future uses of the Del Monte Building, which is an historic monument. Staff recommends approval of the application. Vice Chair Miller invited the architect to speak to the item. Mr. Michael Rockhold addressed the board regarding the Certificate of Approval and reviewed the phases of the rehabilitation process and spoke to the first steps to be taken in the first phase of the construction. He briefly talked about the historical status of the Del Monte Building. The Board requested that all the windows be reinstalled by a certain date and that all openings be water tight to prevent weather damage. The Board also asked for clarification regarding the sandblasting of the existing brick. Mr. Christopher Buckley was happy to see the project moving forward. He was surprised that the Board would be presented with only one phase without a status of the overall project. He expressed concern that the Board is being asked to make a decision without knowing how the project will turn out as a whole. He was concerned that this would be an ""open ended"" approval and suggested that the board set a date as to when the windows would be reinstalled. Mr. Stuart Rickard asked about the roofing material and wanted clarification regarding the solar panels. He also expressed concern about the covers for the roof openings and wanted to make sure they will seal the openings. Board Member Iverson wanted to make sure that the updates from the National Park Service (NPS) were provided. She also expressed concern as to how the building would be secured during construction. She wanted one of the conditions of approval to be that sandblasting would not be done on the brick or any other porous surfaces. Ms. Melissa Gaudreau clarified that sandblasting would not be done on any brick or porous surfaces. Minutes of June 5, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-06-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-06-05,3,"The Board agreed that sandblasting would not be done on any brick, masonry, and porous or sensitive surfaces. The Board also wanted to be clear that this approval is only good for the first phase of the construction project and any future approvals would have to come before the Historical Advisory Board. Board Member Lynch expressed concern with the grammatical errors in the conditions of approval. She said that the line that reads ""Planning Director or their designate"" should be ""Planning Director or his or her designate"". Board Member Iverson expressed concern that if the project does not proceed as planned, there is no language that obligates the architect to make the building watertight and wanted to include that in the conditions of approval. Mr. Rockhold offered to return to the Historical Advisory Board periodically to update the board on the progress of the construction of the project. Motion (Irons)/ Second (Iverson) to approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions. Ayes: 4; Noes 0; Absent: Chair Anderson (7-C) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0156 - 970 Pearl Street. The Applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a single-family residence built in 1937. Exterior alterations including additions and window replacement are also proposed. The site is located within and R- 1, One-Family Residence Zoning District. (LA) Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report for a Certificate of Approval for 970 Pearl Street. He gave a brief summary of the project. Staff recommends approval of the application with conditions. Mr. Tim Banuelos spoke to the project and gave a brief history of the current status of the project. He mentioned the condition of the house and pointed out the need for repairs due to dry rot and upgrades from outdated materials to more modern, efficient materials. Board Member Lynch expressed concern with condition number 4 and wanted clarification regarding the replacement of the windows. She also asked about the awning and what was going to happen with it. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the windows and the muntins. His concern was with the projection of the muntins and that it should project out 3/8 of an inch from the glass surface and it was difficult to tell if it did, and stated that it should be consistent with the design review guidelines. Minutes of June 5, 2008 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-06-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-06-05,4,"Mr. Jon Biggs clarified that the window muntins should be closer to the requirement and are a little on the thin side. Motion (Iverson)/ Second (Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: Chair Anderson Motion Carries (7-D) Study Session on the Carnegie Restoration and Preservation Project, Applicant: City of Alameda - 2264 Santa Clara Avenue & 1429 Oak Street (Former Children's Library) - Review and provide feedback on a proposed design for the connection between the Carnegie Library and the Children's Library. Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report for the Carnegie Restoration and Preservation Project and introduced the architects for the project. Ms. Rosemary Muller presented her PowerPoint presentation to the Historical Advisory Board to illustrate how the structures are going to be used and went through the basic concepts of the design for the connection between the Carnegie building and the former Children's library. She also gave a brief history of the Carnegie structure and pointed out that the architectural firm had decided to focus on a specific time period of significance to base the new designs on. She spoke to various elements that will be recreated. She also talked about many of the design elements and some of the materials that will be used. The presentation included many pictures and drawings of the finished project. Mr. Christopher Buckley asked about the original furnishings and if there was an inventory. He also asked about the external materials and the framing for the glass wall. He noted option three that showed a treatment that was similar to what was presented. He wanted to see material samples to get an idea of how it was going to look. He also asked about the west side and what materials are going to be used and what colors for the interior walls and connector will be. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: The Board asked about what projects are required to go before the Historical Advisory Board and how it is determined. They also asked who is responsible for notifying the applicant when Historical Advisory Board approval is required. Mr. Biggs clarified that staff is diligent about letting the applicant know when they are required to get Historical Advisory Board Approval and necessary permits. Board Member Lynch reported on her activity regarding the North of Lincoln Historic Buildings and suggested that the Italianate Style be put into the design guidelines. Minutes of June 5, 2008 4 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-06-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-06-05,5,"Mr. Christopher Buckley spoke to the work Board Member Lynch did regarding the list and expressed appreciation. He mentioned that Alameda Architecture Preservation Society is willing to help create and maintain the database. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Jon Biggs reported on the project at 3327 Fernside and the Streetlights Project on Buena Vista Avenue between Grand Street and Sherman Street, Encinal Avenue between Post Street and Fernside Boulevard, and Lincoln Avenue between Fifth Street and Constitution Way. ADJOURNMENT: 9:58 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of June 5, 2008 5 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-06-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-07-03,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, JULY 3, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:12 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Chair Miller, Board Members Iverson and Lynch ABSENT: Board Member lrons STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician/Recording Secretary; Laura Ajello, Planner I MINUTES: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0244 - 1327 Sherman Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a single-family residence built in 1905. Exterior alterations including a 123 square foot addition, roofline changes, and new and replacement windows are also proposed. The site is located within an R-1 One-Family Residence Zoning District. Ms. Laura Ajello presented the staff report and various aspects of the project. Staff recommended that the Board refer the project back to the architect for redesign. Mr. Jon Biggs provided an overview of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and how this project fit into that review process. He also explained how exemptions to Minutes of July 3, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-07-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-07-03,2,"CEQA review were considered and why the project as proposed, did not qualify for an exemption. The Board asked about the timeline of redesigning project and when it would be back in front of the Board. They also asked about the options for the project and how they should go about determining the outcome of the decision. Ms. Dorothy Frantz, property owner, addressed the Board. Mr. Brendan Meyer contractor for the project, addressed the Board. He gave a brief history of the permit process. The Board discussed the new drawings submitted by the applicant, but stated they needed more time to consider them. After discussing concerns with the design issues, they concluded that the project needed to be referred back to the designer for revisions. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Iverson) to refer the project back to the applicants/architect and continue the item to the meeting of August 7, 2008. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: lrons Motion Carries BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch reminded the board of the report she provided at the June 5, 2008 meeting. She noted that fifty buildings were not on the Historic Building Study List, but should be. Vice Chair Miller expressed concern regarding a project at 700 Paru Street and the removal of a roof and the addition of a 4th floor. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported on the upcoming National Preservation Conference, its date and location. ADJOURNMENT: 8:10 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary, Historical Advisory Board Minutes of July 3, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-07-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Chair Miller, Board Members lrons and Lynch ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Doug Vu, Planner III; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of June 5, 2008 Motion (Lynch)/Second (Irons) to Approve with changes Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: None Motion Carries Minutes from the meeting of July 3, 2008 Motion (lrons)/Second (Lynch) to Approve with changes Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion Carries AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Stuart Ricard addressed the Board regarding the Del Monte building. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0244 - 1327 Sherman Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for demolition of more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a single-family residence built in 1905. Exterior alterations including a 123 square foot addition, roofline changes, as well as new and replacement windows. Minutes of August 7, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,2,"Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report and noted the changes made to the project in response to Board comments. Board Member Lynch reminded the Board of the gable issue. Board Member lrons commended the designer and applicants for their flexibility. Motion (Lynch)/ Second (Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion carries. (7-B) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0035 - 1150 Bay Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated residential building for the purpose of remodeling a previous addition and adding a front porch. Mr. Doug Vu presented the staff report. Board Member Lynch asked if there were any pictures from the 1979 survey indicating what the building looked like at the time. Board Member lrons asked about the front yard setback. Vice Chair Miller opened the public comment. Mr. Craig Coombs, representing the property owners, addressed the Board regarding the design and gave some history of the project and its progression. Mr. Jerry Wilkins, with Custom Kitchens, addressed the Board. He gave a brief history of the work his company has done and shared some of his experiences with remodeling homes around the Bay Area. Mr. Robert Ramos addressed the Board regarding the setback of the porch and stated that it goes beyond the seven feet allowed. He expressed concern regarding the view from his house and said it would be obstructed if the project is built as designed. Mr. Jeff Oster addressed the Board and said that he feels that the property owners should be able to do what they want with their properties. However, he felt that the preservation of this neighborhood block is necessary. He also stated that he feels this project may set an undesirable precedent. Mr. Christopher Buckley with the Alameda Architecture Preservation Society addressed the Board regarding the front setbacks and stated that he feels their uniformity is what makes the neighborhood unique. Minutes of August 7, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,3,"Board Member Lynch said that it was an exciting proposal but was concerned about the precedent that would be set if the porch was built as proposed. She asked about alternatives to the design of the porch. Mr. Vu replied said that they had talked about alternative designs and could pursue a design that was similar to other houses in the neighborhood. Board Member lrons pointed out that there were drawings in the supplemental report that illustrate other options. He read from the report including the Secretary of Interior's standards regarding the construction of new additions. He also discussed the front yard setbacks. Vice Chair Miller expressed concern with the precedent that would be set if the project is built as proposed. Board Member lrons asked about the encroachment into the side yard and if there were zoning issues involved. Mr. Vu replied that the applicant would need a variance to allow the addition to encroach into the setback. Mr. Woody Minor asked how the changes were reviewed under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). He said as much information should be obtained as possible to make a sound judgment with regards to the remodel. Mr. Minor noted that out the building permit ledger book was available in the Planning & Building Department and that this book may contain more information on the structure. Mr. Biggs clarified CEQA review, and suggested that the Board could refer the project back to the applicants to obtain more information on the history of the structure and to redesign the project. Board Member Lynch stated that she believes there is not enough information to make a decision and that the design needs to be addressed. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Miller) to refer the project back to the applicant to restudy the design and allow staff to obtain more information on the history of the structure and continue the item to the meeting of September 4, 2008. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion carries. (7-C) PLN08-0185 - 1501 Buena Vista Avenue. The applicant proposes structural alterations, including alterations to the building's exterior, for the rehabilitation of the Del Monte Building. The Board will review and comment on findings regarding the consistency of the proposed alterations with the Secretary of Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation and Restoration. Minutes of August 7, 2008 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,4,"Mr. Biggs presented the staff report. Board Member Lynch inquired about the number of rooms the hotel would have. She also asked about material and color samples for the proposed alterations, and if they would go to the Board. Mr. Michael Rockhold, architect, presented the project to the Board. Board Member Lynch asked about the letters that Mr. Rockhold mentioned regarding the status of the property, including its listing as a federal historic monument. Mr. Steve O'Brien, architect, gave a presentation about the proposed structural modifications. Ms. Eliza Skaggs, historic preservation consultant, described some of the history of the Del Monte property. Ms. Erin McKlosky, historic preservation consultant, discussed some of the existing conditions and the preservation work that would be done. Mr. O'Brien talked about some of the interior elements of the design proposal. He also talked about the openings and the awning over the loading dock. Board Member Miller asked about the awning and the material that is being proposed. Mr. O'Brien offered to provide a sample of the awning material. Mr. Rockhold addressed the letters that Board Member Lynch asked about. He clarified the stages that the project must go through and noted that they are through the second stage. Board Member lrons asked about the solar panels and how they are integrated into the roof. He also expressed concern regarding the heating and cooling of the big, open space. Board Member Lynch asked if the Board could receive updates on the project and what they were drilling for. Mr. Rockhold said that he would be glad to update the Board as they wish. Mr. Woody Minor expressed his confusion regarding the certification process. He reiterated that this site is one of the last historic industrial buildings left in Alameda. He encouraged the Board to scrutinize the project as much as possible. Minutes of August 7, 2008 4 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,5,"Mr. Barbara Kerr expressed her concern with the project and stated that it does not conform to the Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment. She also expressed concern with the landscaping, noting that it needs to conform to the City's General Plan. Mr. Christopher Buckley commended the project and expressed excitement that it is moving forward. He also addressed a few points in the letter the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society sent to the Board regarding elements of the design including: Retention of the corrugated metal canopies Maintenance of industrial sash look in new ground floor windows Recessing the ground floor windows Mr. Anthony Jones addressed the Board and expressed excitement about the building being rehabilitated. He asked about the supermarket and what kind of market it is going to be. He also asked if the hotel is going to be economically sustainable. Vice Chair Miller expressed his concern with how the windows would be installed. Ms. Barbara Kerr expressed her concern with the parking and the parcel on the corner of Buena Vista and Sherman and the ownership and transfer of the parcel. Mr. Jon Biggs clarified questions regarding the parcel The Board expressed some concerns with the design elements and how they would to be implemented. They asked questions concerning the new windows, glass awning and the maintenance of the awning. The Board asked how the developers had decided on the materials that they are proposing to use. The design team replied by saying that the decisions were made based on the practicality of the application and how it would be maintained. They were also given input by federal and state agencies on how to incorporate the new design elements. The Board clarified that they are supposed to look at the entire site and not just the building. They would like to see plans for signage, landscape, lighting and other aspects of the project, such as samples of the materials to be used. Board Member Lynch expressed her concern regarding how the renovation would affect the surrounding neighborhood and wanted to ensure that the historic character of the neighborhood will be preserved. The Board added conditions to the project that would require that certain aspects of the project come back to the Board at a later time for review and approval. The Board also wanted to ensure that the project complies with appropriate elements of the General Plan and the Northern Waterfront Plan. Minutes of August 7, 2008 5 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-08-07,6,"Motion (Irons)/ Second (Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval based on the findings suggested by staff and subject to the following special conditions in addition to the other conditions in the resolution of approval for this project: Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion Carries Special Conditions - Materials and features are to come back to the Historical Advisory Board for review and approval rather than staff. The project must be compliant with the Northern Waterfront General Plan. The landscape plan for the Del Monte Site must come back to the Historical Advisory Board for approval. The exterior lighting plan for the Del Monte Site must come back to the Historical Advisory Board for approval. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch mentioned there would be a lecture regarding the Del Monte building on Thursday, September 25, 2008 as part of the 2008 Alameda Museum Lecture Series. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs stated the Board had been provided a copy of their rules and procedures. He also mentioned that there will be workshop on heritage tourism in Monterey on September 19, 2008. ADJOURNMENT: 10:49 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of August 7, 2008 6 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-08-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:05 ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Vice Chair Miller, Board Members lrons and Lynch ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Doug Garrison, Supervising Planner; Doug Vu, Planner III; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Board Member lrons suggested changing the order of the agenda to avoid making members of the public wait to hear the Bay Street item. The Board agreed to switch items. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT ITEMS: (7-A.) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0390 - 1356 Broadway. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for the removal of one Coast live oak tree (Quercus agrifolia) located in the rear side yard of the property. The tree is promoting hazardous conditions due to its proximity to the house. The site is located within an R- 4, Neighborhood Residential District. (DV) Motion (Lynch)Second (Irons) to approve the Certificate of Approval. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0 Motion passes. Minutes of September 4, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,2,"REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (8-B.) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0035 - 1150 Bay Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated residential building for the purpose of remodeling a previous addition and adding a front porch. (DV) Continued from the meeting of August 7, 2008. Mr. Doug Vu presented the staff report. Board Member Lynch asked if the new drawing could be explained for clarification. Mr. Jon Biggs pointed out that two letters were received the day of the meeting. Mr. Craig Coombs stated that he was available to answer any questions regarding the project at 1150 Bay Street. Board Member Lynch asked about how the pergola was designed and how the drawings were supposed to be looked at. Mr. Coombs clarified the drawings and recapped part of the discussion from the previous meeting. He also clarified that the design was altered to meet the proper requirements for preservation and construction. He clarified elements of the design that were in question. Mr. Bob Woolley addressed the board. He submitted copies of documents from the Secretary of Interior's website for the treatment of historic structures. He read from the sections of the guidelines that address the setting, emphasizing the setbacks. Ms. Sally Damsen addressed the board. She read a letter on her neighbor's behalf. While the letter talked about several aspects of the project, one aspect, the front porch, will extend out past the property line as will its roof. This may cause access problems for emergency responders such as fire and police. Ms. Dee Keltner addressed the board. She wanted to clear up a point of confusion, which was that the neighbors had not met with the applicants. The applicants had an open house for the neighbors to review the design and plans. The neighbors encouraged the applicants to reduce the porch extension so it does not protrude as far into the front yard. She then read from her letter, which was signed by several neighbors. The letter emphasized the setting of the neighborhood. Mr. Christopher Buckley from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) addressed the board. He submitted a handout to the board and reiterated that maintaining the front setback is the key issue. He urged the board to not approve the project as presented. Minutes of September 4, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,3,"Mr. Jerry Wilkins responded by saying that the Sanborn map that Mr. Buckley submitted was over 60 years old and may not be entirely accurate. He clarified that he was the contractor for the Emerson project. Ms. Keltner asked if the applicants had any documentation that would help the neighbors get a better idea of the property lines and measurements. Board Member Lynch asked some questions about the design. She mentioned some of the conversation from the previous meeting. She wanted to see what they were currently looking at and how it compared to what was being reviewed at the last meeting. She wondered if the neighbors had seen the updated plans and designs. She also complimented the people who were commenting on the standards. Board Member lrons pointed out the protrusion of the roof and wanted to know what the minimum setback was for front yards. Board Member Lynch asked about the porch and why they replaced the porch with a pergola instead of getting rid of it all together. She also asked if they had more accurate information regarding the Sanborn map. Mr. Coombs replied by saying that the porch is in an integral part of making the design work as a whole. He also had pictures that he hoped would clarify the design and setting of the neighborhood. He stated that their measurements to property lines were more accurate than the Sanborn maps and gave a more realistic interpretation of the setting. Acting Chair Miller expressed some concerns with the project. He stated that one of the problems is that the house was designed without a front porch and the protrusion of the roof changes the streetscape and sets a dangerous precedent. It changes the ""setting"" of the property. He feels that the porch is not a necessary part of the house. Board Member Lynch agreed with Mr. Miller in that she feels that setting a precedent is not a good by-product of approval of the project. Board Member lrons stated that he felt that there was more to the project than just the design. There were issues regarding the history of the structure and that it would be better to gather as much information as possible before making a decision. He talked about the encroachment and that it may be problematic. Board Member Lynch responded by saying that she would like to see the front of the structure stay as it is. Acting Chair Miller pointed out that the redesign did not meet standard number nine and it has not changed at all. Mr. Biggs replied by saying that it met the standard because the porch was downsized and the roof was changed to a trellis structure. The porch is not as massive as it was originally designed to be. Minutes of September 4, 2008 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,4,"Mr. lrons brought up the side set back of 5 feet. His understanding of the ordinance was that it negates the need for a variance. Mr. Vu clarified that the ordinance only applies to walled additions. This porch is not considered a ""walled"" addition. Mr. Biggs pointed out that the board had alternatives to denying the project. Mr. Coombs said that they are looking for guidance and are willing to compromise to get the board to approve the project. He asked for a continuance. The board discussed the other options to denying the project. The board agreed to refer the project back to the applicant for further revisions to the front porch. Motion (lrons)/Second (Lynch) to continue the application for the Certificate of Approval for 1150 Bay Street to the meeting of October 2, 2008. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0 Motion carries (8-A.) Park Street North of Lincoln Strategic Plan. The Historical Advisory Board will be reviewing and commenting on the Park Street North of Lincoln Strategic Plan. The Plan area includes Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to the Park Street Bridge and one block on either side of Park Street. The Park Street commercial district, north of Lincoln Avenue, is an area in transition due to the recent loss of two car dealerships and the imminent loss of a third dealership. The Plan includes preliminary urban design concepts for this district and strategies for redeveloping the district. The Plan will provide a basis for future actions by the City of Alameda, which may include zoning and General Plan amendments, and establishing design standards for this area. (DG) Mr. Doug Garrison presented the Park Street North of Lincoln Strategic Plan. The plan includes several ideas and proposals for the area of Park Street from Lincoln Avenue to the estuary and one block in either direction from Park Street. The proposals include redevelopment of many of the sites located within the area. This is a broad vision of the future and potential for the ""Gateway"" area. The plan includes strategies, visions, projections and potential uses. No action was taken on the Strategic Plan. This was for informational purposes only. He gave a brief history of the beginnings and evolution of Park Street and how it has changed over time with the construction and opening of various bridges and freeways. He also spoke to how Park Street has changed with the economy and its demands. It was also mentioned that the area is a mix of different uses, from retail to commercial to residential. Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the board. He thinks the area should be expanded to include the area on the west side of Oak Street and should go to Broadway; the truck route should be changed; auto uses should be strongly considered; more research is Minutes of September 4, 2008 4 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,5,"needed on the area's buildings; residential character needs to be maintained; lower the height limit of new buildings. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the board. He reminded the board of a letter that was sent by the AAPS. He suggested that some of the language in the plan be changed. He referred to one of the structures on Park Street and suggested that it could be preserved, as it's an opportunity. Mr. Charles Howell addressed the board. He agrees with the recommendations made by Mr. Buckley and Mr. Rutter. Board Member Lynch asked about previous comments and how they will know what they are and if they have been included. Mr. Eric Fonstein replied by saying that all comments will be included in the report that is to be presented to the Planning Board and City Council in future meetings. Board Member Lynch mentioned that the list of historic buildings is incomplete and needs to be updated. Mr. Biggs clarified that they are not to be making corrections to the plan, simply providing comments and suggestions. Board Member Lynch expressed appreciation for all the work that has been done and wanted to make sure that many of the historic buildings are protected. She also expressed concern with the 100-foot height limit and feels that the zoning regulations should be revisited to lower the height limit. (8-C.) PLN08-0400 - 2264 Santa Clara Avenue, (Carnegie Library) and 1429 Oak Street (Foster House). Applicant is proposing the rehabilitation, exterior alterations, and an addition that will connect the Carnegie Library to the Foster House. The addition will contain an elevator plus ramps and stairs that provide access to the floor levels of the two buildings. The proposal includes moving the Foster House to provide the necessary space for the proposed addition. Approval requires a finding that the project is Categorically Exempt from State CEQA Guidelines, Section 15331 - Historical Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation - Rehabilitation projects consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the treatment of historic properties. The site is located within the R-6, Hotel Residential District. (JB) Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report. He then introduced the architects and consultants, Rosemary Muller and Allen Dryfus from Muller and Caulfield, who gave their presentation for the rehabilitation of the Carnegie building and the Foster house. Acting Chair Miller asked about the librarian room and why the stairs would be turned into a balcony. Board Member Lynch asked about the timing and funding. She also asked about the urns in the picture that was displayed in the presentation. Minutes of September 4, 2008 5 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-09-04,6,"Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the board. He expressed concern about the glass floors and the link between the two buildings. He feels that it is trying to hard and needs to be simplified; the architecture should be softened down a bit. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the board. He stated that he is excited about the project and thinks that the design is good. He expressed concern with the resolution and that it has no conditions requiring the use of certain materials or colors. He also expressed concern about the librarian stairway and feels it should be kept and feels that the pipe rails be revisited. He liked the interior layout and likes that the old librarian desk is going to be preserved. The board expressed that they like the design and appreciate that the architect seems to be creating the design with the historical aspects in mind. They like the link between the two buildings and feel that it is more of a connector instead of a new structure. They also said that they would like to see a sample board, lighting fixtures, urn design, and included as a condition that the colors and materials come before the board for review and approval. Motion (Lynch)/ Second (Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions Ayes: 3; Noes: 0 Motion carries. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs informed the board about the Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda (CASA) meeting that was scheduled. ADJOURNMENT: 10:12 Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of September 4, 2008 6 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-09-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-10-02,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons and Lynch ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager; Doug Vu, Planner III; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of August 7, 2008 Motion (Lynch)/Second (Miller) to approve the minutes with changes Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 0 Motion Carries Ms. Barbara Kerr addressed the board expressing concern that the minutes were not complete because they did not contain the added conditions of approval for the Del Monte restoration project that were created at the Historical Advisory Board meeting of September 4, 2008. She wanted to see the conditions added in the minutes for the record and wanted to verify that the conditions were entered in exactly as they were stated at the September 4, 2008 Historical Advisory Board meeting. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Ms. Barbara Kerr addressed the board regarding the transportation element and the Alameda Point Plan. She is concerned that the proposals will not address the potential transportation problems. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 1 Minutes of October 2, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-10-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-10-02,2,"(7-A) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0035 - 1150 Bay Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to alter more than thirty percent (30%) of the value of a historically designated residential building for the purpose of remodeling a previous addition and adding a front porch. (DV) (Continued from the meeting of September 4, 2008.) Mr. Doug Vu presented the staff report. Mr. Craig Coombs addressed the board. He reiterated the discussion from the Historical Advisory Board meeting of September 4, 2008 and that the design adheres to the Secretary of Interior's Guidelines. He also reminded the board that the project is going to restore the structure and its historical elements. Mr. Robert Mackenson addressed the board. He gave a brief history of his experience and stated that the design is in line with the requirements of the Secretary of the Interior's Guidelines. He pointed out several features in the neighborhood, such as the setbacks and the landscaping, and suggested the design of the front porch will not protrude excessively into the front yard setback relative to the other houses in the neighborhood. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the board. He felt that this item has gone on too long and recommended that the board make a decision. He thinks that the board should either approve the project without the front porch or deny the project. Mr. Jerry Wilkins addressed the board. He stated that this project should be approved because it will benefit the neighborhood and the City. He also pointed out that the proposed work follows the guidelines and requirements of the City of Alameda and the Secretary of the Interior. Ms. Linda McKenna addressed the board. She mentioned some of the other projects she has worked on and stated that this project will restore the house to its original design and will be beneficial for the neighborhood. She also stated that it follows the guidelines and requirements. Ms. Dee Keltner addressed the board. She reviewed the plans with the applicants and wondered why the owners have not attended any of these meetings. She thinks the renovation is wonderful except for the front porch. She expressed concern regarding its setback and feels that it will take away from the neighborhood if approved. She is also concerned with the precedent that will be set if the porch is approved. She asked that future foliage be limited in height, width and depth to minimize the protrusion into the setback. Mr. Josiah Lewis addressed the board and noted his support of the remodel. Ms. Patricia Emerson addressed the board. She spoke to the remodel and how it will preserve the building and increase the usability of the structure. She mentioned how difficult it has become to navigate the historic preservation process. Some people sell 2 Minutes of October 2, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-10-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-10-02,3,"their homes instead of rehabilitating a structure or they do work without permits. She asked that the board approve the project. Mr. Eric Jackson addressed the board. He stated that the remodel will improve the structure, which ultimately helps the neighborhood. He also said that the rehabilitation will improve the house structurally and will prolong its useful life. The meeting was adjourned and reconvened in Council Chambers. The public comment was closed. Board Member Lynch had questions for Mr. Mackenson. She asked about the difference between a terrace and a porch. Mr. Mackenson replied by saying that the porch will be very narrow. Porches provide covering and trellises are more open allowing more sunlight to come into the area and structure. He also spoke to some of the windows and doors and that they were altered in a way that isn't in character with the structure. He pointed out that French doors are very common in modern remodels and the doors will be in character with the windows and house. Board Member Lynch feels that they have been struggling with this project but she understands it better. She is inclined to change her mind regarding the project. Board Member lrons pointed out that the building in the Architecture and Historic guide is similar to the project, which makes him feel more comfortable with the project. Mr. Biggs clarified that staff's recommendation is to approve the project after reviewing and discussing the revised plans and drawings. Acting Chair Miller likes the project except for the porch. He feels that the project still doesn't address some of the issues and still doesn't meet some of the standards and requirements. He is concerned with the proposed setback of the porch and its visual impact. He still objects to the porch and he feels that it goes way beyond restoration and is more of a modification to the house. Motion (Irons) / Second (Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval with conditions. Ayes: 2; Noes: 1 Motion Carries (7-B). Review and Comment on SunCal's Preliminary Development Concept for Alameda Point. Mr. Andrew Thomas gave a brief summary of the Alameda Point Development Concept and introduced Mr. Phil Tagami and Mr. Pat Kelliher. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the board. He asked if all three board members need to be present to provide comments. He submitted pictures to the board consisting 3 Minutes of October 2, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-10-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-10-02,4,"of a map and photos of some of the structures in the historic district of the former Navy base. He wished to thank SunCal for preserving some of the structures that were originally slated for demolition. Ms. Birgitt Evans addressed the board. She stated that the goal of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society is to preserve enough of Alameda Point for future generations to be able to get an idea of Alameda's history. Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the board. He is worried that some of the historic buildings are unoccupied and are being neglected. He also expressed concern with vandalism issues. Ms. Elizabeth Krase addressed the board. She reminded the Board that the former naval air station is an historic place. She pointed out several buildings and how significant they are from an historical perspective. She also wants enough of the former base to be preserved to show how significant the City of Alameda's role was in World War II. Mr. Bill Smith addressed the board. He talked about various reuses and other possibilities for Alameda Point. He would like to see more businesses invest in the former naval station. Ms. Patty Jacobs addressed the board representing the Greater Alameda Business Association. She wanted to make sure that the Neptune Beach Museum would continue to have use of the building they are currently in. The public comment was closed. Board Member Lynch commented on Ms. Krase's point regarding some of the structures that were not on the list for preservation. Mr. Phil Tagami replied by saying that they might not agree on all the buildings that should be kept for reuse or preservation. However, they need to do what is best for the overall project and instead of considering each individual building, they need to keep the whole project moving forward on schedule so that it stays economically feasible. Mr. Tagami and Mr. Kelliher gave a PowerPoint presentation of their preliminary concept plan for Alameda Point. The presentation addressed several aspects of the development, such as housing, open space, future businesses, potential retail, jobs, transportation and historic preservation. They also talked about environmental hazards such as asbestos, mold and lead with regard to the demolition and preservation process. The Board thanked Mr. Thomas, Mr. Tagami, and Mr. Kelliher for their presentation and answering questions of the Board Members. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: 4 Minutes of October 2, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-10-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-10-02,5,"Acting Chair Miller asked about Measure X on the upcoming ballot and where it came from. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs reminded the board of the streetlight replacement project and that it would be scheduled for consideration at a future meeting. Acting Chair Miller asked if there had been any applicants for appointment to the Historical Advisory Board. ADJOURNMENT: 9:34 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary, Historical Advisory Board 5 Minutes of October 2, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-10-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD SPECIAL MEETING OF THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2008 CONFERENCE ROOM 360, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:02 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Lynch and Owens ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of September 4, 2008 Minutes from the meeting of October 2, 2008 Motion (Lynch)/Second (Irons) to accept the minutes with corrections Ayes: 4; Noes: 0 Motion Carries AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A.) 2009 Meeting Calendar Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report. He clarified that the meeting of January 1, 2009 needs to be scheduled for a different day due to the New Years Day holiday. 1 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,2,"Motion (Lynch)/Second (Miller) to accept the 2009 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Calendar Ayes: 4; Noes: 0 Motion Passes (7-B.) PLN08-0211 - 2413 Buena Vista Avenue. The Applicant requests approval to remove the structure located at 2413 Buena Vista Avenue from the Alameda Historical Building Study List. Mr. Jon Biggs presented the staff report. He pointed out several aspects of the property and how things have changed over time including alterations to the structure, lack of maintenance, changes in the surrounding properties, and uses of the area as a business district. Acting Chair Miller asked if the project would have to come back before the Board for a Certificate of Approval for demolition if the structure is taken off the Historical Building Study List. Board Member Lynch asked what sections of the Municipal Code regulated Certificates of Approval. Board Member lrons asked why buildings must come before the Board if they are not on the list. Board Member Lynch pointed out that the pre-1942 requirement was changed due to a project that was to be demolished and because of public response. City Council amended the ordinance to require that any structure built prior to 1942 must go before the Historical Advisory Board for a Certificate of Approval. Ms. Cara Bertron of Page and Turnbull, Historic Preservation Consultant, was available to answer questions of the Board. Mr. Miller asked about the criteria used to create the report that says the house is not a valuable historic resource. Mr. Owens asked for clarification about some of the terminology used in the report to describe the house. Ms. Bertron replied by saying that the terminology she used was in the guidelines. Mr. Owens asked if the evaluation was compared to the National Park rating system or the City's guidelines. Ms. Bertron said that the evaluation was compared to both the City's guidelines and the National Park rating system. Acting Chair Miller pointed out that because the architect or designer is unknown, that is not a valid reason to remove the structure from the study list. 2 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,3,"Public comment was opened Ms. Betsy Matheson gave a short presentation on the possibilities of restoration. She made comparisons to a house she and her husband purchased and restored in San Jose and the structure at 2413 Buena Vista Avenue, noting it could be restored if desired. She also showed some pictures that illustrate the context of the neighborhood. Mr. Woody Minor helped clarify what had happened in the neighborhood that the project structure is located in. He provided information regarding the character of the neighborhood and how the structure at 2413 Buena Vista is an integral part of keeping the character of the neighborhood intact. He disagreed with the consultant's report on how the ""setting' of the neighborhood is defined. He expressed concern with setting a precedent by removing the structure from the study list. Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the Board and stated he wants to see the structure kept on the study list. He expressed concern that the building was looked at from a standpoint of modern construction regarding the structural integrity and should have been looked at from the perspective of being an older, historic structure. Ms. Debbie George addressed the Board. She spoke to the North of Lincoln revitalization project and the Cavanaugh building. She supports removing the structure from the study list and would like to see the project move forward. She suggested moving the house or selling pieces from the house to be used in the preservation of other houses. Ms. Valerie Turpen addressed the Board. She also submitted some pictures that show the streetscape. The pictures showed how the neighborhood would look if the structure was moved to the parking lot to the Southeast of 2413 Buena Vista. She feels that the whole block is an important part of Alameda. She is worried that if the structure is removed from the study list, it will be demolished. Mr. Ross Dileau addressed the Board. He talked about the restoration he has done to his own house and that complete restoration of the subject structure is possible. He wants to see the structure at 2413 Buena Vista restored and preserved. He addressed points in the Page and Turnbull report regarding the importance of the architect and stated it doesn't matter that the architect is unknown, the structure is still important. He feels that the criteria used are not what should be used to determine whether or not the structure is historically significant. He supports keeping the structure on the list. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the Board. He reminded the Board of the letter from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) that was sent to the Board and the Planning Department regarding the Page and Turnbull report. He discussed options for the house such as moving it to a different location. He also talked about the number of parking spaces and what is going to be required in the future. He would like clarification of the ordinance by the City Attorney regarding the need for a Certificate of Approval. He also feels that the criteria used to generate the Page and Turnbull report is not correct. 3 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,4,"Mr. Kevin Fredrick addressed the Board. He wants to see the structure stay on the study list and urged the Board to deny any proposed demolition. He supports moving the house to a different location. Ms. Barbara Price was available to answer any questions. Board Member Lynch asked about efforts to move the house. Ms. Price replied by saying that after further evaluation of the structure, it was not economically feasible to restore the house for use in the new development and the owner is looking to give the house away for relocation. Other options are to use parts of the house for the restoration of other houses. Acting Chair Miller asked if the house is taken off the list if it will still have to come before the Board if it is to be relocated. Mr. Biggs clarified that if the building is on the list, a request for relocation will have to come back to the Board. Board Member lrons asked about the Cavanaugh project and what it entails. He also wanted clarification of the uses of the buildings in the area. He talked about some of the houses in his neighborhood and made some comparisons to those and the structure at 2413 Buena Vista and also expressed appreciation for the woodwork inside the building. He is concerned that the house will deteriorate further if it continues to be neglected. He also expressed concern with the Page and Turnbull report. Board Member Owens pointed out that despite the requirements of modern commercial structures, the historic building code could be applied to the project structure. Mr. Minor asked if the owner's intention was to keep the structure upon purchase or to demolish it. Ms. Price replied by saying that the owner intended to incorporate the structure into the new project but once the evaluation was complete, it would not be economically feasible to restore and reuse the structure. Board Member Owens pointed out that the issue before the Board was whether or not to remove the structure from the list. They were not deciding on the future use of the structure. The Board expressed concern that if the request for removal from the study list is denied, it could be appealed to City Council. They are concerned that if City Council were to overturn the denial, the Board would not see the project again and the house would be lost. Board Member lrons would like a continuance until clarification is given as to whether or not a Certificate of Approval would have to come before the Board if taken off the study list. 4 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,5,"Mr. Biggs said that upon interpretation of the ordinance by the City Attorney, the Board may still see the project if it were to be relocated or demolished. Board Member Lynch would like to see a good faith effort to give the house away to someone who would have it relocated and preserved. The developer has said he is sincerely interested in finding a new owner and a new home for the building. Board Member Lynch motioned to continue the matter until the March 2009 HAB meeting so they have a period of 90 days to show good faith effort in the terms of the Oakland ordinance. All these efforts would continue for at least 90 days. Each would include the statement that such listing was required by the City of Alameda and would include both a phone number and an email address of someone in the Planning Department who would keep track of any inquiries and answer questions. Such efforts would include: 1. Posting availability signs on the front sized at least 3' X 6' in a large and legible font. 2. Placing advertisements in Bay Area print and broadcast media as well as websites. This kind of story could bring positive publicity to the developers and secure good will for the new project. 3. Enlisting the Bay Area, State and national historic preservation communities by sending releases they can run in their newsletters and on their websites and asking them to email the availability of this building to their membership, with the understanding that the structure would remain on the Island. 4. Planning staff to maintain a log of all inquiries and their disposition, document the maintenance of the structure through periodic photographs and make such documentation available at all HAB meetings between December and March so we can track the progress of the preservation efforts 5. Preventing further depredation of the building by weatherproofing the place, sealing off the fence and eliminating the use of the property for parking, plus a good faith effort at security to safeguard the historic resource 6. The Craigslist posting stated that the owners would offer $5,000 to someone willing to move the structure. If that offer still stands, include it in all listings, postings, and newspaper stories. This motion failed for lack of a second. Board Member lrons stated he would be concerned with any motion that is too open- ended. Board Member Owens asked about the categories and if the pre-1942 category overlaps with the study list category or if they are separate. 5 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-11-20,6,"There was consensus among Board Members that an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the need for a Certificate of Approval if removed from the list would be helpful in their consideration of the request. Motion (Lynch)Second (Owens) to continue the item to December 4, 2008 Ayes: 4; Noes 0 Motion Passes BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch reminded the Board of the upcoming 2009 Historic Preservation Season. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs updated the Board on the Del Monte Project. ADJOURNMENT: 9:05 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board 6 Minutes of November 20, 2008 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-11-20.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-12-04,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2008 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:03 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons and Owens ABSENT: Board Member Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of November 20, 2008 Motion (lrons)/Second (Owens) to accept the minutes with changes Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: Lynch AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A.) PLN08-0211 - 2413 Buena Vista Avenue. The Applicant requests approval to remove the structure located at 2413 Buena Vista Avenue from the Alameda Historical Building Study List. Mr. Biggs presented the staff report. He reiterated that the item was continued so staff and the Board could get an opinion from the City Attorney regarding the need for a Certificate of Approval if the site is removed from the study list. He informed the Board the City Attorney had indicated a Certificate of Approval would be required to demolish or relocate the structure, even if the site was removed from the Historical Building Study List. Minutes of December 4, 2008 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-12-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-12-04,2,"Board Member lrons asked about the progression of the item if the Board denied the request and if it could go before the City Council on appeal. The public comment period was opened. Mr. Rob Ratto with the Park Street Business Association (PSBA) supported the request to remove the structure from the Historical Building Study List. He said that the new development is being held up and is costing the property owner money. He would like to see the new development move forward. Mr. Christopher Buckley with the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) referred to the AAPS letter that was submitted at the November 20, 2008 meeting, and reiterated their recommendation to include as a condition of approval that the house be offered for a period of time to someone who would move it to a new location on the Island of Alameda. The public comment period was closed. Acting Chair Miller asked staff to remind the Board of the conditions suggested by Board Member Lynch at the last meeting that would allow for relocation of the house. Mr. Biggs read the conditions for the Board. Board Member Owens acknowledged the comment made during oral communications regarding the economic importance of the new project, but noted that economic considerations are not within the Historical Advisory Board's purview. He encouraged the other Board members to focus on whether the structure has the historical merit to remain on the list. Acting Chair Miller stated that removal of another site on this street from the study list would be a mistake. He also said that because the architect or designer of the building is unknown is not a sufficient reason to remove the site from the study list. Board Member Owens said that the structure has the historical integrity to remain on the list and its position in the neighborhood is significant. He added that the structure meets the applicable criteria for retention on the list. Board Member lrons said that their purview is historic integrity and they are not supposed to consider the economic aspects of a project. He said that delisting the structure would undercut the standard by which they judge other sites. Ms. Barbara Price mentioned that the property is private and people should not trespass onto the site. Motion (Owens)/Second (Miller) to deny the request to remove 2413 Buena Vista Avenue from the Alameda Historical Building Study List based on the following finding: Minutes of December 4, 2008 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-12-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2008-12-04,3,"The Board finds that 2413 Buena Vista Avenue shall remain on the City of Alameda's Historical Building Study list because this building embodies a distinctive architectural resource as an example of the Queen Anne cottage style. The building retains the majority of its distinguishing characteristics including form, drop siding, fish scale shingles, ornamental wood trim and double hung wood windows. It is not a requirement of the study list or of the National Register that a building be either a rare example or an outstanding example of a particular style. Furthermore, the building shall remain on the study list because it is a part of a group of structures of particular historic significance to the City. This group includes the row of buildings on the same side of this block of Buena Vista Avenue and the row of buildings directly across the street. Although this setting has been compromised by the removal of the adjacent building and its replacement with a parking lot the group of remaining buildings continues to exemplify the early Victorian residential development of the City. Ayes: 3; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Lynch) Motion Carries BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None ADJOURNMENT: 7:23 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of December 4, 2008 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2008-12-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:01 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Lynch, Owens and Talbot ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board; Tony Ebster, Permit Technician I/Recording Secretary MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of December 4, 2008 Motion (Lynch)/Second (Irons) to accept the minutes with changes Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT ITEMS: (7-A.) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-1114 - 3263 Thompson Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for the removal of one diseased Monterey Pine (Pinus radiata) located in the public right-of-way adjacent to 3263 Thompson Avenue. The site is located within an R-1, One Family Residence District. (DV) Motion (Owens)/Second (Lynch) to approve the Certificate of Approval for the removal of the diseased Monterey Pine tree. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion Carries Minutes of February 5, 2009 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,2,"REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (8-A.) Certificate of Approval - PLN08-0970 - 2413 Buena Vista Avenue. The Applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to demolish a structure built prior to 1942 for redevelopment as a parking lot in conjunction with the renovation of a commercial structure and construction of a new retail building on adjacent parcels. The project is located within a C-M (Commercial Manufacturing) Zoning District (JB) Mr. Jon Biggs pointed out that staff had received two letters after the packet was distributed. He then presented the staff report. He reiterated staff's concerns to the board. He also mentioned that the board's decision to deny the removal of the structure at 2413 from the study list had been appealed to the City Council. He also clarified that the structure was built before 1942 and is on the historical building study list. Board Member Lynch asked about the conditions that were mentioned at the December Historical Advisory Board meeting. Mr. Biggs reminded the board of the conditions, which were that a good faith effort be made to give the house away to be relocated to another site. The public comment period was opened. Mr. Richard Rutter addressed the board saying that his practice specializes in structures that were built between 1870-1930. He spoke in support of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society's (AAPS) letter that suggested that two conditions be applied to the approval. Those conditions were to require that a good faith effort be made to give the house away/move the house and that the demolition permit not be granted until a building permit for the new project is issued. He supports saving the house. Mr. Tom Antholzner addressed the board. He supports saving the house. He mentioned that the house was never put up for sale and stated that restoring the house would not be too expensive and would greatly increase the value of the house. He wanted the board to consider if there was enough parking in the area already. Mr. Erik Miller addressed the board. He supports saving the house. He looked at the house and mentioned the car wash nearby and how an old showpiece property was torn down. He mentioned the Page and Turnbull report and disagrees with it. He also stated that the house may not be historically significant by itself, but is part of a neighborhood that has taken a beating as other historical structures have been torn down. He feels that the house is important to the neighborhood as a whole. Mr. Christopher Buckley with the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) stated that there is a fine balance that must be met between the historic nature of the neighborhood and the structure and the redevelopment of the area. He wants Historical Advisory Board to attach the two conditions that were mentioned in the AAPS letter if they do approve the demolition. Minutes of February 5, 2009 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,3,"Board Member Lynch asked if the Applicant was going to address the board. Ms. Barbara Price, the Applicant's representative, said that she is available to answer any questions that the board may have. She also mentioned that the house had been advertised and several parties were interested but had fallen through and that the original intention was to keep and rehabilitate the house for some sort of commercial use. Mr. Adam Garfinkle addressed the board pointing out that there is a strong case not to demolish the building. He is a property owner in the neighborhood and they are concerned about a precedent being set that people can buy houses just to tear them down. He also mentioned another property that a family member owned that had an historic structure that was rehabilitated. He thinks that demolishing the house to build a parking lot is a bad idea. Ms. Valerie Turpen addressed the board expressing support for saving the house. She also wants to see a good faith effort to give the house away and have it relocated. She wants it to be clear when the 90-day period to give the house away would start and who would oversee the process. She didn't like that the ad for the house didn't describe the house in a positive way. She also mentioned the North of Lincoln redevelopment plan and expressed concern that there may be more houses that could be demolished. Ms. Melanie Wartenberg addressed the board opposing demolition of the structure. She is concerned with adding more parking on side streets. She is also concerned with dumpster and waste storage near her house as her back yard backs up to the property. She wants the board to give the house a chance to continue to be a part of the neighborhood. Ms. Nancy Manos addressed the board telling them that the house she moved into was dilapidated and she was distraught by the condition of her house. She was able to rehabilitate the house and bring it back to its original state. She also wanted the board to consider the parking in the neighborhood and feels that they don't need to tear down another house to make another parking lot. Mr. Kevin Frederick addressed the board by reiterating that he likes the house and wants to see it preserved. He feels that the Page and Turnbull report is not accurate and wants it to be disregarded. He is also worried about outside developers coming into town and destroying the historical integrity of the City. He also mentioned the proposed project and would not like to see the project go forward as is. He supports the suggestions of the AAPS and hopes that the City will enforce the conditions if applied. Mr. Malyka Chop addressed the board by clarifying where the 'Wedgewood' name came from. He also mentioned that the house he purchased is in need of rehabilitation and wants to bring it back to its original state to help the community. He is also concerned that the developer is not considering the historical aspects of the City. Minutes of February 5, 2009 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,4,"Ms. Nanette Burdick addressed the board saying that there is parking all over the place and doesn't like that the developer wants to demolish a structure to make another parking lot. She is also concerned that due to the economic times, the developer will demolish the house and not move forward with the new development. She is undecided but wants to support what is best for the community. The public comment period was closed. Board Member lrons addressed the members of the public and their concerns. He mentioned what Mr. Garfinkle had said regarding compromised structures. He also mentioned that the previous body had authorized the demolition of a valuable structure that he was not sure was compromised. He spoke to Ms. Turpen's comments about the Island High School site and wasn't sure what was happening with that site. He clarified that the structure is not an historical landmark but is on the study list and is a pre-1942 structure, therefore will need the board's approval for demolition. He also clarified the purview of the board and that they don't get to fine-tune design review. He asked about the delisting and why it was back before the board. He also mentioned that he attended the charette for the North of Lincoln proposal for redevelopment. Mr. Biggs clarified that because the structure was built before 1942, it needs a Certificate of Approval for demolition. Board Member Talbot stated that she read the Alameda Municipal Code regarding the role of the board. She thinks that they do need to consider the economics of the situation. While she favors rehabilitation, the reality is that economic factors make rehabilitation infeasible. Ms. Barbara Price spoke to Board Member Talbot's concern that the Applicant was not at the meeting. She clarified that the Applicant's original intention was to move the structure to the back of the lot and rehabilitate the structure but due to economic constraints, they could not save the building. She also gave information as to what is going to happen with the adjacent parcels on Park Street. Board Member Lynch asked how many parking spaces were envisioned for the property and how was it decided to increase the number of parking spaces. She also asked about the listing on Craigslist and why the responses fell through. She asked how long the ad had been posted for. Mr. Biggs clarified the parking requirements. Ms. Price replied to Board Member Lynch's questions about the listing and said that they had over 20 inquiries but they had all fallen through due to unforeseen circumstances. She also said that all the bricks taken from the demolition of the adjacent building would be used for the new construction. She also mentioned the other media that the house was advertised in. Minutes of February 5, 2009 4 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,5,"Board Member Talbot asked if the Applicant would be willing to meet the conditions suggested by the AAPS if the demolition was approved. Ms. Price said that they Applicant is not willing to abide by the suggested conditions and will appeal the conditions if they are applied to the Certificate of Approval for demolition. They do not want the project held up by the conditions. Mr. Biggs clarified that the Applicant could appeal the conditions if the demolition is approved with the conditions. He also clarified why the Applicant came before the board with two different applications. Board Member Lynch said that it was strange that they are being asked for a Certificate of Approval for demolition after they denied the request to remove the structure from the study list. Board Member Owens said that he is uncomfortable weighing the benefit of the project with the historic benefit of the building due to the fact that they don't have any knowledge of the new project. They can only weigh one side of the project. Board Member Lynch expressed concerns regarding the AAPS conditions and that they will be appealed if the demolition is approved. She is torn between denying the application and approving the application with the conditions. Board Member Owens said that if approved, the condition should be that the building be moved. Acting Chair Miller said that the house has a death sentence no matter what their decision is. He is also concerned that the house will be torn down and the new project will not move forward due to economic troubles. He read from the December 5, 2008 minutes information that describes the house and neighborhood and that was the reason that it was not taken off the list. Board Member Lynch wanted clarification on how to word the motion for the vote. She moved to deny the application to demolish the structure. Motion (Lynch)/Second (Owens) to deny the application for a Certificate of Approval to demolish the structure at 2413 Buena Vista Avenue. Ayes: 4; Noes: 1 (Talbot) Motion Carries (8-B.) Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0012 - 1832 Nason Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a pre-1942 single-family dwelling that was damaged by a fire. The project is located within an R-2, Two-Family Residential Zoning District. (DB) Minutes of February 5, 2009 5 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,6,"Mr. Dennis Brighton presented the staff report. He explained the project and why it had gone forward without the Certificate of Approval for demolition. Board Member Lynch expressed confusion by the photos that were attached to the report. She was unsure of what the extent of the damage was due to the fire. She also asked about the windows and what type they are. Mr. Brighton clarified the confusion and pointed out that there have been some changes made to the plans. Board Member lrons commented on the windows and how they are made. Acting Chair Miller asked how the percentage was determined. Board Member Owens asked how the demolition happened without the Certificate of Approval since it was more than 30%. Mr. Biggs clarified that after an inspection was scheduled, it was discovered that the builder had gone beyond the scope of work. Board Member Talbot reminded the board that some of the demolition was because of dry rot and pest problems. Mr. Keith Durden, project manager with Har-Bro Construction, introduced himself and the job superintendent Chris Krzywicki. They explained why they went as far as they did with the demolition. Board Member Owens asked if they were installing the new sheer sheathing to the new building code and doing everything as per the guidelines. He suggested that this implied that they were going to have to do more than 30% demolition. Mr. Krzywicki said that after the demolition had taken place, they realized that more work had to be done than originally anticipated. His understanding was that when they were going through the planning and permit process, everything was taken care of. He said that this was the best way to address the project. Mr. Durden said that when they started on the project, they were under the impression that the planning portion of the process was taken care of and they did not know they needed to go before the Historical Advisory Board. As the project progressed, they realized that it was more than 30% demolition. Board Member Lynch asked about the front elevation of the house and if the same door was going to be put back in place. She pointed out that some of the pictures are inconsistent with the new plans. Minutes of February 5, 2009 6 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,7,"Board Member Talbot expressed confusion with the amount of demolition and how the numbers were determined, and how the replacement in kind was not going to count as part of the demolition. Board Member lrons pointed out that it is easily interpreted that only 30% will be demolished if new construction is going to be sistered in with the old construction. He also said that for efficiency sake, it is better to demolish damaged parts of the project than trying to repair the damage. The Board agreed that according to the drawings, it is inevitable that there is going to be more than 30% demolition. Board Member Owens expressed concern with the drawings and that they didn't indicate that 30% was going to be the amount demolished and why there wasn't an inspection done before rough framing. He is concerned about setting a precedent. He also clarified that the drawings are different than what is actually happening on the construction site. Mr. Biggs said that his understanding was that most of the walls were to remain so it would not be more than 30% demolition. He suggested that the office copy of the plans might not be the same as the job site copy of the plans. Acting Chair Miller pointed out that the plans regarding the windows do not reflect what is actually happening. Board Member Owens pointed out that the elevations do not accurately reflect what is happening with the structure and that what shows on the plans is more than 30% demolition of the structure. Mr. Biggs stated that a set of plans will come to planning for approval, and then the building set of plans will be compared to the planning set of drawings to make sure there are no discrepancies. The public comment period was opened. Mr. Kevin Beal addressed the board saying that the building burned in April of 2008 and are perplexed by what the hang-up is for the reconstruction. They are eager to get the construction done so they can move back in. Mr. Christopher Buckley addressed the board saying that the picture of the structure in the 1979 survey did not match the pictures attached to the staff report. He wanted to give the board an idea of what it looked like. Mr. Biggs said that if you compare the pictures, it can be seen that the changes that were made altered the house significantly. Minutes of February 5, 2009 7 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-02-05,8,"Ms. Michelle Beal addressed the board saying that they were willing to make the changes requested of them by planning staff. She just wants the house built and is willing to do whatever it takes to make it happen. Their intention was in the best interest of the house, City, and contractor. Board Member Lynch agrees with staff recommendations. She is concerned with the wording in the report and resolution. She wants more positive language. Mr. Biggs replied by saying that the wording could be changed. Motion (Lynch)Second (Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval for demolition at 1832 Nason Street. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0 Motion Carries BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch talked about Historic Preservation Season and shared her excitement that there are now several major organizations involved. She also talked about the lecture series with the Alameda Museum. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs welcomed Board Member Talbot Board Member Talbot talked about the Mills Act and wants to see it enacted by the City. She clarified that it applies to both residential and commercial. Mr. Biggs suggested that it be agendized for an upcoming meeting for discussion. ADJOURNMENT: 9:06 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of February 5, 2009 8 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-03-05,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:04 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Lynch, Owens and Talbot ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of March 5, 2009; Board member Lynch was in attendance at the 3/5/09 meeting. Her name should be listed., On page 3 the word not was left off of Mr. Garfinckle's statement. On page 4 last paragraph the word fell should be fallen. Motion (Miller)/Secono (Irons) to accept the minutes with corrections. Ayes:5; Noes: 0; Absent: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0033 - 1118 Bay Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The tree is in poor condition and presents a hazard to the single-family dwelling. The property is located within an R-1, One-Family Residence District. (SW) Minutes of March 5, 2009 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-03-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-03-05,2,"Motion to approve all items on the consent calendar subject to recommended findings and conditions in agenda report. Motion (lrons)/Second (Owens) Ayes: 5 Noes:0 Motion Carries REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 8-A. Historic Preservation Season Proclamation. Board Member Lynch discussed support for the Historic Preservation Season Proclamation. Acting Chair Miller stated that the City Council would be presenting the proclamation at the April 21, 2009 meeting. Motion to Recommend that the City Council proclaim a Historic Preservation Season for the City of Alameda Motion (Lynch)/ Second (Talbot) Ayes: 5 Noes:0 Motion Carries BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch pointed out that the memorandum of agreement from the City Manager setting up the North of Lincoln planning process did not include the Historical Advisory Board. Board Member Lynch asked that the Historical Advisory Board be added to meetings because a large part of the project has to do with historic buildings. Board Member Lynch provided an update on the status of the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Board Member lrons expressed concern that the term form-based code is confusing. Acting Chair Miller stated he will have the consultants or staff give a presentation on form-based codes. A board discussion ensued regarding the City Council's action on the property located at 2413 Buena Vista. Board Member Talbot requested that a discussion on the Mills Act be agendized for next meeting. Minutes of March 5, 2009 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-03-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-03-05,3,"STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported that an amendment to the Alameda Charter requires three votes in support of a motion in order for the motion to carry. Staff reported that the City Council introduced new second unit regulations and provided some information regarding the new standards for second units. ADJOURNMENT: 8:06 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of March 5, 2009 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-03-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-04-02,1,"MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:00 PM CONVENE: 7:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Owens, and Talbot ABSENT: Board Member Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of March 5, 2009; Motion (Owens)/Second (Irons) to accept minutes as presented. Ayes: 4; Noes: 0; Absent: None AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Board member Owens requested that items 7-A and 7-C be pulled from the consent agenda and placed on the regular agenda ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: David Hall invited Board Members to participate in the California of the Past Digital Storytelling project being conducted by the Alameda Free Library. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT ITEMS: 7-B. Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0057 - 915 Centennial Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The tree has structural weaknesses that are considered hazardous. The property is located within an R-2, Two Family Residential District. (LA) Minutes of April 2, 2009 1 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-04-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-04-02,2,"Motion (lrons)/Second (Talbot) to approve all items on the consent agenda subject to the recommended findings and conditions in the agenda report. Ayes:4; Noes: 0 Motion Passes REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: (7-A) Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0046 - 2207 Santa Clara Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The subject tree has caused property damage. The property is located within an R-6-PD, Hotel Residential District, Planned Development Combining District. (LA) Mr. Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager, presented the agenda report. Board member Owens asked if there was a definition for structure and whether a fence, concrete patio, or brick planter qualified as a structure. He also asked if damage to such items warranted the removal of a tree, noting there were other methods that could be employed to protect ""structures"" and retain the tree. Mr. Owens offered that bridging and tunneling under roots were possible solutions as was constructing fences, patios and planters in different locations. He asked if these options had been explored. Board member lrons asked if removal of the tree was necessary and if the fence, patio and brick planter would be replaced. Joseph LoParo, a contractor representing the property owner, responded to the Board's questions and noted that damage was being done not only to structures on the subject site, but the neighboring property as well. He pointed out the tree was located on or very near the property line separating the two sites. Mr. Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager, stated that the agenda report did include a finding supporting the requested removal, and informed the Board that the threshold for granting a tree removal application was relatively low. He stated that if the Board found that damage was being done to a structure it could grant the tree removal request. Motion (Talbot)/Second (Miller) to approve the Certificate of Approval and grant the tree removal permit subject to the recommended findings and conditions in the agenda report. Ayes:3; Noes: 1 (Owens) Motion Passes (7-c) Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0083 - 1212 1/2 Broadway. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The tree has been partially removed and the health of the tree has been Minutes of April 2, 2009 2 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-04-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-04-02,3,"severely compromised. The property is located within an R-1, One Family Residence District. (DB) Mr. Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager, presented the agenda report. Board member Owens asked if a fine had been assessed for trimming the tree without permit approval. Mr. Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager, stated that a fine had been imposed and the property owner was responsible for expenses incurred by the department for processing this application. Board member Owens stated it would be informative to include this information in the agenda reports and wanted to know if the owner had explored retaining the tree. Brian Kim, co-owner of the property, stated it was his understanding that the tree did not have a good chance of survival based on an evaluation by an arborist. He added that he planned on planting fruit trees as a replacement for the oak. Board discussion ensued regarding what the long-term appearance of the tree would have been had it not been removed. Motion (lrons)/Second (Talbot) to approve the Certificate of Approval and grant the tree removal permit subject to the recommended findings and conditions in the agenda report. Ayes:4; Noes: 0 Motion Passes (8-A) Informational Presentation on the history of Alameda's Japan Town Jill Shiraki gave an informational presentation on the History of Alameda's Japantown and the statewide effort to document historic resources related to Japanese communities in California. Reverend Michael Yoshii, minister of the Buena Vista United Methodist Church, provided information regarding the Japanese community in California and the buildings that were important to the community Rebecca Holder of the Alameda Multicultural Community Center, echoed the statements of earlier speakers and encouraged that buildings be recognized for their contribution to the community. Jeannette Copperwaise offered to assist in documenting the structures that made up Alameda's Japantown. Minutes of April 2, 2009 3 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-04-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-04-02,4,"The Board had a number of follow-up questions regarding the next step in the effort to document resources and thanked Jill Shiraki and the other speakers for the informational presentation. (8-B) Discussion on the Mills Act Board member Talbot provided the Board with documents that described the purpose and process for the Mills Act. She noted that incentives to encourage historic preservation were needed in the community given the number of historic properties in Alameda. Board member Owens added that Oakland had a Mills Act process and felt that establishing such a process in Alameda should be explored further. He stated that it was an incentive to restore and rehabilitate historic buildings and felt that it was worthy of moving up on the Historic Advisory Board's work program. Motion (Talbot)/Second (Miller) to request that staff research and bring back to the Board a process by which the Mills Act could be implemented in Alameda. Ayes:4; Noes: 0 Motion Passes (8-C) Appointment of a Board Member to Serve as a Representative for the 106 Consultation Process for Alameda Point Acting Chair Miller appointed Board member Owens to serve as the Board's representative for the 106 Consultation Process for Alameda Point and appointed Board member Lynch to serve as his alternate. He requested that staff provide the appointees with appropriate materials and a calendar of meeting dates and times. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported. ADJOURNMENT: 9:30 p.m. Respectfully Submitted by: Jon Biggs Planning Services Manager/Secretary Historical Advisory Board Minutes of April 2, 2009 4 Regular Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-04-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-08-06,1,"FINAL MINUTES OF HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD REGULAR MEETING OF THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2009 COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 2263 SANTA CLARA AVENUE - 7:05 PM CONVENE: 7:15 p.m. ROLL CALL: PRESENT: Acting Chair Miller, Board Members lrons, Owens, Lynch, and Talbot STAFF PRESENT: Jon Biggs, Planning Services Manager/Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board, Laura Ajello, Planner I MINUTES: Minutes from the meeting of April 2, 2009; Motion (Owens)/Second (Talbot) to accept minutes as presented. Ayes: 5; Noes: 0; Absent: None 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Staff requested that items 8-A be discussed first. Board Member Lynch presented other board members with Woody Minor's newest book. She also announced the next AAPS neighborhood walk with lecturer Woody Minor. Board Member Lynch presented Board Member Miller with a letter thanking him for his many years of service on the Historical Advisory Board. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: Materials related to an item on this agenda submitted to the Board after distribution of the agenda packet are available in the Planning & Building Department at City Hall during regular business hours. 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0143 - 3016 Lincoln Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a pre-1942 single-family dwelling. The project is located within an R-1, One",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-08-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-08-06,2,"Family Residence Zoning District. (LA) Staff presented the project. R. Rutter, architect, discussed the architectural presence of the frontage and orientation to the neighborhood. He recommended a modification of the proposal to maintain the architectural staircase and preserve the Golden Mean. He also recommended shed dormers instead of the proposed bay windows and discouraged the use of cement fiberboard as a siding material. C. Buckley, citizen, outlined his discussion with the property owners and outlined his ideas on how to improve the design of the pergola, railing, and stairs and choice of siding. G. Shivan, project architect, after being asked by the board, explained the choice of windows and siding on the project. He also explained the proposed staircase. R. Rutter, recommended a standardization of the plan set submittal to facilitate plan review. The board members discussed the project. Board Member lrons raised concerns about the window selection. Board member Owens questioned whether the draft resolution was required to make a finding that the project met the Secretary of Interior Standards as the building was not on a historic list. Staff responded that the finding was necessary, as the building was built pre-1942, granting it special status pursuant to the City Council Ordinance. Board member Lynch (initially inaudible) commented that the plans could have been more detailed and offered design suggestions for the front of the building. Board member Owens supported the design but opposed the cement siding. Acting Chair Miller supported the previous comments. The board members agreed to revise the conditions of approval to require siding, matching siding to be applied to the new lower section and all new windows to be single light, and all construction plans match the approved HAB plan set. Motion (Owens)/Secono (Lynch) to approve the project subject to the revised conditions of approval. Motion passed. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff discussed the recent staff reductions and the effort put forth to maintain the levels of service. Board member Lynch requested an update at a future meeting on the North of Lincoln project and the status of the HAB Ordinance Update. Board member Owens requested that the Mills Act be brought forward as well. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:07 p.m.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-08-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-11-05,1,"Approved MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2009 1. CONVENE: 7:04 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: Board Members Hoffman, lrons, Lynch, Owens, Talbot Present: Board Members Hoffman, lrons, Lynch, & Owens Absent: Board Member Talbot Lynch motioned/Hoffman seconded the motion to appoint Board Member Owens to be the Chair for the meeting. Motion passed 4-0. 3. MINUTES: Meeting of August 6, 2009 - lrons motioned/Lynch seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Approved as amended 4- 0 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Buckley, representative of the Alameda Architectural submitted a letter in support of continuing the discussion of the Historic Preservation Ordinance to a future date. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0339 - 2510 Eagle Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of a Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The subject tree has caused property damage. Staff conducted a presentation. Board Member Lynch requested that staff report back where trees have been planted through the replacement program and asked for clarification on the process for removing oak trees in emergencies. Mr. Torres, neighbor, spoke in support of the tree removal, and noted the tree causes a significant maintenance hardship on the elderly owner of 2514 Eagle Avenue.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-11-05,2,"Ms. Miles, daughter of the owner if 2514 Eagle Avenue, spoke in support of the tree removal. Chair Owens asked if at least one tree could be planted on site, in a currently open area on the site, or in the public right of way. Mr. Goodeill, property owner, stated that he would like to plant something adjacent to the street, but had been turned down by the Public Works Department because of the location of the utility lines. He stated that the open area demarked the former location of a pine tree that had grown too large for the site and had prevented anyone from parking there. Staff suggested that the Board consider an amendment to the resolution granting that one tree be plantedin the planter strip between the sidewalk and street, subject to approval by the Public Works Department. Board Member Lynch moved/ Hoffman seconded the Certificate of Approval with the condition that the applicant shall pay an in-lieu fee of $ 125 and, identify a tree species for planting on-site or in the landscape strip between the street and sidewalk. The tree species is subject to approval by the Public Works Department, which shall take into consideration site limitations, such as overhead power lines. If a suitable tree species is not identified for planting on-site the applicant will be required to pay an in-lieu free of $250 unstead of the $125 as noted above. The in-lieu fee shall be paid to the City of Alameda and deposited in the appropriate tree planting fund. Motion approved 4-0. 7-B Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0063 - 1185 Broadway. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a pre-1942 single-family dwelling. Staff conducted a presentation. Ms. Dang, applicant, outlined the need to significantly update the building. Board Member Lynch asked for the need to expand the building to such an extent. The applicant stated that they wanted to fully utilize the site and felt that a two-story building would fit into the neighborhood. Chair Owens requested clarification on the need to separate the garage demolition from the main project. Staff explained the accessory structures can be reviewed on a staff-level. Mr. Bogomolets, the project advisor, explained that he had only provided design recommendations to the applicant, but had not designed the project. Board Member lrons, commended the clarity of the plans. He suggested that the existing configuration of the front be maintained.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-11-05,3,"Board Member Lynch commented on the proposed windows and the proposed roofline not being the same and pointed out the inconsistency in the plans. Board Member Hoffman commended the plans and the design of the proposed building. Chair Owens asked for clarification on those elements (stucco, windows, trim elements) that will be retained on the proposed building. He asked that the plans clearly identify those elements that will be retained. Ms Dang clarified that all stucco and wood siding on the lower half, as well as all windows will be replaced. Board Member Hoffman stated that the extent of demolition may increase once construction starts. Board Member Lynch asked if the project should come back to a future meeting to allow the applicant time to revise the plans and clarify the areas of concern. Board Member lrons suggested that staff handle the revisions as discussed by Board Members. Staff explained possible ways to handle the approval process for this project. Board Member Lynch asked that the applicant return with the requested changes. She also asked the applicant to discuss the proposed front door. The applicant stated the ongoing efforts made to amend the project to meet the requested changes as would be proposed by the Board. Staff suggested that the Board form a subcommittee that would approve revised plans and would report back to the Board at the next hearing. The subcommittee would review the extent to which original wall materials would be retained, the extent of demolition and also discuss window and door changes. Staff reiterated the role of the Board as a judicial body, which is to make a decision on the project. The submcommittee would not be advised to make any design changes and recommend products. Board Members lrons and Hoffman agreed to be on the subcommittee. Board Hoffman motioned to approve the project subject to the approval by the subcommittee. The subcommittee would review the extent of the demolition and retention of the exterior stucco finish, the selection of windows and front door. Board Member Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passed 3-1. 7-C 2010 Meeting Calendar Board Member Lynch motioned, Board Member Hoffman seconded the motion. Approved 4-0",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-11-05,4,"7-D Historic Preservation Workshop Staff clarified that the workshop is the first session at which the Historic Preservation Ordinance is being considered and the public would have more opportunities to provide comments. Staff then thanked Chair Owens and Board Member Lynch for their continued efforts to update the ordinance over the last 18 months. Chair Owens asked how the shortage of staff would affect the development and circulation of the ordinance. Board Member Lynch described the efforts of updating the ordinance and the focus on developing a comprehensive definition section and strengthening the provisions for enforcement and penalties. Chair Owens elaborated on their efforts. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Ms. Evans, member of the AAPS, spoke in support of the ordinance and the proposed provisions for enforcement and penalties. She recommended changing the ""Historic Advisory Board Fund' to ""Historic Building Revolving Fund"" to create a name that accurately reflects the future use of said funds. She submitted written comments and edits to staff. Chair Owens explained that the new ordinance no longer defined demolition as determined by 30% of value of the building, but rather redefined by 25% of the area of an elevation of a building. Mr. Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) representative, commended the development of the new ordinance. He raised concerns that the new ordinance does not contain findings required to grant demolition or alterations. He spoke to the concept of redesignating all historical monuments to historical landmarks and suggested that the ordinance explicitly call that out. He cautioned against requiring minor changes to historic buildings having to come to the HAB on the basis that such a drawn out the approval and review process may create a backlash against historic preservation and create a significant burden on staff. He advocated that the section on hazardous buildings be modified to allow the Building Official have more remedies other than simple demolition to address such hazardous buildings. He also suggested that the HAB had some authority over interior spaces, such as for historic landmarks. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Staff explained the future steps for refining the ordinance, that it be circulated internally, and that comments from the public and other board members. He suggested that the project be agendized for the meeting in February 2010, the subcommittee will accept comments until January 11, 2010. Board Member Lynch motioned, Board Member lrons seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-11-05,5,"8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch presented a copy of ""Home in Alameda"" by Woody Minor to Mathew Hoffman, the newest member on the Board. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff explained that Board Members have been given a map indicating a 500' radius from property they own. This map shows the area that would require a Board Member to recuse themselves from projects located within that boundary. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 9:10 P.M.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2009-12-03,1,"Approved MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2009 1. CONVENE: 7:10 P.M. 2. ROLL CALL: Board Members Hoffman, lrons, Lynch, Owens, and Rauk Present: Board Members Hoffman, (arrived during item 8) Irons, Owens, and Rauk Absent: Board Member Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of November 5, 2009 - Rauk motioned/Irons seconded to approve the minutes. Approved 3-0 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A&B Election of a Chair Person and Vice Chairperson On a motion by lrons, seconded by Rauk, the Board voted 3-0 to elect Dennis Owens Chair Person and Donna Rauk Vice Chairperson. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: There were no Board communications. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported there was no information to relay to the Board. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 7:18 P.M.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2009-12-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-02-04,1,"Approved MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:05 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Irons, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of December 3, 2009. Vice Chair Rauk motioned, seconded Hoffman. Motioned passes 4-0-1 (Board Member Lynch abstained). 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff provided copies of written communications addressing the Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0410 - 1019 Morton Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of three Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia). The subject trees are located in a confined space and are structurally weakened. Staff presented a report on the project. Board Member Lynch asked why the trees had been planted so close to the residence. The property owner replied that the trees were mature when they moved into the house in 1991. Chair Owens closed the public hearing and opened the item up for discussion by the Board. Page 1 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-02-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-02-04,2,"Board Member lrons indicated that he favored tree planting in public sites in lieu of replanting on constrained sites, but cautioned that public space is limited and future authorizations to plant trees off-site may be ineffective due to a lack of available public space. Staff stated it would check with the Public Works Department and see of they could provide information regarding how tree replacement planting funds have been used to date and if there was any data regarding the number of trees that had been planted in public spaces. Vice Chair Rauk asked if it would be possible to plant one larger tree in lieu of planting two trees for each removed tree. Staff stated that young trees seem to adapt to new locations much more easily than larger, more mature trees, but it was possible to condition an approval to require replanting one larger tree. Chair Owens proposed that the Board should be able to condition an approval that required a replacement planting fee, but then it should be up to the discretion of the City to determine how best to use that money to acquire and plant trees. For example, in some instances it might be best for a City to use the money to buy and plant numerous smaller trees and in other instances it might be best to use the money to buy one larger tree for planting at a particular site. Board Member Hoffman seconded that notion. Board Member Lynch asked for a list of trees that have been planted in Alameda using the tree replacement planting funds that have been collected to date. Following additional discussion regarding the recommended number of tree replacement plantings, staff proposed that the resolution be amended to delete the number of replacement trees so that it would be up to the City to determine how best to use the tree replacement planting funds. Board Member lrons motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Rauk, to adopt the resolution as amended. Motion passes 5-0. 7-B Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop Chair Owens provided an overview of the changes contained in the Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Board Member lrons asked for clarifications on the Historical-Cultural Preservation Permit and its relation to the State Historic Building Code. Chair Owens explained that the proposed regulations provided a process by which the Board could consider exceptions to the Zoning Code if the project was an effort to preserve Page 2 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-02-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-02-04,3,"a historic resource. Staff explained that the Board would be asked to make decisions that would allow a project to receive exceptions to the Development Regulations, which are normally considered through a use permit or variance application. Staff pointed out that this umbrella permit would allow an applicant to receive a streamlined permit, which would be a cost and time savings for an applicant or property owner. Such an incentive would likely prompt an applicant to develop a project that would emphasize preservation and restoration over demolition. Board Member Hoffman asked for a clarification on the Historical Advisory Board Fund. Staff stated that such a fund exists, but there are no monies in it at this time. Collected funds, from donations, fines, etc, could be used for historic preservation efforts. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society Representative, discussed the points in the letter submitted by the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. Mr. Kibby, Alameda Resident, cautioned against economic hardship provisions in the ordinance and supported the permit process that would allow the Board to consider land use exceptions by way of a Historical-Cultural Preservation Permit. He also recommended that the ordinance include authority for staff to approve small projects, rather than requiring that they all be considered by the Historical Advisory Board (HAB). Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Vice Chair Rauk stated that she supported streamlining the permit process by having authorized planning staff conduct an initial evaluation of buildings constructed prior to 1942 not listed on the Historical Building Study List and make a determination that the proposed changes meet the conditions to be issued a Certificate of Approval. Staff would be authorized to issue a Certificate of Approval. She also suggested that the definition of an alteration as stated in section B"" the removal of more than 25% of the surface of any exterior wall that is adjacent to a street or a public sidewalk"" and that this would also be applicable to pre-1942 structures not listed no the Historical Building Study List. This amendment would allow for additions at the back of structures where they would not be visible from the street. She expressed concern that if the new regulations are too strict, homeowners may not be inclined to pursue remodeling and upgrading their historic properties that, in turn, could hinder historic preservation efforts. She also provided comments on the submittal requirements for projects and the appeal process. In response to questions concerning the appeal process and findings, staff suggested that the findings for approval should be the same for any civic body taking an action on a historic preservation project. For example the City Council would need to make the same findings for a project as the Historical Advisory Board. Page 3 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-02-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-02-04,4,"Chair Owens asked for clarification on developing findings for economic hardship and consideration of a project through the California Environmental Quality Act process. Staff provided a clarification of the process. Board Member lrons supported Vice Chair Rauk's comments that non-listed, pre-1942 structures should be evaluated in a less stringent manner than those properties that are on a list of historic resources. Chair Owens clarified that ""replacement-in-kind would not fall under the classification of ""demolition"". Vice Chair Rauk stated that determinations for inclusion of structures built before 1942 on the Historical Building Study list, or other historic inventory, should be made by Planning staff. Board Member Lynch preferred that staff not make such determinations because with changes in staff there could be changes in the level of historic preservation expertise and knowledge. Vice Chair Rauk proposed that the Community Development Director, or other position in Community Development, be assigned to make the determination on whether a site should be added to the Historic Resources Inventory. Staff proposed such determination could also be done by a committee made up of staff and some members of the Historical Advisory Board. It also pointed out that a system for determining the historical status of a site needs to be formulated because there are inaccuracies and oversights on existing lists. Vice Chair Rauk emphasized the need to make the HAB and design review process as easy as possible for buildings that currently fall under the pre-1942 classification, but that do not exhibit significant architectural merit. Chair Owens proposed that historic evaluations of structures could be conducted by consultants and the Board would then be required to evaluate the validity or accuracy of the historical analysis by the consultant. Staff supported such a proposal but cautioned that the consultant should meet minimum qualifications. The Board concluded its discussion at this point and requested that this item be scheduled for its next meeting in March, which would allow the Board and members of the public an opportunity to review the draft ordinance and provide additional feedback or comments. 7-C Historic Preservation Season Proclamation Board Member Lynch presented the draft proclamation to be presented at a City Council Page 4 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-02-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-02-04,5,"meeting in March. Staff proposed that the proclamation include a section that would recognize the City's efforts to obtain the ""Preserve America"" designation by the federal government, which would allow the City to apply for historic preservation grants. Board Member Lynch motioned and Vice Chair Rauk seconded the motion to recommend forwarding the proclamation, as amended, to the City Council. Motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch announced this year's Alameda Museum Lecture Series and shared that the Alameda Museum has new exhibit items, which she encouraged the Board to visit. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff reported. 10. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting adjourned at 8:32 pm. Page 5 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-02-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-03-04,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:08 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, lrons, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of February 4, 2010 Board Member lrons motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Vice Chair Rauk, to approve the minutes as amended. Motion to approve minutes as amended passed. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Staff had received comments regarding item 7-A, that were submitted after the packet had been mailed. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Rutter, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) member, reviewed some of the items of the letter submitted by the AAPS on the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Mr. Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) member, went over the remaining items of the letter submitted by the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society on the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Ms. Hurd, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) member, submitted her written suggestions and presented comments on the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Ms. Gordon, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS) member, commented that she supported the written comments submitted by the Alameda Architectural Page 1 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-03-04,2,"Preservation Society on the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. lrons provided comments on the draft ordinance. He supported the concepts that exterior replacements mimic the visual appearance of details and elements, as opposed to matching the original elements exactly. Vice Chair Rauk supported this sentiment. The Board reviewed the submitted comments and discussed the intent and need to change sections of the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance pertaining to the relevant comments. Chair Owens closed the discussion of the draft Historic Preservation Ordinance and noted the subcommittee would take the comments and suggestions into consideration when it redrafted the ordinance. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Member Lynch requested an update on the status of Alameda Point, after the failure of the ballot measure. Chair Owens provided an update on his communications with the Navy liaison, Erica Spinelli, regarding historic properties at the former Alameda Naval Air station. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff distributed a flyer for an upcoming California Preservation Workshop in Monterey. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 9:12 pm Page 2 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-04-01,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:02 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman and Lynch Absent: Vice Chair Vice Chair Rauk and Board Member lrons 3. MINUTES: Meeting of March 4, 2010 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Staff stated that two letters in support of the agenda items for 547 Lincoln Avenue and 1102 Santa Clara Avenue were received after the packets had been sent out. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0057 - 1102 Santa Clara Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of two Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia). One tree is located next to the main building and has caused property damage; according to a Certified Arborist, it has outgrown its area and should be removed. Staff presented the project. Board Member Lynch and Hoffman asked for clarification on the process of submitting arborist's reports. Board Member Lynch requested that staff research how much money had been deposited in to the tree fund and the type and number of trees that had been planted. Board Member Lynch motioned, Hofman seconded, to approve the application based on the findings suggested by staff and subject to the conditions of approval recommended in the resolution for this project. Motion passes 3-0. Page 1 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-04-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-04-01,2,"7-B Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0044 - 547 Lincoln Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of one Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). The subject tree is located in the driveway and has caused property damage. According to a Certified Arborist, the tree shows signs of sudden oak death, has outgrown its area, and should be removed. Staff presented the project. Board Member Lynch asked if the diseased tree could be carefully removed from the site in a manner that would prevent contamination of other oaks in the area. Staff recommended that the Board add a condition of approval requiring that removal of the tree be done at the direction of a licensed arborist to prevent against the spread of the disease to other healthy oak trees in the area. Board Member Lynch motioned, Hofman seconded, to approve the application based on the findings suggested by staff and subject to the conditions contained in the resolution for this project with the addition of one more condition requiring the removal of the oak tree be done by at the direction of an arborist that will use best management practices to minimize transmittal of disease to other oak trees in the area. Motion passes 3-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch announced the Queen Victoria lunch event at her private residence and her success in securing a scholarship to study Victorian Architecture in London. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff announced that planners in the department had attended a Historic Preservation Design Review workshop in Monterey. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 7:32 pm Page 2 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-04-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-05-06,1,"Approved REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2010 1. CONVENE: 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Vice Chair Rauk (left early), Board Members Hoffman, lrons, and Lynch. Staff present: Mr. Biggs, Planning Services Manager 3. MINUTES: Meeting of March 4, 2010 Meeting of April 1, 2010 The Board requested that staff members be identified, as well as first names of public speakers be included in future meeting minutes. On a motion by lrons, seconded by Vice Chair Rauk, the Board voted 5-0 to approve the minutes as amended. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Nancy Hird, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society President, presented the Board with invitations Annual Alameda Architectural Preservation Society Preservation Awards, to be held on Thursday May 13, 2010. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop Mr. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society member, discussed the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society's comments submitted to the Board on February 13, 2010 and March 2, 2010 that address the latest Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance. Board Member Lynch asked whether the City Attorney had an opportunity to review the Draft Ordinance. Mr. Biggs responded that this had not occurred due to time constraints. HAB MEETING MINUTES Page 1 of 3 May 6, 2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-05-06,2,"Chair Owens asked whether other staff members had been able to review the Draft. Mr. Biggs responded that this had not occurred as most of the Planning staff were out during the last week due to vacations and need to be out of the office. Chair Owens outlined and explained the major changes in the current ordinance Draft. Vice Chair Rauk commended the current draft for its clarity and process flow. She suggested that a ""replacement-in-kind"" be excluded from the definition of major design review on page 4, as well as from the demolition definition on page 7. On page 23, she suggested that ""major alteration"" be deleted from the text. On page 25, she pointed out that the Certificate of Approval is not required for a pre-1942 structure, which is a requirement of the current ordinance. Board Member Lynch asked how the ordinance can be structured to amend the duties for the Building Official for instances when he or she would be called upon to evaluate the structural integrity of a building. Mr. Biggs explained that the draft ordinance should include any changes to the duties of a Building Official, even if the proposed changes would amend different sections of the Municipal Code. Board Member Lynch requested that the Building Official, Greg McFann, be presented with the Draft and that he possibly attend the next subcommittee meeting to discuss the proposed changes. Mr. Biggs stated he would facilitate that effort and that he would continue to place the Draft on the future agendas to keep the update moving forward. Chair Owens asked the Board whether the prohibition of developing a site after a historic resource had been illegally altered, destroyed, or moved should be limited to 5 or 10 years. Vice Chair Rauk and Board Member Hoffman stated that 5 years was a sufficient time span to prohibit additional development on a site. Board Member Lynch asked for clarification on the process of placing a deed restriction on a property. Mr. Biggs explained that staff drafts a deed restriction for the specific property and then the applicant would record this restriction with the County of Alameda Recorder's office. Board Member Hoffman suggested that the Draft ordinance be sent to the Board of Realtors in Alameda so that their comments could be addressed sooner than later. Board Member Lynch supported this idea. She also suggested that the Business Associations should be included. Mr. Biggs also suggested including the City of Alameda Customer Service Improvement HAB MEETING MINUTES Page 2 of 3 May 6, 2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-05-06,3,"Committee so that their review and comments could be provided and considered. Board Member Lynch asked that the City Attorney provide legal advice whether the Ordinance can include language that would allow the City to ban contractors from working in Alameda. Board Members Lynch and Hoffman suggested that the Ordinance include a section that would require penalties should work on the project for which enforcement action was taken was not progressing. Board Member Hoffman requested some history of those projects that are frequently referred to as a ""poster child"" for demolition gone too far. Board Member Lynch volunteered to brief him. Chair Owens asked how the subcommittee members can receive comments from other board members. Mr. Biggs requested that all comments be sent to him, so that he can forward them to the subcommittee members and maintain compliance with Brown Act. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch provided her fellow Board Members with a card that included a reprint of a mural located in the single officers meal facilities at the former Alameda Naval Air Station and the Christmas dinner menu from the 1940's 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff noted that an application for a Certificate of Approval to allow demolition of the large warehouse structures on the site commonly referred to as the ""Collins Property"", located at the corner of Oak Street and Clement Avenue, would be coming before the Board for consideration at some point in the future. 10. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Hoffman, seconded by Rauk, the Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 8:31. HAB MEETING MINUTES Page 3 of 3 May 6, 2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-06-03,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, June 3, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:15 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman, lrons, and Lynch, Jon Biggs, HAB Secretary, Simone Wolter, Recording Secretary Absent: Vice Chair Rauk 3. MINUTES: Board Member Lynch provided amendments to the Meeting Minutes of May 6, 2010. Board Member Irons motioned, seconded by Lynch to approve the minutes as amended 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Chris Buckley of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society submitted comments on the Draft Ordinance. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0140 - 1109 Chestnut Street - Jo Berning. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to alter the exterior of a Historic Monument by including one exterior door to a new restroom within the existing building. Ms. Simone Wolter, Planner, presented the project. Board Member Lynch asked how the applicant will match the existing door. The applicant responded that the door would be custom made, should a stock door not match exactly. Board Member lrons motioned, seconded by Hofmann to approve the project. 4-0 7-B Certificate of Approval - PLN09-0240 - 915 Centennial Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow the removal of five Coast Live Oaks (Quercus agrifolia) tree-clusters and one accessory structure. The subject trees are located in a confined space. According to a Certified Arborist the five tree-clusters are in primarily poor and deteriorated health. Ms. Wolter, presented the project. Page 1 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-06-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-06-03,2,"Board Member Lynch asked how the trees had come to be in such poor shape and whether replacement planting would be an option. Staff explained that the trees had grown without any maintenance and hadn't purposefully been planted in such close manner. Replanting on site would not be recommended as the remaining trees and the proposed building would provide for insufficient space. Chair Owens asked for clarification on the definitions. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Patterson, neighbor, provided comments on the issue of tree coverage on private and public property. He also pointed out that oftentimes city staff is insufficiently trained to manage and prune trees in the public realm. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Board Member Hoffman stated that he supports the tree and garage removal. Chair Owens asked why the applicant had only requested one tree removal instead of all the trees at one time. Staff explained that the applicant had developed his project plans over time and hadn't anticipated developing the site at the time of the first removal request. Board Member lrons asked where the replacement trees are being planted with the money that is being generated from all Certificate of Approvals for Demolition of oak trees. Staff proposed to return to the board with that information. Chair Owens supports the application and would like to see stronger language in the resolution to ensure protection of tree no. 3. Board Member Hoffman seconds this notion. Board Member Lynch proposed continuing the project to a future meeting to allow for a site visit and a meeting with the arborist. Board Member Hoffman recommended moving the project forward and amending the conditions of approval. Chair Owens recommended changes to the resolution to make retention of tree no. 3 mandatory and that the replacement fee be reduced to $1,000. Chair Owens motioned, seconded by Board Member Lynch to adopt the resolution as amended. Motion passes 4-0. Page 2 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-06-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-06-03,3,"7-C Consider Appointing a Subcommittee of the Historical Advisory Board Charged With Evaluating and Developing Recommendations Regarding the Mills Act, a Tax Incentive Program that Encourages Historic Preservation, and Return to the Board with Findings. Ms Elizabeth Greene, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, spoke in favor of the City adopting the Mills Act program. Chair Owens pointed out that the work program had listed the Mills Act program as a low priority on the HAB work program. He stated that Vice Chair Rauk would be willing to participate in the subcommittee. Mr. Biggs pointed out that the board could appoint Vice Chair Rauk to the subcommittee and appoint one other members to the subcommittee as members' schedules allow for additional work. Board Member Lynch motioned to establish a subcommittee on the Mills Act, seconded by Hoffman. Motion passes 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch provided Board Member Hoffman with information on the project on 500 Central. She also announced the walking tour with Dick Rutter. Ms. Lynch described her efforts to distribute the forthcoming draft ordinance to the West Alameda Business Association (WABA), Park Street Business Association (PSBA), Greater Alameda Business Association (GABA), as well as the Alameda Association of Realtors, and requesting feedback from business organizations in Alameda. Chair Owens elaborated on the current status of the draft ordinance. Chair Owens presented Board Member lrons with a proclamation thanking him for his 4 years of service with the City of Alameda Historical Advisory Board. Board Member lrons thanked the Board for his opportunity to work with the Board members and gracefully accepted the Proclamation. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 pm Page 3 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-06-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-08-05,1,"Approved MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:05 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman and Lynch; Jon Biggs, HAB Secretary; Laura Ajello, Planner I Absent: Vice Chair Rauk 3. MINUTES: Meeting of June 3, 2010 (pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0190 - 1218 Oak Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of one Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). According to a Certified Arborist Report, the 24"" diameter tree, located in a narrow side yard, is causing damage to the building and should be removed. Ms. Ajello presented the project. Mr. Bowen, certified arborist, wrote the report. The arborist stated that the tree is in poor condition and that it had been poorly pruned over time. He stated that the tree does not have any disease. Chair Owens asked whether any building permits would be required for any repairs on the structure. Staff responded that city staff would not be required to inspect the building after tree removal. Chair Owens suggested a condition be added to the tree removal permit that a licensed contractor, engineer, or architect inspect the foundation of the historic structure for any damage to the building after the tree has been removed. Such report from the engineer or architect would be forwarded to the HAB. Chair Owens motioned, seconded by Hoffman approving the resolution as amended. Motion passes 4-0. Page 1 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-08-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-08-05,2,"Board Member Lynch asked how much money was placed in the tree fund and where trees had been planted. Staff stated that one tree had been planted behind the new recreation building at Washington Park and that staff would be further researching the amount of funds available. Board Members Lynch and Hoffman requested that staff investigate and clarify whether tree funds can only be used for planting oaks in public spaces, or if they could be used for any trees. 7-B Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop Chair Owens noted that the he had received requests that the board continue to accept public comments. He asked whether the board would be required to make a motion on continuing the public comment period. Staff explained that no motion would be required. Staff announced that the subcommittee had continued working on the Draft Ordinance. He elaborated that the subcommittee had also made recommendations on another part of the municipal code that addresses what the Chief Building Official would be able to review and make decisions on the document. He explained that the final document that the HAB would recommend to the City Council for adoption, would include all sections that will be changed. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Ms. Lambden, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, discussed the letter that Mr. Buckley had previously sent to the board members. She stated that the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society would like to request more time to review the document, as it is a complex document. She requested that a redline version would be provided prior to the next workshop to make reviewing the document easier. She noted that some changes had not been incorporated into the latest iteration and asked if the board could state whether the decision not to include them was because they did not agree with them or because they had not had time to review the comments. Ms. Lambden (not on behalf of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society) cautioned that homeowners may be too frustrated with the process if requirements for permits on historic structures became too stringent. She noted that the City may see an increase in unpermitted work. A repercussion of increased permit requirements may lead to an increase in work load for the HAB. Ms. Lambden asked that a definition of structures be included in the ordinance. She pointed out that pruning of protected trees should be addressed in the ordinance. Page 2 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-08-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-08-05,3,"8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Biggs announced that he was taking a position with another city and that Ms. Wolter, Planner I, would be asked to take up the HAB Secretary duties and work with the subcommittees. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:14 pm Page 3 of 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-08-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-10-07,1,"REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman and Lynch; Erin Garcia, Recording Secretary; Laura Ajello, Planner; Simone Wolter, HAB Secretary 3. MINUTES: Meeting of June 3, 2010 Motion moved by Board Member Lynch and seconded by Vice Chair Rauk to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carries 4-0. Meeting of August 5, 2010 Motion moved by Vice Chair Rauk and seconded by Board Member Lynch to approve the minutes as amended. Motion carries 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Joseph Victor Lagana spoke about his lawsuit against the City and County of San Francisco Police and City of Alameda Police Departments. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0153 - 1716 Webster Street. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of the service building at 1716 Webster Street from the Historical Building Study List. The applicant proposes to completely demolish the existing 1,561 sq. ft. gasoline service station built in 1955 and build a 2,575 sq. ft. convenience store (no change to the gasoline pumps or canopy is proposed). Motion moved by Board Member Hoffman and seconded by Board Member Lynch to remove the building from the study list. Motion carries 4-0. 7-B 2011 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Schedule The Historical Advisory Board will consider and approve a Historical Advisory Board meeting schedule for 2011. Page 1 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-10-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-10-07,2,"Motion moved by Chair Owens and seconded by Vice Chair Rauk to adopt the meeting schedule for 2011. Motion carries 4-0. 7-C Naval Air Station Combined Specific Buildings Survey and Evaluation Report/ Cold War Era Historic Resources Survey and Evaluation Report Ms. Simone Wolter summarized the presentation by the Navy on September 28, 2010 and presented the process for providing comments on the Survey. Board Member Lynch stated that the omission of the waves building and control tower from the survey and historic district is disconcerting. And raised the concern that the china clipper monument was not eligible for inclusion, even though it was on the California Register of Historic Places. Chair Owens stated that the seaplane servicing buildings 11 and 12 were not included in the survey, however pointed out that these buildings could be included in the cultural landscape report in the future. No action was taken on this item. 7-D Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop No action was taken on this item. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Owens discussed the appointment of Vice Chair Rauk to the Mills Act subcommittee. This subcommittee will assess the feasibility of and establishment a Mills Act Program. A Mills Act Program would allow a local government to enter into contracts with owners of qualified historic properties in which the property owner agrees to restore, preserve, and maintain their property in exchange for property tax relief from the local government. Board Member Hoffman agreed to also participate in the subcommittee. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff stated that at this time there were no permits on file that would impact the historic Boniere Bakery sign on Park Street Staff also stated that the historic Carroll Sign had not been returned to the building at this time. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:15 p.m. Page 2 of 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-10-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-11-04,1,"Approved MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2010 1. CONVENE: 7:00 2. ROLL CALL: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of October 7, 2010. Adopted as amended. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society submitted a comment letter to the board, which was distributed at the meeting. The letter requests that the Board include specific buildings into the City's NAS Historic District. Board member Lynch requested that the item be placed on the agenda for the next meeting. Chair Owens asked whether staff would be able to conduct the required research on the buildings that are proposed to be added to the list. Staff will return to the board at the next hearing with this information. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0262 - Phillip Banta - 2229 Clement. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of three existing pre-1942 industrial buildings. Mr. Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, presented the project. Chair Owens asked whether any of the building material was salvageable. Mr. Thomas explained that some old growth timber is likely salvageable, and that the City has a Construction and Demolition Ordinance that mandates recycling for each site. Board Member Lynch suggested that the original DOW tower be rebuilt as part of the public art or for memorializing the history of the property. She requested that the Board be involved in the review, not approval, of the historic or art work that would memorialize the history of the site. Mr. Thomas explained that the proposed developer will have to develop the public art or Historical Advisory Board Page 1 of 3 Meeting Minutes 11/4/2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-11-04,2,"historic recognition program and that the proposals would return to the HAB for review and input. Board member Lynch also suggested that the historic document researcher review the historic commercial pictures archives of the Alameda Museum. Vice Chair Rauk asked whether there were any significant docks and waterfront structures at this site. She would like to see public access on this site that would be reminiscent of the previous uses, such as docks. Mr. Thomas answered that the existing docks are results of more recent activities and were not evaluated as historic in the historic resources survey conducted for the Boatworks EIR. He then explained that the proposed park is not designed at this time, but that public access to the water would be accounted for. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Kevin Frederick, Alameda resident, stated that the photographic documentation of the buildings is very important. He also stated that salvaging the old growth timber should be of paramount importance and he would like to have access to the information where the salvaged materials will be taken to. He agreed to provide two historic pictures he has on the buildings from the 1930s/1940s. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, and Board member Lynch discussed the period in which the Certificate of Approval for Demolition would remain valid. They agreed on allowing the Certificate of Approval to be valid for one year to expedite the demolition of the hazardous buildings, while allowing the property owner to document the buildings' history pursuant to the Mitigation Measures of the EIR for the proposed Boatworks Project as stated in MM E- 1 and according to the Historic American Building Survey (HABS) Level Il documentation standards. Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, and Board member Lynch discussed and agreed to incorporate the EIR Mitigation measures into the resolution to ensure that documentation of the historic structures be conducted prior to the actual demolition of the buildings. Motion to approve the resolution as amended made by Vice Chair Rauk, seconded by Board Member Lynch. Motion passes 3-0. 7-B Naval Air Station Combined Specific Buildings Survey and Evaluation Report/ Cold War Era Historic Resources Survey and Evaluation Report Staff summarized the meeting held by the Navy on October 2nd Historical Advisory Board Page 2 of 3 Meeting Minutes 11/4/2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2010-11-04,3,"Chair Owens asked for clarification on how the board's comments could be incorporated into the form sheet as requested by the navy. Staff suggested that board members could provide comments at the meeting or send them via email to staff that would incorporate them. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Ms. Elizabeth Greene, representative for Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, explained the nature of the comment letter submitted prior to the meeting. The Alameda Architectural Preservation Society requested that the Flight Control Tower, WAVES building, Seaplane Hangars 11 and 12, a Quonset hut, and three salute guns be listed on the City's NAS historic district to protect those resources during future redevelopment activities. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Board Member Lynch requested that the board consider this request at the next available meeting and that the Transcontinental Railroad and Pan Am Clipper commemorative plaques and the time capsule be added to the historic sign inventory. She would also like to see the jets on the sticks be included on the street light standard list. Chair Owens asked whether there was a Quonset hut within the existing boundaries and how long the salute guns have been there. He also stated that the WAVES building should not be relocated, as it would lose a lot of its integrity. Ms. Greene stated that she would check on that info. Motion was made by Chair Owens to submit comments to staff by Friday 12, 2010, seconded by Board Member Lynch. Motion passes 3-0. 7-C Historic Preservation Ordinance Workshop Staff provided an update on the progress of the ordinance. The draft ordinance is currently under review by the City Attorney's office. No comments have been received from the business associations. No action taken. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff explained the community involvement process and Brown Act requirements for the Alameda Point Going Forward Community Forums. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:50 pm. Historical Advisory Board Page 3 of 3 Meeting Minutes 11/4/2010",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2010-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-01-06,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 2011 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch; Staff present: Simone Wolter, HAB Secretary; Erin Garcia, Recording Secretary 3. MINUTES: Meeting of November 4, 2010. Approved as amended 4-0-1. Board member Jasper abstained. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Chair Owens requested that staff communications items 9-A and 9-B be moved to the regular agenda items to allow for public comments. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN10-0336 - 535 and 535 1/2 Pacific Avenue. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to remove approximately 274 square feet on the back of the pre-1942 building located on the front of the lot, as well as remove the residential building in the rear of the lot for a replacement in kind. Ms. Simone Wolter presented the project. Chair Owens asked for the Sanborn Map records available to staff. Staff explained that Sanborn maps are available that were last updated in 1918, 1948, and 1987. Board member Hoffman pointed out that the blanket pre-1942 threshold is problematic and he would like to see it revisited. In this case, for instance, this building should have not have had to gone through the HAB, given its state. He stated that he is concerned about the multiple steps a property owner has to go through for properties in this state and of this nature, which severely hampers redevelopment. He asked for a copy of the Historic Study List. Chair Owens, Jasper and Rauk also requested a copy. Board member Hoffman motioned to approve the Certificate of Approval for Demolition, seconded by board member Lynch. Motion passes 5-0. 7-B Election of Chairperson. Rauk motioned that Chair Owens remain chair of the Historical Advisory Board. Chair Owens accepted. Lynch seconded the motion. Motion passes 5-0. 7-C Election of Vice Chairperson Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 HAB Meeting 1/6/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-01-06,2,"Hoffman motioned that Vice Chair Rauk remain vice chair of the Historical Advisory Board. Chair Owens seconded the motion. Motion passes 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board Member Lynch asked that the HAB recommend a historic preservation season proclamation to City Council for the March historic preservation season. Board member Lynch stated that she would provide the draft proclamation. Chair Owens requested that the HAB discuss the American Institute of Architects, endangered buildings list designation at the next HAB meeting. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 9-A Ordinance Update Ms. Simone Wolter, stated that the once comments are received from the City Attorney's office, staff would meet with the subcommittee first and then schedule it before the HAB. Chair Owens asked when the subcommittee would meet with the realtor's association representatives and asked staff to coordinate this meeting at the earliest opportunity. 9-B Addition of buildings to Historic District Staff presented an overview of the three options on how to proceed in adding structures and facilities to the City of Alameda NAS Historic District. She addressed staffing concerns, financial resources, and the process to add them to the City's Monument list, Historic Study List, or the alternative to not make any decision. Board member Lynch favors Option B, which would list the resources on the Historic Study List, but not as a Monument on the City's Monument list. Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, and Hoffman favored Option B as well. Board member Lynch volunteered to do research and develop preliminary language to document the nomination to the Historic Study List. The Board agreed that this item would be returned to the HAB at the next possible meeting. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Chris Buckley, Alameda resident, spoke in favor of listing the flight control tower as a historic resource on the Study List. Chair Owens closed the public comment period and directed staff to bring this item to the next HAB meeting, if possible. 10. ADJOURNMENT 7:38 p.m. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 HAB Meeting 1/6/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-01-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-02-03,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2011 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of January 4, 2010 Jasper proposed, Lynch seconded the motion to approve the minutes as amended (5-0). 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Preserve America Nomination as presented to Mayor Gilmore. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A ""Community Planning Strategy for Alameda Point"" The Historic Advisory Board will hold a public hearing to discuss Reuse of Historic Structures at Alameda Point (AT). Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch presented the workbook and the general timeline of the Community Planning Strategy effort. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Gary McAfee, Alameda resident, is in favor or reusing the historic structures utilizing strategic economic adaptation and generating an income with similar uses as originally intended on a temporary 5-10 year basis, until a viable residential component can be accommodated with a second tunnel to alleviate traffic. Vice Chair Rauk asked if he had ideas for longer term leases. Mr. Gary McAfee suggested a shore museum with an emphasis on small boat motors. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Approved Historic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 3/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-02-03,2,"Board member Lynch asked who is funding the planning effort. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the City was funding this planning effort. Board member Lynch asked how an increase in housing units would fund the development, when it would be cheaper to construct retail or commercial uses, instead of residential units. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that in general the residential uses generate more long-term income than commercial uses. She concurred that the cost to maintain residential units is in fact more expensive than commercial units, however, residential uses could in turn provide funding to upgrade the aging infrastructure. Chair Owens questioned the implicit advantage of constructing residential uses over other types of uses to fund the development. He stated that the economy goes through cycles and that in the future non-residential uses may be more favorable than housing units. Board member Hoffman asked where the Veterans Affair's Hospital would be located and where the potential Lawrence Berkeley Labs (LBL) could be located. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch provided a brief overview of the locations for the Maritime Administration fleet (MARAD), Water Emergency Transportation Administration (WETA) and LBL could be located. She also explained that the City is currently reviewing its lease arrangements with the tenants at the base and that the City is considering to expand the lease terms to more than 10 years to encourage building rehabilitation by tenants. Board member Lynch asked who would be making decisions on this project and how the different factors would be weighed in the end. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that no decisions have been made and that this planning effort is at its basis a summary of lessons learned. However, this planning effort is also constructed to glean the community's preferences and priorities so that these preferences can be weighed when the City Council makes decisions. Board member Jasper commented that many buildings could be reused and that careful consideration should be given to the economic viability and traffic impacts. He urged that the City Council and the community be on the same page and develop an attractive project. He asked that the theatre, O-Club and other important buildings be maintained and put to highest and best use. Chair Owens asked if staff is preparing a new land use plan for the future development. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that staff was indeed developing a land use plan, that would then set the parameter for future development. Chair Owens asked what the infrastructure costs are that are needed to update the historic district. Approved Historic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 3/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-02-03,3,"Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that she would request that the Public Works provide that information for the next meeting. She stated it is her understanding that much of the sanitary sewer, water, and electrical infrastructure is failing and requires significant upgrades. Chair Owens asked which portions of the districts would benefit from the upgrades, would it only be the residential portions. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that the utilities would be sized to accommodate the appropriate development densities. Board member Jasper asked whether a hazardous material assessment phase I had been completed for the Point and if a copy was available. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the Navy has prepared such a document and that she would try to provide this document at the next meeting. Board member Hoffman stated that he considers the Officer's Housing historic and would like to see them reused or even moved to a more useful location. The Chief Petty Officer's housing could be removed to allow for other redevelopment. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stressed that the planning effort is ongoing and collaborative and that the HAB is specifically being asked to provide comments in this planning project. Vice Chair Rauk stated that she would like to better understand the state of disrepair of the buildings and the cost of rehabilitation, because it would better inform the decision on what needs to be kept and maintained. Board member Lynch asked about the timeline to provide feedback and when other information (cost estimates for rehab, state of infrastructure and buildings, contamination constraints) could be provided to better inform the HAB recommendations on the planning process. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch said that the information required would be provided at a future meeting and that there would be several opportunities to provide the HAB feedback. She asked whether the board would like a tour of Alameda Point. The board members supported this suggestion and recommended a weekend date for the tour. Chair Owens asked if there were any favorable or unfavorable comments on the previous planning studies. He did not favor the extensive demolition of historic structures in all planning studies. The board supported extending leases to allow long-term maintenance by existing tenants. They also supported allowing the sale of the buildings to generate income that could be used for maintenance on other buildings. Board member Hoffman would like to see a mix of uses throughout the area as long as its comes together as a cohesive neighborhood. Approved Historic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 3/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-02-03,4,"7-B Proclamation of Historic Preservation Season Review and recommend Historic Preservation Season Proclamation to City Council (SW). Board member Lynch amended the proclamation and announced that the season of historic events would be sent at a later time. Chair Owens proposed, seconded by Vice Chair Rauk to approve and recommend the proclamation as amended to City Council. Motion passes 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: 8-A Endangered Historic Places List - American Institute of Architects - East Bay Chapter Nomination. Informational discussion only. No Action will be taken on this item (DO). Chair Owens explained the program. He stated that the application request would be sent by early March 2011. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that staff was working on training opportunities for the Board members, but that there likely was no budget to send commissioners to training opportunities. Vice Chair Rauk requested that staff seek out Mills Act training opportunities that would outline the administrative steps that would be required to implement Mills Act. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the subcommittee is working on the ordinance. Board member Lynch explained the process for reviewing the potential NAS buildings and appurtenances to the Historic Study List, which would be discussed at the next HAB meeting. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:30 p.m. Approved Historic Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 3/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-03-03,1,"Approved Meeting Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of February 3, 2011 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Kevin Frederick, Alameda resident, raised his disapproval regarding the sudden demolition of 2526 Buena Vista Avenue. He stated that there was no deconstruction, but that all building materials had been pulverized on site causing significant dust in the environment. Ms. Elizabeth Greene, Alameda resident, spoke about the condition of approval requiring deconstruction and suggested that in the future there be standard language in the Historic Preservation Ordinance to ensure deconstruction and/or preservation of building resources. Chair Owens and board member Lynch asked her to clarify or recommend enforceable language. Board member Rauk suggested having applicants return to the board to demonstrate the ""maximum effort feasible' undertaken to preserve a structure, before a demolition permit is issued. Ms. Alexandra Mummery, Alameda resident/neighbor, also spoke about the demolition and stated her dismay about the manner in which the structure was taken down. She presented a picture taken of the demolition in action. Board member Lynch requested that the speaker email her the picture. Ms. Nanette Burdick, neighbor, voiced her shock about the manner in which the building was demolished and that nobody was allowed to go inside the building to dismantle items that could be easily taken off, because the property owner stated that the building was deemed toxic. Given that it was deemed toxic, she was then further surprised that no containment was in place to address the dust during the demolition. She also stated that a video about this demolition has been posted on YouTube. HAB APPROVED Meeting Minutes 1 of 3 March 3, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-03-03,2,"Chair Owens asked if the Board wanted to discuss the issue. Board member Lynch stated her dismay at the manner and expediency in which the building was taken down and that none of the board members were informed of the pending demolition. Chair Owens suggested that more thought and effort be put into the future ordinance to avoid this kind of demolition. Board member Jasper commented that the demolition was a tragic event, but he cautioned that a property owner had the right to pursue demolition if the structure cannot be salvaged. He agreed that deconstruction should have taken place opposed to demolition. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS One letter was submitted to the board. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A PLN11-0014 - Certificate of Approval for Demolition - Joanna Bianchi 1612 Clinton Avenue The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a pre-1942 single-family dwelling. The project is located within an R-1, One Family Residence District. Ms. Laura Ajello presented the project. Chair Owens asked Joanna Bianchi, project architect, to come to the podium and then asked for clarification on the size of the proposed replacement windows. Ms. Bianchi clarified that the windows will be replicated exactly and that the difference in apperance is a matter of printing. Board members Lynch and Rauk supported the project. Board member Lynch made a motion, seconded by board member Rauk to approve the project. Motion approved 5-0. 7-B Discussion of Addition of Structures to the City of Alameda Historical Building Study List. The Historic Advisory Board will discuss the merits of individual buildings and structures that could be added to City's Historic Study List. Informational discussion only. No action will be taken on this item. Ms Simone Wolter provided an overview of the historic resource inventories conducted in the past and the Section 106 consultation process currently underway. Then she showcased the additions and appurtenances as proposed in the list developed by board members Lynch and Chair Owens. HAB APPROVED Meeting Minutes 2 of 3 March 3, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-03-03,3,"Chair Owens asked that board member Lynch explain which buildings are currently considered as contributors to the District as stated in the 2010 Navy district and which elements proposed to be added to the study list are not within the district. Board member Lynch provided that information. Board members Hoffman and Lynch are in agreement that some structures may have to be relocated to save them. However, the anchors and statues need to be retained. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Ms. Elizabeth Greene, praised the HAB for potentially adding these structures to the Historic Study List. She also provided the installment date for the flagpole (1941). Chair Owens closed the public comment period. A date was set to tour Alameda Point to view the proposed structures. Staff would send out more details at a later date. 7-C Endangered Historic Places List - American Institute of Architects - East Bay Chapter Nomination. Informational discussion only. No Action will be taken on this item. Chair Owens explained the context and purpose of this list and encouraged the board to make submissions for endangered structures. Board member Jasper asked if there would be any action, i.e. fixing up structures, that would be expected to follow this nomination. Chair Owens stated that no immediate action would result of the nomination, but perhaps the education about the status of structures may lead to action to preserve the structures. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch announced that she received the Historical Preservation Season proclamation at the City Council meeting and presented the schedule of events. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that she would develop a condition of approval to address the demolition and prevent such demolition runs in the future. The board supported developing stricter recycling and deconstruction measures. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:17 pm HAB APPROVED Meeting Minutes 3 of 3 March 3, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-04-07,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, APRIL 7, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:08 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: Vice Chair Rauk, 3. MINUTES: Meeting of February 3, 2011 Board Member Lynch asked whether Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch could provide the information requested at the February 3rd meeting regarding the demolition of the historic resource on Buena Vista Avenue and the EPA Phase I Environmental Assessment for Alameda Point. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the infrastructure replacement cost estimates would be forthcoming, as would the Environmental Impact Assessment for the environmental contamination at the site. She also stated that staff is developing a standard condition of approval that would state which steps would be required to allow for deconstruction and demolition sourcing. Board member Hoffman moved to approve the motion, board member Lynch seconded to approve the meeting minutes (4-0). Meeting of March 3, 2011 (Pending) Meeting of March 29, 2011 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Debriefing on Alameda Point Site Tour from Saturday 3/26/2011. The board will not take any action on this item. It is intended as a discussion item only. Chair Owens appreciated that the group had access to so many buildings. The Board felt that the BEQ and administrative core should be reused if possible. APPROVED MEETING MINUTES 1 of 4 HAB MEETING 4/7/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-04-07,2,"Chair Owens stated that he was concerned about the condition of the WAVES building and asked if any funding was available to redo the roof. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch Planning Services Manger, stated that she was unsure what funding was available for repairing the structure. She also cautioned that before a roof is redone, a careful review should occur that determines if other work is required. Board member Jasper offered to inspect the campus buildings and the WAVES building to determine construction needs. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch cautioned that many of the structures are not accessible to the public for inspection, but thanked him for his generous offer. Board member Lynch was pleased to know that the proposed Lawrence Berkeley Labs campus location would not likely require much demolition of existing structures. Board member Lynch asked whether the board would vote on the addition of the structures and appurtenances at the next meeting. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that at the next meeting, pending notification of the Navy as the property owner, the board could vote on the additions to the Study List. However, she cautioned the board to only add structures and appurtenances to the Study List that have not already received a determination of ineligibility by professional architectural historians. Chair Owens stated that the historians' review was geared toward a National Register level of recognition, but did not consider what is locally important or significant. Therefore the board is considering these additions for local significance. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch suggested that if the structures and appurtenance are going to be added for local significance, then the board should include the criterion for local significance in the their findings to support the additions to the Study List. She recommended that the Board, as a Certified Local Government (CLG), frame the additions in such a manner that is legally defensible and cannot be considered arbitrary and capricious. She also suggested that the board could consider making a separate list including all items that should receive special considerations for redevelopment at the Point, but that the list not be included in the Study List, because two historic evaluations have already deemed the items proposed for listing as non-historic. Board member Lynch asked whether strengthening the preface of the staff report would help the argument that they are locally historic. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch urged the board to be strategic in their efforts, to consider long-term involvement in the planning process and to carefully develop findings that can withstand scrutiny. Board member Jasper asked who will be the body to make final decisions for the Alameda Point redevelopment process. APPROVED MEETING MINUTES 2 of 4 HAB MEETING 4/7/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-04-07,3,"Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the planning process involves the community as a whole, which informs the future plan. The plan would be put forward to the boards and commissions. The HAB provides review of the historic structures, while the City Council has final decision making power. The City Council could possibly overturn any prior decisions. Board member Jasper endorsed that the community needs complete involvement in the visioning process. 7-B Accept Summary Report on Community Input for the Planning Process for Alameda Point. The board will not take action on this item. This is an informational item only. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch presented a summary of the Community Input Report for the areas of Land Use, Historic Preservation, Building Design, Transportation, Parks and Open Space and Community Benefits and tradeoffs. Chair Owens asked if staff was pleased with the planning forums. He also asked for the involvement of the consultants Community Design Consultants in the process. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the forums were a solid success, as the community was interested and turned out for this event. It also provided good information on the general preferences that the community has. CDC was primarily tasked with developing graphics, but the bulk of the text came from planning staff. Board member Hoffman commented on the importance of addressing the traffic impacts on the island, but in particular at the Webster Tubes. He also provided an example on how to allow internal campus traffic circulation through a collective of accessible bikes that anyone can use within a specific location. Board member Jasper suggested that the board work in tandem with the community to develop a good plan for Alameda Point. He is of the opinion that the first a vision must be developed and then the money would simply follow. Board member Hoffman suggested that perhaps a historic park could be developed that showcases all the historic or non-historic, but important, Naval Air Station elements the HAB deems important. Board member Lynch supports the idea of a Historic NAS walk showcasing all items to be listed on the Study List and explained how she came to appreciate the architecture at the base. APPROVED MEETING MINUTES 3 of 4 HAB MEETING 4/7/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-04-07,4,"Chair Owens stated that historic preservation is primarly supported by reuse and that the Board has to remain open-minded about the potential uses that would fill those buildings. He would recommend being more restrictive for the uses in new infill buildings within the Historic District so that the proposed uses fit into the nature of the district. He also suggested that at least 2/3rds of the buildings be retained within the Historic District to maintain the district feel. He explained that he really did not favor the SunCal plan for its significant demolition of historic buildings in the district. He commented on how the participants ranked the importance of retaining the sub-districts. Board member Lynch added that the setting, such as the parade grounds, open axis, and campus feel are integral to the Historic District, and therefore should not be filled in with the buildings. Board member Jasper suggested visiting Hamilton Airforce Base to review the development process of that base. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that a tour could be organized, if the board is interested in a field trip. 7-C Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0068 - Wes Hildebrand - 1222 Park Street. The applicant requests approval to alter three historically designated signs by replacing the lettering, replace the entrance doors, and add vertical neon tubes to existing stacked pediment over the front door. The property is not located within the Historic Park Street Commercial District, but is listed as a ""S"" resource in the Historic Study List. The applicant requested a continuance of this item to the HAB hearing on May 5, 2011. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch distributed invitations to the Queen Victoria event. She also asked that the HAB become a supporting member of the State Historic Preservation Conference that is centered in Oakland in 2012. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch announced that she is meeting with the Alameda Architectural Preservation Association the following week. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:40pm APPROVED MEETING MINUTES 4 of 4 HAB MEETING 4/7/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-04-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-05-05,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, May 5, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:04 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Jasper, and Lynch; Absent: Board Members Hoffman 3. MINUTES: Meeting of March 3, 2011 (Pending) Meeting of March 26, 2011 (Pending) Meeting of April 7, 2011 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, announced that the AAPS would like to initiate a plaque program for historic structures. He asked that the HAB designate a representative from the HAB to join the project meeting sessions. The plaque program would develop plaques for landmarks or monuments, N or S rated historic resources on the Study List, and historic districts. He requested that the designation of a representative be placed on an upcoming agenda. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0068 - Wes Hildebrand - 1222 Park Street. The applicant requests approval to alter historically designated signs and perform exterior changes to the building façade. The property is not located within the Historic Park Street Commercial District, but is listed as a 'S' resource in the Historic Study List. Ms. Simone Wolter outlined the two options proposed to replace the historic sign at the site. Board member Lynch asked for clarification on the reuse of existing letters. Ms. Wolter explained that the property owner still has some of the original letters, some of which would be reused. HAB Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 5/5/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-05-05,2,"Chair Owens asked for clarification for the font style and metal band. He also asked how the permit would be processed, and whether the planning division would review the shop drawings. Ms. Wolter explained that the intent is to match the font, but the plan set is not accurately depicting the original font. Prior to installation, a building permit would be required, which requires staff review. Vice-Chair Rauk prefers Option 2 and asked for clarification on the thickness of the channel letters. Chair Owens also prefers Option 2 with a matching font. He supports the neon lighting. Board member Lynch asked whether the decals could be omitted from the proposal. Board member Lynch proposed to amend the conditions of approval #7 for Option 2 to include direct reference to the font style. Vice-Chair Rauk motioned to approve Option 2 with amended condition #7 to include the sentence ""staff shall review detail drawings"", seconded by board member Jasper. Motion passes 4-0. 7-B Discussion of Potential Additions of Structures and Appurtenances to the City of Alameda Historic Study List. Discussion item only. No decision will be made at this time. Staff explained that the board had not had a proper opportunity to discuss all potential study list additions and had not had a discussion to determine the appropriateness of adding the individual appurtenances and structures to the Study list. Staff recommended a) inclusion of Building 78 (WAVES) to the Study List, b) to await final determination by the Navy on eligibility for buildings 11, 12, and 19 into the National Register determination, c) not include those structures in the Study List that have obtained eligibility for inclusion in the National Register nomination, and d) add the remaining structures and appurtenances to a separate list, not the Study List, because they are not intrinsically historic. Board member Lynch noted errors in the report pertaining the ARMCO hut and anchors. Chair Owens and board member Lynch were disappointed that the board would discuss this agenda item instead of voting on the agenda item. Chair Owens requested that a formal notice be provided to the Navy so that a vote could occur at the next meeting. HAB Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 5/5/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-05-05,3,"Staff agreed to place the vote on the next meeting. Board member Jasper recommended adding all the items to the list regardless of the Navy's notification. Board member Lynch asked how the Study List additions would be added to the City of Alameda NAS Historic District. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch Planning Services Manager, explained that the local district nomination would be amended as laid out in the preservation ordinance with an assessment report and resolution from the HAB recommending adoption of new items to the existing district to City Council. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Dick Rutter, Navy historian by default, corrected factual inaccuracies in the staff report and provided a copy of said corrections to staff. He strongly supported the retention of the flight control tower. Mr. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, reiterated his comments made on the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society letter submitted in November 2010. He also pointed out that the Navy consultants used national criteria, not the local criteria, which are looser than the national criteria. As such, the HAB is not bound by the Navy consultants' findings, but could independently evaluate the resources for their inclusion in the Study List, based on local criteria. He then provided comments on the staff report. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Chair Owens asked for clarification on the process for developing a separate list as suggested by staff. He supported the full inclusion of all proposed study list items. He seconded comments made on the importance of retaining the flight tower as made by the public. Board member Lynch is concerned about retaining the statues should the structure (BEQ) be demolished. She would like to see all structures and appurtenances on the Study List and a vote made at the next hearing. The board then discussed and agreed upon the ratings as proposed in the document showcasing the individual structures and appurtenances. They suggested an adaptive reuse for the WAVES building. HAB Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 5/5/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-05-05,4,"8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch announced the upcoming lectures sponsored by the Alameda Museum and the next North of Lincoln walking tour. She also announced the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society Annual Preservation Awards. Chair Owens spoke about the California Preservation Annual Conference in Oakland next year. He suggested that the HAB participate in the event. He asked for concurrence. The board agreed to participate and Chair Owens would complete the required forms to participate. Board member Lynch asked if the HAB would be required to move to a reduced meeting schedule given that the new City Manager would be initiating changes to boards and commissions. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that the HAB is listed in the City Charter. Any changes to the meeting schedule would require an amendment to the City Charter. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that the Planning and Building divisions are cooperating to update and tighten the procedures and processes that govern permit review to better protect historic resources from un-permitted and undesirable design changes in the building permit phase. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:45 pm HAB Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 5/5/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-06-02,1,"Approved Meeting Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, June 2, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:04 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of March 3, 2011. Moved by board member Lynch, seconded by Vice-Chair Rauk. Approved as amended (5-0). Special Meeting of March 26, 2011 Moved by Chair Owens, seconded by board member Hofman. Approved (5-0). Meeting of April 7, 2011 Moved by board member Hofman, seconded by Vice-Chair Rauk. Approved as amended (5-0). Meeting of May 5, 2011 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0140 - Matt Lovering - 1350 & 1352 Broadway The applicant requests approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a pre-1942 single-family dwelling. Ms. Simone Wolter, staff, presented the project. Chair Owens asked why the board would not review the design of the structure. He commented that in the past the board reviewed them. Staff explained that design reviews fall under the purview of the planning staff, and not the Historical Advisory Board. However, she presented the existing and proposed elevations. Chair Owens asked for clarification on the type and style of the window and siding and whether the design would match the historic structure. APPROVED HAB Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 6/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-06-02,2,"Board member Lynch asked if changes would occur on the front of the building. Staff confirmed that changes would only occur in the rear of the structure. Chair Owens moved, seconded by board member Hoffman, to approve the project as amended. Approved (5-0). 7-B Accept Historic Resource Evaluation and Structure Report for Historic Fire Station at City Hall. The Board is asked to accept the report evaluating reuse feasibility of the historic fire station located behind City Hall at 2263 Santa Clara Avenue. Mr. Michael Garavaglia, Principal, introduced the project. Ms. Becky Urbano, Garavaglia Architecture Inc. Preservation Services Manager presented the current conditions of the structure and re-use findings as contained in the draft core historic structure report. The board thanked Ms Urbano for the presentation. Chair Owens asked who is responsible for the building maintenance. Staff explained that Public Works is responsible for the maintenance of the structure and that given the financial situation of the General Fund, maintenance would likely have to be deferred to a future date unknown. Ms. Urbano explained that adding rain gutters, downspouts and unclogging the existing downspouts would alleviate constant dampness in the building. Chair Owens asked for clarification of the copper roof and whether there were leaks. Ms. Urbano explained that active ponding is the most serious maintenance issue although the roof itself appears to not have any leaks at this time. Mr. Garavaglia pointed out that leasing the property may allow for funds to pay for rehabilitation and maintenance. Board member Lynch asked whether it was on the Study List and whether the garage could obtain a street address. She also asked for clarification on the material of the cornice. Staff explained that it currently was not on the list and explained that the garage is located within the City Hall parcel and would return with information on the street address for the garage. Ms. Urbano explained the manufacturing process of zinc cornices. Board member Jasper commented on the evaluation and thanked Ms. Urbano for the presentation. Vice-Chair Rauk stated that the board should recommend to City Council to include a line item in next year's budget to allow for maintenance on the structure. The board members supported that idea. APPROVED HAB Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 6/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-06-02,3,"Chair Owens asked what would have to occur should repointing of the brick be necessary. Ms. Urbano recommended conducting a mortar sample which may cost $800 to $1500, which could then assess the appropriate mortar mix. Chair Owens commented on the Historic Preservation Element and stated that the native Indians were Ohlone, not Coastal Miwoks. He requested that this be corrected when the Element is updated. He also asked for guidance on how to transmit the board's concerns about the deferred maintenance to the Public Works Department and City Council. Staff suggested adding this discussion to the next agenda, passing a resolution regarding this topic, which can then be forwarded to the City Council for consideration. The board agreed to this suggestion. No action was taken on this item, except to accept the report. 7-C Vote to add Structures and Appurtenances at NAS to the City of Alameda Historic Study List. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Mr. Dick Rutter described the rehabilitation efforts for the A-4 plane. He supported the additions of all items to the Study List. Chair Owens asked who owns the jet planes. Mr. Rutter explained that the planes and anchors belong to the Navy but are in City custody. Chair Owens closed the public comment period. Board member Hoffman asked whether property, such as the anchors and planes, instead of buildings could be placed on the Study List, whether that was legally feasible. The board members thought that it was. The board discussed the resolution and split voting on the items to separately discuss the inclusion of the ARMCO huts on the Study List. Chair Owens suggested amending the resolution to separately identify the National Register Historic District opposed to the Local Historic District. Board member Lynch moved to add buildings 194 and 273 to the Historic Study List, seconded by Jasper to approve the resolution as amended. Motion passes (3-2). Board member Vice-Chair Rauk moved to add the remaining appurtenances and buildings to the Historic Study List, seconded by Jasper to approve the resolution as amended. Motion passes (5-0). Staff promised to provide a revised and updated study list at the August hearing. APPROVED HAB Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 6/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-06-02,4,"7-D Discussion on Participation in 2012 California Preservation Conference. This item entails a discussion on the potential involvement of the HAB with the Preservation Conference that will be hosted in Oakland in spring 2012. Chair Owens announced when the next meeting of the California Preservation Conference subcommittee meeting would occur. Board member Jasper volunteered to attend the meeting. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch volunteered to attend the Alameda Architectural Preservation Plaque Action Committee meetings. Board member Lynch announced the next Lecture Series by the Alameda Museum on A.W. Padiani on June 30th, 2011. Chair Owens summarized the Endangered Buildings nomination event in Oakland. Display boards showing the nominated buildings are shown at the AIA offices in Oakland. Chair Owens asked for clarification on the ordinance language that outlines that fees and penalties should be dispersed into a Historic Preservation funds available. Chair Owens stated that the Historic Preservation Ordinance subcommittee would meet soon to discuss the proposed draft ordinance that had been developed by staff. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:37 p.m. APPROVED HAB Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 6/2/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-06-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-07-07,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, July 7, 2011 1. CONVENE: 7:00 pm 2. ROLL CALL: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman and Lynch - Absent: Board Member Jasper 3. MINUTES: Meeting of May 5, 2011 (postponed for a full quorum) Meeting of June 2, 2011 Motion made by board member Hoffman, seconded by Rauk to approve the minutes. (4-0- 1) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Linda Hanson, Alameda Photographer, presented her photographs of historic signage in Alameda. Board member Lynch asked if she would consider donating a photograph to the reference section or the Main Library, which Ms. Hanson agreed to do. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 6-A Streetnaming Request by Gary Randall The board discussed the merits of the request letter. The board recommended that the applicant return with more supporting documentation, such as letters of support from the Elks Lodge #1015, Alameda Municipal Credit Union, or Public Utility Board of the Alameda Bureau of Electricity to elaborate on Mr. or Mrs. Randall's efforts to further the development of Alameda. They also requested that the naming request return to the board no earlier than next year, to ensure compliance with criteria #3 that the person be deceased for more than three years. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0098 - 2501 Monarch Street (Building 22) - The Lyle Company. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval and Design Review to alter a Historic Monument. Ms Simone Wolter, Planner, presented the project. HAB MEETING MINUTES PAGE 1 OF 3 JULY 7, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-07-07,2,"Board member Rauk asked whether the expansion of the storage area, a temporary structure, requires a design review. Staff stated that the expansion of the temporary structure requires Design Review pursuant to Design Review regulations. Generally, if a building permit is required, then a Design Review is also required, unless it can be exempted. Mr. Jonathan Fong, the applicant, elaborated on the project. Board member Rauk stated that she supports the project, as the lease areas of the building create income that can then be used for building maintenance. Chair Owens asked whether the wireless facility would have a generator attached to the location in the case of an earthquake or other natural disaster. Mr. Fong explained that most wireless facilitates have either diesel-powered generators or back-up batteries. This facility had batteries storage on site. Board member Hoffman asked if AT&T leases the whole building. Mr. Fong explained that the lease area is only for the storage area and roof-top locations. The building itself is occupied by another tenant. Board member Lynch asked for clarification on the panels and their appearance. Mr. Fong explained the location and appearance of the panels on the parapets. Motion to approve the alteration to the historic monument made by board member Hoffman and seconded by board member Lynch. Motion passes (4-0). 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Owens announced that he attended the California Preservation Conference Meeting in Oakland on behalf of the board. Originally, the HAB had been interested in sponsoring sessions or tours for the California Preservation Conference. However, after his conversations with the chair of the California Preservation Foundation he came to the conclusion that the City of Alameda was better suited to be a sponsor in the California Preservation Conference instead of the Historical Advisory Board. Regardless of sponsor level, he recommended that the board participate in the conference planning efforts. Board member Lynch elaborated on the current historic preservation ordinance update efforts. The ordinance subcommittee has been meeting every week to work on the newest draft. She is supportive of the draft, as it streamlines efforts and is more clearly understood. A draft would be brought to the board in the next few months. Chair Owens stated that the demolition threshold for historic structures would likely be moved to ""more than 50 years of age"" opposed to the current ""pre-1942 construction date"". Board member Lynch encouraged the board members to attend the Lawrence Berkeley Labs Campus 2 BBQ at the Alameda Point Theatre on July 13, 2011. The board then filled HAB MEETING MINUTES PAGE 2 OF 3 JULY 7, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-07-07,3,"out marketing postcards for the event. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 9-A Recommendation to City Council to set aside maintenance funding to address deferred maintenance on the historic City Hall garage located behind City Hall. Staff requested that the board provide comments on the attached draft letter. Chair Owens recommended that the board adjourn to the adjacent room to take a look at the adjacent historic garage. The meeting was temporarily adjourned. Staff requested that the board summarize their comments made while the meeting had adjourned to the other room. Chair Owens stated that the overhanging Coast Live Oak tree should be trimmed so that it no longer overhangs the roof and gutters. He also suggested that the roof be swept and the gutters be cleaned out. The board then discussed changes to the letter and reorganized the priority items according to critical path. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 7:55 pm HAB MEETING MINUTES PAGE 3 OF 3 JULY 7, 2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-07-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-08-04,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman, and Jasper Absent: Vice-Chair Rauk and Board Member Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of May 5, 2011 (postponed due to lack of quorum) Meeting of July 7, 2011 (postponed due to lack of quorum) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0172 - 3009 Marina Drive - Richard Vaterlaus The applicant requests approval for the demolition of more than 30% of the value of a single-family dwelling included on the Historical Building Study List. Ms Laura Ajello, Planner II, presented the scope of the project. Chair Owens opened the public comment period. Ms Elizabeth Green, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, noted that the architect was a renowned modernistic architect, Anshen & Allen, and noted that the front siding should not be changed and the recessed door was a design feature that should not be pulled forward. The architect said that the property owner would like to see the door pulled forward to the façade. Chair Owens asked about the door recess and supports the changes in siding. Board members Jasper and Hoffman supported the project. Ms Anne Wallace, resident, spoke against the project (portions inaudible). HAB Final Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 8/4/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-08-04,2,"Board member Jasper moved to approve the project as amended, seconded by board member Hoffman. Motion passed 3-0 (Rauk and Lynch absent). 7-B Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0212 - 1238 Versailles Ave - Ron Gong. The applicant proposes to alter the exterior of a City of Alameda Historic Monument. The changes include partial removal of an existing rear deck and new construction of a side door landing and stairs, as well as an installation of an electric scooter lift. Ms Simone Wolter, Planner II, presented the proposed alterations to the structure, including an overview of unpermitted work to be removed. Board member Jasper asked for clarification on the use of siding and lattice materials. Ms Barbara Coperland, neighbor, is supportive of the removal of unpermitted work and supports retaining the deck as is was built facing her property. She was concerned about privacy concerns, but was interested in working with the neighbors to find a good replacement for the lattice work. Chair Owens was supportive of the project, but was concerned about the look of a replacement door for the kitchen. He was also concerned that the excessive use of the lattice was not congruent with the Historic Monument. He would like to see a replacement that is more compatible. Chair Owens clarified which sections of the unpermitted work would be removed from the residence, and which would be legalized, and the replacement of railing with a more open railing system. [Tape inaudible.] Motion to approve the project as amended and subject to further staff review, made by board member Hoffman and seconded by board member Jasper. Motion passed 3-0. (Rauk and Lynch absent). 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS The board discussed development potential in Alameda and the Board's opportunities to provide comments to Planning Staff. The board agreed that as individuals they would provide comments, but as a Board they would only provide comments on projects coming before the board. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Staff announced the efforts of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society to scan the 1979 negatives from the picture inventory. The Board expressed thanks for this effort. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:03 p.m. HAB Final Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 8/4/2011",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-08-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-09-01,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2011 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:08 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of August 4, 2011 (postponed) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Ms. Elizabeth Greene, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society member, asked the board about the status of the addition of Naval Air Station buildings and appurtenances to the City Study List. The board informed her that all structures as proposed had been listed on the Alameda Study List. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0247 - 1505 & 1507 Park Street - Dick Rutter. The applicant is requesting to reface the bulkhead, install terrazzo tile on the floor, and refurbish existing materials. Staff requested a continuation to the October 6, 2011 meeting for additional noticing. 7-B Scoping Session-2900 Main Street-Todd Shipyard Crane Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR)-Notice of Preparation. Mary Bean, the Public Works consultant for this project, presented the draft environmental impact report process to the board. Board member Lynch corrected the consultants' statement regarding the shipyard being solely listed on the Study List, not as a historic district. She then questioned who had made the decision that the crane should be taken down. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, elaborated on the decision making process that led to the conclusion that it would be taken down for safety and financial reasons.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-09-01,2,"Board member Lynch asked who currently owns this crane and who should have maintained it. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that the crane was likely owned by the Navy at some time, but since the land surrounding this location had been transferred it to the City. She offered to check on this. Chair Owens asked who was paying for the EIR and the crane removal. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch and the consultant clarified that the Draft/Final EIR study would be conducted for approximately $70,000 and the removal would be covered by the Public Works Department. Chair Owens asked whether there would be other opportunities to speak on this issue. The consultant and Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch explained that the Draft and Final EIR would return to the HAB, as well as the City Council. Board member Lynch asked what kind of mitigation measures would be proposed for this crane demolition. The consultant explained that several mitigation measures, such as reevaluating the district for eligibility for inclusion on the National or California Register, or prepare archival large- formal photographs, develop historic structures report, or an oral history project, a public history and interpretive display. The impact would remain unavoidable, therefore a EIR is required. Board member Hoffman asked whether the structure itself was historic, or whether it was a contributing structure. The consultant confirmed that the crane was a contributing structure to the district. Chair Owens asked whether the crane track was also deemed hazardous. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch proposed to include this question in the EIR scope. Board member Hoffman asked when the crane was built. The consultant stated that it was likely constructed during WWII. Chair Owens stated that it seemed like there were three options regarding the crane: 1) remove the crane, 2) move the crane down the tracks to eliminate the hazard to WETA, or 3) move the ferry terminal. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch pointed out that the ferry terminal no longer is under City of",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-09-01,3,"Alameda jurisdiction. She stated that the crane is likely a liability regardless of where it stands, but that this should be included as an alternative in the EIR. Chair Owens stated that he would like the Draft EIR, and if the Historic Report is made public, see both return to the HAB for comments. 7-C Public Workshop - PLN08-0463 - City of Alameda The City of Alameda and Historical Advisory Board Sub-Committee will hold a workshop to introduce the Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance to the full Board and the public. A brief overview will be presented to highlight new aspects of the ordinance and receive public input. As a workshop, input will be gathered, but no actions will be made at this meeting. This workshop was continued to the HAB hearing on October 6, 2011. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch announced that the Alameda Home Tour would be on September 25th, 2011 and would benefit the Alameda Museum and the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch announced that Lori Taylor is the new Community Development Director and started on August 22, 2011. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch announced that Judith Altschueler is helping the department sort through files for archiving. 10. ADJOURNMENT 8:20 p.m.",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-10-06,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, October 6, 2011 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: Vice-Chair Rauk 3. MINUTES: Meeting of May 5, 2011 Board member Lynch moved, seconded by Chair Owens, to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion passes 3-0. (Board member Hoffman abstained) Meeting of July 7, 2011 Board member Hoffman moved, seconded by board member Lynch, to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion passes 4-0. Meeting of August 4, 2011 Board member Hoffman moved, seconded by board member Jasper, to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion passes 4-0. Meeting of September 1, 2011 Board member Lynch moved, seconded by board member Jasper, to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion passes 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, requested that the draft historic preservation ordinance be released ahead of time, to allow sufficient review time by the public. Simone Wolter, HAB Secretary, announced that the draft would be released in 10 days. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: None. Approved Meeting Minutes 10/6/2011 Page 1 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-10-06,2,"7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0247 - 1505 & 1507 Park Street - Dick Rutter. The applicant is requesting to add an awning, reface the bulkhead, install terrazzo tile on the floor, and refurbish existing materials. Ms Wolter provided a brief overview of the project. Dick Rutter, project architect, described elements of the project. Rob Ratto, Executive Director of the Park Street Business Association, spoke in favor of the project. Motion made by Hoffman, seconded by Chair Owens, to approve the project. Motion passes 4-0. 7-B Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0272 - 1518 Park Street - Italo Calpestri. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to reconfigure the storefront of a contributor in the Park Street Historic Commercial District and remove the recessed corner entry and square off the building with removable window panels on both facades. Ms Wolter provided a brief overview of the project. Board member Lynch asked whether historic pictures exist for this project. Staff discussed stated that there were no historic pictures on file except the picture earlier than 1979. Italo Calpestri, project architect, discussed options to address concerns noted in the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society letter dated submitted prior to the meeting. He noted that the bulkheads may contain marble. He suggested that, upon approval by the property owner, the remaining marble be consolidated and applied to the center window on the Park Street façade. In order to address ADA requirements, he noted that the tile and some interior concrete would need to be removed. He suggested that a replica be included here in lieu of the tile. He stated that the bottom rail of the window come in common sizes, so that the bottom rail could not be raised. Also, he noted, that the ceiling would not be altered much, only to include the rails for the windows. Board member Lynch asked for clarification on the location of the doors. Approved Meeting Minutes 10/6/2011 Page 2 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-10-06,3,"Staff explained the location of the person doors on the corner elevations. Chair Owens asked if the current doors have sufficient clearance between door and strikeside. Italo Calpestri stated that the project, in its current iteration, meets ADA requirements. Chair Owens asked whether wood doors had been considered for this project. Italo Calpestri stated that the property owner had selected metal doors for its sturdyness. Rob Ratto, Executive Director of the Park Street Business Association, spoke in favor of the project. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society representative, discussed the comments submitted to the Board in a letter dated October 4, 2011. He showed pictures of existing conditions to demonstrate the importance of maintaining important historic features. Betsy Mathieson, Alameda resident, spoke against altering the recessed entryway as it would alter the historic composition of the historic structure. Kevin Frederick, Alameda resident, welcomed the opportunity to speak on the façade alteration projects in the Park Street Historic Commercial District. He did not favor the proposal to alter the existing recessed entryway and asked that the entry way be retained. Woody Minor, Alameda resident, supported the al fresco window design, however, he proposed that the existing configuration be retained. He questioned whether the scoring of the corner would add significant space. He favored retaining the existing bulkhead in its current configuration and adding movable windows with louvered treatments. Board member Hoffman favored louvered windows, but wants to see the existing entryway retained in its current configuration. He stated that the feel of that corner adds to the historical uniqueness. Board member Jasper did not favor accordion windows. He asked whether the windows would allow for spill-over onto the sidewalk. While he understood the need to allow for overflow dining, he could not support the proposal in its current form. He suggested that a bulkhead with operable windows would be more suitable. Board member Lynch was concerned about retaining the existing bulkhead and window configuration and tile. Chair Owens explained that the Board is charged with evaluating this project based on its compliance with the Secretary of Interior Standards. He felt that the reconfiguration of the Approved Meeting Minutes 10/6/2011 Page 3 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-10-06,4,"historic storefront or removal of the tile, which are character-defining features, could not be supported in light of these standards. If removal of historic elements was required, it should be retained or replicated in a suitable fashion. Staff asked whether the applicant would be able return to the property owner and consider other alternatives. She recommended that the project be continued to a date specific. Motion made by board member Lynch, seconded by board member Hoffman to continue the project to the December 1, 2011 hearing, to allow the architect and property owner time to revise the project. 7-C Certificate of Approval - PLN11-027 - 1419 Park Street - Italo Calpestri. The applicant is proposing to replace the storefront windows with a new fixed storefront window and door system of a contributor in the Park Street Historic Commercial District. Staff provided a brief overview of the project. Italo Calpestri, project architect, described the project with more detail and explained the intent to develop several retail spaces. Chair Owens asked whether one tenant would retain the main space abutting the street. Italo Calpestri stated that this is correct. There have been several interested tenants, but no potential tenant has made a formal commitment for this space. Rob Ratto, Executive Director of the Park Street Business Association, spoke in favor of the project. Debbie George, property owner and business operator at this site, described the architectural details that would be refurbished on the façade, the color scheme, and the intent to develop several retail spaces. She stated that originally this building was used by Long's Drugstore, which will inspire the future signage with neon and channel letters. She intends to call the new retail spaces ""Park Street Plaza"". Chair Owens was supportive of the separate awnings identifying the separate retail spaces that front on Park Street. Debbie George stated that the proposal calls for one continuous awning with an art deco color-inspired awning. Board member Lynch supports the project and noted that the project will be a marked improvement over the current façade. Approved Meeting Minutes 10/6/2011 Page 4 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-10-06,5,"Chair Owens also supports the project and requested that the design changes be attached to the resolution. Board member Hoffman moved, seconded by board member Lynch, to approve the project with the addition that the design renderings be attached to the proposal. Motion passes 4- 0. 7-D Public Workshop - PLN08-0463 - City of Alameda The City of Alameda and Historical Advisory Board Sub-Committee will hold a workshop to introduce the Draft Historic Preservation Ordinance to the full Board and the public. A brief overview will be presented to highlight new aspects of the ordinance and receive public input. As a workshop, input will be gathered, but no actions will be made at this meeting. Staff is requesting a continuance to a future date. Board member Hoffman moved, seconded by Chair Owens, to approve continuance of the agenda item to the December 1st, 2011 hearing date. Motion passes 4-0. st 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS : None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Simone Wolter explained that the City Manager had issued a press release stating that the property owner for the Boatworks project at 2223 Blanding Avenue was required to demolish the structures on site within 90 days. She then elaborated on the steps required before the demolition permits would be issued by the City and that the Board would be informed of the status of the mitigation measures (i.e. photographic inventory) as the project continues. Chair Owens stated that he had attended an industrial archeology presentation and expressed an interest that the memory of the industrial Boatworks complex may be documented through a video that also included oral traditions and memories as expressed by people who worked there. Board member Lynch stated that that would be wonderful project for local organizations to document the history of Boatworks. She would like to see this incorporated in the documentation for the public displays. Simone Wolter announced that she was resigning from her position as Planner and HAB Secretary effective October 13th 2011 and thanked the Board for their service on the Board and her opportunity to staff the Historical Advisory Board. 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:36 pm. Approved Meeting Minutes 10/6/2011 Page 5 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-10-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, December 1, 2011 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: None 3. MINUTES: Meeting of October 6, 2011 Board member Jasper moved, seconded by Board member Lynch, to approve the meeting. Motion passes 4-0. (Vice-Chair Rauk abstained) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0272 - 1518 Park Street - Italo Calpestri. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to reconfigure the storefront of a contributor in the Park Street Historic Commercial District and remove the recessed corner entry and square off the building with removable window panels on both facades. Applicant requests a continuance to the January 5, 2012 Meeting. 7-B Proposed Designation of New City Monument.-PLN11-0343 - 1240 St. Charles Street - Jeannie Graham. The property owner has submitted a designation proposal for the subject property, prepared by Woody Minor. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, gave a brief introduction of the project. Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 1 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,2,"Jeannie Graham spoke on the history of her home and the decision to request that the home at 1240 St Charles Street be designated a historic monument Woody Minor gave a presentation and slideshow of the home. Board Member Lynch thanked Mr. Minor for his presentation, and noted she believed that this home is eligible for to National Landmark Standards. Board Member Lynch stated that the architect should be included if in the resolution is stating architectural significance. Chair Owens asked if there was a period of historic significance. Mr. Minor stated yes 1897 when it was built to 1944 when the Bruton's left. Recommend to the City Council as the thirtieth monument, to adopt a resolution with the addition of Fred P Fischer as the architect and the period of significance to be 1897 to 1944. Motion By Board member Lynch seconded by Board member Hoffman. Motion passes 5-0. 7-C Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0340 - 1234 Hawthorne Street - Patricia & Alexander Bernstein. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of one Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). According to a Certified Arborist Report, the approximately 30-foot high, 25.7-inch diameter tree, located in the front left side of the property is in poor health with extensive decay. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager gave a brief report. Board member Hoffman noted he visited the property and agreed the tree was diseased, and removal should be approved. Chair Owens expressed that the disposal of the diseased tree should comply with the recommendations of a ASA Certified Arborist. Motion by Board member Hoffman to approve the removal of the tree as stated in the resolution with the addition that the tree should be disposed of as recommended by a ASA Certified Arborist. Seconded by Board member Rauk. Motion passes 5-0. 7-D Certificate of Approval - Alteration of a City Monument - PLN11-0346 - 500 Central Avenue - Dominic Chan Nguyen. Applicant is requesting to alter the restoration plan. The modifications include: 1. Relocate three windows at right side of building to possible original location, 2. Replace wood siding on three elevations with wood siding potentially using a different width and style. Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 2 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,3,"Staff member Kavanaugh-Lynch clarified that the subject property was not a City Monument, but the decision to hold the restoration to that standard was made in 2005. She presented a brief staff report. Members of the Board asked clarifying questions of the staff. Anthony Pham - applicant for 500 Central gave some clarifications on the building restoration. Members of the Board questioned the applicant on the proposed modifications and the difficulty the applicant has experienced in finding appropriate materials. Board member Hoffman suggested that a subcommittee be created. Christopher Buckley spoke in opposition of the proposed changes. Kevin Frederick spoke in opposition of the proposed changes. Board member Jasper and Hoffman agreed to be on the subcommittee, The applicant agreed to work with the subcommittee. Motion by Board Member Lynch to create a subcommittee with Board Members Hoffman and Jasper and continue this to the January 2012 meeting. Second by Board Member Jasper. Motion passes 5-0 Motion by Board Member Rauk to continue item to 7-A to the January meeting second by Board Member Lynch. Motion carries 5-0 7-E Historic Preservation Policy Document - City Wide. A new draft document has been prepared for public review by a subcommittee of the Historic Advisory Board. This is the first meeting before the full Board and an overview will be presented. No action will be taken at this meeting. Staff Member Kavanaugh Lynch gave a presentation on the Preservation Policy Document. Board member Lynch clarified the difference between Historic Signs and other City Monuments. Chair Owens noted some changes were left out of the last version of draft code, including the differentiation of interior VS. exterior purview of HAB on Monuments, and clarification of penalties. Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 3 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,4,"Board member Rauk and Hoffman both voiced concerns on the change from pre-1942 to all buildings over the age of 50 years being considered for demolition control. They both noted that it could be a deterrent to residents complying with city standards when working on their homes. Chair Owen noted the ordinance could reflect the period of significance, which is likely 1942. He also noted that the issue is demolition not alteration control. Board member Hoffman thinks that Alameda Point should be given special consideration. He supports purview over the exterior of buildings, only. Chair Owens noted he would suggest the addition of massing and form to the definition of integrity as surface material can be restored and/or removed. He also supported that post Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 4 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,5,"1942 properties considered for demolition could then be added to the study list. Also, accessory buildings issue are also challenging to resolve, the need to save water towers and carriage houses, but not other utility buildings that are not worthy of preservation. He also noted that the interior alteration purview issue was mostly in error. However, he is open to allow owners to voluntarily allow interior purview if the Board felt that it was warranted. Board member Hoffman and Rauk support that the owner should have to support interior purview. Board member Lynch was ambivalent towards interior purview, but would believe that some persons would find the interior purview an honor. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch noted that landmark status, including items of significance would run with the land, not with the individual property owner. Board members discussed items noted by the AAPS presentation, including; a. Relocation of structures on and off of lots and/or on other places in the lot. b. Findings should be added for actions of the Board. C. Offer Building Official the ability to allow a limited emergent demolition as part of the policy discussion. d. Consider the Historic Preservation Permit - zoning and potential conflict between purview of the Planning Board. Could add findings to allow certain examples where a restoration of a monument would be allowed to exceed development standards. e. Trees. Board noted that trees that are noted in the municipal code are protected, however not clear as to which Board would be best for this work or if it could be done by staff. There was also some discussion that the document should be reviewed by the State Historic Preservation Office early in the process. This discussion item was continued by the Board members to the February meeting. 7-F 2012 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Schedule - The Historical Advisory Board will consider and approve the Historical Advisory Board meeting schedule for 2012. Motion by Chair member Owen to approve item to 7-F second by board member Lynch. Motion carries 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS/ STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 5 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2011-12-01,6,"Staff announced that 1600 Park Street would be holding a temporary ice rink during the holiday season. Staff also noted that a demolition permit has been submitted to the city for the buildings on the 1600 and 1608 Park Street. Building records indicate that the oldest structure on site was built in 1942, therefore the permit is ministerial. However, any new information would as to the date of construction should be forwarded to staff. Navy 106 Report for Alameda Point was released and should be sent to the libraries and cd's are be available. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Motion by Board member Raulk to adjourn second by Board Member Hoffman. Motion carries 5-0. Approved Meeting Minutes 12/1/2011 Page 6 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2011-12-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-01-05,1,"Meeting Minutes REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, January 5, 2012 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members, and Board member Lynch Absent: Board members Hoffman and Jasper 3. MINUTES: Meeting of December 1, 2011 - Pending 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Eric Stiger - President of Alameda Architectural & Perseveration Society - and Chair of of the Education Committee. Introduced a contest on the 29 official monuments in the City of Alameda for school age children. Mr Stiger asked Chair Owens to be a Judge for the contest. and he agreed. Mr. Stiger also asked for the support of the HAB for the contest. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Alameda Architectural Preservation Society - Kids Preservation Contest 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0272 - 1518 Park Street - Italo Calpestri. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to reconfigure the storefront of a contributor in the Park Street Historic Commercial District and remove the recessed corner entry and square off the building with removable window panels on both facades. Margaret Kavanaugh Lynch Planning Services Manager gave an update from the last time this item had been brought before the board. Alan Teague - AAPS board member, Made comments regarding the Corner openings on park st. Habanas being only one of a few left on Park St. Request Denial of the project and would like to see the corner preserved in a future plan. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 January 5, 2012",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-01-05,2,"Siley Jadesini, The General Manager for Habanas showed drawings of the proposed changes to the building. Mr. Jadesini explained that the changes will enhance the building with sliding doors, and adding patio seating. The changes will help the economic viability of the business. Board Member Lynch asked about the sliding doors, if they went down both sides of the building, and wanted to know where the door would be located. Mr Jadesini responded the windows would go down both sides and the main door would be located by the pillar. Board Member Lynch asked about the fence on the sidewalk. Mr Jadesini explained this was for the patio. Chair Owens asked if the soffit would remain. Mr Jadesini said it would stay the same. Chair Owens asked about the tile floor and if it would be preserved, as stated by a letter frown the building owner Mr Dudum. Mr Jadesini said the tile would remain. Chair Owens asked about the ceiling if it would be preserved Mr Jadesini said it could not be preserved it would need to be changed. Mr Jadesini spoke of the economical difficulties with the restaurant. These enhancements need to be done to enhance business. Chair Owens asked about a comment from the last meeting about having the doors follow the current configuration and questioned if the architect revisited this issue and identified alternatives. Mr Jadesini said they did look into alternative but did not find any alternative that would accomplish what they are trying to do with the business. Chair Owens identified an alternative and found a manufacturer that makes the accordion style doors. He noted that it was possible to get them to work with the current footprint, retaining the corner opening. Betsy Mathieson - Spoke about the Habanas being at the Gateway of the Park St historic district and feels that the recessed entry is a distinguishing feature in its architectural style. She showed copies of other recesses corner entries on Park St. She also stated that the secretary of interior standards for rehabilitation for historic buildings states alterations of Draft Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 January 5, 2012",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-01-05,3,"features and spaces that characterize a building should be avoided. She closed by noting she was in opposition to the changes. Valerie Turpen - Vice President for AAPS presented the letter sent to the Board earlier in the day. AAPS feels the corner entry should be kept intact, and opposes the closing off of the corner. Nancy Hird - AAPS questioned if staff had the credentials to make these kind of decisions. The short term economic issues should not over ride historic inventory. She commented on the features of the building and the importance of keeping them intact. Kevin Frederick felt the owner dismissed the recommendations of the HAB. He further noted that he did not see any documented efforts showing the owner had tried to save parts of the building and would like to see that in writing. Finally, he does not think the door system is appropriate in this space. Vice Chair Rauk does not feel the applicant has looked at all of the options, and should bring back a better option to preserve the opening. Board Member Lynch agrees with Vice Chair Rauk, and does not think it meets the department of interior standards. (#: 2 on the staff report) Does not feel she could vote for the proposal. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch requested a clarification from the applicant. She asked if the applicant wanted a decision or a continuance this evening. Mr Jadesini stated the he would like a decision from the Board, tonight. Chair Owens concurred that the plans or the letter from the applicant are not consistent with what has been discussed and seen tonight, and would like a consistent package to vote on. He reiterated that the discussion from October about maintaining the space and materials and that was the most important feature and had give this direction to the applicant and has not come back with that plan. Ms Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the drawings seen to night have no physical changes or differences, the applicant's representative had only provided a rendering to further illustrate the streetscape. Vice Chair Rauk made a motion to deny, Board member Lynch seconded The vote was 2 in favor, 1 opposed. Chair Owens votes against the denial. Motion does not carry. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch asked the board to vote on a continuance so that we could have a date for a hearing coming up. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 January 5, 2012",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-01-05,4,"Board member Lynch inquired why they should since nothing had happen since October. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that she had met extensively with the applicant about different options while trying to preserve the bulkhead and the door feature. The applicant had said that he appreciated the efforts of the Board and staff but that it would not meet the objectives he wanted for the project. After careful consideration he chose to bring back his original application. Vice Chair Rauk made a motion to continue the item, Board member Lynch seconded the motion. 3-0 Motion passes to continue the project to the February meeting. 7-B. Restoration Review - Applicant: Dominic Chan Nguyen - 500 Central Avenue. Modification of the approved restoration plans for 500 Central Avenue. Board member Lynch stated she would like to hear what the sub committee had to say, in person. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch stated she was at the meeting and all of the comments are in the staff report. Chair Owens felt that the owner should be present as well. Board member Lynch agreed the owner should be present. Board member Rauk was concerned about time sensitivity of the project. Ms. Kavanaugh-Lynch noted the weather sensitivity. She also restated the sub-committee staff report Specifically, that the property owner should use cedar not pine for the siding and to take off the ""eyebrows"" from the window openings. All parties agreed to this. The one issue that the sub-committee wanted to bring back to the Board was regarding the railing options. Board member Lynch moved to continue the project and request the owner to attend to the next meeting Vice Chair Rauk seconded. 3-0 motion carries. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Presentation by Board member Lynch on Alameda Monuments. Board member Lynch presented a power point of the 29 city monuments. Board member Lynch handed out a tentative list of activities for Preservation season Draft Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 January 5, 2012",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-01-05,5,"9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None 10. ADJOURNMENT: 8:22 pm. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 January 5, 2012",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-01-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,1,"MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, February 2, 2012 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: None 3. MINUTES: Meeting of December 1, 2011 Board member Lynch stated that on page two the sentence ""Mr. Minor stated yes 1897 when it was built to 1944 when the Bruton's left.' The word Bruton's should not have an apostrophe because it is not possessive. Called to approve motion Board member Hoffman, 2nd motion Board member Rauk, approved 5-0. Meeting of January 5, 2012 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: Board member Owens called for board members to approve a motion to move item 7-B ahead of 7-A. Board members approved 5-0. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, gave a brief report. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 1 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,2,"7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-B Restoration Review - Applicant: Dominic Chan Nguyen - 500 Central Avenue. Modification of the approved restoration plans for 500 Central Avenue. Continued from the meeting of January 5, 2012 Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, stated that the group hasn't submitted a formal statement on the proposal, but some of the members have discussed the issue and are comfortable with the subcommittee recommendation and plans that were submitted, but they would like to see clarification on the railing designs. Board member Hoffman stated that he and Board member Jasper went to the site and they suggested that the window eyebrows should be removed. He also stated that they didn't want the pinewood, cedar or redwood would be fine. He suggested that the Board talk about the design of the railing and the back porch. Furthermore, he would like to make a decision so the property owner can move on and get this done. Chair Owens stated agreed that a decision should be made and there was a decision made, but the property changed hands and the new owner drafted new plans. Board member Lynch stated that on page 3 of 4 within the four drawings Board member Hoffman and Board member Jasper agreed with the two drawings located on the left hand side, the Vertical Boards, but for the railing piece. Board member Lynch asked if the plans were a reflection of the Draft Resolution. Board member Hoffman stated that it was in the draft resolution option A, recommended by the subcommittee. Board member Owens asked Board member Hoffman to make a motion to approve the resolution choosing the option 4A instead of 4B. The motion was 2nd by Board member Lynch. Approved 4-0. 7-A Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0272 - 1518 Park Street - Italo Calpestri. The property owner requests a Certificate of Approval to reconfigure the storefront of a contributor in the Park Street Historic Commercial District and remove the recessed corner entry and square off the building with removable window panels on both facades. This application first appeared before the Board on October 6, 2011. Pursuant to AMC, the Board must act on the application before April 5, 2012. Continued from the meeting of January 5, 2012 Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 2 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,3,"Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, presented the follow up report to the January 5th report. Board member Owens asked if the staff report was the same as last meeting. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch replied yes. Chair Owens called for public comment. Mario Mariani, Commercial Realtor at Gallagher and Lindsey Realtors, stated that he is in favor of the project. He explained that today's customers are attracted to outdoor cafes and that is a unique thing. If you go to the cities of Emeryville, Walnut Creek, and Berkeley, most restaurants have outdoor seating. Therefore, it is important for restaurants to survive the economic downturn and if that is what it takes please make that happen. Richard Rutter, Alameda resident, stated that the corner is well executed and it would be a shame to lose it. He recommended that the property owner should save the tiled entry, the top soffit, and the existing door. He also suggested that the owner change the glazing to operable windows on top of the existing bulkhead and to not tear out the existing bulkhead. Furthermore, he believed the building to be a treasure and for the Board to compromise with the property owner by using his recommendations. Mi'Chelle Fredrick, experienced retail and restaurant designer, spoke about the need to promote adaptive reuse projects that function with the evolving times and neighborhood characteristics. She believed that outdoor seating is a desired amenity and she urged the Board to approve the project. Shadi Movafagh, General Manager of Linguini's Restaurant in Alameda, spoke on behalf of the General Manager of Havana and the other employees. She explained that the building must be revitalized in order to compete with other businesses, especially businesses that have patio seating. Kathi Young, Alameda resident, stated she approved the project because it will create more jobs and revenue for the city. She acknowledged the fact that the open space design was necessary so waiters and waitresses can safely serve patrons. Nancy Hird, Alameda resident, stated that outdoor seating is a great idea but the issue lies within the National Park Service guidelines, also known as The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the treatment of historical properties. Therefore, she doesn't want to see the building's character diminished. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 3 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,4,"Robb Ratto, Executive Director of the Park Street Business Association, stated that Park Street Business Association and board members support the project. The association does not believe the design will be a detriment to the historical nature of the district. He also urged the Board to approve the project as soon as possible. Christopher Buckley, Second VP for the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, explained that he wanted to focus on the bigger issue. He supports the sidewalk-seating concept, but what concerns the organization is why some of the options suggested to the property owners won't work. The Board chair suggested folding doors and his organization would like to know why this option didn't work for the owner. He also stated that staff organized extensive discussions and various options were explored, but the options didn't work out. Thus, he wanted to know why they didn't work and he was concerned that modifying the building and others in the district will jeopardize the Park Street District's historical status. Italo Calpestri, project architect, stated that he supported the application and mentioned to the Board that there were a number of items to bear in mind. In regards to the folding doors, he explained that the corner is retained when the doors are open (usually when the restaurant is open) so they don't loose the corner except for late at night. He also talked to the property owner at length about the project and they are keeping the polychrome tile design, which will extend into the building as a way of supporting the desire of the historical element and present a more inviting entry. He believed that outdoor seating was good for the business and having the doors open will add circulation and give people on the sidewalk separation. Board member Lynch asked whether the corner would be lost when the doors are opened. Mr. Calpestri stated the column at the corner will remain, but when the doors are folded back then the corner will be open on both sides of the street. Board member Lynch asked if the doors would be open for most of the restaurant's operating time. Mr. Calpestri stated yes, but depending on weather conditions. Board member Lynch stated that she didn't see that indicated in the last meeting's drawings and she would like to see that illustrated in the next meeting. Chair Owens asked if the configuration would be the same as present, but substituting the folding storefront system for the historic storefront fabric. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 4 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,5,"Mr. Calpestri responded by stating that they did discuss that option, but not at great length and the design did not meet the standard of how the restaurant would function. Chair Owens asked instead of replacing the corner storefront section replace the non- historic section. Mr. Calpestri replied that the design option would not serve the restaurant's operating function well. Jack Dudum, Owner of Havana's Restaurant, stated that the restaurant's access to that corner would be from 10 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. on weekdays and from 10 a.m. from 12:30 a.m. on weekends (Saturday and Sunday). So, in order to employ staff and to be a competitive restaurant in Alameda, he needs to create outdoor seating. He responded to a question that imagines the folding storefront following the exact same line and he explained that following the HAB plan would be cost prohibitive for the restaurant and would ultimately quadruple the cost. Board member Lynch asked to outline on the plan where the outdoor seating would be. She also asked, based on the design; if the first 1/3 of the building (5 panels) would fold back and would fold back overlapping onto each other. Mr. Dudum stated yes and they would fold back. Chair Owens asked whether the property owner would save the tiles on the ceiling, since they are similar to the floor pattern. Mr. Dudum stated yes and the only changes for the building would be to take the sliding doors and bring them to the corner. Also, he stated that the City of Alameda and Alcohol and Beverage Control (ABC) approved outdoor seating on Webster and Park Streets. Board member Lynch asked how many seats would be placed outdoors. Mr. Dudum replied that the approximate number of outdoor seating would be 30 total for both sides. Board member Lynch asked whether that would significantly add more customers to the restaurant. Mr. Dudum replied there are 50 seats right now, so that would bring the total number of seats to 80. And that is a fair size for a restaurant owner to try to earn a living. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 5 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,6,"Chair Owens called for the Board to discuss the project. Board member Jasper stated that given the economic climate it is important to support the project. He explained that keeping the restaurant the way it is would not help the City, especially if it's just to keep the corner door. Finally, he appreciated the project owner's efforts and time to review the project. Board member Lynch stated that their job is to take care of the City's historical buildings and she understood the hardships for restaurant employees and owners, but she did not support the project. Vice Chair Rauk stated a lot of her questions had been answered and as an accountant, she understood the restaurant's economic considerations for not being able to follow the existing footprint of the restaurant. She also believes that the project should be supported based on the business association's support of it. Board member Hoffman stated that the building's changes does not negatively affect the historic district as a whole, but enhances it in other ways. Thus, he supports the project. Board member Owens asked if the board opposes the outdoor seating. The Board did not oppose to the outdoor seating. Chair Owens stated there are a couple of issues: 1) the Board must judge the project based on the Secretary of Interior Standards; and 2) the project owner and the Board should discuss all alternative design options considered. He believed that based on the Secretary of Interior Standards the project's design proposal does not meet the standards because the project would remove historic façade materials, namely the bulkhead, windows, and would change the configuration of the corner, which is a historical corner entry. He opposed the design as it is right now, but he would favor a design that would include the folding storefront in the same plan arrangement, as it exists now. Board member Hoffman replied that he felt the Secretary of Interior Standards could be interpreted so that the project does lie within the standards. Board member Hoffman called a motion to approve the resolution with the polychrome tile covering the entire threshold entrance of the building, the soffit would remain above the door area as physically possible and the transit windows would remain unchanged. Vice Chair Rauk 2nd the motion. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 6 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,7,"Approved 3-2. Chair Owens and Board member Lynch were opposed. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: 8-A. Presentation by Board member Lynch on Historic Preservation Season in Alameda Board member Lynch asked if the Board was able to review the Draft Proclamation (last part of the packet given to the Board) and they had any comments or revisions. She further explained that event # 1 of the Historical Preservation Season will continue to have items added onto it such as Woody Minor making a presentation about the Bruton House. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the first meeting in March currently has the golf course and housing item plus the monument designation. So, would like to move the item to March 20th. The Board agreed and Board member Lynch would be present at the monument designation. Chair Owens stated that Congress is reconsidering the tax credits for historical preservation. For the City of Alameda, the tax credit is an advantage especially for any building on Park Street and the Naval Air Station. He also urged members of the subcommittee, public, and City staff to weigh in with their representatives on the issue. Finally, he voiced to Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch that the current Secretary of Interior Standards for Rehabilitation contains a couple of wording differences since the last version and he would send the new document to her. Board member Hoffman suggested that going forward the Board and public to speak louder during recorded meetings. 8-B. Appointment of new sub-committee members for Historic Preservation Committee. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated there is no minimum size for a sub-committee. The Board did not finalize an appointment. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 9-A. Implementation of the Sunshine Ordinance as related to the business of the HAB and its sub-committees. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 7 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-02-02,8,"Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch presented the Sunshine Ordinance requirements and staff would receive new interpretations as they go along with the process. She believed the requirements will have positive impacts on the transparency of the work done on behalf of the Board. Board member Lynch asked staff how do they notice a subcommittee. Planning Staff stated they would post the meeting on the website and they only need to record a meeting if there are three or more board members at any point. Chair Owens asked how far in advance would a meeting date have to be published. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated 7 calendar days. Also, in the near future the Board will have to attend training about the Sunshine Ordinance. Chair Owens asked about the public passing a piece of evidence (diagram, picture, letter, etc.) to the Board. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that if evidence were submitted within minutes of the meeting taking session, then Staff would submit it to the Board. Also, staff will scan and post the evidence to the City's website. Chair Owens asked about items that come in electronically and whether staff would print and present the information to the Board at each meeting. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated yes. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Vice Chair Rauk made a motion to adjourn 2nd by Board member Jasper Approved 5-0. Draft Meeting Minutes 2/2/2012 Page 8 of 8 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, March 1, 2012 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch 3. MINUTES: Meeting of February 2, 2012 Chair Owens motioned to approve February 2 minutes as amended. Board member Lynch seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. Meeting of January 5, 2012 Board member Jasper motioned to approve January 5 minutes as amended. Board member Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion carried 4-0; 1 abstention. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: NONE 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Alan Teague, resident, stated he would like the public to have the opportunity to address their opinions on the agenda items as they are presented instead of only have comments at the beginning and towards the end of the meeting. Christopher Buckley, resident, stated the Board should ""memorialize"" the rules of procedure. He suggested that there should be a brief overview of the Secretary of Interior Standards. He asked for clarification as to whether the City adopted the Standards as part of an agreement with the federal government regarding Alameda Point and urged the Board to review the agreement, 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch, Planning Services Manager, received a memo from Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 1 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,2,"Jennifer Ott, Chief Operating Officer for Alameda Point, regarding the transmittal NAS Alameda Draft Cultural Landscape Report. Individual comments can be submitted to either herself, Jennifer Ott, or the Navy by March 19. An emergency meeting can be scheduled for collective comments. Board member Lynch said she would like to see the Board's individual comments before they are submitted. Chair Owens stated the final comments would appear in the final document and proposed a subcommittee to comment on the report. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the subcommittee would still have to report to the Board. Chair Owens proposed submitting individual comments given the time constraints and the length of the report. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch stated that the Board must review the Sunshine Ordinance prior to April 1. She said the Proclamation of the Historic Preservation Season will be presented at the March 20 City Council meeting, the landmark hearing has rescheduled for April 3, and the Oakland Historical Society and Mayor Jean Quan invited the Board to the Oakland Roots and New Growth event on May 3-6. Chair Owens announced that the California Preservation Foundation is holding two seminars about the interpretation of the Secretary of Interior Standards for the treatment of historic properties on March 7 and April 4. He stated that Alameda Architectural Preservation Society sent a letter about the historic streetlights to the Board. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval - PLN12-0038 - 906 San Antonio Street - Linda Kell. The applicant is requesting a Certificate of Approval to allow removal of one Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia). According to a licensed contractor's report, the tree located in the front left side of the property is causing damage to the home. Laura Ajello, Planning staff, presented the staff report. Board member Lynch clarified with Laura Ajello that an arborist report is not needed because the tree is being removed because of its proximity to a building. Chair Owens stated that removal of the tree would benefit the house. Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the certificate of approval to allow removal of one Coast Live Oak. Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 2 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,3,"Board member Jasper seconded the motion. Motion carried 5-0. 7-B. Certificate of Approval - PLN11-0300 - 1516 Oak Street - Cortel, LLC. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for an alteration to a Contributing Structure to a Historic District. The project consists of an installation of telecommunication equipment on the project property. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch presented the staff report. Board member Lynch clarified with staff that the term conjectural feature is interpreted as a feature that comes off of the main façade. Chair Owens inquired about backup power. Alex Oner, Cortel, clarified that more equipment will be removed than installed. He affirmed that there will be battery backup power. Board member Hoffman motioned to approve the proposal. Board member Lynch seconded the motion. Motion approved 5-0. 7-C. Certificate of Approval- Various Locations throughout City. The applicant requests a Certificate of approval to remove and replace historic streetlights at various locations throughout the City of Alameda. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch gave brief presentation. Board member Lynch asked if there are fiberglass double pendant replacements. She stated that the cost analysis does not make sense and questioned the projected longevity of the refurbished streetlights. She asked which historic streetlight the casting came from and said she would like to see the streetlight prior to deciding. Chair Owens inquired about the height of the fixtures and how many pieces each fixture was. Vice Chair Rauk asked if all the streetlights being replaced are identical to the pole. Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch replied that all the streetlights will have the same single armed pendants and clarified that any new development would have to include the streetlights. Juan Ulloa, Engineering Supervisor Alameda Municipal Power (AMP), gave a brief presentation. Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 3 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,4,"and installation is $4,600, with a projected life of five years; the total estimated cost for a new fiberglass replacement pole and installation is $4,000, with a projected life of 35-80 years. Juan Ulloa explained to the Board that the project is part of the comprehensive asset management program, and is funded through AMP's maintenance and Capital Improvement Plan. During Phase I, staff discovered that most of the inspected deteriorating lights and five percent of the poles inspected were leaning and could not be refurbished and no shafts are left. Board member Lynch stated a ""rehabilitated"" light should have last longer than five years. She said she was not ready to vote on this issue because she would like to learn more. Douglas Draeger, AGM of Engineering and Operations, explained that the five-year warranty is part of the value of the product. He said that warranty information comes from the steel welding that they had available to them at that time. Chair Owens clarified that the warranty for the fiberglass poles is from the manufacturer and the warranty for the welding is from a contractor. Vice Chair Rauk clarified with staff that the lifetime of the pole is estimated between 35- 80 years, and the piece below grade, which is the most essential is warranted for 20 years. Chair Owens opened public comment. Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 4 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,5,"Alan Teague, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), stated that the lights older than 50 years are significant and have historic values. He stated that the new lights will not look like the old lights; the globe and the shape of the fixture are not the same. He stated that the idea of welding on a new base sounds better. He suggested that the Board gather more information prior to voting. Christopher Buckley, AAPS, stated he would like to review the written proposal. He requested additional information regarding the warranty of the poles. He said that the Webster Street pole is a single cast, and asked if there was an impact on a two-piece fixture like the pendant fixtures would that have an effect on the continued usability of the remainder of the fixture. He requested clarification on the fiberglass pole coating and the color specification. He stated that the proposed design should be similar to the existing design and as there are significant differences, it is impossible to conclude whether it conforms to the Secretary of Interior Standards. Chair Owens closed public comment. Chair Owens said the project does not meet standard # 6 because it is possible to repair the poles but if the cost to repair is ten times more than the cost to replace the streetlights, then replacing may be a good option. Board member Lynch said she would like more information about the streetlights and wanted to see the replica. Board member Hoffman agreed that the Board should see the replicas. He said he would like to know what the replacement figures truly cost rather than an estimate. He requested a completed cost analysis prior to making a decision. Vice Chair Rauk agrees that # 6 is clear and repairing the streetlights is an option. She requested more information prior to making a decision. Board member Jasper agreed with Board member Hoffman's statement. Chair Owens stated that there is plenty of room to weld a larger base plate along the envelope of the shroud and add a diamond pattern of 40 epoxy bolts to add strength to the connection. He suggested that staff find a way to save the existing fluted steel poles. Staff should find a manufacturer that can make the tapered steel tubes to match the steel poles. Chair Owens suggested that the repairs be sequenced in series of five as opposed to all at once. Board member Hoffman wanted to know how everyone felt about the replica. Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 5 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-03-01,6,"Chair Owens stated that he would have to see it side by side. Board member Lynch asked how long would staff at Alameda Municipal Power need to put some of these figures together into a new staff report. Douglas Draeger stated he would need a month in order to get the information. Chair Owens directed staff to prepare a report that addresses repair alternatives and a cost analysis showing the difference between repair and replacement. Board member Hoffman motioned to continue Item C until the next meeting. Vice Chair Rauk seconded the motion. Motion carried, 5-0; no abstentions 7-D. Change Order of Agenda Margaret Kavanaugh-Lynch gave a brief presentation. Chair Owens motioned to include the second oral communications item on the agenda in order for the public to comment towards the end of the meeting. The item will come after staff communications and before adjournment. Board member Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion approved 5-0; no abstentions. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: Board member Lynch referred to the packet with the ""big hand"" which mentioned the historic preservation season and she hoped that everyone would be able to come to her house and meet Queen Victoria. She also said that if the board planned to come, then they should let her know. Furthermore, City Manager John Russo would be there to oversee the children's show. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: NONE 10. ADJOURNMENT: 9:06 pm Approved Meeting Minutes 3/1/2012 Page 6 of 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-03-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-04-05,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, April 5, 2012 1. CONVENE: 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Hoffman and Jasper Absent: Board members Lynch and Vice-Chair Rauk 3. MINUTES: March 1, 2012 (Pending) 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6.WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Owens mentioned that the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society sent a letter to the Board discussing 7-A. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. Certificate of Approval - PLN12-0027 - 930 Pacific Avenue - Daniel Winterich. The applicant requests approval for the demolition of more than 30 percent of the value of a residence included on the Historical Building Study List. Laura Ajello, Planning staff, presented the staff report. Chair Owens asked what the purpose of the hammerhead in the back of the driveway. Laura Ajello replied the hammerhead is to enable cars to turn around and face forward, and Public Works requires the configuration if there are more than three units. Chair Owens stated that the two cars in the back would use the configuration, but the ones in the front would not use that. Approved Meeting Minutes 4/5/2012 Page 1 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-04-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-04-05,2,"Laura Ajello replied that Public Works would review parking in the future and after a building permit was issued, that changes to the parking may be possible. Chair Owens stated that according to the Secretary of Interior Standards, the railings could be considered as ""false historic"". He asked if the railings could be re-designed. Daniel Winterich, architect, replied that the design could be altered. Chair Owens opened public comment. Alan Teague, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), suggested the Board condition that the applicant get a variance for the open space requirement. He suggested that the balcony be removed from the front of the house. He said the French doors and railing in the front will be a major architectural feature in the front of the house and will significantly detract from that aspect. Kevin Frederick, Alameda resident, stated that the balcony doesn't look like it's related to the project. He said he objects to the balcony in the front of the house unless they can prove that it was preexisting feature with a special architectural handrail. Chair Owens closed public comment. Board member Jasper stated he likes the proposal and doesn't have any objections. Board member Hoffman said that all the balconies do not keep with the actual flow of the house or the period. He said he is not opposed to the balcony in the front if it is re- designed to look compatible with the period. Chair Owens stated he does not agree with the whole hammerhead for the parking area and suggested that it be reduced by half. He asked how many parking spaces are required. He suggested that the board condition the approval, require that the railing be redesigned, and reduce the amount of paving. Laura Ajello replied that usually two parking spaces are required per unit. Chair Owens replied three legal spaces because two of them are tandem. Laura Ajello replied each unit could have tandem parking. Chair Owens stated he doesn't have a problem with the side decks. He does have concerns with safety issues regarding the front balcony: the railings should have as light of touch as possible, the least amount of mass conceivable, and painted in a color that blends in with the siding. Approved Meeting Minutes 4/5/2012 Page 2 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-04-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-04-05,3,"Board member Hoffman concurred with the Chair's comments. Chair Owens motioned to approve the draft resolution with the exceptions of requiring balcony railings to be designed in a contemporary compatible fashion. Additionally, the railings must be designed with minimal impact and the Planning Board would consider eliminating the hammerhead configuration, minimizing the parking requirements to possibly less than six required spaces, and minimized the required paving. Board member Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0; no abstentions 7-B. Draft Environmental Impact Report - Todd Shipyard Crane Demolition (2900 Main Street) City of Alameda - Public Hearing to Consider a Draft Environmental Impact Report for the Todd Shipyard Crane Demolition Project -The City of Alameda Historic Advisory Board will hold a public hearing to receive comments on the Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) to determine the environmental consequences that could occur if the crane were to be demolished. The crane is a contributing element to the United Engineering Company Shipyard Historic District. The HAB will be holding a hearing to consider a Certificate of Demolition at an upcoming meeting. John Cook, Circlepoint, who prepared the environmental review for the project, gave a brief update on the CEQA process overview. Board member Hoffman asked how the crane was pushed out of the district. Chair Owens asked how the crane is contributing to the district since it is not in the district. John Cook replied that the crane is on rails and was moved to its present location. He said that when the district was formulated, the crane was identified as an element within the district. Chair Owens clarified with staff that the crane is considered a structure, is on State land and the City is the trustee for the State. He requested more detail about the district reevaluation. The district was formed to keep the Port of Oakland from dredging away Alameda. Chair Owens explained from reading the documents that the Port of Oakland commented that the Crane is an important contributor and mitigation should go beyond the standard. So, he wanted to know if the mitigations being proposed were going beyond the minimum standard. John Cook replied the Port of Oakland wrote the letter during the scoping period and the Approved Meeting Minutes 4/5/2012 Page 3 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-04-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-04-05,4,"main interest in the letter was the historic nature of the district and the impact that demolition would have in terms of cultural resources. He said the mitigation measures proposed are more than the bare minimum. Chair Owens stated that the study of the reevaluation of the district is an important element and more should be done to preserve the crane because it's an important element to the district. John Cook stated that demolition comes down to the financial aspects. He clarified that there is an agreement with the Bay Area Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) to take some action and costs to preserve the crane in place or relocate it, which are outlined in the Environmental Impact Report. He estimated the hard engineering costs are well over one million dollars to either preserve in place or relocate, which does not include ongoing maintenance or the repair work for the pier. Chair Owens stated that according to the structural engineer report the crane should be moved because the probability that it may fall down and hurt someone. He asked if the Building Official can order that the crane be removed. Board member Hoffman said the crane's safety issues have been discussed at previous meetings. John Cook replied that the City Building Official hasn't looked at the structure yet and explained that the agreement with WETA was to make the removal of the crane a matter of urgency. He said the procedure must be done within two years of when the agreement was signed. Andrew Thomas explained that the reevaluation of the district is a valuable mitigation because of future projects that will happen to the district. Chair Owens referred to the report stating that the structure is not salvageable and there is great risk in attempting to salvage it. Chair Owens opened public comment. Alan Teague stated that AAPS discussed the Draft Environmental Impact Report and agree that the crane should come down, stating that their biggest concern is with the revaluation of the district and the protection of the Sawtooth Building. He said AAPS would like to see reevaluation of the district conducted by an independent firm that was not involved in the other evaluations. John Cook replied the Sawtooth Building was individually eligible as a resource and that the demolition of the crane did not affect its eligibility. 7-C. Certificate of Approval - Historic Street Lights - City of Alameda. The Approved Meeting Minutes 4/5/2012 Page 4 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-04-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-04-05,5,"applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to remove and replace 55 historic street lights located along Central Avenue and Lincoln Avenue. Staff is requesting continuance to May 3, 2012. Chair Owens motioned to continue Item 7C. Board member Hoffman seconded the motion. Motion approved 3-0; no abstentions 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: NONE. 11. ADJOURNMENT: 8:14 pm Approved Meeting Minutes 4/5/2012 Page 5 of 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-04-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-07-05,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, July 5, 2012 1. CONVENE 7:00P.M. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Owens, Board members Hoffman, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: Vice Chair Rauk 3. MINUTES 3A. Minutes from 3-1-12 3B. Minutes from 4-5-12 Board member Lynch motioned to continue the minutes of the 3/1/12 and 4/5/12 meetings. Board member Hoffman seconded the motion Motion carried 4-0, no abstentions 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS NONE 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Christopher Buckley, resident, informed the Board of the Design Review and Variance application for a pre-1942 building at 707 Haight Avenue that the Planning Board will review on Monday, July 9. He said the demolition appears to exceed the 30 percent demolition threshold. He also stated that the School District has proposed a partial retrofit on the Central and East buildings of Historic Alameda High School. Chair Owens stated that the Historic Alameda High School is a City Monument and requested guidance from staff and the City Attorney regarding the status and permit/approval process. He stated that the Board may want to comment to the School District. He also stated since the building is subject to CEQA, and asked who was responsible for ensuring compliance with CEQA guidelines. Mr. Thomas responded that the School District is responsible for ensuring CEQA compliance. Mr. Thomas stated that staff will contact the School District and schedule a Public Hearing. Approved Meeting Minutes 7/5/12 Page 1 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-07-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-07-05,2,"6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Owens acknowledged receipt of email from the Alameda Architectural Preservations Society 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7.A. 2900 Main Street - Certification of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) and adoption of a Certificate of Approval for the Demolition of the Todd Shipyard Crane Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, gave a brief presentation. Board member Lynch asked how much it would cost to remove the crane and who would pay for the removal. Mr. Thomas stated that the City and the Water Transportation Authority will pay for the removal of the crane. Chair Owens opened public comment. Gary McAfee, stated that the City imposed risk by putting the ferry terminal next to the crane. He asked if the City has considered removing just the crane head and placing it next to the crane; it then could be replaced after the earthquake. Mike Henneberry, resident, said that the crane and the Sawtooth building make a valuable skyline worth saving. He stated that this is an opportunity for a public- private partnership. He suggested that the City use this as an opportunity to build on the crane and reword the resolution to allow for an interested party to reconstruct the crane on site. He concluded by stating the City should not always be responsible for paying for these projects. Chair Owens closed public comment. Board member Lynch stated that she likes the idea of removing the cab and boom of the crane and placing it next to the crane. She stated she also likes the idea of using volunteers to assist with the project. Chair Owens questioned if a 45 day advertising notice was a sufficient amount of time for someone to express interest and move the crane. Board member Hoffman stated that safety is the main concern and a 90-day notice would be sufficient. He stated that advertising notice should be national. Chair Owens referred to comments made by John Cook from Circle Point stating that costs to preserve in place or relocate is over $1 million and does not include Approved Meeting Minutes 7/5/12 Page 2 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-07-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-07-05,3,"ongoing maintenance costs or pier repair, which is a significant amount of money for a volunteer group to get involved in. Board member Hoffman suggested rewriting the draft resolution to remove the phrase ""to a new location.' Chair Owens stated that he does not want to remove the option to have the crane moved to another location and would like to keep the notification period at 45 days, which allows ample time for people to respond and show interest without having to commit to the project. Board member Lynch stated that she would prefer a 90-day notice. Board member Jasper stated that he doesn't think the crane will fall down and that City should give every opportunity for the crane to be preserved. He said the notice should be a minimum of 90 days. Mr. Thomas clarified that the City will start to pursue a demolition permit/contract after the notification period has ceased, but the City can work on securing the required photography and oral history. Board member Hoffman motioned to approve the draft resolution with conditions that the draft resolution be changed to increase the notification period to 90 days. Board member Lynch requested that the motion be amended to include the removal of the word ""Historical"" from the phrase ""Alameda Museum."" Board member Jasper seconded the motion. Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Board member Lynch reminded the Board about the Alameda Museum lecture series and pointed out that the July lecture is on the 125th anniversary of Alameda Municipal Power. She also presented the Board with a memo regarding the suggestion to change the tree section of the Ordinance to protect the street trees on Thompson Avenue. Chair Owens stated that the protected trees should remain under the purview of the Historical Advisory Board. He inquired about the comments regarding the ordinances that were passed around to City staff. Mr. Thomas stated that he will follow up with other departments regarding the ordinance comments and will report back to the board. Approved Meeting Minutes 7/5/12 Page 3 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-07-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-07-05,4,"Chair Owens stated that he sent an email to staff stating that Habanas did not follow the conditions of approval for multiple issues; he requested an update from staff. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS NONE 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE 11. ADJOURNMENT 8:53 p.m. Board member Hoffman motioned to adjourn the meeting. Board member Jasper seconded the motion. Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions. Approved Meeting Minutes 7/5/12 Page 4 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-07-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-09-06,1,"Approved Meeting Minutes City of Alameda Historical Advisory Board Thursday, September 6, 2012 7:00 p.m. 1. CONVENE 2. ROLL CALL- - Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Members, Jasper, and Lynch Absent: Board member Hoffman 3. MINUTES Minutes from the March 1, 2012 Meeting Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve minutes as amended. Board member Lynch seconded the motion Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions Minutes from the April 5, 2012 Meeting Board member Lynch motioned to approve minutes as amended Vice Chair Rauk seconded the motion Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions Minutes from the July 5, 2012 meeting Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approved minutes as amended Chair Owens seconded the motion Motion carried, 3-0; 1 abstentions, Vice Chair Rauk 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS Staff requested that Item 9, staff communications move to the top of the Agenda. Andrew Thomas, Acting City Planner, stated that the representative from Alameda High School will not be able to attend the public hearing and asked the board if they would prefer to continue the item to the meeting of October 4, 2012. Chair Owens stated that the public hearing is not an action item and discussion will most likely be continued to the following meeting; he suggested that any people who desire to speak may comment during Oral Communications, and he clarified with staff that Item 7- C (Report on Alameda Historic High School Retrofit) will be continued to next month's meeting. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Thomas introduced Barbara Meerjans who is a new part time staff member and will focus on the Historic Preservation Ordinance. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Trish Spencer, resident, speaking as an individual, asked if it would have been more appropriate for the School Board to work with the Historical Advisory Board prior to the Approved Minutes 9/6/2012 Page 1 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-09-06,2,"installation of the fence surrounding the high school. She requested clarification of the process and how both boards could have worked together. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Owens, shared an email from Christopher Buckley representing AAPS addressing the ceiling soffit at Habana's restaurant. He disclosed that the Board received communication from the Veterans Affairs Office, he stated that the subject matter is not pertinent to the current meeting and requested that board members read it in due time. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7.A. Certificate of Approval for 1417 Park Street Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, gave brief presentation. Betty Lee, applicant, stated that she tried to design the new sign to match the old. Peter Beck, landlord, stated that there is no use for the old sign and the new tenant should have every opportunity to have her own sign. Staff clarified that there is not a clear plan for what to do with the old sign and is open to board suggestions. Chair Owens asked if the old letters could be used in the new sign which would match the old sign exactly. Mr. Beck responded that the material may be different. Board member Lynch stated that the letter substitution would break up the historical sign and the new sign would have to be changed to match the historical lettering. She clarified that the old sign is made of wood and the new sign is made of aluminum. Chair Owens commented that the thickness of the lettering should be narrower and the spacing between the words should be increased. Board member Lynch stated that her first preference is to the see the sign saved and moved to a different location. Her second alternative would be to use as much of the old sign as possible. Chair Owens inquired as to whether the museum could store the individual letters. Vice Chair Rauk expressed concern with reusing the old lettering and the effect that would have on the size of the current sign. Chair Owens opened public comment. Approved Minutes 9/6/2012 Page 2 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-09-06,3,"Dianne Hofmann Sasser, grandchild of the original business owner, requested that the sign be preserved in some manner and requested that she or her cousin be notified if/when the sign is removed or destroyed. She stated she will leave her contact information with staff. Chair Owens closed public comment Board member Lynch confirmed that she will discuss the storing of the sign with the Alameda Museum and will approach staff with Museum Board's decision. Chair Owens suggested that the certificate of approval be amended and state that the existing sign shall be salvaged, the lettering on the new sign shall be modified to match the stroke and width of the existing letter ""e"" old sign. Staff shall review and approve the revised shop drawings, and the paint coating shall be a Fluorocarbon base or the equivalent. Vice Rauk seconded the motion. Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions 7B. Certificate of Approval for 1532 Park Street Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, gave brief presentation Vice Chair Rauk clarified with the applicant that the existing tiles will be used. Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the staff resolution Board member Lynch seconded the motion Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions. 7C. Alameda High School Chair Owens motioned to continue the item until the next meeting, when the High School representative can be present. Board member Lynch seconded the motion. Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions 7-D. Update on Habanas Restaurant Andrew Thomas, Planning Services Manager, gave brief presentation. Board member Lynch asked staff to clarify that building inspections are initiated by the project contractor. Board member Jasper clarified with staff that the project contractor has not requested any inspections, and the City has actually initiated inspections. Approved Minutes 9/6/2012 Page 3 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2012-09-06,4,"Chair Owens clarified with staff that there is a clear code violation from a safety issue and the City can start a citation process, which can ultimately lead to a court hearing. Staff stated that the citation process will be initiated if the owner chooses not to address the issue. He requested that staff advise the board if there are any actions that the board can pursue in regards to the violations of conditions of approval. Chair Owens opened public comment Christopher Buckley, AAPS, referenced an email he sent to the board. He presented a photograph of the ceiling that may assist the board's discussion. Chair Owens, stated that the soft ceiling is significantly lower and it appears that the original ceiling material is probably gone. He mentioned the height of the doors bottom panel requiring that the height being close to the height of the storefront bulk head. Staff confirmed that this item will be placed on the next agenda. 7E Historic Street Lights Vice Chair Rauk motioned to continue item to the next board meeting. Boad member Lynch seconded the motion Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Board member Lynch mentioned the Veterans Affairs Letter that the board received and requested that staff give a presentation to the board. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NONE 11. ADJOURNMENT Board member Jasper motioned to adjourn. Vice Chair Rauk seconded the motion Motion carried, 4-0; no abstentions Approved Minutes 9/6/2012 Page 4 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2012-09-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 1. CONVENE: 7:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk, Board Member Piziali and Vella (arrived later). Absent: Board Member Chan. 3. MINUTES: Vice Chair Rauk motioned approval of the minutes from the March 6, 2014 meeting. Chair Owens seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. Vice Chair Rauk motioned approval of the minutes from the May 1, 2014 meeting. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. Vice Chair Rauk motioned approval of the minutes from the March 6, 2014 meeting with edits. Chair Owens seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. Vice Chair Rauk motioned approval of the minutes from the August 7, 2014 meeting. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. Vice Chair Rauk motioned approval of the minutes from the September 4, 2014 meeting. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Mark Rodgers, owner of Lola's Chicken Shack, asked the Board for permission to replace the signage reading ""Park Café"" and replace it with signage for his business. Chair Owens asked Mr. Rodgers about the style of lettering he would use. Mr. Rodgers explained his choice. Chair Owens asked if such a choice needed to be submitted to the Board. Mr. Allen Tai, Secretary to the Board, explained that the Board had previously made a decision to approve changes in sign typeface, with a condition that the typeface should be as close to the original signage of Boniere Bakery as possible. Therefore, any changes to the sign should conform to the Board's previous decisions. However, the current sign, Park Café, is not a historic sign. Vice Chair Rauk stated she wants to make the process as easy as possible for Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 1 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,2,"the applicant. Chair Owens asked Mr. Rodgers how long he was in business. Mr. Rodgers replied that his business has been open since December 2013. Chair Owens noted that the Alameda Museum offered to archive the current sign, and that the original Boniere Bakery sign is located there. Board Member Piziali said that there is no historic sign currently at the property, and therefore there is no need to come back to the Board. Vice Chair Rauk agreed. Chair Owens explained that, because the sign was changed, the property does not have a historic sign, and therefore would not be required to come to the Board. Mr. Tai suggested that the speaker visit the Permit Center and staff can provide assistance on the permit application to remove and install a new sign. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Chair Owens acknowledged receipt of a letter sent to the Board from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, and an email from Mr. Chris Buckley. The letter and email stated that there should be more open space along the taxiway of Seaplane Lagoon at Alameda Point. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. Public Workshop on the initial development for Site A. Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, introduced Mr. Joe Ernst, of Alameda Point Partners. Mr. Ernst introduced Mr. William Duncanson, of BAR Architects. Mr. Duncanson gave a presentation. Vice Chair Rauk asked for clarification about the proposed plans for Site A. Mr. Thomas explained the illustrative design of the plans. Mr. Duncanson further explained how parking would be incorporated into residential, commercial, retail and open space areas. Board Member Piziali asked about the difference between the precise plan and the Alameda Point Partners plan. Mr. Thomas explained that the precise plan is the City-approved guidelines for the property. The Alameda Point Partners plan is the developers' plan to implement the City's precise plan. Vice Chair Rauk asked Mr. Thomas for an update on the directional signage proposed for Alameda Point. Mr. Thomas explained that staff was procuring building permits for free-standing signs, and said staff was looking at paint pallettes for signs to be painted on existing buildings. Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 2 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,3,"Vice Chair Rauk asked Mr. Thomas about how the development team would choose the buildings to be kept on the site. Mr. Thomas explained the process that staff and the development team have taken to keep existing buildings. Chair Owens asked staff to clarify the ownership status of the parcel. Mr. Thomas explained that the federal and state governments swapped land after the Navy left. The lands that make up the perimeter of Alameda Point are held in trust by the State of California and owned by the City. The City cannot sell this land, but the City is asking the developer to make improvements on the land. The rest of the land is owned by the City and can be sold to a developer. Chair Owens asked Mr. Ernst if his team is planning to construct any buildings taller than 50 feet high. Mr. Ernst replied that all buildings built will be in compliance with height envelopes in the areas, some of which are over 50 feet. Board Member Piziali asked Mr. Ernst to clarify his remarks about the height of some of the buildings to be constructed. Mr. Ernst clarified his comments. The Board opened public comment. Mr. Christopher Buckley, representing the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, explained that his email was originally sent from Mr. Dick Rutter. He thanked the developer for trying to incorporate the original feel of the Naval Air Station into the new plans. He clarified some of the points made by the developer, and suggested various uses for some of the proposed empty space within Site A. Mr. Buckley said that all new construction should be subordinate to the existing building in terms of scale and surface treatments. Ms. Trish Spencer, Mayor of Alameda, clarified that she was speaking in her individual capacity. Ms. Spencer said she appreciated the Board's questions to staff and the developers. She said that many of the same questions were being asked at an open house on January 29th, 2015. She asked for a legend or a key of the colors and symbols on the proposed plans for the benefit of the public. The Board closed public comment. Board Comments: Board Member Piziali said that he has walked the area every day for the past 15 years. Board Member Vella said she is happy of the proposed gradual height increase above the water. She wants to have as many people enjoy the view of the Bay as possible. That being said, she wanted to make sure that the space is used productively. She thinks that there has to be a comprehensive plan for surface types between each stage of development. There can be some distinguishing of Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 3 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,4,"surface material between the areas, but she suggested looking into proposed surface types sooner than later. Board Member Vella asked for an overlay of the proposed buildings available for the public. Vice Chair Rauk said that many residents see the grassy knoll with the airplane as the main symbol of Alameda Point. She liked that the residential and commercial spaces in the plan are distinct from each other. She wanted to know about the status of designated bike and pedestrian trails, and how the developer planned to define the main entry to the area. Mr. Thomas clarified that Ralph Appezzato Memorial Parkway would be the most direct route for pedestrians and bicyclists to access the water. There would be a dedicated bus lane for the first half of the route, and then the street would narrow. AC Transit would route their buses to the ferry terminal. There would be many different ways for drivers to enter and exit Alameda Point. Mr. Thomas emphasized that staff's main goal is to integrate the new development at Alameda Point with the rest of the Island. Vice Chair Rauk said that there is only one courtesy dock for boaters in Alameda, and she would like to see more docks. Mr. Thomas agreed, and that the developers and the Planning Board also agreed with her comments. He said there are plans to make the development accessible to all watercraft, including smaller boats and kayaks. Board Member Vella noted that response times for emergency services in Alameda Point are higher than those for the rest of the City. Mr. Thomas explained that there will be a fire station built Alameda Point as development proceeds. Board Member Piziali asked about the possibility of relocating Alameda Municipal Power's substations in the area. Mr. Thomas said that the substations would stay in their current locations as it is prohibitively expensive to move them. Chair Owens said that the integration of new and old buildings will lead to a nice mix in the area. He also liked how the height of the new buildings will be limited and that many historical aspects of the Base will be retained. He reminded the staff and the developers that projects brought before the Board need to comply with the Secretary of the Interior's standards, and alerted the development team they might might need to make changes to their plans in order to comply with those standards. 7-B. Introduction to the Design Review Process and Certificates of Approval. Mr. Tai gave the presentation. He explained the Design Review amd Certificate of Approval process in the City of Alameda, what actions trigger design review, Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,5,"and what the process entails. Chair Owens asked for clarification on the minimum size of a building that would trigger Design Review. Mr. Tai explained that the minimum size of a building for Design Review is 220 square feet, and that is based on current building code threshold. Board Member Piziali praised staff's work and urged the public to have staff look at all projects before they file for a permit. Mr. Tai defined a Certificate of Approval for the Board. He explained that Design Review can be done at the staff level, but a Certificate of Approval for alterations to main buildings is issued by the Board after a hearing. Chair Owens asked Mr. Tai about the reasoning behind his presentation. Mr. Tai said that the presentation was for the Board's benefit. The presentation could also be used for staff training for better customer service at the counter. He added that the presentation would be posted online for the public's benefit. Staff also intends to bring forward proposed amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance that captures some of the best practices discussed tonight. Mr. Christopher Buckley, Alameda resident, praised staff's presentation. He explained that the 2003 update of the list of properties supplemented the list of pre-1942 buildings. He seconded Chair Owens's comments about requiring a Certificate of Occupancy for demolition, and offered clarification on the matter. He explained that when a pre-1942 property comes to the Board for demolition, a Certificate of Approval is not necessary if the property is not considered historic. Trish Spencer, Mayor of Alameda, spoke in her individual capacity. She thanked Mr. Tai for the presentation. She asked if staff could substitute pictures of Alameda on the presentation and use Alameda examples. The Board closed public comment. Board Comments: Chair Owens called the presentation thought-provoking. 7-C. Meeting Schedule for 2015 Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the meeting schedule. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion carried, 4-0. 7-D. Board Elections. Continued. Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 5 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-02-05,6,"8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 9-A. Chair Owens asked to return to the Minutes, and said that Board Member Vella was present at the December 5, 2013, and the April 3, 2014 Meeting. Board Member Owens motioned to approve the April Minutes. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. There was not a quorum to approve the December 2013 minutes. Mr. Tai summarized the contents of the Certified Local Government annual reports for the past three years. He explained that the City has been a Certified Local Government since 1986, and said that, because of this certification, the City is eligible for state grant money. The City last applied for a state grant in 2002, but it was denied. Mr. Tai said that the Department would need to have more staff, in order to work on grant applications. Chair Owens asked Mr. Tai if there are other benefits for being a Certified Local Government. Mr. Tai said that the City can provide tax incentives for to historic properties in accordance with the Mills Act. Board Member Vella asked who is in charge of the grant money. Mr. Tai answered the State Historic Preservation Office. He noted that the grant money is awarded on an annual basis. 9-B: Mr. Tai informed the Board on the status of a project at 1350 Mound Street. He said that the applicant is working with Mr. Jim Smallman and they are making good progress. Mr. Tai also updated the Board on a project at 1203 Park Street. He said a building permit was issued last year to repair fire damage at the site, but there have been issues with the property because the owner lives out of state and the property recently went through probate. Mr. Tai also noted that the applicant has hired a restoration contractor and that the Building Official has indicated that there is progress on the restoration work. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 p.m. Approved Meeting Minutes 02/05/2015 Page 6 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-02-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-05-07,1,"APPROVED MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 1. CONVENE: 7:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk and Board Member Piziali. Absent: Board Members Chan and Vella were absent. 3. MINUTES: 3-A 2015-1651 Draft Meeting Minutes-December 5, 2013 Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the minutes with edits. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. 3-B 2015-1653 Draft Meeting Minutes-February 5, 2015 Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the minutes. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Christopher Buckley, President of the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), wrote a letter to the Board expressing support for a proposed height limit for new buildings constructed at Alameda Point. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. 2015-1649 Public Hearing to Consider Amending the Guide to Preserving the Character of the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District to Include Exterior Paint Guidelines for Existing Buildings in the NAS Alameda Historic District. The Environmental Impact Report Prepared for the Alameda Point Project, Certified on February 4, Approved Meeting Minutes 05/07/2015 Page 1 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-05-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-05-07,2,"2014, Satisfies Environmental Review for this Action Pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Mr. Eric Fonstein, Economic Development Manager, gave a presentation. He introduced consultants Mr. Pierluigi Serraino and Mr. Lorenzo Apicella to give a presentation on the selection of a paint palette. During the presentation, Mr. Serraino passed out samples of the paint color schemes proposed for the hangar buildings. He explained how each color would be used for certain parts of the buildings. Chair Owens asked how his team included the public in the color selection process. Mr. Fonstein replied that there were several focus group meetings with the current business tenants in the historic district. Mr. Serraino added that the feedback from the public outreach led to the selection of colors that respected the history of the buildings while providing opportunities to highlight their unique features. Chair Owens asked if these color guidelines would also be used in the residential subarea known as the Big Whites. Mr. Fonstein said that the colors would not be brought over to residential areas because those residential buildings are unique and were historically painted white. The color palette and guidelines are for the shop and hangar areas, because those subareas are very similar in nature. Vice Chair Rauk asked staff if existing tenants were given paint samples. Mr. Fonstein replied in the affirmative, and explained that two focus groups looked at the paint colors and gave the team comments. Vice Chair Rauk said she noticed the new signage at Alameda Point. Mr. Apicella replied, saying that the proposed color schemes on the signs are meant to attract attention, and the colors on the buildings are likewise meant to attract attention to them. The colors are meant to induce effortless orientation for those at former naval air station. Mr. Serraino said that his team plans on using three base colors being used at Alameda Point. Vice Chair Rauk asked Mr. Serraino if his team was leaning towards clear or opaque colors for the buildings. Mr. Serraino said that he is working with the tenants on determining their preferences. Chair Owens asked Mr. Tai if tenants would have to confirm their paint colors with staff. Mr. Tai said that there is no permit needed to paint a building, but there would probably be a conversation between the tenants and staff about what paint product substitutes would be considered appropriate if they differed from the paint palette. Mr. Serraino explained that the colors were chosen because of the surrounding marine environment. He said that it is reasonable to talk to Sherman Williams about making the cost of paint affordable. Board Member Piziali asked Mr. Serraino about his conversation with the tenants. Mr. Fonstein explained that the tenants were shown the color palettes, and staff asked for their input. Approved Meeting Minutes 05/07/2015 Page 2 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-05-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-05-07,3,"Chair Owens said that he did not think that any of the reds presented to him were muted, especially those presented with a sheen. Vice Chair Rauk said that different lighting makes a huge difference in the appearance of certain colors. She applauded the team's approach to the issue. Chair Owens said that he was disappointed that the gray shown was not more bluish. He also expressed concern about the cost of the paints. Mr. Serraino said that his team would look into the different shades of colors. Board Member Piziali asked staff if any tenant was ready to start painting their buildings. Mr. Fonstein replied that the Bladium and a new tenant, Wrightspeed, have expressed interest in starting to paint their facilities. Mr. Tai added that paint substitutes were taken into account when determining the appropriate paint products. Therefore, the proposed guidelines incorporate standard RGB color combinations that would be used to find suitable substitutes in the event the Sherman Williams colors are no longer available. He explained that the significant deviations from the prescribed color palette could be brought back to the Board for consideration on a case-by-case basis if it was deemed necessary. Vice Chair Rauk motioned to approve the draft Resolution. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion carried, 3-0. 7-B. 2015-1652 Public Workshop on the initial development for Site A Development Plan. Vice Chair Rauk indicated that she had to leave the meeting by 8:30 P.M. Mr. Andrew Thomas, City Planner, introduced Mr. William Duncanson, of BAR Architects. Mr. Duncanson gave the presentation. Chair Owens asked staff if the boundaries for Site A had changed. Mr. Thomas replied in the negative. Chair Owens said he was pleased to see the district boundaries expressed on the graphics. Mr. Thomas explained that staff would be taking the final presentation to the Planning Board on May 11th for a vote, and to the City Council in June. He explained some of the changes that had been made to the plans since the Board's last meeting. Board Member Piziali said that the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society supports the proposal. Approved Meeting Minutes 05/07/2015 Page 3 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-05-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-05-07,4,"Chair Owens said he would have concerns with a 65' tall parking structure that is supposed to be taller than one of the hangar buildings. He said that it should be shorter than the adjacent building. Mr. Thomas said that the Board needs to issue a Certificate of Approval and the Planning Board needs to approve Design Review for all buildings to be constructed. He explained that full build-out of Alameda Point will take up to 15 to 20 years. There were no public speakers. Board Comments: Board Member Piziali said that he is pleased with the progress made on the project and would like to see the development move forward. 7-C. 2015-1654 Board Elections. Continued due to lack of full Board attendance. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: Mr. Tai informed the Board that staff will be approving a Certificate of Approval on May 12 to remove an oak tree that has already fallen at 3215 Liberty Avenue. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Approved Meeting Minutes 05/07/2015 Page 4 of 4 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-05-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-09-03,1,"FINAL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 2015 1. CONVENE: 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, and Board Members Chan, Piziali, and Vella. Absent: Vice Chair Rauk was absent. 3. MINUTES: 2015-1984 Draft Meeting Minutes-May 7, 2015 Minutes approved 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: 6-A 2015-1999 Programmatic Agreement Compliance Report to the State Historic Preservation Officer for the Administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Funded Activities by the City of Alameda Chair Owens asked about the purpose of this report and whether Board action was required. Allen Tai, Secretary to the Board, explained that this is an annual compliance report submitted to the State by the Housing Authority. The report is being provided to the Board as information only, so no action is necessary. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A 2015-1995 Certificate of Approval - PLN15-0136- Saikley Architects - 1732 Union Street. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for a second story addition to an existing pre-1942 single family residence that will result in the removal of more than 30% of the value of the existing structure. The project has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 - Existing Facilities - minor alterations of existing private structures. Henry Dong, Planner I, provided a staff report. Page 1 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-09-03,2,"Board member Vella asked about the proposed window treatments and materials and whether they meet City requirements. Mr. Dong advises that the window details conform to the City's residential design guidelines. Board member Vella asked the project architect to explain the choice of windows for the new addition. Alexandra Saikley, project architect, explained that wood windows were the preference, but the home owners elected to go with fiberglass. Board member Vella asked about the purpose of the bay window, and Ms. Saikley explained that the bay window adds articulation to the front elevation as recommended by staff. Chair Owens asked about the basis for Certificate of Approval. Mr. Tai explained the project requires a Certificate of Approval because building the addition would require demolition of more than 30% of the value of the existing structure, which is determined by the Building Official. The Board opened the floor to public comments. John Watkins, a neighbor, was not in favor of the proposal. He believes the addition would block his view of the sky. Mr. Watkins thinks the project would remove an affordable housing unit from the City by making it larger. Stacy Kaplan, a neighbor, commented that the project is incompatible with the scale and character of the block, as most homes on the block are modest small homes and not two- story homes. She expressed concern over replacing the small, affordable home with a larger, more expensive home. Ms. Kaplan also cited concerns over parking. Peter Slote, a neighbor, commented on the impacts of the addition to neighboring houses. He described this block of Union Street as historically a place for small housing stock and should be a historic resource due to affordability and scale. He believes a big boxy second story addition on this lot is inconsistent with the neighborhood. He also noted that a three-bed, two-bath house is inconsistent with the property size and asked the Board to deny the request. Meredith Levins, property owner, commented on her family's decision to move to Alameda in 2010 to start a family. She noted that the existing home is a 760-square-foot two-bed, one-bath home, and the project intended as a modest expansion while preserving important design elements. Ms. Levins noted the property has a driveway that can accommodate parking. She noted that the shadow study shows the project will not affect any neighbors and that the window placement is sensitive to their neighbors' privacy. Ken Levins, property owner, said he liked the diversity of the neighborhood because it was not made up of cookie cutter homes. He wants to take the opportunity to modify the home they love to make it an optimal living space that is attractive. He noted that the Page 2 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-09-03,3,"project design conforms to the City's design guidelines and that City rules allow modifying the house while preserving the historical character. Chris Buckley, representing the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, commented on the design of the project. He noted that the configuration of the roof is inconsistent with the Guide to Residential Design. He recommended the use of a side facing gable to envelope the second story into the roof of the first level or bring elements of the first level into the second level. Mr. Buckley suggested deleting the bay window in order to deemphasize the second level. He commented on the various forms of window treatment and recommended the windows show muntins. Mr. Buckley also recommended adding a belly band on the second floor to transition with the shingles, and address privacy impacts by raising the window sills to eye level. He asked for clarity from staff on the application of the Secretary's Standards for properties on the study list. Mr. Tai noted that the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for treatment of historic properties sometimes conflict with the City's residential design guidelines. The primary example being the Secretary's Standards call for differentiating new construction from the existing while the City's guidelines suggest merging new construction into the existing building as if it were part of the original design. Ms. Saikley described the intent behind the design and indicated exploring examples similar to Chris Buckley's suggestions. She described the front facing gable as the best approach to maintain the original bungalow facade while adding a second story. She noted that a side-facing gable on the second story would need to be much steeper, higher and inconsistent with the original rooflines. Furthermore, this type of roof form could not achieve the interior livable space that is desired. Ms. Saikley added that the proposed design preserves the front porch and sets back the second floor. She noted that other minor details could be added to windows to further enhance compatibility. Celia Schwarz, a neighbor, noted that the adjacent homes were all identical bungalows with small yards. She stated that the bungalows do not have bay windows, and she believes the subject property is overhanging her property by one foot. She believes that her neighbors have good jobs, and should therefore buy another property in Alameda without putting the neighbors through the proposed changes. Chair Owens closed the public comments. Board member Vella asked the architect to explain the purpose for reconfiguring the laundry room and bathroom on the first floor. Ms. Saikley explained the location of the laundry and bath were to allow stacking the bathrooms on both floors and consolidate the plumbing in one location within the small footprint of the house. Board member Vella noted that Burbank Street has many bungalows with additions where good examples of the second story additions. She asked if the architect looked at the houses on Burbank Street for reference. Ms. Saikley replied no. Page 3 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-09-03,4,"Board member Vella concurred with the overall comments made earlier by Christopher Buckley, and she agreed that the bay window on the front elevation should be eliminated. She suggested the architect look closely at the illustration provided by Mr. Buckley as a basis for design revisions. Chair Owens asked whether there is a maximum floor area ratio in the Zoning Ordinance. Mr. Tai replied no, but that the development standards provide a maximum height limit of two-stories and 35-feet. The development standards are further supplemented by the design guidelines. Chair Owens asked whether the Board can add the building to the historic buildings study list. Mr. Tai explained that it would be an action that was not noticed for this meeting. Furthermore, a survey or historical context assessment would need to be prepared for the property to determine if it meets criteria for designation as a historic resource. The criteria is generally related to the property having distinctive architectural character or some significant historical association with local persons or events. Mr. Tai noted that this property is highly unlikely to qualify as a historic resource. Board member Piziali commented that most of the Design Review issues are subject to Planning Board purview. The item before the Board is a Certificate of Approval for the demolition work that is proposed as part of the addition. He asked the Board to go along with the staff recommendation. Chair Owens asked staff whether the project will go before the Planning Board. Mr. Tai responded that the Design Review for this project would be acted on at the staff level, and it would only go before the Planning Board upon an appeal or a Call for Review by members of the Planning Board. Otherwise, there will be no public hearing. Chair Owens commented that he cannot find justifications for the property to qualify for the study list, and he reminded the Board that the vote before them is to approve or not approve the Certificate of Approval. He also disagrees with Mr. Buckley on requiring side facing gables, because the building is too shallow to accommodate that roof pitch. Chair Owens also suggested that casement windows should include muntins to match existing. He also acknowledged raising the sills on certain side elevation windows to address the neighbor's privacy concerns. He agreed with the use of a bay window or dormer on the front elevation to break up the façade. He expressed favor in approving the proposal. Board member Vella also acknowledged there was no reason to add the building to the study list. She believes the project needs to incorporate as many features as possible found on surrounding homes. She agrees with raising the window heights and revisiting specific design treatment as previously noted to keep neighborhood compatibility. Board member Chan concurred with the comments made by previous Board members. Motion to approve by Board member Piziali, Seconded by Board member Vella. Approved 4-0. Vice Chair Rauk absent. Page 4 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-09-03,5,"7-B 2015-1996 Certificate of Approval - PLN15-0277 - 763 Buena Vista Ave - Applicant: Italo Calpestri on behalf of Wei Lin Zhao. Applicant requests a Certificate of Approval to allow for the demolition of a single-family residence built prior to 1942. The property is not listed on the City's Historic Building Study List. The project site has two residential structures on-site, of which the building at the front, a single family residence, will be demolished and the building at the rear, a two-family residence, will remain. The project is intended to allow future subdivision of the property into three lots. The project is categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - demolition and removal of a single-family residence. Mr. Tai noted that the applicant has requested the item be continued to the future public hearing that would be renoticed. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: 9-A 2015-1997 Certificate of Approvals Recent Actions and Decisions Mr. Tai gave an overview of the recent actions by staff. 9-B 2015-1998 Update on 1605 Park Street Mr. Tai provided an update on the status of the fire damaged building at 1605 Park Street. He noted that work is in progress by the property owner to determine whether the existing building can be salvaged and whether there is any historical integrity remaining in the fire damaged structure. Chair Owens inquired about the status of the retail space below China House restaurant. Mr. Tai replied that a renovation is pending building permits to convert the space into a tavern. The project was previously reviewed by the board. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None. 11. ADJOURNMENT: Adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Page 5 of 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-09-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2015-11-05,1,"FINAL MEETING MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015 1. CONVENE: 7:05 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL: Present: Chair Owens, Vice Chair Rauk and Board Member Piziali. Absent: Board Members Chan and Vella were absent. 3. MINUTES: None 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSIONS: None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS: 7-A. 2015-2251 Special Presentation: A Legacy of Enterprise & Innovation. Local historian, Woody Minor, will give a presentation on the history of Alameda's industrial development spanning the late 19th through mid-20th centuries. This is an educational and informational presentation and discussion by the Historical Advisory Board. No action will be taken. This presentation is not a Project under the California Environmental Quality Act. Mr. Allen Tai, Secretary to the Historical Advisory Board, introduced local historian Woodruff (Woody) Minor as the special guest for the special presentation. He thanked the audience for attending the presentation. Mr. Woodruff Minor gave the presentation. There were no public speakers. Board Comments: Chair Owens and the Board thanked Mr. Minor for the presentation. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS: None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS: None 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS: None 11. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 8:19 p.m. Draft Meeting Minutes 11/05/2015 Page 1 of 1 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2015-11-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-01-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2016 1. CONVENE Chair Owens called meeting to order at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Owens, Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Members Chan, Piziali and Vella 3. MINUTES 3-A 2016-2447 Draft Meeting Minutes - September 3, 2015 Chair Owens said that he reviewed the minutes and that they looked like a good set of minutes. Board Member Piziali made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2016-2448 Draft Meeting Minutes - November 5, 2015 Chair Owens said the meeting consisted largely of a presentation and the minutes seemed adequate. Vice-Chair Rauk made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6-A 2016-2452 Certified Local Government Program -- 2014-2015 Annual Report Alan Tai, Planning Services Coordinator, presented the report to the board. The item can be found at: ps:// D275-4845-8A8E-940B0795233D Historical Advisory Board Page 1 of 5 Approved Minutes January 7, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-01-07,2,"Chair Owens asked if the report had been submitted to the state. Staff Member Tai indicated that it had not and the deadline was in the next week. Chair Owens asked if there were any planned educational activities for Board Members in the coming year. Staff Member Tai said there would be a conference upcoming in San Francisco and that more information would be coming soon. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2016-2449 Historical Advisory Board Workshop on Alameda Point Site A Design Review for Block Eleven Architectural Design and adjacent Waterfront Street Design and Waterfront Park Andrew Thomas, Assistant Community Development Director, introduced the item before the project applicant gave a presentation. The item can be found at: 7BFD-43DC-ABOE-5EE441660524 Chair Owens asked what would happen with the existing paving materials from the taxiway. April Phillips, project architect for the Waterfront Park, explained their approach to handling the demolished paving materials through recycling and reuse attempts while meeting their sea level rise mitigation requirements. Vice-Chair Rauk asked where the ADA access would be in the park plans. Ms. Phillips explained where the gently sloped ramps down to the waterfront would be. Chair Owens asked about the anticipated sizes of the mature trees. Ms. Phillips explained that they are developing their landscape choices and that Mexican Fan Palms and Ginkgoes are under consideration. Chair Owens asked how the drainage would function with the sea level rise protection improvements. Ms. Phillips showed on the images where different flows would go. Chair Owens asked what options there were if sea level rise were more than 24 inches. Historical Advisory Board Page 2 of 5 Approved Minutes January 7, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-01-07,3,"Joe Ernst, project applicant, explained that the berm would be engineered to be able to be built up higher if that became necessary. Chair Owens asked if the city was working on addressing sea level rise throughout the island which would be necessary for this area's defenses to be functional. Staff Member Thomas highlighted the importance of the issue for the city and different elements of various planning efforts that are attempting to address the issue in a piecemeal fashion. Board Member Vella asked if the city has been working with the Port of Oakland on protecting shared areas along the estuary. Staff Member Thomas explained the discussions with the Port on how they can work together to access funds to help address the issue. Chair Owens asked what would be done with the large amount of concrete removed from the taxiway. Ms. Phillips explained their desire to reuse as much as possible on the site with creative elements. She said it will be part of their waste management plan. Board Member Vella asked how the sewage line removal and upgrades would affect storm water drainage for the rest of the point. Mr. Ernst explained the upgrades in size and the flap gates that would be added to try and address problems that have been happening. Steve Israel, BAR Architects, gave the Block 11 portion of the presentation. Vice-Chair Rauk asked how drivers would know which side of the road to drive on. Mr. Ernst explained the feedback that Planning Board has given to make sure the space indicates that it is shared by all users and not to favor drivers with too many visual cues. Chair Owens asked if the city would be the owner of the road. Staff Member Thomas explained that it would be a city owned street and that many people are looking at it to make sure they get it right. He said it would be unlike anything else in the city. Historical Advisory Board Page 3 of 5 Approved Minutes January 7, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-01-07,4,"Vice-Chair Rauk brought up the idea of a courtesy dock for larger sailboats that would like to visit the area. Board Member Piziali asked if there would be any parking in the shared plaza. Mr. Israel explained that there would be parallel parking in that zone. Board Member Vella asked where the elevated roadway platform would end. Mr. Israel explained that decision is still being worked out. Board Member Vella compared the space and traffic calming effects favorably to Santana Row in San Jose. She said she was concerned about creating a large, empty wind tunnel, however. Board Member Vella asked about the tree choices around the building. The landscape architect explained that they are still working with the horticulturalist to see what would work best with the soil and wind conditions. Chair Owens asked about the height being above 65 feet. Mr. Israel explained the development agreement exception that allows them to go over for ""exceptional architecture."" He said the high retail spaces pushed the building higher. Board Member Vella said she has no problem with the height exception in this location, but that it should be the exception and not the norm. Chair Owens asked how the loading function would work. Mr. Israel showed on the plans where the loading activity would take place. Chair Owens asked why there is only one elevator on the east lobby which appears to serve more units. Mr. Israel said it was debated and that much of the activity will be focused on the west side of the building and the client wanted the emphasis to be on the west side. Chair Owens opened the public hearing. Steve Aced asked about the material used on the surface of the west facing rounded end of the building. Historical Advisory Board Page 4 of 5 Approved Minutes January 7, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-01-07,5,"Mr. Israel explained that it was going to be as glassy and transparent as possible while making sure they meet their efficiency and LEED Gold standards. Chair Owens closed the public hearing. 7-B 2016-2450 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Schedule 2016 Alan Tai introduced the item. He noted that the City Council was planning to take their slot for the February 4th meeting, and that they currently have no items for that date and it would be cancelled. Vice-Chair Rauk made a motion to accept the meeting schedule for 2016. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 7-C 2016-2451 Board Elections Vice-Chair Rauk made a motion to keep Chair Owens as chair. Board Member Piziali offered to amend the motion to also keep Vice-Chair Rauk in the position of vice-chair. The amendment was accepted. The motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said the California Preservation Foundation conference would be held at the Presidio in San Francisco this year and they would be working to send board members. The conference will be from April 16-20. Staff Member Tai said they would also be looking to do more presentations for board training and public education at their meetings. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Vella made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Vice-Chair Rauk seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. Historical Advisory Board Page 5 of 5 Approved Minutes January 7, , 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-03-03,1,"APPROVE MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 3, 2016 1. CONVENE Chair Owens called meeting to order at 7:01pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Piziali and Vella. Absent: Vice-Chair Rauk, Board Member Chan. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2016-2647 Draft Meeting Minutes - January 7, 2016 Chair Owens said that he reviewed the minutes and that they looked thorough. Board Member Vella made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Owens said they received information on the 41st Annual California Preservation Conference in San Francisco next month. Staff Member Thomas said the City would send any Board Member that wanted to go and to let staff know so they can arrange it. Chair Owens and Board Member Vella said they tried to sign up for an upcoming workshop in Benicia but had technical difficulties. Staff Member Thomas said he would follow up on the issue. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2016-2642 Historical Advisory Board Page 1 of 3 Approved Minutes March 3, 2016 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-03-03,2,"Certificate of Approval, Site A-Block 11 and Waterfront Park. A certificate of approval for the plans for the Block 11 building adjacent to the NAS Historic District and the new Waterfront Park on the Seaplane Lagoon in the Historic District. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required. Staff Member Thomas introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 7679-4D72-B09E-1F41841574DE&FullText=1 Chair Owens asked whether voting to approve certification tonight would involve approving the relocation of Pan Am Way and whether that should be included in the resolution. Staff Member Thomas said it would and should be included. Chair Owens pointed out an error contained in the drafting of the resolution that referenced the Planning Board and needed striking. David Israel, BAR architects, the project architect for Block 11 gave a presentation on the building design and how it fit in with the historic context of the base. April Phillips, landscape architect for the Waterfront Park, gave an overview of the park and shared plaza. Board Member Vella asked about the water usage plans and whether we would use recycled water. Ms. Phillips said they are exploring using recycled water. She said they have a very drought tolerant plan and are incorporating stormwater runoff into the plan as well as choices that will be tolerant of the salt air. Board Member Vella asked about wind and the trees' placement close to the water. Ms. Phillips said they are set back at 50 feet and have used fewer trees than most parks. Chair Owens asked what type of trees would be used in the grove. Ms. Phillips said they were considering ginko or ""a couple of other"" tree options. She said that they are still working with their horticulturalist to refine their plan. Historical Advisory Board Page 2 of 3 Approved Minutes March 3, 2016 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-03-03,3,"Chair Owens said he was concerned that large, mature trees, depending on the species could block the view corridor to San Francisco. Chair Owens asked whether the demolition of Building 544 needed to be included in the approval. Staff Member Thomas said it should be included but was not a ""contributor.' Chair Owens said he liked the refinements that have been made and will have no problem supporting the resolution. Board Member Vella said she also liked the changes to the plan. Chair Owens said he would like to see changes to the resolution including: a limitation of tree height in the grove to 30 feet, the relocation of Pan Am Way, and the demolition of Building 544. Board Member Vella made a motion to approve the resolution with amendments: 1) limiting the tree height in the grove to 30 feet at maturity, 2) acknowledge and approve the demolition of Building 544, 3) acknowledge and approve the relocation of Pan Am Way, and 4) adjusting the section referring to the Planning Board. Board Member Piziali seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Chair Owens referenced a report on some trees that were approved to be removed from Central Ave. He said he did not see anything about requiring Public Works to replace them and that the HAB approvals required that. Staff Member Thomas gave an update on what to expect regarding future Alameda Point developments. He said they would not be holding their April meeting. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Piziali made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:41pm. Historical Advisory Board Page 3 of 3 Approved Minutes March 3, 2016 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-03-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-05-05,1,"DRAFT MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 5, 2016 1. CONVENE Chair Owens called meeting to order at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Owens, Board Members Chan, Vella. Absent: Vice Chair Rauk, Board Member Piziali. Chair Owens stated that Vice Chair Rauk had resigned from the board. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2016-2863 Draft Meeting Minutes - March 3, 2016 No action taken. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION Mike O'Hara, Tim Lewis Communities, gave an update on the Del Monte project's progress. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2016-2642 PLN16-0115/PLN16-0116 -- Certificates of Approval -- 651 & 707 W. Tower Avenue, Applicant: SRM Ernst. Certificates of approval for the minor exterior modifications to 651 & 707 W. Tower Avenue (Buildings 91 and 9), which are contributing structures within the NAS Alameda Historic District. At 651 W. Tower Ave. the applicant proposes demolishing a recent and non-contributing awning, installing shade overhangs along the building, removing existing windows, constructing new exterior doors, replacing loading bay doors, and repainting the building according to the previously approved Alameda Point color scheme. At 707 W. Tower Ave. the applicant proposes installing a new row of second story transom windows, installing new pedestrian doors, removing and replacing several loading bay doors and windows, adding a second story within the existing interior space, and repainting the building according to the previously 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-05-05,2,"approved Alameda Point color scheme. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required. Staff Member Sablan gave the staff presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: C5FB-4EAE-A424-35E29F278DA6&FullText=1 Chair Owens pointed out that the control tower was a contributing structure and the boundary in the presentation should reflect that. Board Member Chan said that there appeared to be very little exterior changes to the buildings. Chair Owens asked if the developer would be applying for tax credits. Joe Ernst said they are not planning to apply for tax credits because they are post 1936 buildings. Chair Owens said he believed that buildings contributing to a historic district could be eligible for a tax credit even if the buildings are not listed. He asked staff to look into it further and make sure they are giving proper advice to potential developers. He asked what they planned to do with the glass. Mr. Ernst said the glass on the south side of Building 9 has a film that would be replaced with one that allows vision through but mitigates heat gain. Chair Owens said that in the future he would like the board to receive clearer drawings showing existing conditions and demolition plans. Board Member Vella asked if they had considered where bike storage would be placed. Mr. Ernst said they would meet the requirements of the Town Center Plan and have a combination of exterior parking for visitors and internal bike storage for tenants. Staff Member Tai said the next step would be design review and use permit at Planning Board, where things like bike parking would be addressed. Chair Owens confirmed that there was no historic landscape around either building. There were no public speakers. Board Member Vella said the changes were all minor, and that she liked the improvements to the building. 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-05-05,3,"Chair Owens asked if they needed two separate actions. Staff Member Tai said they may take action on both items at once. Board Member Vella made a motion to approve the staff recommendations. Board Member Chan seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Chair Owens said he will be termed out in a month and that this might be his last meeting. He said the Vice Chair resigned and has moved to Idaho. Staff Member Tai explained that Chair Owens could stay in his current position until the Mayor successfully appoints a replacement. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 9-A 2016-2865 Certificate of Approvals Recent Actions and Decisions Staff Member Tai explained recent actions on Block 11 at Alameda Point. Mr. Ernst, Alameda Point Partners, gave an update on progress at Site A. Staff Member Tai gave an update on a remodel at Santa Clara and Park St. He said the City is also reinstating its facade grant program. He said the first round is funded for $125,000. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Chan made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:32pm. 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-05-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-09-01,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2016 1. CONVENE Acting Chair Vella called meeting to order at 7:04pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Board Members Jones, Piziali, Saxby and Vella. Absent: Board Member Chan Staff Member Tai welcomed the two new board members. He said that because the Chair left the board, the bylaws state that the senior member of the board, Ms. Vella, chairs the meeting and that there is an item on the agenda for Board Elections tonight. 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION Staff Member Tai recommended continuing item 7-A to 10/6/16 to be able to include some late refinements. Board Member Piziali made a motion to continue item 7-A. Board Member Vella seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. At staff's request, Staff Communications was moved to the front of the agenda. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai introduced proclamations recognizing the service of departed Board Members Rauk and Owens. He thanked Former Chair Owens for his long service to the board and significant contributions to major decisions in Alameda. Board Member Vella thanked Mr. Owens and read the proclamation. Mr. Owens said there were two pieces of unfinished business from his time on the board. He said the 30% of value trigger and penalty sections in the preservation ordinance need updating. He also said we needed to work on a Mills Act ordinance. He encouraged the board to take those items on in the coming years. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* Approved Minutes Page 1 of 3 Historical Advisory Board September 1, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-09-01,2,"6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-B 2016-3275 PLN16-0383 - Certificate of Approval - 2300 Monarch Street (Bldgs 614 and 405). Applicant: City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to relocate and reuse three (3) Quonset Huts from the Northwest Territory at Alameda Point to 2300 Monarch Street as part of a retrofit to Buildings 614 and 405 (non-contributing structures) in the NAS Alameda Historic District. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required. Staff Member Tai introduced the item and historian Pierluigi Serraino, who gave a presentation on the Quonset Huts. The staff report and attachments can be found at: ttps:// 091E-4C28-93EE-1AF5B50531AB&FullText= Staff Member Tai clarified that the City is the owner of the huts and the destination site. He said they are working with a potential wine producer to operate at the site. Board Member Vella asked whether the design review would come before the HAB. Staff Member Tai said that it would go to Planning Board and not necessarily come back to HAB. Board Member Saxby asked how we address the idea of adding buildings to the Historic District and whether adding period buildings would add a sense of false historicism. Mr. Serraino said that the historic district would need interventions in the landscape in any reprogramming and the huts' existence and use throughout the base helps them fit in. Board Member Vella said that she has concerns with schemes that attach the huts to existing structures. She said she would prefer placing them in a regimented pattern similar to their use on the base in the past. She said the wide roadways make placement too near the road a concern. She said she was also concerned with preservation of the view corridors. She said preserving the structures through the move and in their new use and modifications should be a priority. She mentioned the need to address bike parking in any plans at the site. There were no public speakers. Approved Minutes Page 2 of 3 Historical Advisory Board September 1, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2016-09-01,3,"Board Member Piziali said he supported using a regimented placement apart from other structures. Board Member Saxby said the temporary and utilitarian nature of the buildings helps him accept the idea of adding buildings that will be interpreted as original and historical to the district. He said he would want to see some restraint in how they are utilized. Staff Member Tai explained that the board has the option to include some of their concerns as conditions of approval for moving the buildings to the site within the Historic District. He said staff would prefer to keep some flexibility because they are trying to lure a tenant to the site and have not worked out the programming yet. Board Member Piziali made a motion to approve the relocation with the conditions that: any alteration or attachment would show restraint in preserving the original form, placement and arrangement should be in a regimented pattern consistent with historical uses, and preserves view corridors. Board Member Jones seconded the motion, with the amendment to factor in preservation during transport. Board Member Piziali accepted the amendment. The motion passed 4-0. 2016-3276 Board Elections Board Member Piziali nominated Board Member Vella to be Chair. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. Board Member Vella nominated Board Member Piziali to be Vice Chair. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *** moved to before item 5 *** 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Saxby made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16pm. Approved Minutes Page 3 of 3 Historical Advisory Board September 1, 2016",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2016-09-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-02-02,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali called meeting to order at 7:03pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Jones, Sanchez, Saxby. Absent: Board Member Chan. Board Member Sanchez introduced himself to the board. 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION Nancy Hird, AAPS, spoke about adding buildings at the Alameda Marina to the Historic Study List. She said the collection of the buildings as a whole, and their WWII history, are worthy of inclusion on the list and asked the board to initiate the process. Woody Minor gave a history of the study list and explained how the buildings at Alameda Marina fit in the historic study list. Christopher Buckley, AAPS, repeated the request to initiate the process for including the buildings in the historic study list. Staff Member Tai explained to the board the nature of AAPS's request to add the buildings at Alameda Marina to the study list. He said they originally received a request in March, 2016. He said the property owner has submitted a master plan application and the historic resources are studied as part of the Environmental Impact Report. He said Mr Minor was able to comment on their administrative draft and they are taking his comments into consideration for the EIR. He said the process will be transparent. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said they received written communications from AAPS and the League of Women Voters. Approved Minutes Page 1 of 5 Historical Advisory Board February 2, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-02-02,2,"7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-3847 Certificate of Approval - PLN16-0606 - 2307 Clinton Avenue - Applicant: David Kuoppamaki. Applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for a two story rear addition to an existing two story single-family residence. Although the proposed rear addition is designed to match the existing architectural features, the project requires a Certificate of Approval because it involves the removal of the existing one-story rear addition, which is equivalent to more than 30% of the value of the existing structure. The addition will continue the existing roofline to maintain the existing building height. The project also involves demolishing an existing detached garage and replacing it with a new garage with a similar design. The property is listed on the City's Historical Buildings Study List with an S designation. The property is located in the R-5 (General Residential) zoning district. The project is categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - demolition and removal of a single-family residence. Staff Member Barrera gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 5914-4B95-854D-AF978EF969FC&FullText=1 Board Member Saxby said the design seems to try and make it impossible to tell the old from the new, and that the standards say they should be differentiated. He asked how that would be addressed. Staff Member Barrera said there is a discrepancy between the City's design guidelines and the Secretary of the Interior's standards. Staff Member Tai said that in most established neighborhoods the preference seems to be to integrate the design of new construction as much as possible. Board Member Saxby said he hoped that for a more significant structure that the standard for differentiation would be upheld. He said he supports the removal of the existing addition and demolition and replacement of the existing garage. He said he would like to see some small changes to the roof line and/or wall to differentiate the addition from the original structure. Chair Piziali said the plan is good for the Planning Board but not necessarily for the Historical Advisory Board and that this conflict comes up frequently. Board Member Sanchez asked why no windows were included along the side of the addition. Staff Member Barrera said they are still going through design review. She said there are some privacy concerns being discussed with the neighbors that could still impact window placement. Approved Minutes Page 2 of 5 Historical Advisory Board February 2, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-02-02,3,"Board Member Sanchez asked if the building height was staying the same. Staff Member Barrera said that is was staying the same height. Staff Member Tai said that the board could condition the approval on differentiating the addition from the original structure if they wished. He said that would give staff direction to more strictly follow that standard for future projects. He said one treatment they could use is to add a vertical trim separating the addition visually. Board Member Saxby said that changes to the roof line could be made to delineate the addition. He said a setback in the wall would also be an option. He said a third option would be a change in materials used on the addition. Board Member Sanchez asked what the size of the new garage was compared to the original. Staff Member Barrera said that it was the same size as the original and would accommodate two cars. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Ronan Kennedy, neighbor, said the character of the original structure is not being maintained. He said the added mass of the design makes it appear much larger from the street and adjacent properties. He said the design does not meet the standards of preserving the form of the existing structure. He said the suggestion of stepping back the walls would meet the standards. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the application with the condition that staff work with the applicant to provide more differentiation between the addition and the original structure, considering stepping down of the roof, creating a setback in the wall of the addition, and/or simplifying the details of the facades. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 7-B 2017-3848 Review and Comment on the Historic District Principles and Infill Guidelines Section of the Draft Main Street Specific Plan at Alameda Point Staff Member Giles gave the staff presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: ps:// 1429-4A98-A1C9-FDA95FOF4352&FullText=1 Approved Minutes Page 3 of 5 Historical Advisory Board February 2, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-02-02,4,"Board Member Sanchez asked for information on what makes a structure in the beehive neighborhood a contributing structure or not. Ruth Todd, from Page & Turnbull, said there is a process for nominating and determining which structures contribute to a historic district. She said it is based solely on their historic relevance and not based on a structure's condition, design, etc. Board Member Saxby asked if any of the structures in question were significant in any other way. Ms. Todd said they were not determined to be individually significant. Board Member Sanchez asked if the NCO quarters would be removed. Ms. Todd said new construction could be desired, but there is not necessarily a plan for demolition. She said the city wanted flexibility. Chair Piziali asked if the recently demolished buildings are where the APC residents would be relocated to in the future. Staff Member Ott said it would be sited where the old PX was located. She said the first phase of building where the units were demolished would help facilitate the construction of the new APC units. Board Member Jones asked how they planned to bring all of the Collaborating Partners' units together. Staff Member Ott said that they three supportive housing providers are spread out over a large footprint right now and that bringing them together around common amenities and services they can be more successful at delivering services. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Board Member Saxby said it sounded like there were several reports from the 80s and 90s that did not make it onto the study list, which has not been updated since the late 70s. Staff Member Tai said they maintain the list on a case by case basis, triggered by project proposals. He said they have expanded the list to include Alameda Point. He said there is an opportunity for the city to improve its record keeping. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 9-A 2017-3849 Introduction to Design Review and Certificates of Approval Approved Minutes Page 4 of 5 Historical Advisory Board February 2, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-02-02,5,"Staff Member Barrera gave a presentation on planning and permit staff work flows. Board Member Sanchez asked if the design review notices went out at the same time as the certificate notices. Staff Member Barrera said that sometimes they happen simultaneously and sometimes they are staggered. Board Member Saxby asked what follow up there is to ensure projects do not demolish more than 30% without going through the process. Staff Member Tai said there are several steps in the process to check the plans and attain revisions to the permit when there is extra demolition work. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Christopher Buckley said that AAPS was asking the board to initiate placing buildings on the historic study list. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 8:45pm. Approved Minutes Page 5 of 5 Historical Advisory Board February 2, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-02-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali convened the meeting at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Board Members Chan, Jones, Piziali, Saxby, Sanchez 3. MINUTES 3-A 2017-4164 Draft Meeting Minutes - December 1, 2016 Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion was approved 3-0-2 (Chan and Sanchez abstained). 3-B 2017-4165 Draft Meeting Minutes - February 2, 2017 Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion was approved 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Piziali pointed out that the board received a letter from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society regarding item 7-A. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-4158 Certificate of Approval - PLN14-0059 - 1501 Buena Vista Avenue - TL Partners I, LP. Public hearing to consider a revision to an approved Certificate of Approval for replacement windows and an alternate design for a new roof canopy as part of the restoration of the Del Monte Warehouse Historic Monument. The Environmental Impact Report for the Northern Waterfront General Plan Amendment and subsequent Supplemental Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Del Monte Warehouse Project satisfies environmental review requirements for this project under the California Environmental Quality Act. Approved Minutes Page 1 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,2,"Staff Member Thomas introduced the item and gave a PowerPoint presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: C10-462A-B080-8E90C73FD8D1&FullText=1 Mike O'Hara, with Tim Lewis Communities, gave a presentation on their proposed changes to the Del Monte plan. Susan McComb, with BAR Architects, continued the presentation. Board Member Saxby asked if it was possible and what the procedure would be to restore the existing steel windows and add new glazing. Ms. McComb said they can add a certain amount of new glazing. She described the technical process, including lead abatement that would be involved in doing that window by window. Chair Piziali asked what would happen to the operable vents in the windows. Ms. McComb said they would keep the existing vents, but that they are not the right height for egress or size for ventilation. Board Member Sanchez asked why one replacement window was chosen over the other. Ms. McComb explained the specific performance and cost tradeoffs that they considered. Board Member Saxby asked if historic windows would be left anywhere on the building. Ms. McComb said that at the main entries where there is not a need for the residential performance aspects of the replacement windows, they would keep the original steel framed windows. Chair Piziali asked if the monitor replacement would be sliding windows. Ms. McComb said they would not be using sliders, in order to try and keep the look of the glazing consistent. Mr. O'Hara said they are asking to replace the windows because repairing them is an infeasible solution. Board Member Sanchez asked which requirements the city has been flexible with. Approved Minutes Page 2 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,3,"Ms. McComb said the city has been flexible on egress and other issues, but not the noise requirements. Chair Piziali said the stacked flat replacements are the main issue. Board Member Saxby agreed and said he is less concerned with the monitor windows due to visibility and location. Board Member Sanchez agreed that the original steel windows are what gives the building its character. He said he understands the challenge preserving those windows presents. Board Member Sanchez asked what materials would be used in the new canopy. Ms. McComb said it would be an aluminum skylight system. She said the color would be silver or white in order to keep the focus on the surrounding wood structures. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Jay Ingraham said he is frustrated with the design process. He said the canopy would be visible to residents of nearby homes and park visitors. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Board Member Jones asked if the exterior of the canopy could be a different color than the inside. Ms. McComb said they could paint it different colors with an additional cost. She said the entire roof surface would be replaced and would be white in order to be more energy efficient and meet new green building standards. Board Member Saxby asked how much higher the new canopy design would be. Ms. McComb said they would be about a foot higher. She said they could also look into reducing the pitch of the new canopy. Board Member Saxby said the steel windows are a very important feature of the building and that wholesale replacement is not the right solution. He said he would like to preserve the steel sash wherever possible. He said he would support replacing the monitor windows to solve the egress, acoustic and energy concerns. He said the canopy is new and he would support the change in design so long as they work to lower the pitch. Approved Minutes Page 3 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,4,"Board Member Jones said the replacement windows do not bother her because the project architect has confirmed that the original windows were uniform on the building and the replacement windows would achieve the same cohesion. Board Member Sanchez said he is struggling with the wholesale replacement of the steel windows. He said the ""Hope"" window seemed like the happy medium between performance and preserving the historic look. He said the aluminum window was a much larger difference from the original windows in the stacked flats. Chair Piziali asked Board Members Chan and Jones if they were okay with aluminum replacement windows; they responded affirmatively. Board Member Saxby said that, from a design standpoint, he thinks preserving the original windows everywhere there is a pediment would be a good compromise. A representative from Tim Lewis Communities discussed the challenges of achieving sound dampening requirements with rehabilitated steel frame windows. Mr. O'Hara said they would still like to consider full replacement. He said they could consider preserving windows where there is non-enclosed space behind. Chair Piziali said he would be okay with the aluminum framed replacements while keeping the original windows in the non-habitable areas. Mr. O'Hara said the replacement steel framed window option would cost $600,000 more than the aluminum option. Board Member Saxby asked if preserving the existing windows would be a cost increase. Ms. McComb said that preserving the existing windows in the non-habitable areas would be least expensive, but that rehabbing each window in residential areas would involve a lot of labor costs. Chair Piziali reopened the public hearing. Jay Ingraham said we should not be afraid to ask for the Cadillac version because we are the ones who will have to live with the project. He said Tim Lewis Communities could make up the difference in cost on a few units. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Chair Piziali said he thinks the aluminum window is the better option. Approved Minutes Page 4 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,5,"Board Member Saxby said he would like to preserve as many windows as possible where the performance demands of residential use are not needed. He said he prefers the steel replacement windows but would be okay with the aluminum. Board Member Sanchez said he agreed with Board Member Saxby. Chair Piziali said they are asking for the lowest possible pitch on the sky canopy and light colors. He said the board was not very concerned about the monitor windows. Board Member Saxby said the effort that was made to match the mullion spacing and glazing height were good and he was fine with the changes. Chair Piziali said that the board wants to keep the facade windows where there are no residences. Staff Member Thomas said they are looking for a motion, with the conditions he heard: all existing windows within the brick facade that are providing light into non-residential areas would be preserved; use the lowest possible pitch for the canopy structure with a light color on the canopy framing. Mr. O'Hara asked to clarify whether they wanted to preserve the windows in unoccupied spaces only, or also include the commercial space. Board Member Saxby said that he wanted to preserve the windows where ever it is not dictated by performance requirements. Chair Piziali said he agreed with that description of the condition. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the changes as proposed with the following amendments: Windows within the brick façade adjacent to spaces that do not dictate a change to address performance requirements for habitable spaces shall be retained and rehabilitated, and The canopy roof design shall be modified to provide the lowest feasible slope and the canopy frame shall be painted a light color. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* Approved Minutes Page 5 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-04-06,6,"9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *None* 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 9:06pm. Approved Minutes Page 6 of 6 Historical Advisory Board April 6, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-04-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-05-04,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 4, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali convened the meeting at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Jones, Saxby, Sanchez. Absent: Chan 3. MINUTES 2017-4283 Draft Meeting Minutes - April 6, 2017 Board Member Jones added a clarification that she was okay with the fully replaced windows because of the reassurance of the architect that all the windows would be cohesive, which is consistent with the original appearance of the building where all the windows were of the same appearance. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The minutes were approved 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Piziali pointed out that the board received a letters from the Downtown Alameda Business Association and Alameda Architectural Preservation Society regarding item 7- A. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-4285 Certificate of Approval - PLN17-0080 - 1339 Park Street and 1337 Park Street - Applicant: Cholita Linda, LLC. The Historical Advisory Board will hold a public hearing to consider improvements to three existing commercial storefronts at 1337 & 1339 Park Street, and the back entrance storefront to the units along Alameda Avenue. The proposed improvements include rehabilitation work as well as modifications to bring the commercial spaces into compliance with current building code requirements. The property is located within the C-C (Community Commercial) zoning district Approved Minutes Page 1 of 5 Historical Advisory Board May 4, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-05-04,2,"and is a contributing structure within the Park Street Historic District. The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301- Existing Facilities and Section 15331 - Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation. Staff Member Dong gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at 480-4476-891E-A19C54FC5E98&FullText=1 Bill Craig, project architect, said they intend to restore the historic facade of the building as much as is feasible. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Janet Magleby, Executive Director of DABA, said they are supportive of the project and asks for the board's approval. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Board Member Saxby asked if the historic building code was discussed with the building official to consider preserving one of the original entry doors. Staff Member Dong said they did discuss that with the building official and this was the preferred scenario. Staff Member Tai said that preserving the Monkey Bars entryway would require a substantial reduction in seating capacity. Staff is considering a balance between the preservation goals of the project and the desire to bring this restaurant business to Alameda. Board Member Saxby said the state historic building code gives the building official to make a discretionary call in this scenario. Staff Member Dong said that the building official would not accept that option with the proposed seating configuration. Board Member Saxby said the 1339 storefront is historic and largely original and worthy of preservation. He said the Alameda Ave storefront is also very historic and possibly original. He said he would like to see more preservation of the historic finishes. He said that the new fixtures should more closely match the historic bronze fixtures in width. He said the proposed restoration of the transom windows does not match the rhythm of the original windows he found in historic photos. He said if they need to be replaced, we should Approved Minutes Page 2 of 5 Historical Advisory Board May 4, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-05-04,3,"mimic the original design. He suggested a clear break in the bulkhead to identify the separate storefronts. Board Member Sanchez asked whether they could condition the approval on restoring and replacing the transom windows. Staff Member Tai said that they could place that as a condition of approval. Board Member Sanchez said it would be great to find clerestory windows on the Alameda Ave. storefront and uncover and restore them. Board Member Jones asked for more information about evaluating when materials are able to be repaired and when they are beyond repair. Mr. Craig spoke about the conditions of the existing storefronts, outlining the level of disrepair. He spoke about the life safety issues of the positioning of the exits and said moving them would be irresponsible, especially given all the recent events involving people unable to safely exit in fires. Board Member Sanchez asked if they could create an egress in the Alameda Ave. storefront that would meet the fire code. Mr. Craig said they could, but it would involve a fire safe corridor along the entire glass storefront which would render it unusable. He said they would like to use that storefront for takeout service. Board Member Saxby asked if there are options that could reduce the profile of the aluminum trim. Mr. Craig said they looked at a different system, and explained the design tradeoffs that went into choosing the proposed system. Board Member Saxby said his goal is to preserve as much historic fabric as possible. Board Member Sanchez said he would like to preserve the clerestory windows if possible and agreed with Board Member Saxby that if they must be replaced that they should try and replicate the rhythm of the original windows from the historic photo. He asked that the corner mullion on the window system be minimized to help it fit in with the historic elements. Mr. Craig said that all the suggestions made by the board are doable. He said he would like to have the facade be cohesive. Approved Minutes Page 3 of 5 Historical Advisory Board May 4, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-05-04,4,"Board Member Sanchez asked what the condition of the Alameda Ave. door is. Mr. Craig said of the door is covered with orange paint and a mail slot. He said they will have to change the slope of the entry for ADA compliance and does not know if the door will be usable. Board Member Saxby said the state historic building code could provide avenues to get around some of those requirements. Chair Piziali said moving a historic door inside would not be a desirable way to preserve the historic elements. Board Member Jones said the placement of door on the interior would be outside of the board's purview. Staff Member Tai said the board could specify the physical features of the door that they could require instead of making use of the existing door mandatory. Mr. Craig said that they could create a replacement door that mimics the existing historic door. Staff Member Tai summarized the proposed conditions of approval: 1. the transom windows should be exposed and restored if possible, and if replaced the mullions should reflect the historic spacing as shown in the photo provided; 2. have a break in the finish of the Park St. bulkhead to separate the two storefronts; 3. the Park St. door fronts should use doors that match the appearance of the current ""Monkey Bars"" door at 1339 Park St; 4. keep the existing transom windows over the doors and the ceiling panel over the entrance. Board Member Sanchez asked to clarify that the doors be evaluated for preservation if possible, before identifying replacements. He restated his request to explore the possibility of reducing the size of the corner mullions on the windows. Mr. Craig said he would explore what options the manufacturer could provide or the possibility of butt-glazing the corners. Staff Member Tai said he also heard the board say they wanted to preserve the floor tiles of the Alameda Ave. entryway. Approved Minutes Page 4 of 5 Historical Advisory Board May 4, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-05-04,5,"Board Member Sanchez made a motion approve the recommendation with the conditions listed previously. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said they would have a June 1st meeting to discuss Alameda Marina and Ship Ways projects. Board Member Saxby asked what the follow up is for the conditions they add to the projects. Staff Member Tai explained the process they go through to document the conditions, which would occur during Building Plan-Check review. He said if any conditions were appealed or not met, he would report back to the board. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 8:09pm. Approved Minutes Page 5 of 5 Historical Advisory Board May 4, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-05-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-06-01,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Chan, Jones, Saxby. Absent: Sanchez. Staff Member Tai noted that Board Member Sanchez was recusing himself because he is a tenant of the Alameda Marina. 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Piziali said they received letters from Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, Woody Minor, and Nancy Hird. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-4393 Public hearing to consider the inclusion of identified historic resources at Alameda Marina on the City's Historic Resources Inventory (formerly Historic Buildings Study List). The proposed update to the Historic Resources Inventory is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15305 Minor Alterations to Land Use Limitations and 15308 Actions by Regulatory Agencies for Protection of the Environment. Staff Member Tai introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 9040-47EC-AB11-2BA4AAA5F6EA&FullText=1 Chris Verplanck gave a presentation. Approved Minutes Page 1 of 5 Historical Advisory Board June 1, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-06-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-06-01,2,"Board Member Saxby asked why the change in exterior finish materials was such an emphasis in the report's findings. Mr. Verplanck said the replacement of the corrugated metal siding changed the feelings of the buildings from industrial to domestic materials. Board Member Saxby asked why the interiors of the buildings were not considered more heavily. Mr. Verplanck said many of the buildings with intact industrial interiors were not part of the period of historical significance. He said there is case law that says interiors of private buildings typically are not subject to CEQA review. Board Member Saxby asked if the buildings on the eastern portion of the site were part of the period of significance. Mr. Verplanck said the combination of them having low integrity and not being part of the main property until the very end of the war led him to the finding that they were not contributors to the historic district. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Woody Minor, architectural historian, said he believes the exteriors have been overemphasized and the interiors need to be considered. He said he is concerned about the information that is conveyed in the report. He strongly recommended that they board members take a tour of the interiors of the buildings. Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, said they believe all the buildings identified in the Corbett report should be added to Alameda's study list, which has a different threshold than the state requirements. He said it would be helpful to have a peer review. Brian Schumacher said we should preserve the buildings as they are. He said the older buildings are preferable for many marine businesses due to their lower rents. Sylvia Gibson, Community Action for a Sustainable Alameda, said they would like to see all 30 buildings added to the historic district. She said there is an urban sustainability aspect to preserving the access to the water. Liz Taylor, DOER Marine, said they need to preserve these work spaces for the blue economy and for defensible space against sea level rise. She said these spaces are being systematically lost around the bay. She said she would be happy to have board members tour their building. Approved Minutes Page 2 of 5 Historical Advisory Board June 1, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-06-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-06-01,3,"Tom Charron said he owns two boats and hauls his boats out at the boatyard regularly. He said the area should be maintained for the jobs and maritime industry of Alameda. Maggie Sabovich, Recreational Boaters of California, said the board should maintain the maritime heritage of Alameda. She said housing can be put on other sites instead of urbanizing the waterfront. She said it took her two hours to get to the meeting from Crockett. Ken Petersen said we should preserve the site for the jobs that it provides. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Chair Piziali asked for clarification about the board's purview over the interiors of the buildings. Staff Member Tai said that they typically have no purview over the condition of private buildings. Mr. Verplanck said he does not usually access the interiors of buildings when reviewing sites. Board Member Jones said the interior of the buildings is not their purview. She said the question is whether to include more buildings in the historic district. Board Member Saxby said that the comment about integrity not being required for inclusion in the city's historic study list is leading him to consider including all 30 buildings in the historic district. He said buildings 31-35 appear to be of the same period and significance as those buildings that were included. Board Member Chan asked if they would have access to the interiors of the buildings. Staff Member Tai said that the interiors are not part of the environmental impact report or CEQA review. He said Alameda's historic preservation ordinance does not specify criteria for consideration but they do have guidelines from the state to try and follow. Board Member Saxby asked if a third party peer review would be possible. Staff Member Tai said that Mr. Verplanck's report is the peer review of the 1988 Corbett report. Approved Minutes Page 3 of 5 Historical Advisory Board June 1, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-06-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-06-01,4,"Board Member Jones said buildings 33 and 34 were build by a different company towards the end of the war. She said that is the argument for why they were not included in the report, since they were not part of the WWII shipbuilding history of the site. Chair Piziali said he would add buildings 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 25, 26, and 13 to the list. He said putting all 30 buildings in the historic district, it would not help the Planning Board and City Council identify which buildings should be kept in a final plan. Board Member Saxby said building 22 was on the 1988 list and is part of the context of all the buildings providing historical context together. He said he would like to err on the side of preservation, where possible. Staff Member Thomas gave suggestions on process for considering different groups of buildings for inclusion in the list of historic buildings. He said they could also ask Mr. Corbett to come back next month to provide comments on his list of buildings. Board Member Saxby said he would like to have another expert review the recommendations of the Verplanck report. Board Member Jones said the board needs to focus on the exterior of the buildings and she is comfortable going with the staff recommendation. Board Member Chan said he would support coming back next month. Chair Piziali asked if they would be holding up the process by delaying their decision for a month. Staff Member Thomas said they are not ready to release the EIR yet, and coming back in a month would not slow down the process. He clarified that what the board is looking for is a review of the evaluation of the exterior integrity issue. Chair Piziali continued the item to the next meeting. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai informed the board about an oak tree that required an emergency removal. He said the board has received invitations for a tour of the Shipways site. He said the board would not meet in August. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Approved Minutes Page 4 of 5 Historical Advisory Board June 1, 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-06-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-06-01,5,"Christopher Buckley said it was difficult to hear some of the discussion tonight. He said that the board should consider interiors when deciding historic designation of buildings. Woody Minor said that the consultant needs to allow the consultant to access the interiors of the buildings in order to properly evaluate their historic value. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 8:51 pm. Approved Minutes Page 5 of 5 Historical Advisory Board June 1, , 2017",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-06-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-10-05,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali called meeting to order at 7:05pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Jones, Saxby. Absent: Board Members Chan (family emergency), Sanchez. 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-4794 Certificate of Approval - PLN17-0396 - 63 Garden Rd - Applicant: Nikitas & Jaimie Orfanos. Hold a public hearing to consider a residential building addition that will result in the removal of more than 30% the current value of a structure built prior to 1942. The proposed addition will require the removal of a large portion of the side exterior wall and the entirety of the roof. The existing single-story residence was built in 1924 and is located within in the R-1 (One-Family Residence) zoning district. The project is categorically exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301 - demolition and removal of a single-family residence. Staff Member Tai introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: ttps:// F459-4FA3-8CCB-58131F8067EF&FullText=1 Board Member Saxby said the findings from the city make it an easy determination. Board Member Jones said that she agreed. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 3 October 5, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-10-05,2,"There were no public speakers. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the staff recommendation. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 7-B 2017-4797 PLN17-0465 - Building 8 Rooftop Addition - Applicant: Alameda Point Redevelopers, LLC. The proposed addition requires Historical Advisory Board approval of an amendment to a previously approved Certificate of Approval to modify a contributing structure to the Naval Air Station Alameda Historic District, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The proposed addition also requires Planning Board approval of an amendment to a previously Development Plan and Design Review. The City of Alameda certified the Alameda Point Final EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043), which evaluated the environmental impacts of redevelopment and reuse of the lands at Alameda Point. No further environmental review is required for this project Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 5F65-439E-8842-436E479FF6C1&FullText= The applicant, Jonah Hendrickson and the project architect gave a presentation on the progress and proposed changes to the project. Board Member Saxby asked about the height of the condensing units. The project architect said that they were about 30"" and would not stick up beyond the parapet. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Rick Browning said it is really nice to see the activity going on at the old base. Chair Piziali closed the public hearing. Board Member Jones asked the applicant to speak to the goal of making the new structure subordinate to the historic structure. The project architect explained the window and materials features that echo the original building while still being clearly different. He said they think they have achieved a balance. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 3 October 5, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-10-05,3,"Board Member Jones asked how the adjacent building 5 was used to influence the choice of the gabled roof on the addition. Staff Member Tai said that they looked for nearby designs to influence what elements to include in the addition. Chair Piziali said it is exciting to see these changes happening at the base after all these years. Board Member Saxby said he was happy to see the height of the addition not exceed the towers and that the setbacks are appreciated. He said they have done a good job making a structure that is differentiated and subordinate to the historic structure. Board Member Jones said she is totally comfortable with the design. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the draft resolution. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said staff reviewed a garage demolition and an oak tree removal. Board Member Saxby said an oak tree was removed at 9th and Santa Clara. Chair Piziali asked why projects that lack historic merit and are not on the study list are required to come before the Board. Staff member Tai noted that all work involving the removal of 30% of the value of a building that was built prior to 1942 requires a Certificate of Approval. He said he would review the requirements and report back to the Board. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 8:04pm. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 3 October 5, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-10-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 2017 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali called meeting to order at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Chan, Sanchez, Saxby. Absent: Board Member Jones. Staff Member Tai pointed out that Board Member Jones is absent after delivering a baby last month. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2017-5007 Draft Meeting Minutes - July 6, 2017 Chair Piziali asked if Board Member Sanchez could vote on the minutes even though he had to recuse himself for an item. Staff Member Tai said that he could vote on the minutes. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. Staff Member Tai asked if there was a vote on the motion. Chair Piziali confirmed a 4-0 vote to approve the minutes. 3-B 2017-5008 Draft Meeting Minutes - October 5, 2017 Chair Piziali said there were only two members present tonight that attended the October meeting. Staff Member Tai said that unless one of the other members had watched the recording of the meeting, they would need to continue the minutes. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,2,"6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said there were two letters from Christopher Buckley of AAPS, one relating to the item 7-A and the other letter on item 7-B. 6-A 2017-5001 Certified Local Government Annual Report 2016-2017 Staff Member Tai described the Certified Local Government program and the reporting requirements for the item. The report can be found at: 64D1-4F26-9EE3-BBEF96F075DC Chair Piziali asked what the most critical planning issues are and asked for an update on the electrification of records. Staff Member Tai said many cities are struggling with record keeping. He said they are trying to develop a database system, staff resources permitting. Board Member Saxby asked about the current status of the Alameda Marina property as it relates to the study list. Staff Member Tai said the draft EIR would be released soon that would identify the historic district and contributing buildings that would be added to the study list. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2017-5003 Certificate of Approval - PLN17-0447 - Jack Backus Architects - 3278 Garfield Avenue. The applicant requests a Certificate of Approval for a second story addition to an existing single-family residence, built prior to 1942, that will result in the removal of more than 30% of the value of the existing structure. The project has been determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act pursuant to Section 15301 - Existing Facilities- minor alterations of existing private structures. Staff Member Dong gave a presentation. The staff report can be found at: tps:// A931-4208-AFC3-F1175B7FE43A&FullText=1 Chair Piziali opened public hearing. Steve Aced said the second story gables should be side facing. He said the horizontal siding is not necessary to distinguish the addition from the original building. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,3,"Christopher Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, referenced their letters commenting on the project. He offered several comments to try and make the project blend in more effectively and minimize the impact on the streetscape. Jack Backus, representing the applicant, said the narrow lot made the side gables not be the desired design choice. He said they would be open, and perhaps prefer, to have the same siding on the second floor as the original. Board Member Sanchez asked if the intention is for the first story to be cement board siding. Mr. Backus responded that they are likely to use cement board siding. Board Member Sanchez asked what the condition of the existing shingle siding is. Mr. Backus responded that the existing siding is in poor condition and will need to be repaired or replaced. Board Member Saxby asked how the nearby house with a second story addition differed from the proposal. Mr. Backus responded that the design steps back twice and would hopefully reduce the dominance of the addition. Board Member Sanchez asked for information about the accessory building being removed. Staff Member Dong responded that the building was built in 2009. Mr. Backus added that the structure was likely older than that but there was an unpermitted second story addition to the structure for which the work was red tagged by the Building Official. Board Member Saxby said that the single story character of this house and its neighbors makes him tend to favor side facing gables in order to downplay the presence of the second story. He said he would also like to consider reducing the plate height. Board Member Sanchez said that turning the gable sideways without reducing the plate height would not reduce the massing significantly. He noted that turning the gable sideways would allow reducing the pitch of the roof in a way that could not be accomplished with front facing gables. Staff Member Tai said that the board could condition its approval on changing the gable design and plate height. He said staff could forward possible revised plans to board members as individuals but that the board would not be able to comment collectively at that point. Board Member Sanchez said he would be willing to approve the project with the discussed changes regarding gable direction and plate height. Board Member Saxby said he has concerns about the overall massing unless changes were made to the gable direction and plate height. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,4,"Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the draft resolution with conditions that the applicant work with city staff to reduce the massing by reducing the plate height and turning front facing gables to the side. Board Member Sanchez said he would like to add that the siding on the upper story have a historically appropriate look. Board Member Saxby accepted the suggestion as a friendly amendment. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 7-B 2017-5006 Consideration of a Resolution Authorizing the Secretary to the Board to act on Certificate of Approvals for projects that result in the removal of more than 30% of the value of a structure built prior to 1942, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 13-21.7, but do not involve resources, currently listed or eligible to be included, on the Historical Buildings Study List. The adoption of this resolution is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15060(c)(3) and 15378(b)(5) because the activity approved by this resolution neither commits the City to implement any specific project nor will it result in direct or indirect physical changes in the environment Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. He explained that the preservation ordinance currently requires all Certificate of Approval applications come before the Board at a public hearing, other than tree removals and accessory structures, which had been previously delegated to staff level review. Staff proposes delegating those applications involving buildings not on the Historical Building Study List to staff level in order to streamline costs and processing time. The staff report and attachments can be found at: ps:// 109-4CDO-AE99-5B51853EC3DE&FullText=1 Board Member Sanchez asked how the timing of the decisions would be shared with the HAB members. Staff Member Tai said decisions would be made in batches mirroring the process for Design Review applications under the purview of the Planning Board. He said there would be a ten days public comment period before a decision is made and ten days after the decision for an appeal filing or Board call for review. Chair Piziali said that as long as the process is above board, reducing cost and delays for the citizens is a good reason to streamline. Chair Piziali opened the public hearing. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,5,"Christopher Buckley, AAPS, said they sent a letter encouraging the process be left as is. He said there are many buildings that could be on the Study List which are not. He said they worry that projects may fall through the cracks if they are only reviewed at the staff level. He suggested several recommendations for the process if the board decides to move forward with this process. Board Member Sanchez said he has always found the 30% demolition threshold vague. Staff Member Tai said the demolition criteria is defined in the ordinance. He said the board could set criteria for what types of Certificate of Approval applications require a public hearing. He explained the workload placed on Planning staff and additional cost to Alameda homeowners for requiring fairly routine projects to go for a public hearing. Chair Piziali says he does not see any reason to not try it. He suggested putting a time limit on the change and then reviewing how the change is working. He said any time they can save residents time and money while still providing proper public notice is worth doing. Board Member Saxby said he believes the savings would be fairly minor. Staff Member Tai said that some of the AAPS recommendations are reasonable, but some would be extraordinary. He said he worries about the standards for restoration if the City has to presume that every building that was altered over time has historic integrity hidden underneath its current appearance. Board Member Sanchez said he would be receptive of doing this on a trial basis. Board Member Saxby said he is concerned things will be missed and favors the current process. Chair Piziali made a motion to approve the staff recommendation. The motion failed for lack of a second. 7-C 2017-5004 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Schedule 2018 The schedule can be found at: C109-4CDO-AE99-5B51853EC3DE&FullText=1 Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the calendar. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* Approved Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2017-12-07,6,"9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said there was one Certificate of Approval application approved at staff level for a removing a dilapidated garage at 1520 Morton Avenue. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 9:04pm. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 6 December 7, 2017 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2017-12-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-05-03,1,"APPROVED ACTION MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018 DUE TO TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES, AN OFFICIAL RECORDING OF THE MEETING IS UNAVAILABLE 1. CONVENE Board Member Saxby called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Members Sanchez, Saxby, and Jones. Absent: Chair Piziali and Board Member Chan 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2018-5519 PLN16-0314 - Certificate of Approval - Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal Canopy. Applicant: City of Alameda. Public Hearing to consider plans for a canopy for a new ferry terminal located at the Seaplane Lagoon in the NAS Alameda Historic District. The Historical Advisory Board will consider the canopy design for Certificate of Approval pursuant to AMC Section 13-21. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered and disclosed in the Seaplane Lagoon Addendum to the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act. APPROVED 3-0; Sanchez motioned, Jones seconded Board comments to the Planning Board: 1. The design of the railing needs to be simple and not bulky in appearance. Approved Action Minutes Page 1 of 2 May 3, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-05-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-05-03,2,"2. A gap between the glass wind panels is preferred over the use of caulked joints. 3. The glass panels should be taller than 5-feet to provide better wind protection. 7-B 2018-5520 1100-1250 Marina Village Parkway Public Hearing to Review and Comment on the Shipways Residential Project Draft Environmental Impact Report and Project Design - Applicant: The Cavallari Group, Inc. A public hearing to review and comment on the adequacy the Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and project design for the Shipways Residential Project application. The Shipways Residential Project Draft EIR (State Clearinghouse No. 2017042021) evaluates the potential environmental impacts associated with the approval and construction of the proposal, and this public hearing is being conducted pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Board provided comments to staff and the applicant but no action was required. 7-C 2018-5522 Public Hearing to recommend that the City Council approve an amendment to Alameda Municipal Code Section 13-21 to increase protection of historic/heritage trees, including adding a requirement for certified arborist review, establishing review standards, clarifying protected trees, and other miscellaneous administrative and clarifying amendments. The proposed amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3 and 15308. CONTINUED TO FUTURE DATE 3-0, Sanchez motioned, Jones seconded. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *None* 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Adjourned the meeting at approximately 9:00 p.m. Approved Action Minutes Page 2 of 2 May 3, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-05-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-06-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2018 1. CONVENE Chair Piziali called meeting to order at 7:00pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Piziali, Board Members Sanchez, Saxby. Absent: Board Member Chan submitted his resignation on May 3, 2018. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2018-5659 Draft Meeting Minutes - October 5th, 2017 Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 3-B 2018-5661 Draft Meeting Minutes - December 7th, 2017 Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai noted a letter the board received from a potential appointee. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2018-5654 PLN18-0231 - Addition to the Historical Buildings Study List - 1100 Marina Village Parkway. Public hearing to consider a recommendation to add the Shipways site to the Alameda Historical Buildings Study List. The property is an approximately 8. 1-acre site located at 1100 Marina Village Parkway (APN: 074-1334-067, -024, and -026). The addition of the Shipways site to the Historical Buildings Study List is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act and no further environmental review is required Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 June 7, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-06-07,2,"Staff Member Tai introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 3B29-4E82-AC7F-0706A47C61A0&FullText=1 Dennis O'Hanlon said that the historic nature of the Ship Ways are enjoyed by people on the water even more than people on land. Board Member Saxby said he felt the site should have an ""S"" designation rather than an ""N"" designation. Staff Member Tai said that staff felt that the site met the highest level of significance for Alameda's criteria and therefore gave it an ""N"" designation in the recommendation. Staff Member Sanchez said that he agrees with staff's suggestion. Staff Member Sanchez made a motion to adopt the staff recommendation. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 7-B 2018-5655 PLN16-0314 -Certificate of Approval - Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal Landside Improvement. Applicant: City of Alameda. Public Hearing to consider temporary landside plans for a new ferry terminal located at the Seaplane Lagoon in the NAS Alameda Historic District. The Historical Advisory Board will consider this project for Certificate of Approval pursuant to AMC Section 13-21. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered and disclosed in the Seaplane Lagoon Addendum to the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act. Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 7F4A-4645-8B75-7A7F7OF2169D&FullText=1 Board Member Saxby asked for information on the perforated panels near the sewage outfalls. Staff Member Giles said they are still discussing whether to use the panels or a traditional railing. She said BCDC suggested using benches. Board Member Sanchez said he feels the project maintains the character of the lagoon and base. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval for the land side approvals. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 June 7, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-06-07,3,"7-C 2018-5657 PLN18-0191 - Certificate of Approval - 2450 Pan Am Way (NAS Alameda Historic District - Building 35) - Applicant: Malyka Chop. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to modify the exterior of a contributing structure to the NAS Alameda historic district (Building 35). The project includes converting an existing window to an exit door on the rear of the building, and the construction of a wood wheelchair ramp. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report. No further environmental review is required. Staff Member Dong gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: FE18-4B2B-A87D-43ACA4AD15A4&FullText=1 Chair Piziali asked if the hedge in the plans would be artificial. Malyka Chop, applicant, said they planned to use planters for a garden curriculum and a printed fabric to be attached to chain link fence to provide a wind guard and soften the look. He said they did not want to encumber the property with something that would be hard to remove at the end of their tenancy, which is expected to be three to five years. Board Member Sanchez asked what material the ramp would be. The applicant said that they would use a durable product like redwood or pressure treated lumber. Board Member Saxby said that the ramp connecting to the rear of the building is appropriate. He suggested differentiating the new entrance by not making it match the existing windows. Board Member Sanchez agreed that the location of the ramp is correct. He said that the exposed nature of the ramp would mean any wood product would not last long. He suggested the applicant consider a metal ramp, which would also fit the aesthetic on the base. The applicant said that the metal ramps would be four times the cost of the wood. He said the short nature of the lease term means they could not justify the expense of the metal ramps. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the resolution with the condition that the transom window for the new door opening be removed and the door opening be its own height, not matching the adjacent window heights. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 June 7, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-06-07,4,"7-D 2018-5658 PLN18-0233 - Certificate of Approval - 2599 Todd Street. Applicant: City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval for demolition of Building 130, a structure determined by the Building Official to be unsafe to occupy and a public safety hazard, located in the NAS Alameda Historic District. The City of Alameda certified the Alameda Point Final Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 201312043), which evaluated the environmental impacts of redevelopment and reuse of the lands at Alameda Point, including building demolition. No further environmental review is required for this project. Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: E55B-434D-8239-4FB179FF6C49&FullText= Chair Piziali asked if the tenants of the adjacent building are required to maintain the exterior of the building. Staff Member Tai said every building lease is different. Board Member Saxby said he would like to make sure that the building has been properly documented with the state before demolition proceeds. Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the resolution with a condition that staff verifies there is an HABS historic record for the building before issuing a demo permit. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Chair Piziali said that he expects this to be his last meeting, pending a new board member being seated. Staff Member Tai said that there is a nomination to replace former Board Member Chan. He said that Chair Piziali can continue serving until there is a replacement confirmed for his seat. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *None* 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Piziali adjourned the meeting at 7:53pm. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 June 7, 2018 Historical Advisory Board",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-06-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-10-04,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2018 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:03pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones (arrived 7:08pm), Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2018-6057 Draft Meeting Minutes - May 3, 2018 Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2018-6058 Draft Meeting Minutes - June 7, 2017 Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION Staff requested to move staff communications up in the agenda for the resolution honoring former member Piziali. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2018-6053 Board Elections Board Member Sanchez made a motion to nominate Board Member Saxby as chair. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. Board Member Jones nominated Board Member Sanchez to be Vice Chair. Board Member Saxby seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. *** Staff Communications*** Staff Member Dong introduced a board resolution honoring former member Piziali for his service on the Historical Advisory Board. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 October 4, 2018",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-10-04,2,"Chair Saxby read the resolution. 7-B 2018-6054 PLN18-0331 - Certificate of Approval - 1447 1/2 Eighth Street - Applicant: James Snider. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow a 447 square foot single story addition at the rear of an existing 497 square foot detached single family house which will require demolition of more than 30% of the structure's current value, as determined by the Building Official. The property is not listed on the City's Historic Building Study List. The project site is located in the R-5 (General Residential) Zoning District. Staff Member Sablan gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: https:/ 2DAE-45D6-87CF-5F194EFEF805&FullText=1 Board Member Sanchez asked if the windows in the front of the house were being replaced. He also asked if the shingles (siding) were being replaced. Staff Member Sablan said that the windows were being replaced and the shingles would be replaced with redwood shingles. Board Member Wit asked what the procedure was for researching the building history and significance of whomever built it. Staff Member Sablan said they use building documents, internet research, and the Alameda Museum as resources. Chair Saxby asked what the final square footage would be. Staff Member Sablan said it would be 944 square feet. Board Member Sanchez asked if the applicant would use Milgard windows. The applicant said he is unsure. He said he wants it to look period and could use wood or vinyl, if allowed. Board Member Sanchez offered some suggestions for avoiding the undesirable look of vinyl windows on a historic home. Board Member Wit asked if the addition would trigger any additional parking requirements. Staff Member Sablan said it would not trigger any parking requirements. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 October 4, 2018",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-10-04,3,"Chair Saxby said the massing looks appropriate. He said he has the same preference not to use vinyl windows. Chair Saxby opened and closed the public hearing. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the project with the condition that the applicant submit documentation regarding the windows at the time of design review and that vinyl windows be avoided. Chair Saxby asked that the character of the windows match the existing windows. Board Member Sanchez agreed and said that as long as the windows match the designs in the application, they should be sufficient. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 7-C 2018-6055 PLN18-0341 - Certificate of Approval - 2301 Santa Clara Avenue - Applicant: Carolyn C. Fong on Behalf of Lily Angela Chun 1991 Living Trust. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval for the disassembly and removal of a gas station kiosk and canopy to enable ground soil cleanup required by state regulatory agencies. The gas station kiosk will be reassembled once the soil remediation is completed, which is anticipated to take 18-24 months. The subject property is a Contributing Structure to the Park Street Historic District. Per Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) Section 13-21.5 the project requires a Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board. The property is located in the C- C-T (Community Commercial, Theatre Combining) Zoning District. The project is Categorically Exempt from additional environmental review pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines, Sections 15301 - Existing Facilities, 15304 - Minor Alterations to Land, 15330 - Minor Actions to Prevent, Minimize, Stabilize, Mitigate or Eliminate the Release or Threat of Release of Hazardous Waste or Hazardous Substances, and 15331 - Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation. Staff Member Sablan gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 8B63-45CF-95E8-818657CEA138&FullText=1 Board Member Wit asked if anything prevents the owner from not following through with reassembly after the soil is cleaned up. Staff Member Sablan said that they are trying to use the proof of financing to achieve that goal. Chair Saxby asked if that requirement would transfer to a new owner. Staff Member Sablan said that the entitlement runs with the land. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 October 4, 2018",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-10-04,4,"for many years. Ted Chun said he worked at that station since he was ten years old. He said they want to clean the property up. He said they are not the type of people to walk away. Ronald Chun said this has been a family business and he knows this is an important historical part of Alameda. Chair Saxby closed the public hearing. Board Member Sanchez asked what would happen if they started cleanup and had to do cleanup beneath the flower shop structure. Board Member Sanchez asked whether if during excavation and remediation they needed to do something that affected the structure of the flower shop. Staff Member Sablan said the flower shop is a contributing structure and would require the same certificate of approval. Board Member Wit asked what would happen if the canopy structure did not fit in the garage where it would be stored. Clarence Peterson, the applicant's contractor, said they have room inside and on top of the garage. Chair Saxby asked if anyone has considered moving the structure in its entirety to a new site. Mr. Peterson said the building was old and brittle and they had not considered that option. Board Member Saxby said disassembling an old structure like that may be difficult to put back together is fraught with problems. Board Member Lau asked if there was a plan to deal with pedestrian traffic on and around the site during the lengthy construction. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 October 4, 2018",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-10-04,5,"Mr. Peterson said they planned to reinstall a fence around the site during work. Board Member Jones expressed concern that leaving elements on top of the garage, exposed to the elements could cause damage. Board Member Sanchez said there is a reasonable plan in place. He said leaving the brittle, fragile cladding on top of the garage could render the material useless. He said a detailed photographic inventory is going to be critical. Chair Saxby said there should be a detailed drawing and a plan to tag all the pieces before it is disassembled. He said he is concerned that the building will not go back together. Board Member Wit asked Mr. Peterson had taken a structure this old apart and put it back together. Mr. Peterson said he had done something similar before. He said they have a plan to catalogue where all the pieces go. Board Member Saxby said any items stored outside need to be properly protected. He listed possible conditions: storage, record keeping, as built drawings, inventory of components. He said that if there were any alterations in the reconstruction, he would like it to come back for review. Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the item with condition that staff review the owner's as built drawings and inventory, tagging of the site conditions and gas station elements, that the components are stored in a secure and weathertight manner, and that any significant changes during reconstruction come back to the board for approval. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *None* 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:07pm. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 October 4, 2018",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-10-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-12-06,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2018 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 6:58pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES *None* 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2018-6278 PLN17-0140 - 1100 Marina Village Parkway - Applicant: Steelwave, LLC. - Public Hearing to consider the historic preservation design features for the Shipways Residential Project, a 329-unit multi-family housing complex with a waterfront park. The project will require the approval of a Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board but no action will be taken at this public hearing. The environmental impacts of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Shipways Residential Project Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2017041011) Staff Member Thomas introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 123E-4D48-9BD3-FF5B2D665A14&FullText=1 Staff Member Barrera gave a presentation. Nathan Herrero, project architect, gave a presentation. Approved Minutes Page 1 of 5 December 6, 2018 Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-12-06,2,"Board Member Sanchez asked what the logic was for having the taller buildings along the water instead of Marina Village Pkwy. Mr. Herrero said keeping the scale down at the street and providing more units with access to the waterfront views were the reasons. Board Member Wit asked if keeping the facades of the buildings and incorporating them into the new structures was considered. Mr. Herrero said the garage walls will be built in those locations and they would not be able to keep the character of the walls. Chair Saxby opened and closed the public hearing. Board Member Jones said the celebrating of the history of the site should be enriched in the public spaces of the site. She said she wanted to make sure we took every opportunity to historically and aesthetically celebrate the site. She said she would like to explore making the design more evocative of the design elements of the original buildings. She asked about the process for finalizing the artwork. Staff Member Thomas said there is a large public art obligation, a desire to honor the history of the site, and a need to create a unique public park. He said the applicant will make a proposal to the Public Art Commission. Board Member Jones asked how confident we are that the signage can be removed successfully. Mr. Herrero said he is very confident that they can reinforce and cut out the Shipways signage. Board Member Lau asked if the park area can be built with a sloped building like the original structure and possibly swap the location of the pool and the park area. Mr. Herrero said the ability to build with a slope severely limits the usability of the interior space or would require a much higher roof or canopy structure than the original building. Board Member Sanchez said he would worry that they would be getting into the area of false historicism by replicating the building. Board Member Wit said the large pictures of old planes above the historic hangars in the Presidio are a good example of what she would like to see on the sides of the buildings. Approved Minutes Page 2 of 5 December 6, 2018 Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-12-06,3,"Board Member Sanchez said the sales office would be a good place to have some of the required imagery on display. Mr. Herrero said using that imagery on the interior portions of the common areas is in their plans. Board Member Sanchez said the landscape and waterfront elements are the most successful of relating to the history of the site. He said public access elements and experience of the site were good. He said he is concerned by the massing of the building and that the taller buildings are on the waterfront site. He said the pool areas would seem dwarfed by the taller buildings. He said shorter buildings near the pool, which is on the north side, would enhance the private open spaces on the site by allowing more sunlight to reach the ground there. He said he appreciates the changes that have been made and thinks they have gone a long way towards alleviating the historical concerns given the challenges of the site. Chair Saxby said the City should include a preservation aspect to this project. He said it was a mistake to allow four historic buildings of local and national significance be destroyed in order to build the project. He said Alameda stands strong on the integrity of its historic character. He said the finding that preserving two of the buildings was not viable came from the developer, who is not really interested in preservation. He said we could look at maybe preserving one of the four buildings. He said he does not think it is a fair choice to sacrifice the public amenities for historic preservation. He said he does not think preservation options have really been studied. He said he is not giving up on the preservation of at least one of these buildings. Staff Member Thomas asked if Chair Saxby was envisioning preserving one or more of the head house buildings and building over and around it. Chair Saxby said that is possible and would be very exciting idea architecturally and be similar to how the ships were built at the site. He said the mitigation measures considered are superficial. He said they are not historic mitigation measures. Staff Member Thomas said a historic mitigation measure is photography when you have a significant, unavoidable impact under CEQA. He said they are trying to add to that. Chair Saxby said it would be a shame to write off these historic buildings. Staff Member Thomas said nobody is trying to write them off. He said we also have an obligation under state law to build housing. He said the City cannot make the development Approved Minutes Page 3 of 5 December 6, 2018 Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-12-06,4,"of the housing infeasible by their mitigation measures. He said he expects the chair's idea for preservation would affect the financial feasibility of the project. Board Member Sanchez asked how the elevation of the peak of the head house compares to the elevation of the plinth (platform.) Mr. Herrero said the floor level is about five feet. He said he is guessing the building height is 21 feet up, the driveway entry of the project would be built up to nine feet. He said that would create a cocoon effect around the building. Chair Saxby asked how that would be affected if they used one of the edge buildings. Mr. Herrero said they would have to study that, and that impacts to fire department access would be a factor they would have to consider. Chair Saxby said it is confusing that the EIR is from May 2017 and we still have not seriously looked at the feasibility of preserving any of these buildings. Staff Member Thomas said they have considered the possibility of preservation, but have to consider financial impacts, and he said he is trying to consider what this building would look like visually submerged compared to the surrounding grounds and buildings. He said that if the City makes a project infeasible they would run afoul of state law. He said the Del Monte project is a preservation project, has been approved for four years, and cannot get financed. Board Member Jones said she agreed with Chair Saxby about Alameda's historic preservation commitments. She compared the potential of the Shipways site to the historic Alameda Theater. She said we like to push the envelope and wants to make sure this does not look like any other city. Board Member Wit said she agreed with those thoughts. She said Alameda needs to decide what it wants to be, a suburb or a destination. She said maintaining our history is what makes people want to come to Alameda. Nicole Bures, project manager, said this has been a large collaborative effort. She said this will be an over one hundred million dollar investment to provide for rent housing in Alameda with 54 deed restricted units. She said no new for rent housing has been built in Alameda since 1973, will open the waterfront to Alamedans, and convert an abandoned site. She asked that the board take these items into consideration. Mr. Herrero said getting the head houses to meet FEMA requirements for flooding and sea level rise. Approved Minutes Page 4 of 5 December 6, 2018 Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2018-12-06,5,"Chair Saxby said the building is suitable for occupancy now and is a historic structure on a historic site. He wondered why we are not looking seriously at saving one or more of these buildings. Staff Member Thomas said that they have come to the conclusion that it is not financially feasible on this site, but have not convinced this board of that. He asked what it would take for the board to reach that conclusion. Chair Saxby said he does not think it is the board's purview to address the financial feasibility of the project. He said they are looking only at the historic preservation point of view. Staff Member Thomas said they will be taking the project to the Planning Board in January. He said they will share that this board felt the historic preservation mitigations in the application were good, but that the plan missed the mark by not having a preservation element. He said they would be coming back to HAB for a certificate of approval. Board Member Sanchez said he would like to go through the process of studying a design that has a preservation element. He said always presents his clients with the ""money is no object"" solution to make sure that possibilities are not limited. Staff Member Thomas asked if the board would be able to move their meeting back from the scheduled January 3rd date in order to do the work required. Chair Saxby said they could coordinate a date offline and make that work. 7-B 2018-6287 2019 Historical Advisory Board Regular Meeting Schedule Board Member Sanchez made a motion to adopt the 2019 schedule. Board Member Wit seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS *None* 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:20pm. Approved Minutes Page 5 of 5 December 6, 2018 Historical Advisory Board Meeting",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2018-12-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-01-10,1,"APPROVED MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 2019 CITY HALL ROOM 391 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:01pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. Staff: Allen Tai, Planning Services Manager 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-6408 Draft Meeting Minutes - October 4, 2018 Chair Saxby and Board Member Sanchez provided corrections to the minutes. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION Staff Member Tai informed the Board that the property owner for item 7-A has requested the City to stop processing the development application until further notice. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2019-6388 Certified Local Government Program - 2017-2018 Annual Report Staff Member Tai explained the purpose of the CLG annual report. Board Member Sanchez asked if upcoming training opportunities were part of the CLG program to which Staff Member Tai responded no. Chair Saxby asked about the benefits of being a CLG. Staff Member Tai summarized the benefits including eligibility for grant monies from the state, which are around $10,000 for survey work. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 2 January 10, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-01-10.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-01-10,2,"7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-6400 PLN17-0140 - 1100-1250 Marina Village Parkway - Applicant: Steelwave, Acquisitions, LLC - Public Hearing to consider a preservation feasibility analysis for the Shipways Residential Project. The environmental impacts of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Shipways Residential Project Environmental Impact Report (SCH#2017042021). This item was continued at the request of the property owner. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Board Member Sanchez described the Request for Proposals process for reuse and rehabilitation of the Carnegie Library building. The City's selection panel will convene on January 29 to review two proposals. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai reviewed a correspondence from Greg McFann, Building Official about proposed amendments to the Alameda Municipal Code that would automatically appoint members on the HAB in designated skilled positions (architect, contractor, designer) to serve as the Housing and Building Code Appeals Board. Staff anticipates the City Council to hear this matter in February 2019. Board Member Sanchez asked about the Code Enforcement process responsibilities as it relates to a homeowners purchasing a home. Board Member Tai explained that the current property owner on record is responsible for correcting outstanding violations and that the City usually works with homeowners to achieve compliance. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 7:35pm. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 2 January 10, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-01-10.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-03-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 2019 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:03pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-6625 Draft Meeting Minutes - December 6, 2018 Board Member Wit made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2019-6626 Draft Meeting Minutes - January 10, 2019 Board Member Lau made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS *None* 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-6628 PLN19-0044 - Del Monte Warehouse Certificate of Approval Amendment - 1501 Buena Vista Avenue - Applicant: TL Partners I L.P. Public hearing to consider revisions to previously approved Certificate of Approval (PLN14- 0059) to modify the design of the monitors (rooftop structures) on Bays 1 and 4 as part of restoration and rehabilitation of the historic Del Monte Warehouse. The proposal is limited to architectural changes only and does not affect the previously approved land use, unit count, and parking. The site is zoned M-X, Mixed-Use with a Multi-Family Residential Overlay. The Environmental Impact Report for the Northern Waterfront General Plan Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 March 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-03-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-03-07,2,"Amendment and Subsequent Mitigated Negative Declaration for the Del Monte Warehouse Project satisfies environmental review requirements for this project under the California Environmental Quality Act. Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: )9B-4599-8D6D-2DC2496C6844&FullText= Board Member Wit asked if the glass canopy would remain in the changed plan. Staff Member Tai said the courtyard would be open air under the new plan. Board Member Sanchez explained that the removal of the trusses eliminates the need for the canopy. Mike O'Hara, Tim Lewis Communities, gave a presentation detailing the proposed changes. Board Member Wit asked how high the monitor windows would be. Mr. O'Hara said they would be about 35 feet. Board Member Sanchez asked if the glazing on the new windows would be multi colored or clear glazing. Mr. O'Hara said they would have clear glazing. Chair Saxby asked if options to preserve the wood trusses were considered. Mr. O'Hara said they have considered alternatives. He said preservation of the trusses has been the biggest sticking point in figuring out how to construct the parking podium and units in a financially viable manner. Board Member Lau asked if the removal of the center trusses would require additional support for the sides of the building. Mr. O'Hara said that the building on either side would be new, independent structures on top of a new podium with their own supports. Board Member Jones said the scale of the structure is large enough that the new windows will be okay. Chair Saxby said the board's duty should be focused on preservation issues and let other boards and council deal with financial feasibility issues. He said the board previously Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 March 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-03-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-03-07,3,"approved of the aluminum windows for sound and egress and Title 24 reasons. He said the change of the monitors does improve the preservation of character defining features and he supports that change. He has concerns about the plans for bays 1 and 4 because those trusses are character defining features, and he thinks it would be a mistake to allow them to be removed. He disagreed with the interpretation of the Secretary of the Interior findings in the staff report. He said the proposal to do more demolition for cost savings pushes the project where too much historic integrity is lost. He said he does not support the removal of the roof trusses in bays 1 and 4. Board Member Sanchez said the new grouping and rhythm of the monitor windows is an improvement from the previously approved plan. He said when the trusses came to the board the first time, the trusses were not within the board's scope for approval. He said the amount of the trusses that were already being removed made saving these relatively small portions of them less important to preserve. Board Member Jones said she thought the more important factor was what was more visible to the public and questioned whether the interior of the project is a major factor for the board's consideration. Staff Member Tai said that in private buildings, the interior is not typically subject to that scrutiny. Chair Saxby said the Secretary of Interior standards do not exclude the interiors. Board Member Lau asked if it was possible to keep portions of the timber structure. Mr. O'Hara showed which post structures would remain and which would need to be removed. Board Member Sanchez asked if the approved plan has the posts continue down through the new podium structure. Mr. O'Hara said there would be new posts and the bottom of the existing trusses would be cut. Board Member Wit said eliminating the trusses and roof is a missed opportunity by the Planning Board. Chair Saxby said he would like to split the voting to take the monitor window issue separate from the truss issue. Staff Member Tai said his belief is that the Historical Advisory Board was established to do more than focus 100% on preservation. He said the makeup of the board is mixed Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 March 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-03-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-03-07,4,"because the board is charged with taking a balanced approach to issues before them when advising City Council decisions. Board Member Lau said he sees the building every day and that it needs improvement. He worries what will happen to the building if it nothing is done to it soon. Mr. O'Hara pointed out the limited number of people (residents of bays 1 and 4) that would ever be able to see those trusses. Chair Saxby referenced standard #10 prevents the proposed plan from meeting the standards for preservation. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the changes to the monitor windows according to the draft resolution. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. Board Member Jones asked if it would be possible (referencing standard #10) to ever restore the trusses in the future. Chair Saxby said the trusses would be gone. He lamented that the board did not have a chance to see the inside of the building, which he called remarkable. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the request to remove the trusses at bays 1 and 4. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-2. (Saxby and Wit opposed.) Staff Member Tai mentioned the existing conditions on the project which will require capturing the existing conditions of the building, including the trusses in question. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Board Member Sanchez said the City is looking for a partner to take over the Carnegie Library space for a new use and put out an RFP. He said he sat on a panel to hear the two proposals. He said one included a restaurant and bakery. Another proposal focused on an art performance space with a community focus. Board Member Lau said he was aware of someone with an idea to turn the building into a museum and asked if it was too late to submit applications. Staff Member Tai said it was probably too late, unless the chosen candidate does not progress. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 March 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-03-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-03-07,5,"Staff Member Dong gave an informational presentation of smaller scale, staff approved restoration projects. Board Member Sanchez asked if people could apply for amnesty for windows that had previously been replaced. Staff Member Tai said they would likely still be asked to replace the windows to meet the design guidelines. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:15pm. Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 March 7, , 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-03-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-04-04,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 2019 1. CONVENE Board Member Jones called meeting to order at 7:03pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Board Members Jones, Lau, Wit. Absent: Chair Saxby, Board Member Sanchez. Board Member Jones said that Board Member Sanchez was recusing himself today because his office is on the property being discussed tonight. Board Member Jones presided as Chair for the meeting. 3. MINUTES Board Member Wit made a motion to accept the minutes from the 3/7/19 meeting. Board Member Lau seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said that they received the newsletter from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-6751 PLN19-0095 - Alameda Marina Certificate of Approval - Alameda Marina - Applicant: Pacific Shops, Inc. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow demolition of contributing buildings (Buildings 1, 4, 6, 12, 22, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, and 34) and non- contributing buildings (Buildings 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 23, 24, 35, 37, and 39) within the Alameda Marina Historic District to meet the objectives of the Alameda Marina Master Plan, and consideration of an interpretive signage and history walk program as a component of the mitigation measures required by the Alameda Marina Master Plan Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered and disclosed in the Alameda Marina Master Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse #2016102064). No further environmental review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 April 4, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-04-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-04-04,2,"7-B 2019-6752 PLN19-0095 - Amendments to List of Street and Facility Names - Alameda Marina and Citywide - Applicants: Pacific Shops, Inc. and City of Alameda - The applicants request a public hearing to amend the List of Street and Facility Names for the Alameda Marina Master Plan project and other revisions to the List. This action is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15061(b)3, where it can be seen with certainty there is no possibility that amending the City's street names list will have a significant effect on the environment Staff Member Tai said he would present both Alameda Marina items together. He gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 7-A: 35CA-4705-81D0-2A4CF7322611&FullText=1 and 7-B: E16-471D-BA3B-4BCC6F3DB2OF&FullText= Sean Murphy, Pacific Shops, spoke about the project's history and introduced the project team. Howard Curtis gave a presentation detailing the proposed historic signage plan. Board Member Lau asked if any of the original materials from the site, such as wood trusses from the historic buildings to be demolished, were considered for use in the signage. Clay Fry, project architect, said that they have plans to repurpose building materials into things like benches, flooring, and other uses. He said they wanted the signage to reflect the masts and sails of the boats and have something durable as well as to use the historic building materials in a building manner instead of a signage one. He then explained how they ended up with name choices for streets, paths, and parks. There were no public speakers. Board Member Lau asked if the applicant considered advertising an opportunity allow someone to haul away intact buildings slated for demolition. Mr. Murphy said that is part of their plans. He said the project would take five to six years and would advertise those opportunities to the public after anything that has been adaptively re-used. Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 April 4, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-04-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-04-04,3,"Staff Member Tai said that cities often require that a home be offered to the public for salvage before demolition. He said it would be difficult to imagine many of the large buildings at the site being moved to a new location. Board Member Jones asked staff how the discussion should proceed. Staff Member Tai explained which buildings would be preserved and which would be demolished. He said the board can consider demolitions first. He said the Board could consider whether to require opportunities for salvage and relocation, but to be practical when thinking about what might be feasible. He said the Board could then provide feedback on the signage and the street names. Board Member Jones asked what would happen if the Board wanted to vote to keep the buildings from being demolished. Staff Member Tai said that the Board could vote no on the certificate of approval for the demolition. He said that would essentially force the applicant to appeal the decision to the City Council, who would likely refer to the master plan which is based on the demolition of these buildings. He said this step is really a formality and the applicant is required to begin construction in 2019 under Tidelands lease obligations with the City. Board Member Jones asked if demolishing one building would meet their requirements to begin construction. Mr. Murphy said the Tidelands lease sets the milestones for what has to begin construction in phase I. Board Member Jones said the Historical Advisory Board has a unique perspective and role for preserving Alameda's character in accordance with the Secretary of Interior's standards. She said demolishing everything outside the ""golden triangle"" would result in a loss of the scale which leads her to being at an impasse. Board Member Wit said she walked the site today and can see what the developer is trying to accomplish. She said she is having the most trouble with Building 12 which housed Svendsens. She said that building seems very historically relevant. Staff Member Tai said that the decision about which buildings were historically significant was already made by this board in 2017. He said the City Council has already decided that these buildings can come down. He said the Board can channel those concerns into the historic signage, street names, and walk program to best capture the historic nature of the site. Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 April 4, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-04-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-04-04,4,"Board Member Wit asked why the Board is being asked to approve demolition if interpretive signage has already been decided as a mitigation for demolition. Staff Member Tai said the code requires this Board to issue a certificate of approval for the demolition, however since the Council has already approved a master plan, the build- out of which expects demolition of the historic buildings, this Board's vote is really a formality. He said the Council's decision has given them mitigation measures like the interpretive signage and street names for the board to work with. Board Member Jones said that the signage could be more interactive. She suggested installations to engage the public, like the rigging materials. She also suggested the use of handheld technology that residents can use to enhance the experience, similar to Pokémon Go, a virtual reality mobile application, on the interpretive signage. She said the signage is a decent start, but the proposed content seems stark. Board Member Lau agreed with Board Member Jones. He said reusing materials from the site would help. He asked if the building designs could be shared with the board as they move forward. Staff Member Tai said that the architectural designs for new buildings could be brought to the board for review and comment. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the staff recommendation for the demolition of historic buildings set forth in the draft Resolution. Board Member Wit seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Staff Member Tai said the board could approve the signage plan with specific direction on possible changes. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the signage plan with a condition that the applicant incorporate more dynamic, interactive, experiential elements that may include use of technology. Staff Member Tai said the feedback he heard was to include elements that the public can see, feel, and touch. Board Member Jones said she would like to give people a sense of the scale and that repurposing items from the original buildings into the signage itself. She said it is a challenge to make history relevant to people's experience today. Staff Member Tai repeated the motion: ""Approving the interpretive sign and history walk program with a condition that the applicant work with staff on the details of a revised plan that includes interpretive signage that integrates more dynamic user Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 April 4, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-04-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-04-04,5,"interaction, such as things that give the user a sense of scale, feel and touch, and explore repurposing pieces of the historic buildings into the signage as well as the use of mobile or other technology."" Board Member Lau seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. Staff Member Tai explained the board's options regarding street names. Board Member Wit said she would prefer to keep the names within and adjacent to Alameda County. Board Member Lau agreed. Board Member Jones made a motion to accept staff's recommendation regarding amendments to the street names list, including deletion of names from the water bodies list, but to keep water bodies in Alameda and San Francisco counties. Board Member Lau seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 10. *None* 11. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 12. ADJOURNMENT Board Member Jones adjourned the meeting at 8:23pm. Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 April 4, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-04-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-08-01,1,"MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 2019 1. CONVENE Board Member Saxby called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, and Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-7111 Draft Meeting Minutes - March 7, , 2019 Chair Saxby moved approval of the minutes. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2019-7112 Draft Meeting Minutes - April 4, 2019 Board Member Sanchez noted that under ""Roll Call,"" it should be Board Member Sanchez recusing, not Saxby. Board Member Sanchez moved approval of the minutes as corrected. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION *None* 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Chair Saxby noted a letter was received from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society regarding item 7-A. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-6751 PLN18-0405 - Certificate of Approval and Historic Sign Designation2070 Lincoln Ave - Applicant: Bill Wong on behalf of OYH LLC. Public hearing to consider: 1) Certificate of Approval, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) Section 13-21.7, for demolition of more than 30% of the value of a one-story, pre-1942 commercial building to construct a Draft Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 August 1, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-08-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-08-01,2,"second floor addition; and 2) Evaluation of the existing ""Lincoln Market Liquors"" sign according to criteria for historic sign designation pursuant to AMC Section 13-21.6. The property is not listed on the Historical Buildings Study List. The project is located in the C- 1 (Neighborhood Business) Zoning District. This project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(e) - Additions to Existing Structures, and CEQA Guidelines Section 15183 (projects consistent with General Plan and Zoning). David Sablan, Planner II, gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 1CB4-47D1-A7DD-DC22BD640041&FullText=1 Chair Saxby asked if anyone has thought about taking away some of the stucco to see what is underneath. Staff Member Sablan said the applicant would address the Chair's question in his presentation. Chair Saxby asked if we knew when the building was treated with stucco. Staff Member Sablan said staff believes it was done in 1958. Bill Wong, applicant, said they cut four holes into the Willow frontage and they did not find anything. Chair Saxby said he thinks it would be helpful to see more of what is behind the stucco where the transom windows would be. He said there appears to be a lot of the original framing materials left below the stucco. He said he would like to be careful to see if there is an opportunity to preserve historic fabric. Allen Tai, City Planner, said the board could add a condition of approval to coordinate with staff to do exploratory demolition before proceeding. Chair Saxby opened the public hearing. William Silva said he has no argument about the sign one way or the other. He said his concerns are what will happen to the Acapulco restaurant operations during construction. He said the demolition and construction of this building would negatively impact the restaurant. He said parking is already a problem in the area and he is worried about lost wages for employees, including himself. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 5 August 1, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-08-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-08-01,3,"Christopher Buckley, AAPS, said they strongly support preservation and restoration of the sign. He asked if a façade grant could assist in paying for the restoration of the sign and any restoration work. He said they support fully exploring the chance to discover and restore the historic fabric of the building. He said doing investigations on historic buildings should be standard procedure when there has been remodeling. He said minimizing the second floor parapet and/or pushing the second floor back could minimize the impact of the second floor. Steve King said they own the adjacent building and are supportive of the project, but would like to see as much preservation as possible. He said they may be selling the building and may not be the party to sign any agreement about making changes to their cornice in order to solve the air space encroachment that exists now and would impact the remodel. Michael Harvey said Lincoln Market is part of the neighborhood's history. He said he supports the historical value of the store. He said adding apartments raises concerns about parking impacts in the neighborhood. Staff Member Tai noted that the proposal includes four off street parking spaces for the two units being proposed. Board Member Sanchez asked if there would be any parking for the commercial spaces. Staff Member Tai said the existing condition for the commercial is that there is no parking and that it would not change with the application. Board Member Wit said that the power lines appear to pass very close to what would be the second floor addition and asked if there were plans to deal with that. Staff Member Tai said that AMP has long term undergrounding plans, but there are no plans to connect the project to any undergrounding requirements. Chair Saxby said he agreed with the recommendation to designate the sign as historic and have it refurbished and properly mounted. He added that restoring the electronics of the sign is not necessary. Board Member Wit said she agreed, noting that the sign is a marker for the neighborhood. She said it should look good, but need not restore the electrical components. Board Member Lau said the façade grant program would be a good option for the sign. Board Member Sanchez agreed that the sign is a historic landmark. He said he is somewhat concerned about the mid-century sign fitting with a potentially restored early 1900s building. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 5 August 1, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-08-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-08-01,4,"Chair Saxby made a motion that the Lincoln Market Liquor sign be designated a historic sign that should be restored to a repaired, preserved and re-installed sign on the building. He said the electronic neon need not be functioning as part of the restoration. Board Member Wit seconded the motion. Board Member Sanchez pointed out that the enclosed resolution included the sign designation and the certificate of approval, and asked whether the board could decouple the two actions. Staff Member Tai said that the board could separate the actions into two motions. The motion passed 5-0. Chair Saxby said he is hesitant to comment on the design of the storefront before there is additional exploration of the existing conditions. Board Member Sanchez said that it seems clear that at least the structures of the transoms are still present. He said he is hopeful that there is an opportunity to restore, rather than replace, the facades. He said that a restoration approach would change how the second story is addressed. He added that the neighboring building could be eligible for the Study List and removing the cornice would not be desirable. He said setting the second story addition back could accomplish two goals at once. Board Member Jones said she agreed with Board Member Sanchez that the Whales and Friends building should be recognized as historical. She asked if we could recommend specific contractors for doing proper investigative demolition. Chair Saxby suggested appropriate locations for exploratory stucco removal. Board Member Wit said you can see painted wood behind the hole in the Willow façade's stucco. Board Member Lau said he is interested in not disturbing the existing business too much with the investigative demolition. Chair Saxby said he would like to continue the item until some more information can be provided through further exploratory demolition. Chair Saxby made a motion to continue the item until there is more information about what is under the stucco. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 5 August 1, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-08-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-08-01,5,"8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said there would be a groundbreaking for the Seaplane Lagoon Ferry Terminal on September 12th. He said Woody Minor would be giving a presentation on Alameda's ship building history on August 13th at the library. He said there would be a September 5th meeting relating to Alameda Marina. Board Member Sanchez announced dates for two upcoming community events. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:01 p.m. Draft Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 5 August 1, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-08-01.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Chair Saxby noted that Board Member Sanchez would be absent due to his need to recuse himself for both items. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, and Wit. Absent: Board Member Sanchez. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-7222 Draft Meeting Minutes - August 1, 2019 Chair Saxby noted an error in name under item 1. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Board Member Wit seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION *None* 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION Betsy Mathieson requested that the HAB begin a process to designate Jackson Park as an historical monument. She said the need has arisen due to a proposal for a playground being added to the park. She gave a brief history of the park and neighborhood. Denise Nowicki described the park characteristics that she feels make it worthy of preserving the Victorian nature of the park. She asked that the HAB begin the process of designating the park an historical monument. Chair Saxby asked what the process would be for nominating the park for historic monument status. Allen Tai, City Planner, thanked the speakers for their engagement. He said the topic is not agendized for tonight's meeting and would need to be placed on an agenda before being discussed by this board. He said the neighborhood could accelerate the process by filing an application. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,2,"Chair Saxby asked if the Façade Grant Program or something similar would be available to assist in preservation efforts. Staff Member Tai said the Façade Grant Program was established to assist with private projects and is not sure if this type of project would be eligible. He said he is not aware of any mechanism for waive application fees for historic projects in Alameda and the issue would need to be discussed at a public hearing. Chair Saxby said the proposal has a lot of merit and the park has a lot of historic integrity. Staff Member Tai reminded the Board that they should refrain from discussing the topic, which is not agendized. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said they received a flyer promoting Oktoberfest, and a letter from Alameda Architectural Preservation Society regarding the next agenda item. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-7225 PLN19-0385 - Alameda Marina Certificate of Approval - 1815 Clement Avenue, Alameda Marina - Applicant: Pacific Shops, Inc. Public hearing to consider the Rehabilitation Plan for existing contributing buildings #15, 16, 17, 19, and 27 and non-contributing building #18 in the Alameda Marina Historic District at the Alameda Marina site, and consideration of Certificate of Approval for the demolition of non-contributing building #14, and potential demolition/reconstruction of contributing building 21 and non-contributing buildings #5, 13, 25, and 26 to facilitate shoreline rehabilitation under the approved Alameda Marina Master Plan. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered and disclosed in the Alameda Marina Master Plan EIR (State Clearinghouse #2016102064). No further environmental review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Staff Member Tai gave a brief presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: ttps:// 6E4-4DDE-925D-F149832E6914&FullText= Clay Fry, project architect, gave a presentation about the plans for adaptive reuse of the historic buildings on the site. Chair Saxby asked if the proposed layout for the gatehouse matches the original footprint. Mr. Fry said he attempted to replicate the original box, though cannot be 100% sure without undertaking demolition. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,3,"Chair Saxby said the grade change around building 19 changes the building's relationship to the site. He asked if part of the surrounding area, perhaps the south side and a little around the corners, could be kept at the existing elevation. Mr. Fry said they studied putting the building ""in a hole.' He said there was not enough space to do that. He said preserving the grade at the south façade is theoretically possible, but all the surrounding parking and sidewalk would be elevated. He said that if he were to try and preserve the grade at one side, it would be at the north side which did not previously have an entrance. He said it was perhaps also possible on the west side of the building where there is more sidewalk to work with. Chair Saxby said that it would be great to be able to keep the south and west sides as they were. He questioned the addition of a water table feature added to buildings 15, 17 and 18 since that would be ahistorical. He asked what the intention is for the roof monitors. Mr. Fry said any damaged glazing would be replaced with glass. Chair Saxby said the guard shack photograph shows that the building had louvered vents. He said in the past he has put glass on the backside of the monitors in order to condition the interior space. He asked if that could be considered. Mr. Fry said he could consider doing that type of treatment. Chair Saxby asked if any of the old growth heavy timbers used in these buildings would be salvaged and reused. Mr. Fry said the demolition plans for phase I include plans to salvage materials from those buildings and some would be used by the landscape architect. He said they have not considered using old materials in any of the new construction. He noted that surgical demolition is extremely expensive and they have plans to do some of that. Chair Saxby asked if relocation of buildings has been discussed with any moving companies. Mr. Fry said the large buildings won't move and the small ones are being kept. Board Member Wit asked what Building 19's intended use would be. Mr. Fry said that under the Master Plan, it is intended to be used for maritime commercial use. Board Member Jones suggested having an additional color to help Building 19 stand out more. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,4,"Mr. Fry said that the color palette matches the historic nature of the site and creates a cohesive theme for all of the historic buildings. He said he originally liked the orange, but has been converted. Board Member Jones asked why Mr. Fry preferred the taller alternative for the gatehouse tower. Mr. Fry said it helps pull the banding and other elements from the adjacent buildings into the gate house. He said it also frames the new street better and draws more attention to the importance of the entry. Board Member Lau asked if anything from Building 14 could be salvaged or pieces re- used. Mr. Fry said the building is not structurally stable and the wharf cannot safely support the building. He said the cost of moving and replacing the building is economically infeasible. Board Member Wit asked how many parking spaces would be provided for buildings 25 and 26. Mr. Fry said there are over 300 spaces dedicated to maritime uses throughout the site, and no residential parking is permitted in those spaces. Chair Saxby opened the public hearing. Karl Robrock expressed concern that the vision of a maritime building would not happen because the timing of leases being terminated and demolition do not match up and provide a place for maritime industries to be able to move into. He said those businesses are important mom and pop shops that need a realistic plan. Chris Nicholas, commodore of Island Yacht Club, said that the yacht club is a cultural resource worthy of preservation under the Board's mandate. He said he hopes their home can somehow be preserved for the community. Chair Saxby asked what the plan is for existing maritime businesses and if there is a plan for preserving the social aspect of the marina community. Sean Murphy, Alameda Marina, said the Master Plan focused the plan for the maritime core on these buildings and put it in the first phase in order to address the needs for maritime commercial space. He said they have an active marina and the yacht club activities are an important part of their plan going forward. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,5,"Chair Saxby said the mitigation measures are his focus. He said he appreciates the effort to preserve buildings 15, 17 and 18. He said the proposal for Building 16 is entirely appropriate. He said he would like to see a study of keeping the grade at one or more sides of Building 19. He wondered if the sliding doors should only be used where the original entrances are and that the new entrances on the north and east elevations should be something different. He said he is okay with the raw metal color. He asked what is proposed for all the large roof vents on Building 19. Mr. Fry said the plan is that the vents would stay. Chair Saxby said removing the doors on Building 27 is a difficult issue. He suggested that anything that could be left that indicates the former presence of a door would be a good thing. He said he strongly favors the one story gatehouse. He said the historic buildings do a good job of framing the entrance and that the tower would take something away from the view of Building 19. He said he would like to see the roof monitor restored and water table removed on buildings 15, 17 and 18. Board Members all expressed support for the one story gateway approach. Chair Saxby said that any efforts that can be made to preserve buildings 5, 13, 25 and 26 would go a long way towards preserving important parts of the marina's history. He said we should hold onto the possibility of moving buildings for wharf and seawall work and then moving them back into place. Board Member Jones expressed a desire to reuse materials in a larger fashion than just making benches out of them. Staff Member Tai asked if the Board would be amenable to having the study of the grading on the south and west sides of Building 19 be brought back to staff for decision and shared with the Board as an off agenda report. He said a similar approach could be taken for reviewing the applicant's salvage plans. Chair Saxby said that he would like to add a similar procedure for reporting back on the possibility of moving and replacing the buildings along the waterfront. Staff Member Tai summarized the Board's positions based on the discussion: Building 16 rehab improvements are satisfactory; Building 19 would study the west and south elevations and not have sliding doors on the north and east elevations. Chair Saxby said he supported the idea of not using the sliding doors on the north and east sides in order to differentiate from the original entrances. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 5 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,6,"Board Member Jones felt the sliding doors were different enough in scale and materials that it did not appear to be trying to replicate the historic look. Board Members Lau and Wit said they were okay with the sliding doors. Staff Member Tai continued to summarize the Board position. Sliding doors would be okay on all sides of Building 19. The removed doors on Building 27 should leave some evidence of their previous existence, if feasible. The one story gatehouse option would be preferred. Building 15, 17 and 18 would remove the water table and restore the monitor windows. There would be a report back to the Board on the findings regarding moving and relocation of buildings, and reporting back on the disposition and demolition of materials. Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the draft resolution with all of the conditions summarized by Staff Member Tai. Board Member Wit seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 7-B 2019-7226 PLN19-0270 - Informational Presentation on Alameda Marina Phase 1 - 1815 Clement Avenue, Alameda Marina - Applicant: Pacific Shops, Inc. The Historical Advisory Board will hear a presentation on Phase 1 of the Alameda Marina Master Plan project, called Wrap A or The Launch. The Board may provide comments on the project design but no action will be taken. This item is informational only and no environmental review is required under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Staff Member Tai introduced the item. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 886B-4B8D-BDOE-52F3F36D2323&FullText=1 Mr. Fry gave a brief presentation on the design for the first multifamily building at Alameda Marina. Chair Saxby asked for more information about the phasing of the project. Mr. Murphy said that this 351 unit building, combined with the maritime commercial core would be phase I. He said phase Il is on the eastern edge of the site. He said the historic rehab would be happening simultaneously with the apartment construction. He said the seawall in front of each phase would be done at the same time, which would allow upgrading utilities for the marina. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS *None* 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Approved Meeting Minutes Page 6 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-09-05,7,"Staff Member Tai noted that the façade grant program was reopening. He said the focus this round is on restoring historic building facades. He gave an update on the exploratory work at the Lincoln Market site. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS *None* 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:54 p.m. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 7 of 7 September 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-09-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-11-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2019 1. CONVENE Chair Saxby called meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, and Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-7414 Draft Meeting Minutes - September 5, 2019 Board Member Wit made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Lau seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0-1 (Sanchez abstained). 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-7409 PLN19-0334 - Certificate of Approval - 1223 Post Street - Applicant: Angie Klein. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to construct a two-story addition at the rear of an existing two-story duplex, built prior to 1942, which will require demolition of more than 30% of the structure's current value, as determined by the Building Official. The property is listed on the City's Historic Building Study List with an ""H"" designation. The project site is located in the R-1 (One-family Residential) Zoning District. Linda Barrera, Planner II, gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at: 5D1-44EO-AFDB-212FD5C74F8C&FullText=1 Approved Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 4 November 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-11-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-11-07,2,"Board Member Sanchez asked if the upstairs unit was original or part of the previous addition. Staff Member Barrera said it is not clear when the unit was added. She said the research shows that the original cottage was 1.5 stories. Board Member Sanchez asked if the front stairs were being replaced. Staff Member Barrera said the front stairs and stair railings would be replaced. Chair Saxby asked for clarification regarding what work is being done to the original portion of the building. Angie Klein, applicant, said they only plan to replace the lower stairs and the railing. Chair Saxby asked if the original building had a brick foundation that would be updated. Ms. Klein said that the foundation would probably wait for a future time due to budget concerns. Board Member Sanchez asked if the chimney being removed serviced an existing fireplace. Ms. Klein said they are removing the chimney because it is unsafe and there is no fireplace inside presently. Board Member Lau asked why the addition would use double hung windows when the original home has single hung windows. Ms. Klein said she believes the existing home also has double hung windows. Board Member Jones asked whether an addition built in 1910 would meet the requirements for historic preservation, even though it is not original and not as beautiful. Staff Member Barrera said that the age of the addition is part of the reason they are asking for a Certificate of Approval for the demolition. She said the addition is non-descript and has been altered significantly over time, which contribute to the staff recommendation to allow the new addition to move forward. Board Member Lau asked if the siding would need to be special ordered to match the old width of the siding on the original house. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 2 of 4 November 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-11-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-11-07,3,"Ms. Klein said they could order specially milled siding to match if the owner preferred. She said that there would be a plane change in the wall, which would make it easier to have a slightly different siding on the addition. Chair Saxby asked for clarification about the roof plan and whether there was a step in the roof in order to maintain a consistent eave line. Ms. Klein responded regarding the roof plan. Chair Saxby said that he is concerned about how the roof on the two story portion of the addition will meet with the one story roof. There were no public speakers. Chair Saxby liked that the proposed two-story addition is separated from the historic house. He said the roof plan needs to be worked out. He suggested further differentiating the window trim on the addition. He said the addition seems pretty massive compared to the original home. Board Member Sanchez agreed that the addition does seem bulkier than the original. He said that its location away from the corner mitigates that issue, as well as the care given by including the single story element to separate the addition. He said overall he feels the approach is fairly good. He suggested possibly adjusting the plate height over the dining room in order to get the leaves to match up. He said that however they do it, they need to carefully address the roof plan to prevent an awkward step. He said it would be important that the brick mold be done in wood and not a clad product. Board Member Lau said the east elevation should only have two windows in the addition to match the original structure. Chair Saxby pointed out that the triplet window would be above the kitchen sink which would dictate a smaller size than in the original home. Board Member Jones agreed with the comment to simplify the window frames in the new addition. She suggested a change to the roof design to help minimize the extra height of the new addition. She asked why addition had to be taller than the original home. Ms. Klein said the modern structural requirements require thicker floors and that the owners are quite tall and do not want to have low ceilings on the second floor. Board Member Sanchez said he would not like to see a change in the rhythm of the roof pitches. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 3 of 4 November 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-11-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-11-07,4,"Chair Saxby summarized the proposed conditions: correct the roof design on the corner where the dining room and kitchen come together to keep the roof plane consistent on the east elevation; simplified window trims without the brick mold for the addition. He asked for a motion to approve with those proposed conditions included. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve with the conditions Chair Saxby described. Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Henry Dong, Planner III, said that Site A's Block 11 and Waterfront Park may come to the Board in December. He suggested the January meeting may be rescheduled or cancelled due to conflict with the New Year's holiday. Board Member Sanchez asked for an update on 2070 Lincoln. Staff Member Dong said that the applicant is still evaluating how to proceed. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 7:49 p.m. Approved Meeting Minutes Page 4 of 4 November 7, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-11-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2019 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez. Absent: Board Member Wit 3. MINUTES 3-A 2019-7512 Draft Meeting Minutes - November 7, 2019 Board Member Saxby made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Lynn Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Items will be included with Regular Agenda Items. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2019-7507 PLN18-0405 - Certificate of Approval and Historic Sign Designation 2070 Lincoln Ave - Applicant: Bill Wong on behalf of OYH LLC. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval, pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code (AMC) Section 30-21.7, for demolition of more than 30% of the value of a one-story, pre-1942 commercial building to construct a second-floor addition. The property is not listed on the Historical Buildings Study List. The project is located in the C-1 (Neighborhood Business) Zoning District. David Sablan, Planner II, gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at 159C-453A-8233-1E76916562AF&FullText=1 Chair Saxby asked about the proposed storefront elevation and wanted more information on the final design details. Staff Member Sablan said that was part of the condition of approval, to have more development of that. Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 1 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,2,"Chair Saxby asked about the historic sign and what changes the applicant could make under the historic sign ordinance. Allen Tai, City Planner Planning, Building, and Transportation Department answered that there is latitude for both the city and the applicant to decide. The Secretary of the Interior's Standards has a brief on historic signs for reference. The Board needs to decide what part of this sign is historic and what characteristics they want to preserve. Any changes need to be reasonable, per City Attorney and Staff. Board Member Sanchez asked for the age of the sign (not original to the building) and the original purpose of the building. Staff Member Sablan answered the sign was from 1958 and did not have information on the original tenants of the building. Staff Member Tai said ""you can assume these were various retail spaces"" and to keep in mind the evolution of the building. Chair Saxby opens public comment. Laura Tang, the applicant, confirms they want to keep the building historic as possible and want to be reasonable in regards to the sign. She strongly believes that the new business owner should allow the content of the sign to change. She does not believe the word ""liquor"" is reasonable to keep. Chair Saxby closes public comment. Board Member Sanchez thanked the applicant for listening to the suggestions of the board, conditions need to be added for details of the design such as detailing the windows. The Windows on the Willow St side should be brought closer to the corner but is concerned the current set back sets it out of balance. Also agrees with many of the comments made by AAPS on the upper floor windows. In regards to the sign would lean more toward flexibility for wording on the sign. Suggested to keep the ""Lincoln Market"" as the historic portion and allow the ""Liquour"" portion to be altered by new tenants. Board Member Jones agrees with Board Member Sanchez and has concerns over the new entrance, it looks similar to the original doorways. It should match the new addition more, not contemporary but not trying to replicate history. Also agrees with Board Member Sanchez's comment on the solution for the sign. Board Member Lau agrees about signage, to let the applicant decide to change it. He gave a recommendation on a way to do the new signage on the top. Chair Saxby pointed out the letter from Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, Item 7-A Public Comment, that contains eight suggestions and says he is in agreement with all except item eight in regards to the sign, AAPS does not want any changes. He is more inclined to allow alterations to the sign. Item number five of the letter pertaining to the stucco believes exploratory removal of the stucco should happen on both facades. For the design along the storefront on Lincoln, he would like it to be informed by whatever they discover under the stucco. Concurs with item 4 of the letter that there be a sub-committee, and volunteers himself and Board Member Sanchez to sit on that committee. For the Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,3,"condition of approval would suggest including all of AAPS's letter and conditions, except for item eight. He also added that they should simplify the parapet on the second floor. Staff Member Tai commented that on Item 4 of AAPS's letter, having a subcommittee ""would blur the lines between the board's role in the discretionary review of a certificate of approval vs the ministerial review of the building permit"". Instead, the board could continue the decision until the plans are correct for approval or just be very specific in the conditions for approval on what details the board wants Staff to look for. He then reminds the board about their purview over the project is the Certificate of Approval and there is a separate design review process that is part of the Planning Board. Board Member Sanchez wanted clarification on the design review process and what is the next step of this project and whose purview that would fall under. Staff Member Tai said that Staff would work with the Applicant to make sure the board's comments were noted and that AAPS would also be notified. Staff Member Tai asked clarifying questions about the Willow Street elevations, windows, and setbacks. Board Member Sanchez explained the board's concerns about some of the design choices and gave better options. Chair Saxby wanted to make sure there is a distinction between the historic old building and the new design. Staff Member Tai asked a clarifying question about window choices. Board Member Saxby referred to a photo from AAPS where the original building had transom windows. He went on to say how much detail needs to be overseen and wanted to make sure there was someone overseeing the final design. He commended the applicant but says conditions must be added to keep the project on track. Staff Member Tai summarized the discussion. The Board wants to incorporate the suggestions made by The Alameda Architectural Preservations Society a102532813f2.pdt (specifically points 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7) However for point 8, the board is willing to accept consent change, replacing the word ""Liquor"" but keeping the ""Lincoln Market"". Staff would recommend in the conditions that any words replacing ""Liquor"" be in the same font type as ""Lincoln Market"". On the Willow St side making sure the cornice straddles the full span of the bay. Also, the parapet on the 1st floor should look like the original design and the parapet on the second floor can be with the new design. Board Member Jones made a comment about Item 3 on AAPS's letter. They want the new entryway to have a historic look but since it is not original to the building it should look different. Board Member Saxby said this could be done simply and Board Member Sanchez said it's more about the portions. Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 3 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,4,"Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the resolution with the conditions that were noted and have them added to the city's draft resolution. Board Member Lau seconded and the motion passed 4-0. 7-B 2019-7508 PLN19-0556 - Amendment to Certificate of Approval for Site A - Block 11 and Waterfront Park Design - Applicant: Alameda Point Partners. Public hearing to consider proposed amendments to the 2016 approved Certificate of Approval for the Block 11 building adjacent to the NAS Historic District and the new Waterfront Park on the Seaplane Lagoon. The environmental effects of the proposed project were considered in the Alameda Point Environmental Impact Report (State Clearinghouse No. 2013012043). No further environmental review is required. Staff Member Tai gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at 81E3-4079-9865-3F538D9F69A7&FullText=1 Board Member Saxby was concerned about the tree selection due to how it can obstruct the view and wanted to know why the Honey Locust Tree was chosen. Staff Member Tai answered the applicant had more to say on that, but the understanding is it was an environmental decision not choosing palm trees. Also wanting trees that provide more shade. Kristel Railsback, the applicant, gave a presentation talking more about the amendments for Site A, overall design choices, landscaping, and amenities. She also explained why they decided against palm trees, they are difficult to maintain and don't provide sufficient shade. Also, the space is wide enough that the trees do not block the view. She also pointed out where a mural would be going once an artist had been selected. Chair Saxby wanted more information on the historic taxiway. Ms. Railsback introduced Joe from her team who explained the taxiway was a parking area for planes and wanted to keep the pathway open for views. They would also add bike paths and historical markings. Board Member Sanchez asked about the open area at the east evaluation, the alleyway facing block 10, and if there are any plans. The applicant said at this time there wasn't much value in doing anything since it was not as nice for pedestrians, so a decision was made to trim it down. Board Member Sanchez asked about the 90% infrastructure completed in phase one and what areas and items are covered. The applicant said the site A, gutters, pavement, and underground piping is complete but the landscape as part of the retention is not complete. The road system for Site A is in place and space for possible parking will be created. Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 4 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,5,"Board Member Lau made a comment about the street light design and if they could be given a historic look. The Applicant said since they were a newly added feature (they were not there historically) they would need to follow the National Park Standards. Chair Saxby asked about west of the Waterfront Park and what would be happening there. The applicant said this would be a further extension of the park, more hardscape for activities but as it moves further west it would become a softer less sculpted area. They also want to add public boat access. Chair Saxby asked if the hardscape promenade would continue on. Applicant believed it will continue on, it has not been designed yet. The goal would be to continue the Bay Trail through the area. They would also need to incorporate sea-level rise into the design. No public speakers. Chair Saxby doesn't see any major changes from 2016 and can support this resolution. Board Member Sanchez agreed and believed the smaller footprint of the building is a positive thing, believed it respected the original approval. Board Member Jones appreciated all the thoughts put into the new tree option and wanted to make sure going forward to respect the history of the area. Board Member Lau would still like to see some historical lighting fixture but understood the choice. Staff Member Tai reminded the board about upcoming phases and there would be other opportunities to make design comments. He also explained the design choice for the lighting fixtures and why they are appropriate for the area. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the resolution on the amendments to the original approval on Phase One Site A, as outlined by the Clty. Board Member Jones seconded the motion. The motion passes 4-0. 7-C 2019-7509 Historical Advisory Board 2020 Meeting Schedule. It was suggested to cancel the meeting in January 2020, due to not having any items for that meeting. If anything comes up they can pool the board for availability. August is missing due to this is when City Council, Boards, and commissions go to recess. Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 5 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2019-12-05,6,"Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the Historical Board Meeting Schedule for 2020. Board Member Sanchez seconded and the motion passed 4-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai presented to the Board a list of Webinars for training and reference materials from the California Preservation Foundation. Staff can provide access to the board if anything is of interest, keeping up to date on preservation topics is a requirement of the board. Board Member Jones made the suggestion if anything is very pertinent the Staff make a recommendation and the board can watch the webinar together. Staff Member Tai said that could work as long as the meeting was made public and proper notice was given. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:40 pm. Approved Historical Advisory Board Minutes Page 6 of 6 December 5, 2019",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2019-12-05.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-01-07,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. This meeting was via Zoom. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 2020-8572 - Draft Meeting Minutes - October 1, 2020 Approved 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2020-8573 Historical Advisory Board Meeting Schedule 2021. Staff attachments can be found at ttps:// 58D5-4F4C-8444-5A22094E2CF5. Approved 7-B 2020-8574 General Plan Update - Historical Advisory Board public workshop to review and comment on the draft Alameda General Plan 2040. Allen Tai, City Planner, Board Secretary, and City Planner, introduced this item, the staff report and attachments can be found at Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes January 7, , 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-01-07,2,"ittps:// F75-4BC8-8769-8AE7C287B954&FullText=1.Staff Member Tai also played a recorded presentation given by Andrew Thomas, Director of Planning Building and Transportation. Chair Saxby opened public comments. Christopher Buckley, from the Alameda Architectural Preservation Society (AAPS), discussed issues and comments that had been submitted in a letter by the AAPS. He addressed the ambiguity of the General Plan and questioned what was the actual intensity of development that was being proposed. The AAPS was also concerned by the amount of upzoning that was being discussed. He ended by recommending that Alameda should enact the Mills Program, which would provide reduced property taxes in exchange for the restoration of designated historic buildings. Chair Saxby closed public comments and opened board questions. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know more about the concept of upzoning that had been proposed. Staff Member Tai explained the idea of upzoning, to establish regulations that allow the amount of development that could occur on a piece of property. The city is growing and upzoning allows for more development. Board Member Sanchez gave the example of Alameda Point and that the General Plan is striving for a higher density than what the current General Plan would allow. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. Chair Saxby pointed out that the items of the General Plan he had read mentioned a much wider spread of upzoning in Alameda, it's not just isolated areas. Staff Member Tai said they are mainly focused on the transit corridors where the commercial streets are now. Chair Saxby wanted to know how the defeat of Measure Z would affect the General Plan provisions. Staff Member Tai said the City of Alameda must comply with state law, so this is an issue the city would have to address. That's part of the General Plan, how to comply with state law while also dealing with this issue in the city's charter. Board Member Wit wanted to know what percentage of the total housing stock was committed to low income. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes January 7, , 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-01-07,3,"Staff Member Tai said the statewide standard, that Alameda uses, is 15%. Chair Saxby wanted to know that since Alameda was so far behind in their affordable housing requirements what was being done to correct that. Staff Member Tai said that many cities in California were having this problem. The state even considered affordable housing requirements a barrier. If the affordable housing requirements are too high it would inhibit development overall. The overall goal is more housing, more housing hopefully means housing prices go down. Board Member Wit added that without Measure Z then we are pushing out a great percentage of what makes the community great. It could be worth it to look at increasing the affordable housing requirements for developers to maintain the character of the city. Board Member Lau was still concerned about upzoning and where potential housing would go. Staff Member Tai said that the General Plan was mainly focused on goals, objectives, and policies. The General Plan was a policy document, it does not specifically say where and what you can build. Board Member Lau wanted to know how Measure Z could affect upzoning in the future. He was concerned about the height of future buildings. Staff Member Tai clarified Measure Z, which would amend Article 26 in the city charter. It did not say anything about building height or form. Those are matters that fall under the zoning ordinance. There are also measures in place that require Alameda to approve certain housing projects that are not consistent with Article 26. Chair Saxby asked more about those measures. Staff Member Tai explained the Density Bonus Law and Waivers. Board Member Sanchez asked about the Mills Act Program. He thought that the program was already in place. Staff Member Tai clarified that state law only sets up the framework for the program but that cities have to formally adopt it. Past Alameda City Councils had decided not to institute the program. Staff believed that its a very good idea and should be included in the Preservation Ordinance. Chair Saxby suggested that the City Council would want to know more information on what sort of tax impact the program would have. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes January 7, , 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-01-07,4,"Board Member Wit asked about affordable child care and child care centers and believed this was something the General Plan should address. Board Member Sanchez said with the General Plan being so complex he wanted the board to focus their comments on elements that were in the purview of the Historical Advisory Board. Board Member Sanchez agreed with the action items presented in the letter from AAPS and wanted to hear what the staff thought. Staff Member Tai said that staff was in the process of addressing those comments. He then explained more about the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) and Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) methodology and how Alameda could contest those findings. Board Member Sanchez wanted to stress that the bullet points currently not in the language of the draft should be included. Chair Saxby suggested making this an action item, to make a motion to approve to include these action items. He also agreed with these action items. Staff Member Tai said an action item was not needed to include these comments. The staff was in the process of incorporating some of these actions. Board Member Sanchez also suggested that the language around transit corridors be cleaned up and made as clear as possible. Staff Member Tai said yes but they would not specify the AC Transit line numbers. Board Member Lau asked if the city should put more restrictions on historic properties in case of development pressure. Staff Member Tai said the city currently has very strong demolition controls. They would also be adding language in the plan about adaptive reuse. Board Member Jones added that the language shouldn't come off as anti-development. Chair Saxby pointed out places where the language could be more clear. He also gave his thoughts on adaptive reuse, green aspects, and reaching the affordable housing goals. Board Member Wit believed the art aspect was being overlooked in these developments. She believed that art made spaces liveable and it's something that should be addressed. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes January 7, , 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-01-07,5,"Staff Member Tai thanked the board for their comments and questions. He said they would be revisiting the language but for the most part, this would be long-term thinking. They can get more specific in the ordinances. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai updated the board about the status of the Preservation Ordinance. It had not been scheduled on the agenda yet because he wanted to hear thoughts on the General Plan first. Also in the interest of time try and they would have everything prepare at once. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:29 pm. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes January 7, , 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-01-07.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm. This meeting was via Zoom. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, and Wit. Absent: None 3. MINUTES 3-A 2021-707 Draft Meeting Minutes - January 7, 2021 Chair Saxby noted that his title should be Chair, not President, and added that the minutes were very clear and concise. Board Member Jenn Wit made a motion to approve the minutes. Board Member Lynn Jones seconded the motion. The motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None. 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 6-A 2021-711 Letter Regarding Central Avenue Safety Improvement Project. Allen Tai, City Planner, discussed the letter and what the intent behind the letter was. The letter can be found at BOBO-4547-BF62-592213F259EE. Chair Saxby wanted to know what effect it would have on Historic Properties but Staff Member Tai had clarified that it was just roadwork. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2021-709 Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 1 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,2,"PLN20-0431 - Delisting from Historical Buildings Study List - 620 Central Avenue - Alameda Federal Center. Applicant: Alameda Point Collaborative. Public hearing to consider delisting the Alameda Federal Center site at 620 Central Avenue from the Historical Buildings Study List. The property is listed on the Historical Buildings Study List with an ""s"" designation. The delisting of 620 Central Avenue from the City's historic resources inventory is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Guidelines Section 15061(b)(3), the common sense exemption that CEQA applies only to projects that have the potential for causing a significant effect on the environment. As a separate and independent basis, this action is not a project under CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(b) and Public Resources Code section 21065. Henry Dong, Planner III, gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at Ittps:// 3D49-412A-AF2E-C06F94BC4759&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board's clarifying questions. Board Member Norman Sanchez wanted clarification if one or both of the sites had gone to the City Council yet. Staff Member Dong said that the site that had gone to council was the APC site, the Northern portion. Board Member Sanchez asked if that proposal was to rehabilitate the existing building not to demolish it. Staff Member Dong clarified that the rehabilitation was for the South building, the W- shaped one. The Northern building was the one that had not gone to hearing yet. Chair Saxby clarified the delisting would be the entire Northern portion of the property that was considered the APC site. Staff Member Dong said yes, both buildings plus the accessory structures and the EBRPD (East Bay Regional Park District) site. Staff Member Tai said it was the property as outlined and also clarified that the question before the board was about the clean-up of the listing. What the applicant plans to do on the property was a land-use question and not a question before the board. Board Member Jones asked about certain designations on the Historical Buildings Study List and wanted clarification on those. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 2 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,3,"Staff Member Dong said the top category was N (National) then there were S (State), H (Historical), B (Background), and E (Environmental). Board Member Jones asked about the hierarchy within those designations. Staff Member Tai said that N, the national register, was the highest, then S, then B. Then was the E category, where individually they might be insignificant but as a group they were significant. Lastly was H, these buildings might have historical significance but would require further research. Doug Biggs and Chris Ebert, the applicant and the architect, also gave a presentation discussing the history of this site, why they were asking to delist this site from the Historical Buildings Study List, and addressed the opposition to this delisting process. Chair Saxby asked if they had looked into rehabilitating the buildings or doing some type of adaptive reuse for the project. He wanted to know more about the background of the project. Mr. Biggs said from day one the plan for Building 1, the Engineering Building, was to tear it down for a new Built to Purpose Medical Program Building. He said for Building 2/E Shaped they had thought they could rehab the building until they did Exploratory Demo. They determined that the seismic upgrade cost would be too cost-prohibitive to be able to get funding for the project so they are now tearing it down. Chair Saxby asked if the seismic evaluation was done using Historic Building Codes or current codes. Mr. Biggs said it was done with the current building codes. Chair Saxby said these buildings would be eligible for Historic Building Codes. Mr. Biggs said that the Historic Building Code would not save them money on the seismic issues. Chair Saxby was curious why they were not able to view the Page & Turnbull reports which were referenced by the 2003 letter from SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) Report as to why the location was not eligible for the National Historic Registry. Mr. Biggs said they had reached out to Page & Turnbull, those reports had been archived and it would take a few months to track them down. Also since the site was not eligible back then it would not be now. Chair Saxby reminded Mr. Biggs that their decision would not apply to the local registry. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 3 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,4,"Mr. Biggs said that was not his declaration but that of the SHPO officer. Board Member Alvin Lau wanted to know why they didn't remove this site from the Historical List before now since they had this letter from 2003 saying the site was not eligible. Staff Member Tai said that the Alameda Municipal Code does not have procedures established for the Historic Study List, and there is no actual requirement to delist a property. They were doing this now to be transparent and there was some precedent to do this. The staff felt that the 2003 letter was very conclusive. Board Member Sanchez asked since there was no procedure for delisting, the procedure is just done case by case. Staff Member Tai said there are properties on the Study List that had been demolished and staff would make a note of that on the list. They have handled this issue in different ways. This was a clean-up action after it is concluded that the property is delisted. Board Member Sanchez asked if this property was not delisted how would that affect the applicant. Staff Member Tai said for the applicant to move forward they would need to move forward with a Certificate of Approval for demolition, and they would come back at the next meeting for that approval. All of the evidence that they had reviewed was very conclusive. Board Member Sanchez asked since it was not eligible for the National Registry would that also mean that it was not eligible for the State Registry. Staff Member Tai said that the National and State criteria were very similar. He described what that criteria was, from design to association. He also discussed Alameda's criteria and what made a location historically significant. He broke down why this site did not meet the local criteria. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know if a different site wasn't eligible for the National or State registry they could still decide to keep it on the local Study List. They don't have to be governed by the State or National Registry. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. Chair Saxby asked about the demolition done in 2007 and wanted to know what process happened in regards to the Historic Advisory Board. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 4 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,5,"Staff Member Tai said in 2007 it was still a Federal property so it was not within the purview of the city. There were no permits at that time since Federal and State Agencies are not subject to the city's permitting process. Chair Saxby wanted to know why the applicant and the staff hadn't just come before the board for a Certificate of Approval to demolish. Staff Member Tai said once they know the property is not historic it's a more straightforward process to remove it than coming before the board needing approval for each building. Chair Saby said that whatever decision that is made would affect other buildings on the site that was on the EBRP (East Bay Regional Park) property. Mr. Biggs said there was only one remaining building on the EBRP property, and does not include the boathouse. He wanted to add that they are doing it this way because they needed to treat the site as a whole. Staff member Tai clarified that it would still be for individual buildings, but yes doing it this way was more transparent. Chair Saxby clarified that if they delist the site then all future action regarding demolition of individual buildings would not have come back before the board. It would be handled at the staff level. Including the EBRPD site. Staff member Tai said that was correct. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know if the staff could request and file an application with HAB for delisting of a property regardless of an impending project. Staff Member Tai said that was conceivable. He said he could think of other properties that had been demolished that were still on the list. He agreed that any changes to that list should go through a public process. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know who could generate that request. Staff Member Tia said for the Historical Study List anybody could, there were no rules in the Alameda Municipal Code about that. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know if there was pending litigation regarding this site. Celena Chen, City Attorney's Office, explained a recent case that was dismissed and discussed another case challenging Alameda's Design Review Approval in the Superior Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 5 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,6,"Court. She added that the filing of a lawsuit doesn't affect the process of the project as a whole. She further explained the risks that the applicant would be assuming. Chair Saxby opened the public comments. He also reminded the public that the discussion was about delisting the site not for what it would be used for. Also in the interest of time, he limited the public speakers to 2 minutes each. John Healy, the applicant for the mentioned upcoming court case, said that this delisting process by the city was an attempt to circumvent its liability and culpability in ongoing litigation with Alameda County's Superior Court. He discussed the parts of the litigation and questioned why this process was changing now. He also brought up the procedure for delisting by the state and wanted to know why that was not being used. He also took issue with his time being limited to 2 minutes. Chris Buckley, Alameda Architectural Preservation Society, wanted the board to defer any decision about delisting this property until adequate information and documentation was made available. He found the staff's reliance on the 2003 determination from the SHPO to be really off base since it was not based on local criteria. He spoke about the connection to the Maritime School and World War II this site had. Carmen Reid gave her objection to the delisting of this property. She stated that the Alameda Point Collaborative was not eligible for delisting as a lessee under the Alameda Municipal code along with other legal reasons. She wanted the board to consider that the property served as a visual reminder of Alameda's military history and the property was under litigation for not adhering to the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) mandate. She saw the delisting process as a ""workaround"" the pending litigation and to avoid state law. Zac Bowling wanted to give his support for the staff's recommendation and the delisting of this property. He saw the CEQA lawsuit as a moot point and believed the other speakers were part of the same group who wanted to do the vote over again. He believed the board's duty was to look at the facts and information in front of them and not to listen to distractions being raised to try and stop this project. Harvey Rosenthal, the adjacent property owner, referenced the GSA letter and how the parcels had changed over the years. He also spoke of the connection to World Word Il and the people that made this site historic. Rosalinda Fortuna, a nearby property owner, spoke of her father who was a 90-year-old veteran who believed this property should be maintained as a Historic Property. She believed if the board allowed the delisting of this property then the Alameda Point Collaborative would then build numerous stories in this old established neighborhood. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 6 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,7,"Margaret Hall, a property owner on Central Ave, spoke of her family's history with the military and Alameda and as a General Contractor, she was at first very excited about the repurposing of the buildings. She was very disappointed to learn that the plan now was to demolish the buildings and urged the board to look into the matter more before they made any decision. Chair Saxby closed the public comments and opened the board's discussion. Board Member Jones said this was obviously a difficult decision since the information was not clear. She believed that the applicant had made some very good factual comments that were making her decision harder. She understood and believed that the staff had done their due diligence in regards to researching this site. Board Member Witt agreed with what Board Member Jones said. She believed in order to get the go-ahead for this project it would be great to find the Page & Turnbull letters to make things more clear cut. She was very much on the fence for this project. Board Member Sanchez said there was an abundance of information to go over in order to reach a decision. He spoke again that the board's only concern at the moment was to decide if the property belongs on the Historic Study List, not what the applicant intends to do with the property. He said even though he trusts the staff he would like to see the original document used to place the site on the list, the Page & Turnbull Report, and a better understanding of the site as it was now. He wanted to defer any decision until more information was brought forward. Board Member Lau agreed with his fellow board members that it was very difficult to make a decision now. He wanted the staff to gather more information and documentation before he and the board made a decision. Chair Saxby agreed that they lacked information about this property. He acknowledged that the difficult part was knowing that their decision to delist the property would result in the buildings being demolished. He added that the presentation did give him a better understanding of the property, even if it was historically significant it had lost a lot of integrity. He too wanted to see the original 1996 Page & Turnbull evaluation. Board Member Jones asked the staff what other documentation (Page & Turnbull letters) was available that could be gathered. Staff Member Tai said first he wanted clarification on what documentation the board would like. He knew that there were many references to the 1996 Page & Turnbull Report, but that document had never been available to the city. He said that even the applicant had reached out to Page & Turnbull and that document had never been made available. He wanted to know what other specific information the staff could gather that would compel the board to make a conclusive decision. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 7 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,8,"Chair Saxby said they had been given conclusions but not the background for those conclusions. He asked if it was possible to just do a new Historical Evaluation of the site. Mr. Biggs spoke of his passion and dedication to seeing this development happen and said they would reach out to Page & Turnbull again to see if they can pull the original report from their archives. He said if that didn't work they would have Page & Turnbull come out again to review the documents they have and the site to do an updated determination. He did not want this project held up because of how it was put on the Study List. He also offered to bring the board out to a site visit, with COVID it was difficult but not impossible. Board Member Sanchez believed a site visit would be very helpful. He suggested finding any documents for when the Study List was first put together that would show the logic behind listing any property. He wanted to see the progression of the Study List. Staff Member Tai wanted to clarify that record-keeping in the city over the years had been very spotty. He had discovered some survey forms but it was really more of a checklist that the surveyors used as they walked the neighborhoods. For most of the properties on the Study List, including this one, there is just not much information. He also added with the site visit they would need to schedule a special meeting, to figure out the logistics. He also said another way was to schedule individual visits. Staff Counsel Chen said that touring in pairs would be acceptable since pairs did not count as a quorum. Staff Member Tai also checked with Mr. Biggs that if anyone from the public wanted a tour of the site they could try to accommodate them. Mr. Biggs said that was acceptable and offered suggestions on how that could work. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to continue the decision to a future meeting with the request that as much information be provided that was available, from the city records, the Page & Turnbull report if it was available and to take up Mr. Biggs his offer of a site visit. Board Member Jones seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken. The motion passed 5-0. 7-B 2021-710 Historic Preservation Ordinance Informational Workshop: The City of Alameda is proposing to update the Historic Preservation Ordinance, Alameda Municipal Code Section 13-21, to ensure that it reflects best practices in the field of historic preservation. The Historical Advisory Board will hold a public workshop to review the existing ordinance and discuss ideas for proposed revisions. No final action will be taken at this meeting. A public workshop to review and discuss amendments to the Historic Preservation Ordinance is not subject to environmental review under CEQA. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 8 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,9,"Staff Member Tai introduced this item and gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at 882D-4986-B8AA-AE540DAF17B5&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board's clarifying questions and comments. Chair Saxby was intrigued by Option 3 because when they do give Certificates of Approval they do touch on Design Review. He also believed that redefining demolition makes sense because the current definition of demolition was too complicated for people to understand. Staff Member Tai clarified that once they made their decision, the importance of the word demolition might not be as significant. He gave examples of what he meant if the board chose Option 3. Chair Saxby wanted to know more about what would trigger a project coming before the board. Staff Member Tai said that was up to the board, for Design Review the staff was the default party. He explained how the Design Review worked now with the Planning Board but this board could change the criteria of what would come before them. He said that the staff's vision was not to change the current process, they would want the majority of mostly single-family Design Reviews to remain at the staff level. Board Member Sanchez explained how he understood how Option 3 would work and what would lead an applicant to have a Design Review with this board. They would be changing the process if an applicant didn't trigger (due to the demolition) a Design Review and the board could still request a Design Review if there was an appeal. Staff Member Tai said that was correct, that would only be the subset of properties that were pre-1942 and on the Historical Study List. Board Member Sanchez clarified the difference between Option 2 and Option 3. Staff Member Tai also gave examples of each option and how the process would work. Board Member Sanchez said he was not opposed to Option 3 at all. He believed having the trigger be major alterations rather than value was clearer. Staff Member Tai continued his presentation, where he discussed the Historical Studies List. Chair Saxby continued the board's questions and comments. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 9 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,10,"Chair Saxby asked how this could be set up so that single-family homes were not subjected to CEQA if they were on this Resource Inventory List. Staff Member Tai clarified if the homes were valued to be historic they would be subjected to CEQA with all those protections. He mainly was discussing the category of buildings that were pre-1942, the staff believed those buildings should not be automatically be subjected to the strict regulations of CEQA. Chair Saxby asked if that would be ""devaluing"" some of the properties on the list. Staff member Tai said that process-wise they would still be subjected to the same procedures. He used the McKay property as an example. Chair Saxby said it was clear to him, and to others, that the need for better investment in resource evaluation was needed in Alameda. He hoped they would move toward that with further discussions. Board Member Sanchez asked who would submit the forms that were referred to. He wanted to know more about that process. Staff Member Tai explained how the process used to work and what the surveyors did. He then explained the current process and what forms were needed from the applicant. It's a very structured process. Board Member Sanchez asked, having these two lists, he wanted to know if a DPR (Department of Parks and Recreation) form was needed in order for a project to move forward or could the property be moved to the list where the DPR form was not required. Staff Member Tai said yes and added that this is where the details become very important. He gave some examples of how the board could change criteria. Chair Saxby opened the public comments and kept the time at 2 minutes. John Healy thanked the commission and the staff for all their time and dealing with issues like this that no one else wants to bother with. He agreed with Staff Member Tai that they have to go back and reevaluate the Historic Study Llst. He recommended going back and finding some of the people who established the original Historic Advisory Board and even having a Historian on the board. Chris Buckley, from the AAPS, wanted to discuss a letter the society had sent. He gave the society's thoughts on the term demolition and gave changes the society thought worked better. He added that the society agreed with Option 3. He was very concerned about information and cards for each property on the list that was missing. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 10 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,11,"Staff Member Tai informed him about what documentation was available. Chair Saxby closed the public comments and opened the board's discussion. Board Member Jones checked with Chris Buckey to make sure the AAPS had her correct email since she did not receive the letter or the attachments from AAPS. Board Member Lau suggested having a group email address. Staff Member Tai said they could look into getting everyone on the board city email addresses. He discussed what they would need to do and how they would need to maintain the emails. Board Member Sanchez asked about a recommendation that was not covered in the presentation about holding a public workshop to review comments on the proposed amendments. He wanted more elaboration on that. Staff Member Tai said once they had more direction from the board the staff would draft the ordinance. Then the board would use the regular meeting times to discuss it. Staff Member Tai then asked the board to give the staff some direction on this issue. He said that the staff would benefit from some more clarity from the board. Chair Saxby brought up the demolition definition, the evaluation was very unclear and needed to be cleaned up. He added that he believed that Option 3 was the most interesting. Board Member Sanchez agreed, saying Option 3 made the most sense after what they had discussed. Board Member Lau was also in agreement. Staff Member Tai said that was helpful and wanted to take Option 3 further. He broke down the process conceptually and what amendments they would be making. Chair Saxby said they needed to establish a trigger that would take projects from staff review to board review. In the past demolition had been that trigger and it still could be but with a better definition. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai said they would be discussing the COG (Council of Governments) Annual Report. Being a certified local government, the local preservation programs Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 11 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-03-04,12,"needed to make sure they meet certain standards. Also annually the staff has to provide a report as well as meeting other standards. The report this year was written by Staff Member Dong. Staff Member Tai asked the board if they were interested in official city emails. Chair Sanchez said he did not want another email to deal with but said it was very important for AAPS to have everyone's correct email. Staff Member Tai said he would take care of that. Chair Saxby wanted to know how the board would know about Design Reviews approved at the staff level. Staff Member Tai said that those actions were posted and they would notify the board when those actions took place and they would happen on a set schedule. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 10:02 pm. Historical Advisory Board Approved Minutes 12 March 4, 2021",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-03-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MAY 6, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. This meeting was via Zoom. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2021-908 Draft meeting Minutes - March 4, 2021 Board Member Norman Sanchez corrected his statement on page 5, it should be could and not would ask to file a report with Historical Advisory Board (HAB). Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction. Board Member Alvin Lau seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Allen Tai, City Planner and HAB Secretary, wanted to address the Written Communication for item 7-A. Since there were many letters submitted the staff had posted those on the City of Alameda's website and for the staff report, they were compiled and attached as an exhibit. Staff had also emailed out those comments to the board prior to the meeting. 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2021-907 PLN20-0431 - Delisting from Historical Building Study List and Certificate of Approval - 620 Central Avenue - Alameda Federal Center. Applicant: Alameda Point Collaborative. Public hearing to consider delisting the Alameda Federal Center site at 620 Central Avenue from the Historical Building Study List. In addition, the applicant requests a Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,2,"Certificate of Approval to demolish two main buildings and four accessory structures on the project site. The property is listed on the Historical Building Study List with an ""s"" designation. The City of Alameda has prepared an Addendum to a Mitigated Negative Declaration pursuant to Section 15164 of the CEQA Guidelines and no further environmental review is required. Staff Member Tai introduced this item and gave a presentation. Staff Report and attachments can be found at F1FD-421E-857A-E6F1C7FB096D&FullText=1 Stacy Kozakavich, Cultural Resources Planner/Archaeologist with Page & Turnbull, also presented the history of the location and the findings from the 1996 report they had done. Doug Biggs, the lead applicant on this project, discussed the intended plans for the location and why they had decided to try and delist this location from the Historical Building Study List. Chair Saxby asked the Board for clarifying questions. Board Member Sanchez asked about the buildings outside of the site, the buildings in the East Bay Regional Park District's parcel, and wanted to know if they were listed separately on the Historical Buildings Study List. Staff Member Tai answered that they were not. The staff could clean up the Historical Buildings Study List administratively and make it clear that there are multiple buildings on this site. Board Member Sanchez asked if the buildings on the Alameda Federal Center Site were listed together on the Historical Buildings Study List. Ms. Kozakavich clarified that the Seamanship Building is listed separately on the Study List as the Boat House. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know if the Crab Cove Visitor Center falls into one or the other. Ms. Kozakavich said she did not believe it did, the Visitor Center and the sewage building were not part of the delisting. She also added that Building 7 was included in the original 620 Central Avenue address. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,3,"Board Member Sanchez asked if they wanted the Crab Cove Visitor's Center to be listed separately from the Alameda Federal Center that it could be done administratively by the staff. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. Chair Saxby clarified that they were only asked to consider delisting the Northern part of this site, and the Southern part of the site was excluded from the request. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. He added that Building 7, the boathouse, and the infirmary were not part of the delisting request. Chair Saxby wanted to know the logic of that approach of separating the Southern part of this parcel. Staff Member Tai explained that the request is related to the McKay Wellness Center. The applicant determined the buildings could not be feasibly reused, which led to questioning what other buildings on this site needed to be demolished. To continue with the McKay Wellness Center Project the staff was only looking at the 3.5-acre portion. Board Member Sanchez asked if the original application also included the demolition of the small accessory structures. Henry Dong, Planner III, said it included four accessory buildings. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know if the General Services Agency (GSA) were to propose a new building on that site then they would not have to go through the City of Alameda's approval process. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. Board Member Sanchez continued saying if GSA wanted to demolish all the buildings on this site they could do that without an application for approval. Staff Member Tai said that was also correct, that was what had happened to the other buildings of the Alameda Federal Center previously. Board Member Sanchez further clarified that having this location on the Study List would do nothing to sway or stop GSA if they wanted to tear down and build a new building. Staff Member Tai said that was correct. Board Member Lynn Jones wanted more information about the adaptive reuse feasibility study that was brought up in the public comments. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,4,"Mr. Biggs said they had done an exploratory demolition of the existing building, and had engineers analyze the ability to adaptively reuse the building. The costs to rehabilitate the existing building are enormous. Chair Saxby asked if that study was focused on structural concerns. Mr. Biggs said that was correct. Board Member Jones asked if there was any possibility that the architect of these buildings was notable. She referenced public comments that note prominent architects were associated with the buildings. Ms. Kozakavich explained their research and what would make a building noteworthy and historically significant. The original plans for these buildings could have come from more centralized wartime plans which were used across the country to quickly build an installation for training and housing of armed forces. To find those plans they would need to dig into federal archival records, the 1996 report did not find those records. She added that even if this building did have a note-worthy architect it would not change the fact that the building had lost integrity. Board Member Jones wanted to know if this facility would qualify as a Historical Monument. Mr. Biggs brought up that most of the people who had written letters to ask the Board to save the buildings had no issue with the buildings being torn down when they previously asked the City to turn the site into open space. Since the City does not own the buildings they cannot turn them into a museum. Chair Saxby asked if it were possible these buildings could be restored to their original historical condition or whether the question is irrelevant. Ms. Kozakavich said it wasn't irrelevant, in many cases buildings can be restored to their historical appearance. In this case, if Building 1 was rehabilitated to its original appearance it would be a well-preserved single building but that still wouldn't restore integrity to the campus. It would only go a little way toward bringing back the original character of the site. Board Member Sanchez asked if the original application for Building 2 assumed Adaptive Reuse. Mr. Biggs said the original design and intent for Building 2 was to adaptively reuse the building. It was only after they had submitted everything with the Planning Board and the City Council that they were able to do the exploratory demolition. Then with the exploratory demo and the analysis from the engineers, it was determined that the original plan for adaptive reuse was no longer feasible. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,5,"Chair Saxby opened the public comment. Board Member Jones reminded everyone that they were not here to discuss the use of the building. Chair Saxby concurred and he added that the topic tonight was the potential delisting and or demolition of this site. He said that people could combine their time to give a speaker extra time. Staff Member Tai said that he had been contacted prior to the meeting by Carmen Reid and Janet Gibson regarding a presentation they wished to give. Carmen Reid had been researching the original architect of the site, and she had reason to believe that it was Gardner Daily. She had also reached out to the National Archives and as soon as they open she hoped to gain access to those files. She had also found some 1946 drawings by Joseph Esherick, the architect of Sea Ranch, who had designed an addition at the training school. She had also submitted an application to designate the site on the National Register, and she pointed out that GSA had incorrect information about which buildings had been demolished. She urged the board to give this item more time, at least until they heard back from the National Register so that the site could be fully evaluated by the state and national historians. She said the Merchant Marines deserved this and discussed the petition going around to save the buildings that was fully supported by the National Veterans Association. She believed that destroying the buildings without doing a full evaluation would be a disaster. Chair Saxby asked when the application with the National Register had been submitted and what the expected turnaround time was. Ms. Reid said she had submitted the application on the Friday before this meeting and the full evaluation process was between 6-12 months. John Healy believed there was a way for historians to feel that history was being preserved and for Mr. Biggs to get what he needed to make his project happen. He also thought the memo presented by Page & Turnbull didn't cut it and he disputed that there really hadn't been an Adaptive Reuse study. He felt that there was a lot of misinformation on both sides. He addressed the importance of this site and that it was the only one like it in the country. He felt that the City had also given out a lot of misinformation and believed there needed to be another forum so everyone could have their say. Jay Garfinkle said that even though the buildings had been modified that shouldn't take away the fact that the area had historic significance. He believed the push to do this project was because of financial significance which should carry no weight in the decision Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,6,"demolition back then the measure would have lost that vote. He pointed out that the only other time a building was delisted and demolished in Alameda, a Victorian for a parking lot, those findings were also based on a Page & Turnbull report. He pointed out the applicant was complaining about cost after the Federal Government had offered these buildings to help the homeless and now the applicant was saying they had no use for these buildings. He believed the HAB should vote to keep the buildings on the Study List and preserve and reuse them. Harvey Rosenthal addressed some misstatements made in regards to the project. He felt the statement that the opponents of this project had been fine with the buildings being torn down for open space was not true. The open space initiative would have allowed the buildings to stay and be reused for the park. Secondly, the statement that from day one Building 1 was always going to be torn down. He pointed out that the applicant first applied to the Federal Government for these buildings to be reused. Public presentations were also provided by the applicant that discussed ""Adaptive Reuse"" and showed how each building would be reused. He felt that the public and the voters had been misled. He Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,7,"believed the buildings could all be returned to the original design and finish. He felt that there was no research provided as to why the site had been put on the Study List in the first place. He believed if the site could not serve the needs of the project it should be relocated elsewhere. Rosalinda Fortuna spoke on behalf of her father, a Navy Veteran, and shared a letter he had written. He spoke about how saddened he was to learn that the city was trying to delist the property at 620 Central Ave and to tear down these buildings was a disgrace. The city should be striving to preserve Alameda's military history. He was also disappointed that the applicant was not sticking to their original promise of reusing the buildings instead of tearing them down. Ms. Fortuna compared the site to the Rosie the Riveter Museum in Richmond, California. Chris Buckley, from the Alameda Architecture Preservation Society (AAPS), discussed a letter they had sent. He pointed out that the criteria for integrity Page & Turnbull used was based on the National Register in California but the City's criteria don't clearly state what the integrity standard was. He discussed the Historic Preservation Ordinance for Alameda and the definition for Historic Monuments and how integrity wasn't even mentioned. He believed this gave flexibility to the HAB do to decide what standard of integrity to apply to this location. An example of this flexibility would be to allow the demolition but to allow the site to stay on the Study List, which suggests there is still some integrity to this site. He felt that there was some contradiction in the staff analysis and in the Page & Turnbull report. He discussed other ways the integrity issue was flexible. Janet Gibson discussed her personal history with Alameda and was even born before the buildings were built. She talked about Alameda's unique history and how important these buildings are. She understood the need to create a home for at-risk homeless individuals but perhaps this site was not the right place for it. She wanted the board and the city to rethink the use of the land that would bring people to Alameda. Chair Saxby reminded Ms. Gibson that the use of the site was off-topic. Zac Bowling acknowledged all the information that had already been provided that showed that these buildings were not historically significant. He made clarifications about previous statements by other commenters. He felt the online petition that was circulating against this project was being shared with false information. He summarized that the same issues are being brought up again to fight the project. Ryan Lalonde commented on statements made by previous speakers. He was frustrated that at every meeting there was always a new issue that needed to be studied just to delay this project. He added that the property was owned by the GSA, and it was not going to be magically be turned over to the city for a different project that some commenters are hoping for. He concluded that opponents to the project did not want the respite home in their neighborhood. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,8,"Laura Gamble said the speakers who were demanding to keep these buildings for historic value had previously advocated for their demolition. She did not appreciate the negative remarks directed at the applicant as well as the city staff in a bad faith attempt to further delay a project. She added that subject matter experts all concurred that the answer was to delist this property. Bronwyn Harris said she had read AAPS's letter regarding this site and disagreed with their comments. She believed the same people who wanted to tear down these buildings to build a park are now trying to save the buildings to stop the wellness center. She felt it was time to listen to the experts and delist the property. Brenden Sullivan discussed the rich military history that the Bay Area had and how unique the Merchant Marine history was. He believed taking the extra time to get this right was not a bad thing. He said we don't need to tear down our history and should preserve the buildings. Ezra Denney discussed statements previously made by other commenters and urged the board to end this delay and move forward with this incredibly needed facility that would serve the community. Trust the experts, city staff, and voters and let the Wellness Center happen. Margaret Hall discussed Adaptive Reuse and what had been in the Measure that had been voted on. She discussed her past work as a contractor and how this is something you should have figured out at the beginning of a project. She felt the buildings should be reused and saw the merit in the historic feeling of a building. She described her experience rehabbing 100-year-old homes and argued to save these buildings. She agreed with Matt Reid's comparison of saving the buildings to saving the Great Wall of China. Thomas Stapleton, calling from Texas, discussed his history with Alameda and his time with the Merchant Marines. He talked about the Maritime Training School in New York, where his father had trained, and how it had been torn down in the 1950s without honoring the mariners who had served there. No one had stood up against the developers then so saving the buildings tonight was an opportunity to right what was previously lost. He said there was so little that had been done to honor the Merchant Marines and pleaded with the board not to delist this property. He did not believe Alameda needed more concrete and steel but needed to protect the sacred grounds of Alameda's maritime history. Chair Saxby closed public comments and opened the board's discussion. Chair Saxby thanked everyone for their comments and acknowledged they were still getting email comments as well. He noted everyone's passion and said this would add to the difficulty in making the decision. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,9,"Board Member Jenn Wit thanked everyone for their comments and agreed this was a big decision to make. She first wanted clarification on the Exploratory Demo that had been done and what had been found. Mr. Biggs provided details about exploratory work they had done. He explained the extensive work and analysis done by the engineers. Chair Saxby asked a question about the helical piers put in from the outside. Mr. Biggs said it was not possible, and that they did not have the space for that. Board Member Wit brought up the Del Monte project and the exploratory demolition that was done there, and how that was able to get rehabbed. Mr. Biggs clarified that the expectations are different because the Del Monte building had already been declared a Historical Building, and the 620 Central location was just on the Study List, to be studied to see if it was historical. He had also accepted these buildings from the Federal Government to be used to help the homeless, the Del Monte building doesn't have that added constraint. The project is mandated to create a project that serves the homeless, and is financially feasible to serve the homeless. Board Member Witt wanted to know if it was because of financial reasons that it wasn't being rehabbed. Mr. Biggs said the financial reasons were paramount but it also of equal importance they could create a much better property for the clients they would be serving, and able to maintain Staff Member Tai added that this step of the project coming before the HAB was always there from the beginning since the original project had anticipated the demolition of Building 1. He also discussed the differences between this project and the Del Monte project. Board Member Alvin Lau agreed that the original site had historical value and understood its importance to some of the Alameda residents, however he believed the City did follow legal processes and provided a lawful report that states the buildings no longer have historical value because it was not a complete site anymore. Chair Saxby said he thought that AAPS assumed the board had more flexibility in determining the historic value of the site due to some ambiguity in the language of the ordinance. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 9",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,10,"Board Member Jones wanted to know if what Mr. Buckley said was true. Could the board approve the Certificate of Approval to Demolish and still keep the site on the Historical Study List? Chair Saxby believed that was true. Staff Member Tai said that was true and that this board had done that in the past, most recently with Alameda Marina. It was a way of recognizing there was history on the property but that the buildings lacked integrity so you could allow the demolition. Chair Saxby clarified that for the Alameda Marina project the City Council had already decided on that before it was brought before the HAB. Board Member Sanchez asked if all the buildings had been scheduled for demolition in the Alameda Marina project. He thought some buildings were scheduled to be preserved. Chair Saxby said 4 buildings were being preserved. Board Member Sanchez said he didn't see the point in preserving the site on the Study List if the plan was to approve the demolition of the buildings. Chair Saxby said with the Alameda Marina it was a much more intact Cultural Landscape. From all the public comments and the speakers, it appeared that the people valued the historical significance of this site and the buildings' connection to the Merchant Marines and that gave him hesitation to have this board decide to demolish these buildings. The importance to the community elevated this site in terms of the local historical register. He preferred the option of Adaptive Reuse for these buildings and said he would come down in favor of not delisting the property and not approving the Certificate of Approval to demolish. He was aware that would then promote this decision to the elected officials on the City Council. Staff Member Tai made a clarifying point to help the board come to a decision. He said while public input and opinion were important the standard of review on the question of whether the site was historic or not was based on established criteria and standards for historic preservation. He recommended that the board rely on the criteria as presented by staff and the experts to come to a decision. Chair Saxby pointed out that the Page & Turnbull report said that the site did have historic significance and that the real issue was that there had been a loss of integrity. He also added according to the AAPS they had a lot of flexibility in interpreting integrity and they didn't have to rely on national and state standards for that analysis. Board Member Sanchez acknowledged that this was an emotionally charged issue and he is trying to evaluate this site and determine if he agrees with Page & Turnbull's Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 10",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,11,"assessment that the site had lost its integrity. He discussed how the site was no longer integral and how a lot of the key buildings that were part of the school had already been removed. It would be a difficult decision to determine if what remains was sufficient to continue on the Study List. He said the Crab Cove visitor center and Seamanship building south of the site should be preserved. Board Member Jones said she agreed with Board Member Sanchez that this was a difficult decision. She felt they did have some flexibility with integrity and it was a subjective thing. She appreciated the comment by Mr. Reid about small parts of the Great Wall in China that had been saved. She also felt that they should be preserving the history and if it was something the community cared about they should honor that. She addressed the state of the buildings now and questioned whether if they do still honor the significant historical events that happened there. That was why she was leaning toward approving the Certificate of Approval for demolition but keeping the location on the Study List. She wanted them to do more to highlight its significance since it was such a big part of Alameda. Board Member Sanchez clarified that Board Member Jones's point was not to delist but to approve the Certificate of Approval to demolish. Board Member Wit said yes but only because she agreed with all the research that was done. Board Member Wit agreed this was a very tough decision because everyone cared about the historical character of the island. There was such a need for respite housing and the land is vacant and even though half of the structure was torn down it was still hard to decide that the other half should be torn down as well. Chair Saxby acknowledged that the preservation movement didn't really start in America until the 1960s. This building had fallen into that time when people were not thinking too much about the historical record. Board Member Lau personally felt that the site was no longer complete after all the demolition of buildings that had already taken place. Chair Saxby made a motion to delist from the Historical Building Study List the Northern part of the property at 620 Central Ave and Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion failed 3-2 with Chair Saxby and Board Members Jones and Wit voting against. Board Member Jones made a motion to approve the Certificate of Approval to demolish two main buildings and four accessory structures on the project site at 620 Central Ave and Board Member Wit seconded the motion. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed 4-1 with Chair Saxby voting against. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 11",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-05-06,12,"Staff Member Tai reminded everyone in attendance that the board's actions were appealable to the City Council and that the City Council may also call this decision for a review in the next 10 days. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Tai gave an update on the status of the update on the Historic Preservation Ordinance. Due to the demands of the staff they had not had much time to work on it but hoped to have an update soon. He encouraged the board to read up on the Mills Act. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Jay Garfinkle wanted to discuss the agenda item some more, he was confused about how something could stay on the study list and still be demolished. He was not criticizing the vote, just the two things seemed inconsistent to him. Chair Saxby reminded Mr. Garfinkle that Oral Communications was an opportunity to discuss something that was not on the agenda. 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 9:36 pm. Approved HAB Meeting Minutes May 6, 2021 12",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-05-06.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-09-02,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Due to Governor Executive Order N-08-21, Citizens can attend the meeting via teleconference. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2021-1256 Draft meeting Minutes - May 6, 2021 Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the minutes as it. Vice-Chair Norman Sanchez seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2021-1235 Draft Meeting Minutes for June 14, 2021, Joint Planning Board and Historical Advisory Board Meeting. Chair Saxby clarified that he denied ever saying that the McKay Ave location was not appropriate for a homeless shelter. The public speaker who said that had quoted him incorrectly. Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the minutes as corrected. Vice-Chair Sanchez seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2B32-4F69-84EB-CBB324E684AD Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021 Page 1 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-09-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-09-02,2,"7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2021-1252 Review and Comment on Revisions to the City Council Policy for Naming City Property, Facilities, and Streets (Naming Policy). The proposed amendment is not a project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and Public Resources Code Section 21065. No further environmental review is needed. Allen Tai, Secretary to the board and City Planner introduced this item and gave a presentation. Staff Report and attachments can be found at 58DA-4094-B823-55D94647D869&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Board Member Jenn Wit asked if someone on the city staff would be tasked with keeping a list of historically relevant indigenous names, Alamedians of note, or would they just let the community bring names forward. Staff Member Tai the idea would be to let the community bring names forward. This helped get the community more involved. This board could give feedback about keeping a list though. Chair Saxby added that the Alameda Museum and places like that would have a deep knowledge of historical names. Staff Member Tai clarified no list would be destroyed, it would live on in the public record. Vice-Chair Saxby discussed some of the problems about only letting residents of the street have a say in its renaming. He wanted to find a way to let all residents of Alameda participate in the process. Staff Member Tai discussed why residents on streets that were being renamed only could decide instead of letting everyone weigh in. Changing a street name can really impact people. Board Member Alvin Lau asked about renters and how to get the information about who actually lived on the streets in question. Staff Member Tai discussed privacy laws and what information the staff could get access to. These would be questions for the City Attorney's Office. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021 Page 2 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-09-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-09-02,3,"Board Member Lau asked how long they would allow the public to make comments about a name change. Staff Member Tai said the policy did not specify but they would want to give it a proper amount of time to take advantage of the ways to reach people. The staff did not want to rush this process. Chair Saxby wanted to know how often this had come up. Staff Member Tai said this was the first time it was addressed by the City Council. The city had never really had an open discussion about renaming streets and facilities. Board Member Lynn Jones asked how citizens could access information on street names such as pronunciation and where names came from. Staff Member Tai thought that was an interesting question. He believed that most street names were chosen by engineers. In more recent history there had been a more conscious effort of why certain names were chosen and city records would be a great place to look for more information. Chair Saxby opened public comments. Rasheed Shabazz, an Alameda resident, had worked to rename Haight School as well as Jackson Park. He discussed the social importance of being able to rename public areas as people become more aware of how White Supremacy had woven itself into our daily lives. He discussed his own background and gave a brief history of some of the problematic names in Alameda today. Chair Saxby closed public comments and opened board discussions and comments. Board Member Wit discussed the importance of having a list of people who citizens could contact when these issues come up. Vice-Chair Sanchez hoped that Mr. Shabazz would be in contact with the Alameda Museum, Library, and AAPS so he could share his information. It would be a great way to start that record. Chair Saxby agreed and added that the vetting situation would be the most difficult. However, it was more important to make things more equitable. 7-B 2021-1257 Board Elections Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021 Page 3 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-09-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-09-02,4,"Board Member Sanchez nominated Chair Saxby for another term as Chair. Board Member Jones seconded the nomination. A vote was taken and the nomination passed 5-0. Vice-Chair Sanchez nominated Board Member Jones for Vice-Chair and Board Member Wit seconded the nomination. Board Member Lau nominated Vice-Chair Sanchez for another term of Vice-Chair and Chair Saxby seconded the nomination. A vote was taken and Board Member Jones won the nomination 3-2. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS 9-A 2021-1258 Alameda Marina Update Staff Member Tai gave the update. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:04 pm. Approved Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes September 2, 2021 Page 4 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-09-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-11-04,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361, codified at Government Code Section 54953, Historical Advisory Board members can attend the meeting via teleconference. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2021-1453 Draft Meeting Minutes - September 2, 2021 Board Member Jenn Wit made a motion to approve the minutes as is and Board Member Norman Sanchez seconded the motion and the motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION Chris Buckley discussed a letter the Alameda Architecture Preservation Society (AAPS) had sent about their concerns about upzoning in historic neighborhoods in Alameda. The AAPS wanted to see this board more involved in the Housing Element. Chair Saxby informed Mr. Buckley that the HAB would be reviewing the Housing Element at the December 2nd meeting. 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None HAB Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-11-04,2,"7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2021-1454 2022 Meeting Calendar The 2022 Calendar can be found at ttps:// 4AF9-40D1-BOF3-429549D26BD0. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the 2022 Meeting Calendar and Board Member Alvin Lau seconded the motion. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 5-0. 7-B 2021-1455 Draft Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Plan - Citywide - Applicant: City of Alameda. A Public Hearing to Review and Comment on the Draft Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Plan. CEQA Determination: The proposed plan is not a project under CEQA pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15378 and Public Resources Code Section 21065. No further environmental review is needed. Danielle Mieler, Sustainability and Resilience Manager, introduced the item and gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at C676-418E-ABE1-E762F62F42AF&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Board Member Sanchez asked about different types of incentive programs for owners to retrofit their homes. Staff Member Mieler discussed how some of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) grants could be used to support owners. She also discussed options for single-family and multi-family homes. Chair Saxby asked about at-risk buildings in Alameda (masonry and concrete) and wanted to know if engineering studies had been done on them. He also wanted to know more about the denied grant for the North Shoreline adaption. Staff Member Meiler discussed the complete inventory of buildings that had been seismically retrofitted. She explained the grant process from CalTrans, it was not something they typically fund. She discussed the different approaches Alameda was trying to enhance the shoreline. Board Member Lau asked if there would be grant money or funds made available to retrofit older/historic buildings. HAB Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-11-04,3,"Staff Member Mieler clarified what the state grant would be for, it did not provide extra funds for historical buildings. Board Member Sanchez asked about the groundwater issue in terms of retrofitting and wanted to know if they would be curbing that solution. Staff Member Mieler said that was a good point and discussed what other cities had done. She discussed options for basements and added they needed to do more work on the groundwater issue. Chair Saxby brought up the importance of undergrounding electrical wires in Alameda. Board Member Wit asked about the clean-up after a fire or earthquake and wanted to know how those issues would be addressed. Staff Member Mieler said hopefully with these retrofits there would be less debris to clean up. She then briefly discussed the plans in place as part of the Emergency Operations Plan. Vice-Chair Lynn Jones wanted more clarification on the proper way to retrofit older homes, she wanted to know if there were resources available. She was concerned about the scope of impact to homeowners. Staff Member Mieler discussed information and resources available such as Plan Site A, a guideline for retrofitting. Chair Saxby pointed out that the city's website had information on retrofitting. Information can be found at Division/Seismic-Retrofit Chair Saxby opened Public Comments. Chris Buckley asked about an earthquake-caused fire and had concerns if there was a backup plan if anything happened to Alameda's water supply. Staff Member Mieler agreed that earthquake-caused fires were a major concern and another important reason to get homes retrofitted since homes knocked off their foundation could rupture gas lines. She then discussed Alameda's water tenders and what they had learned from studies on this type of scenario. Retrofitting homes and installing gas shut-off meters were important ways to help. Chair Saxby closed Public Comment and opened board comments and discussion. HAB Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-11-04,4,"Board Member Wit wanted to know if the city should be doing more to help people retrofit their homes since this was in many ways a public safety concern. Staff Member Mieler said she thought the city could do more and discussed local grants available for low-income households. She also discussed the importance of bringing awareness of this issue to homeowners. Chair Saxby also believed that public outreach and education would be critical and that some very active work on behalf of the city was needed to make information available. Board Member Sanchez also believed that community response would be important too. Board Member Lau asked about the Alameda Cinema and if at been retrofitted. He also asked about general public facilities. Staff Member Mieler said it was not since there were no requirements to retrofit it. She then discussed what public facilities had been retrofitted. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Chair Saxby asked the staff about an update for the Preservation Ordinance. Henry Dong, Planner III, gave an update on the status. The staff's attention had mainly been focused on the Housing Element and Zoning changes. The staff was also hoping to introduce the Mills Act to Alameda. Board Member Wit also wanted updates on projects they had reviewed. Staff Member Dong agreed that was something they could do at a future meeting. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Dong said that at the December meeting they would go over the Housing Element. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Chris Buckley discussed the Historic Study List and that it would be good to digitize those forms to make them more easily available to the public. HAB Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-11-04,5,"11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 8:15 pm. HAB Meeting Minutes November 4, 2021 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-11-04.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2021 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361, codified at Government Code Section 54953, Historical Advisory Board members can attend the meeting via teleconference. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES None 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS None 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2021-1531 PLN21-0468/PLN21-0469 - Certificates of Approval - 2263 Santa Clara Avenue/950 West Mall Square - Applicant: City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider Certificate of Approval applications to allow the conversion of lawn to drought-tolerant landscaping at the grounds of City Hall and City Hall West. Pursuant to Alameda Municipal Code Section 13-21.5 a Certificate of Approval by the Historical Advisory Board is required for alterations to Historic Monuments including trees and plantings. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15304(b) - Minor Alterations to Land, which consists of new gardening or landscaping, including the replacement of existing landscaping with water-efficient landscaping Erin Smith, Director of Public Works, introduced this item. She also introduced Todd Ainsworth, Senior Associate with Gates & Associates, who gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 1",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,2," FE6F-4C1A-B097-E61E8B0664B5&FullText=1. Allen Tai, City Planner, explained the board's role in approving this item. Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Chair Saxby asked if there was any historic information regarding the character-defining features of the landscape for City Hall. He knew there was such information for City Hall West. Staff Member Tai said unfortunately not and discussed the history of City Hall. Chair Saxby wanted to know how this new landscaping would conform to the well- manicured character-defining feature described in the report. Staff Member Tai explained the Cultural Landscape Report and how staff interpreted it. He also discussed other landscaping in Alameda. Mr. Ainsworth also discussed what ""well-manicured"" meant and the thought process behind plant choices. Board Member Norman Sanchez asked what thought was behind the pathways. He wanted to see the formality to be maintained. Mr. Ainsworth answered how they could accentuate the existing paths so they could be defined in a more traditional manner. He also discussed other ways to bring in a more geometric and linear look. Director Smith added that none of the hardscapes at either site would be changing, so pathways would remain in their existing form. Board Member Alvin Lau asked about using historical benches and lighting. Director Smith said this project would not be dealing with lighting. For benches, they had only thought that they should have seating and not about the overall decor. Mr. Ainsworth said that the next phase would address historically accurate seating. Vice-Chair Lynn Jones asked about upkeep. Director Smith said since Public Works would be maintaining everything they would be very familiar with what needed to be done. HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 2",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,3,"Mr. Ainsworth said they would provide a Maintenance Manual. Board Member Jen Wit asked about the durability of the plants. City Hall is a place for gatherings such as protests and people might walk or stand on plants and grass. Mr. Ainsworth discussed options he had thought about. Chair Saxby opened public comment. Betsy Mathison discussed different ways to get the word out about the landscaping changes and why it was happening. She thought it looked great but noted that when something similar happened in the past the citizens of Alameda were very concerned. Chair Saxby closed public comment and opened board discussion. Chair Saxby liked the idea to modify the design to make more room for standing/gathering and having places for people to sit was important. He was more concerned for City Hall West due to the historical relevance of the area. He wanted to see a sense of belonging with the surrounding buildings. Vice-Chair Jones was happy that there would be documentation to help with maintenance and upkeep. City Hall East and West represent Alameda and this would be a legacy to leave for the future. Board Member Sanchez thought this was a wonderful project and looked forward to the new tone and direction that City Hall West would receive. He also believed that conserving water was a great aim. Board Member Wit asked about the surrounding areas at City Hall West. Director Smith and Staff Member Tai discussed what areas were owned by the city and what development plans had been discussed. Board Member Lau also was excited to see the final project. Staff Member Tai explained the next steps in the design process and how the board would like to stay involved. Director Smith explained the Public Works's timeline. There was a discussion on what was needed for City Hall and how to address the area around City Hall West. HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 3",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,4,"Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the landscaping for City Hall to be converted to drought-tolerant per the design as was presented tonight with the amendments to make more standing room around the entry plaza, consider additional sitting in the landscape, and for it to be maintained properly. Board Member Lau seconded the motion, a vote was taken and the motion passed 5-0. *For City Hall West the board wanted to see a development of the design to get a better idea of how the design would work with this very important historic site. 7-B 2021-1532 PLN21-0527 - Certificate of Approval - Citywide - Applicant: City of Alameda. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval to allow rehabilitation and retrofit of historic streetlights throughout the City. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15331 - Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation, which applies to maintenance, repair, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction of historical resources in a manner consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards. Director Smith introduced the item and gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at 4FF4-4DED-A143-A4AD39CD054C&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Board Member Sanchez asked about design choices to achieve the historic look. Director Smith said they had created this design specifically for that purpose, there was no off-the-shelf option that worked. Vice-Chair Jones asked about the color choice to mimic the historical green color. Director Smith discussed what information had been available from AMP (Alameda Munciple Power). Staff Member Tai discussed the historical color choices. Board Member Lau asked if they would ever paint them to color match. Director Smith explained that the streetlights were powder coated and would never be painted. Chair Saxby opened public comment. HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,5,"There were no public speakers. Chair Saxby closed public comment and opened board discussion and comment. Vice-Chair Jones was excited to see the streetlights changed to be more energy-efficient and appreciated the historical appearance and charm of these streetlights. She did wish the wires attached to the poles were not there. Board Member Lau wanted to see consistency among the lights especially since the new ones would be LED lights. Director Smith discussed the plan for replacing the older lights bulbs. Chair Saxby wanted to know if any of the historic streetlights being replaced could be preserved and adapted. Director Smith explained how the LED light project had worked and how many of the lights were beyond repair. They would only be replacing the ones that required replacement. Chair Saxby made a motion to approve this resolution with the additional condition that there be documentation of the damage to the streetlights showing that they were damaged beyond repair and there needed to be every attempt to preserve the existing streetlights. Vice-Chair Jones seconded the motion, a vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0. 7-C 2021-1533 A Public Workshop to Review and Comment on the Draft Housing Element Update to accommodate the Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) for the Period 2023-2031 in Compliance with State Law. Staff Member Tai introduced the item and gave a presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at AF6-4293-B394-9ED1EF4440AC&FullText=1. Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Board Member Wit wanted to know more about how the housing allocation numbers were determined. Staff Member Tai explained the RHNA (Reginal Housing Needs Allocation) Methodology and models that ABAG (Association of Bay Area Governments) used. HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 5",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,6,"Board Member Lau wanted to know if the RHNA also had requirements on the size of the housing or how many rooms and bedrooms a home had. Staff Member Tai answered that the Housing Element would not get that specific but they would look at the analysis and see what type of housing was the most needed. He agreed that they would need to create housing for all types of needs. Board Member Sanchez asked about zoning changes and what was allowed under the R1 changes and SB-9. Staff Member Tai explained the R1 zoning changes under SB-9 and what California State Law would allow. Board Member Sanchez asked other technical questions pertaining to lot size under SB- 9. He also wanted to know more about how SB-9 would impact how the board would make rulings. Staff Member Tai explained SB-9 in detail and gave different examples of what was allowed. He discussed how SB-9 would affect neighborhood character, how everything would come down to design, and when designs would need to come before the historical board. Chair Saxby asked if SB-9 established a minimum lot coverage. Staff Member Tai believed that SB-9 would defer to local jurisdictions to set lot coverage standards. He also discussed what was already allowed under the ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) Law. He added the importance of setting design standards that would help with the increase in additional units in neighborhoods. Henry Dong, Planner III, also gave information on unit size and setbacks. Board Member Lau wanted to know if there was a limit to the ADUs someone could have. Staff Member Tai answered that staff was putting together a draft that would have four at the maximum. That would be four including ADUs, Jr. ADUs, or units under SB-9. Chair Saxby opened public comment. Betsy Mathieson summarized comments from her November 16, 2021 letter to the City Council that were pertinent to historic buildings. She said she believed that all of the neighborhoods in Alameda needed to accommodate new neighbors, including the ones built in compliance with Article 26. She agreed with a comment made by Planning Board Member Alan Teague that the ""reuse of existing buildings is how we would move forward."" She thought that approach would be how the City avoids displacing low income residents, HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 6",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,7,"increasing our carbon footprint and converting alameda to any town USA. She stated that without carefully crafted specifications, upzoning will provide an incentive for demolition, and found it concerning that the purpose of the annual review of the Design Review Ordinance is to confirm the standards do not constrain the development of housing. She felt developers will use that to argue that existing buildings themselves constrain the development of housing. And felt this logic will result in displacement of low income residents and may also result in the loss of the very buildings shown in the ""Spotlights.' She points out that the Housing Element gives what amounts to density bonuses for the rehabilitation and adaptation of existing buildings with no increase in floor area. She then suggests that ""no increase in floor area"" be changed to say ""no change to the building envelope.' She concludes this change will allow new finished floor area in basements and attics to accommodate more dwelling units in addition to the existing residents. She said she looks forward to following the progress of the Housing Element. Chris Buckley, AAPS, discussed a letter the society had sent. AAPS was very concerned about the massive proposed upzoning, the society believed this was overkill. He discussed what these changes meant for each zoning and suggested different strategies for upzoning. Chair Saxby closed public comment and opened board discussion. Board Member Sanchez wanted to know about the increase and demand for ADUs. Staff Member Tai believed it was still too early to establish a trend and then discussed how they had established the average based on the last 4 years. He did note that 2021 had the most ADU applications. Board Member Sanchez discussed his concerns about relying on ADUs, such as homeowners buildings ADUs with no intention of renting them out. He wanted to know how many of the completed AUDs were actually being used as rental properties. Chair Saxby asked if that was something the state would want to be verified. Staff Member Tai discussed that the HCD (Housing and Community Development) considered the ADU a housing opportunity even if it wasn't rented to anyone outside of the family. Board Member Lau asked about the Navy Cap at Alameda Point and suggested different ways the city or potential developers could work around it. Chair Saxby agreed with Mr. Buckley about the blanket upzoning of Alameda and he also agreed with Ms. Mathieson about looking to the existing housing stock as a method of solving the housing crisis. He also agreed with the proposed mixed-use for Park and HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 7",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2021-12-02,8,"Webster Street. He felt that there needed to be more conversation in the Housing Element about protecting the historic older neighborhoods. Board Member Sanchez asked if student housing counted toward the RHNA. He also asked about focusing housing on vacant properties and wanted an idea of the open parcels in the R zone. Staff Member Tai said it was a need but those would be addressed on a case by case basis. He then discussed what open parcels had potential development. Board Member Sanchez felt that most residential neighborhoods had the potential for more housing and mixed-use spaces. He discussed the importance of finding balance for the R1 neighborhoods. Board Member Lau discussed the potential of Lincoln Ave and if the zoning would change. Staff Member Tai discussed what had been discussed. Board Member Witt asked about the Golf Course. Staff Member Tai clarified that it was owned by the city and was designated as Public Open Space. Chair Saxby took a moment to clarify what the primary purpose of the Mills Act was for and thought the section about it needed to be reworded or struck entirely. Staff Member Tai said that portion had been flagged. He then discussed all the notes he had received and thanked the board for their input. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS None 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS None 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 9:38 pm. HAB Meeting Minutes December 2, 2021 8",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2021-12-02.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2022-02-03,1,"APPROVED MINUTES REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA HISTORICAL ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2022 1. CONVENE Chair Thomas Saxby called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Pursuant to Assembly Bill 361, codified at Government Code Section 54953, Historical Advisory Board members can attend the meeting via teleconference. 2. ROLL CALL Present: Chair Saxby, Board Members Jones, Lau, Sanchez, Wit. Absent: None. 3. MINUTES 3-A 2022-1714 Historical Advisory Board Draft Meeting Minutes, November 4, 2021 Board Member Norman Sanchez clarified Chair Saxby's comment should have been ""undergrounding"". Board Member Jen Wit made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction and Board Member Sanchez seconded the motion. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 5-0. 3-B 2022-1715 Historical Advisory Board Draft Meeting Minutes - December 2, 2021 Chair Saxby felt that the Public Comment made by Betsy Mathieson for the 7-C Agenda item was oversimplified and had not accurately captured her thoughts. He wanted her comment clarified and expanded on. Board Member Sanchez made a motion to approve the minutes with this correction and Board Member Wit seconded the motions. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 5-0. 4. AGENDA CHANGES AND DISCUSSION None 5. ORAL COMMUNICATION None 6. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes February 3, 2022 Page 1 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2022-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2022-02-03,2,"None 7. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS 7-A 2022-1713 PLN21-0497 - 2986 Northwood Drive - Certificate of Approval - Applicant: Lauren Herrera. Public hearing to consider a Certificate of Approval application to allow the demolition of an accessory structure built prior to 1942 located in the rear yard of a property that is on the City's Historical Building Study List with an ""S"" designation. This project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15301(I)(4) - Demolition and Removal of Individual Small Structures. David Sablan, Planner II, introduced this item and gave a brief presentation. The staff report and attachments can be found at B5D2-4631-BFA4-48259EA86847&FullText= Chair Saxby opened the board clarifying questions. Chair Saxby wanted clarification on the noted flooding at the accessory structure. Lauren Herrera, the applicant, discussed the problems she had been experiencing at the location. Board Member Sanchez asked what options a future homeowner would have if they wanted to build an accessory structure. Staff Member Sablan discussed the options for a future homeowner, a new accessory structure would be possible. Vice-Chair Lynn Jones wanted to know how the structure had been modified over the years and whether the windows were original. Ms. Herrera clarified that the windows, doors, and siding were not original. It had been modified over the years and the interior had been gutted due to mold. Board Member Sanchez asked about the history of the structure and wanted to know if the structure originally had a gambrel roof. Staff Member Sablan answered the City only had a 1979 photo. Ms. Herrera discussed the permit history of the building. Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes February 3, 2022 Page 2 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2022-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2022-02-03,3,"Henry Dong, Planner III, also discussed the records the City had on file, including a DPR- 523 form that documented the historical character of the primary house. The accessory structure was not described as one of the character-defining features of the property. Chair Saxby opened public comment. There were no public speakers. Chair Saxby closed public comment and opened board discussion. Chair Saxby believed that accessory structures can add some integrity to a site but in this case, it appeared to be altered too many times from its original design. He was leaning toward approval. Board Member Sanchez agreed especially since it was not mentioned in the original property survey documentation. Also, he noted that the structure was not a street-facing structure or had any visual impact on the character of the home or the neighborhood. He was also leaning toward approval. Vice-Chair Jones noted that the building is one of the more visually appealing accessory structures that had come before the board and that it had a lot of charm. She discussed the criteria they looked at when discussing the demolition of accessory structures. However, she was also leaning toward allowing the demolition due to the issues mentioned. Board Member Alvin Lau wanted to know more about the plans for the space after the demolition. Ms. Herrera said there were no plans for a new additional structure. They would be adding some landscaping and a fence. Sarah Rodebaugh, Interior Designer of Henry & Mae, representing the applicant, discussed how the owners had tried to save the structure. Chair Saxby made a motion to approve the demolition of the accessory structure and Vice-Chair Jones seconded the motion. A vote was taken by a raise of hands and the motion passed 5-0. 8. BOARD COMMUNICATIONS Chair Saxby discussed an ""eyesore"", an incredible historic property at 1617 Central Ave. It was abandoned and some work had started on it but had stopped. He wanted to know what the City could do to help this historic property. Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes February 3, 2022 Page 3 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2022-02-03.pdf HistoricalAdvisoryBoard,2022-02-03,4,"Staff Member Sablan was aware of the property, and noted that the property has a pending Code Enforcement case. He discussed its history and what could be the next steps. They would need to involve the City Attorney's Office and the Building Official. Board Member Witt discussed a similar property near Webster. There was a discussion that these large empty homes could accommodate many units that could help with housing needs. Vice-Chair Jones noted that the City of Alameda has started a process to rename parks. 9. STAFF COMMUNICATIONS Staff Member Sablan gave a status update on the CLG (Certified Local Government) Report. 10. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS None 11. ADJOURNMENT Chair Saxby adjourned the meeting at 7:38 pm. Historical Advisory Board Meeting Minutes February 3, 2022 Page 4 of 4",HistoricalAdvisoryBoard/2022-02-03.pdf